… Powah [power] is a funny thing. Persons we may otherwise have seen as rational and students of sound governance suddenly do the oddest of things. Isn’t this the ongoing crux of the NIS? And it happens frequently in the private sector too. Despite all the protestations, did ICBL get contracts which were facilitated? What else did they get? The fourth estate has never seen fit to publicly question the Board of CBL? I know of situations where a subsidiary may begin sinking, and the Board changes like rats off a sinking ship. The big ups from the parent don’t want association with a failure. But that doesn’t stop the same persons who bailed from forcing their decisions upon the Board, sometimes even at the complete exclusion of the Board. Powah is a funny thing…


The blogmaster has been observing the strident views expressed by citizens of Barbados about whether to vaccinate. A few thousand were motivated to march during the pandemic. People have the right to behave as they like provided no laws are being broken. Local newsfeeds both traditional and and social media continue to be choked daily with news about Covid 19. There is so much information being shared that it is thought to be contributing to Covid 19 fatigue globally.

The environment is perfect for opposition forces to put ‘licks’ in the government to win favour with a general election due in 2023, the latest. It is the idealist who believes political forces in any country will ever see the benefit of working together in the interest of the public if there is political capital to be gained.

Does it make intelligent Barbadians ponder why political parties and agents are motivated to be ’vocal’ about selected issues? In recent months there has been some noise made about the decision by the Mia Mottley government to replace the Queen of England (soon to be King) with a local daughter of the soil. The anecdotal feedback from a cross section of locals continues to expose a lack of understanding about the workings of the government. One suspects it will take a generation of educating the general public to meet the civic awareness gap.

If there is a lack of understanding about the basic workings of government is it reasonable to expect Barbadians to be motivated to march in thousands or flood daily talk shows about governance related matters? For years the National Insurance Fund has been managed like Babsie rum shop. Under successive government the embarrassing situation exist where our most important fund is unable to produce up to date audited financial statements. Through it all the Barbados public continues to be unaware of the accurate state of the fund.

Why has the public, including the Fourth Estate not vigorously pursued the Four Seasons transaction to hold political actors accountable? This is a transaction that exposes mismanagement and corrupt behaviour of both political parties when in government supported by senior public servants. We have Mia Mottley who was contracted to do legal work for Four Seasons now prime minister and one of her Mercedes driving financial consultants Avinash Persaud, former executive chairman. Not to forget a former dead Prime Minister David Thompson who hired both of them.

The political outrage directed at Mark Maloney for failing to deliver Covid 19 vaccine is interesting if seen in the context of a player who was heavily engaged by the former DLP government. The blogmaster does not condone the obvious lack of transparency surrounding the procurement of Covid 19 vaccine. What is being asked of our gullible Fourth Estate and Public Servants whose role is to serve the public for good of country – why have you vacated your responsibility? Some of us will not be fooled by those who seek to manipulate public opinion to satisfy narrow interest.

For more than a decade no audited financial statements of the National Insurance Fund, for more than a decade the Auditor General has been highlighting issues without redress by successive governments, for more than four decades successive governments have turned a blind eye to private transportation woes in Barbados, to the point it has developed a sub culture, for decades successive governments have pursued the lazy path to managing the economy by dumping our eggs in one tourism basket, for years we have asked successive governments to revamp the education system to ensure our people are adequately equipped to sustain our competitiveness in a fast moving world, for years we have asked for a fit for purpose waste to energy solution, a judicial system promising for years to crash under its weight …

Barbadians are some of the issues mentioned not worthy of your outrage? Are you willing to march if asked for any one of the issues mentioned? We know the answer therefore do not expect anything to change.

In 2023 the blogmaster will ask Donville Inniss to start a new political party to lead us to a different place. A suggested slogan sure to win favour with the public is ”The Return of the Don”.

244 responses to “Infected by Political Opportunism”

  1. What a ting doah embarrassment after embarrassment a govt that tried to hoodwinked the country barreling down a dark road called Republicism like a car without headlights
    What a sham What Shameful example of transparency and accountability

  2. The fist of the iron Lady is moving across social.media making desperate inroads to curtail freedom of expression
    Tobias bajanman
    Where did I read that this was about ALL THE PEOPLE OF BARBADOS? Would that not urge INVOLVEMENT??

