A tribute by Ambassador David Comissiong

This coming Monday, the 21st of January 2019, is the 99th anniversary of the birth of Barbadian national hero Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow, and will be celebrated in Barbados as “Errol Barrow  Day” – a national public holiday.

In light of the recent happenings in the Organization of American States (OAS) when, on having to deal with a Resolution that purported to delegitimize the inauguration of Nicolas Maduro as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our CARICOM member states found themselves divided on the issue, with some of them voting for the Resolution, others voting against, and some abstaining, I would like to focus this tribute to Mr Barrow on his role as an architect of the concept of a collective CARICOM foreign policy.

It was at the historic Seventh Commonwealth Caribbean Heads of Government Conference held at Chaguaramas in Trinidad that the idea of converting the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) into a Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), as well as the idea equipping the new CARICOM with a collective foreign policy were born.

The date was October 1972, and at that time there were only four independent Commonwealth Caribbean nations : namely, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Barbados, and these newly independent states were led by Michael Manley, Eric Williams, Forbes Burnham, and Errol Barrow respectively.

It was a time of great tension in the affairs of the world – the United States of America (USA) was ablaze with anti-Vietnam war protests; the Black Power and anti-colonial challenges to national and international structures of domination were going strong; and the so-called “Cold War” between the USA and the Soviet Union was still at a dangerous peak.

Indeed, by 1972, the Caribbean had come to be regarded as one of the primary theatres of the “Cold War”, with the USA making every conceivable effort to isolate and subvert the revolutionary Fidel Castro-led government of Cuba.

We need to recall that when—in 1959—the Cuban Revolution triumphed, that the new revolutionary Cuban government entered a Western hemisphere environment that was organized around the OAS—a multi-lateral organization dominated by the USA and dedicated to a USA inspired anti-Communist mission.

Indeed, in 1954, at the instigation of a USA steeped in Mc Carthy era anti-Communism, the OAS had issued the “Declaration of Caracas” which declared that all Marxist revolutionary ideology was intrinsically alien to the Western Hemisphere, and that Marxist revolutionary movements were to be treated as foreign invasions of the Hemisphere.

It was not surprising therefore that as early as June 1959, the USA began pressing the OAS to take punitive actions against Cuba—a founder member of the OAS, but now led by a revolutionary socialist Government.

In August 1960, the USA not only orchestrated a condemnation of Cuba at the OAS on the ground of Cuba’s acceptance of economic assistance from the Soviet Union, but also urged Latin American states to break off diplomatic relations with Cuba – an urging that Venezuela and Colombia adhered to in 1961.

And then the “coup de grace” came in January 1962 when, at the 8th Consultative Meeting of OAS Foreign Ministers in Uruguay, the OAS suspended Cuba’s membership, thereby effectively expelling Cuba from the OAS!

This was then followed by the US compiling a so-called “black list” of all countries still trading with Cuba and threatening to cut off US economic and military assistance to them.

But even this was seemingly not enough for the anti-Cuba forces, and during the 9th Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers held in Washington DC in July 1964, a resolution was passed urging all governments of the Western Hemisphere to break diplomatic relations with Cuba.

And—sad to say—in the following years, every single Western Hemisphere nation except Mexico and Canada fell in line with the OAS stipulation and either broke diplomatic relations with Cuba or refused to recognize the revolutionary Republic of Cuba!

This then was the scenario facing the four independent Commonwealth Caribbean countries—all newly installed members of the OAS—in October 1972!

And, needless-to-say, the leadership of the OAS was insisting that the four new Caribbean member states must adhere to the by then well established, USA supported, policy of non-recognition and isolation of revolutionary Cuba.

