It is the time of the year Barbadians and the other islands in the region prepare for the hurricane season. Last weekend the country was placed on Hurricane Watch with the passing of Beryl across the region. We breathed a collective sigh of relief at Beryl’s uneventful passing,  however, there is anxiety brewing among others who are aware the IMF team visiting Barbados continue to conduct interviews with key actors in Barbados to inform talks about the type of IMF program we will have to enter to apply a tourniquet  to a hemorrhaging economy.

As the blogmaster moves around Barbados there is the query whether Barbadians are aware of the perilous state the economy is functioning. It seems there is a perception in some quarters that having rejected the failed policies of the former Democratic Labour Party (DLP)  of which the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) was the beneficiary by default on 24 May 2018 – unfortunately the third parties were unable to gain traction for reasons ventilated in this forum – the BLP as if by magic will be able to top up the foreign reserves from the crisis level it hovers, eliminate the need to operate the current account in deficit and by extension pay down the high level of debt. The blogmaster suspects the skills of Director of Communications Charles Jong will be required soon to assuage the fears of Barbadians when IMF policy prescription is implemented.

There should be no doubt that given the state of the economy delicate decisions have to be taken to reduce the level of expenditure by the government and at the same time allocate spend to target areas of potential growth while protecting the vulnerable. It will call for tip toe precision in decision making. Clearly the time has come to put Barbados first as a country and park the frivolous political snarking. Whether we like it or not the Barbados brand was besmirched in recent years by achieving junk credit rating status with the final puncture Barbadians having to join a world audience to witness raw sewage gushing on a street located in our tourist resort area of the South Coast.

The blogmaster anticipates institutional investors holding government paper will be asked to make a sacrifice to the national cause to rescue and rebuild (BLP’s election tag line). The delayed rationalization of several state owned entities will be implemented. The last government allowed political considerations to stall this initiative when clearly transfers and subsidies as an expense item had to be urgently addressed.

One other item which should be addressed is the rising pension expense of government. The blogmaster recognizes this is an area that requires a high level of expertise to sensibly tackle and will defer to the IMF team et al to address with the local parties concern responsible. Where is Walter when we need him? Not Maloney!

The blogmaster will not forgive the former Governor of the Central Bank for allowing the commercial banks to twist his arm by deregulating the minimum savings rate as a quid pro quo arrangement for dumping government savings bonds on a financially illiterate public hungry for a reasonable rate of return on investment.  Daily we hear the ignorance being perpetuated for Barbadians to invest in Carilend, or deposit money with the credit unions. A simple question to clarify. If tomorrow 50% of deposits held with banks was transferred to the credit union balance sheet what will be the impact? Will their interest expense line item go up or down if they maintain current level of interest paid to members? Are credit unions able to lend for big ticket items like a mortgage to compare with other financial institutions? How does Carilend work? Who regulates Carilend? And no the blogmaster has no beef with Carilend or credit unions.

A fool and their money are soon parted.

Wild Coot has been a voice crying in the wilderness or so it seems.


207 responses to “IMF Watch”

  1. Not the lay of the land economically – but in terms of the new leader of government.

  2. The longnand short

    The IMF took all the “cooked” and padded financial books back to Washington and will go through them with a fine tooth comb.
    Everything hidden under the crooked blp would be revealed
    People! do not expect any transparency or anything which would negatively impact this counterfeit govt to be revealed
    The IMF has a barrage of accountants their is nothing this govt can hide going as far back as when the blp was in power

  3. @David

    “anybody in the BU family willing to compile the numbers in the context you suggest”

    THIS IS YOUR FAMOUS MIA TO DETERMINE WHAT THE NUMBERS ARE, WILY SUGGESTED THAT THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE NEW GOVERNMENT’S NUMBER ONE PRIORITY WHEN ELECTED. If these numbers cannot be rolled out infront of the IMF what do you suppose thier reaction is going to be ?

    IMF will want to see finite details on every debt, Grant, outstanding TAXES, NIS Loans etc. so they can determine exactly what Barbados present financial situation, which will allow them to come up with a recovery plan proposal. No doubt the government will go into it’s usual dog and pony show that the proposal is out of reason and cannot be imposed on the poor Bajan populace. Wily knows how Barbados politicians think, watch and learn.

