Barbadians were an exceptionally enterprising people.  During slavery, our fore-parents were forced to work without payment.  After slavery, they were paid for their labour.  But the evidence of their labour, both during and after slavery, showed that they produced work to an exceptionally high standard.

By the time of our Independence, most Barbadians had marketable skills by the age of 18 years.  Those skills included: masonry, carpentry, joinery, seam-stressing, weaving, tailoring, barbering, baking, nursing, teaching, book-keeping, farming, fishing, boat-building, machining, and the various trades required on the plantations and businesses where many of them worked.  Barbadians were justifiably proud of their industriousness.

The Barbados public service was one of the most professional and well managed of all nations.  It employed the most qualified Barbadians.  By the time of our Independence, it appeared to exceed the international management standard, ISO 9001.

Rural Barbados was mostly a collection of communities, that were connected to plantations.  Those who worked on the plantations had access to small lots, where they could plant canes and vegetables.  Those in the community supported each other.  They reaped each-others’ canes, built each-others’ houses, and shared each-others’ vegetables.

There were disagreements within families and neighbours.  But no disagreement affected the unspoken, but understood duty to those in the community.  Then something happened after our Independence to divide every community in Barbados, and the duty to share stopped.    Something also infected our public service at this time, and our professional public service came to an end.  What happened?

In 1950, everyone 21 years and over became entitled to vote.  In 1964, this was reduced to 18 years.  So, politicians visited the communities in search for votes.  Our politicians could not promise employment in the public sector, because it was protected.  So, they encouraged Barbadians to hate who they considered to be our common enemy – the white merchants and planters.

Barbados became Independent in 1966.  To prevent Barbados from self-destructing, our Constitution protected our professional public service from political abuse.  It did this by giving the Governor General the sole duty to hire, discipline and fire public workers.

Our politicians cleverly removed this protection by legislating intermediate politically appointed bodies to manage the public service.  They then recommended old-age pensioners to the post of Governor General.  Once the Governor Generals were sufficiently distracted with tiresome ceremonial duties, our professional public service became exposed to political abuse.

As each political administration sent thousands of their unqualified supporters to Government departments, they went from being highly professional to highly politicised.  Engineering is a classic example.

There were about 10 chartered engineers in three government departments in the 1970s.  One decade later, there was not a single chartered engineer to be found in the entire public service of Barbados.  Further, when it was brought to their attention that unqualified persons were occupying Engineering posts, the posts were simply renamed to Technical Officer, which automatically qualified their previously unqualified supporters.  The tragic effect on quality was foreseen.

Whenever the government changed, the winning political party sent home many of the losing party’s supporters, and filled the public service with their own.  Getting work generally did not depend on competence, but on party loyalty.

The unqualified political supporters could be quickly promoted to management positions above more qualified persons.  Since the least competent persons could be the most successful, there was little incentive for individuals to pursue excellence.  Public services quickly became extremely poorly managed, and very low standards became the new normal.

In the communities, people no longer depended on each-other, but on their politicians.  Households proudly declared their political party affiliation, and communities became firmly divided along political party lines.

Approximately 40 years ago, our politicians achieved what two hundred years of slavery never did.  They destroyed our sharing communities, dismantled our professional public service, erased our desire for excellence, and got us to blame each other for their corrupting mismanagement.

To sustain their achievements, they have convinced the current generation of Barbadians that incompetence must be tolerated, because it is the best that descendants of slaves can achieve.  They have also brainwashed their most extreme supporters, to deprive anyone who dares to question their performance.

After our politicians got the merchants to fund their political parties, our politicians had to find a new enemy for us to hate – ourselves.


Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at


224 responses to “Grenville Phillips Column – No Pride, No Industry”

  1. they also sell invisible ink….pick up some for waru

  2. Feeling the PINCH huh….GOOD.

    but wait..yall ain’t seen nothing yet, ya decades of criminality against the people has not even begun to SINK ITS TEETH IN YET..

