The politics practised in Barbados is based on the adversarial system borrowed from the colonial master. There is the opposite more consensus (constructive) type of politics but such as approach seems esoteric and anathema to who we have been educated to be. 

The first past the post system gives the victor the spoils and leaves no room for political parties to meaningfully collaborate on issues of national importance. To observers a key differentiator between political parties in the adversarial system is the ability to generate criticism even when it is not warranted. The result is a torrent of vacuous commentary useless to adding value to what is required.

There is a thin line to observe when critiquing the ability of a people in a well functioning democracy the right to dissent that has oversight for the collective. The challenge will always be the ability of the national leadership to contribute to an ethos that encourages cognitive reasoning.

We enter a period of transition to a Republican style system to signal to our people we must be craftsmen of our fate to continually search for ways to unshackle our minds from mental slavery. Whether in thought words, deeds and use of symbols educating our people that indigenous and original thinking must define and give vent to who we are as Barbadians must be prioritized. This critique must extend to the system of politics influencing how we govern.

In simple analogy, if there is a tumour in the body the best chance of survival is to remove it. If we survey the social and economic landscape of Barbados it is honest to surmise that there has been an alarming degradation of systems and quality of life for Barbadians; there is an inertia that breaths life to the cliche we suffer from implementation deficit, a casual acceptance that indiscipline in our people is reflected in wanton lawlessness; crime, disrespect for the environment and so on. To the detractors, quality of life is based on the criteria of the human development index.

To fundamentally change anything one must effect changes at the root cause. The governance system has relaxed to the point people participation is only required when the political class calls an election. Placing an X on a ballot is just one means of citizen participation in a healthy democracy. We have to modify the current system of governance to encourage every day citizen participation. We must be able to leverage from the majority of what is deposited in the national knowledge pool. The culture of secrecy by central government and the public service, a legacy of our colonial past has to change.

Nearly 50 years our elected officials (DLP and BLP) have avoided enacting and operationalizing transparency legislation. Talking heads from both political parties and members of the political class present ‘compelling’ reasons why the legislation and supporting activity has not been implemented AND we supinely accept it. Who should be blamed for the current state of affairs? The politicians mirror YOU, YOU, YOU. We were raised in the same neighbourhoods, attended the same schools, hangout in the same bars and restaurants, marry into families. Politicians are not aliens, they are born from the same environment we are part. For there to be meaningful change YOU, YOU and YOU must lead the CHANGE.

You, You and You must become more involved in the running of the country. Demand more from our leadership via the channels available, protest action and other forms of civil disobedience. Disengagement is not a sensible option.

208 responses to “BLP and DLP Cancer of Adversarial Politics”

  1. Worth repeating

    “There is no one more ferocious ( than you ) to a point of bullying that reacts to every word said by different views.

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Miller…the backward honorable Slaves…missed the boat, they were too busy violating Black rights, the Rasta Community’s rights and everything just went right over their heads, that’s all the sleazy vote beggars know,

    that’s the only thing makes them feel good about themselves, violate Black rights and terrorize the Rasta Community , …they had multiple warnings….that this a a new beginning, but they were not expected to see, too arrogant and uppity after BEGGING BLACK PEOPLE FOR THEIR VOTES..

    they told themselves that they would NEVER PAY….but did not even know that their reckoning was in their faces…. the fake pedigree were warned.

  3. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Good news if yuh bought some stocks
    Cause marijuana stocks have being plummetting”

    DBLP missed that boat on all fronts….Mia won’t listen.

    If ya have land mass….it’s a win win…

  4. Just like how “You are a semi-literate, appallingly ignorant, politically motivated buffoon who cannot spell or write a proper, coherent sentence,” is worth repeating.

    Uh know dah gine hurt yuh….. yuh DLP yard-fowl.

  5. @ 555dubstreet,
    You should stick to spinning the 45’ you risk upsetting too many people with your style of “reasoning”.

