During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. The only thing you are right about is that people should read her book, it’s a damn shame you do not take your own advice.

    She turns racism upside down and inside out and spits it out in bubbles and is essential reading for all people of colour.
    30 years later her thoughts have trickled into mainstream now and whites admit racism was wrong and unfounded lies.

    You may not agree with all her principles and may have different views to her but you will never know until you read what she is saying.

    The brain is an organ that needs to be stimulated and exercised like a muscle to grow and get stronger. Read her book and open your mind to new thoughts.

  2. What makes you think i haven’t read it , i never said i didn’t.

    she created a full movement with the help of Dr. Wilson, Dr. Clarke and whole army of ancestors.

    “Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is now transitioning to the ancestral stage of her existence. She is being “reborn” as one of the most powerful Afrikan ancestors in “Ourstory.” Our relationship with her is one of reciprocity (Maat). With our help, she will continue to guide us, to teach us and to love us. It is our responsibility to remember her, commune with her warrior spirit, and to elevate her, as she guides, protects, and blesses us with her wisdom and courage.

    Although some may take umbrage, the discussion that follows is elevated far beyond what some might consider a “personal attack.” It is simply race, family business! (and if you can’t stand the heat…) I am speaking specifically to those Black people who have chosen this time to attempt to critique of Dr. Welsing, those committed to anti-Afrikan ideologies and death-styles, who couldn’t take her on when she was “in their faces.” They are revealing the same fear that she used her energy to heal: fear of the responsibility of being Black. They are clinging to ideas and elevating anti-life behaviors that do not work for the achievement of global Afrikan sovereign power. Not only are their loyalties misplaced, but they are manifesting intellectual and moral cowardice, and they are at a serious disadvantage. Having separated themselves from Afrikan spiritual deep thought, they have made the serious tactical error of acting as though Dr. Welsing would be easier to attack in what the European world view defines as “death.” Based on the Afrikan concept of the eternal cycle of life, we operate from a radically different frame of reference.

    As the honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey tells us, “In death I shall be a terror to foes of Afrikan liberty!…If death has power then count on me to be the real Marcus Garvey I would like to be!…I shall never desert you and make your enemies triumph over you!” So if you were afraid to confront Nana Welsing “in the physical,” you should be terrified to confront her now! For you have struck a rock in the spirit of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing and you have not only her to deal with, but all the rest of us, race vindicationists, who honor the lessons that she taught us. You were afraid to confront her when you could see her, but she sought you out. You were afraid of her, but she was not afraid of you. In fact, she would have healed you if you had only known that you were Afrikan and ill (Nana Arimenta Harriet Tubman, “I could have freed more of our people, if they had only known they were slaves.”). In attacking our Nana Frances, you have compounded your tactical error. Black people will dismiss you as nonentities in our race movement. No one who loves Afrikan/Black people will listen to you, for we are seeking to be healed of “Black fear.” We are seeking to claim our power. Those of our people who may have been confused or ambivalent will never again pay attention to anything you have to say! They will gain a new clarity. This is a moment of truth (Bobby Wright). It is time to look the “bull” in the face.

    This is indeed a learning/teaching moment. Dr. Welsing’s passing separates the race-warriors from the race-traitors; the sovereignist-vindicationists from the integrationist-assimilationists. She is separating those who are not afraid to be “race-first,” from those who have made an ideology out of sexual behavior. Make no mistake, if it ain’t about race-first, it ain’t about nothing.

    Dr. Welsing told us, “If we do not have confidence in our ability to make independent Black observations, Black analyses and Black plans for Black actions, why should we talk about or seek Black liberation?” (p.160)

    Clearly, no person who “loves black people” (R.L. Stephens’ claim, in Black Agenda Report), no matter how often they professed to, would respect the ideas of Karl Marx, who dismisses Afrika, her history and civilization as “primitive.” Marx’s analysis is limited and cannot be used to construct the guidelines for the “Afrikan World Revolution” called for by Nana John Henrik Clarke. Marx was an avowed white supremacist whether the name was applied to him in the 19th century or not. He very often referred to Afrikans with the “n-word” in his writings and disparaged our physical characteristics and mental abilities.

