The following was posted to the Poster War Page by BU commenter Sunshine Sunny Shine

mia mottleyMia Mottley, the opposition leader of the Barbados Labour Party, made an appeal with plenty of justifications, why the small 166 square mile 12 Parish island of Barbados should increase its current number of Parliamentarians. This appeal was made at a time when the island is suffering from serious economic problems that have resulted in services being depressed and neglected. It is due, mostly, to the poor management skills of the incumbent deceitful DLP government, and to a large extent, by the policies and poor oversight of government-spending by both political parties.

One would think that with the momentum in favour of the BLP, this fork tongue speaking silly woman would continue to ride on the wave of DLP nonsense and failures that is causing many to look upon the the opposition leader’s BLP party with renewed interest and wide eyes. But, as per usual, this indifferent, but very intelligent woman (I think) has a tendency to lean towards her alternative self that has landed many of the things she think are good into a lot of harsh criticisms. To present an articulate case for more parliamentarians at a time when bajans are very upset with their parliamentary leaders, especially the highminded Prime Minister shows that the Mottley level of confidence is causing her to not think things through, thoroughly. As a result, Mottley’s proposal was given a deserving tongue lashing, as the assumptions drawn is that she must make a way for her people thus ensuring that they can return to feeding at the Treasury trough after 8 lost years.

192 responses to “The Silly Proposal of Mia Mottley”

  1. @SSS

    You should create another post in Imgur to see how it displays on WordPress. A ticket was raised by BU to inquire about why this one is problematic.

  2. This recommendation by The Opp Leader is flummoxing. As the writer states, when citizens are already complaining about the number of Ministries, which are not operating efficiently in any case, why would she suggest such a thing?

    Even if, by her thought processes, the representative arrangement needs addressing, the proposal as delivered does not communicate the reasons adequately.

    Further, despite any arguments to perform such amendment to the representatives, now is just not the time.

    It bothers me that she could not see this and instead of concentrating on the work to be done in correcting Barbados’s fiscal and forex issues, including terrible management decisions, such as the Grotto expenditures (yes, accommodation for lower income is necessary, but the cost therein was atrocious), she chose instead to refer to a subject that seems errant in the circumstances.

    This from someone who is expected to be the next leader of the country.

    The only explanation that I can derive, for someone to make such a statement at a critical time, is for them to ‘get that word in’, well before the election, in order that if / when they win and pressure mounts to reduce representatives, they have the answer already, that they are already restrained in increasing, thus no need to decrease.

    Nevertheless, to make this suggestion, at this time, is to be removed from reality. There are other ways to bring change and listen to people’s needs than just by adding representatives in Parliament.

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    David, I have not the foggiest idea what is going on there although I have a pretty good idea why they might be blocked. An enquiry was made relative to my posters with a request to remove them on the grounds of offensive and libellous. So those who are after the SSS thinks that the SSS is ill inform and non factual. Lord if there only knew. But, will keep things hush for now. As for posting this as a topic, you know the BU household have a love-hate relationship with the SSS. Do not expect much commentary on this. since I have attacked the Queen Bee of the loyal Beehive. However, one must be cognizant of the fact that Mia Mottley in recognition of all that is going on in Barbados, would have to be a complete idiot to allow a rush of blood to interfer with her brain causing her tongue to be influence towards making such an assertive appeal at this time. All the silly woman has done is to show Barbadians a glimpse of what is to come, should she be given the nod for the next government. She is over confident_; and overconfidence tends to lead you towards brag, boast, and erroneous assertions with the ever familiar self serving interests.

  4. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Why is it Silly?

    We used to have the Vestry system,then the Parish councils,Zones and now Constituencies.

    Is it possible that an effort is being made to allocate responsibilities to ones elected representative to actually deal with the roads,schools,signage,bridges,drains,etc,etc in ones area.

    Since EWBs creation of a central system of governance for the island’s infrastructure our country has gone from bad to worse in that area.

    I do not know the motivation behind her statement but if it is to have a hands on approach akin to the Vestry system re-introduced that will look after the forgotten ones in our community,then I am all for it.

  5. I completely agree with Vincent Haynes! When we had Parish Councils and Vestries we had a far more efficient island. Roads etc. we’re well maintained. I think we would do well to return to systems that worked rather than the disastrous system we now have.