    @ Waru
    What you refer to as a “farce for a slogan” is a beautifully produced super glossy advertisement. The only problem I have with it, is its cost and whether it may have to be shelved due to the fact that tourists will not be returning to the island for a very long period. Which left me to ask the question ” why bother they produced the advertisement in the first place?

  6. hers is another tune which may or may not be related to the topic in hand and may or not make vibrations of sound inside your body to move your body

  7. Sweet talk.

  8. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Bajans were WARNED FOR YEARS to grow their own food.

    Miller…the wicked employers cut the employee’s hours so they don’t have to pay the minimum wage and supermarkets simultaneiously raised their prices..

    FOOD TAKES WEEKS to grow, some take months, but if you grow your own food, chickens, sheep and goat and chop off the hands of the minorities who TIEFING SHEEP. so Black people can’t feed their children……ya will SHUT DOWN THE SUPERMARKETS because no one will need to buy anything from them, barter and SELL ONLY TO EACH OTHER…..and the people’s health will improve…

    one high priced supermarket was in the papers just last week boasting how much they made in profits..

    time to organize ya gardens and grow your own meat and shut them down….time to get them off the island……permanently…they all need chasing off…don’t let them hold the population hostage with their greed…

  9. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “why bother they produced the advertisement in the first place?

    when ya live on la la land island, ya do stupid shit, especially when it’s taxpayers and not ya own money ya wasting…😂🤣

  10. The blogmaster had unrealistic expectations it seems that this particular blog would have teased comments about how we can tweak the governance system to arrest some of the dysfunction we are seeing manifested in our day to day. Unfortunately too many of us are happy to focus on listing the problems and can be listed as nauseum.

  11. Two and half hours into the blp.mass meeting a total of three hundred watching
    Well I guess the people tired of the koolaid

  12. Recently the Barbados govt rolled out a commercial on behalf of the Barbados tourist industry
    Touted the commercial with highest applause toppings extras and all
    Lo and behold across social media are pictures of identical commercial wordings
    The goose got out of the bag too soon and running wild all over social media with comments likeWTF

  13. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    No one has the time to give know it all idiots ideas so they can twist it into their own version of selloutism to benefit themselves, criminal minorities, AND NOT THE PEOPLE it is meant to benefit….

    PLT learned his lesson the hard way….some people never learn..

    sure won’t get not even half of one idea from me..

  14. 😁 perhaps the wicket is taking pace and you are bringing on spin and long hop bowlers 😃🤣😂
    Keep up the good work
    Wishing all of you have a great night.
    Stay safe.

  15. “The blogmaster had unrealistic expectations it seems that this particular blog would have teased comments about how we can tweak the governance system to arrest some of the dysfunction we are seeing manifested in our day to day”

    dysfunction is the key word here that needs time to dwell and meditate on for the message to sink in deeper
    Lot’s of people has some mental health issue imbalances from some form of trauma and shit
    Perhaps David has a form of intelligent autism and thinks differently to others looking at and analysing finer details of what people are saying and implications of their thoughts or has become mentally brain damaged from reading them. I wonder what brain tissues look like when you chop someones head open with an axe (just joking)

  16. To say the least if images or words copied without owners consent a legal battle can errupt on copyright infringement
    Makes for wonder who is giving govt legal advice
    First the coral reefs which will cost govt millions
    Now govt might have step too far over the crease very close to copyright infringement

  17. @WURA-War-on-U May 23, 2021 7:36 PM
    “PLT learned his lesson the hard way….some people never learn.”
    On the contrary, PLT used the system to get exactly what he wanted… hundreds of millions of US dollars into the Barbadian economy over the next few years. I did learn lessons because I love to learn lessons but gift wrapping my idea and giving it to the Government has been the most spectacularly successful thing that I have ever done (and this includes raising several million dollars for Barbadian nonprofit agencies over the past 4 years).