    “It is now quite clear to me that, as his cranial structure and hair type prove, Lassalle is descended from the Negroes who joined Moses’ flight from Egypt. That is, assuming his mother, or his paternal grandmother, did not cross with a nigger. Now this union of Jewry and Germanism with the negro-like basic substance must necessarily result in a remarkable product. The officiousness of the fellow is also nigger-like. (Karl Marx from a letter to Friedrich Engels, 1862).

    Marx was incapable of critiquing the European world view, or of putting racism/white supremacy in its proper context. He was just another yurugu with despiritualized ideas about the acquisition and distribution of material objects to be manipulated.

    Dr. Welsing focused on the need for the development of collective self-confidence and self-respect as a prerequisite for overcoming Black fear. Her passing is a critical moment for us. Will we be true to what she has taught us, or will we be intimidated by those who criticize her? This is an opportunity for our people to move forward toward authentic Afrikan sovereignty. Let us remove the naysayers from the discussion. We have no time for academic bantering. This is not a “seminar.” Dr. Welsing’s work was to get us to think clearly in the interest of Black people. The Marxists are clearly powerless. They can only “talk.” The fact is that the white sexual ideologues are powerful at this time, but only within the system of white supremacy. They have financial backing. They are well-organized and have used mafia-type methods to co-opt entire industries. As an organized collective, they usurp valuable real estate from Afrikan elders. They intimidate through phobia-labels (perhaps because they are heterophobic). They constitute a powerful lobby within white supremacist electoral politics. The left has aligned itself with this power-base. So do those Black people who identify as part of this political cohort. The Marxists have been parasitic.

    They need Black power. So they get some of us to refer to ourselves as “the black left,” as though it were an authentic movement of Afrikan/Black people. They are being manipulative. (But we outgrew Marxism with our ancestors, Richard Wright, George Padmore, even W.E.B. Dubois and others.) Why not just “the left?” The answer is “because they need our energy.” They have none of their own. No popular movement can be sustained by rationalistic, academic discourse and semantic repartee alone. They construct “fronts” which feed off of our spiritual and cultural energy. There is apparently no “black left” that has not capitulated to the financial and political power of homosexual politics. Their agenda is not Black. It is not Afrikan. And we certainly do not need Marxian analysis in order to critique capitalism. We know that capitalism is anti-Afrikan and bad for Black people. (see Wobogo, ch. 6, and Armah, Remembering the Dismembered Continent, 2010, ch. 3 “On Marx and Masks”) The so-called “black left” cannot be trusted. Dr. Welsing knew that. She was clear. She spoke truth (Maat). She stayed the course and so must we.

    Everything is political. Every choice has political implications and issues from a political position. To choose one’s pattern of sexual behavior over Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is a choice made in fear. To listen to those who tell you that you have to make that choice in order to be “free” is to listen to the cacophony of confusion that she was able to expose as mere noise. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is already sacred and iconic to the global Afrikan/Black Collective. Her detractors, choosing the time of her passing to come out of their closets, have effectively removed themselves from the discourse of a truly “Black agenda.” Dr. Welsing is the quintessential Afrikan; she is the “Brain of Black Power.” This is not a “defense” because she needs none. This is an announcement that any would-be critics at this special time, have made her all the more powerful among us and have exposed the opposition.

    As she would point out, the “left,” ironically, gets its power from white supremacy. Within Afrikan sovereignty, and an Afrikan power system, they have none. She has forced them to expose themselves. They messed with the wrong one. Their critique is an affirmation of her work. According to one critic “1000’s will be influenced by her ideas” (R.L. Stephens, published in Black Agenda Report, January 5, 2016) Absolutely! Thousands have been influenced by her ideas and thousands more will be, and your feeble attempts have done nothing so much as increased that number tenfold.”

  3. Read again….

    “They are clinging to ideas and elevating anti-life behaviors that do not work for the achievement of global Afrikan sovereign power.”

  4. “What makes you think i haven’t read it , i never said i didn’t.”

    It’s obvious from what you are saying and how you think that you have not read it
    it is some next level shit that would affect your reasonings and bring them to a higher level
    bluffing about reading it would not resonate with the righteous ring of truth
    cutting and pasting other peoples reviews is not same as reading a book
    but does imply that it has impressed many others
    calling me a liar was just a reflection of a desperate big liar

  5. If you read the book it would help and enable you to focus your thoughts and arguments about the racism in Barbados and it’s legacy to slavery and break it down coldly and rationally like a science with less anger and emotion and more about achieving change and results.