    Don’t mind me…ah enjoying the show..,wait until those who are sitting quietly watching yall and SAYING NOTHING…..start in on ya backsides…this is just the preamble…it’s nothing….ya done know already that am ALL TALK.

  3. “egg-less cakes” brought on a smile

    I bet they have sugarless cake as well… Ask them what is the sweetener as you enjoy a veggie burger.

    I would still guess that man from the Ivy loves Barbados as much as anyone here.

    Have a great day.

  4. How to tell a yard fowl – when they agree with and defend everything the party does – WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

    No party can be right all the time. Even with the best of intentions, mistakes will be made.

    However, a party can be wrong all the time with the worst of intentions. So the same does not hold for those who disagree and attack everything a party does.


    What are the intentions of this party in power? Are they any different from the intentions of the former party in power?

    Will the new multimillionaires among us be government ministers and their handpicked friends or will they be allowed to emerge through fair competition?

    Time will tell and the truth will out.

    Yuh could hide and buy yacht but yuh cyan hide and sail it.

  5. “Yuh could hide and buy yacht but yuh cyan hide and sail it.”

    Not without falling off it into the water for everyone to see and laugh their asses off cause ya aint no seafarer, just a wannabe….which is not bad thing UNLESS ya a wannabe and would go to any lengths to sell ya own people out just to preen, pose and model…shite material.

  6. “Further, I put my professional reputation on the line, and offered to implement the ISO 9001 system in the BWA and QEH, for free, so everyone could see how quickly improvements could be made.”

    You are a bluffer. ISO 9001 in a hospital setting is pretty much useless. There is no one size fits all QMS for a hospital. For example Anesthesiology uses a Risk Based QMS, while a Lab will use a traditional prescriptive QMS, then you will find hybrid throughout. You clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

    To expose you even further as a bluffer, why didn’t you offer your free services to the Barbados Port Inc, they put out a tender earlier this year for implementation of ISO 9001.

  7. @Redguard

    Where do we start a process to force effeciency?

  8. @David

    Before trying to be efficient I say first make sure we are effective.

    Here’s a simple analogy. You build a car from scratch, do you want it to be fuel efficient first or do you want to be effective as a means of transport first. It obvious you want it do be an effective means of transport first.
    Being effective initially will require a large input of resources, in some cases too much, which will lead to waste (inefficiency) but the car is doing its job. Once we are confident of the operational effectiveness of the car we can agree on a standard performance level (standardisation). After this we can go one of two directions, push for a higher level of performance or improve efficiency. (Do we want it to be sports car or become an economical family car).

    Effectiveness is where Grenville and ISO come in.

    Efficiency is achieved by identifying value adding activities. Value is basically the amount an input improves after undergoing a process. Value can be added directly or indirectly. After identifying the value adding activities we then classify the remaining activities as waste (non value adding). We then carefully remove waste from the system while monitoring to ensure it really has no effect. Waste uses resources (human, time, material, equipment). Tron will likely argue the largest source of waste in our system is human, I believe it is time, but that is an argument for another day.

    Efficiency is where Lean and six sigma methodologies are applicable

    For Barbados the car is a gas guzzler and also an ineffective means of transport (it breaks down often and when it drives it just goes in circles). Chasing fuel efficiency or trying to become a sports car are both fallacies.

    We need to redesign the car from scratch

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 8:39 AM

    If efficiency has to be forced,it is not efficiency that you are aiming at. It appears to be control and micromanagement at this distance. You are doomed to fail. Efficiency involves buy-in from all stakeholders.Management 101, do I hear?

  10. #BTEditorial – Finding Cannabis and Nirvana in the Atlantic Ocean

    Similar to the secretive business agreement which Government entered into with White Oak Consultancy, the proposed Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2019 is churning up some questions to which Barbadians must demand answers. Alas, though, there appears to be an air of national silence and acceptance where one does not know whether it is guided by fear, intimidation, acute adulation, coma or the arrival of some political nirvana.

