@ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

“To whom much is given it is said much is expected…”

As I sat to write this for submission on Barbados Underground, I pondered long about a name for this article.

And even longer on what I was going to put in it since it was NOT WRITTEN to sow a feeling OR fear of a “Night of The Long Knives” but to genuinely engage with the leader of this administration and more particularly highlight the skills of those you have surrounded yourself with.

And Yes, it is indeed a presumption to assume that a lowly citizen might pen a letter to their Prime Minister, but mine is the constant hope that “gods in Mt. Olympus might entertain mere men in midguard.”

For there to be a “Mottleyan LEGACY”, I humbly suggest that your focus HAS TO BE ON THE BAJAN PEOPLE.  It CANNOT BE one that is superficial or designed to be a “sleight of hand” exercise and even things like seducing simple pensioners through a promise of a $75 per month increase in pensions, in their right hand, INSTANTLY NULLIFIED by a sewerage levy of $30/mth, taken from their left hand, speaks to a disturbing start out of the blocks especially when that increase is further depleted by commensurate levies on things like the kerosene may pensioners use in stoves and lamps.

It is ten years now that the people or Barbados have been suffering intensely under the DLP but that “suffering” has been going on for much longer than 10 years.

This suffering IS NOT the overt poverty of 5,000 pit toilets which you spoke of removing during your government’s  tenure. No Madamoiselle.

By the way, you do know that an “Adopt a Pit Toilet ” or appropriately named social partnership programme, underwritten by  businesses or corporations, where tax write-offs will be offered, IN LIEU OF PART OF THAT 5% TAX INCREASE, would eradicate said toilet pits in 1 year!

No, de ole man is speaking of an “entrenched suffering and disenfranchisement”, a creeping miasma THAT HAS ENVELOPED THE COLLECTIVE BAJAN PSYCHE, and, for at least 4 administrations, has contributed to, and has impaled our nation – INERT AND IMPOTENT.

Madamoiselle Prime Minister, I am sure that you can see that Bajans have become a nation of “merchandisers OR consumers” we are either one or the other. A fact that your IMF counterparts have gone to pains to state in their Reports.

And there is no place, nor initiative, nor enabling agency that fosters innovation or meaningful “otherness” to break that mould.

And please, do not proffer the inert Enterprise Growth Fund nor the Access Fund corpses or many other pretty named cadavers as innovation facilitators cause $5,000 non collateralized loans is not innovation or meaningful “otherness”.

YOUR AUDITS which you call ” Phase 3 ” of your administration’s proposed actions, those which you declare will see “a continuation of the review of these state owned entities (I should mention though that those two EGFL and Fun Access are “personally owned” and not SOEs heheheheh) they will only confirm that these personal serfdoms CONTINUE TO ACT as enemies to the state and should be immediately disbanded like the guerilla terrorists they are.

Now i would ask you this question only hoping you could answer it? (Not “would” cause I doubt that de ole man is of the ILK to attract your answer)

Do you know, OR HAVE PEOPLE WHO KNOW, how to foster THEN NURTURE that “otherness”, whether it is tangibles or intangibles, assets that are of the calibre and national value that Barbados is seeking?

I am speaking of “tangible intangibles” like Rihanna who, i hasten to add, is “the exception to the rule”, A CHANCE HAPPENING, one which was not fostered nor nurture through anything proactively designed OR planned by Barbados

It was evident to all that your recent mini budget lacked any real proposals from your thought leaders that offset the dire state of the economy

And, coupled with your choices in the Senate, one fears what your “third tier”  or what I call “shadow government” will deliver, your “thought leadership teams” AND THE IDEAS THAT ARE SURFACING

DE OLE MAN goes on record to say that one fears the “pretend arrangements, and sweetheart deals” that are appearing. Take for example that BPI and BMTI pre-arrangement. These structures WILL NOT EMPOWER THE CITIZENS OF BARBADOS, will not breed ANYTHING THAT WILL REDOUND TO YOUR LEGACY AND CERTAINLY PROMOTE THIS NATION

And in parting de ole man will leave these words with you. (again there goes that presumption heheheheh…)


If the lesson, of how we THE PEOPLE, have voted out the late Errol Walton Barrow, from St John on May 24th 2018, is lost on you AND THE REST OF THE BLP, then I encourage you, AND YOUR COLLEAGUES, including Hartley and Peter, to continue on in prosecution of this thread of SHIFTING CONSTANTLY INCREASING TAXES to the said people while dividing up what has become “THE FATTED COW”, what the DLP previously called The FATTED Calf.

Continue in this thread and you will see how long you ride in MP1, and sojourn at Llaro Court …

Your humble servant

Piece of the Rock Yeah Right

500 responses to “A Mottley Legacy? Or a Mugabe Regime?”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley


    CC your Minister Of Agriculture Indar Weir

    @ Indar Weir Minister of Agriculture


    The idea is that gardens (of a miniature nature) would be encouraged in and among communities for the benefit of that community.

    Like miss Headley’s garden in *** but the rather simplistic concept is that each lilliputian commune would grow in a bundle with other producers for their proximate communities .

    The advertising of the existence of a GULLIVER Garden would be by using a specific logo that would identify that property as a lilliputian node. This would be where people could come for specifically smaller produce like seasoning thyme parsley lettuce.