  6. ..it is the kind of book that everyone should read before they have a discussion about racism.

    .. it is also the kind of book that the white world find too radical.

  7. Too bad for you that you are WRONG ON ALL COUNTS….

    Welsing was always very stringent in her views on racism, oppression, suppression etc…practiced on African people everywhere, she didn’t know how lowcrawling, covetous and greedy, small island racists are….but she never deviated or softened her tone, so i know for a fact that you are lying….and you will not plant shit in my head and claim to be an intellectual…when i know it’s a fantasy of yours which you will never ever achieve….you got exposed on here already..

  8. oh…and i have a whole LIBRARY available to me on her literary work…same for Drs Clarke and Wilson and some others am sure you did not even know existed….it’s all very impressive..

  9. You can try and lie like a rug to save face but you have not read the book to hear her thoughts straight from the horses mouth.
    Her stuff may be dated a bit now, but people use her works to break down racism of today such as prisons, employment, policing and to revisit slavery and racism of the past. You don’t have to be an intellectual to understand her book as it is expressed to be easily understood, you wouldn’t even need a dictionary.

  10. This is a very important video..


  11. As is this, there are volumes and volumes of educational material available from our Black intellectuals that explains the current predicament without glossing it over with lies.


  12. 555 dubstreetApril 10, 2021 4:40 PM

    How can there be racism in Barbados today where the minority ethnic groups are not viewed as victims but extra-special interests groups to be courted by the black political serfs?

    You ought to bear always in mind that Barbados since so-called Independence has been a majority ‘black’ country governed by so-called educated civilian ‘black politicians and not military dictators.

    To continue to blame slavery or even the white man or Indian or Chinese for the current state of black economic disenfranchisement is a mere cop-out and an alibi wrapped in intellectual laziness.

    Maybe the cause of their continuing economic serfdom is a result of their ongoing mental enslavement dressed in ‘hand-me-down’ religious robes; but clearly not the absence of political authority among the black elite or lack of academic achievements of the black masses.

  13. There are 2 parts to this video…Miller…no end of information and edu tools…everything the people in Barbados and the Caribbean need to know.


  14. @ WURA-War-on-U,.
    Your pal Artax made a comment with reference to the blog’s unnecessary attention to all things African. He stated that it was important to focus on Barbados.

    I watched the video that Hants sent with the Chinese in Zambia. It made for grim viewing.

    I am uncertain if the continent of Africa has the capacity to fend of the influx of the numerous countries who are trying to insert their influence on the continent.

    Over the last ten years, countries such as Ethiopia have been leasing out agricultural land to golf Arab nations. The Russians have become embedded on the continent, likewise India, Turkey and a host of other nations.


  15. Miller….555 is totally lost..

    He wants someone to indulge his sick fantasies…..

    the corrupt, bribetaking, attention seeking leaders on the island are the main problem, they are Black people’s biggest and most dangerous enemies, because they allowed the mental enslavement and INDULGED racists and thieves to reduce the Black population WITH THEIR GREED, criminal behavior, human rights abuses and ignorance….none of these crimes against the people could happen without them…..and neither the sellouts in the parliament or the tiefing minorities should be given a pass…..i have said that on here for years and years …they are criminal by intent and always will be as it relates to any Black/African population…and will always create and devise scams to rob them BLIND….that is it in a nutshell…

  16. “I am uncertain if the continent of Africa has the capacity to fend of the influx of the numerous countries who are trying to insert their influence on the continent.”

    some of the countries are high risk, because the leaders have the mentalities of Caribbean politicians, weak-willed, greedy and stupid…..they never put the African population FIRST…so those will be easily over run….the chinese tried that in the Gambia and got their factory burnt to the ground, then the youths dug up all their pipelines…not every African is dumb….only fire will rid the Continent of parasites….as they build, burn it down…..run gas lines if needed, when they build again, burn it to the ground…all they are doing is stealing from the people….and not all will sit quietly and don’t retaliate…

    there are multiple blogs going, but one blog will bother them, the Slaves will be offended by an African themed blog, but who cares…all of this will separate the yardfowls, Slaves and sellouts so they will be easily identifiable..