  4. Form the beginning David told you that there were two meeting proceeding this on.
    The PM attended both meetings , here and in Washington.
    This is the third meet.
    expected – Van will meet with with PM before leaving the island.
    You are misinformed and would not accept the truth.

  5. Wily Coyote

    Yes you did suggest that in an earlier blog.And it makes sense if honesty and transparency are going to be your watchwords.

  6. Is the issue whether the numbers are available to the IMF given their repeated Article IV Consultations? Has the IMF not rubbished the data systems of Barbados as a matter of record?

    That said agree the numbers as they are available should be made public.

  7. @David

    “Has the IMF not rubbished the data systems of Barbados as a matter of record?”

    Yes they have………. THE BIG QUESTION IS — ARE THERE ANY RELIABLE FIGURES AVAILABLE, internally or anywhere within the GOVERNMENT DOMAIN.

    Sad to say that Wily suspects these fundamental FINANCIALS do not exist, now where does this leave Barbados. Pretty difficult to make/develop a RECOVERY PLAN without the benefit of the facts, GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT.

  8. NorthernObserver Avatar

    the IMF are well experienced dealing with environments where numbers do not exist or where they exist but are deemed unreliable and/or incomplete. This comes with the territory.

    We are well aware, that a significant public player, the NIS, hasn’t filed an annual report, going back to 2 years preceding the last administrations decade long tenure. Many other bodies, the reporting records deteriorated substantially. A few, like the Deposit Insurance body, has been timely throughout.

  9. All countries financial numbers are available to the IMF
    IMF availability to countries financial numbers from other sources are worded in any agreements countries signed with external or internal financial institutions
    There is nothing that barbados can hide from the IMF no matter how many well structred economic advisers barbados has put together to work out proposed financial debt

  10. TInniss and company just refuse to listen. While they are on BU talking shyte bout Jong and whether Avinash Persaud is a real professor (BU discussed this years ago and regulars know it ain’t no professorship like in university), the BLP is in parliament debating an Integrity in Public Life bill that will be open to public contribution (again) via a select committee of parliament. Ministers declaring assets and working on FOI. Former members of Owen Cabinet, including the PM, are looking to build a legacy. When the Bees done there will be no platform for the likes of UPP, Solutions, BIM etc. Wunna stand dey and talk ish.

  11. Mia and her band of economic goons cannot sit back and decide what books would be shown and what would not
    They would be caught redhanded and would have destroyed any chances they have to securing the loan
    Hope this govt is taking a closer look at what is happening in Haiti
    After all barbados has opened its borders to whosoever will may come
    The Bahamas has already taken necessary precautions in the event the Haitians use the Bahamas as a place of refuge

  12. Yea Mariposa because the Haitians will get on boats and head all the way south to Barbados. You so damn stupid gawd.

  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Wily Coyote

    You were writing while I was scrolling through reading AND SKIPPING the comments.

    I had actually copied Mr Bernard Codrington ‘s comments when he said and I quote

    “…Do you not think that the BU Household would be debating public debt in a vacuum if this basic information is unavailable?…”

    Both of you gentlemen are being kind and diplomatic.

    I ent got neither of wunna delicate upbringing causing I ent no golden spoon Mottley.

    Here are the facts.

    There has been a beriffle of teifing going on.

    The full extent of teifing is not known but…

    And here is the kicker.

    If I have a record of theft say to the husband of the project manager in no less a place of honour that the office of the Attorney General, to one Janice Banbury, and that amount is say $1.5 million suppose I inflate it to say $2 million who is any the wiser?


    It is true that the audit is not finished and there is much more investigating to do but you ever hear bajan bank managers disclosing how much money robbers dun teif pun CBC Reporting Lies?

    Effing de robbers tel 50k dem does report 100k and claim such from de insurance company causing de insurance company NEVER INTERVIEWS DE ROBBERS DO THEY?