    I hope I get the chance to instigate something else at least half as important as the Welcome Stamp to Barbados again before I die.

  18. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    As long as it will benefit the majority population who is in dire need and not the sellouts or the greedy, then it will be deemed a success.

  19. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    There are indeed several ways that the population can be advanced, i have a few things going on as well…so are others.

  20. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Angela Cox…so whose slogan they tief….not a fella will be surprised to hear they did.

  21. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Don’t think Blogmaster understands yet, that if we really want to advance the cause of the majority population, we can do so without involving any of the usual culprits WHO WILL SABOTAGE any efforts..

    ….this is a new age, with new mindsets and new ways of doing things….these days ya don’t even have to leave ya bed or house to do anything.

  22. “I hope I get the chance to instigate something else at least half as important as the Welcome Stamp to Barbados again before I die.”

    If you can figure out time travel then you can go forward to the future and back to the past and solve Barbados’ issues

    as Thomas Eddison said he never failed he just found 10,000 ways how not to something

    there is the seed within all men that can grow into something truly amazing

  23. WURA-War-on-UMay 23, 2021 8:54 PM

    Angela Cox…so whose slogan they tief….not a fella will be surprised to hear they did

  24. WURA-War-on-UMay 23, 2021 7:04 PM

    The supermarkets also need competition. All it takes is for someone to set up a company on the stock market, float shares, to get the capital.

    However, the core people who set it up must be respected, as people will not invest with those considered suspect.

    This would be a good investment for the Credit Unions, if they owned the majority of shares, say 25%. The supermarkets have proven the profitability.

    The advantage for the newcomer would be cutting the fat at the beginning, importing necessities and not items that are expensive and irrelevant for the locals.

    Actually, if the core directors and management are made up of credit union bosses, that should give confidence.

    One offshoot advantage is that the profits will accrue to the Barbados workers who save via credit unions. Another offshoot advantage is that the profits remain in Barbados.

    Right now, worker earnings are being exported via profits.

    It is possible, it is logical, but will they do it?

    There I have given another valid idea, no charge. Told myself I would stop doing it. But, there you go.

    Bet the expensive consultants cannot do that.

  25. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “The advantage for the newcomer would be cutting the fat at the beginning, importing necessities and not items that are expensive and irrelevant for the locals.”

    you are right, the who is important, most of them have no credibility and are not respected, they spent too many decades price gouging, i would shut them all down, let them leave, if no one is buying they have to shut shop, they are acting as thought the majority population on whom they depend to keep their doors open can’t shut them down, all it takes is determination…They are just as disrespectful as the parliament squatters.

    “It is possible, it is logical, but will they do it?”

    they are jokers, and the credit unions need to do more to promote Black business ownership….the majority should be in full control of the business environment and the economy they fund…by 99% and it could happen as long as the population WITHHOLD their spending from minorities permanently.

    .right now all you get is empty talk from the parliament and their disrespect to the population who put them there and you can feel that they have no intention of making any viable changes….they are just as backward today as they have been for the past 4 decades.

    we can gauge that by the fact that they stubbornly refuse to lift a finger to fix any of the INJUSTICE toward the Black population coming from the supreme court….. a country is JUDGED by the functioning of the judiciary, if it does not function, neither can the country…..even that they are too stupid to know and most of them are lawyers…and it’s proven that they cannot function adequately because of a corrupt court system, the main reason the island is sinking to such depths so rapidly..

    look how the marijuana went sideways on them because they tried to weaponize it against the same people they will be BEGGING for votes in 2023…and all it took to sink them was Africa kicking off their trade..

    You can choose people by groups to give your ideas to, it would be more beneficial, easy to connect via social media et al…..everything the government touches they take and twist into something ugly and corrupt that is of no benefit to those who elect them….it’s never their intent to advance the Black population, never.

