Blogger at doesn’t only track the movement in the petrol price. Although it is early days to push the panic button the early trending is a worrying sign.
– David, Barbados Underground

There has been a 60% increase in the number of murders between January and March 2018 compared with the same time frame last year. Jan to March 2017 saw at least 5 murders versus 8 for 2018. The number of murders recorded during March 2018 was four. The victims are:

56-year-old Laura Springer (Female)
25-year-old Jakeil Jaden Pierre Small (Male)
31-year-old Shayne Welch (Male)
23-year-old Kemar Gooding (Male)

The number of murders during the same period in 2017 was two. NOTE: I have not included Linda Atwell as media reports have, so far, been treating her death as un-natural and/or suspicious.

Read full text HERE

87 responses to “Increase in the Murder Rate”

  1. Please note that the boys in Barbados as in everywhere else who are being properly fathered are doing very well.

  2. @lawson April 5, 2018 5:37 AM “SS it is time for you to get a cat”

    I have 3 pussies, and access to more than a few dog…gies.

    Raised the family, cared for the elders, works the land, worked the job [took less than 1 day’s sick leave per year] and still plenty of time left to annoy you on BU.

    They say that I am a woman, right? And they say that women can handle t’ings, can multitask.

    Don’t worry about my pussies, they are well fed, watered, sheltered, neutered, doctored, companioned.

    They good.

    I good too.

  3. @Hal Austin April 5, 2018 3:17 PM “On the other hand, young men and women, with all those hormones running through their bodies, must be kept on a tight rein.”

    Our jobs as parents is not to keep young men and women on a tight rein. Our job as parents is to release good, thoughtful, hard working, self disciplined young men and women into the world. Our job as parents is to teach our sons and daughters self discipline, so that when they reach young adulthood, and go away to study or to work, whether that away is down the gap, up the road, to another parish or another continent, that our young people are so self disciplined that nobody, including the police have to keep them in reins.

    if our sons and daughters have not been taught self discipline, then we as fathers and mothers have failed.

  4. great….we are ringside viewers to the cycle of life….you becoming the crazy cat lady on the corner Typhoid Mary never took a day off sick either.

  5. ‘Ezekiel 18:2 “The fathers have eaten sour fruit, and the children’s teeth are set on edge”

    This is the word of the Lord.


  6. Last year we had 20+ young men did in traffic accidents.

    Last year we had 20+ young men murdered.

    Last year we had 40+ young men charged with murder, mostly the murders of other young men.

    So 40 dead, dead, dead. 40 imprisoned, dead to the rest of society for decades to come.

    They are your sons, brothers, grandsons, nephews, step-sons, what will you do to prevent the lost of another 80 young men this year?

  7. @lawson April 5, 2018 4:07 PM “great…we are ringside viewers to the cycle of life.”

    Wha’ ringside you talking ’bout?

    I still very much n the ring, in the ling, in the ting.

    I ain nuh ready fah nuh ringside seat yet.

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Lawson April 5, 2018 4:07 PM
    “great….we are ringside viewers to the cycle of life….you becoming the crazy cat lady on the corner Typhoid Mary never took a day off sick either.”


    You are just one wickedly funny redneck aren’t you, Lewdson?

    The funniest man to read after the simply simplistic Simon was found in bed with the weeping prophet of ‘imminent’ entropy Jeremiah Bushie.

    How could you equate Simple Simon with Typhoid Mary? Isn’t that equivalent to comparing Natlee to the crooked Carry-away-a-ton Speaker?

    Natlee might have been earning a living by renting out her many pussies to Johns with hungry doggies while relieving them of their seminal fluids and some disposable income.

    Whereas the crooked speaker is just a bold-faced pathological thief who has no compunctions about blindly robbing disabled pensioners in broad daylight.

    Poor S S, the lady of many pussies with access to any virally infected doggy might just be of the view that you and your RC macho mates are just putting down poor Mary Magdalene the prostitute cleansed of her demons and from whom the Bajan Natlee (not the Patsy) can learn a thing or two about being a ‘born-again’ whore.

    One is left to speculate if the adulterous woman whom the societal hypocrites (like those on BU) wanted to stone to death but was ‘saved’ by Jesus is the same character in the Passion play who was so ‘well-blessed’ by Jesus as to be the first human to see the ‘Risen’ Christ.

