We are not perfect. Every person on Earth tends to do evil. In recognition of this fact, we have civil and criminal laws to restrain us from doing wrong that can harm others. Our politicians have the same evil tendencies. They are restrained by our Constitution.

Every Government administration is responsible for learning from the past, to improve the lives of the governed. People can improve their circumstances through relevant education, and the opportunity to benefit from their labour.

We are not improving when our secondary schools only benefit about 20% of our students, and approximately 60% of inmates at our Prison did not finish secondary school. We are not improving when most Barbadians live in a hand-to-mouth poverty, while being among the most heavily taxed persons on Earth.


Instead of addressing these critical matters, the Government decided that we are an unproductive and psychologically damaged people, with low confidence and low self-esteem. The Government has been deceived into believing that the only reason why we are in this sorry state is because we are not a Republic.

The last BLP administration, on their sacred honour, promised the people of Barbados that they would hold a referendum to get the peoples’ consent on becoming a Republic. The current BLP administration believes that our self-esteem is too far gone to understand a referendum, so they plan to force Republicanism on us – whether we want it or not.


When we were negotiating our Independence, we were described as hard-working, competent and individually independent people, with a very proud record of self-dependence. We had a professional public service of mostly Barbadians, which was the envy of many advanced countries. We negotiated affordable loans and built infrastructure.

After 55 years of Independence, and the tragic politicization of our public services by our political leaders, they now describe us as a generally insecure, unhealthy and stupid people, who can only improve by: destroying the statue of Nelson, destroying the NIS building, destroying our Constitution, becoming a Republic, and having extreme radical activists receive reparations on our behalf.


Extreme radicals tend to have the same fatal flaw. Namely, their belief that their illusory utopia can only be achieved by destroying what exists. History shows that when extreme radicals successfully influence political power, no amount of horrific collateral damage will dissuade them off their path of destruction, and they do not tolerate dissent.

Our Constitution allows our Parliament to change most of it. But there are critical safeguards to protect Barbados from becoming a failed state. Instead of amending our Constitution to satisfy our radicals, our radicals have demanded that our Constitution be done away with, and another created – in their image alone. Based on their consistent record of successes with the current administration, they are likely to get what they want.


The Governor General is in control of our: Defence Force, Police Force, Prison, and Auditor General – because these forces and agencies should never, under any circumstances, be politicised. This is part of the people’s insurance against internal threats. In a Republic, our Governor General is supposed to give up all her executive authority, and become a ceremonial non-executive President.

In a Republic, the Prime Minister will control all the rings. I do not expect Prime Minister Mottley to abuse her new powers – I believe she cares too much. But she would have paved the way for another Prime Minister to use: the Prime Minister’s Defence Force, the Prime Minister’s Police Force, and the Prime Minister’s Prison, to our harm. Further, a politicised Auditor General is a dangerous political weapon.


To facilitate the Republican nightmare that the Forde Commission warned Barbadians about if the Prime Minister’s power is not restrained, our extreme radials are allowed to spread gross misinformation in our traditional media (newspapers, TV, and radio) unchallenged.

They tell us that there was no referendum when we became Independent. The truth is that the referendum was in the form of a general election on 3 November 1966, where the DLP campaigned on Independence. The DLP won and we became Independent later that month.

They assert that the BLP campaigned on making Barbados a Republic in their 2018 Manifesto. The truth is that they did not. Despite the fact that this assertion is easily verifiable as false, our journalists already appear too terrified of our extreme radicals to correct them.

They claim that the issue of Republicanism has been discussed for decades. Therefore, it is time to stop the discussion and just do it. This is mysterious logic. Normally, when a matter has been discussed enough, the next logical step is to measure consensus by allowing a vote on the matter.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

11 responses to “Difficult Conversations – Mysterious Logic”

  1. Take A Glance:

    1492 and Before – Amerindians in Barbados
    The first Amerindians:
    Years ago the early settlers arrived in America. These Red Indians explored America and the surrounding Caribbean islands.
    It is not known precisely when these first Amerindians discovered Barbados and settled on the island. Estimates range from 1623 BC until around 400AD. Archaeologists have been able to analyze remains of the first Amerindians in Barbados, including pottery covered in intricate designs and also some primitive forms of agriculture, to determine these dates.

    As further construction takes place in Barbados, it may be possible to find out when the Amerindians arrived.
    For some reason around 600AD, these Amerindians left Barbados. However, 200 years later, they returned – albeit this time regrouped as a tribe called the Arawaks.

    The Arawaks

    The Arawaks were very successful explorers and swept northwards amongst the islands of the Caribbean. However, despite their ability to find and colonize islands, they eventually settled in Barbados due to its coral reefs, lack of dense rain forests, fertile soil, and abundance of clay and conch shells. The coral reefs provided habitation for plenty of fish that the Arawaks could easily catch and Tyrone eat.
    The lack of rainforest and fertile soil allowed the Arawaks to grow crops; including, peanuts, squash and a variety of fruits. They grew Cassava from which they took out the poison, turned the natural juice into vinegar, and used it to
    bake Cassava cakes. These cakes were the primary food in their diet.

    The Arawaks were very successful explorers and swept northwards amongst the islands of the Caribbean. However, despite their ability to find and colonize islands, they eventually settled in Barbados due to its coral reefs, lack of dense rain forests, fertile soil, and abundance of clay and conch shells. The coral reefs provided habitation for plenty of fish that the Arawaks could easily catch and eat.

