The following invoice is meant to shed light on the settling of the Estate of Marie Stewart as requested by the BU family.

Based on what has been made public so far is it true to conclude that the land being disputed represents part of the estate therefore it is not accurate to state it is the property of any of beneficiaries in the Will? This is the part of the dispute the blogmaster is struggling to understand.


191 responses to “The Estate of Marie Stewart – Chronologized Invoice”

  1. If Ursuline and Ermine died with no wills, would their shares go to the surviving next of kin?

    I can’t believe Ermine would have died without a will if she owed that amount of money in legal fees.

  2. @ David BU

    You seem to have your own Agenda instead of pointing fingers at others as having an Agenda.

    Based on @ Olivia Wellington comment of family wanting to disavow the Stewarts for going PUBLIC why would the other beneficiaries if any would want to share their feedback publicly.

    This Civil matter is more than the Stewarts it speaks to the cesspool and ongoing FRAUD corruption with local Attorneys in Barbados in this case George Payne and Dale Marshall and the law firm of George Walton Payne & Co.

  3. @David
    I am reacting to the invoices copies of which were introduced here, this present one is a continuation of the last one which showed a balance of $98,549 owing. The additional fees and interest shows a final balance of $194,468 which one can safely assume is in effect the $200,000 loan which was referenced earlier. I used the amounts billed as “interest” to arrive at the amount of approx.. $75,000 so I am unsure about your comment of several invoices.

    @Olivia W

    I am intrigued, you made reference to a poorly drafted document, have you seen it? We have seen bits and pieces naming three beneficiaries, again my question who claimed Ms. Atwell’s half?

  4. Olivia Wellington
    September 7, 2018 12:02 AM

    The Last Will and Testament of Marie Stewart was a very poorly drafted document.


    Who drafted the will?

    Is this the $1,500 in the invoice to Marie Stewart c/o Ermine Atwell of 31 Dec 2007?

    Was Ermine Atwell the POA of Marie Stewart?

    If she was, it probably would not matter if Marie Stewart fired George Payne or not.

  5. The blogmaster’s agenda should be obvious. It certainly is not about spouting emotional nonsense. If we work to discuss and discover the truth it adds value and should go a long way to helping to resolve the matter. Because the blogmaster is curious about how the other family members feel concerning the Estate it does not mean we are not sympathetic to their position.

  6. @Sargeant

    Yes, we are on the same page.

  7. Jackie i still say you are not very open here about what is going on. Why are you now coming forward and making this claim? You are looking more and more like a scammer yourself

  8. @ Olivia Wellington

    Based on your first postings you are POSING as a family member but your last posting comes across as though you are a member of the local crooked legal Fraternity.

    WHO ARE YOU Olivia Wellington?

    Declare your hand in this matter to have any real credibility..

  9. Why not focus on the unanswered questions? It is an anonymous blog.

    Let us get answers to some of the questions being posed to help to demystify the issue. This is the blogmaster’s agenda.

  10. @ Michelle

    I smell a Real Real RED HERRING.

    I don’t know Jackie Stewart or her mother except what I have seen on the videos however you come on the BU blog and making references to Jackie Stewart being a scammer.

    I am %100 convinced the George Payne/Dale Marshall have sent their Agents on BU to attack the Stewarts’ character that is the way it works on the island of Barbados.

    I wonder who is really trying to scam who.

  11. The invoice of 31 Dec 2007 has Marie Stewart giving a POA to Ermine Atwell.

    The next line item is obscured but what is there suggests Marie Stewart/Ermine Atwell instructed the negotiation of a sale of agreement … but for what?

  12. What you need to be sure about is to answer the legitimate questions being asked in an attempt to seek the truth to this matter.

  13. The balance of the invoice at the time the POA arises is $17,500.

  14. @ David BU

    You can’t get to the bottom of this if people are misrepresenting who they are or casting negative aspersions on the Stewarts either Jackie or her mother who have made this matter public after getting run around in Barbados for many years as put out in information shared on Social Media.

    You expect these same people who are trying to mislead share the truth.

    Not everyone is drinking the koolaid.

    I have no skin in this game.

  15. Totally illogical comment. We are analyzing the documents presented and having questions answered to seek to clarify this matter. Focus on the reasonable questions being asked.

  16. Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police Avatar
    Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police

    @ Straight Talk

    I agree with your feedback 1000 percent.

    Do not allow @David to push you in any corner.

    This BU is supposed to be about Freedom of Expression not what the Blogmaster agrees with.

    Like you I smell raw sewage and dirty tricks being played out on Barbados Underground.