  9. You can spin until the cows go home Barbados murder rate is the lowest in the region. We applaud the splendid efforts of the RBPF the best law enforcement agency in the Caribbean. The police have stemmed the gun crimes and so the criminal minded have gone back to knives. When the police lock up the knife louts big rockstones will be back in fashion. Knives are the weapon of choice in UK where gun control is tight.

    It is unrealistic to expect an end to all crime in a materialistic capitalist society of three hundred thousand.The figure of 8 murders for the year sounds high and incorrect. I will wait to hear the official police report. The silly season is year round on Barbados Underground.

  10. Excerpt from Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity by Jamil Jivani ©2018. Published by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

    My friend ended up in jail, I ended up at Yale: Toronto lawyer and activist Jamil Jivani explores the destructive ideas that can influence young men. For Jamil Jivani, whose early years in Brampton were shaped by a father’s absence, an obsession with gangster subculture and friends who flirted with criminality, a capacity to aspire helped turn his life around.

    I met Lucas in the summer before I started high school. He briefly worked with my father at a restaurant downtown, and my father had introduced us in what felt like an attempt to pass me on to Lucas so I had somebody looking out for me in my father’s absence…A sense of urgency overcame me, and I was determined to embark on the criminal lifestyle I had long fantasized about…I went to one of my closest friends and asked him to locate a gun for me. A few days later he confirmed he could get one, quoted me a price…It would also have betrayed my mom’s trust. It might have caused her to lose faith in me altogether, and she was the only good thing in my life…I abruptly stopped talking to him and most of my other friends. I couldn’t face them because I felt that I had exposed myself as a fake, a wannabe. I also just wasn’t sure what to do with myself anymore; I was a person without a purpose…School was the only thing I had left, so I put my energy into my classes for the first time…He [friend Lucas] was convinced there was some conspiracy against him. Prosecutors, witnesses, police officers and judges all wanted to get him. Being in jail wasn’t his fault…When Lucas was released, I held nothing back. He grew more furious with my every attempt to tell him that he needed to think about his own responsibility in creating the situation he was in. He threatened me, accused me of believing the government’s lies about him and cussed a lot. We had the kind of no-holds-barred conversation that is hard to come back from. We never spoke again…in my first year of university I had come across one idea that made a world of difference: the capacity to aspire…Lucas desperately wanted to be admired by women and respected by men. He thought that meant he needed to be rich and tough, or at least appear that way…Psychologists Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko McCauley identify “status seeking” (that is, pursuing respect and admiration) among peers as a key motivator for people who turn to violence. Young men are especially vulnerable to this way of thinking because testosterone levels appear to be an “important driver of status seeking.”…McCauley and Moskalenko note that if a young man can achieve status through mainstream means, such as school or work, he is less likely to turn to violence. By contrast, if a young man is not able to achieve status through mainstream means, he is more likely to seek that status through violence or other negative behaviours.

    Excerpt from Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity by Jamil Jivani ©2018. Published by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Interesting essay about young men and violence.

  12. System is Broken Avatar
    System is Broken

    @ Josh

    Barbados has the best law enforcement in the Caribbean (Quote)

    ) Barbados Police also have among them the largest importers and sellers of guns and drugs in collusion with the Barbados criminal underworld.

    2) Barbados Police are also involved in human trafficking and prostitution in conjunction with local strip clubs.

    3) Barbados Police are involved with taking bribes, falsification of court documents, violating human rights by planting evidence and beating/killing suspects in custody.

  13. There was an alleged 1 million dollar drug arrest at the Port yesterday. Let us hope those caught squeal. This is where plea bargaining is useful. Compromise on the few to arrest the many.

  14. @David of BU, are you nuts? Do you believe for one minute the police don’t know who are the big players in everything illegal in Barbados. Shit, the low end/low life must be sacrifice to appease the dim witted docile majority. If after so much is spent on education, so many high school and college graduates knocking bout like sheep shite… I’m tired, enough.

  15. Sometimes I wonder if you all read back the shit that you write. Some of it is nasty, racist and degrading, You refer to the women of Barbados and their children in the most negative terms. Thank God that you have a picture perfect family and at the same time ask him to to stop you from being a bigoted ahole.