    Welcome Back Enrico Rossi

    A pity that the usually astute bloggers can’t “see” who you are

    But your style of writing is specific Heheheheh

  14. Seem that is the hallmark of demsj

  15. No fools there are mechanisms known as aeroplanes.
    Not everyone that flees political and economic tyranny comes on boats. Foolbert

  16. Keep talking….lmao!!!

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    and the Haitians are likely to bypass Martinique, St.barts and Guadeloupe et al, because they want to live in an English speaking bastion. Like why they choose to enter Canada via Quebec, in preference to the largely English first areas.

  18. Mariposa

    You are correct so press on.Haitians have been fleeing to Jamaica for a while now and the Bahamians are almost over-run by them – all English speaking Caribbean country.Of course these 2 countries will be their choices before say st Vincent or Barbados because of proximity.

    Economic refugees or any type of refugees care nothing about shared language or familiarity of culture when desperation kicks in -you only have to note the Syrians fleeing to Sweden,Norway Denmark,Germany etc.

    Where there is a will there is a way.

  19. “Mia and her band of economic goons cannot sit back and decide what books would be shown and what would not
    They would be caught redhanded……”

    I’m asking myself and wondering, what economic records would an 8 1/2 week old administration have to hide from the IMF, especially when the Fund conducts a yearly Article IV consultation with government and produces a report, which can also be found on the IMF’s website.

    Bearing this in my, it would be ludicrous for any administration to attempt to manipulate the economic data.

    After all, the previous DLP attemted that folly and the IMF recognized the manipulation and included it in their report.

    Whoever in George Street that is writing this yard fowl’s script is just as stupid as she.

  20. David

    I hope Piece of the Rock is listening to Wilfred Abraham on who and why the fines in the Integrity legislation was changed.

    I think Piece of the Rock owes the PM an apology.

  21. Artax

    Dont pay that yardfowl any mind.

    I have a friend who worked in the Central Bank at the time Dr Worrell was the governor……..the person was so frustrated that they took early retirement…….so I can mention what the person told me.

    The person said that when actual and accurate data and figures were presented the governor used to say… expect me to go to the public with these figures? That is why I cannot bear to listen to him now. The man manipulated the data and screwed figures to make the Stinkliar look good………….

    No wonder the yardfowl could say……….”her band of economic goons cannot sit back and decide what books would be shown and what would not…..they would be caught redhanded……”

    She would know about cooked books!

  22. TInniss you’re just as igrunt as Mariposa.

    Where is Jamaica in relation to Haiti? Even closer than Bahamas; therefore, accessible by boat–the primary mode of transport for Haitians fleeing Haiti. Stop talking foolishness!!

  23. Prodigal

    And another silly issue they are now pushing is Haitians would now travel in droves to enter Barbados, irrespective of our immigration laws.

    Unless there is a reversal of the policy whereby people from the region and beyond are allowed entry into the island, if they can prove they have the ability to finance and sustain themselves, WITHOUT becoming a burden on the state, for the duration of their stay.

    In other words, Haitians would have to satisfy all the immigration requirements to be allowed entry.

    They are just spreading political propaganda.

  24. Enuff

    Even more ignorant than her.

    Cuba, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas are, more or less, in close proximity to Haiti. And as you correctly mentioned, the preferred method of travel to these countries by Haitian “refugees” is by boat.

  25. Yes, it is joke around the Central Bank how the former Governor would use his personal calculator.

  26. It is disappointing the level of debate coming from DLP supporters, seems the reality has not kicked in yet.

  27. bajanfreeparty Avatar

    Both sides of the government were crooks and now we have one side,. both sides are talking the same even if you can, only hear one.No matter what the same system each side watch the other side back for you can not see the 15 Billion$$ not coming back as yet,!

  28. This J/A T Inniss like he was born after May 24th or thinks he is speaking to idiots.It has been pointed out to him sevsral times that this is the third meeting with the IMF yet he continues to try to mislead persons …I believe as someone saids he needs to present facts to bubstantiate the rubbish he writes is is given to write or do more reseach because he always builds up straw men to be knock down by facts.Whoever is paying you and Mariposa to represent the Dems shold demand an immediate refund.