  17. The earliest record here is from 2007, the first page or pages is missing thus we are unable to ascertain when the account was activated. It appeared to be an individual account initially but became an Estate account after Mrs.Stewart died in 2008. Prior to her death (from the paperwork) she appointed a Power of Attorney (Mrs. Atwell). Power of Attorneys are null and void after death but Mrs. Atwell was Executrix of Mrs. Stewart’s Estate and was legally able to act on behalf of the Estate.

    What happened next is a matter for……

  18. There you go Sargeant. This is the kind of dispassionate analysis being asked.

  19. @ David BU

    If the individual(s) who submitted these documents which is the highlight of this blog on BU and left the 1st page out which as pointed out by @ Sargeant leaving vital information out what does it say about the submitter(s).

    Then you have others who spring out of nowhere on BU attacking Jackie Stewart in the UK including calling her a scammer and being disavowed by the family in Barbados.

    If it walks like a duck it is a duck.

    Again who is trying to mislead who.

    Keep the pressure on Jackie, most people in Barbados suffer because of being taken advantage of and this is how they are usually maligned.

  20. Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police Avatar
    Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police

    Why would the person submitting these documents to BU not send ALL whilst omitting key information?


    One should not throw Stones when you have a Glass House.

  21. Fake Documents, that is what the land fraud thieves from the Barbados Bar Association create, Forged Wills, Forged Conveyances and Forged Title Deeds, Forged ASSENTS…Forged Invoices they are a printshop of FORGERY ..

    …..then they ALL sit and wait patiently for the Testator or Testatrix to DIE…and if they find they are taking too long to die, they help them along…just like what they did to that Executrix…leave her to suffer and die so they could steal the estate from the living beneficiary. .

    But that Fake document above is proof of what they do…you need all the proof you can get to bury yourselves.,…evil lawyers feeding off dead bodies..Ghouls.

    Attacking the victims of PAIN and TEETS theft of the estate will not work…why…neither Payne nor Marshall are in that Will…neither of them had any right holding on to the estate and selling some of it and keeping land for themselves…

    ..they cannot justify their theft of the Estate…they got caught and are now DESPERATELY searching for a way out before everything comes crashing down on them…they finally see their THEFT of the Stewart estate burying them alive…given their small island version of high profile…which now pins targets on them…because anywhere they go on or off the island fingers will be pointed at them as land thieves…with the current exposure…EVERYONE knows who they are.

    They are a major embarrassment to a sitting government and would have gotten away with what they did if they were not such well known land fraud thieves…they stole one too many estates…this is the estate that broke their back AND .they are both guaranteeing Mia loses the next election…their decades of land theft against the elderly is too well known.

    4 years 9 months to go, that’s all…..they will not even be able to enjoy any of that time in parliament, exposure in their thieving asses…which makes it even harder now for them to take up anymore estates from old people and thief it…anytime they are seen anywhere near any elderly people they should be photographed and chased…those gang of land thieves, everyone now knows their identities.

    Jackie is an issue of the beneficiary, they are not, she is entitled to represent her mother, they are not, she would be negligent to expose her elderly mother to such wicked thieves at her age, that is what have them unsteady now, they cannot get access to the benficiary to destroy her.and keep the estate…major problem…FOR THEM,..

  22. “Because the blogmaster is curious about how the other family members feel concerning the Estate.”

    Since the other family members have no say in the matters not how they feel…it was made very clear the family considered both Payne and Marshall crooks and thieves.from the very beginning.., the family are right to do what they are doing now…stay silent…their names are neither in the Will nor on the estate.

    The land thieves steal from the elderly and leave them to die , they forge documents…they will send people on BU to pose as family members, no big deal dpfir them, they never had ethics nir scruples, they are amoral….they are evil AND very desperate at this stage…but it matters not, they themselves set the stage and put everything in motion for what comes next …decades ago…so let them enjoy.what’s coming back at them…you reap what you sow…disgusting land thieves and frauds.

  23. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    This lady should take her story to the UK Guardian newspaper. Over the years, those who have followed BU have been made aware that land fraud and theft has been systemic over many decades in Barbados.

    There are a number of UK Bajan landowners who have no idea that land fraud is rampant in Barbados. I alerted my parents about this case and informed them that they need to investigate their lawyer and should rewrite their will. They are getting old now. How does one find a honest lawyer in Barbados? Is there any guarantee that the beneficiaries of a will be “allowed” to hold on to their inheritance or will the government with the aid of Barbadian lawyers seek to confiscate this inheritance.

    This story is huge. I would like to believe that the UK government would investigate these allegations especially as we are talking about UK citizens. Individuals who have spent many decades working and paying taxes in the UK.

