Submitted by Observing

Every once in a while we are treated to a masterful display of “watch muh while I pull a rabbit out of my hat.” Our political culture and climate is no different. A peep at the mistress payslip after her much heralded 5% increase with only 5 months back pay that she hasn’t gotten yet reminded me of that phrase “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away”. Let’s examine it for a second.

Salary increase
Public workers got 5% or an average of $140 – $400. BUT account for $45 increase in water, $56 average increase for a health levy and an average increase of $60-$70 in gas and one can see how that 5% disappears. Oh, and God help those with assessable income over 75,000. Apparently they are now taking home on average $90-$300 LESS this month AFTER the increase due to the increase in income tax. Someone said belly full but hungry? Watch muh.

Road Tax removal
Sweet we said. No more $450 or $900 road tax. BUT, 40c on every litre has revealed itself as an average monthly increase of $76 for a basic commuter. Think about the taxi operators, PSV operators, freighters, truckers, dumpers, transporters, retailers, bread and food vendors etc. etc and you can see that much more is being paid. Sure $450 at one time is alot, but I guess we can afford $800-$900 or more spread out over 12 months. Can’t we? Watch muh.

SSA off books
So, expenses for the SSA are no longer under transfers in the annual budget. Poof! Disappearing expenditure. BUT, they now collect from every household ($45) regardless of water usage (or not usage). Presto, every householder now pays for their own garbage collection regardless of frequency. $45 for 7 collections a week or $45 for 1 collection a week or $45 for non collections a week. Watch muh.

Foreign exchange stabilisation
The quarterly report was great. Foreign exchange stabilised. But hold a minute. We stopped repaying debts didn’t we? Well there ya go. To every householder that owes FastCash, Axcel, the Credit Union, Courts, Standards, Massy or God forbid the Government of Barbados, just follow the leader. Stop paying and renegotiate! Watch muh.

South Coast Sewage Fix
Priceless. Move the sewage from the road….pump it in the swamp….release it in the sea….close the beach……then blame the wells for not working. Watch muh

Reduced prices
Of course the removal of NSRL resulted in reduced prices, didn’t it? BUT, any good business man MUST pass on his increased transportation cost (fuel levy), increased water costs (50% of standard bill), increase in corporation tax (up to 30%), the employer contribution to the health levy (1.5% of each employee’s salary) and the compensation for profit margins (i.e. keep muh profits the same or higher no matter what). Of course we all know who these corporate level increases are passed on to! yes! We!!! Watch muh.

Increased tourism income
Without detail Barbados is perhaps the 2nd most expensive destination in the Caribbean. But, we have increased costs on virtually every aspect of tourism endeavour. I guess if 5% fewer visitors come but pay 10% more to get and stay here we can claim tourism is doing better. I guess. Watch muh.

Public input for privatisation and divestment
It’s always good to ask what people think and then do what you planned to any how. It’s even better when you have a survey monkey and a few New Unified Puppets Working with ya. Watch muh.

Less than 4000
Words, semantics, numbers, statistics. Po-ta-to, pota-to, To-ma-to, Toma-to. No more than 4000 workers will go home. Too bad for the 3,999 that are shaking in their boots. I could be wrong but this sounds like deja-vu

Anyhow, I was told to watch muh, so I will keep watching….and genuinely hoping it all works out. After all, um is all uh we!


203 responses to “Smoke and Mirrors”

  1. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Bush Tea
    There you go believing that the public servants are the problem. Nonsense. The problem is two parties that have completely missed hod the economy has been working for the last fifty years. We have jokers on the blog pontificating about Greece z d Singnspore and they cannot even find the Animal Flower Cave!!
    Right now the growth of Karioke has saved dozens of small businesses from going under. We do not understand what a venture such as Q in the community does socially and economically . Also after 60 or more years we still have the dances and do on developing into shop lines. They used to be called “brand” back in the day. Have we tried to really incorporate these indigenous efforts into our economic planning and make them an integral part of our tourism thrust. Of course not because we see such ventures as part of the under class.
    Now in today’s paper we are hearing that sugar must not die but we were hearing a few weeks ago about no longer investing in upgrading the industry. We now hearing that we need molasses s few weeks ago we were hearing about all the corruption with the tanks to hold the molasses at the port. One little visit to Hopdfield and we mouth closed.
    Now you tell me about firing public servants.
    Let me repeat: The BLPDLP cannot solve our problems that’s why we are on our third trip to the international loan sharks. And let me tell you this if we did not have the kind of public service that has endured these two corrupt parties crapaud would have smoked we pipe a long time ago.
    Find another scapegoat.

