Submitted by Margaret Brito PhD
“A melanated big cat, called a panther, is a solitary, fearsome creature.”
Let us welcome Margaret Brito to the BU family. Do not ever forget that the BU forum is about a melting pot of ideas, opinions- a forum where academics and ordinary share a single space.

David, blogmaster

The image of the black panther is a symbol of Black power in the Caucasian paradigm. I use Thomas Kuhn’s definition of paradigm developed in his essay “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”¹ published in 1962. In this essay, Kuhn, a Harvard scholar, defines a paradigm as a conceptual box which validates and legitimizes the ideas within it, and invalidates and renders invisible whatever is outside it.

A paradigm defines what is known and how it is known. It defines the relevance of what is known. A paradigm dictates what can be known and should be known, as well as that which is not known and should not be known. It dictates what’s included in one’s experience and what’s excluded. It defines how people should understand and respond to their experiences, both those which should be and are included, and those which should be and are excluded.

Full Article – The Black Panther: Symbol of Black Power in the Caucasian Paradigm

177 responses to “Black Panther: Symbol of Black Power in the Caucasian Paradigm”

  1. @Gabriel

    Rare for you not to have commented on the retirement of Bishop Holder soon come?

  2. Many Black people in the Caribbean would never accept that they are of African ancestry and that they are black

    … and many would never acknowledge their European heritage even although their skin tones and features do it for them!!

  3. Christianity has not only been around for the past 2 millennia, it also has the largest number of adherents in the world at 2.2 billion.

    “Over the past 100 years, Christians grew from less than 10 percent of Africa’s population to its nearly 500 million today. One out of four Christians in the world presently is an Africa, and the Pew Research Center estimates that will grow to 40 percent by 2030.”

  4. John
    How many quakers do we have in Barbados
    Are you a Quaker
    Is rush a Quaker
    Oh no! I gotta go

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John March 9, 2018 at 9:28 PM #
    “christian civilzation is a fraud, has been for centuries
    Its been around for 2 millennia !!!
    Not bad for a fraud!!!”

    When you talk about Christianity are you referring to the ‘plagiarized and codified’ concepts and principles found in the earlier religions of Kemet and that practised by Zoroaster 500 solar years before Rome invaded Jerusalem?

    Or are you referring the ‘born-again’ paganism of Sol Invictus called Roman Catholicism from the solar year 325 as counted on the Julian calendar’?

    Although not as long a fraud as Hinduism we are still glad to see you have finally accepted that Christianity in its present form as per the Roman Gregorian calendar is indeed a fraud.

    That is why your ‘concocted idol at the centre of it can be born like Horus on a ‘mistaken’ fixed date after the Winter solstice but must die on any Friday before any Sunday falling between the Vernal equinox and the first full phase of that lunar month.

    How could the Jesus depicted in your brand of Christianity be white when his Father is the colour of the rainbow and his mother Virgo (Isis) be the colour of the mud on the banks of the river Aur (Nile)?

    There is an enigma in there for you, ‘mixed’-up John. Now go and find the clue hidden in the answer.

  6. @Mller

    And you track you last comment to the curse of the Caucasian paradigm as scribed by Doc Brito?

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John March 10, 2018 at 8:35 AM
    “Over the past 100 years, Christians grew from less than 10 percent of Africa’s population to its nearly 500 million today. One out of four Christians in the world presently is an Africa, and the Pew Research Center estimates that will grow to 40 percent by 2030.”

    WE MUST ADMIT that the European man is just on slick dick of a MF and two thousands of years ahead of the black fools in the art of highway robbery of foreign lands and resources.

    Your ‘European’ ancestors couldn’t pull that stunt religious conversion to worship a ‘Caucasian’ idol Rome on the Native North Americans, so they had to be eliminated through deprivation, starvation and death through the use of the gun and the widespread slaughter of bison or buffalo their main source of food and economic survival.

    So why not pull an easy stunt on the naïve welcoming sub-Saharan fools leaving their cultural hand-me-downs to the black simpletons.

    While Europe is becoming more Islamic because of foreign demographic invaders with their cultural steadfastness the sub-Saharan blacks and their exiled offspring in the western Diaspora are succumbing to a cultural whitewashing which could lead only to their ‘heavenly’ existence in an eternal state of mental slavery and their permanent deprivation of the natural resources Mother Earth has made available for them to survive and develop in their own natural habitat.

    Only a people cursed by their own god could be so stupid as to allow themselves to be injected with such mind-numbing mumbo-jumbo resulting in a cultural death warrant worse than an overdose of plutonium or exposure to infections caused by a pandemic outbreak of botulinum toxin or Ebola.