    Kay Mcconney The technological whizz would use her expertise to create a mobile app to register who is growing what.

    Something which was never done for all the years BASIS was operating.

    And enrolled farmers would be given “water credits” to offset the nominal increase in their water bills.

    Sales volumes of the poundage of produce sold would be recorded, as was supposedly done at the place by the Grotto out Dayrell Road – BASIS

    Pricing should be controlled to ensure that local produce under this import substitution initiative is affordable yet profitable to these lilliputian farmers.

    The ideal mixture for this utopian vision would be having teens enrolled in this community based concept.

    De ole man would further propose incentivizing their enrolment IN THIS FANTASY through credits for UWI or BCC e.g. paying for the enrolee or their designee’s tuition fees or books or bus fares.

    One could decrease the actual income paid to enrollees in cash generated by sales of the produce, but give a counterpart electronic credit

    And jes doan tell de ole man it cant work.

    It does work.

    Magna Card does do those back end electronic credit awards every effing day.

    We have to think of ways to enfranchise people in our communities.

    I am going to admit I don’t know the minimum footprint required by an enrolee for a “lilliputian node” to work

    I however can tell wunna dat if you got 16 3×5 beds and a rotation schedule for your crops, you can make at least $500 a month for 2 hours a day

    I would start at home nodes and build out to the community pavilion which is a much bigger footprint ( presumption being hydroponic setups with compatible crops.

    One additional corollary would be the express requirement that people have to had experience with nodes before being graduated to larger program space

    I really don’t know if hydroponics can work in these small spaces.

    What I am damn sure works is 16 beds. What I know works is calling stores and hotels to sell my produce but everyone does not have the garden that was available to me.
    So that is why I’d revert to a smallfactor acreage of a hydroponic plant.

    Who will pay for the hydroponic farm ? Which International Funding Institutions have the experience or the inclination to invest in this idea?

    Would a local or regionally based philanthropy be interested?

    Would the Halouttes be inclined to underwrite said outreach say at five houses in each community where they have a Chefette?

    That is 13 Chefette AND THAT IS 65 JOBS Mr Haloutte or is that inconsistent with the model wunna got for low income communities?


    Dat is for building up communities with easily constructed mobile hydroponic farms as opposed to flooding The Farm with ***

    But de ole man get side tracked again Mr Indar Weir.

    You ever hold a fork in your life at your travel company? I guess dat ent a fair question doah so I retract it…

  2. Piece I am not sure if your comment was made before it was confirmed that a new board led by Mr Douglas Skeeteis in place and Ms Young was summoned and ultimately dismissed.Therefore,i am not sure why you are insinuating that it was Mr Payne,s decision alone.Why are you nitpicking and trying to be so negative.I believe the Transport board and CBC also needs to be address,not by reassigning as you say but removing,if necessary,as one bad apple could spoil the whole bunch,and this is no time forfooling around,any obstacles need to be removed.

  3. Keep going Piece. You are now the resident “free government advisor” and BU physic. I like your ideas re the community garden. I belong to one up here in Canada. I have 600 square feet. I pay $15 a year and get water and compost. I have a perennial so mine is not tilled but the annual lots are tilled every year. Those are bigger, 25 by 50 ft. approximately and cost more. I give my excess produce to the the Food Bank in my area for distribution to the poor. I have two pumpkins left from last year and some potatoes, both sweet and Irish. Don’t be deterred by the naysayers.
    Has any one seen or heard from Bush Tea?

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Lorenzo

    You like to stalking de ole man doah…

    I said and I repeat “…NOw de ole man ent really interested if it is fake news or otherwise, AND WE DUN KNOW THAT PAYNE IS A LOOSE CANON (ask Edmund)…”

    I said that I did not care if “it”, and by it i means “the possibility that Payne dismissed Napoleon alone or with a committee”

    I insinuated nothing.

    I fact I boldly said that Pain is a loose cannon

    You seem to be sort of slow though.

    So here is the dimwit version for your consumption

    Firing when a new administration takes over WILL BE CALLED WITCH HUNTING.

    MAM does not have the best 1st Eleven or 2nd Eleven

    To remove negative fallout from loose cannons abrogate said firing function and make all such functions come to self

    However to ensure that the agency continues to function WIGHOUT THAT COG IN THE WHEEL as well as ensuring that no legal action ensues take that party out of circulation by putting them at a Ministry of Planification that you create.

    Place you own people at the helm.

    Now simpleton what this means is that you have moved what is called en passant in chess and while you have not killed the trouble maker you hzve killed the trouble maker cause they cannot claim wrongful dismissal because you will continue to pay them during their shift

    Additionally one can broadcast to the public the name of the institution so as to wreak the commensurate embarrassment and shame with their secondment to this institute or you can keep it offscope depending on your objective…

    You are not too bright are you?

    Mia going have to second you too causing you ammmm ent doing a good job here pun BU…

    Mia, help muh nuh! Lorenzo got muh languishing

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Bajans

    I must admit that I did not benefit from a current experience for that idea it was and exposure 35 years ago when I kept gardens and sold vegetables to hotels and supermarkets.

    I grafted and Israeli girlfriend’s experience with a kibbutz and the familiar landscapes of Deacons Pinelands and Haynesville and my inner city encounters and proposed that.

