In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens wrote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope and it was the winter of despair we had everything before us, we had nothing before us we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way.”

All these things seem to encapsulate Barbados now.  Having a change of government does not mean that the problems facing the island will instantaneously disappear.  The era of Fruendel Stuart did indeed shock us who were adults prior to 2009 and what occurred was not the Barbados that we had grown to know.  Our winter of despair is upon us as the IMF has not only knocked at our door, but it has entered where we dwell setting conditions under which we must live.   It is still a season of darkness as stifling taxation is still upon us.  It is the age of foolishness as our wanton youth have lost the discipline associated with growing up under strict parentage in Barbados.  For most, it was the worst of times as all they could see was that we were going the other way, backwards.

Yet now, we are in another season, a season of light in which we will aspire to create the best of times.  For having learned the hard way, this season is our age of wisdom in which we will make decisions, even complex decisions to correct the past.  This season is now our spring of hope to go forward and lay a new foundation for Barbados that entails all that we dreamed of and more.  We must build a new foundation for Barbados not only for economic prosperity but to redefine ourselves as a people.

What Dickens did not say is that in the worst of times, the vision for the best of times is formed.  We now have a golden opportunity to build a new Barbados.  It cannot always remain a dream to have one Barbados and not two; where governance is steady and pragmatic not chaotic; where laws are not discriminatory; where the place of our birth or where we live determine our place in society and where there is generational wealth for all not only the rich. We can dismantle the stranglehold of the old colonial vanguard with its discriminatory laws, its limitations for wealth creation for the poor and its stagnant education system.

After finding ourselves at the crossroads, twice in 88 years, it makes one wonder if we have not learned that economic success is the key to our well-being.  However, it was the politics of the post-independence era that failed us this time.  Does this mean that we can only adequately plan for 30 year spans or that each generation will have a fundamental crisis at hand?  One thing that we must realize is that even in our darkest hour, there is an opportunity, but we must have the capabilities to discern it.

On the 4 corners of our foundation must underlie values that our success depends upon, namely Integrity, Accountability, Leadership, Equality and Justice.  Political service must be viewed as a sacred trust that the people have in those who govern them, never expecting betrayal.  However, on the other side of that trust must be the highest levels discipline in our workforce both public and private and; now more so than ever to execute the rebuilding of Barbados.

We need a new model to create and redistribute wealth.  The present model with a few minority business men owning all the wealth is to the detriment of Barbados.  With their billions of dollars earned off the backs of the tax payers, none of them have offered to rescue the economy and prevent the country from undergoing the harsh conditionalities that will be brought by the IMF.  A national bank is required, so too the further growth or expansion of the credit unions, building of cooperatives in every industry and other means.  The working class must transform their vision from owning a piece of the rock to owning a business on the rock.  Government also has a role to play in the creation of an enabling environment that all may prosper.

There must be a business plan for Barbados which not only includes financial targets to manage our debt but targets for investment, investing in our workforce, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, transforming our public transportation system, creating a sustainable environment, transforming our educational system, renovating and expanding our healthcare system, transforming the delivery of social services, revolutionizing all aspects of housing, removing poverty from the landscape, ultimately the creation of a new constitution, empowerment of the people, the power of recall for politicians, a well-regulated court system, access to and affordability of technology and transforming our communities to redefine the people.  Finally, we must not forget to build the bridge that has been missing for over 300 years, the bridge to Africa to reconnect to our distant past.

We must all arise and build not only economically or politically but socially as well.  Society and the family structure is in turmoil.  We have persons who came to age in the last decade that know more about feting and with more time on their hands than is rational.  Some of them do not know the last time they saw the inside of a church, read a bible or even had guidance from a family member.  We have a big problem if these are to be the elders of the next generation.  We have seriously missed the opportunity to shape their minds and someone else has shaped it in lawlessness. One thing that I have learned from Hitler is that the youth must be a focal part of any political agenda.   I lament that in the country’s darkest hour that there are people feting away.  Is the revenue to be earned form Corp Over and its activities more meaningful than preventing societal decay?  Where is the church?

We must put a political, social and economic system in place that not only survives turmoil in the next 30 years but the next 100 years and beyond.  To achieve revolutionary changes in Barbados, the task for the present government is not to reshape the country in its present mold but to rebuild Barbados on a new foundation.  To achieve this, we need the best in every field metaphorically, the best surveyors, architects, builders and building materials.  We also need visionaries, leaders and legal minds to achieve this massive feat which is to produce not another gem but a metropolis in the Caribbean.

