The ruling Administration has reneged on its Covenant of Hope where it promised to include Barbadians in governance. Perhaps one of the most frightening examples to date is Barbados becoming a Republic without a Referendum or consultation with the people. This article will focus on the impact on General Elections.

We have all heard it so many times that it has become second nature to state “elections in Barbados are constitutionally due every five years” and since the last general election was held in 2018, it would be expected that the next General Election will be held in 2023. The latter part of the statement is now in doubt.

The admission that the Constitution will come into existence after the Republic has started was brazen. This form of oppression is subtle. It should be the other way around with the Constitution first and the Republic after so that everyone can read and understand what they are getting into.

That admission has changed everything. One does not know how long a time period that will be. Since a date has not been specified, could it be a month, six months, a year, five years? The Prime Minister’s statement was not precise and therefore it cannot be measured. Hence, regardless of political affiliation, every member of the Barbadian public must acknowledge that this is a massive red flag.

There are several requirements to getting a mortgage and once these are met, the purchaser is provided the mortgage agreement and can get legal advice on the contents before signing. It is a legally binding document by which a person agrees to the principle, interest, payments, the terms and the other conditions. If the bank provided you with a piece of paper with just the title Mortgage on it and informed you that this will be the mortgage and asked you to sign without the principle, interest, payments, the terms and the other conditions being declared in writing, would you sign that piece of paper? Added to this you are told by the bank that the actual mortgage document with the written details will be available shortly after, not even on a specific date, would you sign? No one with all their mental faculties working would sign this blank mortgage document as the bank could write after the fact whatever it wishes on the document.

In the scale of things, the Constitution of Barbados is far more significant than a mortgage. It too is a legally binding document that will not only contain the laws that govern a mortgage but every other law that defines all aspects of life in Barbados. So how can the people of Barbados be asked by the government to agree to a change in the status of the State and a new Constitution with a blank document? What will be written on this document after the fact?

Essentially that is what the government is asking the people to do, to agree to a grand show and tell and later find out about the laws that make the new Constitution. It is a buy now pay later concept that is a trap for unsuspecting buyers.

There is no guarantee that elections will be held in 2023 as this is based off the present Constitution. Without a definitive time period of when the proposed Constitution will be ratified into law no one knows when the next General Elections will be. Will the document be laid in Parliament in a month, a year, or two years from the change of status? Only heaven knows.

In addition, one cannot even assume who will be legally responsible for issuing the writ that declares when elections will be held. One does not know if changes will be made to the Electoral and Boundaries Commission, if the matter of campaign finances will be a free for all, if payments to social media influencers will become part of the law.

The action by government to change the status of the island first and the Constitution after the change in status causes one to question the legality of this process. Due process is that the laws come first. What happens in the interim, emergency law or military law?

The matter of when the next General Elections are to be held is not to be taken lightly. There has been no Referendum, no terms of reference, no draft issued on the type of Republic or the contents of the new Constitution. There are just too many unknowns and people wanting to believe what they have no evidence of.

To the electorate, why is this entire process a secret? You are not at a Fair, the Constitution of Barbados should never be part of a lucky dip where after withdrawing your hand from the box you get the surprise of your life! Now is the time to stand up and fight for your rights.

209 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – When Is the Next General Election?”

  1. @TLSN

    You are every where on the blog preaching about black enfranchisement and the urgent need to empower ourselves. Yet you show disdain now that the opportunity has presented to take the first step. Yes it is just a step.

  2. Why is it that the vaxxers seems to belive they have a God given right to tell those not vaccinated what chemicals they should allow govt to jab into their bodies
    I keep hearing vaxxers talking about other vaccines that were given during childhood
    What they seem to forget that those vaccines were fully tested before administered to overall population
    Furthermore the negative side effects which are attached to present day vaccine to stave off the virus was not heard of or obvious in the Era of polio
    Even the flu vaccine does not carry the fear by which the Covid vaccine have

  3. That’s a lot of shit you cut and pasted “Cox”

    for the record could you clarify how much you believe that shit as representative of your own shit

    on a percentage scale (which is out of 100)

    100% 50% 0% etc

    why do bajans cut and paste like they do not think for themselves and their views are formed by what others say

    big people should be able to express their own thoughts without spelling errors

  4. @ David,
    Republicanism under the BDLP will be a disaster for the masses. Both lack credibility. I believe that our parishes should become self-autonomous entities.

  5. You really don’t get the point……

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    One cannot be a boss of all bosses when there is no other boss? Godmother?