    I combined my knowledge of IFIs and Small island Developing States and the millions of dollars I have seen sent back to Washington and New York because the country office did not have any “thought leaders” OR THE COUNTRY WAS BEREFT OF THINKERS

    I am glad that you spoke to the fact that it exists in Canada and that my madness works.

    As to the last part about the Halouttes that is just GOD using the ole man.

    What He is telling me is that the entire bajan population wants to participate in the rebuilding BUT PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF THE LIES OF ALL THESE PAST ADMINISTRATIONS.

    So people like Haloutte and Abed and Joseph and Adams and Branker and Hall and the whole bunch of them they want to see where their money is going.

    Dem tired of all the other crap.

    And Mia’s Legacy has to bridge all these issues about hunkie and nigga and bukkra Johnnie and coolie man.

    People have to create bridges built on mutual respect and not that waste badword “I am a Lionfrom the City of Bridgetown ” stupidness.

    You understand what the impact of 65 symbiotic jobs between the business community and the average black man in the hood would mean BAJANS?

    Haloutte would loose he whiteness for at least 65 families.

    And 65 people would be taken out the unemployment gutters.

    At least 65!!

    This time must herald in a new vision and mission among Bajans no pun intended where we must feel that we are a part of this thing.

    Too long we been put in the doldrums and this Must CHANGE

  6. 30 – 0
    The perfect result for a useless Bunch of Wild people.Rebuild Party ? Rebuild my foot .Rebuild Party ? For What ?


    Stop humbugging Barbados ever so often
    JOKERS !!!

  7. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

    Tourism Marketing

    You will note that i did not copy this to your Minister of Tourism Kerrie.

    I will tell you why.

    I listened to him on the General Election platform and I was so disappointed but the pure badword that he presented.

    At one point the clown was boasting bout how many girls he used to check from right there by the shop and I said whuloss…Mia is running this?

    But then I reviewed the party HIERARCHY and the faction being courted and I said I understand.

    You note that i am talking freely now because I …well I know where I am off to so I do not fear anyone.

    The process that BMTI and the next one is proposing is a waste very bad word and I would suggest that you leave it out or rather do not subscribe to it as completely as they have suggested.

    I seriously do have a solution for that which will put Barbados on the mapfiguratively and literally.

    I have already shown you an idea for the physical plant because the island is in a sorry state and needs “refresh but beautiful hotels and no tourisessesses is similar PERDITION.

    That idea .can be funded under the IDB’s renewable cities theme.

    The second idea will change the face of Tourism Marketing forever.

    But you have no Intellectual Property Regime in place so we ole man ent got no place on de dance floor to place my feet.

    If you ever get ready please let me know and then you can write Kerrie a script knowing that he will adhere to it as you instruct.

    Just think FOREX JOBS & LICENSING FEES and then call de ole man

  8. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

    C.c Minister of Education Dr. R Smith

    This item benefited from insights from another Bajan who had to flee the indolence of thought and absence of though leadership that has characterized Barbados for donkeys years.

    It speaks to the harmonization of our education system and seamlessly interweaving education and the proactive fostering of critical thought initiatives among our secondary school populations.

    Needless to say that an overarching it was not entertained by de former vandagers and may probably not be understood by you lot either.

    But here goes…

    The Program for Innovation and Invention (P.I.I) contributes to fostering the practice in, and propagation of, creativity among youth by designing and deploying programmes which are pro-actively participatory i.e. they immerse students in a proactive curriculum that fosters and nurtures the experience of creativity and having hands on experiences for themselves.

    I respectfully suggest(ED) that the GoB specifically the Ministry of Education implements this initiative at specific secondary schools and concomitantly includes resource persons from different sectors, bringing together teachers, creative professionals, students, the Ministry of Education, the University of the West Indies, specific coterminous companies, the private sector and students in this collaborative initiative.

    The specific aim of the P.I.I is “to foster and sustain creativity among our school population and youth by using a structured collaboration of public agencies, engineers, scientists, research organizations, students, the private sector and stakeholders in developing the creativity mindset.”

    The project has five components.

    strengthens the Ministry of Education’s Chemistry, Physics and IT curriculum particularly their respective SBA (School’s Based Assessments) components acting as a catalyst for engendering Innovation and Invention in the Education system
    Utilizes (i) Information, communication and technology systems – the Edutech backbone particularly the Electronic Chalkboard matrix de ole man harping on to facilitate connectivity and dissemination of instruction in conjunction with modules from (ii) and appropriately tailored Business or Accounting courses to enhance the business skills of the students (since a specific school might not have a Physics/Chemistry lab it would use its Business Courses to “manage” the incomes and expenditures associated with creating and deploying a P.I.I initiative in the *** (iii) Learning and capacity building in ***; and *** Project implementation – these speak mainly to practicals where students with appropriate permission from parents, and under supervision by school teachers “rotate out into the field” to deploy their solutions, for a specific time period and commensurate grades. This “field rotation” is the surreptitious deployment of a much needed National Youth service for our apathetic youth. we inculcate service to nation into their psyches early In their development.
    This P.I.I and its novel system will co-opt the private sector through an optional subscription to fund the expsnsion and ongoing R&D at participating schools. For example CGI would be seen as the logical co-sponsor of a Combermere R&D centre to provide the equipment, IT matrix, uniforms** (** all school students on field deployment in the P.I.I should be identified by a specific Uniform/coverall with a signature beret)
    The element is R&D at any participating school may either be “school specific” in response to a need in that School’s location e.g. road slippage in St Andrew or a national problem e.g. potholes across the island’s roads.