  3. angela cox October 20, 2021 4:36 PM #: “The fist of the iron Lady is moving across social.media making desperate inroads to curtail freedom of expression.”

    My friend,

    I believe you should THINK a bit more and perform the necessary research before BELIEVING and REGURGITATING nonsense you read on social media, simply because it falls in line with your particular political mandate on BU.

    If former President Trump, even armed with an ‘executive order’ and law proposed by the US Justice Department, COULD NOT repeal ‘Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act,’ allowing him to say whatever he wanted on social media……….

    ………. please EXPLAIN to BU, how could the PM of Barbados, PREVENT people from posting on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok or any other social media platform………..

    …………. or without filing a law suit in the Supreme Court against the facilitators of those platforms in their respective jurisdictions?

    Assuming the PM had reasonable grounds to file a law suit, would the case be heard and judgement given within a FEW HOURS?

  4. Artax
    Another first that only Mottley can bring to the public space
    Today October 20 2921
    A day of embarrassment
    Any govt Minister who can back a Despot in the making should be consider a traitor to the country

  5. Yuh see what uh mean current Parliament videos on u tube are being blocked on social media
    Exhibit A the above video and others from last week
    Democracy being shoved and pushed away

  6. Making Senator Franklyn statement in Parliament today a document of the BU Archives
    Those in favour say I Those against day No
    The I’s have it


    Senator Franklyn objects to Presidential nomination – by Barbados Today October 20, 2021
    Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn walked out of this morning’s joint sitting of Parliament after objecting to the nomination of Governor General Dame Sandra Mason as Barbados’ first President on Independence Day.

    He made his objection known after Speaker of the House Arthur Holder read a letter at the sitting, which is underway at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, from Prime Minister Mia Mottley who had advised that she and Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley had jointly nominated Dame Sandra to replace Queen Elizabeth II as Barbados’ Head of State.

    After reading the October 12, 2021 correspondence to the joint Parliamentary sitting, Holder asked whether any member of either House had an objection to the candidate being declared.

    At that point, Senator Franklyn stood.

    “I have an objection, Mister Speaker,” he said.

    The Speaker replied: “In accordance with the Constitution, I am therefore suspending this sitting.

    Both Houses of Parliament subsequently split to meet in separate rooms to cast secret ballots on the matter.

    However, when voting began in the Senate, Franklyn raised yet another objection – this time about the ballots.

    “This document has no validity. It comes from nowhere,” he shouted.

    “I have deemed it to be valid,” President of the Senate Reginald Farley responded.

    “You cannot deem something to be valid that has no constitutional or legislative basis, Sir,” Franklyn retorted. “You will not treat me this way today. I will not stand for it. You will have to put me out.”

    The Senator insisted that he be heard and when the Senate President said his concern had been noted, Franklyn said his concern had not been addressed.

    He repeated his position that “this document has no validity. It comes from nowhere”.

    “Somebody make up this last night after I told people get things in place cause I gine object. So ya rush and do this. I didn’t want to surprise anybody, ya know. I told everybody that this gine happen to show you that the nonsense that we did in the House and the Senate last time when we passed the Constitution Amendment Act, there are no rules!” he added.

    However, Farley indicated that the Parliament makes its own rules for voting.

    Franklyn refused to sit and after being warned he was bordering on contempt, he sought leave to exit and did so when leave was granted.

  7. listen carefully

  8. Oh the ignorance mouthings of Dr. George Belle tones which are exemplary of dictators tones which have been added to the lighted spark of pushing Barbados further into the bowels of a dictatorship
    His asking for Caswell to resign is another tip of a dictatorship iceberg floating closer to the seashore

  9. Franklyn has the backing of social media
    Including B D and independents
    His comments yesterday opened up the eyes of those who have been taking a democracy for granted
    Those who belive that when laws are passed in Parliament these law are passed in good faith having country and people in mind and not borne on self interest
    Franklyn must be applauded for the position he took calling govt to accountability for not perferencing a diligence of that which is right and proper that govern and protect our special and fragile democracy

  10. The not so bad thing is that we do not have a presiding Speaker who stole withheld money from his 70 year old client at the time. A speaker who you supported. Some of you can zip your hypocritical holes.