    I am now of the belief that there is little to be gained holding land or property in Barbados. That a member of the Barbados diaspora should come to such a conclusion is terribly sad. Perhaps this could explain Hal’s definition of a “failed” state.

  24. @ Talking Loud Saying Nothing


  25. How many people must say they smell a dead rat before someone go looking for it to remove it, Barbados is a very nasty place to do business, All the criminals on the planet come here to do their nasty business, So, therefore, you need nasty lawyers to help them, What’s going on here is not even one page of Violet Beckles Life dealing with over 63 lawyers in 24 years pulling the same and worse . They bill you in name, for what they are to do, but never done or short you on your information,that they then use against you and the bills are the shocker like building a home in Barbados cost overruns billing 2 and 3 time for work not done and you can’t get the roof Put on.

    Lawyers Interest rates are better than Banks, need to open a lawyers bank and wait for Billing, Is that same rate apply to un return tax refunds?? fraud billing making money , Just like printing money at the CB, what an investment, As you can see by the time this bill is made funds are removed and the balance made be said but not seen?, Crook Payne need to sign his work!
    I wonder if that office was even Opened Monday 31 December 2007? you mean to say no one took time off from crooking people for the NewYears or they just wanted or backdated a Bill to say this bill was from last year Jan 1st 2008?,,,, Only one Lawyer needed in government the AG ! even this one like the last one is a crook, The more lawyers the more problems,

  26. Bajanfreeparty,

    A people living in an epochal period rarely realise they are; it is the job of historians to look back and pinpoint that had gone wrong. Every key institution in Barbados is now dysfunctional, even if, fore the best of reasons, most Barbadians do not want to accept this.
    Land fraud is but one of the many things wrong with our society; but the most important of these is not the dishonesty – the inherent dishonesty – in the Barbadian legal profession, but that now civil servants are changing the data on official records in order to facilitate that fraud.
    Not just the rule of law, but property rights are fundament al to a democratic, orderly society. In Barbados these institutions have broken down and our political and administrative elites are not willing, or do not recognise, this failure.
    Further, the people are collectively docile and are so caught up with their own survival that they do not have t he moral strength to resist this sabotaging of our values. Instead, we substitute a fanatical political tribalism in place of principled resistance.

  27. “This lady should take her story to the UK Guardian newspaper. Over the years, those who have followed BU have been made aware that land fraud and theft has been systemic over many decades in Barbados.”

    And beyond as am sure they have been advised, unless Barbados is kept on a blacklist, unless the land thieves and the government realize that they will remain on a blacklist because of all the land thefts against the elderly, their beneficiaries and their issue,..

    ..unless Barbados is kept on a blacklist because of the continuing corruption that permeates every level of government and the judiciary. …nothing will change, the people have been helpless for decades to fight the lawyers, judges, government ministers and private sector business people who engage in these land fraud and thefts…

    ..the people have become numb after witnessing these crimes generation after generation and have been negatively impacted by these crimes against themselves because they have never had any help to fight against these thieves in bar association, government, business sector and judiciary…and none of these rotten crooks have any shame or conscience, theynall get a salary from the very same population they rob…each and every one of these LADRONES.

    ..these arrogant, bloated, obese thieves deliberately keep the majority population at a subsistence level so they are unable to fight back…then they get the lowest most evil filthy yardfowls to pollute a blog to discredit the victims because they all believe they are entitled to STEAL estates from any and everyone.

    Not this time….these victims are not within eeach so land thieves can destroy their lives…as they are accustomed doing, they are free to take down whomever their please for stealing their estate…from a safe distance…both Payne and Marshall and all the titled criminals who helped them in their land fraud…they are all due for a take down,

    Este es el juego de pelota diferentes….ladrones.

    Even if I have to assist these victims myself.., the skunks in the bar association, judiciary, the Mia government and the dirty, thieving crook Cow and his thieving rotten ilk in the business community.., are NOT getting away with this theft of an elderly woman’s estate…….not this time…they have all gotten away with stealing from and killing the elderly while theur families sat by in silence, afraid and helpless for far, far..too long.

    So bring it on..

  28. “This story is huge. I would like to believe that the UK government would investigate these allegations especially as we are talking about UK citizens. Individuals who have spent many decades working and paying taxes in the UK.”

    The UK government has an OBLIGATION to their citizens the Stewarts AND to the CITIZENS of Barbados to investigate the land fraud AND other fraud on the island committed against everyone by the lawyers, ministers, judges, insirance company executives and all their other criminal partners in the business community..they can’t talk about it3 not their jurisdiction, not in this case, ehen the UK holds sovere3 STILL over the island.

