For at least 20 years, there was an official acknowledgement that a rethinking of education and training had to be done by the authorities in Barbados. National consortiums realised that with the phenomenon of globalisation, also came new imperatives compelling small states such as Barbados to adjust meaningfully and quickly to rapid changes of engagement occurring across the globe. Barbados had to face the challenge of being pulled further into the density of complex economic changes. The need to be globally competitive regardless of local shortcomings existed, and this was very apparent in financial, technical, and commercial activities. Reshaping national attitudes, therefore, became commensurate with being able to withstand the vicissitudes of international competition, if Barbados was to survive.

Adjusting to change, meant that local policymakers, academics, and technocrats had to shift from short-sighted posturing and piecemeal fixes towards radical intervention. The then prime minister Owen Arthur, delivering the budgetary proposals in the Barbados House of Assembly on September 2, 1998, alluded to the challenges emanating from such dispatch. Arthur opined that attempting to steer Barbados to a place of transformation and relative safety demanded ‘a radical new approach to education and training’ from which, national synergies would become purpose-fit for creating a vibrant and sustainable economy which would work for the benefit of all Barbadians. Thus, a reasonable question was why is radical change necessary, and what specific problems would be alleviated by shifting gears?

The first vital first steps for enabling change and devising the coping mechanisms would spring from access and opportunities to education and training. Reshaping education and training became a national priority, and it was equally important to create generational awareness and knowledge throughout the society. Explaining the rationale, Owen Arthur contended: “There is no question that the pervasive revolution in information and communication technology will … be the most important determinant of the economic fortunes and the social structure of all societies. For this reason, we cannot rest on our laurels in respect of education and training. Indeed, the issue is no longer whether education in Barbados is free and universal; it is whether it is relevant to today’s purposes and tomorrow’s needs … in creating the labour force required for tomorrow’s world.” Current prime minister, Mia Amor Mottley, was part of that Arthur-led administration.

To be clear, gradual incrementalism has historically been the preferred mode of affecting fundamental change in the annals of Caribbean administrative work. Michael Gallivan et al. (1994) argue that “where established structures, processes, and knowledge are extended and augmented, radical change replaces the status quo with a new order of things and as a result may create serious disruptions in structures, processes, operations, knowledge, and morale.” Barbados and most regional governments have been usually gradual to affecting change because of its less disruptive nature. Politicians, in some cases lacking the political will, have shied away from doing the practical and right thing, fearing that to rock the boat may result in electoral punishment at the next general elections. They refuse to go beyond a mere tinkering of inherited colonial structures.

Yet, and in contrast to gradualism, Barbados is now at a juncture whereby radical changes in attitudes and administrative actions have become necessary to rescue the country from its decade-old forlorn. With radical change there is the presumption that processes will be transformed and created causing dislocation in the short-term with no certainty of long-term success. Additionally, new claims to multiple responsibilities are likely to be transferred as power bases dismantle vertical and sometimes unnecessary hierarchies. The ‘radical’ ruptures are likely to reflect a more practical pliancy making the operational domains in public administration more suitable to coping with the changes enveloping Barbados.

Today, PM Mottley and the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) are charged with putting back Barbados at the apex of administrative, economic, and governance standards in the Caribbean. One may recall, that in the late 1990s when functioning as the Minister of Education, Miss Mottley was tasked with the objective of commanding the relevant policy arena. Miss Mottley held ministerial responsibility for creating the first comprehensive framework that would technologically transform the education and training sectors. The transitioning took root in the nation’s school system with the programme ‘Edutech’. Despite some partisan critiques, Miss Mottley rapidly introduced a generation of children into a computerised world. The evidence of those efforts coincided with the changing pace, scale, and scope in which the business world operated, and in which technologies of all kinds were refashioning most aspects of productivity in almost every industry.

In 2018 and after failing to perform the necessary reforms in the public sector and the economy, Barbados is picking up the pieces. Rebuilding the broken economy necessitates actions that would drive another stage of technological transformation. Of meaningful significance, there is a refocusing on strategic education and training. Prime Minister Mottley is again pitched at the forefront, actively leading the radical change necessary for the transformation of the Barbados economy. E-governance, e-commerce, robotisation, and internet programming are among key activities that are on the figurative table. The prospects are tremendous although, this time around, the available resources appear lesser, the options are limited, and the danger of not achieving success appears costlier.

