An interesting conversation point that will attract interest is the impact David Estwick, Michael Lashley, Denis Lowe and Richard Sealy will have on the 2022 general election. The four were members of the Freundel Stuart cabinet and the previous government soundly rejected by the electorate in 2018.

There is nothing unusual about defeated political candidates offering themselves to the public. To do so they must have successfully negotiated won the party requirements to win selection. Political parties are private entities after all and the membership free to select candidates of choice.

Notwithstanding the preamble a look at the four members of the old guard and what it means for the DLP’s chances on the 19 January 2022 AND beyond is a constructive discussion to have. Although decisions taken by political parties are private – obviously there is the national import.

The involvement of the four forces the ‘new’ DLP to defend old issues ventilated in the 2018 political campaign. Issues that arguably contributed to the DLP’s unprecedented defeat. Denis Lowe had the Cahill issue and the blogmaster expressed concerns about him being a Peter Allard stooge of Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary fame, David Estwick’s public disagreements with former minister of finance Chris Sinckler, Michael Lashley’s questionable association with Trans-Tech etc. The big question for the political pundits – is the risk reward ratio calculated in favour of the Verla De Peiza led DLP?

Onlookers must surmise that the DLP conducted private polling to test the water in the four constituencies and the DLP executive was satisfied with the results. The unknown is whether the involvement of the four will negatively impact the national swing percentage. The size of the swing margins in the majority of constituencies the 2018 general election were large and the DLP will not want to make decisions to compromise the swing pendulum away from the BLP this time around. Another unknown is the extent the pandemic will have on voter turnout as it relates to the respective bases. Disillusioned DLP members opted out from voting in 2018, some may have voted BLP. Then there are the independents many who may decide to avoid the risk of standing in gatherings for reason of health safety. A cohobblopot of issues which the usual talking heads will try to make simple for a susceptible electorate.

The reality is that Barbadians are comfortable with the 2-party system that exists as it is in many countries. It should be obviously if we want the transformative changes in the economy, education, energy and water generation, waste management and others, like minded Barbadias will have to infiltrate the two main political parties to help with accelerating change in the national interest.

The blogmaster is of the opinion returning the four to the fold is a mistake not for the reasons mentioned but the threat to De Peiza’s fragile leadership hold on the ‘new’ DLP.

127 responses to “Return of the Old Guard”

  1. I remember a saying.. dog bite man is not news, man bites dog is news.

    Rabid Chihuahua: small, noisily unhinged and quite insignificant chases crowd.

  2. A next expression that I like
    ” Nobody kicks a dead dog”.

    Have a great day all.

  3. @Donna
    “Also spotted, a few BU “closet” Bees who were better at hiding.”

    A fair comment.

    2 items
    My memory has faded a little but in a recent post you expressed a preference for the USA. It appears that you have moved from ‘not voting’ to voting.

    I wanted to comment back then but decided to ‘sit out’. Have a great day.

  4. TheO,

    My expressed preference for living in the USA was a tongue-in-cheek one wrt your easy choice at the polls.

    Your choice was not a head scratcher, I know. You HAD to vote and you HAD to vote Biden.

    A choice between the sane and insane, fallible humans and absolute demons would not be hard for you.

    I bet you could not wait to vote, convinced you were doing the right thing.

    Here though, I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. With a piece of straw being offered by an indeterminate being.

    Next, if I were a nurse right now, not being paid regularly, I would leave and take a five year contract overseas.

    It seems that it is more likely that such a nurse would continue to be paid irregularly than it is that she would meet a worse fate in even the USA.

    I am both a person of ideals AND a person of practicality. That much should be obvious by now.

  5. DavidJanuary 7, 2022 6:18 AM

    What prevents your party (DLP) taking up the challenge? There is Ronnie Yearwood, Verla De Peiza et al qualified to do so? Could it be you prefer Caswell to do it?

    Do I not have a Constitutional right to voice my concern
    What Verla and Yearwood chooses to do is entirely up to them
    BTW stick to the issue one of having a PM which would place self interest before the Constitutional rights of people
    A big hanging chad which needs clipping

  6. Chads is in your neck of the woods. In Barbados we use a pen.

  7. DavidJanuary 7, 2022 10:42 AM

    Chads is in your neck of the woods. In Barbados we use a pen
    Hip hip.hooray

  8. @TheOGazerts January 7, 2022 8:12 AM ” Could it be an older generation that favors one party?”