    Member of Parliament Reverend Joseph Atherley’s creation as Opposition Leader might have been as conveniently contrived as the gift of speech reportedly given to Balaam’s companion. But now we owe his Opposition People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP) genuine kudos for its revelations on issues related to the move to bring the Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2019 into law. There have been legitimate calls from members of the clergy and other interest groups for caution and greater discourse on this legislation. But we suspect these calls might fall on deaf ears as Government over the past months has shown a propensity to do, acknowledge error, and then re-do. But the PdP has made statements that demand explanation or denial from Government.

    Speaking at a press conference yesterday, the PdP’s spokesman on Health, Wellness and the Environment Paul Gibson questioned the incorporation of two companies related to the new cannabis thrust. He queried the reasons why Government had not made public knowledge the incorporation of the Cannabis Licensing Authority or the privately-owned BIM-Medical Cannabis Limited. The former had been incorporated on July 26, 2019, and amazingly the latter was incorporated months before on September 19, 2018. All of this activity had quietly been undertaken while the actual legislation is only now being discussed. This is enough to raise eyebrows among those not blinkered by inane, political loyalties. Mr Gibson stated: “Please note that this Bill has neither been fully ventilated in Parliament nor passed by either the Honorable Senate or the Honorable House of Assembly…We would wish to ascertain whether these actions to establish these entities before the passage of the Bill is legal. If it is thought to be legal, is it ethical? And if ethical, is this action transparent?”

    In essence, while Barbadians are listening to what for all intents and purposes has been rendered meaningless parliamentary debate on the Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2019, a regulatory agency has already been set up and a private concern has been incorporated to more than likely tap into the business end of the production of Cannabis for medicinal purposes. Transparency – if the documents produced by the PdP are accepted as authentic copies of official documents – has seemingly been sacrificed since last year. Barbadians should be asking themselves why and for whom?

    The Opposition PdP spokesman went further by asking questions of parties associated with the two incorporated entities. “We would wish also to be told as to the involvement of George Walton Payne & Co., Winston Best of Apple Hall, St Philip and William Armstrong of Ruby Plantation, St Philip; all of whose names appear in the certification documents relative to the Cannabis Authority. It is to be noted that the documents list the registered office address as Government headquarters, Bay Street. Similarly, we would wish to be advised as to the involvement of Basil Hunte, Damian Cohall and Sebastien Hunte; all of whom are listed as Directors of BIM-Medical Cannabis Ltd,” Gibson noted. These are all very legitimate queries.

    The efficacy of the usage of Cannabis for medicinal, religious or recreational purposes is not the issue here. There will be cogent arguments for and against its usage for generations to come. One can argue that if Cannabis is good for medicinal usage, then what is the big deal if it is used for religious and recreational purposes. Wouldn’t it contribute to the good health of those users too? But that seems not to be essence of what is puzzling Mr Gibson and many who have been taken aback by yesterday’s revelations. Why the secrecy? Why the rush? Why is Government putting the cart before the horse? Why are agencies being incorporated even before the laws that provide the raison d’être for their existence are passed?

    During the probation era of 1920-1933 in the United States, many shadowy characters made millions from the illegal sale of alcohol. The end of prohibition might have affected the profit margins of many but the post-1933 period did not mean that big bucks stopped flowing into the coffers of those controlling the legal booze.

    The illegal sale of marijuana has garnered significant fortunes for many among us and on a small island like Barbados, those profiteers are well known to most citizens. In several instances, they are the neighbours who live next door. The eventual passage of the Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2019 might affect some profit margins but by no stretch of the imagination will the industry stop bringing profits to those legally positioned to exploit the market.

    The PdP should not be the only concerned entity asking questions and demanding answers from this current Government.

  11. @Enuff
    Aren’t you technically no longer associated with the firm once you’re in Cabinet? Let’s discuss.