  17. Always remember that Africa has 54 countries….and some countries are so huge…it’s unbelievable…and the population is

    As of 2019, the total population of Africa is estimated at 1.3 billion, representing 16% of the world’s population. According to UN estimates, the population of Africa may reach 2.49 billion by 2050 (about 26% of the world’s total) and 4.28 billion by 2100 (about 39% of the world’s total).

    of mostly young people and that is what scares many….the young are nothing like the older folk…if you ADD the nearly 300-400 million in the diaspora…many of whom already resettled on the continent and work between east and west……well you get the idea….

  18. Part 2..the hardest thing is to know.


  19. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    I notice an old divide and rule tactic coming into play on BU. Every time some cannot prove their point or counter someone else’s opinion, they introduce the word “ emotion”. It is a word used by whites and apologists to make one feel that their are really irrational. It is a tool used with devastating effect against Afro Americans.
    The next step is to brand people crazy.
    I know you are acquainted with Massa’s tactics. Don’t let them deter you.
    They are nothing more than weaklings; ignoring them is the best answer to the nonsensical positions they take. Ignore them and move on. Also look out for self appointed editors, who want to control and influence what others write rather than put their positions. They are the vanguard of the corrupt BLPDLP.
    Just write on and ignore them.

  20. “It is a word used by whites and apologists to make one feel that their are really irrational. It is a tool used with devastating effect against Afro Americans.”

    a tool that is TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE ON ME, racists don’t faze me one bit, i know all their weaknesses….facts and proof will burn them, the ancestors mean what they said.

    i have been called crazy on here at least once a week for 8 YEARS….haven’t heard it lately so they must have gotten tired….lol

    don’t think self-appointed editors want any part of me in this new going down…..and they know it, it’s best to keep the peace..

    i warned them YEARS ago, that they were wasting endless time on the blog with pettiness, they never listened and only got worse until they have nothing left…..wasted years…

  21. “Maybe the cause of their continuing economic serfdom is a result of their ongoing mental enslavement dressed in ‘hand-me-down’ religious robes; but clearly not the absence of political authority among the black elite or lack of academic achievements of the black masses.”

    You sound tongue in cheek.. but what is stopping a lower class / poor black man/woman running for office and to get votes from his fellow lower class / poor people

  22. “.. Miller….555 is totally lost.. ..”

    You are the ideal person who should read Welsing

    as there is a big gap in your arguments where she would fit in

  23. TLSN April 10, 2021 5:33 PM #: “@ WURA-War-on-U,. Your pal Artax made a comment with reference to the blog’s unnecessary attention to all things African. He stated that it was important to focus on Barbados.”

    @ TLSN

    Please indicate to BU, any word, phrase or sentence in any of my contributions that could be reasonably interpreted as I referenced the “blog’s unnecessary attention to all things African” and “stated it was important to focus on Barbados?”

    Sir, if you don’t have anything to worthwhile to contribute, wouldn’t it be much better if you remained silent rather than spew untruths?

  24. “as there is a big gap in your arguments where she would fit in”

    you keep waiting to prove a nonpoint to justify ya small time racists and thieves in Barbados…..i know exactly when to give you Nana Welsing and what to give….

  25. @ Artax,
    Calm down! You made a comment which in its context was valid and reasonable. I recall seeing it a few days ago. I was unable to retrieve it. My interpretation of it may have been clumsy however I understood where you was coming from.

    BU is a rum shop and not a court of law. From my days of playing cricket I would always leave the wide pitch delivery alone.

    Goodnight night Sir.

  26. “you keep waiting to prove a nonpoint to justify ya small time racists and thieves in Barbados…..i know exactly when to give you Nana Welsing and what to give….”

    Her definition of racism is spot on genius and worth the price of the book in itself

    “Functional Definition Of Racism = White Supremacy = Apartheid: As a black behavioral scientist and practicing psychiatrist, my own functional definition of racism (white supremacy) is as follows: “Racism (white supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structure, maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined; which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action, and emotional response, as conducted, simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth – a planet upon which the vast and overwhelming majority of people are classified as non-white (black, brown, red and yellow) by white-skinned people, and all of the non-white people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white-skinned people.”

    Black politicians allegedly screwing a black public falls outside that definition of racism

    abuse of power for greed is bog standard bad leadership

  27. WURA,

    That is why I said the people need something deeper than Nigerian movies. But…. their willingness to even watch something African was an indication that a mindset was changing.

