All people like to hear what they want to hear – even if it is not true. There are three common reasons to tell people what is not true: (i) to encourage them, (ii) to avoid trouble, and (iii) to deceive them.

When children are learning to play musical instruments, their parents may tell them that their initial poor renditions are good – to encourage them to keep practising. A newly married man may think that he has options if his wife asks him if she looks slim. Those married for a while understand that there is only one right answer.


We accept exaggerated compliments from individuals, because we know that the giver had no ill intent. But untruths from corporate and national levels can be dangerous to everyone.

A business selling unsafe products may deceive people in a nation that their products are safe. When consumers are inevitably harmed, the business is negatively branded, and its employees are implicated in the scandal. The longer the deception continues, the worse it will become – for everyone.


A nation does not try to deceive its citizens. Rather, a nation and its citizens normally try to deceive the world. It may start as an innocent mistake – a leader misspoke. But when the citizens conspire with the Government to promote the deception, both may suffer the terrible consequences of negative branding.

The historical record of knowledge transcends law, politics and religion. It is assumed to be accurate, and is taught as fact to children of all nations. Corrupting the historical record is not tolerated, since all people rely on it for research. Tragically, we have corrupted this shared historical record. Fortunately, we can correct it now with no consequences – or be implicated in the certain scandal to follow.


In 2005, the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration passed the Referendum Act, CAP 11A. In 2007, they promised Barbadians that they would get their consent with a referendum, before making Barbados a Republic. [1]

In their 2008 election manifesto, the BLP promised Barbadians that they would “consult the public fully by way of a referendum”, before making Barbados a Republic. [2]

On 15th September 2020, the Governor-General of Barbados read the Throne Speech, stating that Barbados would “become a Republic by the time we celebrate our 55th Anniversary of Independence.”

The following day, the Queen’s response was published: becoming a Republic was “a matter for the government and people of Barbados”. [3]


The following day, on 17th September 2020, the Barbados Labour Party administration informed the international news media that Barbadians had given their consent for Barbados to become a Republic. They claimed that it was at the 2018 General election, stating: “we certainly campaigned on it in the manifesto”. [4]

On 28 June 2021, Foreign Policy reported: “Mottley, who has campaigned on republicanism, won a landslide victory in 2018 elections when her party won all 30 seats in the House of Assembly.” [5]

On 22 November 2021, the National Geographic reported: “Charismatic and outspoken, Mottley campaigned on republicanism to become the nation’s first female leader in 2018.” [6]

On 26 November 2021, iNews UK reported: “She campaigned on republicanism, ahead of her landslide victory in 2018 elections.” [7]


The truth is that there is no mention of any plan to make Barbados a Republic in the BLP’s 2018 general election Manifesto. Further, none of the nine political parties that participated in the 2018 General Election campaigned on Republicanism. All adult Barbadians, both at home and in the diaspora, know this to be true.

To their utter shame, this generation of Barbadian: leaders, politicians, historians, poets, teachers, pastors, journalists, entertainers, writers, media practitioners, and youth leaders seem willing to support the corruption of the shared historical record of all nations.

There is always a reckoning. Our children will inherit the consequences of this reckless support. At that time, they may ask whether our active or passive support for deceiving the world was worth it – and we better have a good answer to give them.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at
[1] Still A Voice. Nation, 26 November 2007.
[2] Barbados Labour Party Manifesto 2008, page 77.
[3] The Guardian UK, Patrick Wintour (Diplomatic Editor), 16 September 2020.
[4] Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Phil Williams (Chief Foreign Correspondent), 17 September 2020.
[5] Foreign Policy, Stéphanie Fillion (United Nations based foreign affairs reporter), 28 June 2021.
[6] National Geographic, Jacqueline Charles (Pulitzer Prize finalist, 2018 Maria Moors Cabot Prize winner), 22 November 2021.
[7] iNews UK, Michael Day (Chief Foreign Commentator), 26 November 2021.

114 responses to “Difficult Conversations – Was it Worth It?”

  1. NO

    I just giving my opinion.
    What goverment do or dont do it up to them.