    Note that P.I.I will involve an actual product/service-to-market deployment/implementation

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance…

  10. Keep going Piece.

    I like the ideas you suggested under education. Most schools should have ‘shops”. In either carpentry, mechanics, etc. and after a course of study, and for hands on experience go out into industry for a 3 month work assignment to put what they have learnt into practice. This would end up with a high school credit ( at O’level). This would hopefully form a basis for and interest in various types of engineering.

    With regard to the gardening, you will need some high profile people to star,t to encourage others to participate. Lets face it, Bajans see gardening/farming as dirty work. Not up here in Canada. The President of my gardening association is a retired Dean of Engineering from Carleton University. The lady across from my lot is a current Professor of English at a CEGEP in Gatineau. The lady beside me is a retired teacher and a friend from Congo’s husband and two sons are all three Medical Doctors. But we all grow our own food.
    Check this out: http://www.gaga.ncf.ca

    Re tourism, I have travelled some, but not as much as others. Barbados does not place any emphasis on history or historical buildings. Look at Sam Lords Castle, burnt to the ground. Look at the old Hospital building, burnt to the ground. Look at the Empire Theatre, a veritable eyesore. There are some beautiful facades in Speightstown but the buildings are boarded up and in dilapidated conditions. In other countries, a historcial plaque would have been nailed to those buildings and they would have to be kept up in their original condition or taken over and maintained by government as historical artifacts. Not so in Barbados, there is no value to them, in history. The tourists have nothing to see after a suntan and a few sea baths.

  11. @ that address should be: gaga.ncf.ca

  12. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Bajans

    Thanks for the endorsement but I am going a tad bit further than the usual internships and attachments.

    The standard question that faces The Gentleman who Promotes Mahogany Sales in Barbados Medford’s Mahogany is “What artifact do I create that will be the next IPad to the Artifacts World”

    Similarly the question that is facing the Beaches of Barbados is What can we do with the sargassum invasion?

    Similarly speaking the question that faces Barbados as it relates to Holes in the Roads and Materials that break down too quickly road …?

    These are either “self posed questions that a school or students who opt into the P.I.I can be asked to answer or opt to propose.

    There are over 10,000 issues that beseige our system of governance and what these challenges become are the parallel of the Labours of Hercules but of an indigenous nature to serve the needs of Barbados which we challenge our young bajan minds to do

    AND ONCE THEY HAVE ACHIEVED IT, we reward then with internships of scholarships with places overseas which advance these ideas under a IP agreement between Barbados and that university or that R&D facility

    THat is what Kay McConney should have been hired to do among her various chores.

    THe problem with us Bajans is that all we bajans like fising in the same pond of mental croneyocracy


    But this is the albino centricism that the Missing in Action Bush Tea has spoken to at length.

    If you open your mouth about any single topic on the fact of this earth that is a problem I will hazard to say that some of us can provide you with a partial solution to it.

    I can tell you that there are thousands of secondary school students and tertiary students that exists in Barbados THAT WE HAVE FAILED TO SERVICE AND NURTURE

    And I ent talking bout Fund Access boutique underwritten loans, or EGFL hardwood scams, de ole man talking bout IP Assets yet to be nurtured, of a value that will bring renown to our 2×2 rock in the sea.

    “…Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before…”

    Innovation and Technology and Smart Technology (the Ministries that one of our senators was imported to Barbados and the Constitution changed for) speaks to voyages in Thought in a dimension that requires the collective bajan psyche to “go where no one has gone before”

    Is this a shocker?

    De ole man here agitating for the very same thing that it is obvious that our “thought leaders” must nurture yet, and here de ole man gine use de square brackets [[dem seeketh to assassinate de ole man for promoting AND ACTUALIZING the very same thought dimensions that they bringing back Kay to do]]

    YOu feeling de ole man Bajans?

    Sooooo what do all dat mean Bajans?

    Is it that they are serious in this pursuit of Innnovation? they must be cause otherwise the Imported Senator would not be being paid a salary of $*****per month
    Is it because they are racist? No causing she look like she is a nigger.
    Is it dat because dem a classist? Possibly causing de ole man only went to Brumley heheheheh
    I forget de new question that the Honourable Blogmaster gave me. Is it because I too smart for my own good? heheheheheh

    But i thought that it was smartness dem was looking for?

    Heheheheheh is must be de ole man mouf and dat he doan respect anything of woman born or untimely ripped…barring the Christ Child

  13. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Lest this blog continues to be Ideas4Barbados@GIS.bb.org heheheheheh for free heheheheheh de ole man needs to keep wunna honest.

    The question that many bajans are asking is “after the extensive examinations by the Internal and external auditors, and the interventions by the IMF auditors, do you feel that WHEN THE TEIFING IS LOCATED, and the teifs are identified will anything happen with these teiving politicians WHO MAY BE YOUR FRIEND OR YOU ARE THEIR CHILDREN’s GODMOTHER?”

    Here be a Stoopid Cartoon that the grandson sent to memorialize this ethical conundrum that you are faced with

    I wonder if Our Senator Caswell Franklyn might get an opportunity to ask you this question IF THE OPPORTUNITY EVER PRESENTS ITSELF IN CABINET?