    That should be an interesting discussion, what prohibition exists that prevents a Cabinet Minister from being “technically” associated with his law firm? Wuh happen to the Integrity bill?

    Dey could bury it at de peoples cemetery (Westbury)

    Here lies de Integrity bill, killed by politicians and public apathy

  12. “EnuffSeptember 18, 2019 5:34 PM

    GWP is a whole firm! The other 8 or how many lawyers should starve? Aren’t they Bar adian too? Is it ok for friends in other law firms to benefit from contracts? Aren’t you technically no longer associated with the firm once you’re in Cabinet? Let’s discuss.”

    I was slow this time, but me thinks crooked Enuff gave the usual yardfowl justification and answer to questions being posed for Marshall Payne and Co..sitting ministers’ unethical involvement in the Cannabis process they once all hated, though they not only smoke it but some are known to traffick the product themselves……which in the yardfowl mind is perfectly legal AND ETHICAL as long as they are the ones doing it..,,……Ms Crooked Enuff started the discussion, then ran off and left it….

    So i will share the full yardfowl justification for bribery, corruption and selling out their own people small island style…”wuh yuh tink we ent to get nutten too…it does happen everywhere, and i does read my bible…”

    And ya cant even attempt to change that low crawling mentality, not in the parliament and not anywhere else.

    In saying that…these crooks could only be thinking of putting their yardfowls to work on slave plantations with marijuana…cause those who are not born with a slave mentality…WILL NEVER agree to matter how DIFFICULT government tries to make their lives to force the reenslavement of them and their children.

    Some BLACK people were BORN with dignity, self respect, self confidence and sense of SELF….it is clear that not one of the leaders in Barbados were born with any of those qualities…none that we have met yet anyway..

  13. Let me REPEAT–the Bill was laid in Parliament in August 2019 and the Bim-Medical Cannabis Ltd registered in September 2019. What insider trading all yuh talking bout? Secondly, no firm should be barred from government work because people associated with the firm are in government. You don’t issue anything from your line ministry, declare, and recuse when a decision is to be made. Where do we draw the line on association in an island that is 1×2? Thirdly, where in the article does it say GWP incorporated BIM-Medical? If being factual, realistic, pragmatic and logical is political yardfowlism, I stand accused. But opposing everything a government does is yardfowlism too, whether political, pretend apolitical or egofowlism. Afain, if I were BIM-Medical I would get my lawyers write Paul Gibson and PDP. Seems like the Christian right has left Solutions and are running the PDP, they are just opposed to MedMar. #wherearethelions🤣🤣🤣

  14. It would appear @Redguard has hit the nail on the head.
    The current lack of financial reporting from public entities is a case in point. Today, we will settle for effective, which means a report is produced in a timely manner and is accurate. Once this is happening we can seek to streamline the process, make it more efficient.
    The root cause, beyond political interference, is lack of accountability. There are no consequences to those tasked with producing the financial reports. As we saw, the former top employee at the NIS, after a decade plus of failing to produce a single annual report, is promoted to Director of Finance. While it may not have been his job to produce the reports, it was his job to ensure the reports were produced. As @VC referred to it Management 101.

  15. @ Theo

    Google egg less (free) and see the number of specialist shops that come up. At least two are in my area. Maybe it s to do with allergies.

  16. @Enuff
    “Secondly, no firm should be barred from government work because people associated with the firm are in government.”
    And this wouldn’t be a problem IF the effing GoB ceased all of these no-bid contracts. Simple. However as long as they are going to proceed with doling out contracts without an open bid process, then firms associated with Ministers should be barred.
    This was true in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020

  17. Waru
    Please explain how the gentlemen are involved and why it is unethical?🤣🤣🤣

  18. “Afain, if I were BIM-Medical I would get my lawyers write Paul Gibson and PDP. Seems like the Christian right has left Solutions and are running the PDP, they are just opposed to MedMar. ”

    Since ya pointing fingers…in reality…ALL yall are frauds…ya have opposed Marijuana for decades, since the 70s, still opposed it EVEN AFTER,…legislating it 27 years ago for medical purposes, YALL NEVER TOLD THE PEOPLE…opposed it from then until NOW…still criminalizing it…yall got a nerve…

    at least the dude is saying HOLD OFF…it makes sense since yall don’t know what the hell ya doing anyway…and no one will show ya…ya too uppity, ignorant, wicked and disrespectfull..