  11. DavidOctober 21, 2021 7:58 AM

    The not so bad thing is that we do not have a presiding Speaker who stole withheld money from his 70 year old client at the time. A speaker who you supported. Some of you can zip your hypocritical holes

    David slow down your comments speak of your ignorance
    What happened in Parliament was misleading and a disgusting process far away from good governance

  12. The blogmaster congratulates President Mason on being the first President of the Republic of Barbados.

    Vive la République!

  13. Republican noisemakers
    AS THE DATE NEARS for the ending of monarchical dependency status in Barbados, a debate is emanating from some quarters demanding that more “noise” and contending voices and views be heard on the question of republicanism.
    These demands were heard specifically in a University of the West Indies-organised town hall meeting on Thursday, October 14, where there was a claim that the move to republicanism was “soulless”.
    Significantly, everyone agreed that the retention of the British monarch as the Head of state of formerly British enslaved, colonised and oppressed Barbados is odious.
    Everyone agreed that an oath of allegiance to a British monarch and her unborn and unnamed heirs and successors by democraticallyelected parliamentarians is reprehensible. Yet, no one is loudly celebrating the termination of monarchical status.
    The claims to a “soulless” republic belie a desire for more “noise” and contention over the question.
    Some demand a referendum.
    Some insist on debate on the procedure of the transition and on the selection of the President.
    Despite the coming year of constitutional debate and review, some demand more than the mere replacement of the British monarch.
    They raise political economy questions and demand the reordering of production priorities, and the creation of new patterns of class ownership and economic redistribution.
    However, despite the urgent need for post-colonial economic transformation, from a constitutional sense, the replacement of the British monarch as Head of State remains separate from these issues.
    However, it is not difficult to explain why the replacement of the British monarch may be noiseless and “soulless”. First, the British government has raised no objection, and there is no “external” quarrel over the question. Secondly, coming 200 years after the real substantive republican challenges had taken place against European monarchical systems globally, the move cannot be seen as “revolutionary” today.
    Instead, the monarchy has fallen like a leaf in autumn.
    Thirdly, none of the traditional pro-colonial forces in Barbados have mounted an open and organised challenge to the republicanism. They have grudgingly accepted political reality.
    In short, there appears to be consensus around the move. The supportive majority is silent and ready to move on. In this regard, our commentators appear to be wishing for a quarrel when there is nothing around which to quarrel. It is like a married man who comes home in the wee hours of the morning, finding his wife in a pleasant mood, and initiates a quarrel with himself.
    Perhaps, instead of associating “soul” with loud debate about the “whats” and “ifs” of republicanism, we can perhaps inject soul by celebrating the fact that four centuries of British rule over Barbados have come to an end in one sitting of a unified Parliament.
    COVID-19 protocols permitting, the Rastafari and all progressives should hold a large rally, beat African drums and sing redemption songs that Babylon has finally fallen.
    Tennyson Joseph is a political scientist at The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, specialising in regional affairs. Email tjoe2008@live.com

    Source: Nation

  14. Confusing for many is that Leader of the Opposition supported the motion to appoint Sandra Mason, his appointment in the Senate appears to have an issue with the process.

    PM, Atherley pay tribute to Dame Sandra

    BOTH PRIME MINISTER Mia Amor Mottley and Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley yesterday paid tribute to President-elect, Governor General Dame Sandra Mason.
    Dame Sandra will officially take over duties as the country’s first President after a special ceremony on Independence Day, November 30, when Barbados becomes a republic.
    “I know only too well the journey that it has taken for women to come to any position that they did not hold before,” Mottley said.
    “We have just selected a woman who is uniquely and passionately Barbadian. She does not pretend to be anything else, and reflects the values of who we are.” The Prime Minister said Dame Sandra had maintained a humility admired by Barbadians. “Barbados does not like boastful people, but we like proud people. We like confident people and industrious people. We like people who fight for the underdog” she added. Atherley made it clear that Dame Sandra had achieved excellence in her public and professional life, and was one who has worn all the trappings of her current office with “dignity, polished bearing and the requisite mix of pride and humility, and was one who both symbolises and gives substantive expression to that which we desire to be ideally Barbadian”. The Opposition Leader added that the Governor General had, by the manner of service and appreciation of office, been a unifying force in the practice of the island’s political and governance models.
    Needed focus on women
    He also said he hoped her elevation to the position would bring a needed focus on women in Barbados.
    “It cannot be that we elect a woman as our first President and not realise that a much more robust effort is imperatively and urgently needed to counter economic exploitation of our women in the workplace; sexual harassment of our young ladies in vulnerable settings, or female domestic abuse now perceived as a cultural norm and par for the course,” he said.
    Atherley suggested the setting up of a presidential commission mandated to lead in the development of a national charter for single mothers.
    He also reiterated his objection to the country moving to become a republic at this time.
    “We believe the process is wrong and that both a public education programme and the formulation of the new republic constitution should precede the country assuming republic status. We believe the timing is wrong. Not the time or period of history, but this moment, and the circumstances which preclude a fulsome celebration and nationally expressed embrace of this step. The country is both distracted and depressed at this time,” he said.
    He noted that the alternative view as to the constitutional and legal appropriateness of the approach to the change in the nation’s status ought to be better addressed and put to rest.