  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son


    Whu happen nuh?

    Dem repeal de law?

    Dem put um or to de public for proper reasonable ventilation?

    Dem learn how to spell memorandum correctly and put dat on the document?

    Until dem try to revisit this in the context of not letting the foxes count the chickens and to have a mechanism where dem can’t swap out declarations and a whole lot of additional actions that are visibly absent from this 1933 act, how you gine expect de ole man to apologise?

    Why you doan lef de myopic ole man alone doah, whu I do you?

    I know why I do Enuff of Lorenzo duo but i ent do you a ting


  30. I am not attacking you, Piece, l do respect you. Like l said in the post, l thought you were too quick to ascribe dictator motives to the PM. That’s all, peace, my friend.

  31. “Effing de robbers tel 50k dem does report 100k and claim such from de insurance company causing de insurance company NEVER INTERVIEWS DE ROBBERS DO THEY?” is known ya friend Vivek pulled a scam like that and caused a fall guy to do prison time, ask Enuff…the scam artists are dangerous.

  32. So yes where there is easy acess refugees would find a way to enter
    The state of Haiti has been compromised by the invasion of IMF austerity is alright for elitist bajans to sit in their comfy towers and think that people from a country whose economic and social enviroment is in decay would not find a way to flee a place of refuge
    Just take a look at Cubans who tread shark infested waters looking for refuge
    It is not the miles that matter but what is worth the miles
    Even though barbados might be thousands of miles away one can bet a stepping stone by way of using other countries to get her would be enough just to feed a straving belly
    Barbados has now opened a door for Haitians to enter wothout a visa.
    and that is the bottom line

  33. Piece

    Noted at 2:57 p.m. I will try to be more observant.

  34. @David the blogmaster “the BLP as if by magic…One other item which should be addressed is the rising pension expense of government.”

    No David we do not believe in magic.

    Although it may be that our political class believe in magic, or in obeah. For years governments has promised and paid huge gratuities, and nice pensions to our civil servants, but Has any government established a FUNDED pension plan for these civil servants? Or have they acted that by magic the monies will appear out of general revenues when civil servants reach the magic age of 60, 65 or 67?

    That said as a non-civil servant my NIS pension is NOT an expense of the government. It is my own money, and I don’t want any political party to touch it.

    The political class and their friends, family, associates and advisers may have received government pay cheques all the days of their lives. But I have never ever received one.

    So I don’t want any of them treating me as a burden now that I am old.

    Simple Simon
    Neither “B” nor “D”

  35. @T.Inniss July 10, 2018 6:37 AM …the CARICOM Heads of Govt meeting – which is known to be a virtual ‘talk-shop’.”

    Oh how I wish it was a virtual meeting.

    Instead the HOGS meet face to face and we the people pay for the whole thing.


  36. @T.Inniss July 10, 2018 6:37 AM “Dame Billie – no particular portfolio.”

    I expect that Dame Billie is doing her thing for free.

    Wouldn’t you?

  37. @T.Inniss “I spoke to an old pensioner last night and it is clear that poor ole soul (and many more like him) is going to drop through the hole.”

    Since you know this POOR OLD PENSIONER personally I trust that you will not let him drop through the hole. No point giving the old gent bare long talk.

    Do the RIGHT thing by him.

  38. @July 10, 2018 6:49 AM ” the 7 million spent on the 50th anniversary.”


    And I ain’t even get a brown mint, when if you divide $7 million by the population of 285,000 my share should have been $24.56.

    I wonder who got my share?

    And how many shares some people got?

    I would not be at all surprised if some people got 1,000 shares $24,560 and most people like me got none.

    But in politics that is the way the cookie crumbles.

    Some people get nuff, nuff.

    Most people like me get none at all.

  39. bajanfreeparty Avatar

    IMF 6000 got to go home

  40. @Enrico Rossi July 10, 2018 8:38 AM “It seems as though the game plan is to improvise and play out Owen Arthur’s “despot” and “megalomaniac” script.’

    And how did that work out for Owen? How did it work out for the DLP?