    Can you provide us with the source from which you drew the opinion that “an older generation that favors one party?”

  9. My dear cuhdear,
    ? after a statement signifies a question.
    It was one of several

  10. The younger generation will favour the BLP for two reasons.

    Policy is liberal, Mottley is progressive against the DLP old guard running theirs. The demographic of candidates.

  11. Do bloggers really see Verla DePeiza as the de facto DLP leader or is Stuart still the leader, running the old guard behind the scenes.

  12. A good read especially for those who do not value the right to vote
    What you so easily discard, some took ages to gain

  13. Boys and Girls
    Compare and contrast the BLP of 1937 with that of 2022.
    The BLP was a “historic necessity.” The needs of the masses were great. In 1937 only 3.3 percent of the people had the right to vote—6,299 out of a population of 190,000. The extension of the franchise had to be a priority. The BLP became a voice for the voiceless. The party launched a campaign of political education in order to raise the political consciousness of the people and mobilize support.

    Compare and contrast the Republican of 1860 with that of 2022
    With the election of Abraham Lincoln (the first Republican president) in 1860, the Party’s success in guiding the Union to victory in the American Civil War, and the Party’s role in the abolition of slavery, the Republican Party largely dominated the national political scene until 1932.

    Lesson Summary: This is not your BLP

  14. Boys and girls
    Today’s lesson: When less is more

    When is 8 years in power better than ten years in power?
    Answer: When you screw up the first three years and can see the consequences coming down the road.

    When is 20-10 better than 30-0
    Answer: When you screw up the first three year and see 0-30 in 2023, you will take 20-10 in 2022

  15. This is as good a slogan as any
    If you can’t have an erection call an election
    I have put my slogan team on developing election slogan for the next few years (in case Mia want to pull this gimmick again).
    2022: In deep do-do, election in 2022
    2023 DooDoo and pee, no more for me in 23
    2024 Show her the door in 2024
    2005 if you are still alive, kick her out in 2025
    2026 Can you take more licks in 2026
    2027 It sure isn’t heaven, get her out in 27
    2028 No more mistakes, show her the gate in 28
    Can you believe these guys wanted to charge me $500,000
    They must have confused me with Barbados tourism officials

  16. 8 years in power is better than 5
    20-10 is better than 30-0 when the pain blame game needs to be spread equally
    Think about it

    Method Man – Bring The Pain

  17. @AC
    I see the poetrY
    “Do I not have a Constitutional right to voice my concern
    What Verla and Yearwood chooses to do is entirely up to them
    BTW stick to the issue one of having a PM which would place self interest before the Constitutional rights of people
    A big hanging chad which needs clipping”

    When will you learn
    I have the right to voice my concern
    Why should I speak on Verla and Yearwood
    Whether their actions are bad or good
    My friend, I leave that up to you
    To peck and scratch like you usually do
    How can you support an administration
    Whose only aim is self preservation
    Constitutional rights trample to the ground
    The people broken and pushed around
    You sitting there with your broken pen
    Developing laws that are badly written
    Ignoring three years of anguish and pain
    Wanting to elect this autocrat again

    AC! Girl, your writing is too sweet. Send me more

  18. Tonight’s dlp.presentation featuring Richard Sealy got off to a good start with putting God first
    Richard Sealy was his usual down to earth self laying the foundation very thick at a grass roots level giving a truthful and factual report on this administration performance or as he Sealy might say the lack of
    He pointed out vividly a PM who have lost a connection with barbadians mostly those who have been awaiting all those glorious promises she made ten years ago
    Hence is theme two Barbados was quick appropriate as one reflect on those who received the largesse while others struggle to make ends meet
    Ronnie Yearwood presentation was chock laden with excellent ideas
    Ideas that if implemented can revive much needed life into the economy and which can create a social economic environment for the youth

  19. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Tell muh what Sealy had to say about Clearwater Bay?
    He must have pissed on the B’s for writing off money they should not have?
    Did he give his long promised update?
    He told me in town one day he was no longer in power but would speak to CBL if he spoke publicly again
    Is an election platform public?

