Submitted by William Skinner

John Cumberbatch, the late president of the Barbados Union of Teachers, often described the Common Examination as elitist. He was convinced that once it remained the gold standard of excellence, the system would eventually be the main cause for several societal problems. It was a position he took before the mid-seventies, when he was leader of the BUT. Forty years later, his predictions have come to pass and we are still refusing to accept that he and others who supported this view were correct.

What is most unfortunate is that many of those teachers who were exposed to John’s views, embraced them but we now find them four decades later, in powerful positions, denouncing his positions and shamelessly defending the status quo. These former “Comrades” have sold their souls on the altar of political expediency and one often wonders, if they have collectively agreed to hold fast to the mantra: “if you can’t beat them join them”. They are to be found in both government and opposition. The classical case of pigs now walking on their hind legs and behaving like the masters, in Animal Farm.

Those voices crying in the wilderness for a radical reform of the education system, are to be commended but once parents believe that their children, can enter Harrison or Queens College, the task to change the system becomes more difficult. If many of those parents knew that some children enter the examination room, barely having the ability to recognize their names, they would perhaps be more supportive.

Any country that deliberately throws hundreds of its children in a socio-economic river while gleefully celebrating the achievements of a few, is certainly guilty of a form of societal genocide. The current rise in crime and the escalating disregard for life or limb by some of our youth, are certain signs of the full growth of seeds that were planted at least four decades ago. Our social scientists, have bluntly refused to utilize their knowledge to show or explain how the education system, is fertile breeding ground, for much of the deviancy that is now permeating the society.

Some moderators who chased callers off their programs, when they tried to explain that the education system was a great contributor, to many of our problems, are heard these days crying crocodile tears because they are facing the frightening reality, that if we refuse to rescue our youth from the path of drugs and crime, they would be no longer safe in their comfortable heights and terraces. It means that their desire to now embrace what they formally dismissed as “fringe elements”, is perhaps guided by ulterior motives.

Any form of elitism breeds disaffection and is immediately followed by hopelessness. We cannot restructure the economy without education reform. It is impossible to produce a 2017 model car on a 1950 production line. Our people remain our most precious resource, and that resource must be carefully nurtured for national development. It is not too late but time is running out.

190 responses to “An Elitist 11+”

  1. @ peterlawrencethompson wrote ” It took me 40+ years to find my way home ”

    Have you found the Hurricane shelter yet ?

  2. @ Hants
    Bushie’s great advice for men and lesbians ” concentrate on wuk-up and wine and women “
    An apology is due to Bushie …who said no such thing…. 🙂
    What Bushie said is that “UNLESS we get our brightest and best into leadership, we MAY AS WELL…..”


    @ Simple Simon,
    PLEASE do not raise up your beautiful daughter with ‘balls’…..
    Such must be a VERY LAST resort …when ALL the men have been castrated (as John continues to emphasise….)

    In the longer term, good women are even more critical to national development than men are – but in the SPECIFIC roles of fighting corruption, confronting evil Devils, facing down bribery and challenging crime lords, …Good MEN are VITAL….

    In ANY case, there is NO SUCH THING as a strong, good, complete ‘MAN’ ….without a good, loving woman being half of that package……

  3. Bushie I apologise for deliberately discombobulating your comment. lol

  4. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. September 18, 2017 at 11:57 AM #
    Simple…if ya think handling those criminals with kids gloves and calling them sweet fake honorable names and massaging their oversized egos…cause ya insist on giving them respect they never earned and certainly don’t deserve.”

    I THINK no such thing. I DO no such things.

  5. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …but in the SPECIFIC roles of fighting corruption, confronting evil Devils, facing down bribery and challenging crime lords, …Good MEN are VITAL….

    so where are they, you cant seriously be waiting for male scholars complete with females to watch their backs…and others, to journey away from lives that are more settled than what they can expect from a corrupt, slave society…

    …these people also know of the history of Bussa, and what he endured trying to help his own people…

    PLT…hope you have not forgotten in your quest to make the requisite changes and give back, many who complain bitterly will be the first to run tell the criminal minorities and criminal politicians/ministers your plans….judas resides in their bloodstreams.

  6. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I had the best secondary school education that Barbados could offer at HC in the late 60s & early 70s. I understand that many of my schoolmates are nostalgic about that time in their lives, but it would be a grave mistake to characterize it as a good education. It basically imitated the English Eton tradition and taught the following:
    * a sense of moral superiority because we were assumed by the society around us to be tomorrow’s leaders,
    * a reverence for tradition because we were at the top of that traditional hierarchy,
    * how to imbibe information quickly and regurgitate it on an exam paper because your entire 7 years of learning in any subject had to be expressed in a single 3 hour A level Cambridge exam.