186 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – Forward Ever, Backward Never!”

  1. GP…..look, no cussing or protesting, only peace and respect that was earned

  2. Sorry….that was the wrong video and duplicated the previous one, this video is the centennial of Mandela’s birthday and the hosting of it in South Africa’s stadium.

  3. Well worth watching, begging ministers and leaders to own up to their corruption, just as Mia apparently asked today.

  4. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Speaking about Corruption and Collusion !!

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ BEAUTIFUL BEIGE July 17, 2018 2:35 PM
    “Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camp where he died at their hands.”

    Why don’t you write the Truth and not propaganda to suit your agenda?

    Hitler’s Third Reich came to an end in the Spring of 1945. So how could have “Niemöller” (who ‘went to heaven’ in 1984) “died at their hands” in a German concentration camp?

    How come you are ‘empathizing’ with the Socialists and Communists as far as Niemöller’s poem is concerned?

    The way both you and Freedom Crier attack these ‘Marxist criminals’ one can easily come to the conclusion that the punishment meted out to them in those concentration hellholes was most deserving of their political beliefs.

    Next time both you and FC would be arguing that the main character in George Orwell’s “1984” was an agent of communism who in 1949 planned the death of the nonagenarian Martin Niemöller.

    The difference between a Christian and a Communist is one of Socialism. A Christian is a capitalist with a socialist heart while a Communist is a socialist without a capitalist money-bag.

  6. lol…that’s what happens when bloggers like to tell lies, lying is a competition for them.

    Miller..yu really got the time to read rubbish though, that video on Mandela’s centennial is real good, the billionaire professor said there are only corrupt politicians because there are corrupt private sector business people.

    Mia’s job is to stamp all their corrupt, greedy, thieving asses off the island’s landscape…they are blights..

  7. Freedom Crier Avatar

    To Whom the Shoe Fits…Claim it…

    Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then it tries to silence good…We need to remember that tolerance is not a Christian virtue.
    Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty — these are Christian virtues. And obviously, in a diverse community, tolerance is an important working principle. But it’s never an end itself. In fact, tolerating grave evil within a society is itself a form of serious evil.

    Likewise, we should be quiet in public about serious moral issues because of some misguided sense of good manners. A healthy democracy requires vigorous moral debate to survive.

    So to answer your Stand for Communism/Socialism and your Hatred for Christians goes hand in hand with your immorality and baseness both in Thought Word and Deed. You believe in Hate it is plain to see, you believe in a Godless Ideology that allows all forms of immorality…no wonder you are ADDICTED TO PORN AND FOUL RHETORIC…Your Base Thoughts are incapable of RECEIVING Enlightenment unless you change!!–catholic-memes-roman-catholic.jpg

  8. That would be centenary and it is for both Mandela and Mama Sisulu, still alive.

  9. @Hall, I will focus more on the creation of wealth than the distribution of wealth in my next article or 2. Primarily in Barbados there is generational wealth for some white Barbadians.

    Many Barbadians now own houses which they will pass on to their children but that is not wealth. Generational wealth is almost non existent for black Barbadians.
    The trickling down of wealth from whites to blacks is non existent. I have not seen any evidence but this does not mean that it cannot occur. However. Barbados is not Zimbabwe and there is no land to seize.

    Our alternative must be to create wealth and generational wealth for poor and middle class Barbadians . I have mentioned cooperatives. I will examine it further. However there is another option that is more favourable to all. I will not name it but I am working on that model.

  10. I meant Hal.

  11. @ Msriposa,your government could see no further than the nose of the former Minister of Finance and that is why the country is facing this problem. WE SHALL OVERCOME! All the more reason to plan for the future.

  12. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Heather who is Black & White in Barbados …We all Infused…Just check the phone-book and see all the Blacks with Irish names that do not even know their Ancestry…

    You Believe that Government is the Answer…

  13. The trickling down of wealth from whites to blacks is non existent.


    Why are there so many MP millionaires?

  14. @Heather Cole July 17, 2018 7:09 PM “Generational wealth is almost non existent for black Barbadians.”


    In fact some of us inherited not wealth, but debt from our parents’ lonf drawn out final illnesses.

    But noooobody wants to talk about that.

  15. “Why are there so many MP millionaires?”

    Because there are so many bribe paying private sector minority business people who are greedy, ambition poor and consummate thieves..

    listen to the Mandela annual lecture, it outlines how and why ministers/leaders are so damn corrupt, they have corrupt masters in the private business sector bribing them..or none of them would be millionaires.