    .am ya friend, so ya done know..

    IN saying that…yall think people are stupid…yall secretly setting up a SLAVE PLANTATION SETTING FOR YA OWN PEOPLE using the marijuana industry and wannabe SLAVEMASTERS and with the names of sitting ministers somehow involved……and ya doing so on autopilot…

    wuh i will probably write a letter to the UN …ME SELF…you JACKASSES…and got the balls to talk about suing people too..are yall out of ya freaking minds…

  19. Redguard:

    Instead of making stupid accusations, you should have been at the public workshop where the management system was developed.

    On the Port, they did invite persons to set up the ISO 9001 system, and I was planning to tender. But through their usual incompetence, they effectively disqualified every local company.

  20. GP11 you have said things that Freedom has never considered you would know more about these processes than I, which processes would make the Public Services more efficient and not be the employer of Last Resort for all of those Nonsensical Degrees that UWI gives out, (Social Studies Etc.)

    The Abolition of land Tax with a Constitutional Change to Prohibit it from raising its Ugly Head again is a Great Idea if we are to remain a Free People, there must be something that we the people can Own that does not belong to the Government.



    Taxes taxes they abound yet it is never enough there is always another round of taxes especially during hard times the talk is always for the small man yet the taxes are on everyone. Any good businessman having learnt to survive will try his best to survive but the person who works for another must also survive but his perks are cut, his allowances are cut, his tax rates go up, the charges on electricity go up when using free sunlight to produce electricity that is fed into the grid. The water rates go up, new taxes are introduce (garbage collection, sewage, even if you do not use any sewage system).

    There is nothing we own that is not taxed. The most egregious one is land tax, a misnomer they mean tax you for owning a house. Is there anything that you can owe, I mean own that it is yours and not another, because if you do not pay the land tax they will sell your house to get the land tax regardless of what it is owed they just want what they say belongs to them in this case if they can sell your house without your permission they own the house not you.

    You are a serf you pay whatever they say you must pay. (1/2 % yesterday 1% today) You are indentured to the state without a release date and also your inheritors. I long for the day when I can own something that is mine and not the government. When can we elect a government that will make us Free Men and Not Indentured Serfs? Do we need another 1834? Where is a Barbadian Wilberforce? Who will free us from the tyranny of over taxation? Where is that person? Moses where are you, this Egypt is putting our children in the bricks to make up their buildings and the size of their establishment, what plagues will you bring to tame Pharaoh? We already have drought would rats be next?

    We will pay over 30 years $113,283 for a $100.000 house to the government for something we own yet we pay the bank who we barrowed money from $73,490 in interest to have the “Indentured privilege” to pay the government more. (Assumptions 8% per year increase in value Land Tax at 1% per year)

    Moses where are you? Mr Barbadian Wilberforce where are you?

  21. “On the Port, they did invite persons to set up the ISO 9001 system, and I was planning to tender. But through their usual incompetence, they effectively disqualified every local company.”

    NONSENSE, that’s a blatant lie Grenville. the winning bid, is led by a gentleman who has a long history of implementing ISO in many jurisdictions. Work has already begun. No company he has worked with has ever failed an initial certification. He was by far the most experienced candidate. He has worked in Barbados before, implementing ISO 9001 for a private company.

    Again you are a bluffer. You are playing in my sandbox, I will expose the shit you try to cover in your platitudes and stupid analogies, throw it back at you at rub it in your face.

    If you want to have a serious conversation about management systems, lets do that but don’t come with your holier than thou crap. i don’t have time for it.