  26. After two and half years of blp governance led by PM Mottley
    She takes to the stage and ushered in a brand New Governance underscored by NEW Deals
    What does all that mean for those unemployed and the most vulnerable along with the rise in crime
    I guess we will once again have to wait and see

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Northern…that is my good deed for the day, letting them know that they are the ONLY LAWYERS AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS IN THE WORLD…who don’t know that if the judiciary is CORRUPT and only dispenses INJUSTICE to the majority population….the country will NEVER FUNCTION again, everything will remain subpar and substandard…

    happened in many other countries before and they had no choice but to clean up their judiciaries REAL FAST….but these can stay stubborn, many people love seeing them sink to SAME levels where they keep their people.

    the rest is up to them, they are the ones headed for the BOTTOM at WARP SPEED….and many are happy to see it, those are the people whose rights they refuse to STOP VIOLATE….many are saying, let them SINK, they deserve no less for their nasty, classless, disrespectful ways to the Black population.

  28. If Barbados is truly a system of adversarial politics does that mean all DLP cockroaches have been exterminated in the house

  29. To : Whom it May Concern

    Re: “Your comment is awaiting moderation” Pingback was received at 6:14 AM

    How can BD politics be adversarial when one party is doing a solo.

  30. Who is the Ad Agency? Should be fired!

    Myers: Internal review of new tourism theme
    THE NEW THEME of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) which was launched to the world last week is now under more scrutiny.
    BTMI chairman Roseanne Myers told the DAILY NATION yesterday that certain information had come to their attention since the launch of the country’s new Little Island, Big Barbados
    theme, indicating it was a virtual carbon copy to that of a number of other tourist-island destinations across the world and inclusive of the Eastern Caribbean.
    “I have seen this and am doing an internal review so we can get the full details and history to be able to respond. An internal discussion has commenced, and further comment will be made thereafter,” Myers said, after a collage of pictures displaying the many other destinations using the Little Island theme started making the rounds on social media.
    BTMI relaunched Barbados’ tourism brand to the world online on May 14, unveiling the new brand theme Little Island, Big Barbados. It was touted to be Barbados’ main tourism push for this country’s summer and winter seasons, as Barbados seeks a resurgence from the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The event was witnessed by partners from all sectors of Barbados’ tourism industry, representatives of related Government ministries and private sector agencies, and was also followed by an international audience including several people involved in the travel trade.
    Yesterday, it was trending on social media that islands such as Jamaica, and St Vincent and the Grenadines’ Bequia, had also used a similar theme to push their tourism brand in recent times. In addition, international jurisdictions such as Slovakia, Jersey, Malta and Micronesia used the theme to market their product.
    Last week, Minister of Tourism Senator Lisa Cummins defended the new theme, saying it “translates to a series of tag lines that’s brand drivers”.
    In an interview in the media, she said: “Little island translates into so many things. So whatever we need to focus our attention on, because the tourism sector is so vast with so many niche segments within it, we are able to lead with the brand driver and ‘little island’, whatever the rest of it is.”
    However, critics expressed disappointment with the slogan, complaining it did not have the kind of appeal necessary at a time when Barbados needed to firmly reposition itself in the international tourism arena, where competition is fierce as destinations jostle to recapture markets lost as a result of the pandemic.

    Source: Nation

  31. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    We have to call it as it is. The managerial class does not want to change anything and this keeps the powerful minority corporate interest in full control. We are educating people to work for others . So, you get your MBA and you want a “ big”house; two or three luxurious cars and the salary to go with it. Your mind is far from fighting banks or taking the credit Union to a more progressive level.
    The problem we must confront is whether we want to remain in debt rather than in building wealth .
    Unfortunately for us we now have to add the failure of the black political managerial class to transform the economy since independence. They are driving the same colonial/ slave economy because they benefit tremendously from the persistent poverty. They are allowed to divide the scraps and they take the best of whatever is left over for themselves.
    Until the country is either rid of these two parties (BLPDLP) or one of them has a radical rebirth or reincarnation , there is little hope for change.
    You note that they create problems and then pretend they are blaming each other. Crime , the economy, the environment it’s the same old blame game. The pure bred Duopoly political apologists on BU are perfect examples .
    We are being screwed all day and night . Then we have skillfully placed propaganda by their operatives pretending that they are bringing “ issues” to be discussed trying to flash out people . It’s a very diabolical game they are playing and as Gabby warned : “ One day coming soon , de people will rise up……
    That day is fast approaching and the frauds and their lackeys will be slaughtered . It will not be pretty. The Ak47s aren’t already here. . This is serious business and you have been warning them . They think that a tee shirt , some free drinks and a few hundred dollar bills will forever save them from destruction. They are wrong. Fire gine bun them.
    Quite frankly the war has already started and the collateral damage is already on the front pages.