  14. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with a response to Bajans’ recent remark

  15. Has the new BLP government told us yet what is the total debt owed to China and the cost of servicing it? Will this be included in the debt restructuring?

  16. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Now the ole man would seek to revert to the travesty called the Fear Trading Commission “OBLIQUELY”

    and to do so requires some convolutions of your respective minds.

    The Barbados Today machinery which is trying real hard to teif de BU readership by incorporating a more liberal blogger submission policy printed this item which de ole man teifed

    Incredulously it has come from the SBA which was previously led by Senator Lynette Holder.

    But the reported speech narrative goes as follows.

    “The Small Business Association (SBA) is confident that some of its members will drop consumer prices as soon as the hated National Social Responsibility Levy (NSRL) is scrapped at the beginning of next month.”

    Whose adjective is “hated” ? Barbados Today or that of The SBA?

    It continues

    “Some people are going to be able to reduce their prices almost immediately and others are going to have to wait for their stock to be depleted because they had already paid the NSRL on it at the port of entry . . . but I would think that for the most part within a month to two everybody would be able to get their prices to pre NSRL,” President of the SBA Dean Straker told Barbados TODAY in an interview on Monday.

    Now how in the name of *** can he know is he using Lynette’s crystal balls?

    The narrative continues

    “…This assertion contradicts that which was expressed earlier by the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as Government, that it could be up to five months before consumers begin to benefit from the removal of the tax, which was introduced in September 2016 at two per cent of the customs value of locally produced and imported goods, and raised last July to ten per cent as the then Government sought to close a gaping budget deficit…”

    Now again i ask you to walk with me through this statement of absolute knowledge of reductions.

    For most items imported $$xx are approved by the central Bank for x tins of say corned beef which according to the reports of the non connected Customs and Excise government department arrived in the island on Date y.

    So you know the cost, the quantity and the date of entry.

    Now unless you are privy to the inventory of the merchandiser how the badword are you going to know that the merchandiser’s inventory is exhausted.

    And de ole man puts this to you very simply.

    Until, and unless, that merchandiser goes back to the government/central bank and requests FOREX for additional purchases, YOU, NOR THE SBA, NOR SAM POOCHEY cannot differentiate the stock being sold

    AND CONSEQUENTLY the SBA cant say that the price of any individual item is going to come down.

    In fact UNLESS THE GOVERNMENT CREATES AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM that links imports with sales and central bank authorizations all else is guessing and emotive conversation geared at having the fickle audience and bajan sheeple buy into that “hated” talk, lock, stock and barrel

  17. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

  18. Piece I might not be smart but I know garbage when I see it.You have assumed a role of opposition for opposition sake.However you can blog and post as many pictures as you like there will be no return of the DLP try a thing government within 15 years,in my opinion.Thus far Ms Mottley has kept most of her promises like abolishing the NSRL,abolish UWI fees,making tremendous progress with both the South Coast and Bridgetown projects in a matter of four weeks and you on here griping?Are you the new Fractured ,AC or SSS.Do us all a favour and take a rest or STFU,as you really ain,t impressing too many with your shite.

  19. The old lady and her daughter who alleges that George Payne stole her property
    Mother and daughter are on face book via video relating more if the sordid details of what George Payne stole from them
    The video is so complelling it would take a fool to make such a detail video if not true and most likely face legal ramifications
    George Payne can hid and closed mouth all he wants but this is video #2 which defines his character as unsavoury and his judgement wholly merits that of no moral grounding
    I dare BU David to go on Jackie Stewart page and share the video on BU
    George if those allegations are true u are one pathetic low down piece of turd for a human being
    Now got the nerve to place hands on the bible and be sworn as a minister of Parliament

  20. And the blogmaster dares you to explain to FORMER Speaker why history will record him as a thief!

  21. Amm the speaker is gone he does not have to say nuttin. George Payne and Dale Marshall are govt ministers and have sworn on the bible to be truthful and honesty
    All awaits to see how they are going to go before the public and defend those allegations of theft now being played all over Social media against them
    David did not expect u to put that video on BU because the details does not play well into your agenda to defend corruption and dirtiness in the blp

  22. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Now Lorenzo you like you is a good bvhchunt though!

    Look at your puerile reasoning

    “…You have assumed a role of opposition for opposition sake…”

    What is your leader’s plant the Bishop Reverend Joseph Atherley if not opposition for opposition’s sake?

    Why you Doan post here and tell Mia STFU?

    You is a real female rabbit in truce doah.

    Does you remember dis poster? From 3 months ago?


    OR this one from 2 years ago?


    Yet you and the rest of you Johnnie come lately suckers of Mia’s adipose lips cand come here and write shyte because as Lorenzo you is in mia camp and you singing fir your supper

    So here is your meal ticket for all to see how deep you have your lips applied “…However you can blog and post as many pictures as you like there will be no return of the DLP…”

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

    You can express your eternal thanks to Lorenzo for the new Series of “Watch Muh Now”

    De grandson rearing to go…tank you Lorenzo

    Of course dat only gojng get de ole man banned by the Honourable Blogmaster …

  23. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance with tis item for Lorenzo which you observed me posting

  24. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  25. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    A few items are in the suspense box oh Honourable Blogmaster

  26. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Not those ones thanks but the specific one for Lorenzo with his quotation

  27. PieceUhDeRockYeahRight Avatar

    The one from two months ago Lorenzo

    You may have to pull your face out of her *** to be able to see this one too


  28. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Having given you that history lesson de ole man shall revert to speaking with the grandson as it relates to him creating a Stoopid Cartoon about

    “When is $500,000 ONLY WORTH $10,000?”