    Understand that You just giving ur opinion also

  2. @ Theo
    Drink ah rum and tumble down- it’s XMAS

  3. @John2

    Nurses under Paid
    Police under paid

    You know whom you would never say are underpaid? Politicians

  4. Sargeant

    100% agreed. They are on the overpaid list. Ant i cant Think of any other on that list right now

  5. One person was responsible for Barbados becoming a Republic and it was not me, it was the Bajan PM (aka Mia)..
    If you want to you can be a radical activist revolutionary like me
    or you can be a Bajan wannabe like William and Waru
    or you can be like Angela Davis..

    Music For Angela Davis
    The Sun Ra Arkestra Meets Salah Ragab In Egypt

  6. Fear is an illusion

  7. TheOGazertsDecember 21, 2021 1:42 PM

    Gotta go…
    AC are you out there. I hope all is well.
    Surprise that AC is not delivering
    Theo all is well
    Out there somewhere on another playing

  8. The talking head Peter Wickham will disagree.

  9. @ TheO

    “ The Nurses will surely recall and remember this terrible experience by this current Administration! Understanding and knowing the basics surrounding treating your bosses of whom are the Residence Of Barbados being the Electorate“

    Copied from the nationnew

    You Can join her there it would be positive vibrations

  10. Wait bosie! De Irrelevant getting cuss all day long!


    Not so irrelevant after all!

  11. Today at the salon I spoke with a retired civil servant who was able to explain a whole lot about the issues at hand, especially the late salaries.

    Not bothering to elaborate but now I see the problem.

    Let the cussing continue!

  12. Donna December 21, 2021 4:43 PM # : “Wait bosie! De Irrelevant getting cuss all day long!”

  13. Was It Worth It?


    When a lie becomes your way of living,

    And your promises and mandates are unforgiving.

    Surreptitiously you enact unilateral decisions,


    Implementing them with significant omissions.

    Truths you obscure with creative anecdotes,


    When you choose to spread deliberate misquotes.

    Once you start this kind of deception you’re on the wrong track,

    Ruined nations fell from the same and found no way back.

    Take a step back and look with new eyes at the people out there,

    How in throngs they chase free VAT and pandemic restrictions disappear.


    Industrial actions are understandable when administrations are unfit,

    Take a step back and look with new eyes at the people, Was It Worth It?


    By Khaidji 

  14. “Was It Worth It?”

    Yes, this is what am talking about, CREATIVITY..

  15. Yuh mean like my parody that you wanted to publish?

    Oh, dear!


  16. I gone again!

  17. Gszzerts the only person getting a big fat zero is you as a comedian and Senator Franklyn for biting off more than hr can chew and being cussed left right and centre for being the publicity , cantankerous hound he is.Almost all other unions have distanced themselves from him and now to hear he does not have a strike fund to support those workers he cslled out on strike.Who is going to pay them for walking off their job?I underdtand their plight but there is a right way of doing things and clearly this id not in my view . I gone.

  18. Amazing. The first post directs people to discuss a poll, rather than the important issues in the article, and all but one commenter takes the bait and is led astray.

    The past 68 comments prove what I have written – most of our political and social leaders’ are politically compromised. So, the ‘led’ are easily diverted from the truth. Tragic.

  19. Me? Led astray? Nah! Did not even read what you wrote. David closed the next blog so…

  20. Gp

    Cold soup In a new Bowl is still cold soup.

  21. Good to see you Donna
    Thought I would have to put out an SOS.

    😃Will be putting out my Christmas awards shortly. You are nominated.

    This year, I have ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’ categories. Refusal of the ‘naughty’ will be ignored. Refusal of the ‘nice’ will put a person in the naughty category.😃

  22. Looks like AC will grab 3 awards
    Most poetic,
    Most original,
    TheO’s Gold Medal

    Multi- award winner also include Donna and Artsc.

    Note the typo. If he rejects the award, I will do like the Minister of Integrity.. what are you rejecting? I did not call your name.

