Submitted by Pachamama

fakenewsRecently a list of more than 200 ‘alternative news sites’ were referenced by the Washington Post, as secondary source, as being the bearers of questionable information. These 200 websites covered a fairly wide range of opinion, from Russia’s RT to Alex Jones’ Prison Planet Radio.

We will argue that anything we see, hear or read, in any environment, could hardly be considered beyond question. Whether we are talking about politics, economy, technology, physical environment, social or legal we see nothing but official lies passing as truths. For it is the area between our ears which represents the most valuable real estate on earth, or mars, for the community of interests.

In between, many critical, alternative news sites, were tarred and feathered by forces which seem to have cleverly cloaked an intention to eliminate or stain fierce competition to the perennial lies of the mainstream. Our instincts suggest, that the targeting of some of the sites was to engender a certain level of confusion. In the intelligence business, such a project is best known as a ‘limited hang-out’.

And it has been previously disclosed that all the major, official, fake news networks, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, Deutsche Welle, BBC, France 21, PBS, Public Radio, etc, are provided constant guidance by the intelligence agencies of the USA. They have their networks of people stationed within. How else would they be able to cover the same (selected) issues in generally the same ways, at the same time, by the same kinds of people, while always reaching the same kinds conclusions.

We were in Czechoslovakia about 30 years ago, to witness an amazing and ongoing propaganda coup. It was a country where the people watched the fake news to hear what was NOT being reported. To make judgements about what the regime did NOT say. In the West, we have come to need that kind of intelligence, especially when dealing with private media working as government propagandists.

Or the story about the Russians who came to the USA during the time of the USSR and wondered how all the media would cover all the stories in the same way. They were to marvel at such a feat and hoped to be able to implement same behind the ‘iron curtain’. What freedom! What fake news!

Or even ‘Democracy Now’, a programmed stolen from WBAI as developed by the late Samori Marksman, which continues to distribute fake news about some formation called LGBTQ. With an Amy Goodman telling the same kinds of officials lies about America’s illegal wars as does the mainstream, to appease her funders. Funders linked to the military-industrial-intelligence-complex. These are the so-called ‘progressives’ in media. They are no less infiltrated.

Our world is highly-propagandized state. The globalization of propaganda. Every major institution is infiltrated by intelligence agencies of one kind or the next. More and more electronically. And fake news is a strategic weapon for internal control.

Or the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) whose notion of evening fake news could be missed by viewers for 15 years without being any less mis-informed. This state-sponsored propaganda medium never seems to be able to find a way to be even critically supportive of the regime of the day.

We were surprised at the emergence of fake news, about fake news, at the height of fake news, in the time of Trump and his ‘fakery’. Just maybe, the emergence of fake news may have something to do with the rise of Trumpism. And while there may be some logic to that way of thinking, there is also an age-old problem of fake news which must be engaged.

We can’t but argue that fake news has become the normal way of the human. Even ‘good news’ is no less fake. Do we not know, with certainty, that the Bible is replete, from genesis to revelations, with fake news? Have we not been raised on Reddiffusion and the BBC with fake news, the news the British wanted us to hear? Is it not a truism that from the very beginnings of time fake information has been used to deceive most of us? Is it not fake information which has our world upside down?

In all this, there is a misguided presumption that the Washington Post, the Barbados Nation, The Advocate News, the New York Times, operate above the spectre of fake news. Are these not the leading lights of journalism, which gave us the illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Supported terrorists as proxy armies for empire. Promoted the ‘White Helmets’ as recipients for Nobel Prizes, Right Livelihood Awards – the alternative Nobel. And do not local papers carry international news from a very small circle of media.

While Obama is exiting and Trump, taking over, the nexus between the intelligence agencies and the role of propaganda or fake news is centered around Russia and its alleged interference in the US elections. How much more fake can ‘news’ be? None of the media who we are to tell the ‘real’ fake news can possibly address the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

That real news is the centuries’ old interference in other countries’ elections by American government agencies, particularly the CIA and NGOs in its pay. If we were from Mars we would be left to assume that this type of thing has never happened before, not on earth. Not when the media of the most powerful country is willing to spread the fake news of its president, in cahoots with untrustworthy secret agencies, based wholly on unproven statements.

If we were from Mars, we might even assume that earthlings were unintelligent beings. If the most powerful man, in the most powerful country, was the most stupid person on the planet, we would conclude that the humanoid was not very smart at all. We could not have known that the humanoid was so ill-informed, and purposely made to be, by fake news. Trumpism for you!

