George C. Brathwaite
George C. Brathwaite (PhD)

It is often said that a central problem of representative democracy is how to ensure that the government’s policy decisions are responsive to the interests and/or preferences of citizens and residents. If in a democracy such as Barbados, the government fails to be responsive to the expressed expectations of the citizens and residents, it reasons then that democracy may not at all be working as it should for the benefit of the wider population. This article argues that although the current Parliament and Cabinet may be trying to meet the expectations of the people, singularly or taken together, they have regularly operated with a measure of abandonment and insensitiveness to the needs of thousands of Barbadians.

Parliament, as constructed, appears outmoded and less savoury than true representativeness would demand in Barbados today. On the other hand, Cabinet appears too bent on self-preservation and achieving narrow and partisan political objectives which then tends to spurn more than it encourages. Professor of Public Management, Evan Berman stated in 1997, that cynicism toward government is largely a function of trust and social capital. He reasons that when the relationship between a government and its citizens has become strained, it is usually a fall-out from such things as: (1) the citizenry feel as though government officials abuse their powers in the interest of self-aggrandisement; (2) citizens feel disconnected from government; and (3) government service delivery is perceived to be inadequate.

Clearly, all three of these core aspects are indisputable in Barbados. There are indicative of several concerns that have been publicly raised in multiple forums for many years by swelling numbers of Barbadians stretching across a capricious political divide. In terms of the institutions of governance, Barbados is witnessing almost daily, the expressed dissatisfaction with, and lack of confidence in, the functioning of several of its more important institutions.

A first point of scrutiny is with the Prime Minister’s Office and with the executive – the Cabinet. The current administration would have re-entered a phase of governance in 2008, spouting a rhetoric of change; this was accepted by the electorate. Indeed, by December 2008, the then Prime Minister – David Thompson – was contending that: “I do not want to perpetuate the same wrongs that I criticised the former Government of committing. … There must be structures and procedures. There must be transparency and accountability. I am very concerned about the issue of governance in this country.”

Lo and behold in 2016, Barbadians are being goaded along the perilous slopes of secrecy and a broadening information deficit. The humbugs of covert actions and withholding information by the Cabinet from the public have netted screams of frustration. People are fed up with the administration. The displeasure is uttered in accusatory tones on radio and wherever else freedom of voice allows. The national discourse has become heavily tainted with talk of deals, corruption, and wrongdoing; and these sentiments have been said inside and outside of the legislature.

By its own admission, the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) felt it necessary to include in its 2013 Manifesto the observation that: “One of the most worrying phenomena in our country is the alienation of people from the political system. Barbadians of all ages and from all walks of life often perceive the political system as corrupt, ineffectual and not serving their interests.” How then does one account for things worsening rather than improving regarding the need for an informed citizenry actively participating in formulating policies and being part of the decision-making process in Barbados?

Gladly, there are numerous persons unyielding to party loyalty. Many individuals are refusing to blindly support when better must be done for country. Patriots have been calling for improved levels of debate within the Barbados House of Assembly. In a most recent article carried in the Sunday Sun of November 20, it was reported by Gercine Carter that Sir Henry Forde felt sufficiently concerned as to advise that, “all those people who are coming to political life to make a contribution, not to waste their time with some of the things” he hears sometimes in Parliament. The debates have become uninspiring. Most times, the public gallery is host to empty seats and persons tune out rather than listen in on the public broadcasts.

Regardless of political persuasion or affiliation, probing questions must be advanced regarding the efficacy of the two main political parties. For instance, discerning persons want to know whether important parliamentary reforms that need to be undertaken as a matter of priority will be undertaken any time soon? How do Barbadians safeguard the nation’s integrity while reshaping the practical mechanisms for good governance? After all, Barbadians are living in the 21st century and the political demands for representation have become acute as well as becoming increasingly complex.

Noteworthy, page 5 of the DLP’s 2008 Manifesto reads: “Only enlightened and competent people can make a country truly independent. To participate meaningfully and productively in the major institutions of the society, people have to be empowered. It is the completion of this process of political, educational, social and economic empowerment that will enable ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water’ to become the true craftsmen of their fate and real participants in the process of social economic progress.” This writer believes that this statement was intended to chart that merited course for accountability and transparency, and that through information being given to the public, Barbados would venture safely into matured levels of political deliberation and participation.

Today, Barbadians wait with bated breath because recurring incidents and events that include the Cahill debacle appear to make empty the talk of accountability and transparency. Even getting timely information and official responses on issues such as water supply, waste management, and garbage collection all seem far removed from the tongues of Cabinet ministers though compromising the lived reality of Barbadians.

