Click to read PAC 2013-2018 Report

The contentious Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report for the period 2013 to 2018 has been released on the even of a general election. The PAC is an important working committee of parliament that has been frustrated in its effort through the years.

146 responses to “2013 – 2018 Report of the Public Accounts Committee”

  1. I cannot recall a time in the past when the PAC discharged is obligations in such a professional manner, the evidence of which are contained (in great detail) in the Report. Well done Mia as chairman and other PAC members.

    Closing observation is that Donville is reveling in the opportunity to draw attraction/attention to the the Report and the conduct of Lashley, Kellman and SINCKLER which is contained therein.

  2. The problem for Donville and his aspiration to be the LOO, is he ain’t gine got any seat after the general election. He is a goner tho!!

  3. Besides the possibility of a facing criminal charges Lashley SHOULD NEVER EVER AGAIN HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE. Reading this is a like reading Ali Babba & 40 thieves. FACKING BANDITS THE LOT OF THEM.

  4. @Bajan Yankee February 25, 2018 at 9:57 AM #

    Independent DPP? Ha! The last one sided the Barbadian white bizzinessmen whenever he could. Surely, the Williams-Bros. have already invited the new Babbster-DDP for a cup of tea or two into their palaces and to their plantations. Afterwards, the new DDP will function like the old one.

    And do not forget: The government bribes judges and the DPP using silver Mercedes. They say to “prevent bribery”. I say the judges and the DPP are only puppets on strings just for this reason. They are too poor to afford or to maintain such cars and will do everything to keep it. I Call it “The prostitution of the Barbadian Wabenzi-class”.

  5. The BLP did what it had to do in the face of the frustrations from the DLP.

    Just listen to the clip on You Tube and you would see the way Donville Inniss was trying to deflect and block the report from being laid. There had to be a reason why the dumb bell from St John was in the chair……….she had to do their bidding, make no mistake this was planned by the DLP.

    Donville looked stupid as he knew about the meeting, conveyed by way of text that he was going to be late and never showed up or further communicated. At one point, he tried to say that he did not know of the meeting which continued on the next day. For that he should be scorned by the voters of St James South.

    Bushie keeps saying it was Mr Commissiong who had to lead the charge in the finger printing fight. As far as I know and he can correct me if I am mis-speaking but it was a joint effort with the BLP, Mr Hinkson being a key person in leading the charge.

  6. If the next BLP AG does not order a criminal investigation into these matters to bring about charges, I will be done with them.

    Enough is enough and the same goes for any of them who cross the line.

    Just think of the fact that these morons could not find money to buy buses, garbage trucks or supplies for the QEH and schools nor to finance UWI but they know where to find money to give to Mark Maloney when they have accumulated huge debts with suppliers who have been crying out for payment.

    There is a yardfowl on Brasstacks called “Arfur” who keeps saying that OSA sold the National Bank……….just imagine that the moron Stinkliar sold the remaining BNB shares at below the market value just to pay Mark Maloney…………what the hell!

    The dumb bell from St John in her contribution during the Estimates touted the St John Polyclinic but what she did not say is that the polyclinic has been closed for weeks as a result of a sewage problem and they cannot get a fellow to fix the problem because persons want payment up front and there is no money to pay.

    The dems have got to go!

  7. The Guyanese President gave an excuse to skip the Caricom inter sessional meeting in Haiti this week as he wanted to focus on domestic matters at home………not so the PM of Barbados………..a man who is loitering on the steps of Parliament.

    Five years have gone since the last election…….March 6 only comes into play because he took so long to announce a cabinet………….# JA

  8. Prodigal,

    Maloney plastered all the houses of the ruling politicians with marble and enhanced them in many other ways. The said politicians are his personal property. Like chattel on the meadow, like indentured servants or slaves. They have no independent will anymore but have to execute their master´s will.

    This is the reason why I plead to install as next Chief Justice (also applicable for other government jobs) somebody who already owns a villa with Miele kitchen etc pp and a X5.

    Not some pauper without clothes, crawling out of Coles Cave and kissing the next white massa for some dollars. We have too many paupers at the Supreme Court and elsewhere in the Barbadian buraucracy. We need a purge. We need a black Stalin to clean the island.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Who are the beneficial owners of BJ Investments Limited?”

    Given the pattern, one might guess it involves one BJ..erkhamn.

  10. You are right, Tron………………piss poor bastards in 2008 and multi millionaires now. One man got all the contracts and the rest is history.

    Wait………..I heard in the Estimates debate that the Steve Jacket has had a judgement against him by a local company for over $100,000.00. No wonder the brute behaved so acid when the matter of the salary restoration was brought up in the House.