But the Martians will quickly come to realize how earthlings are made to operate within a tapestry of lies. And that for them to gain power on earth they must take control of the vast architecture of fake news which dominates the lives of earthlings.

At the center of the social sciences is the need to measure perceptions, determine gaps and finds ways to satisfy needs. In the hands of politicians, intelligence apparati and ‘fake news’ media networks, instead of managing perceptions, human perceptions are created by this vast propaganda ‘machines’.

We have lost control over notions of free will. Are firmly located within the post-1984 world of George Orwell. And way beyond the ‘manufacturing of consent’!

373 responses to “Fake News, Media Propaganda & ‘Managing’ Public Perceptions”

  1. It seems poetic (used loosely) that Trump would rebut Lewis on the eve of MLK day.

  2. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    You said “…Or he can ask the Republicans in Congress to impeach Comey.”

    Yuh serious! Ask the Republicans in Congress to impeach Comey for getting them totally unexpected power and also to risking serious exposure of Trump, Comey and the FBI?

    Good joke! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  3. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    David re. your 12:09 pm post;

    Trump is a bull in a china shop iconoclast.

    He gives no thought to what is likely to happen when he does his icon breaking, as ordered by the voices within him, to create total unguided chaos of benefit to no human.

    He is the supreme iconoclast!

    Chad is partially right!

  4. Are-We-There-Yet

    You are parroting the Democrat line. Comey did not get Trump elected. Hillary lost for a lot of reasons, but none of them have to do with Comey.

  5. @AWTY

    Attacking the status quo does not mean the person doing so is correct to your point ‘bull in a china shop’. This is what an iconoclast is about.

  6. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Its not just the Democrat line.

    Its the line of the Democrats and any thinking non partisan person who has followed the numbers in the polls around that time. Comey gave waverers pause at a crucial time, 11 days before the election, when he made his controversial announcement of a new enquiry into the Clinton Email story, an announcement that was verboten under the tenets of past practice. He then proceeded to make a complicated convoluted announcement which appeared to be designed to obfuscate the fact that, properly read, he was now announcing that she was cleared just a couple days before the Election when peoples minds would have already been swayed by the earlier announcement. There is no doubt, except to Republican partisans, that Hillary Clinton would have won except for the intervention of Comey.

    What is slightly murky, given no-drama Obama’s publicly stated views on the matter, is whether or not Comey’s actions were intentionally designed to harm Clinton. I suspect that a statistical study of the daily polls at that stage of the elections, would make an indisputable case that Comey’s actions almost certainly caused Clinton to lose the elections and could only have been unintentional if Comey did not have the mental wherewithal to do his Job properly.

  7. REAL NEWS………POT HOLES. Listen to de guyanese woman yuh. lol

  8. You are wrong.

    Hillary lost many of the late-deciders in the final week of the November election. This is offered as proof of the “Comey effect”. It is not.

    In nearly every presidential election, the late-deciders are voters who are leaning against the party which holds the White House. They waver until the final week or the final weekend, or if they decide how to vote much earlier, they keep it secret until the end of the campaign. But they cannot bring themselves to vote for the party in control of the White House. Go back in history and see how Ronald Reagan won nearly all the late-deciders in the election against Jimmy Carter. Ditto the late swing to Obama in 2008 vs McCain.

    Hillary was going to lose most of the late-deciders regardless of what happened in the campaign. If you are the Establishment candidate, and you can’t close the deal with a voter, and there are only two weeks to go before the vote, you have lost that vote.

    Comey did Hillary a favour in “clearing” her before the vote. He should have indicted her in July, because she violated federal laws with her email server caper.

  9. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    I went searching for an article or report that was partially based on Statistics and came to a conclusion on the “Comey Effect”.

    Here is an article that does just that, including taking the late-decider effect into consideration:

  10. If a voter is not going to vote for Clinton, but is slow to make the final decision for Trump, he can either wait until election day to decide, or he can use an excuse, like a statement from Comey, to come to an earlier decision. Either way, he is not going to vote for Clinton.

    It is also clear that most of these late deciders turned away from the entire slate of Democrat candidates, not just the corrupt presidential candidate investigated by Comey. The Democrats lost most of the state and local elections in November, not just the presidential elections. That tells you this goes beyond Clinton and the Comey effect.