One can take the Special Audit on the National Housing Corporation High Rise Apartments at Grotto and Valerie as reported by the Auditor General as indicators of the ‘tempted to touch’ but ‘never to discuss’ pestilence that remains in our midst. If Parliament, and especially through the Public Accounts Committee cannot investigate, reprimand, and remedy the wrongs, then where are our democratic institutions? More pertinent, can Barbadians get answers to an observation made wherein: “The National Housing Corporation – did not carry out any proper financial planning and failed to comply with the procurement requirements as prescribed by legislation in the awarding of the contracts for the high rise units at Valerie and the Grotto; and – was unable to provide housing for lower income earners in a cost effective manner with regard to these two (2) projects.”

Surely, an erosion of confidence in the major institutions of society, especially those of representative democracy and the public finances, is a far more serious threat to democracy than a loss of trust in other citizens or politicians. As is the case, approximately every five years, political leaders and their teams will come and go with swings of the electoral pendulum. The fact is that trust in them may rise and fall with the citizens’ evaluation of their performance or lack thereof in office. Trust in leaders or administrations is subject to scrutiny and change; but that reservation ought not to erode confidence in our institutions.

Hence, it is our institutions that must be able to withstand the stern tests of times and circumstances. Barbados’ institutions must be kept durable while being made sufficiently nimble as to stop unwarranted behaviours that destroy the people’s trust in the very institutions. Certainly, our justice system cannot be exempt from any scrutiny as we seek to reform and correct existing ills which have been causing extremely long delays and the portrayal that justice has become favourable to ordinary Barbados men and women. The former and respected Chief Justice, Sir David Simmons laments that: “failure to give decisions … is inefficient, unfair to residents and their legal representatives.” This indiscretion falls on top of the systemic delays that impede justice even before cases can be heard.

Without trust, and without the people being emboldened with ample levels of comfort, a stubborn sense of mistrust develops. This anxiety leads to antipathy and to the wide perception that nothing is being done barring the continuation that the ‘politicians’ are looking out for themselves while laughing or ‘mekking mock sport’ at we the people. In fact, public involvement in policy determination strengthens rather than threatens representative democracy. For us here in Barbados, public involvement has the capacity to enable and gain much support at national levels. This mode of action requires that citizens become informed, and that they are encouraged to formulate considered opinions while discussing their opinions with others, especially with those whom they would not otherwise interact. In the process, social capital, social trust and civic knowledge are strengthened.

It is a fitting conclusion therefore, to use the words of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart whose recognition of the problem-solution matrix appears stuck between political convenience and the practicality of overseeing the national interest. On March 27, 2014, addressing the NUPW, PM Stuart stated: “It should occasion no surprise that, in an adversarial partisan political environment, the elasticity of language would be exploited to its outermost limits.” This writer feels certain that with many persons coming for the first time or returning to Barbados for its 50th Independence celebrations, PM Stuart must be the trusted pilot that refuses to remain silent. Leadership and political will are the requirements of the day for meeting citizens’ expectations.

(Dr. George C. Brathwaite is a part-time lecturer in Political Science at the UWI-Cave Hill Campus, and a political consultant. Email: )

41 responses to “Need to Meet Citizens’ Expectations”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    They have a system of governance given to them 50 years ago and have instituted little to no upgrades, of course there will be degradation, the current system is not suited to the people of these times, it was created by people long dead, for people long dead.

    The pride will come when they actually retrofit this degrading system to match the modern times of the 21st century….then it will become their system.

  2. Well Well;
    Do you consider the American System better? A system that results in the election of someone who ended up the winner; even though he got more than a million and a half less votes than the other contender? A system where a complete section of the populace, was not even consulted, brought into the discussion of thE election, or whose opinion was not sought: A section of the populace who were shunted aside as if they did not exist, and whose leaders were not included in any discussion, by the media, Civil Society, the politicians of any party, or even the rest of the population? Where were the Native Indigenous people in this past election, in the 21st Century? These were the original inhabitants of the country now known as the United States of America; the supposed leader of the Free World, the Bastion of Democracy? These were the people who were subjected to the most outrageous Genocidal episode that has occurred in history, where thousands of them have been displaced, killed, removed by force of arms from their places of birth, deliberately scattered, and placed in concentration camps called “reservations”, and denied basic freedoms; who even today, are still ignored in their cries and protests to achieve even the right to their property, and the right to live in a safe unpolluted environment.
    And you seek to make comparison with Barbados? What we have is superior to that system and it is only because of their own selfishness that certain elements in this society would want to break it down and even destroy it.
    The American system, based on a Constitution; written by men who declared, in its opening paragraph that “All men are created equal,” while, at the same time, keeping Black people as slaves, brought over forcibly from Africa and sold as chattel. and denying them the same freedoms that they penned; fighting a Civil War, to keep these “rights”, and even today almost three hundred years later, still keeps the anachronism of an”Electoral College” that makes provisions that are unenforceable. And you talk about the system in Barbados?
    The difficulty you people have is that I will keep reminding you of your hypocrisy.

