Submitted by Heather Cole

General Elections were held in Barbados on January 19th, 2022, and the ruling Administration the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) came away with a resounding victory capturing all 30 seats, leaving all the other opposition parties with zero. Today, 14 days after, now that the dust has settled, it is clear that despite this achievement, the government of Barbados is fighting for power.

The fight relates to the fact that Parliament cannot be seated as the Upper House or the Senate is not constituted. The winning party is like a ship without its rudder as it cannot steer or maneuver at sea. It is in limbo and at the mercy of the waves if caught in a storm. Without Parliament being fully constituted, the administration is unable to amend any law far less create new ones and start its agenda.

Based on the Constitution, two Opposition Senators are required in the make-up of the constituted Senate. Since no members of the opposing parties won any seats, it is left to the President based on the Constitution to act as the Leader of the Opposition and appoint 2 persons who opposed the BLP in the General Election.

The ruling Administration extended an offer to the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) which gained the second most votes to seat two of their Senators. The DLP refused stating that it was not a proper offer since the Prime Minister had no authority to extend the offer. Then the Attorney General walked back on the offer stating that the prime Minister was only seeking to facilitate their entry into Parliament and stating that there must be a meeting with the ruling Administration, the President and the DLP. At writing the DLP has not responded.

Is the Barbados Labour Party in Control?

Clearly the BLP wants to get on with its agenda which perhaps contains vaccine mandates, safe zones, IMF conditionalities and now the contentious issue of seating an 18-year-old in the Senate (even though they had previously opposed seating a 25 year old DLP Senator stating that he was too young). All these are now problematic due to the crisis of there not being a fully constituted Senate. In essence the government is operating in a system that they cannot control the outcome. At present it is powerless except for day-to-day administration. It makes one wonder how long the island can operate without a functioning Parliament. Perhaps there is some pressure based on a commitment to external forces that caused an offer to be extended to the DLP.

Does the Power lie in the Hands of the Democratic Labour Party?

Though it may seem a simple act of benevolence, the offer that was extended to the DLP cannot be construed as such. It was simply to use them to achieve the government’s agenda as the DLP simply will not have the numbers to halt any amendment or passing of a bill into law.

It is significant to note that accepting that offer would also set a precedent to exclude smaller parties from the House of Assembly at this time since they may not be the holder of the second highest tally of votes.

However, it is not only the DLP that has the power of choice; all the opposition parties and independent persons who took part in the General Elections have the same power of choice in deciding whether to accept an offer from the President simply because the Constitution does not recognize political parties, only people. If the opposition parties and independents signed an agreement to reject any such offer, the ship is rendered helpless, forced out to sea, or slammed into the rocks by the mighty waves. Clearly, the back of this Administration is against the wall.

Just selecting two Senators will not resolve this constitutional crisis. It is like prolonging agony not just kicking the ball down the road for someone else to correct later.

The System

The system controlled and manipulated Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) based its decision to disenfranchise thousands of Barbadians and blamed it on the State of Emergency Protocols. This is unacceptable as the protocols were easily amended to suit tourists and celebrations for the Republic. It must be noted that the EBC did not disenfranchise its workers, some of whom must have been infected and spreaders of the virus because a few days later it had to close its office.

When the Attorney General lashed out at the DLP to stop playing politics, it came to light that he did not realize that the fight is not against them but against the voracious beast of a system whose actions his own party has taken to a whole new level by paying social media influencers from the public purse, by obtaining campaign funds from local and international financers as well as maintaining a Department of Communications while the Government Information Service still exists.

The system has now taken on a life of its own and as the song by Jah Cure says, “Babylon can’t feed this beast” and there is no mechanism in place to control it. The system is now working in overdrive to maintain the 2 Barbadoses’. One with the rich man in his castle and the poor man destined to remain at his gate. One in which the tourist sees a paradise and the workers go home to pull back the curtain to show the stark reality of their lives. One in which economic enfranchisement will never be given to the poor. The Poverty Alleviation Fund remains empty, yet government can hold a lavish celebration for a meaningless Republic. The system has made sure that justice is not for the poor. That poor black men are paraded like animals and incarcerated for a spliff like the inhumane conditions of slavery.