The magnificent response of the Right Excellent Errol Barrow and his fellow Commonwealth Caribbean leaders—Manley, Williams and Burnham—was to issue the following historic Declaration:-

“The Prime Ministers of Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, meeting together during the Heads of Government Conference at Chaguaramas, have considered the state of their relations with the Government of Cuba and the obligations which the OAS has sought to impose upon its members in regard to relations with that Government; and make the following statement:

(1)    The independent English-speaking Caribbean states, exercising their sovereign right to enter into relations with any other sovereign state and pursuing their determination to seek regional solidarity and to achieve meaningful and comprehensive economic cooperation amongst all Caribbean countries will seek the early establishment of relations with Cuba, whether economic, diplomatic or both.

(2)    To this end, the independent English-speaking Caribbean states will act together on the basis of agreed principles.”

Here then were the four smallest and youngest states of the entire Western hemisphere standing on principle; courageously speaking “truth to power”; and setting a noble and principled example for all the other nations of the hemisphere to follow!

Indeed, six months later—in April 1973 – Mr Barrow gave an address to the Empire Club of Toronto, Canada, and explained the significance of the unified Caribbean stance on Cuba as follows:-

“……we have managed in our four countries, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Barbados to sustain our independence to the extent that we were considered to have committed an act of defiance in October last year when we took a lead in the western hemisphere in deciding to open diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba, much to the chagrin of our neighbours to the north.

But it demonstrates that the developing countries can take a lead in conditioning the minds of people who should know better…………And I have no doubt that the other countries which are mightier and more powerful than the four small independent countries in the Caribbean will soon shamefacedly or not, have to follow suit……

And we cannot sit down in the Caribbean and wait for our strategy to be dictated or governed by the political or other economic or social prejudices of people in other countries because to entertain such a belief would be an abandonment of the sovereignty that we believe in and we have never subscribed to the doctrine of limited sovereignty. And I have been, myself, very firm right from the beginning of Barbados’ independence that we would be friends of all and satellites of none.”

Happy Errol Barrow Day to all my Barbadian and Caribbean brothers and sisters! Long may the spirit of Errol Barrow live in our beautiful sovereign Caribbean homeland!


217 responses to “Errol Barrow — Architect of a Collective CARICOM Foreign Policy”

  1. People and things are never as simple as we like to make them out to be. Extreme positions based on simplistic black and white mindsets are the problem.

    We must pause and examine ourselves and our beliefs on a regular basis.

  2. Commisiong has been able to fly skilfully above Radar by his importu words of using democratic philosophy and ideas to push his agenda across barbados political landscape and the Cartibbean small island nations
    Hence his role in persuading Barbadians and govt to warehouse a known Criminal Raul gracia at taxpayers expense along with acheiving monetary gains from the case for himself
    Then they are other cases brought against govt plucked like low hanging to trouble and stir the waters by which he was able to receive financial gain at taxpayers expense
    Commisiong for all it is worth is a master of poltical propaganda with one interest in mind it is self all of which has brought him fiancial gain and now a reward of being an Ambassador once again at taxpayers expense
    Just by looking at his financial portfolio and the cases he brought against govt.one can say he has smartly used the people and its system to become rich

  3. For the Disillusioned Roy Clarke and Ilk January 20, 2019 11:34 PM

    Barbados leads Caribbean debt

    Barbados: Barbados downgraded amid huge challenges

    With a fiscal deficit way above the internationally accepted benchmark, Barbados bears the heaviest debt burden of Caribbean countries when compared to its level of production of goods and services, according the Caribbean Development Bank.

    That debt mark of above 60 percent currently suffered by the 12 Caribbean countries puts them beyond the danger sign for developed countries as set by the International Monetary Fund. The IMF has, however, stated that developing countries, such as the economies of cent… most Caribbean states, should not have a debt to GDP ratio beyond 40 percent.

    This IMF formula illustrates how Deep is the Economic Hole in which Barbados finds itself with a debt to GDP ratio of 157.1 percent. Though also in a deep debt hole, Jamaica is placed a distant second at the end of last year with a debt to GDP ratio of 113.4 per cent.
    The British dependency of Montserrat was the 2017 top performer with a debt to GDP ratio of 6.1 percent. In fact, the other British dependencies of the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Cayman Islands, and British Virgin Islands round off the four territories carrying the lowest debt burden.