  32. Worth repeating

    angela coxMay 23, 2021 7:53 PM

    To say the least if images or words copied without owners consent a legal battle can errupt on copyright infringement
    Makes for wonder who is giving govt legal advice
    First the coral reefs which will cost govt millions
    Now govt might have step too far over the crease very close to copyright infringement

  33. so frigging embarrassing
    So many lawyers
    So many consultants
    Yet issues of this nature that can lead to legal battles between the govt of Barbados and owners to copy rights must first hit social media platforms placing govt under embarrassing circumstances
    Wouldn’t not be surprised if the owners quickly sent legal information to govt
    Hence govt quick response
    Every one knows or has read about copy right infringement
    Can’t imagine this govt to be so clueless
    But then again would not be the first time govt have tread on legal ground for their own purpose

  34. Who are the owners of the copy rights?

    With so many different places using it do you really think someone has the copy rights?

  35. “So frigging embarrassing. So many lawyers. So many consultants. Yet issues of this nature that can lead to legal battles between the govt of Barbados and owners to copy rights must first hit social media platforms placing govt under embarrassing circumstances.”

    Please explain to BU how “so many lawyers” and “so many consultants” become applicable to a situation where the BTMI hired an advertising agency to develop an ad with a theme songs, which was subsequently discovered to be “a virtual carbon copy to that of a number of other tourist-island destinations across the world and inclusive of the Eastern Caribbean?”

    You’re behaving as though the “many lawyers and many consultants” work at the ad agency or were responsible for creating the ad.

    Please explain how does a ‘government’ becomes “so clueless” under the circumstances?

  36. It is called intellectual property and can only be used if asked permission by owners
    The question to be asked why was govt not guided by a legal frame work before using the commercial

  37. Do you understand how these things work? The government has a Ad Agency that would have presented the concept to the tourism officials, the job by the agency would have been to ensure the concept is valid.

  38. Artx there are two words to describe u
    Internet Stalker and bully
    Also i have come to the conclusion that you might have some form mental illness which makes u overly obsessive and compulsive to respond to my”silly” comments
    With certainty your compulsive obsession towards my comments gives thought that u might be in need of Psychological help
    Bro get a grip life too short
    This would be my last response to u on BU
    I regard my safety as of more importance

  39. “…………….. part of the job of the agency would have been to ensure the concept is valid.”

    @ David


  40. David not surprise on your defense to attack
    Rather than place the blame where it should be
    The ad agency is paid by govt
    Lisa Cummins job is to do diligence
    Not only to jump out into the PR spotlight

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “The managerial class does not want to change anything and this keeps the powerful minority corporate interest in full control.”

    pushing the white agenda of a perpetual Slave society, don’t expect less from the honorable Slaves.

    “The problem we must confront is whether we want to remain in debt rather than in building wealth .”

    they don’t want the majority to build wealth or become empowered, they only see miseducated Slaves as their salvation…and the answer to keeping criminal minorities on top as first class citizens TIEFING everything from the people.

    “Unfortunately for us we now have to add the failure of the black political managerial class to transform the economy since independence. They are driving the same colonial/ slave economy because they benefit tremendously from the persistent poverty. They are allowed to divide the scraps and they take the best of whatever is left over for themselves.
    Until the country is either rid of these two parties (BLPDLP).”