    I’ve said before QMS and ISO 9001 runs into trouble when intangible goods like services are the subject. You claim it is easy, yet a manufacturing company like BCC took a year to implement and they produce goods.

  22. @ Enuff aka Beavis

    Let me REPEAT–the Bill was laid in Parliament in August 2019 and the Bim-Medical Cannabis Ltd registered in September 2019.

    Speaking at a press conference yesterday, the PdP’s spokesman on Health, Wellness and the Environment Paul Gibson questioned the incorporation of two companies related to the new cannabis thrust. He queried the reasons why Government had not made public knowledge the incorporation of the Cannabis Licensing Authority or the privately-owned BIM-Medical Cannabis Limited. The former had been incorporated on July 26, 2019, and amazingly the latter was incorporated months before on September 19, 2018. All of this activity had quietly been undertaken while the actual legislation is only now being discussed. This is enough to raise eyebrows among those not blinkered by inane, political loyalties. Mr Gibson stated: “Please note that this Bill has neither been fully ventilated in Parliament nor passed by either the Honorable Senate or the Honorable House of Assembly…We would wish to ascertain whether these actions to establish these entities before the passage of the Bill is legal. If it is thought to be legal, is it ethical? And if ethical, is this action transparent?”

    @ Enuff you are a blasted stupid liar.

    All you do is come on this BU blog to mislead and coverup for your crooked colleagues in the BLP.

    Even dates you lie about to twist your arguments.

    I see why you and Hal Austin are constantly butting heads as you wallow in your ignorance and backward thinking that everyone believes the bullshit you write on this BU blog regularly.

    You belong tied up to the sewage pipe outfall pumping the shit into the ocean daily.

  23. I am tired of this ISO crap talk every week on this blog. Regardless of the topic the author seems to always bring up this management system as our God saviour. Will not the same civil service be tasked with implantation? The same one that now has the port practically at a standstill because of how they made a mess of implementing the new customs system?

    Every dam thing according to the writer ISO is the answer for. My neighbours dog comes and craps on my lawn can I pay to have it ISO trained as well?

    Redguard you are wasting your time with Grenville on this issue. He ran on this ISO program being our salvation, lost on it and yet still refuses to stop flogging it day in day out. He starts with a good topic and then degrades it by bringing back up the same RH foolishness week after week.

    That is my final word on this topic and if we all ignored him and didn’t comment if he mentions it again, maybe just maybe he might get the message. Then again he might think our laptops are not ISO certified and that is why no responses have been received!

  24. “You belong tied up to the sewage pipe outfall pumping the shit into the ocean daily.”

    blighted plight of the rabid, empty headed yardfowl, always showcasing how useless the role of yardfowl really is, it’s demeaning, degrading and backward moving, we been telling them from both sides of the divide for years, but will any of them listen, oh hell no, they are always too pumped up while pimping for useless leaders and even less useful political parties….

    yardfowlism should be taught from primary school..that it is a worthless existence…

  25. Reenville should see that it is the merchants his party was formed to protect, not the politicians per say, who are the real exploiters of both the political elites and the people.
    When he then follows that logic he will find stark similarities between and among the to epochs he tried to compare

  26. Baje
    Man I love to take on the motormouts on this blog. What does the Barbados Cannabis Licensing Authority Inc., with government headquarters as the address, infers? Christ yuh don’t need to go to 2 schools. Why should the Minister announce BIM-Med is incorporated? Where in the article does it say GWP or government is involved with the incorporation of Bim-Med?🎪🐎

  27. @ Ebuff aka Beavis

    Man I love to take on the motormouts on this blog. What does the Barbados Cannabis Licensing Authority Inc., with government headquarters as the address, infers? Christ yuh don’t need to go to 2 schools. Why should the Minister announce BIM-Med is incorporated? Where in the article does it say GWP or government is involved with the incorporation of Bim-Med?🎪🐎

    You are an ass and an exposed liar.