  23. @nextparty246December 21, 2021 8:17 PM
    You write that men must learn quickly how to compliment those in their life. And yet you haven’t learnt, to cease barking up trees most don’t care about. Manifesto’s are marketing gimmicks, broadly inclusive documents, 97% of which will not be achieved, and 95% not even attempted. Meanwhile, there will be several items, never found in a Manifesto, which the Government will pursue.
    I am similarly guilty, because I believe in the NIS, but no end of harping on that topic will change a damn thing. You can warn others, but one day when it hits them squarely in their ‘benefits’, they will awake. And probably do little. They were warned about the Debt, didn’t do a damn thing other than observe when it happened, that defaulting was bad, and they ‘felt’ the Government had other choices.

  24. “Yuh mean like my parody that you wanted to publish?”

    don’t flatter yourself…your parody was for fun, give those reading it a laugh…. and it is on my website right along with Theo’s as i said i would,,,…this person, a young man i presume, is a TRUE CREATIVE and WORTHY of the praise for spontaniety in his creativity, check out his website…..big difference..

    not everyone is a creative and some don’t know if they are because of the half century of suppression of Black creativity by two evil anti-black colonial/agent governments…..but the young generations now have the options previously denied…so they are a BIG FAIL…and can’t stop Black GENIUS EVER AGAIN…

    the blog needs more creatives… will definitely change the tone.

  25. 👍I noticed elsewhere that the blogmaster stated that he would allow comments to be open longer.👍
    He appears to be a reasonable man and one that you can reason with.
    On my end, I will try my best to refrain from useless remarks or entanglements … and will support him on any necessary subsequent action.
    Have a great dayy, all

  26. Comedians often succeed where others fail to get the point across!

    Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, Stephen Colbert and TREVOR NOAH have a much wider reach than dry “expositioners”. You know you can hide most information by putting it in a book! ( YOUR words, not mine. Not stealing warmed over soup today!🤣🤣🤣🤣)

    But… yeah…I did say that it was only a spot of fun! I seem to recall though… were the one who said that I was undervaluing its CREATIVITY.

    Now you are taking it back.

    THE ARCHIVES will show you up!

    As usual.

    Oh dear!


    Anyhow, that’s my bit of fun for the day! Don’t worry, David! 😇 THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS!

  27. Biden’s Top 5 Accomplishments in 2021:

    1 – keeping pandemic going
    2 – tanking the economy
    3 – flooding country with illegals
    4 – costing Americans their jobs
    5 – skyrocketing crime rates


  28. Uh-oh! David, Santa Claus like he pun strike!

  29. NO & GP2

    Republic expired 11/30/2021

    99.999% of Bajan dont Care about that topic again until its approching again In 22

    Deed done cant be reversed. People accepted and moved on

  30. @John2

    In the same way a constitutional crisis was averted by the crossing of the floor by Atherley you mean?

    Door closed is right!

  31. @ David

    You’ve informed contributors of the new BU policy that automatically closes blogs after four (4) days, which according to you, “should be enough time to sensibly debate any issue.”

    Obviously, this policy has extended to the closure of blogs dealing with issues relating to LIAT.

    I’ll go ‘off topic’ just to inform you that the ‘government’ of Antigua & Barbuda has now decided to provide EC$2M to partially satisfy the cash component of the compassionate payout to former local (Antigua based) employees of the regional airline, while emphasizing “government has no legal obligation to make any such payments.”

    What are your thoughts?

  32. @Artax

    The blogs were reopened.

    Hard to read about LIAT- it had become a moral imperative maybe with the weight of the black eye?

    LIAT as you know is interwoven in the Antigua landscape.

  33. We have become a Republic; however, our government appears willing to limit the ingress and egress of our public beaches to the natives in favour of corporates who are prepping themselves to take ownership over our beaches.

    Perhaps John2 and our great leader could explain the mindset of such a government.

  34. TLSN…some are saying that MORE THAN A PAINTING….had to be passed (they made a big splash about it in the Nationnews) for the two faced government to give PERMISSION (they said they were given permission) to a bunch of racists to immediately PUT UP A WALL to block Black people from accessing the beach…through a brand new hotel..

    that’s all these LYING, SELLOUT governments ever do…and then DENY they gave permission to block access….pretending they knew nothing about it, this is not the first time, let’s see if they lie in denial..

    keep telling the people to move away from LIARS/MINISTERS…saw them do it in a clip yesterday, when the wannabe dictator, slavemaster and half a republic maker tried to pretend to be a loved leader….THE PEOPLE MOVED AWAY….kudos to them for seeing that they and their families are being LED INTO A TRAP….for racists, thieves, oppressors and ENSLAVERS to PROSPER…..

    and they and their families will remain in poverty.