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Vincent Haynes

    Thought I can agree with with you some what, you must understand that given the representative history of the Barbados Labour Party, their acheivements are marred by a number of vicious, scandalous, and corrupt labelings that does not augur too well for the image of this party during their latter day reign. We have the issue of poor financial representation of government spending in the form of unaccountable large sums. We need to hear from the prospective, what their intentions are for a better system of governance and financial acuity. The island of Barbados is a one city island with many village like communities in 12 parishes. A vestry system can be created out of the current parliamentarians to incorporate the needs of the parish-village-divides. There is enough in parliament to do this, which have as its aid the system of Constituency Councils. There is no need for no darn more parliamentarians since the notion is that the current lot are highly paid and hardly of any use.

  7. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Sunshine Sunny Shine May 6, 2017 at 7:29 AM #

    The people of Bim have to become more active and hold the feet of whoever is elected to govern our country to the fire……this notion that we can find a goody two shoes politico is arrant nonsense…..the responsibility lies with us.

    The constituency councils would have merit once depoliticised and community members are elected to it.

    Should these councils take off as shown above, all we would require is an elected member per parish plus one from the council.

    We would have gone full circle and restored the power of governance directly to the people………..hmmmm……..political class would not like that though hands too far from the vigorish.

  8. Silly is actually a nice way of putting it…
    Lotta shiite.

    Here is a woman who, as chairman of a PAC committee of our highest lawmakers, allows the openly dishonest government to legislate that committee out of existence to all intents and purposes, and walks away like a little pissy girl hardly saying a word on the issue….
    A true patriot would have shut the country down until those ministers appeared as directed….

    This is a woman that will take over the reigns of a failed, demon-possessed state ..and bring meaningful change…?

    The woman is a joke….
    In thirty years of public life she is best known for burning down the prison and rushing into a questionable $700M contract with the highest, unqualified bidder; seeking to legitimise Peter Wickham; the major cock-up at world cup; tapping into people’s phones; and vowing to shut down the blogs.

    Now her main issue is
    …not resolving CLICO;
    …not Four Seasons;
    …not the Sandals scam;
    …not fixing the deficit;
    …not digging up the Satanic monument;
    …not bringing charges against all who have broken our Laws with CAHILL;
    …not reviewing the constitution….

    It is to INCREASE the number of the jackasses we currently have stabled in Heroes Square….

    ‘Silly’ shiite!!!
    It is asinine….

  9. More politicians, more ministries, more judges, more high bureaucrats, more X5 with MP plates.

    Will Barbados end like some African countries with 50 or 100 ministries to feed all relatives?

  10. @ Angela
    When we had Parish Councils and Vestries we had a far more efficient island. Roads etc. we’re well maintained.
    Because those fellas were not thieves trying to see what they can rake into their mother’s bank account and looking to sell the kitchen sink back to the old plantation class in exchange for a few pieces of silver.
    They were community builders.

    Nothing to do with the organisational arrangement.

  11. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    The only joke ’bout here is you…..go and face the electorate with your ideas and ideals…..if yuh brek,go and ask SB for a pick on the hustings……get elected…..inact new legislation… something other than talking a load o’………..

  12. @SSS


    BU household
    is David and family that administer BU.

    BU family is defined as the many commenters and contributors.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Bush Tea May 6, 2017 at 8:08 AM #

    Nothing to do with the organisational arrangement.

    Put on yuh glasses…..where did Angela mention the above???


  15. @ Vincent
    Put on yuh glasses…..where did Angela mention the above???

    “When we had Parish Councils and Vestries we had a far more efficient island”

    That was Bushie’s last argument with you buddy.
    There is no hope for you….

  16. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Comprehension….yuh best haul……since when does efficient make a quantum leap into organisational arrangement……bring the evidence doofus.

    You are really a youngster…..for your info the Vestry system was just as corrupt as todays political system.

    Keep looking for a hero…..

  17. If we can play the ball and forget he man for a moment.

    Let BU take a stab at what MAM possibly meant to convey.

    Given the number of MPs it is difficult to have vibrant and effective working committees of parliament. Working committees like the PAC, Committee of Privileges etc are critical to well functioning Westminster system of government. Then there is the paucity of a backbench as currently constituted that entirely compromises the notion of members of parliament being unable to exercise power with the majority whip to REPRESENT their constituents.

    Is this what MAM wanted to convey?

  18. Vincent
    Just for the record … how do you even know that Bushie does not ‘face the electorate’, offer his talents; create opportunities; etc?
    Why make yourself always look so pedantic?

    You have NO IDEA what Bushie’s alto ego do, have done, or is prepared to do…

    “Bush Tea” is and adopted BBE boy; and a blogger, with a whacker, operating on BU…

    But it must SURELY be clear that there are multiple other personalities attached… even to you.