    I will no longer be part of the games and deception you play on Barbados Underground.

  28. Bridgetown could see several new high-rise apartments within the next few years, and a library for heroes from The City.

    And if Member of Parliament for The City of Bridgetown, Jeffrey Bostic, gets his way, some money could be made from the controversial statue of Lord Nelson in National Heroes Square.

  29. Crooked Enuff just yapping, yapping, it’s nothing like a little exposure to cause the criminals to run out with more info about their crooked company…pretending to be marijuana experts…

  30. Basic stuff, we already know about one or two of the names, the only expert in marijuana any of them are…is at smoking joints at university…they know not one shite about what is required and will only regurgitate what is written in published journals, they know nothing about the local marijuana culture or how to proceed with what they need to be successful….and they do not have the skills required to drive the industry forward..

    government placed and hand selected yardfowls…

  31. Crooked Enuff just yapping, yapping,

    or is it cackling, cackling…

  32. Is Bim-Med the same company a principal at the UWI is a director spoke in the news today?

    Trying to separate fact from agendas.

  33. Al we need to know is that none of these have the knowledge to grow the plant let alone extract the most potent aspect of the medicine……or even do certain other things that are necessary…they need the Rasta Community to even start and they know it……so let’s see the next plan…plan B….cause the first one certainly did not work..

  34. @Hants
    Yours @2.03pm

    A suggestion for the blogmaster: How about a blog “Minister’s announcement of the day/week”? Everyday these clowns (gotta call them that their grace period is over) have an announcement or breaking news of something or other and people can’t get basic services i.e Water; garbage collection and transportation. Meanwhile, goods aint coming in or going – well somehow or other basic medical supplies are being cleared otherwise the QEH would be in an even bigger mess, come to think of it he is the Min. of Health and I read of the large number of Bajan men dying of prostate cancer, what is he or the Gov’t doing about that?

  35. Redguard:

    Is the person who won the contract a Barbadian? A simple yes or no would suffice.

    If yes, then I am mistaken on the tender, because it appeared to be written to exclude all locals. If he/she is not a Barbadian, then you are the one who is mistaken.

    This can be objectively determined. Since you claim to have some special knowledge, who won the contract?



    If you think Barbadians like you and me are free in this wonderful Island of ours, think again!

    By The Way We Do Not Pay Taxes The Government Takes Our Taxes.

    Taxation is not voluntary it is forced. I have been writing for a few years now, that the solution to pilfering by way of Taxation by Governments is the System of Governance meaning Socialist practices of robbing Peter to pay Paul and until we come to understand that Socialism is a Godless Conspiracy Masquerading as Political Philosophy, we will continue to be deprived, the only intent of such, is to rule over others for Control and Profit.

    More than a failed state, it’s a failed SYSTEM. It’s called Socialism and it sooner or later fails everywhere. Its motto is, “When at first you don’t succeed, fail, and fail again.” In the Free, Competitive Private Sector, Failure is something you learn from, so you can Succeed in the future. But in the Public Sector under Socialism especially, Failure is merely an excuse to fail even more Spectacularly later because all that matters is Intentions, not Results.

    Consider that one of the fruits of Socialism is Crony Capitalism. True Capitalism and Free Enterprise is good! What has developed is due to the bastardization of the two by insane taxes, stifling over regulation. This has allowed cronyism through Politicians and big businesses that are forced to “play ball”, to commit theft and control in such a grand scale that is almost unfathomable!!!!

  37. No, he is not Barbadian but his group of consultants includes a Barbadian who lives and works here. The Barbadian was involved in the first stage, played a significant role and will be involved in future stages of the project.