  28. Check this out Donna…..there is tons of literature out there about our ancestors, many of us carry some very ancient bloodlines, not many know that they do…


  29. Black politicians allegedly screwing a black public falls outside that definition of racism.”

    minorities could not do it without them….case in point….without Donville ICBL could not bribe a sitting government minister, no insurance company could…they are the ones causing all the problems for the population with their lack of basic intelligence and need to chase down paper money to big up themselves and suck up everything so their own people get very little or nothing in the bargain…

    ….all they gotta do is stop indulging racists, lock them up for violating Black rights and stealing, but no, the pedigrees want bribes…after begging you for votes and telling endless lies and making false promises, we know exactly what is going on. Rejects from UK, descendants of slave patrol and some foreign crooks using racism as a weapon, hanging on to the coattails of dead slave masters to live off Black lives….they are parasites…who think that they will live off our grandchildren and great grands too, but hell no…they need to find honest work…living off Black/Africans is not a real job…

    as for that corrupt supreme court, they need REAL EXPOSURE, because i can’t for the life of me understand why corrupt lawyers and apparently judges too, don’t want to see Black people get any justice at the court. and it’s always been that way……it’s sickening that all the problems for Black Bajans start with black traitors and sellouts in the parliament…

  30. Our powers are legendary.


  31. A little religion thrown in there and it will all come apart. Because people are easily brainwashed. This is when the African leaders should be pushing Africa centric ancestral beliefs. To bring the nations together and forestall the incoming brainwashing.

  32. Many African countries are in a mess as far as leading their countries properly. We have to be careful not to romanticize the issue. The majority of Caribbean people see themselves as West Indians which means a mainly eurocentric people/identify. The job of education Caribbean people about their African heritage must continue but the reality is the life Caribbean people have adopted they will probably never fully embrace Africa.

  33. “minorities could not do it without them….”
    “….all they gotta do is stop indulging racists, lock them up for violating Black rights and stealing”

    there are a number of different theories to explain lack of progress since independence some of which go into realms of conspiracy hypothesis which should be taken with pinches of salt

    such as
    – When blacks took over plantation lands they continued abusive manipulative practises of cheap labour and poor working class
    – Rich puppet masters control politician puppets to do their bidding
    – CIA control and manipulate politics and elections to avoid socialist Governments getting into power (such as alleged support for Edward Seaga JLP in Jamaica)
    – When GB gave up rule of power Barbados was always expected to fail without wider support of network of colonies in Empire
    – Brotherhood of Freemasons and lodges have networks of power like Governments, Judges, Police
    – Incompetence in Government combined with dysfunctional politics and buisness

  34. “The majority of Caribbean people see themselves as West Indians which means a mainly eurocentric people/identify.”

    Is this what is meant by slave minded

    currently, the west would love access to Africa’s rare earth resources required for IT tech which China has control of but are not trusted due to their past infamy of colonialism and slavery robbery with aggravation in Africa, could West Indians in the Western Hemisphere be a means for new trade deals with Africa

  35. This is how West Indians identify. No amount of braying will change this reality. All that can be done is to revamp education system and hopefully over time there will be greater acceptance of that part of our heritage. There is a difference between what is and where afrocentric people want to go.

  36. 555dubstreetApril 11, 2021 4:04 AM

    555Dub is a very logical and pragmatic thinker. A very balanced individual with self awareness. Kudos to you.

  37. “This is how West Indians identify. No amount of braying will change this reality.”

    Maybe the reality is they are both and neither.
    Products of their environment. Trading Places.
    Nature Vs Nurture. People don’t realise how westernised they are until they go east, and only speak English, and are accustomed to the lifestyle they live.
    Blacks may be more practical and physical than Europeans and Asians and could fare better with different methods of schooling than boring book theory in class, such as one on one teaching, mentoring, personal tutoring, working in small team groups for projects, more practical experience, hands on lessons in carpentry and other trades, daily exercise, music and dance classes, less exams rote learning, more coursework assessment, black centric curriculums etc .

  38. True, David. My aim is to reclaim my heritage, the good and the bad parts. I am under no illusions that Africans had all the answers. No human civilisation ever did.

    I simply want to know the whole story. Right now we don’t really know who we are and no tree is secure without healthy roots.