From independence, the system has made a mockery of the franchise with use of bribery through giving corn beef and biscuits to the gullible in exchange for their votes. The bribery has not stopped, the vote is now exchange for far more valuable items.

The system has also turned political campaign meetings into lavish parties with big stages and sound systems and bright lights to entice the youth to have a grand time as they listen to popular artistes. Those feel-good moments lead to a five-year sentence of hardship including lack of representation, high prices of food, constant increases in the cost of gasoline, lack of infrastructural development, lack of opportunities, no jobs and the desires for a better life come to naught.

The privileged few can escape the island for supposedly greener pastures, but the majority have no choice but to remain and face this hard brutish existence, yet they revere politicians more than themselves. The cycle of economic poverty for the lower class is perpetrated by political parties. They pay back their campaign financers with big contracts and titles, but they only provide scraps and promises to the people who elected them.

The actions of this system, expressed in the words of Bob Marley is “Babylon system is a vampire, sucking the blood of the sufferers.” The pervasive corrupt practices that start by ensuring that a party dominates the first pass the post Westminster System has been to the detriment of the social and economic life of ordinary Barbadians.

We must kill this beast. It has outlived its usefulness. But perhaps, the system is turning on itself, decaying from within, just like the Roman Empire and we can no longer choose to ignore this fact. On two consecutive occasions it has produced a winner without power. On the first occasion Mr. Joseph Atherley crossed the floor from the BLP, became the leader of the Opposition and formed his own party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Mr. Atherley’s crossing the floor of the House of Assembly was not a solution, it was just respite. The administration ignored this, and the situation has presented itself again.

What decisions will the President of the Republic make?

The President’s authority rests in the Constitution. She can extend an offer to any of the candidates who took part in the General Election to oppose the government since the Constitution does not recognize political parties. However, if she does this the system remains unchallenged. The Senators will be unable to halt the amendment or passage of any legislation which they deem unsuitable or in the best interest of Barbadians.

The question one must ask is if the President can challenge the system by not siding with the BLP or the Opposition and if she can send the electorate back to the polls. The grounds for this being that the General Election held on January 19th, 2022, was neither free nor fair. The following must occur if the President has the authority and chooses to send the electorate back to the polls.

  1. A suitable time frame must be provided that allows the Electoral and Boundaries Commission (EBC) to get its act together to ensure that persons are not disenfranchised.
  2. Provisions be made for persons in isolation and quarantine to vote.
  3. Options be provided for voting such as by mail or online or other means to facilitate those who do not wish to attend a polling station during the pandemic.

In addition, a Referendum be held at the time of the General Elections to implement the Proportional Representation System in the House of Assembly as the best solution to the current constitutional crisis. One may ask, why such a system? The answer is that it will truly allow representation for all the votes cast by the people of Barbados, it allows for inclusion of all political parties and Independents in the Parliament if they meet a certain threshold of votes (1%).

Senators must also be elected. It should not be a privilege to sit in the Senate, it must be a right by achievement.

We also need a monitoring system enacted into law that prevents wealthy campaign financers from determining what happens and what will never happen in Barbados.

824 responses to “Who Will Win The Fight For Power?”

  1. DavidFebruary 4, 2022 7:20 AM

    How will the DLP win back favour with the people if it is not perceived as being an advocate for the people who have to vote for its members? You may have the last word/


    The result indicates loss of favour with the people for both parties.

    29% of the electorate, I mean Biden as unpopular as he is still finds favour in the polls from 38% of those polled!!

    We may soon get our own version of “Let’s go Brandon” in Barbados.