    It is when “Watch Muh Now” Mia shifts the value of the fine for teifing Ministers of whom there are many in her first eleven, from the penalty of $500K to a measley $10K!

    Remember your post of June the 27th at 5.48 p.m. when you speak to Mia and tell her why you believe that she should STFU Lorenzo, heheheheheheh

    Wunna does doan understand how dis inspiration ting does work doah…

    It is synaptic triggering…you say “x” and de mind does effect an association and lumen recall with “y” and “z”

    Bear sport in the Rum Shop heheheheh

  29. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Regarding the first public statement of Trevor Payne as scripted by wunna know who…

    The article says and I quote…”The newly-appointed Minister of Environment and National Beautification, Trevor Prescod, is unsure when the Sanitation Service Authority’s (SSA) modern five-storied headquarters at Vaucluse, St Thomas, will open…”

    Which when translated into plain english means “…I, the 2nd eleven Minister under the Real Minister of Environment and National Beautification, I is unsure, (no he speaks properly not like that Barker fellow from times afore times)

    “I Trevor have not been given the go ahead as to when when the Sanitation Service Authority’s (SSA) modern five-storied headquarters at Vaucluse, St Thomas, will be open and in fact IF IT WILL BE OPEN FOR MY MINISTRY.

    “This is left up to my boss Mia, who will decide IF I GET TO EVEN PEEK IN THE BUILDING.”

    “Whu after all she might decide to move all of the Government offices on Bay street up heah and move me and de garbage trucks to Bay Street, wunna understand what i am saying?”

  30. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

    I hope that you see what de ole man was telling you about regarding de Ministry of Planification recently

    Looka Lucy Son “…he man who, up until last month, had responsibility for the National Housing Corporation (NHC), today said Barbadians should not be surprised that his successor, George Payne, is shaking things up at the state entity.

    Former Minister of Housing Denis Kellman’s comments come on the heels of the sacking of three NHC employees this week, including General Manager Lanette Napolean-Young.”

    It has to be managed very sensitively.

    Now I going writ to you in square brackets to keep this on the Lowedown (pun intended as you will see)

    [[You see that building that you have not given to Trevor Prescod?

    I suggest that you make that into the Ministry of Planification for a few reasons.

    Firstly is is 5 storeys tall and it is new so when you transfer those vandagers to that structure DEM (another pun) going feel really good and special.

    Secondly dem going be high up in the spotlight AND THEIR RESPECTIVE GAS BILLS GOING MEK IT HARD TO COMMUTE THERE PUN A DAY, and it you permit them to come there for about 9 months dem would be brek

    The Third thing is dat it is a garbage facility and you could easily carry dese pieces uh badword pun a tour of de facility and lef dem pun de tour

    You cousing David Commissiong says that i does be gratuitous wid me insults so I would ask you to forgive me my presumptiousness.

    And I also going apologise to you in advance for the language dat Lorenzo going use to you when he sees you this week]]

  31. Piece, it seems to me that Lorenzo is new to the blog and is not aware of all the hard work you and the ‘grandson’ have done to rid the island of the DLP. I would advise him to visit the Stoopid Cartoons blog and have a look at what you, Colonel Buggy and SSS have accomplished. He was actually insinuating that you are a DLP operative. The folly. You should start some stupid cartoons on these new BLP idjits.

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley

    CC Minister of Innovation Kay Mcconney

    There is an item that I would wish to share with you that features centrally with what all the Public Relations going on with so called “engagement of the people” for Innovation initiatives

    We both know that this outreach to people for ideas4barbados@gov.bb is pure sleight of hand BECAUSE THERE IS, AND WILL NOT BE, ANY STATED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY TO SAFEGUARD THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.

    Let me give a example that you can well appreciate.

    Stephen of Sunisle will he or others like him at State Entities be allowed to continue to teif IP concepts without any constraints?

    Will these fellers get a pass because they be one of your purported “leading thought leaders” the inner sanctum sanctorum who CANNOT BE CONSTRAINED OR DETAINED BECAUSE SUCH WOULD BE the proverbial “BULLET IN THE FOOT?”

    I recently has the distinct displeasure of reading 1,000 WORDS OF BADWORD by one of your sing for his supper team (geofge brathwaite)

    His obsequious article which i am sure you say through, is DEVOID of one single reference to any provision for IP Rights for any bajans who want to be part of your “Mia Cares” bandwagon

    But my query is, what can we expect from a regime, SORRY LEGACY, that is constructed on successive administrations that were adept at raping its citizens and which, even with your arrival, cannot publicly recant that rape?

    But I digress

    Here is a public statement on IP policy from Singapore that buzzword jurisdiction that many of your colleagues and politicians always talking bout and you may recall, have taken expensive government paid trips to.

    “…A robust intellectual property (IP) regime is essential to support an innovation-driven economy and the growth of industry and commerce in Singapore…”

    This is serious people talking about serious Forex generation Madamoiselle Prime Minister.