  2. @DAvid 10:34
    We reach common ground. Hoo rah!

    re. sending messages back…the absence of a “real” opposition and the prostration of our other leaders will make that a tad bit difficult. Amen for BU!

    De mistress cussing, souse calling, uh gone fuh now fuh real!

    Just observing

  3. @observing

    that is a v good point you raised re HH being the campaign man behind Thommo and MAM and running the same type of campaign but with better results this time.

    i would like to see a campaign run where the electorate are told the sobering facts and informed how it will be addressed. i would love to see how effective that would be. the truth versus promises so to speak. i believe that promises would win because it is my contention that most people are ignorant and loved to be fooled. campaign managers know this from history that is way they give the public what they want- promises and BS. so called hope versus reality

  4. William Skinner Avatar

    Apologies for a few typos.: I meant brams not brand. The others should be quite easy to figure out.

  5. @ William,

    very well said. dont forget the promotion of road tennis, perhaps the only significant development under the DLP

  6. Encouragjng the flow of communication with all respect due to populace should be formed on transparency
    Not a warmed over bowl of soup handed out to suffice
    The PR has become one of fluff and repitation
    How long can this prsent govt expect public to listen to the never ending drum beat of past govt failures when this govt said they had plans which would have brought change towards economic recovery
    For those who are sitting idly by awaiting economic recovery this govt needs to tell the truth that barbados will have a long and treacherous road to travel similar to those of Jamaica
    Btw i notice the IMF PR campagain is in full swing aided by a barbadian IMF spokesperson whose job( it seems) to sway people confidence into a belief that the IMF policies are not meant to harm but to put barbados fiscal house in order

  7. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David BU

    This debate is giving some very useful feed back which should be taken on board. Communication is a two way process.
    Is what being transmitted being received? Is it helpful to the recipient?
    Over communication can be tiresome and counter-productive if it leads to the recipient
    building in an automatic switch off.

  8. @Bernard

    Agree with you 100%.

  9. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Miller at 10 :45 AM

    For all our sake I hope that the new plan for recovery of economic growth by this administration will differ from those of the last administration

    I agree with you that current trends in geopolitics do not allow for an emergence of another Cayman Islands/Bermuda type economy.

  10. @Hants
    Yours @9.10am

    That is the height of chutzpah, he should hope that the occasion doesn’t arise where he has to be reminded of that statement.

  11. Let me sum up Bim´s problem:

    Exccessive tax burden and import duties, strangling the private export industry and making tourism too expensive. Only the top-1%-earners from North America and Europe can afford a holiday in Barbados. There is NO room to expand tourism. Rather, the new taxes on tourism will damage the remaining industry.
    A vanishing international offshore financial sector thanks to Bim´s bad reputation and lack of attractivity of its legal and economic framework.
    A bloated, outdated and sclerotic public sector with too many regulations for the private sector, demotivated and unqualified servants. Just look at the Barbados Supreme Court and you see that appointments there are not made on the basis of qualification but affiliation to parties.
    A lack of forex thanks to points 1 to 3.
    The high debt burden which will not go away through higher local taxation. Also due to points 1 to 3.
    The socialist belief of nearly all politicians and the clueless masses that Barbados MUST HAVE a big public service to employ as many families as possible.
    A lack of work ethic and the attitude that Barbados is somehow “special” and deserves “special” treatment by its international creditors. There is a reason why foreign companies hire foreigners as managers in Barbados. They do not want any fraternization between the managment and their lazy local workers.
    A culture of corruption and nepotism where appointments are made on close relationships to the “leading” families and ministers of this island (see also point 3). There is a reason why NOBODY qualified for the position as a judge at the CJJ so far. And why? Are Barbadians inferior human beings? NO. Simply because the past govs had listed non-performers. There are Barbadians with the right qualification for the CCJ but they are not (yet) listed since they are not in the inner circle of power.
    A lack of right and just values and a rotten consum culture. People pray in church for a new SUV and fridge. What a nonsense, what a blasphemy!
    And last but not least the white elephant in the room: Barbados is highly overpopulated and cannot support nearly 280,000 souls.

