The recent uptick in conversation about the awarding of government contracts to construct houses in Barbados has caused many tongues to wag. A quick search of the web easily found articles of which they are many many many more criticising the relationships between the government of Barbados and Mark Maloney of Preconco fame.

  1. Is this just more politics as usual?
  2. Is this a case that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown?
  3. Is it true despite all the rubbing shoulders, conversation and consultations that the more things change the more they remain the same?
  4. Can we now officially declare that 6 is half dozen and duopoly politics from a homogeneous political class is real?

All Maloney!

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314 responses to “All Baloney!”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The Slaves want everyone to forget DBLP lies and deceit, the corruption, the human rights abuses, the corrupt judiciary, decades worth of crimes against the Black masses… did nothing for any of them, but set them back mentally hundreds of years.

  2. “The hands that feed them”????? Our politicians HAVE to follow the dictates??????


    Feed them what, David?

    So…..all is beyond the control of the politicians?

    So who are we trying to convince on this foolish blog – the white money man?

    That being the case, I suggest you close down the blog.

    Waste of time!

  3. I do not have the capacity to form a new party. I am truly not a political person. If a promising party of fresh faces emerges I would be happy to support it.

    I don’t know if it would make a difference but I would be willing to try it.

    Until then I choose the lesser of the two evils.

  4. I have been off Lorenzo’s list for quite some time now. All it took was one negative comment and I am back on. For all my time on BU he cannot bring one favourable comment I have made about the DLP. He can find several where I agreed with certain actions taken by this government.

    But in his limited range yardfowl mind I am a rabid DLP supporter.

    Is Lorenzo’s contention that there is no corruption whatsoever in this BLP administration? Is there never any action worthy of scrutiny or criticism?

    Baje and I does cuss one anudder going and coming but I have to agree with him here because I genuinely agree. You Lorenzo are the lowest of the low. Your only competition is Angela Cox since CCC has again disappeared.

    This island is under the curse of the yardfowl.

  5. Baloney has shown Mia to be a boldface mistress of Deception lies and hypocrisy her actions has yet to match her many promises with the people whom she rubbed shoulders engaging with words meant for better
    The problem which her many advocates having to defend is steeped in her words which provides fuel for people like myself who all along found her truths to be founded on words which were tempered to fool and of a deceptive nature
    Remember Chris Sinckler was the worst of the worst as defined by Mottley however this same person s was picked by Mottley to be amongst some economic panel
    To think that barbadians would have to put up with leadership of this kind is mind-boggling

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The “hands that feed” corrupt politicians….TIEF the millions they are fraudulently parading around with FROM the Black/African population for DECADES enabled and aided by the frauds in the parliament who live to sell out…it’s not rocket science, it’s stolen money, stolen land, stolen pensions….simple math.

    all stolen from those now living in poverty.

    ya can’t dress it up, ya can’t change it.

  7. “This island is under the curse of the yardfowl.”

    @ Donna

    Nah, I disagree. Yard-fowls are always shown up for what they are…….. yard-fowls. And, the funny thing about it is, if you oppose them, they say you’re a supporter of the party they’re criticizing.

    Between January 15, 2008 and May 24, 2018, while Lorenzo was criticizing, Angela Cox was defending. I’m sure you’ve realized since May 24, 2018 the roles are reversed. Coxy is criticizing, while Lorenzo is defending.
    But, to be fair, whereas there are occasions where I’ve seen Lorenzo criticized the BLP while it was in Opposition and defended a few policies of the former DLP administration………….. the BLP, whether as Opposition or the ruling administration, cannot do anything right for Angela Cox.

    Read ‘The Caswell Franklyn Column – Government Ignores the Law and Does What it Likes’ blog, especially where he commented on the ‘national shutdown’ when tropical storm ‘Matthew’ was approaching Barbados.

    ac October 9, 2016 6:51 AM #: “So Caswell point is that govt ignore the law. in what way ? Was govt not in its right to use a moral path of persuasion as an alternative method as a specific requirement to all business?
    Are there not periods when govts have refrained from using actions required by legislation and lean on the consciousness of its people through moral persuasion to deliver a strong message in a timely fashion with a necessity to create order ?
    Have society become so hardened at the heart that govt should not pursue less civil course of action with a meaningful ingredient of protection.”