  16. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Heather Cole
    July 17, 2018 7:09 PM

    “However. Barbados is not Zimbabwe and there is no land to seize.”

    Heather it is obvious that you not only believe in Wealth Redistribution you also believe in Wealth Confiscation…As much as you talk Bajan’s want to have nothing to do with that ideology. Zimbabwe who you held up as taking away the peoples land has Never Recovered. The People are in Poverty. Zimbabweans have fled to all the neighboring countries. Uganda was the Jewel of Africa was ruined by a dictator that had your Philosophy and now we are seeing the early stages of your philosophy being acted out in South Africa maybe even with the Blessing of your President (Obamanation).

    Your Ideology has been around a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Barbados has seen its share of people with your beliefs and they have rejected it soundly. They didn’t choose Bishop, they didn’t Manley or Burnom and they are certainly not going to choose Commie Sing Song, They have witnessed the devastation that your ideology brings. Bajan’s might be quiet but they are not fools. They may have had times where they were fooled but they have righted the ship and when the Ship Captains do not do right they will be moved by the same Bajan’s. You may push your ancient ideology but nobody listening just observe the majority of the comments on your Blog…Bajan’s are not buying your recipe for disaster.

    By its very nature, socialism takes away individual choice and stifles growth and innovation. Hayek, correctly, called it The Road To Serfdom.

    If you read Socialist/Communist Propaganda, it invariably talks about wealth inequality, slavery, rich capitalists screwing everybody and creates envy of the rich. When Socialists/Communists take over, they destroy the rich, take their wealth, kill them and/or cause them to flee, but they do not put productive forces to efficient work like the rich did. Socialists take farmland away from those who know how to farm it and give it to political cronies who do not. Agricultural productivity suffers.

  17. I repeat for those who still don’t get it…there are checks and balances in place making it very difficult for ministers etc to steal from the treasury and even the pension fund, but if the already weak and vulnerable system is circumvented…with the private sector willing to practice corruption with ministers of government, then it makes it easier to steal from both the treasury and pension fund..

    …all the fraud documents created for scam buildings in Apes Hill, Coverley, grotto, Valerie, BWA building, SSA building, someone said the government building in Bay Street offices were moved…4 seasons, Cahill…..another scam to rip off taxpayers because of willing and greedy business people and equally wicked greedy, ambition poor government ministers and their underlings..

  18. Ok Heather i hear u . So now we have a govt hell bent on smoke and mirrors policies
    Amm maybe the past govt could not see . But hopefully the people would not become so foolishly blinded by the lies and deceit Mottley is using to win the confidence of the people
    Here is a woman who ran a campagain on transparency ( rememberCahill) how can you Heather forget when you helped lead the gang of misfits who fought against it and the password was Transparency a word which the blp have somehow thrown out the window. Ha Ha .remember

  19. @ Freedom Crier

    I was did promise not to come back to Heather ting but….

    You does read whu you write doah?

    “…Heather it is obvious that you not only believe in Wealth Redistribution you also believe in Wealth Confiscation…”

    Where does Ms. Cole say this?


    Looka de fact is that after she done talk all she talk up to now she ent say “the How” and what she going do.

    But that is understandable causing Barbados Underground is the GoB’s Ideas 4 Barbados mill.

    Look how she ended her contribution “I am working on that model LIKE HOW SHE WAS WORKING PUN DE CONSTITUTION FOR THe Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch

    But here is the thing doah a few questions really

    How many fridges and stoves, items which are supportive of your capitalism chant CAME INTO BARBADOS OVER THE LAST 5 years?

    How much FOREX was used to import them?

    OF ANY ONE OF THOSE FRIDGES OR STOVES what percentage were manufactured here in Barbados?

    You failed to understand my point before but maybe now you will understand why I perceive that your breed of capitalism CONTRIBUTES TO THE MALAISE THAT OUR COUNTRY HAS FOUND ITSELF for these past 300 years!

    We doan product nuffing, we grow sugar, and reap um but all dem things that your merchant class does import, WE BAJANS DOES NOT MANUFACTURE!!

    But I dun wid you doah…you and dat sweet talking Heather bless her nubian self …

  20. @John if you know what is meant by trickle, you would understand the previous MP’s ill gotten gains were not achieved the way. Trickle down wealth could never up keep Chris Sinckler in Dubai, buy 4 or 5 land rovers but gran theft and accepting bribes can.

  21. I think that Barbados became a pseudo fascist/communist state in which instead of the wealthy getting powerful the powerful got rich!!