    The first two lessons were worse than useless. The third I found of great practical value in passing university engineering exams by cramming for 48 hours having spent all the rest of the term chasing young women and playing the fool, but in actual life it has been of very limited utility.

    We will not be able to create the education system that Barbados needs by casting our eyes back nostalgically to the past.

  7. @Bush Tea September 18, 2017 at 12:12 PM “PLEASE do not raise up your beautiful daughter with ‘balls’”

    Intellectual, moral and spiritual balls…not the little physical appendages.


  8. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Simple Simon September 18, 2017 at 12:29 PM #
    It has always amused me that we use testicles as a metaphor for strength… small, exposed, vulnerable, and fragile. The vagina is a much better metaphor… flexible, adaptable, productive, life giving, etc.

  9. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Whenever someone calls me a cunt I take it as a supreme compliment

  10. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger


  11. @peterlawrencethompson September 18, 2017 at 12:37 PM “It has always amused me that we use testicles as a metaphor for strength… small, exposed, vulnerable, and fragile. The vagina is a much better metaphor… flexible, adaptable, productive, life giving, etc.”


    It is still a male centric world, and that male centricism is also embedded in the language.

    What strength does it take for 24 mostly young men to have lost their lives already this year and for many more than 25 mostly young men to have lost their liberty?

    Unless those who own balls believe that life and liberty are inconsequential.

    All of these dozens of men, have mothers and grandmothers, and most of them have sisters, aunts, female cousins, daughters etc.

    We need to find the why and then we need to fix it. I don’t have the answers either, but then I am no scholar.

  12. WW wrote,

    why is that so hard fpr you to understand when that is how every other modern society handles it…what makes Barbados so different….

    While I totally agree on this prey tell how does Hilly Billy get away with rampant corruption in the US where U supposedly live? How can there be a much greater crime than selling out your country? I wont list their other crimes as time is limited.

  13. I am surprised that no one has written in defense of those “scholars” who remained behind to guide the fortunes of the country. It is an admission of failure for the “Bushies” and “Johns” of this world to bleat about the outstanding scholars who remained “over and away” and failed to return while they were given the keys to the family chariot and drove it into the ditch.

  14. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I think that we spend to much time idolizing scholarship winners and expecting great things of them in the future.

    All that it takes to win a scholarship is talent for taking in information and regurgitating it on an exam paper. This is not life. This is not even an adequate metaphor for life.

  15. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Money Brain, September 18, 2017 at 12:49 PM #
    “how does Hilly Billy get away with rampant corruption”
    Careful Money Brain, if you go off on this tangent everyone will know your full identity 😉

  16. Bushie wrote,
    What is even WORSE now, is that in more recent times, the situation has deteriorated to the point where EVEN those who may be blessed with the needed human and technical qualities will FAIL to bring the needed change – UNLESS they are FULLY equipped to counter the SERIOUS DARK SPIRITUAL forces that have come on stream in our world….

    The situation is dire, and worsening…. Without our VERY BEST AND BRIGHTEST leading the way, we may as well ALL give up and concentrate on wuk-up and wine and women…

    How come there are those who say that Darcy is a dangerous fella, he was a Bdos Scholar? He is not a MP but has been in high places for quite awhile. I have no info on him so cant judge.

  17. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Money Brain wrote
    How come there are those who say that Darcy is a dangerous fella, he was a Bdos Scholar?

    Darcy’s signature is on the Cahill scandal. QED.

  18. PLT,
    WW was waxing on about how the US deals with transgressors of the corrupt kind. We know that certain powerful types of the most corrupt variety are walking free, so I could not resist reminding WW.

  19. PLT,
    I was making the point that Bdos Scholars are not necessarily part of the solution.
    Thanks for the Cahill link.

  20. @ PLT
    All that it takes to win a scholarship is talent for taking in information and regurgitating it on an exam paper
    But it is better than those who are unable to EVEN do that basic chore.
    A half a loaf is better than a Hal Austin….
    haaaa ha ha

    @ Sargeant
    Bushie is not a scholar.
    He is a basic, stinking bushman with a big-ass whacker.
    …you mean John, …but he is busy digging up the cemeteries trying to rewrite history…

    @ PLT
    As you well know… we ‘use testicles as a metaphor for strength’ because this is where testosterone is manufactured.
    Oestrogen is a COMPLETELY different compound …that produces completely different characteristics.
    Who are we to question the design concepts of the great creator…?
    What makes you or Simple Simon a more discerning concept strategist than Bushie’s step dad?
    …which man or woman wunna ever made…?

  21. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …While I totally agree on this prey tell how does Hilly Billy get away with rampant corruption in the US where U supposedly live? How can there be a much greater crime than selling out your country? I wont list their other crimes as time is limited….