    These people must be exposed for their bad ethics!

    Number: 37283
    Date Registered / Incorporated: 27 June 2013
    Category: Company

    That is as much as wuuna ww needs to know.

  12. Hants February 25, 2018 at 4:28 PM #

    Who are the registered directors/shareholders?

  13. The Government of Barbados should not give building contracts

    without full disclosure to the public including the names of owners/directors of the purchaser.

    Barbados is a capitalist democracy.

    Who the ww is B.J. INVESTMENTS LIMITED and what are the names of the owners ?

  14. corporationwiki


    Anyone rational thinking person who is interested in the Rule of Law will see clearly that Mia Aman Mottley is indeed a DESPOT of the worst kind !

    The PAC report according to the Laws of Barbados, must be laid annually in the Parliament .

    The PAC report should not be made public unless it is first laid the Parliament .

    So how did BU get it before it being laid in Parliament .

    Therefore, Owen Arthur’s pronouncements on MAM are spot on !

    Imagine she put the Arthur administration in trouble by acting in a manner contrary to the decision of Cabinet at the time.

    Barbados deserves better !!!

    And MAM is the worst !!!!

  16. Dr David Estwick had Innotech do work on his houses for financial gains. Bajans are to blame and not those who juck out are eyes. When you play you so self righteous and taking sacrament every Sunday while getting bulled without Vaseline you can only blame yourselves. #BajansGotGoatPartsandSheepBrains

  17. Is the same Owen you had Pegasus tapes to prove he was corrupt around the 2013 election? lol

  18. Wunna think Mia or de BLP got the moral or ethical capital to prosecute any of their political comrades? Cheupse, no goats she nor BLP will do squat nor compromised DPP.

  19. DLP (formerly CBC) Radio & TV Avatar
    DLP (formerly CBC) Radio & TV

    Listen CrackintheAss aka FracturedDLP…. why you find the clip where the former Leader of your party found it necessary to leave the DLP and join the BLP !!! Clyde Mascoll led your your party when your corrupt King David didn’t want to get a 3 peat of defeats!!! then that said David came back talking bout he want back leadership and run out Clyde!!!!….but that is typical DEMs…but note that not one of those members of parliament formerly of the BLP saw it fit to join the cesspool that is the DLP!!!! i hope you read the PAC report good…wunna corrupt as ASS!!…and now want to abuse power in Parliament. Why wunna prolonging the agony on the people of Bdos…but then again wunna could prolong as much as wunna can…the end will come!!!!! elections WILL be called and the people of Barbados waiting…they are waiting to execute the DLP with their vote!!!!…. wuh Fumble waiting for.!!!!…prepare to tek wunna licks like the men or “wild boys” that yuh all are!!!!!!

  20. The Babbster-DPP is only a puppet in the hands of the known White Overlords on this Royal Island. She must be grateful to her masters to drive around in a silver Benz now.

  21. Fractured BLP

    The Parliament was given Notice of the PAC Report (as required by law) and then the Report was laid. So what you on about?

    They put the clown Mara Thompson in Speakers chair because Carrington is going to running again and Mara is not so let her do the dirty work of trying to take back a Notice and to un-lay a Report. Bunch of clowns in a circus.

    The DLP would have been better served if they had waiting until Mottley moved for the Parliament to adopt the Report and then debate and block it……….but Donville could not wait, he needed to give the Report political wings as it deals a serious blow to Sinckler and to his aspirations to be Leader of the Opposition.

  22. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Peter Holder February 25, 2018 at 6:42 PM “but Donville could not wait, he needed to give the Report political wings as it deals a serious blow to Sinckler and to his aspirations to be Leader of the Opposition.”

    Are there are two friends in our Parliament…in any Parliament…anywhere in the world?

  23. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Tron February 25, 2018 at 3:47 PM “This is the reason why I plead to install as next Chief Justice (also applicable for other government jobs) somebody who already owns a villa with Miele kitchen etc pp and a X5.”

    Sadly owning “a villa with a Miele kitchen etc. pp and a X5” (whatever those things are) does not prevent a person from being greedy and wanting more, more, more.

    Have you ever met a rich man in Barbados, or anywhere–and it is ALWAYS, ALWAYS men–who has said to you “I have enough and I do not want anymore”

    The old rich men does be dropping down dead with arthritis, cancer, heart disease etc. and with their dying breaths still want more, more, more.

    You are old enough and wise enough to know this right?

  24. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “The PAC report should not be made public unless it is first laid the Parliament .

    So how did BU get it before it being laid in Parliament .”