  16. My jabs were at the comments and not on the original post.

  17. ————Now the narticle—————–
    One swallow (or even two) does not a summer make..
    The increasing shown is distressing, but we must bear in mind that the numbers for 2017 were small, thus an increase of one is already a large percentage change.

    Could the month of March be an outlier?

    Let us wait and see if this ‘trend’ continues, but efforts at reducing crime must continue.

  18. Gazer
    What are these “efforts at reducing crime” that must continue….?
    …apart from meaningless rhetoric.

    Pray tell….

  19. @Bush Tea April 7, 2018 7:48 AM “What are these “efforts at reducing crime” that must continue? Apart from meaningless rhetoric. Pray tell”

    Ya din ask me but you know that I am simple so I like to jump in where even angels fear to tread.

    Crime reduction strategy: Order every man to love and care for his own children, as instructed in Ephesians 6: 4 “fathers, provoke not your children to anger: but bring them up in the NURTURE and admonition of the Lord.” Because “as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” Psalm 103:13

    Yes the Scriptures instructs men to NURTURE and to have COMPASSION, nurturing and being compassionate are not sissy values. These are macho, strong man, hard seed, dan gorgon values.


  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon April 6, 2018 7:28 PM
    “Interesting essay about young men and violence.”

    Why did you have to wait until you are almost a septuagenarian to know about young men and violence?

    Weren’t you told in Sunday school the story of Cain who killed his brother Abel?

    Isn’t violence hardwired in the ‘psychopathic’ DNA of men who are all descendants of Cain; if we were to accept that Biblical tall tale of the ‘art’ of murdering one brother passing from one generation to the next.

    What you should be querying is why he Cain, his brother’s killer, wasn’t executed or incarcerated for life as is your wont to see applied to perpetrators of similar acts of fatal violence as witnessed today but was allowed to roam the earth spreading his genetic streak of violence with his equally ‘cursed’ sister by engaging in the first documented case of pre-Freudian incest.

    Like you, Cain was a producer of food crops and certainly not deserving of such a bum rap and bad press just because of a human frailty of losing his cool in a situation where he was taken advantage of and made to look like a downright fool just because his crops (after much toil and sweat) were stolen to fatten his younger brother’s hungry flock of black-belly sheep as sacrifice in the Age of Aries to appease a ‘bull’-headed unpredictable god called Yahweh formerly known as Baal of the Levant.

    Wouldn’t you, Simple Simon, shoot at monkeys-your cousins on the evolutionary ladder- for pulling up your healthy crop of vegetables after months of hard work and financial expense?

  21. The Gazer, I’m a very black man from White Hill, St. Andrew. There was that time in my youth as a radical where blacks, especially Bajans could do no wrong; we were not at fault, the faults lie with everyone but us. If you’re a Barbadian what the hell is wrong with you? Look here, the DLP refused to get a handle on the shit in Christ Church, but get at those who high light the problem, same with the economy and other matters, is this an ostrich mentality that I wasn’t endowed with? Nasty degrading my ass, WTF! There are lots of shit wrong in Barbados that we as a nation having supposedly the best educational system, we must get off our asses and demand from those whom we put to run our affairs. Until such time, we are nothing more than a bunch of dim witted schmucks. Finally, I’m sick and tired of society giving women a free pass, they must be held accountable just as we men are, quite a bit of the shit going on in society can be laid at the feet of women, oh, they carried us for nine RS months and all that. If the Hell a number of them went about fooping idiots and jackasses who couldn’t support a house fly, why should I sit by after my hard work in looking after my children and be degraded? #kissmyassdo.

  22. @WhiteHill

    Have they fixed the White Hill road in St. Andrew yet?

  23. Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places Avatar
    Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places

    @ David

    I am certain that the Barbados Police will benefit from some of those same drugs and none of the big boys who import will be touched except for feeding information and kickbacks.

    Below I will provide a list of well known drug lords and their associates who works with the Barbados Police in a criminal gang and conspiracy.

    Some of those named below also receive drugs when seized and put back on the street especially cocaine and to a minor extent marijuana:

    Drug Lord alias Rat works bottom Rendevous Hill Christ Church area with his soldiers

    Drug Lord alias Fox Chapman Lane and Barbarees Hill St Michael gets a lot of cocaine from Police and put back on the street. Owns at least 9 houses and a golden boy.