  19. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    The mere fact that BBE is your father says it all and as to facing the electorate no wonder they rejected you….go haul…..

  20. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Would you agree that my suggestion re Constituency councils may fit her bill better and at the same time get rid of the senate.

  21. Before we discuss operational arms of government we need to implement an effective framework to manage integrity and transparency in the public sector and by extension how it will extend to civil society.

  22. @ David
    See if you can explain to AC’s brother Vincent that a vestry SYSTEM and Parish COUNCILS represent a different organisational arrangement to the present parliamentary system that we have…. (mainly to protect the good name of Cawmere school…..)

    As to Mia…
    She probably means well (in a simplistic way) – in seeking to broaden the variety of inputs at the MP level.
    That however is not a key issue. The issue is really quality.
    The numbers are ALREADY disproportionately high for the small population.
    What she should be doing is working on QUALITY of representation.

    A key example is the PAC.
    She summons two ministers to account for the people’s money and they bluntly REFUSE.
    How the hell could she just let that drop?
    What people would WANT to see is for her to pursue that matter with commitment and vigour…to demonstrate her commitment to transparency.

    It comes across as if, in THEIR shoes, she would do the same shiite.

  23. @Bush Tea

    Successive LOTOs have struggled to grow teeth on the PAC. One has to conclude that this is collusion by the political class. Can you imagine the ‘noise’ an effective Opposition can make over the ineffective PAC using the Auditor General reports? The challenge for MAM is that she shouts PAC and GROTTO and the government side shouts back GEMS and Crab Hill police station; six one half dozen the next.

  24. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Let me take a stab at what MAM possibly meant. She wants more MPs to improve her chances of being appointed prime minister. If she gets more of her loyal supporters elected that would improve her chances.

    Barbados already has too many ministries in order to find work for an unemployable set of pretenders.

  25. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Stop talking pup….you created a straw man and are now seeking to justify its creation…..haul again.

  26. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    How are we going to get those bills passed…..they were brought before and the horse baulked before.

    We can only hope that having to borrow from an external agency,that they will force the political class to implement these strictures on themselves.

  27. @Vincent

    How will we get any thing changed? It will call for leadership. A person (s) will have to rise up who has the charisma to persuade all others to follow including the yardfowls.

  28. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    David May 6, 2017 at 9:09 AM #

    That Leader will have to persuade the political class what benefits are there for them by pursuing a course of action that will for all intents and purposes put a closure to ready availability of the contents of the pork barrel……daunting task.

  29. Caswell likely has a good point.
    That is the nature of our politicians and governance.

    @ David
    Agreed that while it is easy for a thief to catch a thief, it is a lot harder to follow-up in public for fear that all thieves are prosecuted.

    The reality is that she is tainted by her high-level association with the shiite that went on in the last two terms of the OSA government (which led Bajans to take a gamble with Thompson – who turned out to be an even bigger liability).

    In any mature society (or even a serious club) Mia would step aside and allow someone without such baggage to take the party forward. The fact that the BLP is not mature enough to accomplish such a basic task (that would be routine even in the Lions Club) tells us that the future is bleak for Barbados.

    The reason that Grenville is the ONLY one coming with ANY ideas and public proposals of any substance is that he is the only one without such skeletons in the closet…

  30. angela Skeete Avatar
    angela Skeete

    Lol. Amazing when govt is complaining about the deficit and wage bill and serking ways to decrese both. Mia comes up with a grand idea to increase both


  31. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Vincent Haynes

    Have you been listening to what the electorate have been saying on Barbados Today Pulse of the People? You have those who just want sardines (and they are a lot of them). Then you have those that want their houses fix or simply a house. Then you have those that want jobs or a bit of money pass. The long of this short is simply this. If you weigh in on the Peoples Say, the majority comes over as a large set of non thinkers who cannot see past palin fixes and new floor boards. Asking them to hold elected pretensive leaders’ feet to the fire is like asking them to see pass the few salt breads and look to the whole wheat field. Ain’t happening with this lot. They notion of a good politician is a belly full and a now and then visit. That is why the silly woman can make such proposals and ignore the adversial position of the ministers who refused to come to the PAC hearing. That is why the DLP can get way with so much murder and the BLP could exploit bajans for 14 years. Barbados is the best place to practice self serving interestss and an excellent spring board from which upper class act can becom well off.

  32. Bushtea
    You’re the funniest. The circus needs you! When i repeatedly argued quality, you berated me. Now you’re touting quality as the answer rather than the system.