    Fractured and Cirruot…see what I said, yall been stealing hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and giving to minority bribers for a cut…all of you should go to prison, Mia did what had to be dine…yall are proven thieves…..trying to cover up your crimes, but the public knows.

  25. What a pure joy it is to read the defenders of the two headed monster tearing each other apart. The cannibalism, insults, gutter sniping,lies,innuendo, unintelligent meanderings, accusing the DPP of accepting bribes(silver benz), …………….that’s all they can offer Barbados.

  26. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Dear David the blogmaster: Where is ac. I miss ac. Ask her to come back. Only ac can handle reason and the English language like ac does.

  27. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    It is not only poor tail politicians who are greedy. In fact I put it to you that the monied class is greedier than the political class. The corruption starts with the monied class. The plantocrats and their descendants have ALWAYS been greedy. The monied class corrupts the political class because the monied class wants more money. They are never satisfied.

    More, more, more.

    Money, money, money.

  28. Interesting bit a trivia just revealed by Kerri Symmonds that a PAC report has not been produced since 1993. This bit of info challenges the assertion of Bush Tea that producing the report is a political gimmick. Say what you want Mia should be congratulated in the circumstances.

  29. Mia is DESPOT !

    Bajans hate a DESPOT !

    Mia always quick to call her press conference !

    In a couple weeks time …….Bajans would see how she responds to the PRESS !

    The amendments to the Police Act are in place !

    There is sufficient cell space at DODDS prison !

    And this is the year 2018 !

    We already have a global story as an example already !

    Mia is a B !

    So don’t be alarmed when BARBADOS 🇧🇧….mirrors BANGLADESH 🇧🇩!!

    Wunna calling for General Elections !

    Get ready to rumble !

    Let the story be your guide !

    Mia will become …….ZIA !!!

    Be warned …….!!!! Bajans

  30. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    We love Mia. We love Mia. We love Mia.

  31. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    Fractured and Corrupt…and yall are thieves.

    liars and thieves, that cannot change, yall are being talked about everywhere, ya stole too much from taxpayers and the pension fund and left all infrastructure to decay.

    you have no government, stop loitering in parliament.

  32. Well well

    Well take to the streets then ……yuh jokers !!

    Call the NUPW to help you organize a 2 day strike !

    The people of Barbados are so DAMN fed up of the Dems…….the strike will guarantee the fall of the government !!

    Get to work ….,,,you imbecile !!

  33. Well well

    This is the same DLP government you boasted would have fallen 2 months after the 2013 General Elections !!

    This is the same DLP government you said would have defaulted on it’s loan repayments !!

    This is the same DLP government would have gone to the IMF !!!

    The same DLP government that was not going to win 1 damn seat in 2013 !!

    Well well

    Get your marchers & protesters out on the streets !!!

    You big joker !!!

  34. The DLP got outsmarted by MAM.

    They deliberately put the dumb bell in the chair to block the laying of the report but she botched it up. Donville started blocking……..listen to the tape on you tube.

    They were playing for time as they very well know that after last Tuesday, there would have made sure that there would not be another sitting to lay it…….I think that that was the plan but MAM outsmarted the idiots.

    Kerry said tonight the dems on the PAC did their best to frustrate the work of the PAC and carpet baggers like Maxine and Darcy only attended one meeting and that was the meeting when the AG came to announce that they were going to lay in bill in the House putting an end to the PAC.

    Look what that got dem………..idiots!

  35. It seems as though the revelations of this 2013 – 2018 Report of the Public Accounts Committee has Fcuktured BLP hot under the collar.

    Rather than address the issues contained therein, she came out swiping wild and “throwing the kitchen sink” to attack BU.

    You is nuff shiite……doan burst a blood vessel……..hear……..

  36. All the yard fowl clucking aside, the fact is that Michael Lashley lied to the board of the NHC and got a contract quashed and awarded to another company for his own benefit, allegedly.

    The fact is that the Stinkliar was transferring over 2 million dollars every month to the NHC against all financial regulations, a matter that should be approved by Parliament.

    The fact is that the chairman is a lackey of the minister who did his bidding and is now in serious trouble.

    The fact is that by the minister’s lying ways, he put the PS and the General Manager in a serious compromising position.

  37. All this wasted money and todaybsewage was gushing from the area bynLantern Mall….like storm water.

  38. @ David
    Interesting bit a trivia just revealed by Kerri Symmonds that a PAC report has not been produced since 1993….
    Are you looking to take over where ac left off…?

    Not having a PAC report since 1993 only reinforces Bushie’s point that Bajan people are just a bunch of shiite hounds who FULLY deserve the BLP and DLP.