It is precisely at this intersection of getting the framework right for education and training that PM Mottley’s proposal for the ‘Re Re Programme’ can be of major and constructive significance. The Re Re Programme, according to Miss Mottley, is about “retooling and empowering; it’s about retraining and enfranchising.” Emphasising that change can be uncomfortable but is necessary, PM Mottley has already indicated that the Re Re Programme will help maximise efforts for managing the change in which the retooling spurs empowerment and, the retraining supports an enfranchising en route to a ‘destination of excellence’ not dissimilar from the excellence personified by the iconic ‘Ri Ri’ Fenty. In fact, Prime Minister Mottley is advocating that the direction of change for making Barbados the best it can be, resides in the capacity of the population to become technologically inclined. The embedded rationale that education and training can directly improve socio-economic circumstances for most, ushers in a radical approach for fixing Barbados’ problems. This can easily translate into more opportunities for the individual growth of employers and employees.

Certainly, education and training must become common factors in the nation’s psyche since these are measurable components helping to determine economic growth and local investment. Simultaneously, increasing the numbers of technologically savvy persons who become empowered and enfranchised can spur commensurate changes across the public and private sectors. It is there that a sense of ownership leading to enhanced productivity and competitiveness become realisable assets. Therefore, radical approaches and innovative solutions to these problems require an integration of perspectives from a diverse population of stakeholders and not government alone. Both the public and private sectors, working together in supportive ways, must be prepared to give impetus to those initiatives that would radically manage Barbados’ effective transformation. The Prime Minister has declared that the Government she leads is determined and recognises that “we have to do things a little differently.” A radical approach to problem-solving and to fixing the damage, ushers in the importance of education and training to get Barbados where it needs to be.

(Dr George C. Brathwaite is a political consultant and former lecturer in Political Science. Email:

9 responses to “The George Brathwaite Column – ‘Re Re’ and Striving for Excellence”

  1. William Skinner Avatar

    After reading this repetitive , poor attempt at embarrassing party propaganda , I am forced to ask Dr. Brathwaite where has he been for the past forty or more years.
    To even suggest that it was only recognized officially that there needed to be a radical reform of the education system , is a blatant attempt to place Mia Mottley’s tenure of education minister as successful and then pretend that some abandonment of her policies took place in the last ten years of the DLP’s catastrophic sojourn in office. He is obviously being intellectually dishonest.
    There has been no radical attempt to reform education and Edutech was a monumental failure. The last time that major reform in education took place was the introduction of what we call free education.
    Following that we can say that the establishment of the UWI campus here along with the Community College and the coming about of the Polytechnic merit honorable mention. However both the Community College and the Polytechnic have long been diluted into almost irrelevance.
    Dr. Brathwaite’s feeble attempt to elevate empty rhetoric to progressive policy , should be dismissed for what it is. This is the same author, who attempted to propel something called a Covenant of Hope as the absolute fix for all that was wrong with the country. When last has anybody heard anything about the Covenant of Hope?
    Since and perhaps before the mid seventies there has been calls to reform the education system to make it more relevant to our socio economic needs. It was not touched because the BLPDLP are mortally afraid to touch the elitist so called Common Entrance Examination.
    Far from attempting to deal with the issue , the last education minister (Jones -DLP) emboldened the nonsense by putting sixth forms in schools that really don’t need them.
    Wasting resources to produce more elitist lawyers etc.
    There is no plan at George or Roebuck Street to reform our education system and Dr. Brathwaite’s column clearly demonstrates this truth.

  2. pure drivel in academic clothing and not well dressed either- more like a negligee than formal wear. this author behaves more like a shill for MAM than an academic. i agree with you William

  3. @GEorge
    “EDUTEH, Despite some partisan critiques,”

    Would you all the iadb or the World Bank partisan?

    page 25 here –
    page 51-52 here –

    Also, here are many more internaional and independent evaluators that have pointed out the failings wrt the implementation of EDUTECH. MAM cannot get a pat on the pat for this one. Sorry.