  33. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    This call to increase the number of seats by Mottley should not shock or confuse those who have long declared the BLPDLP bankrupt of ideas . I am still waiting on Arthur to publicly state why Mottley is “unfit” to be PM. Caswell has a point; this is nothing more than a ploy to guarantee her ambitions, it has nothing to do with good governance. She has been sitting in all the high offices except, PM, and suddenly she now thinking about finding employment, at the peoples’ expense for her minions. It is widely known that they want to go from 30-42 seats.
    Fortunately for those who are independent thinkers, Mottley has now effectively silenced those who come on BU defending the BLPDLP. We note that they are so dumbfounded by Mottley’s intentions, that they are trying to explain what she really means ! Well, Mottley, who has from time to time, been accused as brilliant, is known to speak very clearly.
    Remember this is the same Mottley, who was in office for 14 years and never visited women working in the fields but suddenly, in opposition, discovered them and was all over the papers saying how terrible it was.
    BLPDLP same thing. Anything now will be a vast improvement. Vote them out !!!!

  34. Barbados is in dire straits.No leadership.No vision.No accountability.Corruption in kickbacks and awarding of contracts.And what do we hear from a wannabe.Increase MP’s by 12.She deserves a bucket of wotsit for that ignorance.Soon from now all the taxes collected will be exhausted in satisfying public service liabilities of salaries,wages and pensions.Jackass!No wonder people refuse to vote.Bunch ‘o bag blind hoes.

  35. @SSS

    Did you write that the BT article was taken down? Did a Google and came up empty.

  36. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Yes. I have been telling BT that they partisan skirts are showing. They removed the article in two days time but still featuring those written about the DLP. Now it would appear that I am blocked out of Imgur. Seems like the poster upset some bodies.

  37. Tested an Imgur link posted by Piece and the same therefore it seems to be a technical matter. et us wait on WordPress support.

    If BT removed the link as you say it is highly unprofessional. Did anyone capture it so that we can highlight it properly?

  38. Mottley, cannot be serious. This is the biggest lack of a original idea since 2008, since the global financial crisis. If this is the best she can do, given this incompetent government, then we need a third party and soon – if not Solutions Barbados.
    Mottley has disgraced herself. I had a much higher opinion of her than this.

  39. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I went to copy it on the second day that I was commenting there but it was gone. It provided some of the most articulate convincing words for an increase in MPs that showed clearly that the six is indeed half of the dozen. I am convinced that BT is a conduit for the BLP, while operating at as a beacon to shed light on the DLP nonsense. It is really a sad day to see BT operating like the other news media. Then again, its all about the highest bidder and what you can get, not necessarily jounalism to make a diference..

  40. SSS I see you have resurrected this comment by Mia Mottley from Barbados Today over to BU.You Dems looking for all kinds of trivial nonsense to detract from the real issues in Barbados,like in 2013 with the old lady on the Bus,this time however those antics will not work,so reel and come again.I see the dlp spin doctors like William Skinner and Bush Tea reveling in this story which will pale in comparison to 19 downgrades suffered under this Government

  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Vincent, you are chasing into a rabbit hole on this issue. The Bushman’s reasoning is correct and Caswell capped it off perfectly:”Barbados already has too many ministries .. [and too MANY MPs] …”

    This current over representation in our local assembly basically have 30 MPs chasing less than 5,000 votes to win a seat.

    By your own admission the vestry councils were rife with corruption flowing through the political machine. Thus whether we call it vestry or constituency councils we still need effective and transparent governance first and foremost.

    Reality check:

    The UK with a pop. of over 64 Mil 50 MPs…so let’s say 99,100 constituents (adults and children) per MP.

    Then of course there are over 400 various authorities in counties, the City of London and other metropolitan districts …and that’s not including parish and local councils. So there is adequate and comprehensive representation at the grass-roots level that can filter back up to Whitehall.

    In the city of NY with its 8.55 million there are 51 City council elected politicians…so theoretically around 167,000 peeps per.

    In NY state itself there are 213 state legislators (150 house and 63 senate) who cover the wishes of an estimated 19.8 million residents. But there too, of course, there are a plethora of local councils in the various cities (like NYC), counties and towns. Then too School Boards and the like. Again, rather granular coverage.

    Yet in Bim where we would be merely a sizable town in such locales our LoOp wants to convince sensible people that it would make sense to elect a national government MP based on a piddling 2,500 votes or less and then layer another series of representation below that!