    MoneyB…….they are close to serving trumptard with warrants, ask me if i care, i would like both him and Killary to share the same metal bracelets…

    ya may not have heard, but Mueller got a warrant and facebook gave up a ton of Russian info…all i ask is that Mueller work faster…and if Killary gets snagged, thats a twofer….i cant stand politicians, particulary those two.

  22. @ Money B
    I was making the point that Bdos Scholars are not necessarily part of the solution.
    Not a logical point.

    Complex problems require high level interventions.
    Simple minded brass bowls CANNOT be expected to solve complex, inter-related, multi-disciplinary problems in a fast-changing society …. when they are challenged to grasp the difference between 0,07 and 0,7 …. or where they are wont to multiply 200,000 ten dollar ($10) contributions …and arrive at $20M.
    …or even where they are challenged to follow Bushie’s simple logic.

    It is altogether self-evident then, that the KIND of brass bowls that MAY be capable of solving such problems WILL be the sort that – at the very least – ARE able to pass 11+ and go on to win scholarship- since (as PLT correctly points out,) THAT is a relatively basic obstacle to cross.

    If you were looking for an Olympic champion sprinter – at the VERY least that person should be among those who could run fast at inter school sports….

    Darcy Boyce has many of the attributed that COULD define a great leader, …but so did David Thompson……
    Even among the MOST talented, Bushie sees only about one in a hundred OF THESE ELITE scholars …as being fully qualified.

    Outside of this group, it would be about one in one hundred thousand…. ordinary BBs..

    The current leadership challenges are THAT complex, dangerous, and fast changing….

  23. WW, Lock dem both up! Then lock up Mueller, Comey, Debbie WS, Podesta, and a very long line of corrupt Pols.

    Build de Wall around Washington! (anudder one round Wall St tuh)

  24. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …He is not a MP but has been in high places for quite awhile. …

    thats the problem, he has been in the highest of low places, an errand boy, your garden variety sell out negro, easy to manipulate, go along to get along.

    am sure everyone witnessed how far that got the ex governor of the central bank.

    when you are weak, you become expendable.

  25. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    i agree walls should be built so none of them can get out and thousands of miles of razor wire wrapped around both walls, that would keep everyone else safe.

  26. Bushie,
    Book learning is one aspect but there is much more growth / experience after Bdos Schol. As PLT makes clear learning and regurgitating is but a small part of becoming a top notch human. Your analogy is faulty because winning the 100 at interschool sports directly translates to 100 m races whereas winning a Bdos Schol does not mean you can manage anything, especially people. Many brilliant Math Scholars are poor Math teachers.

  27. Elombe Mottley may be a progressive thinker to many in Barbados, but in my mind he demonstrates his ignorance as a supreme illiterate in matters of medicine, and medical schools when he suggests that there should be medical schools here……..there and everywhere in Barbados.

    During the years I hung around offshore Medical schools, there are at least two things that I learned.
    1. These schools find it difficult to bring in teachers from overseas because of the COST OF PAYING FOR WORK PERMITS FOR TEACHERS FROM OVERSEAS
    2. Producing the most excellent website, whereupon thy can spew lie upon lie to lure unwary would be students and wannabe doctors to train at these schools.

    I would enjoin commenters here to go to the websites of both AUB, and WUB and notice that not only are the websites very poor (suggesting that we are dealing with very poor con artists) but that there are no medical teachers at any of the schools who are Barbadians, and ask why? This at a time where several other offshore schools are now forced to employ locals to teach.

    Why is it that WUB (see faculty and staff webpage) have few well qualified teachers listed on their site but yet they list 7 chefs and 7 security guards.

    Who is collecting all the money for the WORK PERMITS for these staff members, I wonder?
    I would invite you to go to this webpage on the valueMD site
    and follow the discussion on the thread
    new medical school in barbados in trouble already

    Notice that the valueMD moderator has tried to shut up the poster.
    Then try to use ctrl and C to try to download anything from this website and note that they have disabled ctrl and C

    Then let us start a blog entitled BARBADOS AND OFFSHORE MEDICAL SCHOOLS DO W REALLY NEED THM? Then let us try to understand and thrash out whether our Government has really sold out our medical education for thirty pieces of silver.

    Please also read this thread on valueMD

    WUB website is
    AUB website is

  28. @ Money B…
    ( to Bushie)
    Your analogy is faulty because winning the 100 at interschool sports directly translates to 100 m races whereas winning a Bdos Schol does not mean you can manage anything,
    It is your mis-interpretation of Bushie’s analogy that is faulty…
    The bushman NEVER said that winning a scholarship means that you can be a successful manager.
    What Bushie DID say, was that “those FEW-and-FAR-between, who CAN manage successfully – are SURE to have been among the ones that passed the 11+ and won scholarships…

    Top leaders are therefore a sub-set of the scholarship winners…

    Simplified for Hal’s benefit… 🙂
    Not all scholarship winners are successful managers at the level required, …BUT 99.9% of those who are CAPABLE of successful leadership will find the scholarship (and 11+ before that) to be cake…

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ peterlawrencethompson September 18, 2017 at 12:38 PM
    “Whenever someone calls me a cunt I take it as a supreme compliment”

    OMG!! LOL!!!