    We are trying to beat the white man at his own game. Never happen. He will simply change the rules to keep it from happening.

    We need to invent our own game.

    That requires a way of thinking that is not entirely Eurocentric.

    We need to redefine ourselves in our own image. We are predominantly African.

    Makes no sense being pretend Europeans when they do not accept us as such.

    They will respect us more when we respect ourselves – not the white parts of ourself but the whole self.

  39. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    We go around in circles. There will be no true liberation : mentally, economically and politically until we reform our educational system.
    Unfortunately when all the “ braying “ is done, we still use our intellect to prop up a system that gives us crumbs. We protect the inherited wealth of the white corporate class and we write a lot of BS defending the national exploitation of our own black brothers and sisters.
    When confronted by hard facts , we go off on some delusional , esoteric nonsense.
    Garbage in garbage out. The question still remains , outside of outlandish fashion statements and embarrassing press conferences, what really is our educational system producing.
    We are defeating ourselves in the class room and no pie in the sky pseudo intellectual waste can save us.
    First step, admit that we are being collectively led by a pack of inferior clowns.

  40. “@ WURA
    I notice an old divide and rule tactic coming into play on BU. Every time some cannot prove their point or counter someone else’s opinion, they introduce the word “ emotion”. It is a word used by whites and apologists to make one feel that their are really irrational. It is a tool used with devastating effect against Afro Americans.”

    First impressions might suggest that #WILLIAM SKINNER is another Hal Austin incarnation operating undercover like a dodgy snitch reporter who can not be trusted, due to his Modus Operandi of similar provocative shit stirring, double teaming, Anti-Government rhetoric and criticism, hatridge of Indians and praises and appreciation for his wannabe pseudo radical comrade in arms Hal which seems well suspicious and dubious setting off warning bells to put it mildly, but it appears that they are separate entities, although neither have been blessed by God in the good look charts and their ugh! faces on the outside may represent ugh! personalities on inside.
    Willy is a member of NDP who I have never heard of but seem to also exist.

  41. David FYI I have received a “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” pingback

  42. I reached here and can’t get any further.
    “The point needs to be restated that for the majority Barbadians are also influenced by their European ancestry.”

    Are we a group of Negropeans?

  43. @William

    Many on the blog agree for major change in personal attitudes and ability to create whether new economy; winning mindsets in our people and the works, it must start with a fit for purpose educational system. No argument from the blogmaster.

  44. We are West Indians of mixed ancestry with greater Eurocentric influence.

  45. “Are we a group of Negropeans?”

    The cultural and racial aspects of mixed race ancestry was by no means voluntary and is a result of the biggest forced migration in history of humanity and the torturing brutality and subordination of slavery and plantation breeding over 20 generations.
    You could say traumatised African Bajans are a product and victims of rape.

  46. “There will be no true liberation : mentally, economically and politically until we reform our educational system.”

    first and foremost…AFRICAN education in it’s ENTIRETY will have to be introduced…to wash out the total indoctrination…..or worse case scenario MINIMIZE IT…but it must be done the RIGHT WAY no cobbled together shit mixed with colonial indoctrination, you are either African or you are not, can’t have it both ways…

    “Are we a group of Negropeans?”

    the negropeans are the ones who DO NOT WANT TO let go the colonial slave system….i keep saying repeatedly that many of us, myself included carry volumes of differing/varying European bloodlines regardless of how we ended up carrying it, it’s not like if it can be washed out anytime soon….ask those who spent literally CENTURIES trying to WHITEN African bloodlines in the diaspora….

    “We protect the inherited wealth of the white corporate class and we write a lot of BS defending the national exploitation of our own black brothers and sisters.”

    that protection MUST END..it’s ILLEGAL and DISCRIMINATORY…these frauds must be taken down a few notches and put in their place…

    “but the reality is the life Caribbean people have adopted they will probably never fully embrace Africa.”

    and yet many diasporans, educated themselves, reconnected to the continent and are embracing it fully, the ones who couldn’t handle it are the ones who want to carry a Euro mindset to the continent and then can’t last long, they already have problems over there with colonial minds, the difference is they still practice African cultures, traditions, languages, music etc, so it’s more balance, alll of that was WASHED OUT of the minds of the African descended, criminalized…etc…

    “True, David. My aim is to reclaim my heritage, the good and the bad parts. I am under no illusions that Africans had all the answers. No human civilisation ever did.”

    that’s the intelligent approach..