    That senor is the epitome of political largesse and corruption…

    Not to be rude but do we really appreciate that in London or NYC the numerical equivalent of the ENTIRE Bajan adult population moves through the Tube or Subway system in the span of 30 freaking minutes at rush hour…

    So taken to its absolute nonsensical extension MAM and her brand new waste of MPs could glad-hand greet an entire constituency base in under 5 mins – 2 mins with no glad-handing shaking – at a key tube/subway stop.

    Ridiculous of course…but no more mindless that her mind-numbing recommendation.

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Oops…that should read: “The UK with a pop. of over 64 Mil HAVE 650 MPs…”

  43. Isn’t this a democracy that allows our citizens to be critical of public officials?

    Shouldn’t citizens question why an article was removed from Barbados Today’s pages based on SSS’s report?

  44. Who is Gord Beal? Why do we allow book keepers to talk about macro-economics, a subject they are not trained in, and take them seriously. Is it because they are white?
    The poverty of Barbadian journalism is a disgrace.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    More MPs = more corruption.

    Who is going to pay for all this corruption, Mia could never think it will be the taxpayers.

    Mottley would be taken more seriously if she vowed and meant it, once elected, she would lock up the present corrupt lot of ministers….until then I am not impressed with either her and her gang or the present lot of incompetents.

  46. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes
    Corporate law professor Lynn Stout debunks the destructive business ideology. Read more:
    (via The Aspen Institute)

  47. The Public Service (Qualifications) Order 2016 has put in law what I have been saying for decades: Barbadians are obsessed with qualifications, not knowledge. Get the certificate and you got the job.
    In any civilised society, continuing professional development would decide who was equipped for the job; but this grossly incompetent government can get away with murder while the badly led unions just argue about pay rises.
    Union members get the leadership they deserve.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “I am convinced that BT is a conduit for the BLP, while operating at as a beacon to shed light on the DLP nonsense. It is really a sad day to see BT operating like the other news media. Then again, its all about the highest bidder and what you can get, not necessarily jounalism to make a diference..”

    Don’t expect anything better from Peter Harris, it’s under BLP government he got the Transport Board contract using CGI Insurance to destroy any equity in that taxpayer funded entity…..

    …….him and Mia Mottley and Jerome Walcott are thisclose, his barbadostoday was meant to control news on the island, but the blogs put paid to that scam and plan..

    Should BLP be returned to government Harris will think he has a free pass to do more crap in Barbados, because of Mia, hence many would prefer the opposition never be reelected as long as Harris can continue pulling those corrupt strings.

    They all hate the blogs.

  49. A MAM led government will be no different than this here DLP, except for a short honey period.

    Personalities may change, faces undoubtedly will, there may even be a landslide as Bajans ‘over-correct’, in their frustrations.

    Indeed the propensity to ‘over-correct’ has always been the solitary cultural response to political emptiness.

    This useless response has never been effective and will never be.

    And like it or not, MAM will be the next PM. And she will be worse than last time, worse than this DLP, if that were possible.

    We are describing duopoly as the entrenched political culture

    No election or series of elections can cure this. These are just musical chairs.

    No third party, or third parties, or any number of perceived ‘good men and women’ can be a cure

    Not as long as the culture exit. An understanding of the insidiousness of political culture will inform us that it resides in all the instruments of governance. For example, we can’t claim to want transformation, change, but maintain Parliament Building as a political centre. It is the culture which runs the politicians, not the reverse.

    We never noticed elites, the real elites, dying because they lost an election, or committing suicide over an electoral defeat. Many seamlessly switch sides.

    We readily recall OSA waiting for COW and Bizzy to attend his first birthday party after his second last defeat, 2008. The change had happened. The White boys were then with David.

    We were never convinced that extreme measures, like widespread rigging, were engaged in to avoid electoral defeat.

    Our conclusion has been that one-half of the duopoly doesn’t mind handing over to the other side once government pensions and the like are settled.

    And if the political cultural was not constructed to allow transformation, essentially by having yard dogs from the BLP and DLP to be the sentinels, why should we be surprised when inbreeding or recycling of old ideas are seen as attractive political currency.

    We are unalterably convinced that only the imminent and certain self-destruction of Barbados, as an entity, would persuade the culture that it can no longer exist.

    Nothing short of this has any possibilities for transformation.

  50. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    “A person (s) will have to rise up who has the charisma to persuade all others to follow including the yard fowls.”

    @ David at 9:09 am, yard fowls never need persuading. And even though not considered “yard fowls”, backbenchers are unlikely too go against the party position. Hence, adding to their numbers will not necessarily mean any restraint on Cabinet dominance of the Lower House, given the principle of party paramountcy

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