    The ONLY entity in Barbados with a quality, reliable, ‘report’ is the damn Auditor General – and his is not at all flattering to the other entities….

    How low can you put yourself down? – to be singing praises to a political class that failed to do a BASIC job it is paid to do for 35 YEARS …. and then suddenly come up with a ‘report’ on the eve of an election where none of these pissy politicians have been able to articulate a VISION that will drive their tenure…… and where such report CLEARLY shows why one side should be locked up….. Wuh we ALL knew that Stinkliar should have been locked up – from back when he took the funds from the sale of the power company and gave to the four-seasons albinos… and no one knows this better that Mia – who was one of the legal principals… and his friend.

    What do you want to bet that a report could be put together that shows why the BLP clowns should ALSO be locked up for some 12-year-old shiite?

    Only Stockholm Syndrome can explain this Bajan shiite deference to these useless politicians.
    Bushie is disappointed that you think so little of yourself boss….

    @ Prodigal
    …and the fact is that all this was known ‘EVA-SINCE’ by everyone who wanted to know – including your BLP opposition, who did NOTHING while Bridgetown burned. But now, to cement their turn in control of the ruins, they come with a ‘tell-it-all’ tale – that is too little and too late for the country.

  39. @Bush Tea

    All the long talk she must be given credit for producing the report. Will not hold it against her that it is timed to give impetus to a political campaign, it is what political parties the world over do. Special mention goes to Senator John Watson whose attendance assured a quorum because DLP members obviously frustrated the process. Fair is fair!

  40. @ Bush Tea

    Read David: ” Interesting bit a trivia just revealed by Kerri Symmonds that a PAC report has not been produced since 1993. This bit of info challenges the assertion of Bush Tea that producing the report is a political gimmick. Say what you want Mia should be congratulated in the circumstances.

    imagine that he calls the failure of both the Barbados Labour Party and Democratic Labour Party, to produce a PAC report in a quarter of a century an “interesting bit of trivia”.

    Now let us look at the meaning of trivia: Details, considerations , or pieces of information of little importance or value. We could also use: minor details, petty detail, nonessentials etc.

    You by now should know that it is a waste of time taking these people too seriously. David and company have joined those who find beauty in mediocrity.

    DLP in opposition 14 years no report
    BLP in opposition 10 years and and a report now four days before Parliament shuts down.

    People ’bout hey jus’ timimg the pot !!!!



  41. William Skinner February 25, 2018 at 11:28 PM #

    Some people trivialise discussions when they have nothing of substance to contribute. It is really advertising their appalling ignorance.

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Fractured and Exposed…….ya seem a little upset….that is the same loitering government we now know without a shadow of a doubt are thieves and should all be in prison…

    …….how do yall steal from your own Black people to give to a bunch of mediocre racists and thieves, how does that work, not one seat, the whole island knows that yall are a bunch of vile, sell out house negros, word spread like wildfire.. ya cant change that..

    I can see where Bushman is coming from, but what’s done is done and the issue right now is to get these thieving corrupt clowns out of parliament permanently one way or the other…

    ….. unfortunately Mia with all her faults and prior collusion with all the thieves involved in ripping off Bajans, is the only one with the tools to push them out and expose the Cow, Bizzy, Bjerjkamn, Maloney gang of known thieves and what they all did …..before the squatting ministers as a last act of hate, vileness and greed sell the entire population to some country that decides slavery is looking profitable again…..we clearly see what these retarded slave minded boys and girls of parliament are capable of, the only way to remove them is allowing Mia to expose them….the new political parties dont have the ammunition that Mia would, even though she only sees fit to use it as a last resort….it is what it is,.

    Lashley, Sinckler, etc already sold out to the few thieving local whites for 10 years while Fruendel hid in the background pretending he is pure and clean, and added insult to injury by bringing back the wretched, repulsive butch stewart to encroach on the beaches and tell bajans they get too much welfare, while they made sure he is the biggest welfare rat on the island, these loitering ministers will look for the highest foreign bidder next to sell out to if reelected to parliament, it is their nature….they gotta go, never to return.

  43. @William

    Are you a jackass?

    In the context of the discussion to suggest that neither party has produced a PAC report means what again?

    Some of you need to internalize what self ‘talk means,


  44. William
    I smell aloes! Pray tell when is the last time you’ve even left your Wonderland in Amurka and visited Buhbaduss? Get over losing your deposit.

  45. @ David

    Your favorite word, “jack ass”, might be of some deeper meaning to you and you have already , on more than one occasion informed others of my place in the animal kingdom. I thank you for that.