    Barbados is ranked 24th among 32 countries in the Americas region, and its overall score is below the regional and world averages.
    Increases in arrivals and spending by tourists have helped economic growth in the past year in Barbados. The government has prioritized fiscal consolidation, but GOVERNMENT DEBT REMAINS A PROBLEM.

    Government economic policies are focused on attracting international companies. Regulatory efficiency facilitates private-sector growth. However, policies intended to buttress open trade and productivity growth are undercut by BUREAUCRACY and public-sector debt remains very high.

    Size of Government…

    Government Spending 39.3
    Tax Burden 74.0
    Fiscal Health 0.0

    Taxes…Income tax, value-added and property taxes. The overall tax burden equals 27.3 percent of total domestic income. Over the past three years, government spending has amounted to 45.0 percent of total output (GDP), and budget deficits have averaged 7.2 percent of GDP. Public debt is equivalent to 107.9 percent of GDP.

    Yes Roy Clarke with all this Debt hanging around ya neck and the 74% of your Income goes in Taxes…Ya Feeling Rich yet?
    If 74% of what you work for goes in Taxes…What are You?

  4. I UNDERSTAND and ENDORSE your criticisms of Commisiong as it relates to the Raul Garcia issue and his opinions on Cuba and Venezuela.

    However, you should be FAIR to goodly gentleman, regardless of if you like him or not.

    You know that your 9:18 AM and 9:49 AM contributions are “riddled” with UNTRUTHS about Commisiong.

    Could you please explain how the spin-off from the Court’s ruling on the fingerprinting issue, “is now being revealed in the streets?”

    What financial gains did Commisiong receive at taxpayers’ expense from cases brought against the government? In other words, how much money did he received for the fingerprinting at entry ports and the Hyatt cases?

    Do you mind sharing a copy of Commisiong’s “financial portfolio and the cases he brought against govt. so (we) can (see how) he has smartly used the people and its system to become rich?”

  5. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    This is Errol Barrow’s birth date and holiday. I believe the the author intended the article to review and celebrate EWB’s contribution to regional integration. This is admirable especially when celebrations seem low keyed this year.

  6. AC

    How could it be that you have so much to say? Were you and your party not recently decimated by the people?

    Indeed, had there not been an election period your ‘pressure group’ would have garnered less than 5000 votes, no?

    And when a party has been so destroyed is it not the fit and proper thing for its foot-soldiers to die with it?

    Why has the death sentence to you and your party, as delivered by the people and this writer not been carried out?

    How is it that your leading criminals like FJS are still breathing fresh air and drawing healthy pensions after committing the highest crimes of treason?

  7. @ Vincent, I agree EWB should be celebrated, but not by the sort of person he would despise, and for a policy he got wrong.

  8. @Vincent

    What the blogmaster has learned over the years is that we can find the negative in anything and any person if we look hard enough. Human beings are not perfect. Man made constructs are therefore not perfect. The process we are engaged on this blog and as a people is never ending and global in scale and undertaking. Some here would make it seem that Barbados is God’s worse gift to the humankind. A failed state they say.

  9. And if you look hard enough you will also find the positive. Both exist together. That is the way with humans and their constructs. We have to examine ourselves and our beliefs AND OUR SYSTEMS periodically so we can learn and grow and CHANGE OR DIE!

  10. Agree with you Donna. The negative generates more drama for some doesn’t it.

  11. Every time Commisiong took Govt to court and won he financially gained
    His efforts were not one of being patriotic bound on behalf of the people and country with no interest if being compensated financially at taxpayers cost
    His effort were mostly induced and based on self interest and rewarded with financial gain

  12. How did he gain financially?

    Tell us. The Ambassador is reading.

  13. David,

    That is understandable because the negative causes problems. We think about the negative because we want to solve the problems. With the positive there is nothing to be done.

