The country is about to become locked in what the BU household anticipates will be the mother of all general election campaigns. If platform issues were to centre on the economy, social justice, health, nurturing a winning culture anchored to improving national productivity- what a wonderful dream!

This blog space is to be used by the BU family et al to list deep concerns and suggestions directed to the political class. We all live on the little rock and are obviously vested in its success.

66 responses to “A Discussion to ADD Value Required”

  1. @ peterlawrencethompson April 3, 2018 7:16 PM

    I support your comment on the local attitude towards corruption. When you ask Barbadians if it is right for ministers, judges and high bureaucrats to drive around in these very expensive silver Mercedes despite the catastrophic economic circumstances, many Barbadians will answer you: Yes, they might work against the common good, but one day I will be a minister, a judge etc pp as well and will profit from the present injustice.

    Forget the international reports on corruption. They are built on perception, not on facts. If a society endorses corruption, it might be on top of the scale, not at the bottom.

    Corruption is the very core of the misery in most non-developing and developing countries. And we shall not forget that corruption is fueled by foreign entities. The EU, for example, knows everything about corruption in the Caribbean. Despite this knowlegde, the EU representatives transfer large sums to CARICOM states to facilitate European business, accepting local corruption as some kind of “necessity”. To sum up: In former times they sent the gun boat down to the South, today they weaponize bribes – at the detriment of the Caribbean.

  2. “Apart from incompetence, corruption is a major factor.”
    It would be interesting to hear PLT discuss how corruption is not a MAJOR component of incompetence….
    In other words, how may it be possible to be ‘competent’ in leadership – while being corrupt.?

    The answer to this question could speak volumes about the difference between Bushie’s concept of ‘good leadership’ and ‘success’ ….and the misguided, but generally accepted concept that is brassbowlery…..
    It may also cast some light on the ‘religious mumbo jumbo’ that the bushman spouts…..

  3. Value was not added last night on the cricket discussion programme, last eve.

    Gonzales made some goods points in relation to Clico and the recent Australian cricket thievery

    But Marshall is becoming more and a more a shiiiite talker

    And the point of Gonzales. as above, could have been also directed at a common crook on the same programme, alias Phillip Nicholls.

    On the west indies tour to Pakistan it appears to us that the people within the board are just using cricket to feather their nests.

    Certainly, an antiquarian device has some relevance here, no!

  4. Has anyone heard the rumor that the old Portvale and Haymans sugar factories have been sold?

  5. @Bush Tea
    interesting to hear PLT discuss how corruption is not a MAJOR component of incompetence…

    In my humble estimation it is possible to be skilled at perpetrating a fraud… that would be competent corruption. It is equally possible to be unskilled in the pursuit of noble objectives… that would be incompetence, but not corruption (particularly in light of the Dunning–Kruger effect, which makes stupid people blissfully unaware of their own stupidity). This all makes me inclined to plot competence and corruption of separate axes.

  6. @Bush Tea

    I will grant you, however, that despite my quibbles there appears to be a very high correlation between corruption and incompetence among many members of the current administration.

  7. OK PLT
    You mean somewhat like someone who can be ‘good’ at being bad.

    Bushie was thinking of ‘competence’ more in terms of overall leadership effectiveness
    and not as a general descriptive adverb.

    In Bushie’s world therefore, even a highly effective and productive leader would be incompetent if they happened to be corrupt, since ‘leadership’ requires an even larger ethical, moral and spiritual component – than it does the ability to be otherwise effective.

    For example…
    If Froon – as useless and worthless as he is – were to DELEGATE operating responsibilities to underlings of proven competence – and was at the same time ALSO able to project and enforce high moral, ethical and spiritual standards – he COULD be one of the great leaders of our time…

    Conversely, David Thompson – effective and gregarious as he was – could NEVER have become a great leader ….not with the various corruption skeletons that were in his closet…

    There are unwavering and unavoidable spiritual LAWS that drive these realities.

  8. Apostle Joy and Apostle Joy Jr. Avatar
    Apostle Joy and Apostle Joy Jr.

    The Idiot Tea entertains us on April 4, 2018 at 2:53 PM:

    “In Bushie’s world … There are unwavering and unavoidable spiritual LAWS that drive these realities”

    What are these laws and who, apart from a dunce, wants to live in “Bushie’s world”?

  9. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ AJ & AJJr at 5:02 PM

    God is spirit and he who worships God must worship him in spirit and in truth. Whose apostles are you?

  10. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    As June draws nearer and nearer…cause none of them can stop the time,…not one politician or minister has nor will they ever have that power,

    What is Sinckler hiding from the people, one more the reason to NOT reelect this government.

    More the reason for powers to recall.

    “The publication of Article IV reports is widely considered around the world to be sound practice in terms of supporting transparency in economic policy-making and strong investor relations. It is only troubled governments, fearful of the political fallout of IMF criticism, that shun publication,” she charged.

    “What is in the document that Minister Sinckler does not want people to find out as elections loom?”

    Situation ‘dire’

    Saying he was “totally out of his depth” and “swimming in waters too deep”, Mottley said the country’s economic situation had got so dire that the Central Bank had been approaching financial institutions for assistance.

    “The reality is that the Central Bank has been talking to financial institutions, both banks and in the non-banking sector.

    “I’m not flying kites. In the second quarter, which is the one we are in now, we are going to have to find $73.7 million for Credit Suisse. We are going to have to find for Deutsche Bank and Bear Stearns another $23.7 million. We are going to have to find for the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) another $25.9 million and that’s between April 1 and June 30,” Mottley disclosed.

    “In the third quarter we are going to have to find $14.2 million for Deutsche Bank and we are going to have to find $19 million for the CDB and the IDB. In December, we are looking at $73.7 million for Credit Suisse again, Deutsche Bank and Bear Stearns $23.4 million and CDB and IDB $28.3 million.”

  11. “She said this meant that whichever party was elected into office would have the added pressure of servicing those loans in quick time. (RB)”

    It will be MIA problem, How is she going to solve it ?

  12. “On Wednesday, hundreds turned out to the Warrens Office Complex to register with the National Employment Bureau for possible job opportunities in Canada.”

  13. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Hants at 9 :13 AM

    It is a financial problem and it will be solved.

  14. @Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service April 5, 2018 7:30 AM

    Five years Ago, people would have called you and me psychos for drawing such a dark picture.

    As you quoted: The foreign reserves are depleted VERY SOON. Micky Mouse Dollar is over. Maybe people will understand THEN why I press issues like shrinking the public sector and work ethic.

    No private bank will deliver millions of USD to pay off these loans. It would be lost money. IMF is the last lender and BY FAR better than any Chinese or Arab loan, enslaving Barbadians.

  15. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    We were called psychos and doomsayers, doom and gloomers and every describing word their limited minds were able to conjure, these days they are trying to see how bext to tief the election because they know most bajans want them gone.

    They have no more time left to call us out of our

    Ah wonder what happened to the yardfowls, ah hope they got sold to the middle east.

  16. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Whatever happened to the “trickle-down” economy which argued that it was a good thing to allow the wealthy to accumulate their riches – unhindered – in the knowledge that the poor would be the benefactors of the rich elite’s largesse?

    ” Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030
    World leaders urged to act as anger over inequality reaches a ‘tipping point’

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