Minister of the Environment, Denis Lowe

It is no secret that Minister Denis Lowe is NOT a person held in high esteem by the BU household. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he belongs on the lowest rung of the moral and ethical ladder. He will be remembered by BU first as Peter Allard’s stool pigeon and second as the Cahill Energy instigator. Do a search of ‘Lowe Allard’  and ‘Lowe Cahill’  in the BU search box to secure bedside reading.

His recent swipe at those who advocate for same sex marriage and women who are childless has catapulted him into the news cycle, again. To quote him about same sex union, “I still believe in the biblical way of life,” and the dig at Mia Mottley, “he was not about to support any idea that the greatness of the nation is bound up in any individual who does not regard the importance of motherhood, of family, and of marriage according to the biblical standard. We want our boys and our girls to grow up in a society where they are not embarrassed because they live in a house where mum is a woman and dad is a man”.

The BU household is not a fan of the homosexual lifestyle whether born or learned, BUT, we respect the right of any individual regardless of sexual orientation to coexist with their fellow man without fear of being persecuted or discriminated against. And our laws both in the spirit and letter should articulate that ALL minority groups in our society are protected. After all, we live in the 21st century!

A recent article in the Canadian publication Battleground Barbados: LGBT activists face off against North American homophobes in the Caribbean Prime Minister Freundel Stuart was quizzed on what many regard is the country’s archaic buggery law. The following extract from the article is of interest:-

“There is a lobby that is trying to get the government, trying to get successive governments, in Barbados to decriminalize, as they say, homosexuality,” Stuart said. “But you can only decriminalize something that is already a criminal offence.”

He acknowledged that almost every family includes people who are LGBT, but stated that the country’s Christian character precludes any further steps to change the law.

Stuart then launched into a condemnation of many of the aims of his country’s LGBT rights movement.

“Those people, who feel that we should create an environment where they can practise their lifestyles in public on high noon on a sunny day,” he said, “want even the very limited controls we have, removed.”

“We respect that — as long as you don’t become too evangelical about it and want to convert all of us to it,” Stuart said, prompting a round of laughter in the room.

While the prime minister argues that the buggery laws are about consent, he’s contradicted by a prosecutor who actually brought forward charges last year.

Elwood Watts, principal Crown counsel in a buggery case, said in no uncertain terms that buggery does not require consent. “As long as the penis enters the anus, and there is a complaint, it is an offence,” Watts explained. “It does not matter if you claim the person consented or did not consent.”

And according to LGBT activists, the prosecutor’s views reflect how the law is viewed by everyday people, the police and the courts.

The dig Lowe made at Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley is not worthy of a response except to confirm BU’s lowly opinion of the man who represents Christ Church East.

The following video is instructive.

65 responses to “Defending the Right of the Male, Female and Third Gender”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “”totally discredited party””

    That is your opinion.

    What you and your BLP must state that statements like that are made simply to garner votes for the BLP.

    You are not fooling anyone, Bajans know that the Govt. has done a great job keeping the ship of state afloat.

  2. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    It is going to be cat piss and pepper.

    We will not allow an immoral political party to desecrate the moral upright character of Bajans. we refuse to allow Barbados to become the SODOM and GOMORROH. of the Caribbean.

    We owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect from degenerates who seek to do them harm.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    What you all are trying to do is to put the rat to guard the cheese.

  4. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Obviously this is correct…”the one thing many Bimmers will galvanise around is homophobia”. It can BURY other issues. And should SB crank up, and the vote gets split, watch out. What some may see as impossible, maybe very possible.

  5. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    Until Barbados solves it economic problems we cannot even begin to trod this road of this very evil spiritual realm of this Agenda. As it is, our children are too venerable with all the fighting, not leaving school with even a basic education. Now this? They will be no coming back.

  6. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    Excuse the typos!!

  7. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Complainants in Muslim scholar rape case being intimidated – mother

    The mother of three of the boys allegedly raped by Muslim Scholar Nezaam Ali reported to the police a few weeks ago that persons have been taking photographs of her sons which she sees as an act of intimidation.

    Overcome with frustration and on the brink of tears, the woman expressed the belief that attempts are being made to drive fear into her and her children.


    The DLP has to protect Barbados from the BLP and the degenerates surrounding it.


  8. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The next thing we will have would be 80 year old MUSLIM men marrying 12 year old girls in Barbados.

    VOTE DEMOCRATIC LABOUR PARTY to prevent such from happening.

  9. @Carson C. Cadogan May 20, 2017 at 1:48 PM “We will not allow an immoral political party to desecrate the moral upright character of Bajans.”

    Bajans ain’t that upright, nor that moral.

    I was talking to a teacher friend of mine and he told me something about you that left me speechless.

  10. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Bajans ain’t that upright, nor that moral.”

    I dont share your opinion of my fellow Bajans.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Register to vote

    or to:
    update your name, address or other details on the electoral register

    Vote to keep out the crooked Barbados Labour Party.

  12. Fractured BLP Avatar


    Do some research for your BU family :

    Hillary Clinton in her bid to become the first female President of the USA…..declared to the world – her support for same- sex unions

    PM Freundel Stuart as Barbados’ leader declared to the world his abhorrence of same- sex unions

    The Canadian High Commissioner to Barbados has declared her support for same – sex unions

    Day, can you find out from Mia Mottley as she bids to become Barbados ‘ first female PM …..what are her views of same – sex unions ??????????

  13. @Fractured BLP May 22, 2017 at 7:29 PM “The Canadian High Commissioner to Barbados has declared her support for same – sex unions.”

    She did not.

    She asked again that the Barbados decriminalize the sex between CONSENTING ADULT MEN. Even the Barbados government acknowledges that ADULT MEN who have CONSENSUAL sex with each other are never prosecuted. So since nobody is ever prosecuted why is the 19th century buggery law still on the books?

    And since Barbados has never had any law against sex between CONSENTING ADULT WOMEN why do we forbid adult men from enjoying the same rights as adult women?

    I wish that wunna mischievous people would stop mis-quoting the good High Commissioner.

  14. @Fractured BLP May 22, 2017 at 7:29 PM “Day, can you find out from Mia Mottley as she bids to become Barbados ‘ first female PM…what are her views of same–sex unions?

    I can’t speak for the lady since I have never met her, but if it was me I would tell you that Bajans have always been cool with homosexuality, and has always permitted female homosexuals to live together without any interference from the government and that I will therefore abolish the 19th century buggery law and grant to adult men the same rights which have always been enjoyed by adult female homosexuals.

  15. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes
    Growing up intersex in Kenya

    It made for a confusing, isolating and sometimes dangerous childhood for Darlan growing up in Kenya. The BBC’s Anne Soy finds out why.

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