    Source: Nation

  15. David all the above editorials cannot and have not endorse the govt mishandling of a historic process of naming a President
    It was a Shameful exposure which now begs question to.our election process under this govt
    One can’t just sit back and not asked the questions left opened by Caswell yesterday which leaves more mistrust of leadership upon this govt

  16. When history records yesterday Repubilc process it would also mention a process which exhibit an unlawful use of a democratic process by PM Mottley and cabinet members to name a President
    Caswell name when mentioned would stand alone as questioning the process and voting his conscience

  17. BTMI appoints Jens Thraenhart as new CEO

    After an intensive global search, the Board of Directors of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. is pleased to confirm the appointment of Mr. Jens Thraenhart, as Chief Executive Officer of the island’s destination marketing agency, effective November 1st 2021. Mr. Thraenhart, a tourism veteran of 26 years, emerged as the top candidate from an initial pool of 178 candidates of qualified professionals from around the world. The list included 20 applications from Barbados and 27 from the wider Caribbean region. The search and selection process was undertaken by Profiles Caribbean Inc. and a sub-committee of the Board and industry professionals. The agency also conducted proactive outreach to regional and international industry partners of the BTMI.


  18. @Hants

    This is disappointing- that we cannot recruit a local with the skill sets.

  19. It is sad when govt can vallighant all over the regulatory rules and guidelines of a country

  20. @ David,

    It is possible that there are no Bajans who wanted the job but as I may have written on BU, how come Bajan professionals emigrate to Canada and work among the best and brightest ?

  21. @Hants

    In an effort to be transparent the government shared the number and where applicants came from? There was a leak about this matter a few weeks ago. Will have to google it.

  22. @ David

    Is Jens Thraenhart the same individual Lisa Cummins denied knowledge of his appointment after it was leaked to the press?

    These guys are steadfastly preparing their wicket for a first innings defeat.

  23. @Artax

    She clinched her language.

    Leaked document states that a Canadian-German ‘beat out shortlisted candidates for tourism agency chief’


  24. @ Artax October 21, 2021 2:59 PM

    Well said, Artax!

    The ordinary voter just cannot rely on any statement emanating from the mouths of these lying politicians.

    Lisa has started off on the wrong foot and so early in her budding electoral political career.

    Why the need to cultivate that nasty habit of blatant bold-faced lying?

    Nothing she says from hereon can be taken as reliable unless with more than the proverbial grain of political salt.

    We can only wish and hope that this new high-flying CEO comes up with a marketing slogan befitting the seemingly challenged tourism industry the bread and butter of Barbados.

  25. Seems to be a pattern, Ministers not knowing nor seeing some things related to their portfolios. More recently it was Bostic but Cummins set the standard.

  26. Did Ms.Cummins not say GOVERNMENT i.e. CABINET had not yet approved anyone? Did she deny that the gentleman existed or the BTMI memo was false? Y’all gine create a monster I hope wunna can deal with.

  27. Nothing this govt says would be respected as truth

  28. How do you know a politician is lying? Their lips are moving

  29. How can any one trust a govt who was exposed as dishonest on a historic day
    A day which should be remember as the mark hall of Barbados having a President but instead a day which exposure in the most deceitful manner clouded the day history

  30. @ Enuff October 21, 2021 3:49 PM

    The only monsters that have been created are a bunch of liars with you as the prototype.

    Who can ever forget Mr. Big-up Enuff the US billion dollar project manager working in that great metropolis called New York?