  11. so president elect once again says he will abandon Nato in favour of Russian alliance Is this man a madman

  12. This report states that Trump thought different of Putin in 2014, Trump criticized most of his European allies and he has criticized the Chinese but one person whom he hasn’t been critical of is Putin. The Russians must have minted a gold mine of photos and video from the golden showers.

    Some iconoclast, welcome to the kakistocracy

  13. Trump is not abandoning NATO in favour of a Russian alliance. That is a grotesque distortion of his position.

    He is rebelling against the persistent habit of relentless hostility to Russia among US policymakers, and telling NATO members that the US cannot be expected to continue carrying a disproportionate share of the financial and military burdens of NATO operations.

  14. When Gorbachev was President of Russia there was rapprochement with the US and a softening of US positions which continued under Yeltsin. When Putin the ex KGB Colonel took over he reset the relationship and this hardening of positions continued under his stooge Medvedev. Now that Putin has maneuvered his way back to power the situation is almost back to Cold War status.

    To blame the US for “relentless hostility” to Russia is to ignore recent history.

  15. CIA director slams Trump for slamming CIA

    by Jon Rappoport

    “’The world is watching now what Trump says and listening very carefully. If he doesn’t have confidence in the [US] intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies as well as our adversaries?’ Brennan said.”


    Mr. Brennan, the signal was sent to our partners, allies, and adversaries decades ago:

    The CIA is a criminal agency.

    Is that clear enough?

    Long ago, the CIA criminally stepped outside its mandate, in order to shape world events it had no business participating in. Is that clear enough?

    In that regard, do these names and phrases mean anything to you, Mr. Brennan?

    The Gehlen Org. * Operation Gladio. * MKULTRA. * Operation CHAOS. * Nugan Hand Bank. * BCCI Bank. * Golden Triangle. Asian heroin.* Air America.* Central American cocaine. Mena.
    The Contras. * Henry Luce. William Paley. Arthur Sulzberger. Operation Mockingbird. * Overthrow of Mohammed Mossadegh (Iran). * Overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz (Guatemala).* Murder of Patrice Lumumba (Congo). * Bay of Pigs.* JFK. * Diem assassination. * Rafael Trujillo assassination. * Sukarno. Suharto. * East Timor genocide. * Military coup—Greece. * Allende. * Gulf of Tonkin. * Operation Phoenix. * Laos bombing. * Sihanouk. * The Khmer Rouge. * El Salvador death squads.

    On and on it goes…

    See Mark Zepezauer’s book. The CIA’s Greatest Hits.

  16. Things would only get wirse for Trump . He has castigate insulted offended almost everyone so much to the point of alienating himself from the people who would help him the most.
    His bf Putin encouragement would not savpe Trump from the executive laws in the Constituion which would pave way for his impeachmeny
    Once again Trump would soon be order to give testimony on a legal directive being placed over his head against him in a case of sexual assualt

  17. Sargeant is wrong.

    US policymakers were exceedingly hostile to Russia throughout the 1990s, but because Gorbachev and especially Yeltsin were already bending over, the US could act on its hostility by actually interfering in Russian politics and changing their economic system without facing any organized resistance. Hundreds of American “advisors” mid-wived the transition from Communism to capitalism.

    Under Putin, such domination and control of Russia is no longer possible. So the US is back to its devious tricks and public slander of the Russians.

  18. What Chad99999 has going for him is that, when Trump takes over and the jobby starts bouncing off the big-ass fan, he can always do a ‘balancing’ act…. (like a BU blogger who used to go by the name ‘balance’)
    ….change his pseudonym on BU, adopt a different line of defence, and pretend that his old handle ‘Chad99999’ has resigned from the battle…..

    Possible new handle for Chad99999 will be;
    – Judas Iscariot2
    – Brutus33333
    – Aaron Burr22222

  19. Bush Tea January 17, 2017 at 3:35 PM #

    Possible new handle for Chad99999 will be;
    – Judas Iscariot2
    – Brutus33333
    – Aaron Burr22222

    @ Bushie

    Or Ahab 666

  20. Bush Tea, Artax,

    First of all, nothing is going to hit the fan.
    But if it does, I’m not going anywhere, and I’m not changing my handle. You guys are jokers.

  21. Do you have any actual evidence for these conspiracy theories?

  22. Great post on what is one of the most important issues in world poltics today. It has been many years since I last read an Orwell but the appearance of terms like post-truth, alternative facts and fake news prompted me to review the 1984 film adaptation. It holds up remarkably well for a 33 year old film. You are welcome to visit and see how the film stacks up in todays cinematic terms.

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