  2. Your comment must be contextualized- we govern using first past the post.

  3. @angela cox February 4, 2022 6:24 AM ” …bsent of an opposition…”

    The people have said twice to the DLP. “We don’t want you.” They have divorced the DLP. We know that divorce is traumatic, especially if you know or feel that you have done nothing wrong. But it happens sometimes that your spouse has grown tired of you or have found a new love. The result is the same.

    Decree absolute.

  4. DavidFebruary 4, 2022 8:17 AM

    Your comment must be contextualized- we govern using first past the post.


    No we don’t.

    A Parliamentary Democracy governs!!

    “The Government of Barbados (GoB), is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic, where the President of Barbados represents as the head of state and the Prime Minister of Barbados represents as the head of government.”

    The country has a bicameral legislature and a political party system, based on universal adult suffrage and fair elections. The Senate has 21 members, appointed by the Governor-General on behalf of the monarch, 12 on the advice of the Prime Minister, two on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition, and seven at the Governor-General’s sole discretion. The House of Assembly has 30 members, all elected. Both houses debate all legislation. However, the House of Assembly may override Senate’s rejection of money bills and other bills except bills amending the Constitution.”

    No Leader of the Opposition, no Senate!!

    Anyone wanting to know about the Government of Barbados can go to WIKIPEDIA!!

    “In keeping with the Westminster system of governance, Barbados has evolved into an independent parliamentary democracy, meaning that all political power rests with the Parliament under a non-political President as head of state. Executive authority is vested in the President, who normally acts only on the advice of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, who are collectively responsible to Parliament.”Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2021″ (PDF). Parliament of Barbados. 2021. Retrieved 29 October 2021. Barbadian law is rooted in English common law, and the Constitution of Barbados implemented in 1966, is the supreme law of the land.”

  5. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    if it was only a decree absolute needed, that would be great..but the other half of the destructive force is still there to create more damage and DANGER in Black lives…

  6. @WURA, BT says that Parliament is opening Friday at 10:am. I presume that it means today. A shroud of secrecy to culminate the Coup.

  7. NB

    The Constitution has not changed.

    There is however a “Constitution Amendment (No.2) Act, 2021”

    Wonder why they chose to call it No.2?

  8. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    John…it could not be MORE HILARIOUS…since they are the ones PUT that information in cyberspace THEMSELVES and ONLY LAST YEAR….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and AFTER they fiddled with Elizabeth’s colonial constitution…

  9. The BLP has no choice but to continue the charade.

    Major outside lenders are watching.

    This is going to the line.

    Who is going to hold the line?

  10. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Thanks for the info Heather…..sleight of hand and secrecy…

  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    suffice it to say, it’s not going to be as easy as they thought to KEEP a corrupt, colonial system in place to BENEFIT THEMSELVES…

    the pretenders are outdoing themselves again….there are over 11,000 people at home and isolated because they are INFECTED, as some recover quickly, MORE, just as quickly TAKE THEIR PLACE…. but to hear the dude from health tell it, that ain’t so bad…the 3rd wave is not as severe….really….the third wave IS NOT OVER YET…

    they are trying to REMOVE themselves from accountability where they allowed these infected tourists at kensington to act like there was no virus around…and INFECTED THE WHOLE ISLAND…

  12. @Heather

    How is it secret if the information is in the public space and will be carried live?

  13. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Heather…..has the Leader of the Opposition been announced. by BT..

  14. @angela cox February 4, 2022 7:16 AM “Why should the Dlp be an advocate for the people.”

    A. Because the DLP does not wish to commit suicide.
    B. The DLP wants to form the government at some time in the future.
    C. The people have divorced but not killed the DLP.
    D. The DLP is willing to work really, really hard to effect a loving reconciliation with the people.
    E. This DLP thing of alternately cursing and ignoring the the people has not worked for the DLP, so the DLP will wisely chose a different tack?