    Isn’t it passing strange that a jump-up piece of crap like you can still find time to be at every political dog and cat fight while attending every ‘ram goat bring game cock event in the political barnyard called small-ville Bubadus?

    So when are you going to concoct a story to explain the disappearance of the Hyatt scam the same way you tried to justify the two CoP deputies?

  31. Here we go again. Attack me. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  32. A wasted 30 -0 won turns out to be cast in lies deceit and dishonesty

  33. A picture speaks a thousand words. Congratulations to Barbados. Our first president is a woman. Aljazeera has taken note and has a wonderful photo of a regal looking Dame Mason eclipsing the Queen of the UK


  34. News(current)
    Loop Barbados

    4 min read
    Senator Caswell celebrating 63 years with ‘my integrity intact’
    ‘…if I see it, I will call it. That is me’

    Loop Community October 20, 2021 04:30 PM ET

    Senator Caswell Franklyn (FILE)
    Senator Caswell Franklyn (FILE)
    Senator Caswell Franklyn turned three score and three years today, on what is a monumental day in Barbados’ history, and finds himself in the hot seat.

    However, it’s not some place he’s not accustomed to.

    I personally have no difficulty with [Dame] Sandra Mason becoming the president

    Doing an interview with Loop News on his return home after taking his leave from the joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, he had no regrets.

    During the sitting to elect Governor General Dame Sandra Mason to be the first president of Barbados once this country becomes a republic, Franklyn was the lone voice of objection when the Speaker of the House His Honour Arthur Holder asked if anyone objects to her nomination.

    Franklyn’s objection saw the sitting suspended immediately and the two Houses separated to vote by secret ballot.

    To Loop, he stressed, “I personally have no difficulty with [Dame] Sandra Mason becoming the president… my problem is I cannot sit down and allow things to go on around me that is wrong and I just say nothing. That is not who I am.”

    He explained that he saw the Constitution (Amendment) Act before today and that is why he objected.

    “So that it would go to the ballot and let people see what they are doing in our names.”

    Referencing the constitution for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, he said, “You must have rules. The rules even dictate what must be on the ballot paper. Today, we had a ballot paper that only had a space for voting ‘yes’. So I asked about it. I asked, where did it come from? Which rule?”

    Turning 63 years today, a feisty Franklyn said that they tried to hush his questions and criticism, “but I’m not taking that disrespect from him or anybody else. They find themselves embarrassed in this situation and in order to seek to assuage their embarrassment, they wanna shut me up. That ain’t gine work. They should have done it right. They should have took the time to consult with the people of this country and do a proper constitution.”

    You young people need to take this country into your hands… I am not fighting for myself

    Misunderstood at many turns, Franklyn urged that contrary to popular belief he is not opposed to Barbados becoming a republic. However, he wishes we had our own constitution first. But he argued that along this current trajectory Barbados will become a republic next month under an amended British constitution. Sounding exasperated, he said, “That is the same constitution we had from 1966 with a couple amendments. So we are actually declaring our republican status under a British constitution that they gave us. That sound right to you? But that’s what they’re doing. Then sometime down the road, we will get around to drafting a constitution. But yuh gotta do it right de first time!”

    Franklyn says he just wants clear rules and he wants Bajans to know what power they have, when asked about the president nomination process in the future. “There were no rules for today and there are no rules going forward. The Act tells you who can do a nomination… In Trinidad for instance they show you the form and everything set out in the rules. We just had a letter signed by [prime minister] Mia and counter-signed by Reverend Atherley.”

    With many people putting dates under the microscope today, the Speaker of the House read his letter addressed to the President of the Senate today, before the proceedings. Laughing, Franklyn said that had to be done because Senate had not met since the announcement in the Lower House on October 12. Furthermore, he highlighted that at the last sitting of the Lower House it was said that the joint sitting will be held at Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre yet the proclamation by the Governor General that the joint sitting on October 20, 2021, will occur at the Centre in Two Mile Hill was not made until October 18, 2021. “You should not have preempted the Governor General making an order to sit at Sherbourne Centre, Lloyd Erskine Centre, but they were talking about it all over the place…and I’m not joining in their behaviour, today of all days.”