  35. @ WURA-War-on-U
    From the natives having access to their beaches frustrated to the link below. Here is a snapshot of the real problems faced by the natives. Yet some on here would prefer to have childish arguments with other members of the BU family.

  36. Biden’s Top 5 Accomplishments in 2021:

    1 – keeping pandemic going
    2 – tanking the economy
    3 – flooding country with illegals
    4 – costing Americans their jobs
    5 – skyrocketing crime rates

    White people..
    Nobody gives a fuck about septic tanks yanks who are fucked due to their own hubris
    (or as Yanks say Everyone gives a fuck..)

    White Hero Trump is feeling pressure for his shenanigans in Capital Hill Riots by Home Grown Terrorists and is calling Executive Privilege to hide his guilt

  37. You had to be the only commenter to respond. Further attempts to polute and distract from the topic will be deleted.

  38. I assume you are referring to me when you passively aggressively say you

    Are you the Son of GP

  39. Mia’s greatest accomplishment in 20 21
    is she slew the head of the Beast off
    Which offended Grenville Phillips aka Barbados Solutions Inc. (oxymoron)
    But, the Beast has many heads

  40. In USA ultimate power lies in the hands of the President
    The soon to be revised Barbados Constitution should have a clause for abuse of absolute power
    as highlighted by 45 revolutions per minute single

  41. Each time a hotel or any tourist complex is being constructed, the locals have to fight against being denied proper access to the beach.
    All that is needed is a strict law that a proper access road for citizens , with adequate parking etc., MUST be included with any such plans before a foundation can be even started.
    What happens is very simple: The hoteliers are given permission to do as they like and when the locals protest, the dastardly politicians pretend that : “dah can happen ‘bout hey”
    Same old story………,….
    Frauds and liars are the correct descriptions. BS going on for decades.

  42. Years ago under OSA alien land holding laws should have been enacted with complementing laws re access to beaches and use of beach front property etc.

  43. William this is an easy fix.

    The politicians can fix it with a simple and single piece of legislation or the people must stop being cowardly and act. What goes up can come down.

  44. TLSN…it’s gets TIRING, BUT THAT’S THE PLAN…… unless and until the PEOPLE REMOVE THEMSELVES from the toxic, dirty retrograde system….that is all they WILL EVER GET…

  45. @ Theo
    These are the “ simple” things that should piss off any Bajan rather than talk BS and continue to defend the indefensible .Gabby addressed this crap donkey years ago. Nothing ain’t change. I understand some property on the west coast “ gave”
    the locals “access “ and not even a bicycle can’t pass. Pure BS!!!

  46. As long as there are BRIBES INVOLVED….a painting here, a car there, a million or two here or there….those who who have no morals and even less ethics will CONTINUE to sell out…..and LIE about it, this time the activists were watching so they can hardly JUMP OUT NOW with the USUAL LIE bout “not bout hay”

    that’s why i encourage young people to take up activism on stay on their corrupt asses, give them NO BREATHING ROOM…..expose the RIGHT AWAY….before htey can formulate the next lie when they believe everyone has forgotten,,

    and given the track records of the hoteliers whose lastest generation is controlling the whole show…’s more scams, more bribery and MORE SELLING OUT…buckle ya seat belts..

  47. ” However, management at O2 Beach Club and Spa situated in Dover, Christ Church, has strongly denied those allegations and has given the assurance that permission was granted for the wall to be built and an alternative walkway to the sea is being provided.”

    ” an alternative walkway to the sea is being provided.”

  48. “stop being cowardly and act”

    those are the key words, get PROACTIVE and stop allowing these pissy little VOTE BEGGING POLITICIANS carry out their BRIBETAKING and SELLING OUT right in front ya faces…your children and grandchildren ARE WATCHING…


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