Posted by Lyall Small to the Covid 19 Update blog in response to commenter Critical Anlayzer and the Blogmaster to concerns about new strains of the virus.

I think that the difficulties that Barbados has been experiencing in dealing with the new clusters over the last 3 weeks or so is going to be very important in showing the way towards developing additional home grown or regional methods for combating the virus, especially since the cost of the new vaccines might be somewhat prohibitive and indeed that new mutant strains could make some of these vaccines ineffective.

I saw a report recently that the new English mutant of the virus is not only more infective than the older variant but was also likely to result in more deaths. In addition, there was a suggestion that the existing vaccines might not be effective against one or more of the new variants. If this is true we might have to take a new tack and use a new suite of methods to exclude and control that new strain when it gets here. If the effectiveness of vaccines is compromised other methods may have to be developed and used to control the virus.

High Relative Humidity has been claimed to be a low-level environmental deterrent to high infectivity levels of the virus. High temperatures has also been claimed as being a factor that operates in a similar manner. So too have been Sunlight (high UV levels) and consequential Vitamin D levels. I have not seen the research which has fully demonstrated these effects on the virus but the claims of the efficacy of these factors could be researched and the results incorporated into protocols for control of the spread of the virus in combination with the tried and true use of masks, social distancing, washing of hands and even exclusion.

Tracking Bracelet

The work that has started with the Electronic GPS bracelets on monitoring and control of the movement of visitors suggests to me that Government might be able to significantly reduce its overall Covid-19 quarantine costs by introducing a system where non-symptomatic locals who have been in contact with positive cases could be also fitted with these bracelets and be self-quarantined at home with regular visits by the Covid-units Doctors and Nurses instead of immediately being put in an expensive Government quarantine or isolation facility once they test positive for the virus.

200 responses to “Preparing for the COVID 19 Mutant”

  1. David don’t get frustrated barbados has taken a path which they new of the risk involved
    As for me i am just an observer
    Not my Fault

  2. @Crusoe January 23, 2021 4:22 AM. “Although I generally do not believe in conspiracy theories, I am wondering if the virus is not a deliberate attempt at depopulation.”

    If the virus is a deliberate attempt at depopulation then it is unlikely that the scientists would have created a virus which kills mainly old people, long past reproductive age. Bad or mad scientists would most likely create something like the “Spanish” flu of 1918 where the death rate was highest among people of prime reproductive age.

    The Spanish Influenza affected particularly the 25- to 34-year-old and 15- to 24-year-old age groups.

    What was the average age of people in the United States and Canada who died during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic?

    The average age of those who died during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in the US and Canada was 28 years old.

  3. @TLSN January 23, 2021 7:33 PM “The ZR woman appears to be keeping a low profile.”

    Goodnight TLSN. How are you?

    Here I am.

    Was busy socialising on the phone with family and friends. Then I spent 3 hours gardening. You all know how much I love gardening. Then spent some time “putting forward” Sunday dinner. Wunna dun know that I have no wife to do that for me. But this is the menu: black-eyed peas and rice. Baked pork chops. Golden yellow sweet potatoes which I grew myself. A glass of sorrel to wash it all down.

    Will read this post and all the comments comment tomorrow.

  4. I actually didn’t watch/listen to the press conference. heard bit of it on the car radio [I don’t always take ZR’s. lol!] on my way home, and then a bit more as I walked in the door. But after 3 hours of field labour in the hot sun [there is no bathroom in my field] I had more urgent tasks than a press conference.

  5. @angela cox January 23, 2021 6:34 AM “Btw did anyone listen to the Canadian economist Carlos Forte comments on govt Covid policies His remarks speaks to a great level of concern of govt insistence on not listening to other health officials advice.”

    I listened to Carlos.

    Sweet fellow. I love his voice.

    But he is an economist, not a health official.