  3. George

    I would have preferred to hear how the opposition,noting the failings of this govt will be embarking over the next two years in islandwide meetings encompassing every village, nook and cranny inorder to listen to the frustrations,wants and needs of the people and truthfully telling them which can be met in the first five years,those over 10years and those that will take longer or those that cannot be met.

    What say you?

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin….educate yourself before commenting, the electoral college was designed by dead men, I understand perfectly why it was done so back then, it was to protect states that are smaller with smaller populations so that they would be represented just as the larger states are…eg California has a population of 30 million or more, NYS has a population of 20 million or more, Oregon has a population of 3.98 million people, the Dakota States have a population of maybe 650,000 people between North and South…there are 50 states plus Hawaii and the dependent Puerto Rico……try not to lose me ok.

    Now the quite alive congress and house of representative and all the idiots combined, did not think it necessary to upgrade this system created by dead men for long dead people whose population sizes per state were significantly smaller centuries ago, to reflect population sizes in the last 50 years.

    Then you have a jackass and con woman like Killary, insulting the intelligence of and taking for granted the votes of the suffering people of these small states, something like DLP does with the people of St. John and both DBLP politicians do with the majority on the island, well guess what, those people who Clinton thought were backward, stupid, poor, helpless, ignorant and did not have a choice, refused to vote for hver arrogant, lying ass this time around….they did have a choice since she thought that she did not een have to visit those states during her campaigning, to get their votes, she had refused to visit the smaller states…that is where the electoral college comes in real handy….she was punished by the smaller states….usng the electoral college.

    All ya gotta do if you dont like Trump, is pray that come Dec 19th, the electoral college reverses their support of Trump…and install some other idiot from the republican party instead, ya always get disappointed when your lips are permanently puckered and affixed to the asses of politicians, I have no such problem.

    And I still think Bajans should throw weeks old stale piss on all the politicians and their lackeys planning to approach their doors in Barbados wth their mouths filled with lies and broken promises.

    Do your research before posting shit Alvin.

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I am so happy when their arrogance and uppityness causes them to fall on their asses, it just makes my

  6. @ Vincent

    I cannot speak for the Opposition BLP. I address the things that I observe and/or read about which I believe need to be addressed. It is up to the electorate to DEMAND better from any individual or party seeking to be in Parliament. Both parties owe that to this Barbados.

  7. @ George

    You have been previously indicted here for your offerings of a certain slanted logic.

    Public expectations as variously perceived, though important, cannot be the only measure/s of current circumstances. The masses are no longer God and have been proved to be wrong many times over.

    Nonetheless these measurement/s may reveal useful information for policymakers at a point in time.

    We are not persuaded that the gaps are/were ever heading in the narrowing that one would expect, given a longitudinal approach.

    If we are right, both tribes are equally as guilty.

  8. George

    This is what I mean with every nook&cranny…..good start.

    Mia Amor Mottley added 7 new photos.
    10 mins ·

    Today I joined Parliamentary colleague and Party Chairman George Payne and other Parliamentary colleagues in White Hill where approximately 400 residents have had to do without their normal access road which washed away 2 years ago to see their plight for myself. The residents of White Hall are complaining that they feel they are being victimized for voting solidly for the Barbados Labour Party candidate over the years. They also pointed out that one area where the road also washed away, was fixed within days because it was affecting access to the home of family of Minister Denis Lowe. The walk-through today showed me yet more examples of the two Barbados’ that we live in. It cannot continue. There must be one Barbados

  9. Why was this not done when George Payne was Minister,and Parliamentary representative, which he has been for well over twenty years? He is still Parliamentary representative.

  10. @Alvin

    Did we not boot the BLP out of office so many years ago?

  11. @ Alvin C. Please sir, this was also stated “400 residents have had to do without their normal access road which washed away 2 years ago,”

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin just keeps displaying his stupidity ….why do you think the current useless government was elected Alvin…do you think it was just to collect free salaries from taxpayers and give yardfowls jobs, they were elected to do what the previous government refused to do….their jobs.