    Here is what a great ‘European’ thinker had the intellectual honesty to say about his own people’s scam:

    “The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.”

    “All institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

    Thomas Paine:

  8. TheGazer March 10, 2018 at 9:10 AM #
    How many quakers do we have in Barbados


    None that I know of.

  9. The first African convert to Christianity was a slave … the Ethiopian Eunuch!!

    … long before Christianity got to Europe.

    Africans in all likelihood, converted Europeans to Christianity!!!!!!!!!

  10. Theophilius Gazerts 270 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 270

    A nice twist from the resident twistorian.

  11. Grasshopper,

    Just stick to the facts!!

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John March 10, 2018 at 11:29 AM

    If the first black ‘Christian’ was a eunuch (in Bajan parlance a ‘she- she’ man aka buller),
    why are Christian fundamentalists like you so opposed to same-sex marriages?

    Can Christians be homosexual and still worship a god made in their own image?

    Isn’t marriage based on love between two persons in the sight of their loving caring god?

    Is that why Leonardo da Vinci painted Jesus in his own homo looking image with three very feminine disciples making up the twelve sitting around the table of the last supper representing the twelve houses of the zodiac?

    Is that why the Queen of Sheba and her lover Solomon are portrayed as Europeans and not Africans?

    When you Christians can get your brother Jews to recognize and accept your white Jesus to be their Lord & Saviour aka Messiah then you can go about converting other peoples including the ‘wild’ Boers of South Africa.

  13. Theophilius Gazerts 270 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 270

    Fact???? Africans in all likelihood, converted Europeans to Christianity..
    Don’t hijack the topic with your version of facts or twistory

  14. Theophilius Gazerts 270 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 270

    Good morning Mr miller
    I have been enjoying your many postings.
    Even the British guy (Haha) is producing some excellent contributions.

  15. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Liesalot….christianity is a bastardized theft and made up version of the real spirituality from various African cultures, it does not even come close to anything spiritual to be found on the continent, but merely a hastily put together scheme putting bits and pieces of what they could steal from African cultures in order to cobble together something whites can call their own and use as a weapon to enslave, steal from and control people.

    It is nothing to be proud of…it’s a blot and stain on history and on caucasians

    The real African spiritualy is rising again and rapidly.

    Now that it is being voiced into reality, the centuries old white fraud will lose all its power and turn to dust. is currently happening.

  16. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Miller, the church is fighting a battle to remain relevant…there are 7 billion people on earth, 2 billion brainwashed christians are the minority.

    The vatican is filled with corruption, theft and pedophilia..just a matter of time before it’s brought to its knees, the fraud fully revealed and the brain washed christian followers are forced to wake the hell up and disband.

    That is the reality.

    They continue working on weakminded Africans but there are stronger forces at play to wake the people up and beat back the evil european intent.

  17. LOL if a black guy is coming down your chimney at christmas I kinda doubt its to bring you presents, so WW is right we have veered off the african path.

  18. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ John at 11:29 AM

    Eureka ! I think ,perhaps, that we are in the midst of a paradigm shift.

    To muddy the water a little bit more. Is this the first epoch in which there was an exodus of Africans to Europe ?

    Which definition of paradigm are we using Dr. Brito?

    Kuhn used at least three definitions in the original article of 1962. The modern definition has changed . The latter he admitted in an Article in 1972- 1974.
    In any case paradigms are contrivances to understand inconsistencies that follow a new discovery. Kuhn dealt with normal science, in his case physics.

    Today we have to deal with neurosciences, cybernetics and an expanding universe.

    Are our deliberations fit for purpose?

  19. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “LOL if a black guy is coming down your chimney at christmas.”

    Ditto a white dude coming down your chimney… Lawson

    Ah was just going to ask if it was you they arrested for robbing the female minister but here ya are.

  20. Naw WW when a white dude comes down your chimney you give him cookies and milk not your atm number

  21. See WW karma is everything playing with you and just snapped the pressure switch on my hot tub now have to drain it I guess its god’s way of saying her life is bad enough.

  22. Thanks Bernard, a sobering intervention from the usual.

  23. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    Actually I think that man make paradigm shifts without having to articulate them.

    Christians, even fundamentalists, in their heart of hearts do not believe in a god who is a superman in the sky. And that he sits on a throne all day recording the malfeasance of little Johnny taking a cookie from the cookie jar; Or, for that matter, public figures engaging in multi-million dollar money laundering.
    But we can believe them if we want to. Can we not? Like Miller we can try to frighten Bajans and control Bajans with the bogey men of IMF and Currency Devaluations etc etc. But we,Bajans will have to buy into that paradigm , would we not ?