  14. Mariposa

    It isn’t true to some extent that all us are motivated by our own self-interest no matter what we do? And the concept in philosophy called Psychological Egoism speaks to this very reality…

  15. Is there a collective CARICOM foreign policy? Of CARICOM member-states, which ones recognise Madura’s election as president of Venezuela? Which ones recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state? If we have collective foreign policy is there a joint CARICOM office in Brussels? Or Geneva? Why is CARICOM not meeting with the OECD (the irony is that the OECD is the rich nations club)?

  16. Donna the irony is that by exploring the positives it may serve to inspire others who maybe doubting there is a world of possibilities which abound.

  17. David BU

    Mariposa reads…….. yet she does not understand what she reads.

    Commisiong gained financially because she BELIEVES he did…….and when she gets a thought in her head, it is difficult to convince her otherwise, despite how much evidence is presented to her wrong.

    What she is trying to “say” is that, as it relates to the fingerprinting case, for example, Commisiong “was compensated financially at tax payers’ cost”……..

    ……….when Supreme Court Justice Pamela Beckles’ ruling that the Immigration Biometric Regulation 2015 was null and void and unconstitutional, then ordering the legislation to be retracted.

    In other words, it’s a court case…….. Commsiong won and he was compensated.

    And not one word from the “pseudo psychiatrists” who often attributes such thinking to be the result of learning by rote. Perhaps these assessments are reserved ONLY for certain contributors.

  18. *********presented to her PROVE wrong.

  19. @Artax

    Thanks, did Commisiong share what he did with the monies he received?

  20. David BU

    I don’t know if Commisiong shared what he did with the monies he received.

    We could ask Mariposa, after all…….she mentioned “looking at his FINANCIAL PORTFOLIO and the cases he brought against govt.one can say he has smartly used the people and its system to become rich”…….

    ………perhaps therein lies the answer.

  21. Remembering Freedoms Articles on BU…. Affirming the Positive Possibilities Amidst the Negative Realities!!

    Merit Based Immigration & Citizenship by Investment:

    Barbados Improvements Part 1: Bridgetown

    Barbados Improvements Part 2: Thoughts & Ideas

    Barbados Improvements Part 3: Agriculture

    Barbados Improvements Part 4: Looking Forward

    There is Yet another Submission that has been Give to the Government of Barbados that BU is Not Privy too!

    We Just have to Wait & See!!

  22. Donna

    For some twisted reason we have this proclivility to see the negative before we see the positive in things … and this in of itself has a lot to do with how we were conditioned to think things.

    Not too long ago someone taught me the importance of how to see the positive in things before I see the negative in them… It was predicted to snow one day here, and I said to this person how cold and miserable it is going be to travel, and she said to me look at the positiv side: the snow will clean and water the Earth as well as keep down the germs which proliferate in the warm temperatures.

  23. U not the only one with intelligence
    I know what i say and understands every word of what i write
    So dont come here with your efforts to protray what i write as untruthful or insignificant
    Commisiong is a shewrd politician he knows how and where to plant his political seeds and used the justice system to harvest them
    In the meanwhile he wins on both front financially and politically to enhance favour among the people

  24. I cringe at thought of Commisiong hanging on to the coattails of Errol Barrow by any means necessary
    Means which would give him a benefit to profit from political opportunism
    His words and intentions should be avoided by all means necessary

  25. Dont know what Commisiong did with his financial gains reaped off the backs of taxpayers under a Democratic process
    However this i know that after opening the barbados border immgration flood gates for Haitians to enter
    His first response was to appeal for financial aid from barbadians to help the Haitians
    Yet to hear where he sponsered or give assurance in any way of aid to help them

  26. His Honourable Errol Walton Barrow was a man of high esteem .A man who had a vision inspired by a value of self empowerment
    Commissiong is a man who takes away from the system to build a path towards self worth for himself
    Ouside being an artichetect of building a politcal platforms through the judicial system
    What vision does Commisiong has for barbados and its people

  27. IN THE NUT SHELL… “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher

    MUST WATCH! 👇👇👇


  28. Comissiong’s vision is for power, influence and of course wealth, not for Barbados or its people, but for himself. I really don’t know why he gets the oxygen of publicity.