    QUESTION: Are there any remedies which could possibly help? YES. Will they we applied. Clear ANSWER: NO.

    Face the reality, Barbados is currently a declining society where most politicians have not learnt their lessons yet. It will take many generations to turn Barbados into a civilization on the samy level like Scandinavia or Switzerland. This is the normal course of life. We have seen it in many countries before. Not only in former colonies with former slaves but also in Japan, Germany and Russia, for instance.

    We need to pray to the spirit who rules it all for enlightenment or just wait for a distant future. It is like the clouded path between planet earth and Avalon.

  12. i dont quite understand the comparison with Bermuda and Cayman. can someone enlighten me exactly what is being compared?

  13. William Skinner Avatar

    @ James Greene
    At least five years ago the ministry of tourism should have been suggesting that every hotel has a road tennis court. Tourists will be offered tutorials, top players will give exhibitions culminating with competitions among visitors especially the younger ones. They will then promote the game in their schools etc. But toad tennis is a grass roots sport and of close the snobbery of the society would not support dem boys from……. you know what I mean de people premises. How they does tink.
    Don’ duh get how Arron Trust as minister spent every waking moment trying to chase wY the beach vendors from the beach
    By now road tennis should have been firmly established internationally.
    But the jokers on this blog cuss Butch Stewart for developing the world biggest private owned hotel chain. And now the mout shut . Like I said we know about Greece Brexit and Singapore but we cant even find the Animal Flower Cave.

  14. @ Bernard Codrington,

    Thanks for sending me to the dictionary like Jeff C. in his posts. lol

    “Immiserizing growth is a theoretical situation first proposed by Jagdish Bhagwati, in 1958, where economic growth could result in a country being worse off than before the growth.”

  15. Bermuda and Cayman and British overseas territories (NOT: colonies!). They are cheap to run since they have a less bloated public sector thanks to the outsourcing to Britain. They are also closely connected to British economy and financial system. They are also partially financed by the British taxpayer.

    But old Barrow wanted independence. You got independence. So suck salt and sand.

    Independence did not work for 90 % of all former British colonies.

  16. I should say “Bermuda and Cayman are” …

  17. @William

    Curious who would be the ones responsible to invite and encourage road tennis into the hotels.

    Jokers indeed!

  18. Thanks.
    Increase and cut having the same effect.
    The men on the ground would know better than I do, but that is a little thing that will nag at me and not let me savour the full post.

  19. William,
    We have had over 60 years of road tennis and not one other nation than Barbados plays it in any significant way, not even Bajans overseas. This is a failure of marketing. We have been producing rum for over 300 years, it is our only genuine world-class product, yet it is never talked about by government as a so-called foreign exchange earner. It is tourism all the way.
    Our political and business elites have failed us. Our bright young people all want to be white-collar employees – what the Japanese call the salariat – rather than risk investing in their own businesses. This is a lack of self-confidence. Yet we have a business school producing graduates with MBAs. Now we want the Chinese to teach us agricultural techniques and methods; this after we tried the Americans, Canadians and Brits. But Barbados was founded on agriculture, that is what slavery was about.
    We are a failed nation.

  20. @blog: “foreign exchange stabilisation”

    Indeed the debt in forex is increasing EVERY day there is no agreement with commercial creditors. The forex reserves are nothing else than USD received by credit fraud against CS, FCIB plus the reserves paid into the IMF plus other non-solvent assets like Barbadian gov property in other countries. There is no forex left at free disposition.

  21. Wait!Wait 1 minute.did some one state that this govt has plans to fix the economy
    Last i heard that the IMF policies were those being pursued by govt
    Most likely this govt is thanking Butch Stewart and banking on Hyatt
    Two dlp entities this govt baulked about

  22. @ Tron,

    again you dont know what the heck you are talking about when it comes to the Caymans and Bermuda at least where Bermuda is concerned. from my knowledge Bermuda is a self governing British overseas territory and British tax payers DO NOT finance Bermuda in no form what so ever. Bermuda has a bloated civil service and some of the same issues that plagued Bim seem to be present in Bermuda. in addition independence is a long standing issue with the party in power wanting to go it alone.