    It is meaningless to look at wealth creation in Barbados in terms of dollars and cents because Barbados is just too tiny a land area for wealth (as in riches) to be created.

    If you look at wills from the 1600’s on you will see that in many cases, the testator instructed the sale of property to pay off debts.

    Wealth as riches in Barbados is an illusion and always has been.

    On the other hand …..

    A large country like Canada in which huge profits can be made but which too has become more and more socialist, taxes drive people to look for alternatives outside to avoid/evade the responsibility.

    Barbados has “benefitted” from the avoidance/evasion schemes and depends on the few percent it gets from the various schemes.

    A few percent of 10’s of billions of dollars is what makes up a large part of the revenue to the treasury and which funds most businesses.

    The problem is the large countries as they become more and more socialist need and absolutely must have the taxes on profits.

    They can’t afford the various schemes their citizens operate with sympathetic/corrupt governments.

    The revenue stream gets constricted.

    There is no way that our real foreign exchange earning sectors like Sugar, Tourism, Manufacturing could possibly have generated the quantities of money to explain the number of cars on the road.

    We depend on paper/imaginary transactions to do that … we exist at the whims of the governments of large countries.

    If you think of the mortgage market, you soon realise that the real jobs that create the revenue to pay back the mortgages are at best tenuous.

    It makes me think that the Banks and financial institutions are heavily into the avoidance//evasion schemes … sometime referred to as money laundering!!

    So we move to black lists and grey lists and whatever large overseas governments choose to call the various means they use to stop the outflow of their taxes and keep them at home.

    We have become a nation of parasites.

  22. Heather,

    The accumulation of global wealth is mainly through inheritance, not income. Why should people enjoy a lifestyle they did not work for? I suggest you read Thomas Piketty. National wealth creation comes through productivity growth. I do not want to go through a long essay about wealth redistribution, but since 2008, the global financial crisis, the gulf between the rich and poor globally has widen – from the US to China and India.
    We only have to look at the underdeveloped home ownership market in Barbados to get an idea of the housing inequality. How many New Barbadians or traditional white Barbadians live in social housing? Yet, when in Opposition, the DLP told us that there were 30000 homeless in Barbados. I say that is an underestimate. We all know of expensive homes that house two, three and sometimes four generations of the same family. That is over-crowding.
    Inequality is not just about cash, it is also about the quality of life. In the UK, the wealthy live ten years longer on average than the poor, however that is measured. Their children enjoy better education, better job opportunities and better health. I will give a simple statistic: 80 per cent of painkillers are used in developed countries. That tells us that only people in developed countries suffer from pain, or that Big Pharma is not interested in poor nations. They use the high cost of pharmaceuticals to price out the poor.
    In Barbados we have the perverse situation of children who enjoy a private education becoming eligible for national scholarships, based on exam results. Equate this with a Eton student getting in to Oxford or Cambridge. Something they have been trained for from day one.
    This inequality shows in other ways. In the 1970s, the average CEO earned about ten times the average pay of his employees. In 2018, this is now hundreds of times. Does the average CEO contribute hundreds of times of value to the firm than the average employee? And that has nothing to do with the other benefits – from bonuses to school fees to company cars, etc.
    Not a single government since November 30, 1966, has dealt with the issue of equality and wealth redistribution (or in a meaningful way, wealth creation). You cannot magic up wealth creation.


  23. You cannot magic up wealth creation.

    Wealth and riches are quite separate and distinct.

    Wealth on its own naturally creates a higher quality of life while riches cannot!!

    Wealthy people are often but not also rich people but not vice versa.

    Look at the instant millionaires the lotteries create … very often their lives change for the worse after their “good” fortune!!

    Look at Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston or many other once rich individuals.

    They were all able to afford the pain killers of Big Pharma yet the painkillers were of no use.

    Wealth is more about heath, outlook, confidence than it is about money.

    Faith is a big one too!!

    That is not to say money is not important!!

    How do you redistribute health, or out look or confidence … and what about faith?

    These can’t be redistributed on a whim.

    The more discontented people, especially young people, become the more the gap will appear to widen.

    The reason is in thought processes and the need to get instant gratification.

    Here is a clip I came across in the past and posted it before as well.

  24. The accumulation of global wealth is mainly through inheritance, not income. Why should people enjoy a lifestyle they did not work for?


    If as I posit wealth is more to do with thinking, it follows that those thoughts are often although not always passed on from parents to children.

    This wealth is completely unearned.

    It is a gift on offer to everyone.