  47. You must be mentally prepared for Africa….ya can’t pretend to be African just to see what resources ya can tief….they know all about that and all about the sellouts in the West….they CAUGHT SOME…

    “We are trying to beat the white man at his own game. Never happen. He will simply change the rules to keep it from happening.

    We need to invent our own game.”

    never going to happen, between UK and Europe, they are 500 years ahead, ya wont even come close..The winning game is to educate, educate, educate about our African ancestry and ANCESTORS…

    “The point needs to be restated that for the majority Barbadians are also influenced by their European ancestry.”

    no excuse, am also influenced by the pints of european ancestry but in good way, it depends on what you want to do with it, if ya want to pretend to be European while being oppressed and demoralized…that’s on you…

    “could West Indians in the Western Hemisphere be a means for new trade deals with Africa.”

    that is a last resort and last gasp for those who see control slipping away from them….ah wish yall luck….ya can’t have it both ways…..the change has been so rapid that many missed it…

  48. if ya want to pretend to be European while being oppressed, CRIMINALIZED and demoralized…that’s on you…

    as i see it, no European descendant should be making any laws or plans for African descended people, they have no right……but if you insist on staying in the west EXCLUSIVELY that is exactly what will happen..

    Many celebrities and those less well know from the African diaspora are very HEAVILY INVESTED in Africa, and have been for decades, first they did their ancestry test so they will know who their people are, which tribes they can call family, a lot found out which ancient Kingdowm they originated, many countries to choose from on the continent, you do not have to relegate yourself to only one country, but there is a process…and there is an AU passport which will soon be available for the African descended…..that is also a work in progress with kinks to be worked out……many are moving to different countries EVERY DAY…….there is no paradise on earth with mankinds destructive, greedy, tiefing ways… not even the small islands that prostitute and pedophile themselves as paradise…

  49. “That is why I said the people need something deeper than Nigerian movies.”

    Perhaps people need something else that goes beyond Nigerian movies.

    I’ve watched several of those movies and what amazes me is the scripts often portray the characters with certain characteristics exhibited by West Indians.

    The Nigerian and Ghanaian movies reveal there are serious issues of classism, abuse of women’s and children’s rights and segregation, corrupt police and politicians exist in Nigeria and Ghana. Social class, job, level of education, skin complexion, whether one lives in the village or city…… all issues in our society…. play important roles in the movies.
    A man from humble beginnings is shown to be contented with the village, his relatives and friends. However, upon moving to the city and ‘making money,’ he squanders his wealth on women, clothes, several cars/SUVs and houses.

    The actresses bleach their skins and wear wigs that were designed for Caucasian women, (a Jamaican fad) ; derogatory references made to people of darker complexion; and the younger generation have been ‘shedding’ their ‘Africaness,’ to embrace Jamaican and ‘sub-urban’ African-American cultures.
    When a man travels abroad (obodo oyibo), whether to Germany, Sweden, Dubai, Malaysia, UK, USA or even within the African Continent….. to South Africa or Ghana, he returns to Nigeria speaking with an American accent, his pants worn way below his waist and constantly use ‘f**k.’
    The women also return with an American accent, wearing tight, revealing clothes, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
    This is a clear indication there aren’t any fundamental differences between Hollywood’s and Nollywood’s stereotypical representation of African-Americans.

    There is also a particular emphasis on Christianity versus African traditional religion, to show a fight between ‘good and evil or light and darkness.’
    However, I’m disappointed that Jesus is always played by a ‘white man,’ and they break most of the Commandments. They worship other gods; make graven images; kill to receive wealth; commit adultery; steal; bear false witness; covet their neighbour’s wife and property.

    Additionally, more often than not, a gender‐stereotypical representation is highly persistent in the several of the movies. Women, for example, are often portrayed in domesticated and traditional roles, or depicted as being weak or lazy; dependent on and secondary to men; ruthless career women; attractive and seductive women whose ‘charms’ ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps (femme fatale) or vindictive mother-in-laws.
    Men, on the other hand, are often depicted as independent, successful, breadwinners and womanizers, who may marry more than one wife or have girlfriends in addition to his wife.

    What does this tell you?

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