  6. @Kammie Holder January 23, 2021 12:53 PM “I notice the Covid19 infection rate among men is nearly 1.5 times higher in #Barbados. Thus, I am calling on all women to abstain and deny all men sex immediately. This abstinence should continue until we have zero Covid19 cases.”

    Great idea.

    I’ve been doing this for 11 months now.

    I am surprised to hear that not everybody is doing the same.

  7. @Cudhear Bajan:
    “But this is the menu: black-eyed peas and rice. Baked pork chops. Golden yellow sweet potatoes which I grew myself. A glass of sorrel to wash it all down”.:

    Seems like you forgot the green stuff. How about some steamed okras or kale from your plantation? Or a cucumber and tomato salad?
    I had pasta with meat sauce, a salad as big as my head, a slice of pone and a shot of expensive Foursquare rum. I have to thank Northern Observer for the heads up on that rum. It only cost $80 Canadian and I got the last bottle that was in Ottawa. I am trying to get my friend to get me two bottles from Whitby as they had a large supply.

  8. Ok Dame Bajans. I’ll add some okras. I still have plenty in the freezer. Some kale and Chinese cabbage hanging around in there too. So maybe I’ll have 3 greens.


  9. @TLSN

    I am sorry to hear that your childhood was not filled with tuk band music.

    My mother’s stepfather was a Panama Man, a carpenter and a tuk band man.

    Good furniture, stories and music.

    Every child should be so blessed.

  10. @ Jean

    Thank you. We have an obsession with knowing better than anyone else. We are world class. The press briefings should be shorter and simple.
    The team should meet before facing the public/press and decide what are the key issues and who will speak on them. They should cut out the political propaganda and concentrate on informing a terrified public.
    Your point about distractions is key. I have made it about Dr George. Anything that causes the viewer/listener not to concentrate on the message should be remove ie neck chains, general presentation, etc.
    Stop preaching with nonsense about we are all in this together. Everybody knows CoVid does not ask which party you support.
    Bring in the best and most talented Barbados has to offer, no matter which party they support, or none, to inform the public.
    Move the briefings from Ilaro Court to the Ministry of Health and remove the prime minister. Leave her for major announcements so that the sight of her at a briefing sends the message something big is coming.
    Most of all, admit our limitations. Another key to handling the press: prepare written press kits so no matter the questions, they go away with the same information.
    Finally, we have too many doctors appearing: George, Forde, Best, Cave, et al, some of them should not really be there because they add no value to the briefings.

  11. No level of PROPAGANDA is going to make this pandemic disappear, in fact the past/present Barbados government ideologies are going to make the situation significantly worse. Other world countries, first and third are also floundering with inappropriate ideas, however if one evaluates what has been tried and what works some relief and mitigation is available. However Barbados government being true to form will have to reinvent the wheel in their personal ideologic format. This wasting of time and action will result in a catastrophic situation for the populace, health wise and economically.

  12. @thethrowashadecrew

    The press briefings are obviously designed to educate and not to spout numbers.

    Wear your mask.

    Sanitize and one wash your hands frequently.

    Social/physical distancing.

    Explain covid 19 jargon and terms of arts etc.

  13. The following comment posted yesterday by Pacha is worth restating:

    This is not an issue for simpletons. Sometimes there are no easy options. And when there is no obvious option the thinking maybe to do nothing, or maintain status quo.

    Certainly 500 years of globalization cannot be undone overnight. Nobody, no country, has found that an easy option.

    As a results open economies like Barbados arr forced to make life or death decisions more akin to countries with a history militarism. Countries accustomed to sending parts of the populations to their death, as a matter of course, survival.

    We see no easy answers beyond those previous presented by nations.