  29. Name one person that isn’t driven by self-interest in someway, shape or form? Our need of acceptance, and validation is much a part of us as the very air we breathe to sustain our very existence…

  30. Today many barbadians can stand hand in hand across all political spectrum and see first hand what Hon Errol Walton Barrow has contributed for the good of this country all of which is documented in the archives of History books across the world
    It would be of interst to see what the History books would archive in the name of Commissiong as a foit note or reference for the betterment of barbados and its people
    In my mind his most documented reference would state his influence in fighting barbados govt efforts for the betterment of its people and his anti american position and his close revolutionary politicaln ties to Castro and Chavez
    Ouside of those references which Commisiong would be well known
    His stake in barbados interest falls very short as those interest are all neatly tied together in political opportunism and not on a patriotic duty towards love of country
    The evidence is alligned and duly attached to financial and political rewards

  31. @45govt

    Those who knows Comissiong from school days are aware he has always separated himself from his middle class upbringing and sided with issues in the interest of masses. What power what!

  32. Lexicon
    When self interest infiltrates the political system it breeds corruption
    So why encourage

  33. A giant step

    “The Community and Common Market are intended to promote the co-ordinated development of the region and to increase intra-regional trade thereby reducing dependence on extra-regional sources. The community will institutionalise the machinery for the many shared services, which already exist and which even the most prosperous of the More Developed Countries, could not operate on its own.”

  34. The first Barbados Budget

    “I think that we in the West Indies should not be afraid to speak our minds. I think that we in the West Indies should not be looking around for somebody to lead and work out our own political and economic philosophy and I do not think that it pays any West Indian politician to either look too rapidly in the direction of Europe or Asiatic countries for our basic philosophies of life.”

  35. Mirror Image

    “Your mirror image of yourself is that your ambition in life is to and get away from this country. And we could call ourselves an independent nation? When all we want do is to go and scrub somebody’s floors and run somebody’s elevator or work in somebody’s store or drive somebody’s taxi in a country where you catching your royal when the winter sets in?

    What kind of mirror image do you have of yourself? Let me tell you what kind of mirror image I have of you, or what the Democratic Labour Party has of you. The Democratic Labour Party has an image that the people of Barbados would be able to run their own affairs, to pay for the cost of running their own country, to have an education system which is as good as what can be obtained in any industrialised country, anywhere in the world.”

  36. The following quotes show that Barrow did not operate at the lilliputian level some of you prefer to wallow.

  37. “So dont come here with your efforts to protray what i write as untruthful or insignificant…”

    The REALITY, in this situation is, whether you like Commisiong or not……… or if what he does in your opinion, is unscrupulous…….. you should be FAIR to him……..and what you wrote about him gaining financially off the backs of taxpayers as it relates to the court cases………is not only UNTRUTHFUL and INSIGNIFICANT………but LIBELLOUS and DISHONEST as well.

    It is dishonest of you to ASSUME……and more so without proof……. Commisiong received monetary compensation from filing court cases to secure the rights of Barbadians.

  38. Overseas Observer Avatar
    Overseas Observer

    I know David Commissiong on a personal level.

    However, I have NO respect for him or David Denny and people of that ilk.

    I work with at least 32 Cubans and Venezuelans daily who tell about the horrors of their former living conditions including secret police state before escaping to the USA.

    The stories of how they and their families were forced to live as though in North Korea, scavenging for food, useless currency, extraordinary levels of prostitution by females to survive.

    For example, earning less than US$50 PER MONTH whilst living in those countries and always hungry.

    Whilst the Leaders of both Cuba and Venezuela are Billionaires.

    ALL 32 now live lives of luxury and content with good careers something they admit would never have happened in 2019 if they had remained.

    Why don’t the hypocrites like David Commissiong and David Denny move to Cuba or Venezuela earning local wages and live like the locals under BOTH repressive regimes?

    Instead of being parasites to many millions of Cuban and Venezuelan descent in their hypocrisy whilst living high off the hog in their personal agendas in Barbados.