    Looka don’t mek me laugh.

  41. @T.Inniss July 10, 2018 9:36 AM “Note the past leader Stuart has never been implicated in any of this name dropping”

    Some of us did not vote for the DLP because of Freundel Stewart’s words regarding Leroy Parris, “the man is not a leper, he is my friend.”

    And as as we stood in the polling booth at 6 in the morning on May 24 we remembered Freundel’s words and we put our X beside the BLP candidate’s name (not that we love the BLP so much)

    You can feel what you feel like.

    We dun vote EXACTLY the way WE FEEL LIKE.

    Put dat in ya pipe and smoke it.

  42. bajanfreeparty Avatar

    IMF Watch? 6000 have to go home? Cut Cabinet? Payne in pain…or Devaluation? BFP

  43. @Mariposa July 10, 2018 1:02 PM “Everything hidden under the crooked blp would be revealed.”

    Under the crooked DLP also?

    Or were they a bunch of choir boys?

  44. Living in Blissful Ignorance Avatar
    Living in Blissful Ignorance

    @ Mariposa

    You are correct about the Haitians.

    In the last two years hundreds have been let in by Mexico.

    This is significant for 2 reasons Mexico is more than 3 times the distance compared to proximity of Barbados.

    Secondly Mexico’s minimum wage is US$4.70 per day NOT per hr or the equivalent of less than BD$10 per day.

    Mexicans do not get paid by the hr.

    So if they are traveling so far away for such pittance it makes sense they will come to BIM.

    They have also traveled to both Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana which are a lot poorer and farther than Barbados.

    They are some ignorant people who post on here and have not a clue of what is happening globally.

    Folks, Barbados cannot even be seen clearly on a world map but those on the little Rock think they have all answers and knowledge when they operate with myopic thinking.

  45. @NorthernObserver July 10, 2018 3:33 PM “and the Haitians are likely to bypass Martinique, St.barts and Guadeloupe et al, because they want to live in an English speaking bastion.”

    The Haitians are not all unilingual French speakers. The ones whom I have had the pleasure of meeting in the region and beyond, typically spoke French, Creole and excellent English.

  46. Living in Blissful Ignorance Avatar
    Living in Blissful Ignorance

    Mexico to raise minimum wage…to $4.70 a day

    By Patrick Gillespie December 20, 2017: 1:49 PM ET

    Nearly 25 million Mexicans are getting a pay raise next week. From $4.25 to $4.70 — a day.

    Mexican government and business leaders agreed on Tuesday to raise the country’s minimum wage starting on December 1 to 88.36 pesos from 80.04 pesos. The 10% raise is good news for 24.7 million Mexicans who work either one or two minimum wage jobs.

  47. How can anyone in their right mind after seeing all the carnage blood guts and gore because of the austerity measueres placed on the poor people of Haiti belives that the IMF has poor people interest at heart
    There are many here who could not give a hoot about the poor… reason why they sit on BU daily and tout Mia as the 2nd messiah .
    Barbadians mandate to the blp was for better and so far all that they have received is bitter
    Now with Mia unilateral decision barbadians are looking down the double barrell nozzle of the IMF shotgun …and taking a look at what the IMF has handed to Haiti there is no doubt that barbados would be handed more of the same
    Mia has tied a nooze around the necks of barbadians as her way of finding a quick fix
    Today the culture industry is talking disillusionment in reference to the tax levies that Mia has placed on travel and hotel accomodation
    It does not take a road scholar to understand that people would protect their pocket books before flooishly engaging in overpriced destinations

  48. You mean Rhodes Scholar?

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Cuhdear….give the woman a break….you know she cannot spell.
    Nozzle for muzzle? a nooze? Had n’s and z’s on her mind.
    Today it is “barbadians mandate to”, yesterday it was ‘blp promised to”, it changes daily.
    remember Jester “physical deficit” Ince is one of her boys.
    And now the inventor of Kellmanomics had the muzzle (shite ya mean muzzle got two meanings?) removed he’s back spewing again. I could swear based on spelling and sentence structure, the two ah dem is related.

  50. Exyardfowl…the road

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