  14. Hal if you look out your window you will see it has just started snowing.
    My advice is don’t bother watching Government briefings as spin and waffle is what they do.
    Covid has proven UK News industry is shit and is a medium for advertising and propaganda which old dogs like you thrive on.
    Why take information from biased sources.
    Financial Times interactive data news is up to 4 days late with indicative prices that are snapshots of moving targets which are immediately out of date as they get data feeds from banks who get data feeds from funds and markets who get data feeds from offshore sources and each stage has up to a day or more delays in batch processes collating information by computer systems.
    Most external information system sources are just glorified spreadsheets. You probably didn’t even know this and was an editor at FT news.

    I get all the news I need from the weather report

  15. “As a results open economies like Barbados arr[sic] forced to make life or death decisions more akin to countries with a history militarism. Countries accustomed to sending parts of the populations to their death, as a matter of course, survival.”

    First Casualty of War is Truth

  16. Well well the dreaded day most right thinking bajans feared has arrived.As Austin proudly stated community spread is officially here.Persons like Austin , Mariposa, Baje, TSLN, and Baje should be on an open back truck celebrating.I wonder what they want now a gold medal?I wonder if they have family and friends in Barbados who can be infected by this covid ?I still maintain we can survive this once we follow yhe protocols of wearing our madks , washing our hands and social distancing.As usual a big thank you to the hard working doctors, nurses , policemen and all other frontline workers. We are behind you 100% do not mind the doom and gloomers they have even more problems in their countries than us.Lastly i maintain all those tourist who broke our protocols along with the locals on the west coast and the ones on that bus crawl whom i had the unfortunate view of their despicable behaviour should in my view face the full weight of the law once we recover.

  17. @ Lorenzo January 24, 2021 7:47 AM

    I fully support your comment. Instead of gloating and making fun of our most beautiful island, our commentators from the contaminated northern countries should rather take a look at their own noses.

    The day of reckoning will come.Then our standing courts will bring to justice the social media agitators, the British tourists and the locals who broke the Corona protocols. I suggest we draw barbed wire around Drax Hall Camp for this purpose and make the tourists do 10 years penal labor there. The local lawbreakers will have to do 10 years of community service. As compensation.

  18. Wuhlaus! Fake Observing cannot help himself! He must kiss Hal Austin’s ass! He even assumed a new moniker and came out at midnight to kiss it.

    I repeat, I have not heard one Bajan who lives here concerned with Dr. George’s open neck shirt and gold chain. Go and fix Boris Johnson’s bird nest!

    Pompous, pretend prig of a pretend Pommey!

    At least I have taught him the meaning of the word “ignore”.

    Who are these panicked people? They should simply follow the protocols instead of feting and bus crawling!

    My son is seventeen and he has not gone anywhere for weeks. He shows no interest in doing so. I do the few errands as I am less likely to slip up. Only place he went was to a neighbourhood shop where he spent less than five minutes.

    My brother passed by this morning. Every time he came close to me I moved away until I had to use my voice. We were outside without masks because the visit was unplanned. He just spotted me outside and stopped.

    This is not the first time that maskless people have followed me around when in conversation in my neighbourhood. I step away and they step towards until I have to speak out. It is ok to remove your mask to ease your breathing when outdoors and out of range. But be aware that you must keep off!

    And as for the fooping, some people pretend that they cannot live without it.

    If so, I am a long dead duppy!

    Bajans need to keep their heads on rather than panic.

  19. Going to be petty and disagree with one sentence
    ” should in my view face the full weight of the law once we recover.”
    We cannot wait until we recover, the hammer must be brought down on them as soon as they are identified and located. Treat all in the same manner.

    Noticed that lately we have been singing in the same choir. Let’s hope that we beat this thing soundly and quickly so that I can make your list again.

  20. When did criticisms of govt known mistakes become gloating

    #####sitting in the gallery observing

  21. @ David BU

    When I saw this photo three (3) people immediately came to mind.

  22. Liz

  23. @Artax

    You nailed it!