    Drug Lord Nigel Pinder alias Bounty St Philip has some known Ministers in his back pocket along with family in the Police to aid his criminal empire.

    Alias Rubberguts St John main player in the Jamaican imported marijuana has Police on payroll.

    Alias Rossi Red Sea Deacons Road St Michael Christopher Sinclair protege and kickbacks to Police at Black Rock Station for him and his soldiers protection.

    Alias Cook Food Pine, St. Michael has Police on the Drug squad also on payroll.

    All the owners of the Strip Clubs in Barbados are involved in drugs, smuggling and trafficking with Barbados Police being their joint criminal partners.

    All the above are well known locally on the streets.

  24. Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places Avatar
    Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places

    I believe in the dismissed MURDER case that money passed hands.

    That is how it is done in Banana Republic Barbados.

    The man was murdered in a Nelson Street Bar after Lord Evil felt disrespected and his crew was there yet EVERYONE walked for lack of evidence.

    Someone murdered the man who was working behind the bar at the time.

    I had ommitted Drug Lord, Lord Evil from St Lucy who also has Barbados Police on his payroll.

  25. @David of BU, the road at White Hill is still in a mess, I doubt it will be repaired any time soon. Matter of fact, I think it might be cost effective to relocate the folks. look here, I had many days playing cricket on that stretch of road using only a bat made from a coconut palm and a ball from a bicycle inner tube.

  26. @miller etc “Wouldn’t you, shoot at monkeys-your cousins on the evolutionary ladder- for pulling up your healthy crop of vegetables after months of hard work and financial expense?”

    No Sir. I’ve thought of it but I have never actually done it.

  27. @whiteHill April 7, 2018 9:02 AM “a number of them went about fooping idiots and jackasses.”

    Ya mudda.

  28. @Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places April 7, 2018 9:18 AM

    Below I will provide a list of well known drug lords and their associates who works with the Barbados Police in a criminal gang and conspiracy.

    Drug Lord alias Rat, Drug Lord alias Fox.a golden boy, Drug Lord Nigel Pinder alias Bounty, Alias Rubberguts, Alias Rossi
    Alias Cook Food. All the owners of the Strip Clubs in Barbados are involved in drugs, smuggling and trafficking with Barbados Police being their joint criminal partners.

    All I can say is that these ah! [gentlemen?] have some real-realinteresting distinctively Bajan nicknames.

    But I am sure that every man of them were taken by their mummies to some Christian church, and given a real-real name.

    So tell we the real-real names nuh. And to to the Electoral and Boundaries Commission or a public library and find us their address and ID numbers as well.

    Then ya would be cooking.

    And since my head ain’t too good I don’t put drugs or alcohol in it, so I not too into the drug culture, so can you tell me pleas what is a “golden boy?”

    Does it mean that the named gentlemen? are so extra ordinarily well endowed that they put ordinary men to shame and that ladies consider them to be as good as gold?

  29. @Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places April 7, 2018 9:40 AM “I believe in the dismissed MURDER case that money passed hands.”

    It is more likely that witnesses are afraid to testify.

    No witnesses.

    No case.

    Money need not have passed hands.

    FEAR is a powerful motivator.

  30. By the way, I did not call your name, but I see you know the the cap fit. Others were just as nasty.

    Black Bajan or white Bajan, what you said was despicable. Your color does not give you a pass to talk shit. Show some respect for your mother and your sisters or are they magically exempt.

    It is amusing that some men only find their balls when pulling women down. I see other trying to engage you on a higher level, all they are doing is giving your nastiness credibility.

  31. @PUDRYR
    “Murders that are drug related AS IN TERRITORY DEFINING HOMICIDES

    Murders which are acts of passion, which are related to and generated through incidents of domestic violence and altercations where a feller GOTS TO SHOW HE ENT NO ONE’S BITCH

    and (accidental) manslaughter”

    Yes the writer did not give us this breakout.. If you horning a man for five years, the murder will only happen when he finds out. You could have been a 2013, -14, -15, -16, or -17 statistics,

  32. Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places Avatar
    Kickbacks and Corruption in High Places

    @ Simple Simon

    You could be right that fear could be a factor or the other alternative which I suggested money passing hands.