    These are not allegations…these are FACTS OF CRIMES committed over decades by all these criminals against vulnerable people..and they get away with it because there is NO ONE on the island to hold them accountable or address these crimes because the government itself is infested with land thieves and criminals…

  29. they can’t talk about ITS not their jurisdiction, not in this case, when the UK holds SOVERIGNTY STILL over the island.

  30. Let’s hope the demons in this government know they got a 5 year battle on their hands until the ELECTORATE also hands them a 30-0…at the polls….

    … they are about to make history…just like DLP..

  31. Time out!

  32. TheoGaz
    Are you Mariposa or WARU aka Abigail? “Olivia Wellington” is just another person who has not jumped on the Salemites’ social media caravan, preaching a sermon driven by revenge and or hatred for personalities; but is interested in facts not political agendas. If one does not even understand the difference between a beneficiary and an executrix, a discussion is useless. #antipartyyardfowlismisyardgowlismtoo

  33. @Bajanfreeparty -Totally “Agree” with your sentiments….The ex-AG is required to answer the following “Conduct Probes Covering the Last 9 Years in Barbados”….Please share the link. These individuals need to be held accountable

  34. If wunna know what y’all saying are FACTS post a video nuh or use wunna real name. #nuffmout🤣🤣🤣

  35. We not hearing Caswell these days … must be busy!!

  36. The former AG Adriel Nitwit was too busy advising his closet buddy Dumbville on how to evade the law and play slick..until the advice ended up with him in ankle bracelets in US…

    he had no time to do his job,

    he had no time to amend the Constitution to upgrade the LPA for Bar Association attorneys,

    he had no time to amend the Constitution to include a Regulatory Board to regulate attorneys like George Payne and Dale Marshall of whom there are literally hundreds such land thieves infesting and polluting the island and Judiciary..and are members of the toothless Bar Association..

    I remember how Adriel Nitwit suffered that nurse who waited for 35 years for compensation for a fall at QEH..she is in a wheelchair now because of them and their nastiness..he too should be in ankle bracelets for his evil ways against the same people who paid his salary….

    .so imagine what they do to the elderly and vulnerable whose Estates they are intent on stealing come hell or high water…like PAIN and TEETS…they don’t care if it brings down the government…they are determined and intent on stealing an Estate that belongs to none of them..

    …the Mia Government alone is a hive for land thieves from10 years ago before they were thrown out in 2008…by the electorate who grew weary of their criminal corruption…now they are back believing that the population forgot and they can do as they like again…while doubling down on land fraud..

  37. Enuff..ya took a couple days to recover…yall thieves…nuff mout is headed yall way…ya think people are afraid of you because the electorate gave you a mandate…but the electorate GAVE and the electorate can TAKE AWAY…

    Sit back, relax and watch how this turns out…hope ya help them when they see they are drowning in their own filth…presuming you don’t drown too.

  38. Olivia and Michelle to attack the Stewarts for fighing for what is legal their right makes you as low as Pain and Teets you ignore the fact that they talk of the other old woman that lost her leg because of them and the fact that George Pin chose to lie as he is not qualified.I would be worried that if England get involved anyone party to this illegal crimminal acts on this Estate will be in the same pot.If they are family members involved they are obviously on their own personal agenda and you can tell dislike the Stewarts .And are above themseleves as they are not above Glenda Stewart PERIOD so thy can keep comming with the fraudulant documents .But I would worry if outside Agencies get involved all targeting and intimidating the Stewarts with their below the belt crap as i would not want to be around when the show down blows up as you are forgettig she clearly states and we all know this shit has gone on for years.And those family members are an insult to the Stewarts who are a voice for the people and a breath of clean air myself and others back them 1000 percent

  39. When people have negative thoughts and do bad things….Undeniably the universe will repay them with the same energy that they petered out…..Teets, pain and Adriel nit-wit have already signed their own death warrant…..Yes, you can do as you like but whatever you give out will boomerang back at you. The Father said “Love thy neighbour as thyself” the reason being whatever energy you give out… get back….They did a lot of underhand things…..their time is coming, we just gotta trust in divine timing and everything will work out for the good of all !!

  40. Enuff..are you going to be sitting around the integrity committee table today with Simmons, Abrahams, Marshall and Payne too…what a farce…

  41. “But I would worry if outside Agencies get .”

    They are afraid outside agencies get involved, that is why they are coming with fraud documents, but let me tell ya…outside agencies operate like nothing they have seen before, don’t worry, these are small time, small island crooks, who only have titles because the same people they rob gave them those titles, they have limited capacity intellect and cannot see beyond tiefing from the elderly and vulnerable…they are no match for the sharks who would devour them.