    You won’t believe that is the same individual who was on BU criticizing the recent COVID-19 curfews and lockdowns as infringements on people’s constitutional rights.

  8. As one would say in my neck of the woods, “The boy Maloney done good”. He has followed a legacy that is well understood in Barbados.

  9. So here is a question for David – this necessity for politicians to follow the dictates of the hands that feed them came into play just recently❓

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Well, as long as the minority THIEVES and descendants of the SLAVE PATROL who love to change the narrative UNDERSTAND that they came out of UK as INDENTURED SERVANTS….prisoners and others sequestered on the prison colony that was Barbados, before being elevated to the slave patrol when Africans were kidnapped from the continent…

    these rejects and outcasts from UK were NEVER ENSLAVED and had the option of serving out their 5 or 7 years of indenture status, returning to UK or immigrating to Australia, New Zealand or other islands etc..

    .they don’t own the island as they believe or OWN SHIT in Barbados, like they believe they own the Black population, not even what they tief from the descendants of the enslaved on a daily basis, including their labor do they own.

    time to put these FRAUDS in their place and stop playing these stupid destructive games with them and their honorable Slaves..

  11. Artax
    U love to chery pick
    All well just politics i ..think

  12. My problem with Mottley
    She comes across as a trickster or aka snake oil sales person
    She delivers to the people what they want to hear then turns her back on them when it fits her purpose
    All knows that the project is short term and cannot make a dent in the unemployment numbers neither can bring fast economic relief to the economy
    In long run when the smoke and long talk blows over about Maloney the picture which emerges is one built on a political lenses which will serve as a purpose for govt to be re elected
    A picture of homes reserve for low income people
    Hopefully one which will along for serving govt political interest would serve the purpose for whom those houses were built
    Mia has this issue well lockdown homes built and Maloney becomes another footnote in the minds of raving political operatives
    Job well done as far as she is concerned and the noise level drops to zero

  13. @ angela cox

    There isn’t anyone who contributes to BU that loves to ‘cherry pick and play politics’ more than you.

    By the way, WHY did you respond, when you’ve been consistently DENYING you’re ‘ac?’

    It begs the question, are you admitting ‘ac’ is actually ‘angela cox?’

  14. The words resonate with words I might have said
    But the issue of names
    The ID indicates usage as by way of number unless the website engage or interacts by zoom technology

  15. Mottley in her own defense of the procurement of projects
    What de bird 🐦🐦
    This one needs an interpreter or better yet a physchological evaluation

    WHAT IN THE WORD SALAD IS THIS? And how is it a legitimate response to concerns about irregularities in the government procurement process?

    However, the Prime Minister said the issue of what is legitimate procurement and what is not, appears to be bedeviling people. Mottley stressed that Barbadians need to recognize that if the serious financial and other problems facing the country are not resolved at this time, the possibility stands that there will be no future for many.

    She said: “Now if we have to hold the centre, do we do it with frivolous projects, or do we do it with projects that make a difference to the lives of ordinary people? This project makes a difference to that lady in your congregation who may have poor circulation, who may need to have regular interaction with medical personnel, but whose son is laid off temporarily for the last six weeks.

    “And who, because he has three children to support, and has been running down on his savings, does not have the flexibility to give her the BDS$3 to and the BDS$3 to come. And worse than that, when he used to work steadily, he used to give her the BDS$20 or the BDS$30 for taxi fare. This is the reality of ordinary people.

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “if the serious financial and other problems facing the country are not resolved at this time, the possibility stands that there will be no future for many.”

    a blatant lie, the only ones will eventually be impacted the most are minority THIEVES and racist and no one should give a shit…they created the serious financial problems…where is the 5 or 6 BILLION DOLLARS MISSING FROM THE ECONOMY…why did DBLP not collect the 1 BILLION DOLLARS IN VAT…that minority business people STOLE from the population..

    the African population has options, they need to open their eyes and don’t fall for the rhetoric that will TRAP THEM and cement them into further generational POVERTY….even more than what they are now subjected to, living under wicked greedy minorities and their honorable Slaves.

    open your minds, broaden your horizons, Barbados was NEVER THE LAST STOP…the greedy only want you to believe that fairytale.

    how is hanging a 30 year mortgage around ya neck as an anchor going to GENERATE WEALTH for the Black majority…steupse.

    they are trying to TRAP YOU ON THE ISLAND…let maloney go to hell with his scam the fraud.