    Secondly I have given one real name with Alias.

    The Police and the people living in each Area I identified with an Alias are well known in their local arena.

    I have given enough information for anyone who wanted to find out the real name and the Drug Lord behind the name easily could do so in a few minutes of visiting.

    It is not my job to provide more information it is easily obtainable.

    In the drug world the Dons in Barbados are known more by their Aliases.

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ kickbacks and corruption in high places

    Had you been a policeman you would have been able to supply these correct names

    Had you been a smart policeman A VERITABLE OXYMORON TO BE SURE, you would have provided both the REAL NAME AS WELL AS THEIR AKAs and their addresses.

    Had you been a NON CORRUPT POLICEMAN, (a state that some say is the superlative oxymoron) you would have added the names of a number of so called respectable people and politicians who are ALSO on that list for public dissemination

    The thing about this battle that we are fighting is that the fear that you seem to be poleaxed by is rampant.

    You fear for your life, even with the anonymity of this site, you fear notwithstanding that it is appointed unto every man once to die, and then the reckoning

    But the psychology that must be used in this battle against drug lords and ladies, must be one akin to total obliteration upon realizing that, since they are killing us, our progeny and our nation, then we must, like the jihadists, commit to any act that will wipe them out.

    Wunna does play wid dese fellers but when they come up against you in your houses they do not play with you, they slaughter you and then share your videos on Facebook

    But we like um so…

  34. Theophilius Gazerts 443 (second cousin of TheGazer- now TheoGazer) Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 443 (second cousin of TheGazer- now TheoGazer)

    “You fear for your life, even with the anonymity of this site, you fear notwithstanding that it is appointed unto every man once to die, and then the reckoning”

    Is this fear justified?
    Where and how does he think his mask of anonymity will be exposed?
    What can be done on his/her end to neutralize most of this fear?

  35. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ TheoGazer lololol, your handle has given me the genealogy of your name so I am sure to whom I speaketh lololol.

    In answer to your questions

    Is this fear justified?

    Yes and No.

    Before Barbados Underground there was another entity called Barbados Free Press which the ole man is reliably informed “conveyed the names of posters to the POWERS THAT BE prior to their demise’

    So as to the justification of the fear one either has to have confidence in the Honourable Blogmaster and His BU Family or not.

    One needs to be mindful of three things “…and there arose a king that know not Joseph…” makes one cognizant of the fact that kings change and things “aforetimes are forgotten” simply by the effluxion of time “may olde acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind..”

    Where and how does he think his mask of anonymity will be exposed?

    The source of disclosure need not be from the Blogmaster in these times, given the various state players who wish to know the identities of all bloggers and cyberspace dissenters and free thinkers euphemism for “formenters of social disorder”.

    THe thing is that Barbados Underground has a massive following both locally and abroad. The thing is that most of its audience, like global audiences ARE NOT IT SAVVY to know what preventative measures they need to and can implement to safeguard their machines.

    The Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal is an example to show how state and quasi state actors are capable of monitoring you an your internet usage

    What can be done [BY BU AND] on his/her end to neutralize most of this fear?

    The brackets and caps are mine.

    What can be done on BU’s side is to create a video/animation or subscribe to an online video/blog which carries the most up to date YET SIMPLEST VIDEO that will assist the average reader in an idiot proof process to guard one’s machine.

    De grandson for example has told the old man to use the Latest Tor Browser to access BU and many of the other sites that the old man visits that are watched by third parties.

    Then, if you are really paranoid you can install VMWARE and other OSes that create virtual instances that isolate your machine completely at the time you interact with BU in particular OR THE INTERNET in general.

    One further step in limiting all outgoing and incoming traffic and outgoing to/from your computer are things like Hands Off and Glow Worm

    Again the issue is simplicity of the tools since too simplistic a tool does nothing AND YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE DOING or it can badword your machine into the need for a total wipe for it to work again GIVEN THE RULE IMPLEMENTED and how you might have INADVERTENTLY locked down your machine

  36. Today’s Barbados Today is scathing in its comment on the decision by the DPP to drop the charges against Lord Evil and his henchmen. If for no other reason that it took 4 years.

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