    Are you serious too?

    Let me go to South Africa and see what one of the leading countries in that continent is saying

    “…South Africa does not have a written national IP policy. As a result, departments that deal directly or indirectly with IP approach the system differently.

    To ensure coherence, there is a need for a co-ordinated approach.

    The South African IP system/”IP Policy” is not informed by other national policies that seek to address national objectives and there is no co-ordinated approach on IP matters by various government departments and other organs of state.

    The private sector also exploits this lacuna in the public service and may be exporting IP without following a well-co-ordinated approach…”

    I am trying to share with you how serious governments tackle these national innovation initiatives EVEN THOSE WITH THE RESOURCES OF SOUTH AFRICA with a GDP of US$480 billion!

    And I further suggest that you Madamoiselle DO NOT TABLE AN ACT OR WHATEVER IN PARLIAMENT which safeguards the rights of citizens we are going to have a widespread situation where EVEN IN THE FACE OF ALL THOSE GOVERNMENT ENFORCED EMAIL, fellers will park themselves in a room, like Stephen and teif you ideas.

    De ole man respectfully suggests that all ENGAGEMENT OF THE SOCIAL PARTNERS IS PURE PUBLIC RELATIONS unless you up the volume in a meaningfjl way other that this Sleight of Hand and political vapourware

    Your respectfully

    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right
    Self Appointed Leader of the Virtual Opposition (

    ps. Since de DLP is defunct and de ole man help you mek dem defunct, SINCE dem ent getting dat $150,000 @ year no more, you think de ole man could be paid dat money???)

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dear Honourable Blogmaster your hep with a submission to our Prime Minister please

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Oh dear de ole man asking nicely….heheheheh

  35. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Ohhhhh and since some fellers going come here and say dat i falsifying this information I will submit the text of the BLP Manifesto page 70 which states


    Expanding access to justice is fundamental in a well developed functioning democracy.
    it is a critical element in the preservation of citizens’ rights, the dispensation of justice
    and the preservation of Barbados as a safe haven and a place where its citizens as well as
    non-citizens would wish to conduct business and make investments…”

    Now these are your words in your Covenant of Hope, NOT DE OLE MAN’s, but we dun know that alot of things that we write are subject to becoming fluff after the euphoria of the General Election has worn off.

    What does Dispensation of Justice Mean?

    What does Safe Haven Mean?

    Will it mean that the citizens and non citizens conducting business will be assured that their assets, tangible and non tangible, will be assured of your government’s protection?

  36. @PUDRYR
    “When is $500,000 ONLY WORTH $10,000?

    $10K is not prohibitive. What next? Integrity legislation with a slap on the wrist for those who ignore the law?

    Mia must engage the targets and not shadow box. The performance might wow Lorenzo, but the more discerning sees gimmickry.

  37. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ TheoGazerts

    De grandson wukking pun dese things slowly remember that he is at de bank

    You are precisely correct my man spot on


  38. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    So de ole man got a gadget installed dat does do *** heheheheh

    And it will register the blog count, among other things which registered 488 and then went back to 487…

    So it is not that the items are not being posted irrespective of the VPN, it is that they are bing purposely filtered AFTER THE SUBMISSION.

    But we got pictures/simulcast videos of that too.

    However, we dun know that it is you ting ostensibly so….”watch you now”

  39. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ TheoGazerts

    You said and I quote

    “…“When is $500,000 ONLY WORTH $10,000? $10K IS NOT prohibitive! What next?” (My caps for IS NOT)

    De Grandson send de ole man a Stoopid Cartoon

    It is based on the Female Equivalent of James Bond/Chris Decimals Bond 00.7 or is that 0.07?

    Lara Croft Tomb Raider but he has called her “Mia Crafty – HoA Invader”

    For whereas Chris Stinkliar changed could not get the decimal point right with his 0.07 she has not shifted the decimal point from hundred of thousands to ten thousand but she has DIVIDED by FIVE!!!

    When de boy dun it I gine send it to you AND TO LORENZO

    Dat is EFFING um doan get block.

    You mean dat in 30 days dis is where we going?

    Not even an idea yet to diversify de economy and mek one dollar in foreign exchange and dem shifting the goal posts?

  40. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

  41. ” The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation has a new Board, with Melba Smith as its chairman and Dr Sharon Marshall as her deputy.

    The other members are: Brian Clarke, Peter Boyce, Gillian Leach, Reginald Bourne and acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Public Affairs,Cheryl Alleyne. ”

    The Board of Directors has been appointed for a period of three years, with effect from Wednesday, June 27

  42. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ TheoGazerts

    This items has its genesis in the post that Grenville Phillips made.

    De ole man said earlier that “Bajans thank him for trying but… sometimes people have to know when to refashion the product, like Steve Jobs did while redesigning the IPad. And commensurately know when to let go of the steering wheel

    The duopoly that has besieged the Barbados landscape HAS TO BE DECONSTRUCTED.

    We cannot expect any type of growth with these re-samplings of our old vomit


  43. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ People of Barbados

    Wunna really read this Integrity in Public Life Bill?

    Wunna realise that this is creating a Hermann Goering Commission for the Night of the Long Knives?

    Where is the Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch?

    Have you seen this despotism at work?