  17. David BU i have to respectfully disagree with unlike Austin .I have followed Ms Hinds as a moderator from the inception.Like Ms Holder she started of balanced but i can bring several instances where she has shown a biad against this government.Firstly during 5he St George by elecyion she was promoting Mr Reifer to win as it would be good for democracy etc but highly critical of Ms Moore for entering the political arena as a trade unionist.Persons had to remind her of persons like Sir Roy Trotman, Mr Morris and Mr Gteaves.Another time she began her programme on several occassions speaking about the imcident in Deacon, s with the PM for quiye a while until some callers and whatsappers reminded her there were issues of greater importance to discuss.There are other instances i can bring but while she has a right to her views she should not try to inflence the programme fown her line.Ms Hinds is not much different to some of the past moderators at starcom like Ms Holder, Ms McClean, Dr Marshall, Ms Hinds_ Layne, Mr WickhamMr Marshall and Mr Ellis himself.The only neutral ones are Mr Johnson and Mr Mottley from before.
    As for baje you talking about the last 12 months joker? What about the ten years between 2008 and 2018 were you in timbucktu?Donna you know where i stand where do you? You along with the others i mentioned ate whst i term hiding dems hoping to under.ine and upset the applecart come 2023.Newsflash for you we were on the upswing before covid and i believe barbados will onve again rebound once toutism picks back up.Therefore if you want to nitpick go form a politcal party and come with your ideas as it is quite easy to run your mouth on a blog running a country is a different matter.

  18. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Miller… the Slaves would swallow the bullshit ANCHOR AND ALL…

    Fowl Enuff ran out trying to convince us and fell flat on its beak…..another fraud.

  19. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Same old LYING STORY given by DBLP for 40 years, yet it’s ALWAYS the Black population ending up in POVERTY…and the frauds BOASTING bout how much MILLIONS they made out of these scam builds…

  20. The old adage, FOLLOW THE MONEY. Has anyone noticed any unusual construction activities around Mia and families establishments, open you eyes and as questions.

  21. “The ID indicates usage as by way of number unless the website engage or interacts by zoom technology…”


    “This one needs an interpreter or better yet a (psychological) evaluation.”

  22. With unemployment on the upswing
    The only people to become owners would be the most corrupt segment of Barbados flying above reader submitting applications by fraudulent means become owners then renting the houses to low income workers at an ungodly price
    This is who they are

  23. Lest we forget Avatar
    Lest we forget

    Sorry Wily
    If you stop and ask questions as a sensible Barbadian you are deemed a yardfowl

  24. @Lorenzo

    Your favorite moderator is hosting g this morning- subject Press Freedom.

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Bageabroad; of course corruption in Barbados is endemic and so woven into the fabric of society that it’s seems impossible to extricate ourselves from the problems … but that said I am yet to see any validation that Barbados is any closer to ‘banana republic’ status than … frankly the big US of A (as improbably as that may seem at first glance).

    We are a mite compared to their mammoth and thus our fleas tend to bite harder and are easier to see but as long as we can CONTROL OUR sized ‘flea’ problem then why should we become an ‘ungovernable’, lawless society anymore than they!

    They are the same nation that fills their SUPREME court with PARTY aligned justices who are EXPECTED to adjudicate according to a partisan ideological ethos or put nicely: adhere to precedent and legal principles which VALIDATE a partisan ethos.

    Is that NOT Banana Republic operations dressed in Ivy League robes and sweet sounding blather!

    They just elected a man who had the cajones to call other independent nations “shithole” countries and he was acclaimed for that and other absurd levels of banana republic leadership with an INCREASED vote tally in his next election!

    The fact that he lost says only that the nation delayed the slip on the banana peel for a few more years yet.

    They are the nation which has had over 150 … repeat 150 mass shootings since Jan 01, 2021… that is banana republic absurdity…

    If Bim had 3 such events we would be deemed UNGOVERNABLE ….

    So just to say: Bim has deep problems … but let’s all deal with them within our context.

    I dont fear slipping into lawlessness of banana republicanism simply because we are so SMALL and our entire survival depends on acceptability to visiting non-Bajans….

    But YES we have some deep seated problems to be addressed.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    And @David … LOL u invite broadsides with extremely wry comments that leave more to the imagination than desired.