    Preparing to relax and enjoy what is left of his birthday, he added:

    “You young people need to take this country into your hands… I am not fighting for myself. I can sit down quite comfortably and take the offerings that the government has been giving me and I would be quite contented to get my salary but I chose not to. I chose to have some integrity…so if I see it, I will call it. That is me.”

    And he said as long they keep him, he will continue to be a member of The Senate.

    Asked if he has any birthday plans, Franklyn said on his cards for sure is an evening walk with Snow his dog, “when the sun goes down

  35. A scam
    A sham
    And a dictator on the loose
    Sadly Barbados elected first President had to be a witness to what Senator Caswell describe as a sham

  36. @ TLSN October 21, 2021 5:52 PM

    Maybe MAM is more clairvoyant than you think. Maybe that trip to Ghana to consult with the Bajan ancestors has been most fruitful in espying the inevitable ‘fall’ of the current British monarch.

    That rush of a move to hastily become a republic in the same month of Independence might just be the right pre-emptive move before Her Majesty finds Herself lying on Her deathbed with that not-so-bonny King Charlie 111 having to perform the duties of signing the ‘Order-in-Council’ conferring republican status on ‘little’ England a former jewel in the British Crown.

    What could be the coup de grâce of colonial apism in this whole republic pantomime would be to see if Bajans would be addressing the first presidential lady by the title “Dame”, DCMG after the 30th November 2021.

    Then we will know that they are totally incapable of severing that monarchical navel string by not being able to tell the difference between their black presidential elbow and their white monarchical arse and vice versa.

  37. Richard Sealy said it was “semantics”. And that is exactly what it was. Not lies but semantics.

    Language, folks, language!

    Thing is though, it had to come out, didn’t it?

    What did she have to gain?

  38. What we have to discuss is whether or not the man appears to be the best candidate.

    What are expected to be the deliverables? What are the goals?

    It cannot be amorphous.

  39. And before anybody jumps out at me for promoting tourism, let me state that most countries are engaged in some form of tourism and I see nothing wrong with Barbados being one of them.

    My problem is that being almost totally dependent on tourism leaves us desperate as a nation. Desperate people always find themselves holding the shitty end of the stick!

  40. Miller

    Then we will know that they are totally incapable of severing that monarchical navel string by not being able to tell the difference between their black presidential elbow and their white monarchical arse and vice versa.


    A gimmick
    No one knows nothing not even the opposition
    A Republic made up.of cart driving the horse
    Worst govt ever leadership missing

  41. Enuff October 21, 2021 3:49 PM #: “Did Ms.Cummins not say GOVERNMENT i.e. CABINET had not yet approved anyone? Did she deny that the gentleman existed or the BTMI memo was false? Y’all gine create a monster I hope wunna can deal with.”

    @ Enuff

    An article in the September 11, 2021 edition of ‘Barbados Today,’ made reference to a leaked document, purported to be a Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) Board of Directors memorandum, dated July 29, 2021, in which it was mentioned “the Interview Panel as assigned by the (BTMI) Board has unanimously agreed to recommend Mr. Jens Thraenhart as the candidate for the position of CEO” of the BTMI.

    Please note, the article SPECIFICALLY REFERRED to Thraenhart……… and not ANYONE

    In response to the media, Tourism Minister, Lisa Cummins, is alleged to have said, “So, any document in circulation CANNOT SPEAK to anyone who has been hired because Cabinet HAS NOT CONSIDERED any paper for any hiring of a CEO for the BTMI. Anything you are seeing has NOT been SEEN by me or by the Cabinet of Barbados.”

    Although what Lisa reportedly said was true, as it relates to Cabinet’s role……… by dismissing the document, she essentially DENIED Thraenhart’s appointment to the position.

    While the other ‘party supporters’ on BU usually rely on the unsubstantiated comments of other people or, as we would say in Bajan vernacular, what they ‘feel is true,’ you always present facts as the basis of your contributions.

    That, in MY opinion, is the ‘thin line’ that separates you from the average ‘yard-fowl.’ However, you often skillfully manipulate those facts…………. similarly to what Lisa has done in this situation.

    Perhaps you’re a politician.

  42. @ Miller,
    We have a lazy media in Barbados. The Aljazeera report with a photo of the Queen (Lizzie) next to the soon to be inaugurated President was priceless. The image was as much shocking as it was revealing. We are supposed to be approaching a new era in Barbados. As we say in my neck of the woods “Kiss my arse!”

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