    Do you thing that any of the 300k bajans have seen this Hitlerian doctrine being rolled out?

    Dear IMF and InterAmerican Development Bank HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?

    “…Production orders
    An investigative officer may apply to a judge in Chambers for an
    order, to be called a production order, requiring a specified person to give the officer access to material specified in the application; or produce the material specified in the application for the officer to take away, within 7 days from the date on which the order is made or such other period as
    the judge determines would be appropriate in the circumstances.

    Wunna really comprehend what is purportedly an Integrity in Public Life Bill is in fact Goebbels being implemented in Barbados?

    Has the Leader of the Opposition Bishop Atherley seen this?

    Did he comment on this?

    Has Senator Caswell or Senator Crystal seen this anarchy?

    Instead of stroking my doggie with talk about the removal of the NSRL what the ef is she doing? other than being a beautiful Nubian princess? Notwithstanding the extensions!

    Now is time to get real serious though

    And thus is what you the Honourable Blogmaster are supporting? By stiffling free speech?

    Dud you read this document David BU?

    Have you read this document David Commissiong?

    And here you typing shyte bout civil society “making a shopping list” while your cousin doing de dog.


  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance with this post please

  45. The PRA, part of the Bank of England, has issued a warning about cryptocurrencies. Is the central bank going to join them? Who regulates cryptocurrencies in Barbados?

  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ To Anybody Who Really Gives A Flying Badword

    Here is a pernicious item which has passed by the most discerning under the cover of night.

    Ostensibly called “Integrity in Public Life Bill 2018”


    It is one which fellows like Enuff have either not read OR have not only read, BUT WE’RE PART OF THE DESIGN TEAM AND realise that, hidden away from the eyes of the average bajan, we have seen the local embodimen of Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933!

    “…The Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers. It followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the Reich government.

    The combined effect of the two laws was to transform Hitler’s government into a legal dictatorship.

    The formal name of the Enabling Act was Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (“Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”)…”

    And lest we bajans continue merily along blindly in this folly about “Mia Cares” and “Give She 100 days Cause She Only Just Start” de ole man shall give you a part of the Bill of Despot Rights.

    “…An investigative officer has the function of carrying out investigations in relation to ANY MATTER, WHETHER OR NOT INVOLVING AN ALLEGED OFFENCE, in respect of which the Commission exercises functions under this Act or ANY OTHER ENACTMENT …”

    But fellows like Enuff, ONE OF THE MANY EMISSARIES of the saviour and champion of ye isle of Barbadoes, will try obfuscating the matter with their equivalencies about $500K, rather $10K fines for corruption.

    He and others will try to laugh away the content of this Bill and say thst it really only show that “Mia Cares”.

    He will then go further to state that ALL the nefarious passages in this Bill of Despotic Wrongs are necessary enabling mechanisms for the “Integrity in Public Life Bill of 2018”.

    And we like the petty men we are WILL REMAIN QUIET like how at the signing of The Enabling Act of 1933 “non-Nazi members were surrounded and threatened by members of SA and SS…”

    IT BEGINS!!!

  47. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Hal

    Nobody regulates cryptocurrencies

    Because nobody at the FSC know one badword bout them AND AND THE faction that is managing the BittCoin sector is connected to the real crooks and drug dealers and money launderers in the island

    But then again Hal we have imported a Senator from Murica who is a cryptoexpert AND CHANGED the Constitution

    You know him?

    Need I say more?

    May the 24th 2018 changes all things and will show all these demigods that I AM THAT I AM has no other equal.

  48. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar




    @ To Anybody Who Really Gives A Flying Badword

    Here is a pernicious item which has passed by the most discerning under the cover of night.

    Ostensibly called “Integrity in Public Life Bill 2018”


    It is one which fellows like Enuff have either not read OR have not only read, BUT WE’RE PART OF THE DESIGN TEAM AND realise that, hidden away from the eyes of the average bajan, we have seen the local embodimen of Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933!

    “…The Enabling Act gave Hitler plenary powers. It followed on the heels of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the Reich government.

    The combined effect of the two laws was to transform Hitler’s government into a legal dictatorship.

    The formal name of the Enabling Act was Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (“Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”)…”

    And lest we bajans continue merily along blindly in this folly about “Mia Cares” and “Give She 100 days Cause She Only Just Start” de ole man shall give you a part of the Bill of Despot Rights.

    “…An investigative officer has the function of carrying out investigations in relation to ANY MATTER, WHETHER OR NOT INVOLVING AN ALLEGED OFFENCE, in respect of which the Commission exercises functions under this Act or ANY OTHER ENACTMENT …”

    But fellows like Enuff, ONE OF THE MANY EMISSARIES of the saviour and champion of ye isle of Barbadoes, will try obfuscating the matter with their equivalencies about $500K, rather $10K fines for corruption.

    He and others will try to laugh away the content of this Bill and say thst it really only show that “Mia Cares”.

    He will then go further to state that ALL the nefarious passages in this Bill of Despotic Wrongs are necessary enabling mechanisms for the “Integrity in Public Life Bill of 2018”.

    And we like the petty men we are WILL REMAIN QUIET like how at the signing of The Enabling Act of 1933 “non-Nazi members were surrounded and threatened by members of SA and SS…”

    IT BEGINS!!!

  49. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    Your help please with an item that won’t post

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