    Your remark to wit: “…it goes deeper, many of our politicians have to follow the dictate of the hands that feed them”, was such a ‘wryism’ 😂

    Bro what does that mean really??

    Surely you CANT be saying that our politician are ‘poorakey’ and so impoverished that they must take a lil bobol and do as the bobol us intended. No!

    Surely, you must accept that politician are there to justly and honestly represent the will of their voters and must transparently handle all contracts of government related business …

    But alas just as surely your cynicism says ‘but they never do’…. thus your rhetorical query about that $75K check!

    That amount of money can ONLY be accepted if the receiver knows of its antecedents and/or privately arranged .

    In EVERY language in EVERY govt that’s ILLEGAL … we all know that bro ,..

    Has not one damn thing to do with following dictates of the feeding hand… there was a time that hand would be amputated and the body sent to some jail (well never in Bim truly) … but then again there was also a time when there was a Man and a Woman and everything was visibly TRANSparent … before and after everything was exposed!

    Nowadays… nothing is at it seems … even after exposure!😂😂

    So what’s a little surprising cheque or check under all the cloth!

    I gone.

  27. @Dee Word

    The blogmaster tired, how many times have these issues been discussed in this forum under the governance and corruption tags?

    Inviting broadside will come regardless.

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This all the Frauds and Traitors of the Caribbean are good for….blatantly corruption even before they are elected to slither into parliaments.

    “ROSEAU, Dominica – A magistrate set July 8 as the date for the start of a case against Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and 14 other members of his ruling Dominica Labour Party (DLP).

    Skerrit and his co-accused all pleaded not guilty on Thursday when they appeared in the Roseau Magistrate Court on a charge of treating.

    Last month, the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) dismissed an appeal filed by Skerrit and other DLP candidates who were successful in the 2014 general elections, reinstating complaints filed against them for the charge of treating.

    Treating refers to directly or indirectly providing food, drink or entertainment to a person, during or after an election, with the aim of corruptly influencing that person’s vote. The law in Dominica is that a person convicted of treating is disqualified from sitting in the House of Assembly and cannot run for elections for seven years.”

  29. Lorenzo,

    Your problem is that you see everybody to be as stupid as yourself. Upset what apple cart what???!!!!

    Where are the DLP candidates? This is the middle of 2021! The DLP is in shambles. Verla Depeiza is not impressive. Nobody wants to see the old guard. Steupse!

    I am not looking for a pick. My son is not looking for a pick.

    What the ass sense does a party mean to me??????? What the hell is a party that I would so love it????

    You are one big rasshole asshole fuh trut’!

    No more distractions! We were discussing how rotten baloney suddenly tasting sweet?

  30. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    It’s an INSULT and DISRESPECTFUL to be perpetrating the SAME OLD 40 year old LIE…that NEVER TRANSLATED to the Black population gaining wealth or upward mobility SINCE THE 70s when the lie started oozing out of that toxic parliament…about how building “low income” homes and hanging yaself with a 30 year old mortgage ever helped the people, assuming they ever get a DEED for the property or or ever manage to finish pay off the crooked banks…

    those low income ghetto boxes they love to build in the depressed areas, many people will tell ya THEY PAID FOR and NEVER received any title deeds for them…’s another SETUP perpetrated by criminals who Mia said should be in prison…AND YET..

    and yet, here they are insulting the memories of our ancestors and disrespecting the young generation as well as the unborn…

    let’s hear broken beak aka fowl Slave Enuff come out to defend this direct 2021 CRIME against the people….AGAIN…as usual.

    not everyone on the blog or on the island suffers with short memory syndrome.