  24. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Sigh…the stupidity that is see on social media and on this blog will more than likely kill me before COVID-19 (and it that is not even too far of an exaggeration). To think that some people here want espouse Barrow’s legacy of “education for all” are shining examples of Barrow’s legacy gone into decline. To put it in Bajan it is clear that their favorite subjects at school was break and lunch and that they went school in only in August.

    Anybody that has educated themselves to the workings of this virus would have know that community spread was coming. The uneducated and grossly ignorant would want to equate this as a death sentence for Barbados. They would want bajans to think that the world is 166 sq. miles. The reality is that this virus wasn’t going to “magically disappear”. In fact very few viruses have “disappeared”. What mankind has done is to make vaccines and drugs to make them more survivable and less debilitating. The longer this virus is about, the closer Barbados and other countries would come to community spread.

    When one looks at the world situation, the correlation between population (& population density), and COVID-19 cases is fairly weak. With a virus this contagious, that is notable. China and India, by far, are the most populous countries with 2.8 billion people combined. compared to the US and Brazil who have 0.6 billion. Yet China and India have 11 million cases and 160,000 deaths compared to USA and Brazil with 33 million cases and 650,000 deaths. In fact it has only been a “disaster” in those countries where the leadership has done very little AND|OR whose population display a lack of DISCIPLINE in fighting the virus. Using China as an example again (even though their methods were draconian, and case numbers less than reliable) their response was targeted and EDUCATED based on their EXPERIENCE with SARS. China, as the most populous county and the origin of this virus, is now not even close to the top 20 when it comes to case and death numbers. I compare this to the USA who had a patented jackass as a leader that chose to politicize the issue and failed to mount a united, targeted sensible response to the severe detriment of its people.

    The facts thus far are that, after nearly 10 months, Barbados has 9 deaths from COVID-19. Compared to other countries with thesame population size and density, Barbados has done more than a good job. In my opinion it is because we had done such a good job that caused a sense of complacency to set in and created a lapse in discipline required in maintaining the protocols. For Barbados, the acute problem is that it is in the top 20 densest populations in the world, with that density being higher along the south and west coast. Runaway spread is a reality that it has to confront but not necessarily to fear. I expect a return of the pre July 2020 measures in some form (i.e. the ABC shopping system, the daytime stay at home orders) but I expect such measures to be less stringent (i.e. i believe all businesses will stay open). The facts are that FAR more people are recovering (without medical assistance) than people dying from it. The amount of time people recover from this virus is about the same amount of time most people take sick leave from work. It is this fact that I continue to state that border closers and hard lockdowns are overkill and will do far more harm than COVID-19 will ever do to the country. However as it is a contagious virus, a RESPONSIBLE government will implement measures to reduce its spread to save (especially) the vulnerable from catching it and what reduce whatever medical and economic burden it would have on Barbados.

  25. @ David January 24, 2021 1:56 PM
    You nailed it!”

    Be care Dear Blogmaster, you might be ‘charged’ for copyright infringement.

    The able-bodied seaman miller was the ‘first’ one to pin that medal of chief armchair critic-in-the-balcony’ characterization on your’ English captain of the sailing ship SS Barbadoes ‘perfectly’ manned by your “throwing-shade” crew.

    The only thing missing from the ‘Ivy-league’ Captain Statler’s manifest is his chief mate of buffoonery Waldorf.

    “Every week, this show looks better to me.”
    “Every week, your eyesight gets worse!”
    ~ Statler and Waldorf.

    Every challenge faced by a nation will have its critics so that the doers can be motivated to live up to the esprit de corps required to overcome that challenge.

  26. @Miller


  27. Well well the dreaded day most right thinking bajans feared has arrived.As Austin proudly stated community spread is officially here.



  28. @ Cuhdear Bajan January 23, 2021 11:04 PM
    “I actually didn’t watch/listen to the press conference. heard bit of it on the car radio [I don’t always take ZR’s. lol!] on my way home, and then a bit more as I walked in the door. But after 3 hours of field labour in the hot sun [there is no bathroom in my field] I had more urgent tasks than a press conference.