  7. more protest in st. vincent

  8. @ NorthernObserver,

    ok, Godmother or Godfather.

  9. Rubber dub dubstreet

    why do bajans cut and paste like they do not think for themselves and their views are formed by what others say

    big people should be able to express their own thoughts without spelling errors

    Answer for the same reason u expressed your thoughts without spelling errors by down loading other artist words in music to support your expression of thoughts on BU

  10. RE I keep hearing vaxxers talking about other vaccines that were given during childhood
    What they seem to forget that those vaccines were fully tested before administered to overall population
    Furthermore the negative side effects which are attached to present day vaccine to stave off the virus was not heard of or obvious in the Era of polio

    Even the flu vaccine does not carry the fear by which the Covid vaccine have


  11. No love shown for Ralph Gonsalves

    he Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Dr Ralph Gonsalves, was injured in the capital city of Kingstown earlier this evening.

    The Prime Minister attempted to make his way through an angry mob demonstrating against a proposed amendment to the Public Health Act.

    Questions have already arisen as to why the Prime Ministers’ security team would allow him to walk through the crowd of demonstrators.

    Videos obtained shows streaks of blood on one side of the Prime Ministers’ face.

    A protester was also injured earlier this afternoon when the protest for a moment turned violent; the man was taken to the hospital.

    Trade Unions on the island said the amendment to the Public Health Act would make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for specific categories of workers.

    St Vincent Sees Largest Anti-Government Protests In Years
    August 5, 2021

    A St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) online-only News Publication with a Global Perspective

    © Copyright 2021 NEWS784

  12. After the cowardly assassination attempt on the Most Honourable Caribbean Leader Ralph Everard Gonsalves, our government should be warned. I would not be surprised if our opposition is planning something similar. That is why today I stood guard briefly outside the Barbados Liberal Party headquarters to protect our government.

  13. St Vincent has been a powdered keg for weeks
    The people are sick and tired of being impoverished while the fat cats sitting at top is steep deep in luxury
    The videos coming out of St. Vincent shows the anguish and pain the people are feeling under Gonsalves
    Nothing last forever even if Gonsalves thought he was immovable

  14. “Answer for the same reason u expressed your thoughts without spelling errors by down loading other artist words in music to support your expression of thoughts on BU”

    music is deep and is my teacher

    Your cutting and pasting random people’s DLP soundbites is akin to social media trolling apps drowning out debate like russians for Trump. Is that what DLP are reduced to after getting kicked the cunt and hurting, reasoning with nonsense and spam.

    I scrolled past your shit and saw a couple of words to realise it was a load of crap, politics for children.


  16. For those wanting to know how the chaos and anarchy started to evolve in St. Vincent go on U tube and type St.Vincent
    The videos are available for all to see

    Comissiong must be hiding
    Auntie Mia no one knows where she is
    It is said she is on vacation

  17. Blah, blah, blah!


    While we concern ourselves with nonsense…….

  18. outside parliament

  19. Once there is bassa bassa this is where some of you feel comfortable.

  20. Caribbean leaders need to understand why it is that they are not trusted.

    Not in favour of the violence but Ralphie needs to answer the question – what has his excessively long tenure delivered to the people of St. Vincent?

    If the answer is – next to nothing, then why is he hanging on rather than giving new brains a chance? Is he trying to hang on until he can slip his son into the slot? Not a good look!

    Well, at least he will have something to think about tonight.

  21. DavidAugust 5, 2021 9:11 PM

    Once there is bassa bassa this is where some of you feel comfortable

    The point of comfort is being felt when the cries and anguish of people no longer flow in silence but are made known for the whole world to see

  22. Bajans love the sound of their own voice but never cease to disappoint when it comes to PROACTIVITY.

    I read the entire thread. I read the comment sections on my Instagram: @quarantineipv daily.

    It’s so easy to get caught up in the PLAYGROUND-ish reasoning styles presented by the most highly educated and respected as well as the blind, dumb and deaf that form their own lil “elite” groups in contrast to the Black (and White) Barbadian Establishment…

    Bajans are fascinated by the idea of RULERSHIP and they attract narcissistic exploitation because of their open mindedness to it. And you know what comes after Bajans give their power away, the VICTIM MINDSET. Woe is me. I voted for leaders and rules that I now hate. And the questions to the OPPRESSOR begin pouring out all in the wrong places and for all the misguided reasons.

    Who taught you to hate yourselves? Or better yet, WHAT KIND OF MIRROR IMAGE DO YOU HAVE OF YOURSELVES?