    Cayman is effectively run by a private citizen called Kenneth Dart.

    either you read or desist from posting shoite.

  23. @ Tron

    and from my understanding Bermuda is v expensive to run and to live in. and none of its processed is outsourced to Britain. read a bit will yuh and stop spouting false information

  24. And why is the credit rating so much better and the GDP per capita so much higher? Just check And why are the two territories amongst the most advanced offshore financial jurisdictions?

    Face reality. Your God Barrow is dead. He and his party failed 100%. Like so many other so-called leaders and parties in former British colonies. All we got are more than 1,000 lawyers, buildings for the SC and BWA too big for a tiny island, no prospect for the future and a legacy of excessive debts.

    Independence has nothing to offer for the masses but for the inner circle of black and white new class of plantocrats.

  25. James,

    You and your party do not want to face the reality that most of the present trouble goes back to some insane decisions made in the 1960s and 1970s like declaring independence and setting the foolish peg of 1:2. And what about so-called education? Did this DLP-plan work out? No.

    You have obviously never been in a supermarket in other CARICOM territories. Otherwise you would know that even Barbadian food is by far cheaper there than in Barbados itself.

    Life in Barbados has reached an unsustainable level.

  26. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Observing

    First of all de ole man going apologise to you for what de grandson going do REAL soon

    He going mek your blog into a Stoopid Cartoon with its 9 points for the bajan populace to see

    It is going to be called the “Watch Muh” Body Slam or “How Mia tricked Bajans”

    That Stoopid Cartoon will take some time to complete and de grandson ent home dis weekend so expect it early next week.

    But you have summarized this issue well

    As Brother in Arms Bush Tea has intoned variously these lot DO NOT KNOW DIDDLY SQUAT WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO.

    @ Brother Hants

    Rhianna was one of the logical progressions that de ole man has been touting for several years BUT again you have to have people with Vision (albeit grafted by its various means)

    THe other day de ole man said that the ONLY PERSON WHO CAN TURN THIS SHIP AROUND IS MOTTLEY and since i did not fully explain meself and had to come back and clarify my point

    It is not the mouf giants like enuff of Lorenzo duo or Sandra Husbands or Rudy Grant or the feller from St Peter who could not believe it when he was told that he was a public servant.

    These are the drones of the Queen bee and not one original thought will come from their lips BUT THEY WILL KNOW HOW TO SPEND THE MONEY THOUGH WHEN IT IS MADE.

    My point was and is that Mottley now that “SHE GOT IT” will be able to do something with “IT” unlike ever the nincompoop who assisted her. (Consequently it is not wise for de ole man to revert to *** until *** has passed since it is evident what you are planning BUT I AM NOT ALONE but find myself surrounded by the Hosts of the Living GOD)

    That is the difference.

    But let me divert a little relative to the other elements of the full blown plan which they have dubbed the Re Re.

    “…The Eyes on Diversification (EOD) is a specific program comprised of a series of actions which solicit the active involvement of the Barbadian Diaspora overseas.

    This programme which will be orchestrated from The Office of the Prime Minister, is an initiative, which will include, but not be limited to, transmitting a personal invitation, via varied media (letter, email and (VOIP) phone calls), to several thousand of the most prominent and successful Bajans domiciled in countries throughout the world.

    Targeting such personages will be effected through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Barbados’ embassies/consulates

    What is being proposed here is a purposed outreach to critically positioned “satellites” (to coin the Late EWB’s word) which will leverage the diverse links and relationships they have cultivated over the years in their respective areas of endeavor.

    Each target’s “relationships” will be catalogued and mined. Mining is defined as the detailed process of converting passive data assets to active initiatives…”

    Right now the Outside the Winner’s Circle Stoopid Cartoon is at 3,000 downloads Hants.

