by AfraRaymond

 invaders-bayThere is a rising tide of confusion at Invaders’ Bay, so it is time to bring some understanding to this situation. The previous column delved into the Appeal Court rulings and the State’s application to appeal to the Privy Council. There is a lot more to be derived from those important rulings, but this week […]

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5 responses to “Property Matters – Invaders’ Bay (ii)”


    All life matters
    You can’t say that!
    Why not?
    It’s not politically correct
    But isn’t it morally correct?
    Well, well! blah blah!
    But you can say black lives matter!
    There’s sorrow there’s death
    The pang of a farewell indefinite
    What about white lives
    There’s peace and joy
    What about brown lives
    And the stars keep smiling
    What about yellow lives
    From the pull of my song you can’t stay far
    What about green lives
    My song sprawls down like a bird in a stormy night
    What about blue lives
    The temple bells will be chiming
    What about pink lives
    The stars will light up one by one
    What about lives of sharks
    My worship with pain is not over
    What about lives of whales
    Let your touch be there all through my life
    What about lives of animals
    Aching for your embrace all else is forsworn
    What about lives of refugees
    My mind has lost its rack
    What about lives of the homeless
    Always sign of want
    What about Bajan lives?
    What about lives of the poor
    There’s no decay, there is no ending
    What about lives of the down trodden
    Let my eyes’ light drown in thy beauty forever
    What about lives of criminals
    Breaking the lock, I look within my core
    What about lives of babies
    When pain pull my strings, my notes shiver
    What about the lives of women
    The waves vanishing and rising


  2. David

    This may need a seperate post……

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes December 9, 2016 at 8:53 AM

    Serious indeed. Shame shame and more shame.

    And the country has an Accountant General. It is going to be a barrel of laughs when the monkey accountant Kellman seeks to blame this sorry state of financial affairs on the switch over from the Cash basis to the Accrual method of accounting for government financial transactions which took place many ‘moons’ ago.

  4. millertheanunnaki December 9, 2016 at 9:50 AM #

    It would appear that the only means of dealing with these possible infelicities is through the PAC,we heard recently that 3 Ministers of the Crown refused to attend the PAC after being summoned and no sanction has been meted out.

    Based on past performance it would suggest that the political class is free to do as they please and for as long as they please…….to the refrain……the king is dead,long live the king……we like um so.

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