    If it exists within a child’s household already the child will find it easier to accept and grasp it with both hands.

    I have known poor people who were wealthy beyond imagination.

  25. … and rich people who were miserable beyond belief!!

  26. pieceuhderockyeahright July 17, 2018 11:16 PM

    @ Freedom Crier

    “I was did promise not to come back to Heather ting but….

    You does read whu you write doah?”…

    Mr. Peace you claim to be an avid reader you done miss much and to your credit you brought great awareness to the Recent ‘Integrity in Public Life Bill’ which reeked of the encroachments by the governments that would infringe on the rights of Bajan’s. Good for U but with such outspokenness some say you went from Hero to Zero. Take courage that is a badge of honour in my books.

    Anyhow as to your Question questioning my statement “Heather it is obvious that you not only believe in Wealth Redistribution you also believe in Wealth Confiscation… Where does Ms. Cole say this?”

    In Ms. Cole’s Post beginning the 7th paragraph, “We need a new model to create and redistribute wealth.” And… Heather Cole July 17, 2018 7:09 PM … “However. Barbados is not Zimbabwe and there is no land to seize.”

    Does that Suffice Mr. Piece? This is in Plain Sight? One does not even have to use ones institution to connect the dots!

  27. pieceuhderockyeahright July 17, 2018 11:16 PM

    “You failed to understand my point before but maybe now you will understand why I perceive that your breed of capitalism CONTRIBUTES TO THE MALAISE THAT OUR COUNTRY HAS FOUND ITSELF for these past 300 years!
    We doan product nuffing, we grow sugar, and reap um but all dem things that your merchant class does import, WE BAJANS DOES NOT MANUFACTURE!!”

    What you Failed to understand Mr. Piece and I Stated “If we can encourage these Wealthy Individuals to seek greater Participation in the Local Economy through the formation of partnerships with local Entrepreneurs bringing with them their skills in Finance, Big Management Know How that will raise the local Companies reach globally. Imagine if you opened up the Citizenship to a 1000 of these Rich Individuals that would give you an in-flow of 3 Billion US Dollars that could more than pay off the Barbados Debt with no IMF in Sight.

    Because of investment in Bitt, Bitt’s technology has the Potential of very soon reaching the financial sector regionally & globally. Barbados has a lot of Information Technology Talent, these people just need funding, reach and guidance which is what these high worth individuals can Contribute… We need them to invest more and bring their expertise and BIG finance, partnering will local entrepreneurs for further growth in the island and globally…”

    Mr. Peace Do you not Observe this as something of Great Worth that can bring much FOREX to our Nation?

    Do you even Perceive what it meant to Unleash the Potential of Entrepreneurs in this Country especially with the backing and know how of Wealthy investors as did Overstock Doc com with Bitt who put their know how man in top position of that company in Barbados who is Mr. Rowdon Adams.

    Mr. Peace it is clear that you are not and ever was an Entrepreneur and do not recognise the Capability of such.

    Economic Entrepreneurs are a Boon to Society; Political Entrepreneurs are Another Animal Entirely!

  28. The Sad Part of this MR. Piece is that those like Ms.Cole who Support Big Intrusive Governments rely on such who Produce to then Confiscate it via uncontrolled Taxation keeping 70% for their Bloated Bureaucracy and trickle down 30% to We De Serfs!!

  29. This inequality shows in other ways. In the 1970s, the average CEO earned about ten times the average pay of his employees. In 2018, this is now hundreds of times. Does the average CEO contribute hundreds of times of value to the firm than the average employee? And that has nothing to do with the other benefits – from bonuses to school fees to company cars, etc.

    Let’s look at the average sportsman in the same period.

    The multiplying factor is probably 100’s!!!

    But what exactly is It they do to contribute value to anything?

    What about Oprah …. why is she so rich .. what exactly is her value to anybody?

    Besides hot air what does she actually produce?

    Like Trump, she is a billionaire.

    However, Trump’s record is all about production, hers is about hot air!!

    Both however exist.

  30. Oprah is a real, real billionaire who actually has billions of dollars and never ripped off anyone to get a dime and actually gives away hundreds of millions of her dollars, when she gives millions she makes more billions..

    ….. trump tiefs hundreds of millions from anyone he thinks is vulnerable..and do not even pay his chauffeurs or decorators or caterers….the word thief and trump is always used in the same sentence..big, big difference…especially since he has lied repeatedly about being a billionaire, the evidence Forbes found recently does not bear out that claim..he is not a billionaire, just your garden variety conman, liar and thief.