  31. Ghetto Families, Gangsters and Gangstress … ” Teamwork makes a Dream come true ”
    We may not all agree with eachother at times, but the situation surrounding our Generational Trust, our Homeland Barbados demands that we stand up and take Notice ….
    For approximately 82yrs Black Politicians starting with Grantley Adams and ending with Mia have continued the Gentrification of our societies …
    Gentrification is the process through which, where the system come next to or in poor neighborhoods and say that they are ” Building Improve Housing for Lower Income Earners on Crown Lands ” is changed by the the same System selling these improve Housing and Businesses to wealthier people moving in, typically disenfranchising, or displacing the current marginalized residents in the process ..
    Mia has thus far taken us on such a gentrification ride with political innuendoes and semantics disguised as intelligence even though it’s clear to see a clown act standing before us minus a clown suite …
    Inna nut shell gentrification is keeping the rich happy and the poor in misery …
    54mil to White Oats …
    The removal of NSRL ….
    All of government Crown Lands Development contracts awarded to Maloney including Coverley …
    Consultants and friends being paid between 15 and 60k monthly …
    The Rich Happy
    1.50 on bus fare …
    45.00 on our water bill
    NIS and Severance Payment fraud …
    Prison population increased …
    Scapegoating a bus crawl …
    Water woes …
    Cost of living went up ….
    GIS scandal ….
    The Poor In Misery …


  32. Lest we forget
    Was a tender or EOI put in the newspaper for Valerie, Eckstein, Grotto or Coverley?

  33. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And all the fowls can do is back and forth, keeping DBLP tag team going…’s such an embarrassment, do they even know who is watching them..

    and this is why the more intelligent in the population are asked to ABANDON THIS NASTINESS in the political arena of corruption….you got nowhere in 54 years, you will get NOWHERE NOW….all they got to offer you is a mortgage to trap you and keep inflating their bank accounts….they will TIEF the property before ya children and grandchildren can enjoy it or the bank will tell ya they CAN’T FIND THE ORIGINAL DEEDS…..AFTER ya paid off the mortgage…

    there is NO SUCH THING AS CROWN LAND…they got offshore accounts registered as crown land in their names.

    remember the buses donated to Antigua by Korea or one of those asian countries and the skunk for ministers put in their own names to make money off it for THEMSELVES WHILE ANTIGUANS suffer and never even know about that scam…. and now the traitors have a case for corruption….well, same scenario.

  34. Milluh
    Before I jump up to challenge anyone, I make sure I check and double check what I post is factual. I do this through research. All the information in my initial post is in the public domain–Nationnews, Barbados Today, GIS etc. I therefore do not know what insider information you’re talking about. Maybe you ought to realise that opinions are fine BUT in serious debate FACTS and evidence matter. Unable to dispute what I have said, you had no choice but to attack me. Your problem is that you’re so fixated on proving that I am liar, that if I say cat you must retort with rat.🤣🤣🤣

  35. The pugilistic analogies set fly.

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    We may have to jog some memories, cause the head of the human rights division of UN came out recently and boldly stated that someone(s), did not say specifically who in Latin America and the Caribbean, trying to undermine human rights institutions..

    so just for the criminals in Barbados who like to pretend they are elite and got pedigree…this is YOUR CONSTITUTION that yall spent DECADES ignoring and VIOLATING…these sections…that the people had no clue existed.

    “No person shall be held in slavery or servitude; No person shall be required to perform forced labor; No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or other treatment, unless under sentence of death.”

    that one was in relation to the torture of the child at GIS..

    “Subject to the provisions of this section – No law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect; and no person shall be treated in a discriminatory manner by any person acting by virtue of any written law or in the performance of the function of any public office or any public authority. The expression “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective description by race, place of origin, political opinions, color or creed, whereby persons of one such description is subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advanced which are not afforded to person of another such description.”

    this one is IN RELATION to the racism, discrimination and SECOND CLASS CITIZEN STATUS that the honorable Slaves bestowed on The Black population who looks JUST LIKE THEM…for the past 54 YEARS…

    ya done know ever so often ya gotta JOG the memories of those with short memory syndrome..,,yall should cut, paste and FRAME IT…

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Leave them Pacha, they will be famous, they think everyone got the time to play their nasty, discriminatory, racist, thieving, sellout games with them and their corrupt sidekicks in this new epoch.


    No wonder you needed a stimulus cheque! 🤣🤣 Something similar, (without the land transaction) is happening at Vespera but government is financing the construction and paid for the infrastructure. The demand for housing priced below the open market rate, however, is bigger than government can finance. Therefore, private sector MONEY is required. This is not only a Barbadian reality. Secondly, the most important objective of any government’s social/affordable housing programme is AFFORDABILITY based on robust evidence. Hence, construction costs must be kept down. When you give 4 lots to a small construction firm what will be the per unit price vs a Malmoney approach given ‘economies of scale’? Thirdly, who will fund the infrastructure and how do you guarantee consistency in the pricing? Fourthly, how many small construction companies in Barbados have access to over $1M to construct 3-4 houses? The only thing I would say about the Malmoney deal is that I would like to see sub-contractors engaged and this should be secured by the government.