    “The embedded rationale that education and training can directly improve socio-economic circumstances for most, ushers in a radical approach for fixing Barbados’ problems”

    posession of tools and the use of tools are two inherently different things. Problems are not fixed by access to knowledge but in the opportunites to use and the actual use of that knowledge in circumstances that lead to growth and development.

    “education and training must become common factors in the nation’s psyche since these are measurable components helping to determine economic growth and local investment”

    Measurable components (re statistics) do not automatically guarantee real growth.
    Anecdotal evidence will also demonstrate a real decline in the value of or appreciation for “Education”

    “Simultaneously, increasing the numbers of technologically savvy persons who become empowered and enfranchised can spur commensurate changes across the public and private sectors.

    Unfortunately, mindsets must first be changed. Education must be reformed from the ground (2-3 years old) up and then the institutions where these educated people go must themselves change to embrace “savvy” persons.

    Show me the politician or Minister who who is willing to make the hard decisions and I will support them. I acknowledge that MAM did so with EDUTECH, but, the rollout, implementation and results were less than stellar.

    Rhetorich is laudable. Results are preferred. Actual embedded growth and behavioual change is even better.

    btw, from your missive it would seem that nothing was done in education since MAM. D you care to comment on the Human Resource Development Strategy 2011-2016 in the context of reshaping education and training???

    Just observing

  4. Some will olace the social partnership in the same bucket as EDUCTEC. Projects dressed in copious rhetoric but where is the measurable results to show how they moved the needle?

  5. @William,

    It is a pity that George misuses his learning to push party propaganda. It diminishes him and does not good to Barbados. Our educational system is urgently in need of a transformation, which neither of the two governing parties has even attempted to tackle.
    What we have is a former minister of education, caught driving without road tax or insurance, who, within days of leaving office, was appointed vice-chancellor of a so-called university. Yet, not a single word about the morality of this appointment.
    We also have a government that came to power making a lot of noise again, making allowance for the minister’s health, after 100 days not a word about educational policy.
    We also have a situation in which 11000 children in the region have failed to gain a single CXC pass, yet the government, one that talks a lot about transparency, is refusing to say how many of those were Barbadian and which schools were the main culprits.
    What passes as an educational system is really a preference for a diplomate, a factory producing useless certificates rather than improving our collective knowledge.
    What @George and his colleagues can do is to go through the records (minutes of meetings, etc) of the early years of the DLP and of the 1961 government; such documents should all be in the archives department and they will reveal the truth behind the nonsense of ‘free’ education, the turning of a political slogan in to an ideological commitment.
    Then again, as a nation, we prefer loud, empty rhetoric to evidence-based, reasoned argument. Our educated elite have let us down.

  6. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Observing
    These intellectuals grandstanding on both sides (BLP and DLP) believe that they can put any amount of non-facts out there and nobody will question them. It is obvious that Dr. Brathwaite has not followed the education debate going back to the early 70’s ; it reached its peak in the middle seventies and there have been sporadic debates but very seldom have these debates had their genesis in the BLP or DLP. Both parties have approached education the same way they approach everything else: putting their party faithful in positions they are not equipped to handle. All of this talk today about “we are all in this together” is just that. There are several government boards being filled and about 95% are party hacks. Same old same old……..

  7. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    Public debate is not about ideas it’s about slogans and fancy street talk designed to impress lost youth. Political campaigns for the last five cycles, have been nothing but extensions or preludes to Crop Over !!!
    And to think that people of Dr. Brsthwaite’s standing can write such a misleading article and expect it would go unnoticed. Shameful, to say the very least.

  8. @George

    It would be useful to respond to critiques of your articles.

  9. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Well Well Well finally after all of his longworded submissions people have finally come to the realization that George B does talk bare badword.

    Yet it is noted that he is a political cuntsultant and a former lecturer a Cave Hill University

    Any we question how Stinkliar wa so ingrun?

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