    But Ms Cuh-dear, why have gone and broken your 20 year-old promise of not owning a car?

    What happened to cause you to change your mind?

    Was it the high probability of contracting Covid-19 because of your inability to stay 6 feet away from others like ‘anchovies in a sardine pan’ while aboard your favourite mode of transport?

    Or is it because the rich old boy with the ‘disabled’ foot from” white Hill” left you a bagatelle of a financial tral-la in his will after you did a black-widow-spider job on him?

    Is that why you have taken Kammie Holder’s advice to heart?

  29. Wuhlaus! I just clicked Artax’s photo link! Murdaaaaah!

  30. Just read an article told by a COVID infected person who took all precautions but became infected from customers while plying her trade
    The story got my attention because of some BU simpletons believes that doing things which are recommend by WHO would protect people from the virus
    The problem lies with govt policies which will certainty brings infected people into contact with other individuals

  31. @ Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV January 24, 2021 2:36 PM

    Your explanations are as clear as crystal glass. Probably our Supreme Leader will soon proclaim you our new Corona Press Officer.

    Of course, the problem can be controlled on a small island with such a capable gov. As it was after the March 2020 outbreak. Everyone is now called upon to stay in their villas and gated community, to play golf and polo only with family members, and to use only their own swimming pools. Then nothing can happen to us. Also, I recommend shopping at Massa Market because the prices there are so high and therefore almost no one walks the aisles there.

  32. @ Donna

    The ‘A.B.C Crew.’

  33. Why isnt my comment showing up this is my third try

    Listen slowly and digest

  34. David please delete two of them
    After several tries and no response BU finally posted them when i complained
    Not my fault

  35. I read the article this morning. The lady was face painting, so no physical distancing. Her clients were not wearing masks and were conversing with her. She admits that she did not wear her face shield.

    I am writing this on this morning’s read so feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I have always had a very good memory.

    Of course, there will be the occasional person who catches the thing whilst taking all precautions. And certain jobs are riskier than others.

    But there are no guarantees in life.

  36. Quote from Ertol Barrow first budget speech 1962
    Relevant in todays present Covid crisis

    The first Barbados Budget

    “I think that we in the West Indies should not be afraid to speak our minds. I think that we in the West Indies should not be looking around for somebody to lead and work out our own political and economic philosophy and I do not think that it pays any West Indian politician to either look too rapidly in the direction of Europe or Asiatic countries for our basic philosophies of life.”

  37. @Pachamama, well #SexStrikes are very effective in getting men to change behaviour. Used to stop wars and fight corruption. All sport aside um might just wuk.

  38. Govt asking retired nurses to return to work at the. QEH
    Hope these retired nurses are not elderly in that age is a high factor for becoming infected while engaging in a COVID environment as was stated happening at the hospital



    Israel prepares to ban all incoming passenger flights for two weeks amid fears of mutant Covid variants
    Plans to suspend all incoming passenger flights amid fears of Covid-19 variants
    Prime Minister Netanyahu will now seek Cabinet approval for the measures
    The country has been under a third national lockdown since December 27

    Israel is preparing to suspend all incoming passenger flights for a two-week period in a bid to prevent the spread of highly-infectious Covid-19 variants.

    The suspension is subject to Cabinet approval and would see all incoming and outgoing flights halted for 14 days.

    The country, which has the world’s fastest vaccine distribution rate, has been under a third national lockdown since December 27.