  24. @@Ping Pong

    Aren’t the two doctors saying almost the same thing?

  25. @Bernard

    You made a large argument forward then to take two back with your last sentence. What are the inputs that will influence the individual to make the shift?

  26. MTA

    Your definition of a Eunuch defies belief and exposes your lack of knowledge!!

    Did you know that many Chinese Admirals and Generals were themselves Eunuchs?

  27. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    Lawson at 1 :01 PM

    I think a white Santa Claus coming down a chimney after traveling thousands of miles in the snow would prefer hot black coffee. Did you tailor your offerings because you believe Well Well would not be able to deliver? Just asking!!!

  28. Is this the first epoch in which there was an exodus of Africans to Europe ?


    No, you are forgetting the Trans Saharan Slave Trade!!

    Africans were going to Europe for millennia!!

  29. No Bernard thats the canadian way cookies, milk and a carrot for the reindeer and when its gone in the morning the children know santa has been. As opposed to liquor cabinet empty,daughter pregnant tv gone lol

  30. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The reality Liesalot has to come to terms with is that whites have no culture, no spiritual sense of self…outside of the racism and destruction of other people that they created….made even more profund now that it has been revealed that they and what they created are fraudulent.

  31. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David at 1 :29 PM

    “Evidence/ proof” that is in accordance with the new theory/ perception.

    Paradigms replace each other. They are new understandings of the same objects /problems/ phenomena that we were staring at for decades/ centuries/ millennia. I believe that physicist have shifted to the perception that the universe is expanding . The previous physicists believe the universe was fixed.

    Neuroscientists believe that there is an iterative process between objective facts and how the mind perceives the object. Do we create what we see?Or does the object determine what we see/ understand?

    David I think we are moving into areas that may obfuscate rather than enlighten. BU is supposed to enlighten.

  32. Thanks Bernard, it is all very complex isn’t it!

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John March 10, 2018 at 1:30 PM #
    “Your definition of a Eunuch defies belief and exposes your lack of knowledge!!
    Did you know that many Chinese Admirals and Generals were themselves Eunuchs?”

    OK let’s accept your definition of a eunuch as a ‘ball-less ‘asexual’ male incapable of engaging in sexual reproduction but with the intestinal fortitude to wage wars.

    Then your sweet Jesus might have been just one god almighty man of an eunuch to defy and overcome Satan in that lonely mountain of a wilderness for 40 days and especially nights with not one soul to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.

    But what else can we expect from a yarn of a teller of tall tales who believe in Adam & Eve and the incestuous ‘Lot’ and his visitation from two angels pretending to mere handsome men and whom he had to protect from a gang of raging bull(er)s by offering up his vestal virgin daughters as gang-bang sacrificial meat instead.

    Now you, John, tell us what the Jewish scribe of that tall tale in the book of Genesis meant by “Relations”? Clearly, these two men which Lot entertained were not eunuchs.

    “Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.”…

  34. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David BU

    There is a tendency for people coming on BU to win arguments. I am experienced enough to know that theories and so called knowledge are temporary.
    In my some 50 years as a student of Economics I have witnessed competing models as to how the Capitalist Economy operates. After every economic/financial crisis ,economists have had new paradigms put in place. They appear to function for a while until the next crisis , and new paradigms replace the old. The reasons given for this is that the Human species is a learning organism that thinks . It responds to changes in the environment and also impacts that environment.
    Very often people look to economist to predict the future., but the future is fluid. The future is dependent on how the environment evolves and how we, as humans, respond to those changes. We, in a sense create the future as we move along life’s highway.

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bernard Codrington March 10, 2018 at 1:24 PM

    An aside!

    Instead of the lowly grinder of the rumour mill I think you must use the now reformed Dr. Delisle Worrell -a professional associate of yours- as the prime example of scaremongering.

    He is the top dog pushing the ‘go to the IMF to support the BoPs or else a visit from the dreaded ‘D’ agenda.

    In the grand scheme of things Miller’s prognoses of doom and gloom are nothing but warning shots across the bow of the Privatization ship now the ‘Zeitgeist’ of the Big Recovery Plan for Barbados to stem the hemorrhaging of the little remaining foreign reserves which will lead onto severe financial septicemia and then economic necrosis.

    Pathological Economics 999!

  36. @Bernard

    Agree with you that there is rigid position many here will die to defend when as you say lol life’s learning is unceasing. Your reference to the need to change economic models is a reminder of the rise of behavioural economics in the post 2008 period.

  37. I have shown that MB’s thesis really is refers to Christian Civilization not some invented Caucasian Paradigm.

    If you read the link in the article, you will see how she herself raises Christianity.