    All I am saying to you is very simple: There is no where in the animal kingdom where I exist with other four legged creatures or in your world , where you stand proudly on your two feet, that a report of such importance , as the PAC, NOT being produced for a quarter of century, can be seriously described as, in your words, NOT MINE as: “an interesting bit of trivia”.

    In our world it will be described as a blatant act of the dereliction of duty on the part of those who were supposed to produce the report. I cannot blame any other opposition party because as far as we know for the last quarter of century, it would have been either the Barbados Labour Party or the Democratic Labour Party or both,responsible for such a travesty. I am quite certain that you know what travesty means.

    Now David I will further posit that if the Auditor General report which would be very useful to the PAC, is not taken seriously, and the Auditor General has been “producing” reports for over thirty or more years , which clearly show that corruption is rampant and he can scarcely get full details or explanations of how the tax payers money was spent, I would have to say, that for the last thirty or more years the buck would have had to stop at either the Barbados Labour Party or Democratic Labour Party or both, since they would have been in power.

    It is indeed a beautiful morning here in the animal kingdom, where we four legged creatures exist, many of us will spend the day, reading the brilliant and erudite submissions of our two legged friends on BU , who continue to dazzle us with the cannabalism, innuendo, ad hominem attacks, pulling down other two legged creatures’ character and providing prime fodder for the comedians in our kingdom.

    Having taken a long look at you lot, we are proud to have been blessed with four legs and at least one brain, that affords us to think for ourselves. That is why we find your attempts to bray so funny and pathetic.


  46. I seem to recall Owen Arthur literally begging the opposition to convene the PAC and subsequently changed the rules and thus the composition to enable Thompson to stop hiding behind excuses on his failure to perform his PAC duties.As I recall that is what gave rise to Senators now included in the PAC.

  47. William Skinner

    To be fair………… you in the animal kingdom also ENGAGE in a SIMILAR activity of “dazzling us with the cannabalism, innuendo, ad hominem attacks, pulling down other two legged creatures’ character and providing prime fodder for the comedians in our kingdom.”

    You use also innuendo ad hominem attacks and pull down other contributors to this forum……. that exercise they democratic right in supporting the party of their choice………… simply because YOU are not FOND of the BLP or DLP and they are not prepared to support Solutions Barbados.

    You seem to believe you have the supreme authority to DEMAND others to support the party you want them to support and FORCE them to discuss politics in the direction you dictate.

    Shiite………if people want to support “Ninja Man” that’s their right…………get over it.

  48. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    It makes one wonder why Fruendel, Sinckler, Kellman and Lashley …plus yardfowls did not think Mia would have the nerve to expose the PAC report….the one piece of useful hard evidence and ammunition she has to unseat them….to convince the electorate that this government is unsuitable, to show the public some of the damage they have done that the people were mostly not aware of, the crimes they committed against people and country.

    What made them think they could get away with this blatant destruction of a whole country, and the opposition would be too afraid to expose all the damage you can see with the naked eye and smell….

    William, maybe you need some more time on earth to learn that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, the issue and reality is this….again,…Mia is ising the ammunition available ….to HER….not Grenville or any other political party, they are still weak and have some ill conceived notion that talk alone will bring down Fruendel & Co……to end the rein of corruption, thefts and destruction this government rained down on the country and people for 10 years….ya said it yaself,..they have only ever in the last 50 plus years 2 governments on the island…naturally one or both are coming to the end of their reign, naturally one or both have to consume and end the other…they have had a long run.

    Neither Grenville nor any of the new political parties have the information, the will or brain power to bring down this government…Mia has, if she is to survive..and after she is done…the rest is left up to the electorate…as a collective…..

    .. these are new and unchartered waters for both the government and opposition, in case you have not noticed….they either stand as one in their decades old corruption against the people and be beaten to death with exposure on social media or one has to destroy the other…to survive.

  49. The PAC tells us what we already know, namely that the cabinet ministers, judges and high bureaucrats are nothing else than Maloney´s slaves and that the NHC is a organization between money laundering and wasting taxpayer´s money.

    Nothing changed since 1834.

  50. @ Artax

    “Shiite………if people want to support “Ninja Man” that’s their right…………get over it.”

    I must say that I often find your submissions to be very well presented. Now all I ask is that you get over the fact that I am diametrically opposed to the Duopoly and has been since 1970 !
    Now I hope you can “get over it” my friend because I agree with you that people can support whomever they please. Kindly extend the same reasoning toward your humble servant. I can oppose whomever I like because that is my “right”.
    Stand straight my friend.

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