Screenshot 2019-07-28 at 13.39.43.png
This can be seen on Fund Access website


The quantum of deposits that you see in Credit Unions and Commercial banks are not capital. They may at best be described as savings, maybe money, BUT NOT CAPITAL. These institutions are Financial Intermediaries, that may, according to their risk preference, transform them into loan capital. I note that one other high profile commentator makes the same mistake

Vincent Condrigton

Understandably the government’s public relations machinery is working overtime. Any iota of information is being shared with the citizenry that will cloak positively the government. The role of propaganda should not be underestimated how it controls the narrative and by extension the minds of a people.   It gives the blogmaster no pleasure to remind the BU family propaganda was used to good effect by the Nazi Party with Hitler appointing a minister of propaganda. This is an extreme example to emphasize the importance governments will place on the function of controlling and ‘sanitizing’ information.  It is left to an informed citizenry to promulgate a countervailing view.

The quote above reminded the blogmaster of a feel good message Minister of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Commerce, Dwight Sutherland has been repeating without challenge in recent months. To quote a media report:-

Our Government, we have started talks with non-governmental entities, international agencies, whether the loans will be secured or non-secured we recognised that Fund Access has a number of clients who are knocking on the door. In 21 years of operations, Fund Access has approved over $64 million to 1,500 clients (Blogmaster’s emphasis).

The minister’s message was supported in the same media report by Chairman of Fund Access David Simpson:-

We have also approved an additional 138 loans, and refinanced a further 266, all accounting for job creation of just below 2,400 jobs. He also pointed out that they had surpassed $6 million in disbursements for the calendar year 2018, having approved and disbursed in excess of $5.9 million in loans and created 144 jobs.Up to June 30, the Fund has disbursed $2.4 million to 51 clients and created 68 jobs in 2019. Is is only the blogmaster waiting for more relevant information? How about breaking out the loans by sector, size, date loan given linked to the date same business was established. Important is the failure rate i.e. number of businesses receiving loans and whether they are still in business. What is the rate of delinquency etc etc etc. Some of us prefer our leaders to share a level of analyses with the public that will inform about how our tax money is working or not for that matter.

Relevant link:

‘More money’ for Fund Access

If the small business or what is commonly referred to as the SME sector is regarded as important, those leading the sector must up the game. We see the same tired faces, have to listen to the same tired narratives and expect that miraculously the sector will emerge to save us from ourselves.

52 responses to “Fund Access for Success”

  1. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ John A

    I am and have been on the same page as you from the time you started this thread of thought.

    Amongst the things that you said it quote “…The answer is not to bypass the banking sector but force them to participate in the growth of small business…”

    How can I start to respond to this truth other than propose to you what I dubbed “the eunuch paradigm”

    De ole man puts it to you that a eunuch cannot impregnate nobody AND WE HAVE SUCCESSIVE EMPOWERED A BEVY OF EUNUCHS!

    Yet, in spite of de ole man’s insights on this matter you continue

    “…They should not be allowed to come here and make millions and not have to give back to those they profitted from…”

    Let me see if de ole man can make this as graphic as possible.

    This is a hypothetical case for your consideration.

    Tomorrow the Nation news announces that Mugabe Mottley is pregnant!

    But, even more incredulously they confirm that the Grand Duke of the Kku Klux Klan Donald Krump, sorry David Duke is de baby Fadder!

    You start to understand the complete disconnect that we face when you suggest that our successive eunuch governments are to be tasked to tell these banks what they must do?

    Then, in true sacrilegious form you go on to provide a reasonable roadmap for its implementation

    You say, and I quote

    “…Government, if it was proactive, could even offer the banks a tax credit based on the amount of new business they finance….”

    “… So for every 10 million dollars say in small businesses finance they did, they could receive a tax credit of $100,000..”

    The Central Bsnk Guarantee Scheme was and is operated by the Central Prank of Barbados where a certain person here worked.

    He will tell you that this Guarantee IS NEVER EVER UTILIZED BY BANKS because they cannot make any money under it.

    Therefore it is shunned like Ebola


    Look how Mugabe Mottley just trick Gildan ownership TO BUY APES HILL?

    Balls John A BALLS and the last time I was told that MUGABE IS BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE OF HAVING ANY…

  2. @ Pieces

    I just sitting here smiling at what you have just said. I have noticed how many can find every reason why we must not rock the boat, even as they admit the current system is not working.

    I don’t think any independent thinker could honestly say that the banking sector as it now stands is servicing all. I also realise it is a topic some feel uncomfortable discussing. How can we change anything without discussing openly what exist now? Let us at least be big enough to admit if the banking system worked for small business, there would be no need for fund access. As usual we do not address the problem but instead put a plaster on the wound. This is standard operating procedure here though. We have an inefficient transport board so we carry up bus fares. We have 40 percent of our piped water leaking from the mains so we carry up water rates.

    Starting to see a trend here yet?

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