  39. You have no respect for anybody or anything that is Barbadian so what is new.

  40. Overseas Observer Avatar
    Overseas Observer

    If Commissong is reading let him read this also.

    Commissong does not give a shit about poor people.

    Over 3 MILLION POOR SUFFERING STARVING people in the last several years have fled Venezuela, of which 1 million FLED to Colombia to SURVIVE.

    At least 500,000 of these are YOUNG AND OLD FEMALES engaging daily in prostitution to survive, not a word from David Commissiong.

    You are entitled to say what you want does Commissong have respected for the Venezuelan or Cuban people?

    HELL NO.

    If he or David Denny talk the shit in front of any Cuban or Venezuelan I know they would physically rip them to pieces.

    However, you can continue to defend bullshit as you run the blog.

    I don’t benefit off the back of taxpayers anywhere in the world now or previously.

  41. David
    January 21, 2019 2:38 PM

    Those who knows Comissiong from school days are aware he has always separated himself from his middle class upbringing and sided with issues in the interest of masses. What power what!


    You don’t get it do you?

    The left seeks power which they believe the masses will give them!!

    Once you accept DC has separated himself from his middle class upbringing to side with the issues of the masses you automatically admit he seeks power … from school days!!!

    He must be one frustrated person!!!!

  42. Looking forward to seeing the “dynamite” published …. the timing is exquisite!!

  43. David,

    You are correct. That is why there was a greeting some time back –

    “What’s good?”

    or “Tell me something good!”

    We need good stories to make us believe they are possible. They also give us feel good moments.

    But then they get eclipsed by the immediate problems that present themselves..

  44. There is a voice note circulating on social media in which a man is quoted as saying he was in conversation with an assistant manager of a popular Chinese wholesale outlet. The manager said he quit his job because he was sick and tired of the way his fellow Chinese assistant managers talked about Black people. The Chinese man said that out of all the races in the world, Black people are the most stupidest people and that’s why they are at the bottom of every economic ladder in the world and they will never rise up.

    He further stated, “this was a Black country and in this Black country, a Chinese or any other ethnicity……any other race of people, whether it be Arab, Indians, Chinese……and he went on……they come into a black country and they can set up a business next to a Black person……in a Black country…..and with the help of Black people, they will put the Black person out of business in a matter of weeks.”

    “Now…. when he highlighted the fact that Black people were stupid, I was in awe…….but when he explained it to me, I must agree. For any other ethnicity to come to our land to tell that we are the stupidest people that ever walked the face of the earth……we would arguably get angry……but it’s a fact.”

  45. The proof lies in his acess and easement of manipulating the system in extraordinary fashion while massaging the weakness of a people looking for change in one way or another

  46. @John

    A generalization, do you know the man personally?

  47. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Artax January 21, 2019 4:51 PM
    “Now…. when he highlighted the fact that Black people were stupid, I was in awe…….but when he explained it to me, I must agree. For any other ethnicity to come to our land to tell that we are the stupidest people that ever walked the face of the earth……we would arguably get angry……but it’s a fact.”

    Of course the Chinese man is 100% correct in his assessment of black people.
    They are the most stupid people on god’s green earth.

    How else do you explain black people taking as their god an idol that represents their enslavement and brutal exploitation for over 300 years?

    Why did the god their claim to worship on Sunday give them a black skin of which they are abysmally ashamed and their masters a white skin which the same black fools try to acquire through skin bleaching?

    How else can you explain the phenomenon of the native black population working for the ‘nouveau-arrivant’ immigrant ethnic groups like Middle Easterners, East Indians and Chinese whereas the complete opposite prevails when black people migrate to other countries?

    Just check out the “house negroes” in the local Bajan Talk Shop and see who are the people benefitting from the government contracts.

    BTW, Yahweh is not an entirely unfair man. He has indeed given blacks certain ‘special’ talents like the ability to run like a cheetah or dance like a singing parrot called Springbok.

  48. David, I never knew Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot, so what is your point?

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