    Oprah has no such problem..

  31. .. but what exactly does Oprah create of value?

    Same questions for the Clintons although much smaller scale!!

  32. What does say LeBron James contribute of value to justify a 2018 paycheck of $35.65 Million?

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John July 18, 2018 2:39 PM

    You, envious racist John, must come to the Christian understanding that neither Oprah nor Le Bron ever kept slaves to make their millions in dirty evil-stained blood money much unlike your white forefathers.

    Through their Sun God given talents in the more ‘refined’ pursuits of sports and entertainment both have added value to humanity.

    What value did your ancestors make to humanity in the keeping of slaves other than turning themselves into filthy rich sugar barons to transform feudal Britain into an industrial ‘Great’ Britain punching far, far above its weight in natural resources?

    What value did the slave owners add to society after being handsomely compensated for their loss of property (black human beings) from the overflowing kitty of opulence containing the same’ black-marked’ wealth created from the blood, sweat and tears of the same black slaves for over 150 years of exploited and abused free African labour?

    Both Oprah and LeBron are products of the exploited and abused black class; not that of the former European crooks and criminals.

  34. Liesalot is indeed a dirty minded racist, every time he hears or sees blacks progressing and are hurts his wicked lifeless heart, but if he knew the amount of black millionaires and billionaires in the US and on the African continent, we will finally be rid of him and his hate and jealousy because that knowledge will kill him with envy…

    Lebron did what a cancer scarred weakling like JohnLiesalot could never do…

    Everything is unraveling, so he can’t take it..

  35. It is simply amazing to watch many of whom I suspect are black entertain and engage with the racists on BU.
    Some seem to think this is a debating society.

  36. Freedom Crier Avatar

    @ David…
    Really David? why would you delete my comment and leave the obnoxious comments in full view and I was very Respectful!

    This may be viewed as Encouraging Accusations of Racism…

    The Most Obnoxious Display Yet!

    Totally uncalled for and just shows the depraved depth some would reach!!
    This is an All-out Effort to Shut Down Free Speech…

    John was trying to show the differences that they have in Entrepreneurs somebody selling hot air as he describes like Opra that what she does is talk and her acting ability compared to someone that sells their ability like Lebron James who sells his skills as a basketball player they are all Entrepreneurs and comparing to another high profile person example being Trump who has bought and sold Properties, Promoted a TV show for many seasons, and has fifteen best seller books.

    John was Trying to point out not everybody that is an Entrepreneur actually buys and sells stuff. But you knew that but with your targeting of a Christian like John and because he named two black people and one white person you made it a point to say it was racist and your Venomous Accusations of Racism glaringly emerged and has exposed your own Soul as a Racist. And you have exposed the other person also as Racist.

    John was using examples to counteract a point about the disparities in pay but like typical leftist haters they always resort to emotion and using the racist ploy.

    It gets old you must wear racist Sunglasses where everything equates to race. Racism has always existed in the world among all people it is a defensive mechanism that is in all people that they don’t trust something that is different. As we get older we should learn better, we use reason and knowledge to lead. We have learnt that emotion does not take you anywhere. You behave like a little boy who is angry stamping his foot and not learning anything and all the time feeling that his behaviour is right. When are you going to grow up and not be that little boy?

    The same way you have used your emotions to jump to racism as always you used your emotions because John used Trump as an Example and you have gone way overboard. We understand Hate drives you but you got to learn better than that, you do not want to pass from this world with Hate and Poisonous Venom running through your veins.

    Whither you believe it or not we are all soon going to meet our maker, believers and unbelievers, Muslims, Christians, Hindu’s, Agnostics, Atheist etc. Do you want to meet him in the present State you are? You cannot expose hate and say that there is love inside, the mouth speaks what the heart feels. Will you change? Will you choose the better path? Every man that walks this earth makes that decision for himself; a Government does not make it for you.


    Go Freedom Crier! Tell them like it is.

    I have never seen such glaring racism and socialist bias of blindness posing for “intellectual ability” as I see when I infrequently peruse this Barbados Underground.

    If that is what the roots of Barbados are standing in, there is no need to blame the British or any other colonial power as to why we are so barren and still 50 years after Independence we are begging more than we ever did before from the same “white colonial” powers for a daily living.

    Take a look at the faces of the “IMF”, the “United Nations”, and the “EU”.

    Take a look at the acclaimed “socialist” countries. The poor are poorer and the rich are untouchable – the ELITES is who they are.