    I remember years ago some slick crooks on Wall Street were pumping up stock and it was difficult to pin point exactly how they were doing it, they too had a lot of fraudulent paperwork..and a high level world class law firm called Skadden, Arps at one time located in Times Sq was hired, they in turn hired about 50 sharp eyed paralegals who take no prisoners…within one month…they had arrests for insider trading..ya don’t get more hardline criminals than those on Wall Street..

    PAIN and TEETS are yard boys for minorities like the land thief Cow…they are no one of relevance and significance and can only rob the poor and vulnerable…when they are up against people like myself it is a different animal..

  42. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Enuff September 7, 2018 10:10 AM
    “If wunna know what y’all saying are FACTS post a video nuh or use wunna real name. #nuffmout”

    What they should also do is to propose that the aggrieved parties fight ‘fraudulent’ fire with just as ‘crooked’ fire by engaging the services of other lawyers experienced in the art of robbing old people.

    Why not seek the assistance of the ‘known’ Carrington?

    Since he is still a practicing ‘idle’ lawyer he can now devote his entire working hours to putting things right on behalf of the ‘Stewarts’.

    What a thing! A man with a similar regal name of “Stuart’ did recommend to the same Carrington that he “get a lawyer” since a lawyer representing himself ‘has nothing but a fool for a client’.

    The “Stewarts” ought to move their grievance out of the court of public opinion and engage the services of lawyers who have more than a ‘legal and moral’ axe to grind.

    Why not engage the likes of Carrington in association with Gollop Yearwood Byer and even Stuart to fight their case before the Bajan Law and CCJ?

    Why not let this cadre of highly talented legal luminaries -almost all with their LECs in hand- work on a pro bono basis for the Stewarts who have been deprived of their bagatelle by seemingly surreptitious sleight of hand means?

    Not only would a shot of political revenge in Montezuma’s style be fired but it would provide the perfect moral opportunity to pay penance for their many sins of receiving too much money for inadequate (little) work done for the taxpayers’ benefit.

  43. These are no match for real, real sharks, they only thing they are bad because the electorate gave them a 5 year mandate…they would be eaten alive by the real sharks in the real wold….

  44. No Miller..they need to engage these bad boys…

    Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP
    40 Bank Street
    Canary Wharf
    London, E14 5DS

    ya don’t want no halfassed lawyer from Barbados to sell ya out..look what Hal Gollop did to the living beneficiary..

  45. David BIASED BLOG MASTER and Enuff you are wasting the space with points that sugar coat the injustice of these poor ladies and rathe back the Crimminals .I looked at the photos on previous and read the documents and saw the signutures you have done an injustice to these ladies as you put more baring on personal opinions of people that have hidden agendas than the fact forget the sale he is not qualified and can never be as he said he was already by England that said no formally and the Barbados Bar Assc failed Barbados which is all they have been doing for years.I have been following the story you fail to address the crimminality started in this Estate with Marie Louise Stewart when he divided and sold her land.Iam ashamed that you had the chance to help make history but instead you walk on the wrong side of this.The feed back out in the real world is that these ladies are victims and Heros.You should come on a better angle it is terrible the direction you and the other heatless prejudice take you have taken pride in doing .You deserve the blow outs she gives you .you might be a blog but these women are the poor mans voice and all the other victims .

  46. Prime Minister Mia Mottley has indicated she wants transparency,accountability and no corrupt practices in her administration.I am not getting involve in the legal aspects of this case. I am curious that two leading members of her cabinet especially the portfolio of Attorney – General are embroiled in this controversy.
    I believe that maybe both of these ministers ought to resign or relieve of their portfolios until this matter is resolve.

  47. What ever the legal reality of this scandal, it is important that the prime minister has a word with the two senior members of her government in private in order to prevent any further reputational damage. This is no longer about two lawyers, it is about the new BLP government.

  48. “About Our London Office

    Skadden’s* London office advises on mergers and acquisitions, private equity, financings, restructurings and tax matters. We also have extensive experience in the fields of international arbitration and litigation, white collar crime, employment and financial regulation. We advise clients on the most complex matters that require innovative solutions involving both domestic U.K. and multijurisdictional law.”

    PAIN and TEETS would not dare mess with these people and think they can lie to them about that Estate theft…they would have the color of their poop investigated…then we will find out if Payne actually went to school in UK..and if he has any qualifications at all..

    They better don’t make me pull my contacts list…lowlifes.

  49. Yes, the blogmaster is biase for posting for allowing you and sundry to share a view on BU.

    Yes the blogmaster is biase for asking questions to share the other side of th issueon BU.

    Yes the blogmaster is biase for airing this matter in four blog posts do far on BU.

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