  40. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    The video just displays firsthand the realities of this virus that we already knew.
    1) It is very, contagious and pervasive.
    2) It will find any gaps in the protocols. The lady admits that she was in an environment with sustained contact with people not wearing masks hence she was at a higher risk to catch it.
    3) It is survivable

    This is not an airborne variant of the Ebola virus (god forbid). COVID-19 is a variant of the SARS virus both of which are types of coronaviruses. It is more than likely everyone had a form of coronavirus as is one of the viruses that causes the cold. The specific issue with COVID-19 is that it is new to humans. Hence those with compromised immune systems and those with prior respiratory issues are especially vulnerable. Because of the amount of recoveries it is clear that the immune system can fight it. A vaccine would help the human body have an even greater chance of fighting it off.
    It is interesting to read that Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that a vaccine was developed for SARS, it was just that simple public health measures had contained the virus then and interest to fund worldwide vaccinations declined sharply.
    After 12 months of this pandemic, (and remembering the outcomes of the Bird\Swine flu and SARS pandemics, all of which happen less than 20 years ago!!!!) I am convinced the problem is more so how individual countries reacted to the threat in the first few months rather than the virus mortality in itself.

  41. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TVJanuary 25, 2021 2:31 AM

    Good comment to an extent. However, there is evidence that the South African variant can avoid antibodies. If this is proven, then we are in deep doodoo. Have you ever heard of a virus that can avoid antibodies?

    One of the reasons that I think this is a biological weapon and some dastardly people released it to depopulate.

  42. Donna January 24, 2021 1:03 PM

    Good Examples to follow…Safety First..

    “UK Daily Mail”
    Last updated: January 23, 2021 12:10 IST
    Hank Aaron death: MLB legend shockingly passes away weeks after taking COVID-19 vaccine
    Hank Aaron death: The MLB legend and one-time home-run king took a coronavirus vaccine shot just weeks before his death on Friday in Atlanta.

    In a Hank Aaron death official statement, Atlanta Braves revealed that their legend had passed away in his sleep. No details on Hank Aaron health or his cause of death were disclosed. A little over two weeks before his death, the Hall of Famer had got vaccinated against COVID-19 in Georgia hoping to send a message to Black Americans that the shots are safe.
    Aaron, at the time, had told Associated Press that he had no qualms in getting vaccinated and was proud of himself for doing so. Many have alleged that his death could be triggered by the vaccine dosage, but there have been no confirmed reports of the same. Major League Baseball Commissioner Robert Manfred Jr. called his friendship with Aaron “one of the greatest honors of my life” while paying his respects to the Braves legend…

  43. Muslims miss mosque but staying away
    THE LAST YEAR has been life-changing for many in the local Muslim community who were accustomed to praying at their mosques multiple times a day.
    However, president of the Barbados Muslim Association, Dr Abdul Mohammed, said they were not prepared to risk their lives by going back to their places of worship in large numbers.
    He said that since the recent outbreak and increased restrictions, to honour the sanctity of the established mosques, they had selected about three to ten people who visit them throughout the day, while the others prayed at home.
    There are four established mosques in Barbados, some of which can house hundreds, especially on Fridays, one of the most significant days of prayer.
    “There are persons who all their lives grew accustomed to going to the mosque and praying five times a day, so it has become difficult. But what the science tells us to do, we will follow.
    “In Islam, preservation of life is paramount. So when it comes to a matter of life and death or preservation of health, from a religious perspective, we are mandated to be secure. So we’ve created those bubbles and that is how we manage to function, and that’s all we have been doing,” Mohammed said.
    He added that, like all groups, there were some people who found it hard to adjust but they did their best to ensure everyone complied with the protocols.
    “There is a precedent in our religion, where during the plague persons outside an area were told they should not enter, so that in itself tells you we support quarantining. But it has not been easy and it has taken a bit of work, communication and public relations to get the message to our members. Some will take it easier than others, but we will do what needs to be done.”

    Source: Nation

  44. Good for them!

  45. @Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TVJanuary 25, 2021 2:31 AM

    Thank you for your clarification. I will propose you as COVI19 Czar to our Supreme Leader at the next opportunity.

  46. “Israel prepares to ban all incoming passenger flights for two weeks amid fears of mutant Covid variants.”

    the intelligent thing to do, it will not interfere with future herd immunity as long as it’s done in phases….

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