    Take a look at the former communist countries — Eastern Europe and Russia who are digging themselves out of Communism and pushing the value of the individual. Not the “politically correct”.

    If communism was so good why have they turned their backs on it? We now 50 years after becoming independent are being encouraged to put on more shackles. SLAVERY CAN’T DONE!

    Venezuela with all the oil, gold and bauxite and land that they have: . People are making $2.00 USD a month, when they can. There is no food to buy. The hospitals are defunct. Fifty percent of Venezuela’s human resource has fled the country. Yet, we are now courting Venezuela?


  38. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Freedom Crier

    THRICE have I essayed NOT TO COMMENT HERE and THRICE have I failed.

    Do not lose sight of this specific construct and do not get sidetracked by John.

    ONE. We are speaking specifically about Barbados

    TWO. The subtlety of Heather’s point ONE WHICH SHE LEFT UNATTENDED AND EHICH I SEEK TO PROSECUTE lies in what “redistribution” should mean for bajan entrepreneurs.

    I doubt you or John know what the Vanadium concept that was promoted here by another Nubian Princess refers to.

    Both ladies are Nubian Princesses to the old man not only because they are black but because what they both do though one exceeds the other by light years.

    The issue here is empowering Blacks who are entrepreneurs NOT VIA YOUR FUTURISTIC DESIGN OF CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT GOOBLEDEE GOOK but the more proximate investment via local private sector people like you who have money but hate said black people SORRY DELUDE YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER with this pie in the sky concept.

    Stay with de ole man here a bit.

    I wish you to comprehend that the Barbados model DOES NOT EXPORT INDIGENOUS PRODUCE

    Oprah while a Nubian entrepreneur WHO IS A BILLIONAIRE is an American not a bajan.

    And while as a black man I can live vicariously by her continuing success DE OLE MAN PUTS IT TO YOU, AND TO THE DISSEMBLER JOHN, such is not worth shyte to our Bajan predicament.

    Additionally put thus to you both that THE $5,000 GRANT THAT MIA MOTTLEY has allocated go the Entrepreneur Pool is going to be a waste foop AS SUCH RELATES TO INDIGENOUS PRODUCE and manufacturing.

    The reason that you nor John nor any of her neophytes cannot shake me from my stances is because of the fact that while your ilk like to talk about black empowerment metaphysically DE OLE MAN IS A PRACTITIONER WHO KNOWS WHEN SMOKE BEING BLOWED UP A MAN’S POOCH.

    So in summary.

    Bajan model of importing to sell by black entrepreneurs perpetuates your lame model of capitalism and is undesirable and unsustainable and WILL NOT ACHIEVE ANY REAL REDISTRIBUTION.

    We black need a new paradigm which you enslaved CANNOT CONTROL and that is a precision driven KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY that your sanctimonious grouping CANNOT TOUCH OR RAPE US OF.

    I dun (for now)

  39. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with a recent submission to Freedom Crier thank you


    Socialism – didn’t work in Jamaica, forced in Cuba, couldn’t work without the former Soviet Union’s full support in spite of all the wars they send their young men to fight.

    The housing is so cramped that a married couple have to go and rent a room to do what married people in Barbados do in their own house. SOCIALISM WORKS!

    Guyana: bauxite, sugar, gold, shrimp, lumber and a land mass as big as the UK what did socialism under Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan do to their country. How much debt did the Barbados Government have to forgive Guyana for it not to go under completely.

    What percentage of the population of Guyana went to Barbados, Canada or the USA and the other Caribbean islands fleeing socialism.

    in the 1990’s the major hospitals had a pretty “front” — they don’t even have a back wall and people telling you don’t get sick and go in the hospital you won’t come back out.




    Look at Africa. How many wealthy black African countries have been decimated by black socialist leaders?

    You only have to go to the “IMF” to find out the list. Start with South Africa and walk through every other country that has tried Socialism there — WRECKAGE.

    At least under colonialism the black people had a reasonable living even if it was disadvantaged. Now black gangs are roaming the streets of Johannesburg killing black people.

    Productive lands in South East Africa — Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya BARREN. Because they drove out the “white skin” farmer and promised it to some people who don’t even know how to grow a DAISY.

    How about the African Holocaust of black on black tribal genocide?: And it wasn’t about capitalists. It was “SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL”.

    How about countries that have gold to pave their streets that are at the IMF now begging for money because the SOCIALIST leaders sold out the gold for their personal gain?


  42. What has Taylor Swift done of value to explain a $280 million net worth?

  43. What about Tom Brady, what of value has he built?

    Fantastic net worth.