    After all the pomp and pagentry of nonsense and biasting by yardfowls of which party won, they are supposed to do their jobs what is wring eith you people.

    And these current clowns in parliament also refuse to do their jobs.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin never has sympathy for his own people who suffer at the hands of useless Fruendel & Co, his excuse is always, the other party, who were thrown out nearly 10 years ago, did not do it
    either, what a disgusting vicious little man you are Alvin, totally subhuman., did absolutely nothing for you, going to school in the US and living for decades in Canada did absolutely nothing for you, you just cannot fix stupid, heartless backward black men such as Alvin..

  14. Alvin

    Tsk,tsk,tsk…….casting such aspersions on our fellow Cawmerian….without checking the facts……just not cricket eh.

    An apology is due,dont you think?

  15. I am sick and tired of hearing the so called Intelligentsia in Barbados bitched, moaned and complained about government inability to meet the needs of the electorate, but these same smart individuals are unable to do as the nincompoop Donald Trump has done, and arouse the collective conscience or either fears of the people , and rally them into taking action.

  16. Vincent Haynes

    You would never hear an individual in the wider world boast about a Secondary School as you guys there in Barbados have a tendency to do. People in the wider world may occasionally boast about the prestigious colleges or universities that their have attended, but not a Secondary School education.

  17. Dompey,
    How about Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Brighton College, et al. A public school education is highly prized in the UK.

  18. I’ve spent a number of years attached to the Brigade of Guards. There were young, rich and titled officers who attended the most prestigious grammar schools in the UK and abroad,in addition to the top universities. In all my years with them, I ‘ve never heard a single fellow bragging about his school.

  19. Hal Austin

    I must confine my point to North America then because I have never heard a North American boast about a Secondary School education the way in which a Barbadian does. You would never hear a professor in an American university boast to his students regarding which of the Secondary Schools he or she has attended.

  20. Hal Austin
    Rule number 1.Never,ever respond to anything written by the Donkey.No one does.Join the queue.

  21. George Brathwaite did you hear Mia Mottley call as an answer for degenerative diseases as a solution or the Barbadian people . However she did not mention cost per person yearly for every disease

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…it’s tacky to boast of the high school you attended, it’s very rude to ask anyone which high dcholl they attended, very old people in their 70s, 80s and 90s do that crap in Barbados I have never seen it anywhere else in my travels…scholars never boast about the high schools they attended, as a matter of fact, scholars hate the high schools they attended and wear that hate as a badge of honor, they hate the universties even more.

    Bsrbados has at least 100 years to catch up.

  23. AGAIN ??????

    THE BARBADOS REVENUE Authority (BRA) has advised that its Oistins location has been temporarily closed, due to an environmental challenge. –

  24. You mean even though the Government is renting property ,as is the case of BRA Oistin,that environment problems is dogging them there? There are many businesses in Southern Plaza, are they affected too?
    But when the head is bad, the whole body is bad.
    Some years ago the government of the day started to build a new post office in that area of the car park near Grannies in Oistin. With 50/60 % of the building completed, the steel structure and bricks were pushed down, to make way for the car park. The government then went down to Southern Plaza and rented the present office space.
    BLP or DLP, they are both wasters.

  25. @Ralph Thorne, why don`t you speak to the need for waste reduction, composting and recycling as part of the waste management solution.

    Just tired of the political rhetoric without offering up solutions. it seems political parties in Barbados see the treasury as a breast to be sucked dry.

  26. A GREAT ARTICLE, …. we are being govern by FOREIGN POLOCIES and this is the main reason why we are experiencing such demise in both Leadership and social conditions, it is high time to issue “LETTERS OF INTENT TO WITHDRAW” from many of these foreign agendas that only serves to re-enforce anothers’ will and does not solve any of the countries’ social problems and conditions…in fact they are leading the country towards a greater demise.

    We loss DAVID THOMPSON and TOM ADAMS because of their political standpoints.

    …David Thompson – was contending that: “I do not want to perpetuate the same wrongs that I criticized the former Government of committing. … There must be structures and procedures. There must be transparency and accountability. I am very concerned about the issue of governance in this country.”

    Are we not seeing the opposite here?
    Are we not seeing the manipulation of consciousness by rhetoric ?
    Are we not seeing the misdirection/misuse of public funds?
    Are we not seeing the demise of the pillars of societal systems and structures?
    Are we so complacent to allow ancient ACTS of law to keep us in a subservient mindset?
    who are we? and who do you think you are?
    Come forth you leaders who hath been prepared.