    Opportunism begets opportunists. You manifested Mia and all the other selfish and abusive leaders who offer you more of the same ole same SILENT TREATMENT than all the promises of “SWEETS & MONEY” that you allow yourselves to be silenced by …from childhood sufferings til now.

    But let me say less of what I’ve said for the past 7+ years, … I have even had a blog post from my WordPress platform shared here by David ….and some of what I’ve also detailed in my HUMAN RIGHTS case against the government of Barbados…. let me say less of all that.

    Simply put, BREAK THE CYCLE. …stop this whole intellectualized paranoia which parades as some form of HOLIER THAN THOU “mek it mek sense -ness” and

    If politicians have failed, if government have failed, if vocalizations have failed, if silence has failed, if TIME has failed, and if all hope is almost gone…

    Have you all got nothing left?
    And nothing left to give?

    Focus Barbados
    Protect the Children

  23. Woke up this morning to hear that Tron was guarding the Barbados Liberal Party headquarters! He is a genuine court jester. There are only two questions to ask: will we see similar protests in Barbados and will Mia ban the use of the drum? I now understand why the British banned the use of the drum amongst their slaves. It is a powerful, revolutionary and a rallying instrument.

    Covid-19 has put our Caribbean leaders under intense spotlight. It is inevitable that the bad ones will fall by the wayside.

  24. .”………….the Prime Minister is reported to have said “no lawless mob will prevent him from doing the people’s business in the seat of our democracy”.

  25. t Vincent and the Grenadines leader hit during anti-vaccine mandate protest
    3 hours ago
    Ralph Gonsalves, his shirt covered in blood, is evacuated after being hit in the head by a stone
    The prime minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines has been hospitalised after being injured at a protest against a proposed vaccine mandate.

    Ralph Gonsalves was walking through a crowd outside parliament when he was reportedly hit in the head by a stone.

    Images show the prime minister bleeding as he was rushed away from the scene.

    The finance minister said he had been transferred to Barbados for an MRI scan on the advice of medical staff, Reuters news agency reports.

    Protesters had gathered on Thursday to demonstrate against plans to require most frontline health workers to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

    Stones and water bottles were thrown at the protest, according to reports.

    His office told Reuters the 74-year-old was hit by a “projectile”. Local media suggest it was a stone.

    St Vincent and the Grenadines, which lies in the south Caribbean, is made up of more than 32 islands.

    The country has recorded 2,298 coronavirus cases and 12 deaths since the pandemic began, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. Almost 9% of the population has been fully vaccinated, the university says.

    Its tourism industry has been badly impacted by the pandemic, and thousands of people were forced to leave their homes following a volcanic eruption in April.

    Source BBC news

  26. Violence should not be condone
    However when one think of the many years of suffering citizens had endured by powerful leaders who hold on to.power and there is no real significant signs of progress that impacts the lives of the people
    It makes for many asking of questions when explosive actions are taken by the people
    The people become sick and tired of being sick and tired
    No man is and island and holding on to power while the majority suffers deserves answers
    Btw Barbados is schedule for a March on Saturday

  27. Gonsalves walks amongst the people outside Parliament
    and the rest is history

  28. Why not post 25 comments to say the same thing. Some of you have no conscience, no sense of when enough is enough.

  29. Cox has exposed the Truth
    that DLP are raising petty objections for the hell of it
    and don’t really and truly give a damn about republic or vaccinations
    they just want to start protests to instigate riots and have blood run red in the streets
    but bajan baldheads aren’t the same way inclined to tear shit up as jamaican dreads

  30. DLP have got what they truly deserve
    a big fat nothing

  31. No surprises from Hoad.

    Parpissipatory democracy?