  44. Should we be looking to redistribute LeBron James’ wealth …. or Taylor Swift’s or Tom Brady’s or Oprah’s and how much should we redistribute??

  45. This is the thing the ole man loves about wunna white and quasi white enfranchised people.

    Wunna does come and hijack a topic easily while we niggers does defer to wunna.

    De effing topic is not about socialism or capitalism

    It is about “a fv88king piece uh de rock for people in the castle of my skin” without wunna customary handouts.

    Wunna love to say “…give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime …”

    But de ole man knows that shyte to be a lie cause effing de land where de effing fish located is owned by wunna scunt, we going effing starve!!!

    THe land therefore that de ole man is suggesting that Mia Mottley and her band of 85% idjit ministers pursue is to empower THOSE OF US whose land IS NOT EFFING CONTROLLED BY WUNNA cause it DOES NOT EXIST IN YOUR MERCANTILE CONSTRAINTS which have raped the country of resources for years…

    But continue talking bout “redistribute, redistribute and all that buhkvunt” because wunna understand how to detract we niggers like David Come Sing Along and Snadra Husbands and Lynette and a whole set of us fvckers WHO ARE LOST…

  46. For once in my life time I must say thank you to Piecesthe rock for reminding everyone that part of the focus of the discussion is about BARBADOS.
    It is not about communism or socialism, or racism or confiscating land.
    We must find solutions for the people at the bottom of the society to rise and be prosperous and pass on wealth to their children’s children. I want a more level economic and financial playing field.

  47. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    This is a prime example of how black people…particularly the professionals, particularly backwards governments, selfish and with limited vision ALWAYS shoot themselves in their foot and stagnate growth and progress for their own people and country..

    I am not surprised in the least that we are only now hearing this, I suspected as much when Adriel Nitwit gave half the story and then did nothing and then Mia hinted as much recently, but it is left to see what AG Marshall does to right this obvious wrong to people on the island who are suffering for treatment while they all talk and talk and talk…..and the financial benefits to the population and island that they are all refusing to tap into despite legislation that provides for such….just .sits there .

    Then they expect people like myself to take them seriously while they go begging the business thieves who raped and plundered the island.


    That was how attorney Douglas Trotman described some members of the medical fraternity in Barbados as he blasted them for what he perceived to be dragging their feet to embrace marijuana for medical purposes but were now seeking to gain financially from its use.

    For two years, Trotman and his wife Kathy-Anne, who died from breast cancer in April this year, had been battling to acquire an import license for the use of medical marijuana, after it was prescribed by her Canadian doctor as part of her palliative care.

    In a scathing attack during the question and answer segment of a public forum on medical marijuana hosted by the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners (BAMP) at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre on Wednesday night, Trotman cried shame on doctors, some who were present, before warning that he would never forget the treatment meted out to his wife.

    “What is happening now, everybody is jumping on the band wagon because it’s an opportunity to make some money, maybe start a new direction in your practise but I am not going to sit and watch you fool people, that ain’t happening. Anybody who knows me knows that ain’t going to happen and if I got to sue anybody I gine do it for free. I want you all to remember that. Those who I went to school with, those who I sat in with my wife as she was a patient, I want you to remember that,” he said.


    The bereft husband, who indicated his intent to leave the island, was especially angry because, according to him, marijuana was not illegal in Barbados and hadn’t been since 1991.

    “Marijuana is legal and I have the evidence to prove,” he maintained to the large audience.

    Trotman said he was in possession of an import license for cannabis, which he said was signed by acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr Anton Best as the representative for the Minister of Health as well as a civil servant working in the Drug Service. However, he suggested it was the cowardice of some in the medical field that didn’t allow for his wife to attain the medicine.”

  48. SINCE the Local Commercial Institutions which support you Freedom Crier and John and DO NOT INVEST IN US here is what we going do.

    We the UNDERDOG and the DISENFRANCHISED GOING show them The Power We Have Exercised on 24th of MAY 2018…

    That Power dismissed the DLP demons and since wunna feel that wunna crushing black businesses we going address that issue ONCE AND FOR ALL

    I am sure that Lynette H** will like this one…but it ent for she personally

    Too long these commercial banks have been raping the black People of barbados and not a feller ent saying a ting…

    but Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right gots someting to say

    “The Power of WITHDRAWAL”

  49. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I told all my family members who have money in the foreign commercial banks on the island….to withdraw EVERY DIME…there are other ways to house your money, do not allow these banks and their greed to shackle you.

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