    Either way you are irrelevant, you didn’t even apply, Do not play in my sand box


  39. Wahloss the FACTS got the Salemites and foreign masters and scholarship recipient running.🤣🤣🤣

  40. Sista Abigail
    Dr.Cohall knows nothing about marijuana? Murdaaaa..comedy pon BU!!

    All yuh just gettin mek shame every week. Keep it up.🤣🤣🤣

  41. What the hell does he know about the marijuana culture on the island…has he been growing marijuana on the island or extracting medicine on the island…it is not the same as what he is accustomed to…each person does things a little differently to the other…again..he has no experience and since he knows so much…what do yall need the Rasta Community to work with those at UWI for…

  42. And of course being the sell outs that yall are..ya fully expect the Rasta Community to give him all the knowledge they have so yall and them can pretend it belongs to you and ..SELL IT OUT…good going…

    ah wish allyuh luck.

    ya don’t realize YET that no one is paying any attention to any of you…ya know why…NO ONE NEEDS YOU…

  43. Am sure someone will hint to the Rastas that the UWI dude knows everthing about everything regarding marijuana growing etc in Barbados…as you just claimed….so they don’t have any reason to collaborate with anyone from UWI..,,,so it’s best to.keep their KNOWLEDGE to themselves for their future generations who will need it for generations going forward…..

    And that is exactly what the Rastas should do, yall are too dangerous…

  44. Wuhloss someone just sent me a comment, Indar Weir got Medical Marijuana Barbados on fire….tearing Adriel Nitwit a new one…..yall frenemies ain’t

  45. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @EnuffSeptember 19, 2019 10:06 AM “pretend apolitical”

    I hope that you don’t mean me. If so you are deeply, deeply mistaken.

    Our family is so apolitical that I am likely the only person on this blog who has never seen a politician at a family funeral. And “no” they don’t send flowers, cards nor nothing so neither. They still trying to figure out why we non-partisan.

    But you got me thinking that I should hold my nose and vote “D” in ’23. Notwithstanding that I have voted “B” in the last three elections.

    As always the non-partisan

    Simple Simon

    Neither “B” nor “D”

  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @EnuffSeptember 18, 2019 5:34 PM “lawyers should starve? Aren’t they Bar adian too? Is it ok for friends in other law firms to benefit from contracts? Aren’t you technically no longer associated with the firm once you’re in Cabinet? Let’s discuss.”

    Dear Enuff; Yesterday at 5:34 p.m. you invited me to a discussion and then you “ghosted” me. What you do that for?

    Ghosted/Ghosting=Ghosting is breaking off a relationship by stopping all communication and contact with the partner without any apparent warning or justification, as well as ignoring the partner’s attempts to reach out or communicate. Wikipedia

  47. Sir Simple
    Never could I be referring to you. Always cogent and sensible in your responses.

  48. Crooked Enuff is losing it…mumbling and grumbling all over the place, accusing everyone of all sorts of thing in a paranoid state..

  49. Redguard:

    So, by your own admission, you are the one who was mistaken. You are what you accuse others – a bluffer. The tender was not won by a local, despite your deceptive misleading comments that a Barbadian is on the team. The Barbadian simply could never qualify – as I had previously asserted.

    Now, you have spent your time falsely calling me a bluffer. Well, I offered my services for free for the past decade, long before I was in politics. Implementing the ISO 9001 system was a main part of our economic growth plan. If you, or any other statutory corporation thought that I was bluffing, then why not give me a month to implement the most beneficial parts of the system, and see if complaints are not permanently addressed, with measurable improvements within 3 weeks?

    No. That would be too difficult. Extreme politically partisan supporters with no management success, must continue to convince us that incompetence is the best that we should expect. Stop being a yardfowl.

  50. John A:

    I will consistently give my best advice. Whether it is accepted or not is not my responsibility.

    You may be tired of reading about the ISO 9001 international management standard. That is unfortunate. If you want to recommend a better standard, then please offer one. Would you have me offer a lower management standard? Sorry, I do not do lower standards – I only give my best advice.

    Suppose someone was tired of me writing about proper building standards. Would you suggest that I start offering lower standards, or stop providing advice on building standards?

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