    What that should suggest to you (let us not speak to the Dufus Enuff of Lorenzo duo) is that that concept that took the grandson a few hours to CONDENSE (note the verb which alludes to the fact that it was shrunk from something) IS OF SOME INTEREST TO SOME 3,000 people!!

    And again I make the observation that this concept can be replicated anywhere that there is a serious government that wishes to advance its tourism product.

    There were 2 systems but you can only see ONE cant you? heheheheheh. Does that not intrigue you? heheheheheheh You cannot research patent pending so anything that is done will be embarrassing wont it? ooops that paragraph/thread is for another blog, I have to delete before I post the comment heheheheh

    Where there is no effing vision Hants the people WILL PERISH.

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @William, maybe I missed that blog where Sandal and Stewart were cussed for his wonderful brand development…

    I certainly saw several blogs or commentaries which cussed the very generous concessions offered to Sandals and some of those commentaries attempted to show that government had given away more than needed to lure Stewart here….nothing wrong with those criticism…had nothing to do with brand Sandals per se.

    Interesting comment there re road tennis but it is never that simple to elevate a basic past time to world renown. Surely road tennis has potential because of its simplicity and thus ability to be spread easily re equipment requirements etc…so yes an argument can be made as you did.

    That said however consider there is squash, one wall racquet bal, hand ball and badmington which also have from high to low comparative simplicity of play requirements….the menu of challenges is not as bland as your remarks points to.

    For example I see older folks with bad knees and aching backs in tow 😁playing doubles racquet ball (and squash and badmington) as a means of staying fit…how many 50 somethings on island venture to a road tennis court as a form of physical activity!

    Our indigenous road tennis game would need to be updated (different types of racquets and balls even) to generate more revenue and garner greater appeal and your suggestion is a relevant marketing thrust so ideally the folks who have spread the game so well in recent years can get the funding and marketing support to move forward .

  28. I will throw two spanners in these spokes:
    1. The fuel tax comes down to a Willingness To Pay, the road tax was mandatory.
    2. The cost of UWI.
    I await the attacks. #watchmuh.

  29. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for observing

  30. @JGreen
    “@ Tron,, again you dont know what the heck you are talking about”

    Thanks JG.
    Tron had me fooled. I thought he was hitting the ball out of the park but now you have me thinking “Tron doesn’t know what the hell Tron is talking about”.

    You made me think, but is a little more difficult to change my belief to disbelief…..

  31. Enuff,

    We all know that PM MAM has little room to manoeuvre. Big Sinck destroyed Bim during the last 10 years.

    However, I would like you to reflect “free” education, since figures like Big Sinck should have never studied in Bim or abroad. There is a saying that a hard-working moron is by far more dangerous within an organization than a lazy intelligent man.

  32. Tron,

    go do some research before you post if you dont understand what you are talking about. your posts are laced with ignorance topped with lack of knowledge surrounded by partisan BS

  33. Thank you very much for pointing out my ignorance for knowing the food price in other CARICOM territories and for delivering the ratings of other CARICOM and associated territories.

  34. The above link higlights Mottley about face to Sandals

  35. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Tron August 25, 2018 12:58 PM

    Thank you very much for pointing out my ignorance for knowing the food price in other CARICOM territories and for delivering the ratings of other CARICOM and associated territories.

    So how does the price of liquid fuels(diesel gasoline) compare in other Caribbean islands to those in Barbados? I guess it really dont make a bit of difference; irrelevant comparisons don’t add much to any debate but sure takes up space on the blog.

    Bermuda is <> 20.5 sq miles, and about 70000(est 2017) persons. That is the equivalent to st. Philip in land size and maybe CHCH and St Philip in population size.
    I can automatically see that governing that country maybe alot different that over populated Barbados. Also please do take into consideration the demographics and ethinic breakdown. White are about 31% of population blacks 55% etc

    Its easy to compare gdp; nnp tourist spend; but if we get really its just opinions chasing facts and some one says i can make it happen here for you just gimme the job.

    Remmeber what works in bermuda might just only work in bermuda?

    Just my take.