    “If we cannot get consensus . . . the Government will govern!” Surely the most chilling words I’ve heard from a Barbados Prime Minister, knocking “like it or lump it” off the medals podium. And I hope I’ve quoted them right. BLP approvist Ezra Alleyne gives a more watered-down version “we will not fail to govern”.
    But why are they chilling words? The Prime Minister of Barbados, it has been said, has more power than the president of the United States.
    “The Prime Minister of Barbados can do anything”, someone once put it, “except turn a man into a woman, and maybe even that”. This was under the monarchial system where we felt, rightly or wrongly, that, in times of dire emergency, we had someone to call on for assistance.
    I have serious reservations about a republic. It came from the Latin “res publica”, (“the public thing”) which people took to mean “public affairs”. In reality, however, the public thing often soon came to mean the public sex organ as dictators had their way with their nation’s people. No wonder so many republic leaders have been removed in coups or assassinated – even the United States had two presidents shot dead, another shot but survived.
    We have come to where we are as a monarchy. Why change now? And if there is some groundswell of public opinion in favour of changing this, why is the Government afraid to get consensus in a referendum? Owen Arthur started the process, but backed out. Why is this Government ramming it down our throats? Why the indecent haste and lack of consultation? Whither parpissitatory democracy?
    Monarchy has dignity and majesty.
    Shaka, king of the Zulus; King Jaja of Opobo; King Suki King. We have a king and queen of the crop; a calypso king; even a Queen Bee. Why can’t we have a king or queen of Barbados to whom Trevor Anthony Prescod can swear allegiance with a clear conscience? Is it that he could swear allegiance to a white Queen all up in England but not to a black king or queen of Barbados?
    According to Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, had the 1816 rebellion succeeded, Barbados would’ve had a black king.
    Don’t we owe it to Bussa to make his dream come true?
    Emancipation should be a time for reflection, as Santia has said. Are our young people free when that cord from their smartphone to their earhole holds them just as certainly as did shackles? So that the “developed” world can brainwash them with its culture like members of some cult?
    Is there anything remotely Barbadian in “sagging”, wearing your pants under your behind to show your
    brand-name underwear or imitate prisoners in America? Barbadians got where they are by supreme self-sacrifice, self-dependency and making our meagre resources suffice. Playing catch-up with the developed world will get us nowhere as the goalposts keep moving. By the way, tell letter writer Rudy Brome the Falklands angle wasn’t mine; it came from Wild Coot’s column.
    And Richard Hoad has NEVER supported us having a foreign head of state, so don’t imply it.
    Now to some vaccine talk for, trust me, the doctors are failing to convince.
    Shouts about “anti-vaccs” and conspiracy theories are ringing hollow. We want questions answered: like, why was this virus allowed to leave China and spread to every corner of the earth?
    Why won’t China allow further investigation into the Wuhan lab? Is it true, as Adrian Green quoted, that one of the big pappies at the Oxford-whatever vaccinery said they have secured immunity from legal prosecution because they don’t know what it will do to people four years down the road?
    A friend advised me to take the vaccine but to be careful after. His elderly relative had her second dose in May. She came down with ailments linked to the vaccine “stressing her immune system” (so say the doctors) and “it was really rough for a few critical days but she responded well to treatment. Some pain still lingers”. Why aren’t they mentioning this?
    While the Government governs.
    Richard Hoad is a farmer and social commentator. Email porkhoad@gmail. com.

    Source: Nation

  32. Many republic questions

    With Government’s proposed move to make Barbados a republic, political scientist Devaron Bruce says there are too many unanswered questions surrounding the process.
    He said there was a need to educate the public about what would be involved.
    “Where are the town halls? Where’re the lives?
    Where is the rubbing shoulders as we were told on this very important issue? Those are some of the fundamentals we have to begin to think about,” he said on Sunday evening at a discussion titled No Referendum!
    No Republic. We The People Demand To Be Consulted, at the Democratic Labour Party’s (DLP) George Street, St Michael headquarters.
    The University of the West Indies (UWI) lecturer said good governance dictated that the people must be consulted first and asked what was the position of the academia, trade unions, private sector and civil society, and whether consultations were held with other countries such as Trinidad and Dominica who had gone this route.
    “We need not to head so far in this direction so quickly because there are so many unanswered questions . . . about the republic. It’s not that we’re objecting to the republic but there’s so much that we do not know.
    “And what are some of these questions?
    For instance, what is the criteria for determining the non-executive president? Are we going to head in the direction where essentially a political person, a heavily partisan political person, can be elected as a president, or are we going to go in the opposite direction?
    “Is it a possibility that a former member of the House of Assembly, for instance, can be a president? Are there limitations in that?
    What are the limitations regarding the citizenship of the president?
    “We’ve seen the Government change the Constitution to allow certain persons in the Senate, for instance.
    Are these things going to happen again?
    What will be the residency, for instance, of this president?”
    Bruce said one of the more fundamental questions had to be about the powers of the president. “And this is a very interesting one because when you do political change it has to be solving a problem. Right now we have a Governor General in Barbados, we know the general responsibilities of the Governor General: the appointments in the Senate, the appointments of the Prime Minister, proclaiming bills, dissolving Parliament.
    “The Governor General has been effective, and Governors General in Barbados have been effective in doing this thus far, so what problems are we solving with a nonexecutive president?” (GBM)

    Source: Nation

  33. DavidAugust 6, 2021 5:48 AM

    Why not post 25 comments to say the same thing. Some of you have no conscience, no sense of when enough is enough