    PLT, you are simply the best when it comes to a Freudian sense of ‘wicked’ humour.
    Never really associated you with such devotedly committed love of worship at the Mons Veneris!

    In ‘true’ Judeo-Christian mythological thought a “Cunt” with the crowning glory of a hidden clitoris of pure pleasure was the last thing the anthropomorphic Creator made before going to sleep on the 7th day and, like His son RIP Van Winkle, woke up a few days later to find ‘He’ made a rather irreversibly serious mistake to lead man into eternal damnation.

    After your imaginatively fertile description above of a true “cunt” it has to be supremely futile for the likes of Bushie and his gang of misogynists to ever conceive that the female human being is inferior and subservient to the male.

    There is no species in the Solar Deity’s ‘creatively’ evolutionary process where the male is ‘superior’ to the female. Not even among flora.

    So to let us agree that a male like Bushie cannot be a cunt in the ‘true’ sense of the word and that his god the BBE has to be female to create such a beautiful creature of a Black Bajan Brass Bowl in Her own image.

    PS: to Hal Austin: Please do not read or comment for you will be totally lost and only make yourself look like a really ‘risible’ jenny of a johnny living among the dead of brass bowls.

  30. @Dr.GP

    Three or more links in a comment are diverted to the moderation queue.

  31. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    millertheanunnaki September 18, 2017 at 3:06 PM #

    As Leonard Cohen, my favorite songwriter, put it:

    So I knelt there at the delta
    at the alpha and the omega
    at the cradle of the river
    and the seas
    And like a blessing come from heaven
    for something like a second
    I was healed, and my heart
    was at ease.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Hey GP…good to see you again, I invoked you just recently.

  33. @ Georgie Porgie,

    Glad you are on BU. Hope Irma did not spank you.

    Your contributions to the Medical Corner are still useful as a reference for some of us.

  34. @Dr.GP

    You obviously know what you are talking about on this matter, we started a page ‘Barbados Medical Schools’ to allow for wide discussion, check the top of the BU homepage. The link can be shared to encourage views on the matter.

  35. @ David did you see yhis ?



  36. David
    Thanks ………..BUT
    There is no box there in which to post

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Just saw a post Hurricane Maria, CAT5 if you please, blew the roof off PM Roosevelt Skerritt’s house and he had to be rescued…he posted to facebook.

  38. @Dr.GP

    Sorry, comments were inadvertently turned off.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    This is what students who reach thrir full potential do, when they realize they have the potential to build empires….they build their own, not continue to help others build theirs…

    “200,000 People Downloaded Her App Within Two Weeks, and Forbes Magazine is Calling Her “The Next Steve Jobs”

    Angel Richer, founder of the Credit Stack app and The Wealthy Life
    Angel Rich, from Washington, DC, has developed a very innovative app called Credit Stacker that teaches students about personal finance, credit management, and entrepreneurship in a fun and engaging way. The app is so popular that 200,000 people downloaded it to their smart phones and tablets within just two weeks of it’s launch. Even more, Forbes has named her “The Next Steve Jobs”.

    Remarkably, the app has been named the “best financial literacy product in the country” by the Office of Michelle Obama, the “best learning game in the country” by the Department of Education, and the “best solution in the world for reducing poverty” by JP Morgan Chase. It has won first place in several business competitions including the Industrial Bank Small Business Regional Competition and the Black Enterprise Elevator Pitch Competition. All in all, Angel has won more than $50,000 in business grants.

    Her background

    Angel was raised in Washington, DC, and graduated from Hampton University. She also studied at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China.

    After winning Prudential’s annual National Case competition for her marketing plan to reach millennials, she worked briefly as a global market research analyst for Prudential, where she conducted over 70 financial behavior modification studies.

    She says that during her time there, she helped the company generate more than $6 billion in revenue. She resigned, however in 2013, to start her own company, The Wealth Factory.”

  40. Principal of Erdiston Teachers’ Training College, Dr Patricia Saul, is concerned about the slipping literacy rate in Barbados.

    She said according to the most recent statistics published by UNESCO, 773 million adults and young people lacked basic literacy skills, and more than 617 million children and adolescents were not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics.

    “No doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these problems. In Barbados, there is a growing concern that the proportion of the population lacking functional reading and writing skills is far too high in spite of the fact that we have universal access to education. This is a serious hindrance to the development of our people and our country,” Saul said.

    She was speaking during a ceremony yesterday to mark International Literacy Day celebrations in the Dorothy King Teaching Complex, at the Pine Road, St Michael college. ..(Quote)

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