    But I int no high powered high political analyst nor constitutional lawyer so you angela cox and the DLP can ignore my advice and pay others tens of thousands for the same advice that I am giving here freely.

  15. @African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved February 4, 2022 6:34 AM
    “I said some time back that the island NEEDS TO BE TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM.”

    The people wh are paying to be on a Barbados blog all day envy us for our lovely island and are trying all tacks to persuade us to move so that you can have it for yourself.

    Your tack int working.

  16. @angela cox February 4, 2022 “A president now standing as a figure head having no.independent thought”

    If you think that Sandra Mason has no independent though, you clearly don’t know her half as well as I do.22 6:43 AM

  17. @David announced at the last minute. Not sure if it was here on BU that someone stated that the President would be giving an ‘address’ today. I don’t recall it being like this in the past. There was usually a lot of fanfare about the historic opening of Parliament.

    #WURA, I was wondering if anyone accepted.

  18. @Cuhdear Bajan, is she using that Independent thought?

  19. @William Skinner February 4, 2022 7:19 AM “The Chief Medical Officer , should be fired immediately for insensitivity toward the public. With over ten thousand citizens in home isolation, a depleted vaccine supply; our children not yet back in school; workers on the breadline and citizens grappling with stress related to COVID, he determines, we have to live with it but it’s no longer “front page news.”

    I noticed this too. But I don’t think that he should be fired.

    The Chief Medical Officer has ZERO training in journalism/media/public relations.

    So sensible people can and will ignore him when he speaks on what should or should not be on the front page.

    I will still listen to him when he speaks on medical/public health matters.

    I and all sensible people will ignore him when he speaks on media matters.

    Do not less us throw out the baby with the bath water

  20. @angela cox February 4, 2022 7:16 AM “My best bet is for anyone living on the island is to get to hell out”

    Why wunna so anxious to depopulate Barbados?

    Wunna pay masters want to move in as soon as we leave?

    Your paymasters who are now suffering through -30C want to move in?

  21. “How is it secret if the information is in the public space and will be carried live?”

    It is not an official meeting unless there is a BU thread on it

    I have a feeling that there may be a new BU thread in the works with something about it coming up

    what do you think

    as you have inside knowledge

    who will be the author and what angle will they spin it with

  22. @African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved February 4, 2022 7:21 AM
    “covered that one in my first book…lol”

    Ya sell 6 copies of ya first book yet?

  23. “The fight relates to the fact that Parliament cannot be seated as the Upper House or the Senate is not constituted.”

    Yet all now LESC abuzz with activities relating to the seating of both houses. Could not set up a ponzi scheme pretending to be a meeting turn but purporting to be an expert on constitutional matters.🤣🤣🤣

  24. Cuhdear
    Be honest, you’d buy her book?

  25. Today would be best remembered as the day of POMP and DRAMA
    Pomp because of the imagine that govt wants to protray to the outside world
    Drama which now includes a theater of political hat tricks formed out of lies and deceit absent of an.opposition
    In all my dreams never thought that I would have seen Barbados presenting to the people a Cockeyed democracy

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “so that you can have it for yourself.

    Your tack int working.”

    Cuddear…i got OPTIONS and KNOW IT…

    sold enuff to know you want to know what’s in it…if ya don’t already…

    and foul Enuff could NEVER KNOW if ya bought it….let the SUSPENSE kill him…lol

  27. @David February 4, 2022 9:07 AM “@Heather. How is it secret if the information is in the public space and will be carried live?” Heather and WURU mad or just mean spirited?