  38. “Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little (that is essentially) human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.137 ”

    This quote comes form an Islamic Scholar in the 15th Century, before Columbus, during the “Golden Age of Islam”.

  39. @millertheanunnaki March 10, 2018 at 2:59 PM #

    All hail to Herder´s spirit of the age! A lorry full of rum shall guide the local elite to undo the damages they have done to this so wonderful island during the past 52 years.

  40. So much for this assertion that race was an recent invention as is contained in this quote from the link!!!

    “A third significant process in the paradigm was the privileging of the Caucasian and subordination of Black people through the creation of the socio-scientific myth of racism. This process was executed by virtue of the creation of academies which promote the ideology of “race” as well as the creation of such academic disciplines as anthropology and social science, which legitimized the fallacy to such an extent that “race” is regarded as a normal, organic aspect of the human experience.

    However, a perusal of historical documents would reveal race to be a recent invention.

    The subordination of Black people continues to be perpetuated through the creation of socio-economic stratification according to racial classification, the stratification of people according to the shade of their skin, the conferring of honorary Caucasian status on People of Color, the genocide of Black people and People of Color, and the ignoring and invalidation of the Black presence on the planet.”

  41. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @John March 10, 2018 at 3:19 PM “This quote comes form an Islamic Scholar in the 15th Century, before Columbus, during the “Golden Age of Islam”.

    Both Christianity and Islam have yet to achieve a golden age.

    Ignorance, superstition, hate, and greed do not equate to golden anything.

  42. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    but John Liesalot…we all know that is just another lie created by muslim slave traders before the criminal columbus turned up in Africa, then copied by whites, repeated , used as a weapon against the black race and the proof in that is…you always use it as your fall back argument to denigrate the black race and black bajans.

    christianity keeps proving itself over and over to be a fraud and a very destructive decaying force on the earth.

    Lawson…dont drink yaself to death, ah need you to witness this.

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bernard Codrington March 10, 2018 at 2:47 PM
    “Very often people look to economist to predict the future., but the future is fluid. The future is dependent on how the environment evolves and how we, as humans, respond to those changes. We, in a sense create the future as we move along life’s highway.”

    What you are saying, basically, is that economists serve no useful purpose to mankind and even falls below the ranking of astrologers and priests.

    We predict the economics of the future would lie squarely within the realm of AI merely suited as a conversation piece among automatons to break the monotony just like history finds its way among the human chatterati especially in forums like BU.

  44. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    not one economist can ever get any economy fixed, their solution is either borrow or sell.

    that tells you all you need to know.

  45. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David at 3 : 00 PM

    You are correct. A very good example of a paradigm shift.
    Behavioural economics is an attempt to put back man at the centre of economics. In the 1960’s mathematics and econometrics went centre stage and metrics was the then new panacea. The economy was a machine. The past was supposed to mimic the future . So all the economic policymakers had to do was to increase/ decrease interests rates, inject new capital ,increase or reduce taxes and the economy will grow etc.
    But after a period man/ economic agents anticipated the impositions of these measures and countered them. The policy environment changed and so did the behaviour/ response of the economic agents. The economy is now viewed as an adaptive complex system.

  46. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    living proof of the fraudulent, covetous, greedy and coldhearted liars that are active members and associates of christians, the vatican, archdiocese and all the perverts and thieves who work for the registered corporation that is the church.

    and if yall did not know that the church is a registered corporation and a business, now you do.

  47. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service March 10, 2018 at 3:38 PM

    So-called white people would continue to trick blacks as long as the opiate called Christianity concocted by the European is easily available to blacks like White-controlled processed foods.

    Christianity was used to denigrate and outlaw the use of marijuana by denouncing it to be a plant created by Satan and used like the tree of evil in the centre of the Garden of Eden to control the souls of the wicked despite the same book of myths and legends states that herbs and plants are to be used for food and the healing of the nations of the world.

    The blacks like those in Barbados have swallowed this anti-marijuana crap for years while the same white man has been investigating and investing in ways to control both the cultivation and processing for various commercial uses of the same Devil grown plant.

    Check out how America the Great Saytan is now making money from the ‘devil’ grass as Britain and France did with sugar cane in the Caribbean after the Jewish Portuguese found ways of making tons of money from the blood, sweat and free’ hard labour of millions of Africans forcibly transported to Brazil.

    Yet the black jackass political stoolpigeons are still demeaning black people by putting them in jail and financial purgatory for growing and using the God-made plant from which the white business people are now making millions.

  48. Miller there is a reason they call it dope…..would you trust an honor system for pilots ….god I am scared enough flying….what if the guys running the jet skis or catamarans used drugs imagine how crazy it would get out there

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