    That’s the only and FINAL SOLUTION…the people who fund the country HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL of their interests….

    am sure they are seeing the news out of Suriname and the people TAKING CONTROL OF THEIR COUNTRY from that indian FRAUD they made the mistake of electing……but am sure they will hide that information and won’t want the public to hear that people have more power than they know…….and forbid the two-bit media in Barbados from publishing….but that’s the only control they have over them….no one else.

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William…they are going to get EXACTLY what they deserve, what is coming at them like a freight train…that they can’t see….with their fraudulent intent to show the world that they are the best at violating Black rights and maintaining a world class slave society with Black people’s money with them as the slaves…you have no clue how many people are raging in anger at these evil sellouts…both on and off island.

    And as that one TEETS he better watch how he is talking and pretending he don’t know that many people know about his doings in certain things….outside of the robbery of estates from the elderly and their beneficiaries..

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    They outplayed, out maneuvered and out violated themselves, for all of 54 YEARS…and told themselves it would last forever….they are a menace to any society with a Black/African majority….

  44. @ angela cox May 24, 2021 8:39 AM

    RE: “Internet Stalker and bully.”

    You took the time to respond, even when I don’t make any specific reference to you. I guess that makes you an ‘internet stalker and bully” as well.

    RE: “Also i have come to the conclusion that you might have some form mental illness which makes u overly obsessive and compulsive to respond to my ”silly” comments. With certainty your compulsive obsession towards my comments gives thought that u might be in need of Psychological help.”

    Straight out of the pretend limey prig’s ‘play book.’ Perhaps he was the one who guided your comments. Anyhow, I’m sure YOU ARE NOT the author of the above comments. You’re a semi-literate buffoon who cannot think for yourself, spell or write a coherent sentence.

    However, it isn’t a matter of having a “compulsive obsession towards (your) comments.” If you believe SUCCESSFULLY EXPOSING your IGNORANCE and PROVING you’re an IDIOTIC political yard-fowl EVERY TIME you post your biased, irrational, political diatribe that is devoid of reasonable thought to BU means I “might be in need of Psychological help,” then so be it, my friend.

    RE: “Bro get a grip life too short.”

    It’s YOU who needs to “get a grip” and remember “life is too short,” rather than making a JACKASS of yourself for a political party and always embarrassing yourself in the process.

    RE: “This would be my last response to u on BU.”

    So what, WHO CARES? This certainly WON’T be my last response to you.

    RE: “I regard my safety as of more importance. Scary.”

    There you go……. PROVING once again you’re an appallingly ignorant, semi-literate buffoon.

    Contributors post their comment to BU, which is a secured social media platform. But, you’re scared to respond to me because you “regard your safety as of more importance,”…….. in the SAME FORUM and under the SAME CONDITIONS, you will USE to RESPOND to OTHER contributors…….. knowing ‘full well’ all contributions are VISIBLE to the public.

  45. It is called intellectual property and can only be used if asked permission by owners
    The question to be asked why was govt not guided by a legal frame work before using the commercial


    Only if someone own the copy rights
    If not the anyone is free to use it.

  46. They say nine to one is murdah, but what if that one is ac? Nine getting murdered.

    You go girl. Looks as if you found some live horses these past few weeks.

    Forgive me, but all should know me by now. My silly comments overwhelms me. Also remember … I was supporting ac before the ‘spot on’ guy started.

  47. What an embrassament


    The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Monday charged that the island’s tourism officials spent thousands on the new tourism theme: Little Island, Big Barbados which has already been used by several countries. The DLP charges that it is a significant blunder and tax payers deserve a return of the substantial funds spent on the initiative.

  48. Blp govt cancer of mismagement in two years
    Blown up buildings and monuments
    Bridgetown keeps falling down
    Now this

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