  36. Fuzzy,

    Since you claim one cannot properly compare Caymans, Bermuda to the backyard of the Caribbean aka Barbados, why did so many stalwarts of the DLP proclaim that Barbados is “punching above its weight” and that Barbados is the “freest black nation”? Was that all a big lie? And why did so-called former ambassador Morris accuse the BLP having sabotaged independence if one cannot compare these poor independent islands of the Caribbean to British overseas territories?

    If I follow your logic, all the international ratings and all the charts about Barbado are useless since not comparable to anything. Just drive arround Barbados and have a look how many private homes are currently built, also how many black Barbadians beg tourists in Bridgetown for money many years after emancipation. Than you know that the country is in decline since 2008, the year that Manduro-tyle populist took over Barbados.

  37. And why were all the former DLP-ministers – being permanent residents of the States, Canada, UK and Switzerland – not able to compare Barbados and the developed countries they love so much? Is it because they side with the North and not with Barbados?

  38. J Greene
    There was a world wide economic down turn in the late 90s early 2000s

    Aurthur weathered it well

    The tech crash

  39. @John2

    On a pitch that was rolled by Sandiford?

  40. John 2,

    Plse explain these worldwide economic down turns in the late 90s early 2000s, which Artur weathered well. Plse also explain how well he weathered thee imagined global down turns. The tech crash was at the turn of the century, what was its impact on the global, regional and Barbados economies? Arthur left office in 2008.

  41. John,

    whilst the dot com bubble had an effect on the US economy it did not effect the world economy like those other crises i mentioned

  42. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David BU at 2:47 PM

    What pitch Sandiford rolled for Arthur? Are you being mischievous or are you attempting to humour the BU household?

  43. @ Tron,

    you made claims about Bermuda that you are dead wrong about. not even close. no need to discuss anything more with you

  44. James Greene,

    Bajans like fiction. It is a deep cultural thing. It is like the myth of ‘free’ education and Barrow being the father of independence. Why search for the truth when a myth makes us feel good about ourselves. Just ask David (BU) about foreign reserves and he goes off singing like a canary. It is economic nonsense, of course, but it makes people like Frank Alleyne seem terribly knowledgeable and an unknowing press regurgitates that waffle.

  45. @Bernard

    Wasn’t he forced to trim the staff strength/wage bill of the public service?

  46. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Tron August 25, 2018 2:30 PM

    I don’t know what is you game or purpose on this blog? I am not a mind reader or BLP or DLP blogger. If you want to know why those persons did what you did; or said what they said its best u go ask them politely. They may just answer you, and your search for knowledge would have succeeded in that arena. You may not have noticed but my contributions seldom end up in a partisan accusal. Barbados existed before the first political party was formed, and i think i will exist long after the last political party cease to exist.

    I do know that alot of shyte that in occurring in Barbados probably had its birth long before 2008, and it easy for political purposes to use 2008 as a yardstick. and blame any and every thing on whoever you choose. I will say that corruption doesn’t reside in any one party or creed or religion or hue or nationality. it knows no bounds. If you want to believe the DLP is the worst that is your choice; however i do caution u that we are not governed by “saints bout hay”. To take it to a somewhat logically conclusion lets ban the DLP and have Barbados only governed by the BLP for ever. Do u have an objection to that?

    A country like a female is unique. That is why we got bajan culture and dominica etc got Dominican culture. etc its a fools paradise to believe it an easy comparison. If we only look at the values u think are important you may be missing a lot about her?

    So if you are into simple side by side comparison u will be lead astray about many things about a country. For example country A and B. A has a very high GDP, B is much lower. B has a very low murder rate; A has an astronomical murder rate. A has a super high poverty rate but B has a lower poverty rate. Yo can pick your statistic to prove or reinforce any position u want; by a country like Barbados is more than a mere bunch of statistics.

    Just my take.

  47. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)


    If u hear many boasts or pronouncement coming from any political source that has an axe to grid; do take what u read or hear with large dose of salt; it may prove to be false.

  48. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    OK if those are considered as rolling a wicket. Well the next administration headed by Arthur restored the staff strength and restored the 8% cut in wages . There followed GDP growth ,big reduction in unemployment and an inflow of foreign exchange.

    I hope Stuart prepared a good pitch for Mia Amor too.

  49. @Bernard

    Restoring the staff was anchored to a sustainable strategy, padding, all of the above?

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