    “Only enlightened and competent people can make a country truly independent. To participate meaningfully and productively in the major institutions of the society, people have to be empowered. It is the completion of this process of political, educational, social and economic empowerment that will enable ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water’ to become the true craftsmen of their fate and real participants in the process of social economic progress.”

    This statement does not lend itself to only those who are fraternally affiliated who may find difficulty in transparency and accountability but for those who have been fully prepared.

  27. “There is nothing wrong with starting from the bottom. There is nothing wrong with suffering short term discomforts for long term gains. There is nothing wrong with winning the race coming from behind. We need to be honest enough to admit that we are party to our poor condition.Let us burn our excuses and work towards a solid and prosperous future.” Thomas Sankara.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    So Sinckler only just found this out after being a government minister for nearly 10 years and fininance minister for 4 or 5 years, he kept BLP’s dirty secrets for nearly a decade and think he can now plsy slick….using the press to threaten Mia with exposure to fool the electorate will not work, all yall getting exposed.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    …….”it is high time to issue “LETTERS OF INTENT TO WITHDRAW” from many of these foreign agendas that only serves to re-enforce anothers’ will and does not solve any of the countries’ social problems and conditions…in fact they are leading the country towards a greater demise.”

    Unlike large countries who are highly committed to trade agreements, small islands can withdraw from these discriminatory, onesided agreements that benefits the larger countries only, but will the slaves in parliament have the strength, tenacity or loyalty to their people to do this, seeing as they love to travel all over at taxpayer’s expense, hobnob and be seen signing these onesided documents with their victimizers and pretend they actually know what they are signing…..when they dont..

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Let’s hope this wild beast gets serious prison time with at least 4 or 5 charges thrown at him including breaking and entering and attempted rape, physically assault and many others.

    The authorities in Barbados need to stop acting like attempted rape is not a crime, it is a very vicious crime, come into the 21st century for once.

  31. Annonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Annonymouse – TheGazer

    Read the story. Seems as if the lady has concerns on how society will look upon her (a victim).

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    She is right, still too much backwardness for a so called highly educated population, the beast who attacked her should be the one photographed, named, shamed and forced to say why.

    Barbados needs a Sex Offender’s Registry, these rapists and pedophiles are too arrogant and unafraid, they have been too successful for too many decades.

  33. @ Well Well & Consequences
    Did the Barbados government ratified the UN Agenda 21?
    one clause states a $40mil grant to those countries that initiate a “water management program” well, at the demise of constituents water woes, many will find ways to get a piece of the cake.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This is the first I am hearing about this… nineofnine, I bet the ministers in parliament never thought the information important enough for the taxpayers to know, even if it concerns their health, wellness and quality of life, keeping it a deep dark secret to themselves while the quality of delivering potable water to the people deteriorates and the leakage of raw, filthy, disease ridden sewage into the streets and people’s homes increases every day.

    You clearly see what the government is celebrating, their incompetence.

    One way of fighting off poverty in Scotland.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    These fraud road works construction companies are not fixing the roads for any long term lasting, their strategy is short term, halfassed road repairs which means regular contracts to latch their parasitic asses on to the treasury and taxpayer’s money……

    …….concrete the roads, there is ample evidence that this lasts much longer, only the bribetaking government ministers would not want a more permanent solution to constant potholes and road deterioration.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Something needs to be done about these 3 clowns who obviously had running scans against the taxpayers in collusion with Mark Maloney et al….they have to account fir taxpayer’s money and their actions.

    So it took Dumbville nearly 10 years in government as a minister to realize this, how many more decades would it take him to make those changes.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Mia needs to expose more of this corruption that she knows is taking place within the government against the people, she needs to call names and shake things up. A minority of business people is not a large enough population to vote her government in, she should know this, so trying to appease them and kiss ass is useless if you do not appease the majority who have the voting power.

    Many of those business people Mia is trying to placate are also involved in the corruption with the same government ministers and are patiently awaiting their turn to continue the corruption, decades old stealing from taxpayer’s and disenfranchisement of the majority population using Mia and her government ministers.

    The majority voters now know all of this, so she better get it right, either placate the majority voters by exposing more of the corruption in the DLP government and push harder for their prosecution or wait another 5 years to be elected…that’s the bottomline.

  38. Col. it is British under-statment. I worked next to an Old Etonian and did not know until the financial crisis. Americana may not talk about schools, but they do about universities – that is why we have Ivy League universities and the children of graduates are often offered a place. Look at the Bushes.
    I am a big St Giles fan (and JO Morris in particular). It means more to me than any university.

  39. @George Brathwaite please join us, politics aside for we only have one 50th birthday

  40. Dem houses need moving as neither party needs to waste money due to that unstable terrain.

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