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    forget the book Enuff….too late to get any useful ideas out of it, yall called the election too quick and NOW SCRAMBLING, just as predicted…

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “Heather and WURU mad or just mean spirited?”

    no, we are NOT SLAVES TO CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS…or a colonial system..


    we EMANCIPATED OURSELVES long time ago…

  30. i Think it was on cbc new about the opening of parlament

  31. Cuhdear BajanFebruary 4, 2022 9:41 AM

    @angela cox February 4, 2022 “A president now standing as a figure head having no.independent thought”

    If you think that Sandra Mason has no independent though, you clearly don’t know her half as well as I do.22 6:43 AM

    Uh speaking about the and interest of the people
    Not about side bar issues between u and herself about pigs in a blanket

  32. @ Cuhdear Bajan
    We never employed him to be a journalist but we pay him to be sensitive when dealing with the public.
    I don’t know how we are going to “ ignore” such a statement published in a paper that covers the entire world on our behalf.
    He should at least be asked to apologize or clear up the statement but to walk away from this without a serious , public reprimand is not acceptable.

  33. Wu wei (Chinese: 無為; pinyin: wúwéi) is a concept literally meaning “inexertion”, “inaction”, or “effortless action”.
    The Book of the Way

    Tao Te Ching
    (pronounced, more or less, Dow Deh Jing) can be translated as The Book of the Immanence of the Way or The Book of the Way and of How It Manifests Inself In The World

    Tao Te Ching
    Written by Lao-Tzu
    A translation for the public domain

    Chapter 1
    The tao that can be described
    is not the eternal Tao.
    The name that can be spoken
    is not the eternal Name.
    The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth.
    The named is the mother of creation.
    Freed from desire, you can see the hidden mystery.
    By having desire, you can only see what is visibly
    Yet mystery and reality
    emerge from the same source.
    This source is called darkness.
    Darkness born from darkness.
    The beginning of all understanding.

    Chapter 2
    When people see things as beautiful,
    ugliness is created.
    When people see things as good,
    evil is created.
    Being and non-being produce each other.
    Difficult and easy complement each other.
    Long and short define each other.
    High and low oppose each other.
    Fore and aft follow each other.
    Therefore the Master
    can act without doing anything
    and teach without saying a word.
    Things come her way and she does not stop them;
    things leave and she lets them go.
    She has without possessing,
    and acts without any expectations.
    When her work is done, she takes no credit.
    That is why it will last forever.

    Chapter 3
    If you overly esteem talented individuals,
    people will become overly competitive.
    If you overvalue possessions,
    people will begin to steal.
    Do not display your treasures
    or people will become envious.
    The Master leads by
    emptying people’s minds;
    filling their bellies,
    weakening their ambitions,
    and making them become strong.
    Preferring simplicity and freedom from desires,
    avoiding the pitfalls of knowledge and wrong action
    For those who practice not-doing,
    everything will fall into place.

  34. Cuhdear BajanFebruary 4, 2022 9:49 AM

    @William Skinner February 4, 2022 7:19 AM “The Chief Medical Officer , should be fired immediately for insensitivity toward the public. With over ten thousand citizens in home isolation, a depleted vaccine supply; our children not yet back in school; workers on the breadline and citizens grappling with stress related to COVID, he determines, we have to live with it but it’s no longer “front page news.”

    I noticed this too. But I don’t think that he should be fired.

    The Chief Medical Officer has ZERO training in journalism/media/public relations.

    So sensible people can and will ignore him when he speaks on what should or should not be on the front page.

    I will still listen to him when he speaks on medical/public health matters.

    I and all sensible people will ignore him when he speaks on media matters.

    Do not less us throw out the baby with the bath water


    No mention of ANY imported cases, not one single one!!!

    Were all the deaths locals?

    The CMO is spinning and you don’t even realise it.

    Most of the 11K are probably not even citizens or allowed to vote.

    The puzzle is where are they being hidden?

    Welcome Stamp perhaps?

  35. “If that is the case it presents a wonderful opportunity for the DLP to be an advocate for the people.”


    The people in their sublime wisdom decided (for the 2nd time) that they did not want any opposition.

    Clearly, no stronger message could have been sent.

    After all, Mia Messiah doing a fantastic job, correct?

    Errol Barrow and the DLP are the worst things to happen to Barbados since the Olive Blossom, correct?