    The lack of rainforest and fertile soil allowed the Arawaks to grow crops; including, peanuts, squash and a variety of fruits. They grew Cassava from which they took out the poison, turned the natural juice into vinegar, and used it to bake Cassava cakes. These cakes were the primary food in their diet.

    Thousands of Arawaks lived on the island with a head-chief as the Governor. A group of headmen ruled over each village. They were monogamous and were only allowed, one woman.
    They were a kind and gentle people who did not have barbaric customs such as human sacrifice. They lived in peace in Barbados for hundreds of years in isolation from the rest of the world.

    The Caribs
    In 1200 AD a new type of Amerindians settled in Barbados – The Caribs. They were like the Arawaks in their appearance, but they were much more fierce and warlike, and they indulged in human sacrifice.
    Carib boys were trained to be warriors from a young age. Ordeals designed to make them strong had to be endured such as having a bird beaten to death against their young body.
    Women ate separately to the men only after the men had finished eating. When going into battle, the Carib men made scars on their faces using the sharp teeth of agoutis rodents to make themselves look terrifying.

    The Caribs were cannibals, which terrified the Arawaks. When they conquered famous enemies, they smoked the meat and ate in victory. The Caribs attacked mostly at night and killed the enemies they captured in cruel and bloodthirsty ways.
    Eventually, the peaceful Arawaks of Barbados were either killed by the Caribs, or fled to neighboring islands.
    The Caribs inhabited Barbados until the Spanish invaded in 1492. The Spanish captured the Caribs and transported them back to Spain to work as slaves.

    the Spanish had left Barbados, the English arrived. The English settlers had difficulty obtaining water and working the land. Captain Henry Powell went to the other Caribbean islands and brought back 40 Amerindian Arawaks as free men to Barbados and, with their specialized knowledge and skill, they helped the English produce crops.

    Notice de imperceptible cloud on our horizon today..

  2. There are various levels of conspiracies theories out there in the universe
    There are also professional level and amateur hour theories

    The rankings are as follows

    Level 1 Professional
    (1) CIA secrets revealed (Lockerbie, Who shot MLK, JFK, 911 was an Inside Job)
    (2) Google conspiracies (Area 51, Aliens, Arcturians, Gray Lizards)

    Level 2 Amateur Hour Level
    (3) Grenville’s / CA’s reasonings on BU
    (4) John’s mental dumb dumps on BU
    (5) GP’s End of World Bible nonsenses

  3. I agree with DF….. if the locals can be kept from eating them, Arawak’s should be brought back to shore up the agriculture sector.

  4. I read this in Barbados Today about fifteen minutes ago without knowing the author.

    As usual I had read only a few sentences before I identified the writing style of GP2. The amusement increased and my smile broadened finally erupting in helpless laughter as I found the conclusive final clue I was seeking – INSURANCE! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    By the time I read the name of the author at the bottom I was in serious trouble…..again!

    P.S. Note to self – DO NOT watch Dry Bar African-American comedians on youtube while lying down.

    DO NOT watch Donald Trump videos while lying down.

    DO NOT read BT opinion columns while lying down. Or at least sit up when you get the first inkling of the school boy style.

    Three times now I have nearly died laughing!

    I kid you not!

    Yesterday my cosmetologist said it would be a great way to die.

    But gasping and gagging like a fish out of water is only fun in retrospect.



  5. Grenville’s multiple theses analyses hypotheses theorems often raise a number of deep and pertinent questions to the simulated and stimulated mind which one of the most sensory and sensual organs of the human body.

    such as :

    (a) What is the point of Barbados Underground
    (b) What is the point of Barbados
    (c) Why does my brain hurt with a numbness

    Home Grown Bajan conspiracies theories are most definitely an extremely creative pastime and there is much less quality control and critical feedback than other places races and faces.

    It’s very reminiscent of stand up comedy at the comedy club on amateur night after many a drink down the pub before heading to a late night strip club.

  6. The political frauds in Barbados and across the Caribbean are unmasked, just as they deserve.

    Remember this gentleman from the 70s, if am not mistaken he worked in the civil service for a time as a very young man, he was a very nice person, don’t know what happened after that, but this tribute is very moving and totally deserving.


  7. Exposed how exactly? There are treatment centres and places to stay. This guy probably did not wish to use them. I recognise him from the streets of Bridgetown.

    It was a beautiful story. That girl knows how to love. Not many like her around. He was a better father than many who live with their children. He managed to convey his love to his daughter. She got the message. He leaves behind a beautiful soul who, no doubt, makes the world a better place.

    A remarkable feat!

  8. Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

    Sooner or later some changes are bound to happen over time, such as becoming a republic, legalising / decriminalising the holy herb, gay marriages etc .

    Leaders can be ahead of the times and implement these changes or behind the times and leave them for another leader down the line to make the changes instead.

  9. “Dr Duguid said 75 single units are being built on the lands originally occupied by the residents, but the quads and duplexes would be on Government property since a two-house unit cannot be erected on a single person’s land.”

    a two house unit cannot be erected on a single person’s land? Since when. It has been done many times and going back many years.

  10. @ NorthernObserver ,

    In 1970 something my best friend designed a house that comprised four three bedroom apartments.

    The T&CP law allowed this as long as the lot coverage of the structure was 40% or less.

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