  39. Milluh
    “So let us get it straight. Is your forte only in PR overseeing billion dollar projects or are you another overseas ‘cuntsultant’ to the administration hiding behind the scenes?”

    I am neither consultant nor “cuntsultant”, just here to exorcise you and your BU coven. Like I said, all you can do is criticise me and you remain fixated on that $1B project. I am currently engaging on a project with 3,000+ homes. If you do the maths you’ll see it exceeds $1B, so put this number to rest. I noticed a tender notice in today’s Sun for the construction of facilities for mechanics and car bodywork repairmen at two existing industrial estates. Seems like another of government’s progressive and transformative ideas from their manifesto is about to materialise. Keep pelting.🤣🤣🤣

  40. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    But none of this happens does it ya, yall have been GRABBING people;s properties and using the high court to bully and threaten them and drive them to their deaths, many went to their graves without their things or any compensation and their beneficiaries are STILL FIGHTING YOU to get back what is rightfully theirs…

    “Protection from Deprivation of Property
    No property of any description shall be compulsorily taken possession of, and no interest in or right over property of any description shall be compulsorily acquired, except by or under authority of a written law, and were provision applying to that acquisition or taking of possession is made written by law-(a) prescribing principles on which and the manner in which compensation therefor is to be determined and given; and (b) giving to any person claiming such compensation a right of access, either directly or by way of appeal, for the determination of his interest in or right over the property and the amount of compensation, to the High Court.”

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Fourthly, how many small construction companies in Barbados have access to over $1M to construct 3-4 houses? ”

    i don’t think that ANY OF THEM are ALLOWED to ROB the treasury, pension fund or the VAT by the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EITHER…

    ya just broke ya beak AGAIN..

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Yall see the piece of shit BOASTING because the treasury, pension fund and VAT got robbed by BILLIONS OF DOLLARS by the frauds in the parliament and thieving racist minorities…

    ….told yall bout these low-crawling fowl Slaves.

  43. No wonder you needed a stimulus cheque!


    HAPPY TO SAY GOT A 1st, 2nd and 3rd between 2020 and 2021 DURING CURRENT PANDEMIC.

    ALSO A PAYCHECK PROTECTION LOAN (PPP) forgivable loan over US$400,000 FOR MY BUSINESS.



  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    All the Black population gotta do is not listen to Mia’s slick shit, she said maloney was a corrupt criminal and want locking up, so why would you go give a criminal who should really be IN PRISON…your money…

    save ya money, don’t get involved in the maloney scam, those who do are the Slaves and everyone will know them….and they will deserve exactly what they get..

    think BIG for once, the parliament is TOO corrupt, don’t get involved.

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    you won’t give ya money to someone accused of stealing 10 bucks so why give it to a crooks whom YOU KNOW STOLE BILLIONS of your dollars, your future and that of your offspring and children not yet born..

    ..ya should not even be shopping with any of the minorities who love to boast how many MILLIONS of dollars they make because you shop with them but REFUSE to pay a decent salary or pay any SEVERANCE period..

    time to withhold ya money, am sure the honorable Slaves can keep them afloat with all the billions ah heard they too got parked offshore, they would have to be tiefing to come into so much money….and yet, the island and people ARE BROKE.

    open those eyes and minds.

    Miller…the fake billionaire projects manager ain’t got the mind of a billionaire..

  46. Abigail de Salemite
    The fact that you refuse to wager a bet to prove my fakeness proves you are nothing more than a bullshitter and just talking because you have a mout.🤣🤣#putyuh$$weyyuhmoutisorhush

  47. Miller…the fake billionaire projects manager ain’t got the mind of a billionaire..




  48. These last exchanges typify why we are where are at this time.

  49. These last exchanges typify why we are where are at this time.








  50. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I made my bet already…..ya can’t see it, won’t expect ya to..,,but will tell ya when I WON.

    and i definitely won’t put any money with corrupt thieves who ROBBED GENERATIONS OF BLACK PEOPLE so they can pretend to be millionaires…now they ALL got CAUGHT money laundering….and on EVERYONE’S WATCH LIST…

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