    Truth matters
    Truth has no endings
    No reason for u to be irritated so early in the morning 🙂🙂🙂
    The Ralph Gonsalves story is being placed in the international headlines of media sources
    What are u afraid of

    Btw I posted the Republic story carried in BT and for whatever reason I did not show up
    Nevertheless u went ahead and posted it
    Have a bless day
    Let freedom ring

  34. “The Ralph Gonsalves story is being placed in the international headlines of media sources
    What are u afraid of”

    when you read between the lines the international media is saying black (negroes) are (still) stupid and unruly
    as international media is pushing for vaccination jabs
    with more stories about blocking unvaccinated

  35. Further comments about Gonsalves will be deleted.

  36. Unbridled Truth by an means necessary is what people are asking
    Mia rode into office prancing and dancing beating to the beat of a drum while all in unison sang the Transparency Chorus
    Now two months before Barbados becomes a Republic the truth is being told
    Mia manipulation of the Republic began a couple months ago with her heralding the date and time period when Barbados becomes a Republic the truth is being clouded in doubt and stinging revelations
    Mia ought to be ashamed of self

  37. David August 6, 2021 7:30 AM

    Further comments about Gonsalves will be deleted
    U ought to Bea ashamed
    On this social media platforms Trump name is ridicule daily now the chickens in SvG have come home to roost u tossing a coin
    Get real the People in SvG are seeking justice from the high and mighty leader RG

  38. Anti Stupidity Avatar

    @555dubstreet, your defense of the ugly is why de ass de country in a mess. All ah wunna political operatives should be tried for treason. The only interest persons of your ilk serve is to be continually yardfowls for your political vampires. Once wunna get crumbs and feed from the trough of the taxpayers wunna don’t care one RH.

  39. @Anti-Stupidity

    Negro (=black) please

    we see you Hal Cocks

  40. “@555dubstreet, your defense of the ugly”

    @ Negro (=black)

    For the record I was not defending Hal or DLP
    they ugly
    you well ugly
    you born ugly
    you are so ugly inside and outside
    god don’t like ugly people
    ugly people are not blessed

  41. The only ugly here is the SvG leader that the people are tired of
    David your dirty slip is showing
    This story exposes your hypocrisy
    Whose side are u on
    You can’t have it both ways
    The voice of the people in SV speaks volumes and send shock waves across the international media
    The leader has been found guilty and being condemn

  42. “The Republic of Barbados : Sink or Swim” Movie is coming to a theatre near you in December 2021

    There is a common stereotype that Blacks cannot swim (based on principle of sombunall = some but not all)
    So going independent must be their worst nightmare of going to the Top Diving Board and doing a belly flop in front of everyone
    It is much safer to remain a footstool to Great Britain aka United Queendom at least footstools provide a useful service for others comfort and know their place in the pecking order and do not go above their designated station in life

  43. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ a Angela cox
    Nothing to rejoice at here. This is one Caribbean Nation and a blot on one is a blot on all. In my opinion Comrade Gonsalves and many more are failures but acts of violence against our leaders must not be condoned.
    Be careful ………….

  44. William SkinnerAugust 6, 2021 9:22 AM

    @ a Angela cox
    Nothing to rejoice at here. This is one Caribbean Nation and a blot on one is a blot on all. In my opinion Comrade Gonsalves and many more are failures but acts of violence against our leaders must not be condoned.
    Be careful ………….


    That is why I endorse Maicolm X teachings

    Also please take note of this earlier comment which I posted before u condemn me

    angela coxAugust 6, 2021 5:19 AM

    Violence should not be condone
    However when one think of the many years of suffering citizens had endured by powerful leaders who hold on to.power and there is no real significant signs of progress that impacts the lives of the people
    It makes for many asking of questions when explosive actions are taken by the people
    The people become sick and tired of being sick and tired
    No man is and island and holding on to power while the majority suffers deserves answers

  45. I don’t see my comment David, …where is it?

  46. I have no sympathy for dictators who wrapped themselves in democracy all the while keeping their people in a state of servitude
    Whilst taking to political platforms and endorsing communist doctrines
    At some point and time the chickens would come home tonroost

  47. @Focus

    It went to spam.

  48. @Tron

    “That is why today I stood guard briefly outside the Barbados Liberal Party headquarters to protect our government.”

    What you armed with, a wilted over ripe banana pistol firing tainted coconut water. Better be careful the soon to be enthroned PRESIDENT FOR LIFE may take offense and have you lashed with a wet noodle.

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