    The DLP presided over the Lost Decade of criminal mismanagement and unbridled corruption, correct?

    Besides, it’s common knowledge that Barbados ALWAYS does better when the BLP is at the helm, correct?

    Furthermore, the repulsive arrogance and hubris of the DLP!

    Good God, they wouldn’t even apologize to the very people who handed their asses to them 30 – 0 at the polls, not once – but twice!

    Clearly, Barbados has always been BLP country, just many of us didn’t know it.

    So, in all, my question is simply this:

    Who the FUCK the DLP is to “advocate” for now?

    Have a great day, and a lovely weekend!

    Stay safe!

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved February 4, 2022 10:11 AM

    forget the book Enuff….too late to get any useful ideas out of it, yall called the election too quick and NOW SCRAMBLING, just as predicted…


    Are you telling us that you predict the BLP was going to win 30-0 and all what is going on now as a result?

  37. Wasnt the GG always a figurehead?

    Isnt the President now the GG before?

    What nation Security what? She is not a President like the President of the usa the national Security Fall sunder

    Barbados nation Security and most other power lies In the PM

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    only doing this for those negatively impacted by Covid, do the pretenders know there is an antibody test that will give them a more ACCURATE handle on how infection AND RECOVERY rates are going…AFTER INFECTIONS…and who have higher antibodies due to strong immunity from both the vaccines and the virus…

    it’s very impressive to see, on paper, how people’s immunity react, after both…

    no the test is not available in Barbados…don’t know if the bigger islands have it yet…but US and other progressive countries do..

  39. The President is reading off a barrage of plans policies for the country from the govt
    However their is no other voice sitting in Parliament to offer alternate recommendations
    Mottley said that her govt can be a govt of self rule
    Today Barbadains getting an.eyeball viewing of what she meant

  40. Did the people vote for not having an opposition? Does the system as exist creates the opportunity in the FPTP system?

  41. Nothing has changed really.

  42. The nonsense that is spewed on BU. Go read any Queen Liz’s Throne Speech and you hear “my government will…”. Jesus take the whole procession.🤣🤣🤣

  43. @enuff

    Sometimes you have to ignore noise.

  44. “Nothing has changed really.”

    There was a closing and opening of Parliament
    This is #1 First Parliament of the Republic

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “Wunna pay masters want to move in as soon as we leave?”

    they can move in at ANY TIME with you there are not, yall already INVISIBLE….always have been …and none of you can stop them, especially the government..

    what’s in my book, would have been USEFUL BEFORE an election to REVERSE certain STUPIDITIES…but that is no longer the case…and AM SO HAPPY….🤣🤣

    “No mention of ANY imported cases, not one single one!!!”

    they are EXTREMELY fortunate that Omicron is not Delta, acted just as scientists predicted it would, and will hopefully cause the virus to just devolve to the common cold…..

    .and they should tone down the arrogance and recklessness..while hoping that another equally dangerous delta-like variant does not rear its ugly head BEFORE MARCH…

  46. Dub again,

    “Where there is no LoO, N/A.”

    Common sense.

    See, Dub is impartial. That makes it easier to see sense.

  47. First step to becoming a full blown communist state happened today right in front of the faces a Barbadians
    No opposition in sight to confront the selected President hand down message of good governance goodwill for the people

  48. @ David, you are absolutely correct nothing has changed. What the SHAM! No mention of the problems that caused the General Election or their solutions. Unless I missed, I did not hear anything about marijuana although it was mentioned in the Manifesto. All the President of the Republic did was to repeat exactly what the PM said at the swearing in ceremony for the BLP Senators. It shows that there was no need for the General Election except for the fact that the Administration was becoming unpopular. The Constitution is now the PM’s diary. She will be in no hurry to have it changed by the people but will change it to suit her needs. NO OPPOSITION. This is not a parliamentary Democracy!

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