  20. I posted the for the Sealy meeting but for whatever reason BU blocked it
    I tried twice after not seeing but with no result
    I would envision that as the campagain gets closer things which were not transparent to the public would be told by the dlp candidates having an underlying preference to expose this govt untruthfulness
    Mottley body language sends out a message of not being as confident
    I guess she sees that the public views of her are low key as to those of 2018

  21. AC poor you the dems clearly are not ready and now scrambling about for a manifesto.Good luck with that.One of your candidates a political neophyte Ms Armstrong already mash the crease and had to apologise.Stick to issues.Your dems looking at a second heavy defeat in my view as your leader lacks any leadership quality.This is about running a country not a breadshop.As for Gazzerts you are real funny.According to you after screwing up for three years.Which three years you refering to maybe three between 2008 and 2018 when we had in my view the worzt PM and Finance Minister in the history of Barbados resulting in 23 downgrades to junk bond status not being able to orrow a cent overseas.This the period you referingto?It certainly cannot be aftre 2018.For the firzt 18 months pte covid everythimg started to look and feel better here.Then came covid and destroyed most of thst work and although some mistakes were made the go ernment handling of the pande.ic assisted by the health officials were and still is deserving of high praise.As a matter pf fact many wondered what would have happened had the dems led by Mr Stuart been still in office.Personally i shudder at that thought as we would have been in ducks guts in my view.This is the general consensus of most in Barbados.Therefore as a someone who don, t live about here most ain , t buying what you selling..I gone.

  22. Lorenzo all.u said in the above comment u have said before
    Mia Mottley zest and firebrand campagain speeches have diminished
    She no longer can get that traction which she used to beat up on the Dems prior to.last election
    It is a noticeable difference in her approach words and body language
    It is obvious from her struggling to sell the electorate her policies of buying buses and garbage trucks many yawns are seen and heard
    What she cannot defend or place in an astute and clear manner of understanding is the govt neglect of small business vs the way she has approached the financial responsibility of helping big business with their debts
    The latest being the govt providing millions of dollars for the uniform retail industry
    An industry who will get double servings from govt revenue in subsidies and tax breaks
    Then go on to selling the same product when school resumes

  23. AC i have not stated to you before your dems are facing another defeat in my view and you can talk chalk it will not help you.The dems do not appear to have many workable solutions.It is one thing to criticize it is another to lead a country.Just to remind you the last time in such a scenario of immenent defest your late leader Mr Tho.mpson ran away around 2003 against Mr Arthur do you recall? I gone.

  24. Lady don’t count yuh chickens this is not ten years ago
    Times have change
    Yuh might be surprised as many blp eggs would be addle come Jan 20th

  25. Last night meeting featuring Sealy Yearwood and young Dems
    Along with putting God first


  26. @ Lorenzo January 9, 2022 10:39 AM
    Which three years you refering to maybe three between 2008 and 2018 when we had in my view the worzt PM and Finance Minister in the history of Barbados resulting in 23 downgrades to junk bond status not being able to orrow a cent overseas.This the period you referingto?It certainly cannot be aftre 2018.For the firzt 18 months pte covid everythimg started to look and feel better here. (Unquote).

    Lorenzino de’ Medici, the totally blind red mutt, is that your same ‘disgraced’ manipulative minister of Fine Arts who told the same MAM (within the hallowed halls of the parliament) to take off her clothes and run down the Broad Street stark naked as ‘she born’?

    Is he the same Stinkliar who was appointed the main-man of economic advice to your red administration to lead the country out of the Covid-causing economic doldrums despite having appointed, just a few months back, a “bariffle” (Bajan for barrel full of monkeys) of consultants ‘trained’ in the discipline of Economics and clearly not arithmetically-challenged like an ex Dem called Mascoll the OSA mascot?

    Why not attack the well-known Stinkliar instead of the wet-behind-the-ears political novice called ‘Armstrong’?


    You must be careful, dear Lorenzo! For you might just get what you wish for: Another Red ‘sowing’ of 30-love of the poor blues!

    You mean not even SMNW you are prepared to concede!

    If then, would you be prepared to identify a sacrificial lamb out of the 29 remaining red sheep to keep the dying Constitution on life support?

    How about the A.G. Marshal (l) for the LoO (Leader of Her(r) President’s Imaginary Opposition)?

  27. Mia promised a housing stock of one hundred houses to built
    Good news for the Chinese since govt all but wrote of local builders
    Maybe all.them houses can be tied to the million dollar road works repair as a face value down-payment to the Chinese loan

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