Jeff Cumberbatch - Columnist, Barbados Advocate
Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Barbados Advocate

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter…”Winston Churchill.

“Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…”Winston Churchill

The story is that the deliberations of the US Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, curious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. Their answer was soon provided. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin on his exit, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

As did most of my friends by their own admission, I spent last Wednesday morning in a funk of astonishment and disbelief at the events that had transpired in the US a few hours before. We were trying, as Maureen Dowd put it in her opinion piece in the New York Times last Wednesday, to “absorb the impossible”. Despite the geographical inexactitude and patent vagueness of his campaign slogan to “Make America Great Again”; despite his petulance and clear unease at articulating clearly any policy position; despite his clear contempt for those of a race or culture different from his own; despite his abandonment by the Republican establishment after flagrant displays of an offensive misogyny and mimicry of the disabled; and despite the unanimous certainty of the pre-election polls to the contrary, Donald J Trump had secured the mandate of the people (via the Electoral College) to become the next President of the United States of America.

And yet, on further reflection, it is not that difficult to explain this alarming event, although no single factor will suffice. For one, there is the vagary of democracy itself. Churchill’s dictum in the epigraph might seem uncharitable and perhaps even out of sync with our current constitutional ethos, but it may serve eloquently to explain in part some surprising results in recent democratic decisions such as the BREXIT referendum in the UK, the rejection of the peace accord in Colombia, the Trump victory and perhaps some others besides. And polls are mostly unable to predict these types of results because the actuality is that very few responders want to be perceived as being out of step with the prevailing view. I can count, on fewer than four fingers, the number of individuals who, to my knowledge, contemplated that Trump would have won this contest and even so, this was mostly because they hated Mrs. Hillary Clinton more.

This point as to the unthinking nature of voters should not be understated. In an interesting column published online in Foreign Policy, Jason Brennan first posits inarguably that “democracy is supposed to enact the will of the people” and then queries “but what if the people have no clue what they’re doing?” His thesis is that most voters are ignorant or misinformed because the costs to them of acquiring political information greatly exceed the potential benefits. He likens the democratic exercise to a professor telling her hypothetical class of 210 million that in their final exam no individual will receive his or her personal grade but that everyone will get the same grade. In that case, he argues, no one would bother to study and the common grade would be an “F”. He concludes therefore, “…voting is more like doing the wave at a sports game than it is like choosing policy.”

For some, it might have been precisely this Brennanesque stance of belittling the native intelligence of the ordinary voter that led ineluctably to the Trump triumph. One writer has argued persuasively that the choice made on Tuesday last might have been less of a instinctual default option and more of an “intelligent” choice. For him, anger and uncertainty at the inexorable march of globalization and technology had reached such a pitch that many voters were ready for disruption [of the status quo] at any cost.

“Enough of elites; enough of experts; enough of the status quo; enough of the politically correct; enough of the liberal intelligentsia and cultural overlords with their predominant place in the media; enough of the financial wizards who brought the 2008 meltdown and stagnant incomes and jobs disappearing offshore” is how Roger Cohen expresses their collective frustration in the New York Times, a worldview that could find some commonality in Trump’s sloganeering and would be antithetical rather to the Clinton campaign where the candidate herself was perceived as the epitome of this perverse state of affairs.

Indeed, more than a few commentators in recent days have focused their readership’s attention on the unsuitability of Mrs. Clinton as the worthiest Democratic opponent for Mr. Trump. Not-so- easily-dismissed suspicions about the moral authenticity of the process that brought her the nomination as the candidate of the Democratic Party; her coziness with “them” (the financial and social establishment) and a regrettable sense of entitlement that, perhaps unfairly, suggested that she should be free from popular and legal scrutiny –what Maureen Dowd calls a “miasma of financial and ethical cheesiness”; would scarcely have endeared Mrs. Clinton to the alienated rural voter in the counties and states of Middle America.

Nor should we discount lightly the bigotry that might have induced apoplexy should a female be allowed to follow a blackish individual into the White House and that would have felt itself threatened by the inexorable “browning” of a formerly whitish USA.

Today’s headline to this column poses a question for further debate. It is part of a broader inquiry as to what type of President is Trump likely to be. Given his flip-flopping with the truth during his campaign, it would be mere conjecture to base this conclusion purely on his utterances then. Will he be the candidate who claims that he knows more about ISIS than even the generals on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and thus be the individual defender of the “Free World” or will the demands and stresses of the office, so clearly evident in the frosting of the crowns of both Presidents Clinton and Obama during their respective tenures, humble him sufficiently to tone down his inflammatory exclusionist rhetoric?

The defining characteristic of the republican system of government as distinct from that of the monarchical that the US would have successfully rebelled against in 1776, is its checks and balances inherent in the constitutional construct of the separation of powers to ensure that no one branch impinges on the exclusive preserve of the other. Trump’s campaign discourse made a mockery of this principle with his frequent references as to what “I” would do. There was no correspondingly frequent mention of “my administration”.

Now, with the Republicans controlling both the Senate and Congress, and with a President Trump, emboldened by his electoral mandate, entitled to reject the Republican establishment as a consequence of their earlier treatment causing him to do it “all by himself”, the circumstances are ideal for a return to a quasi-monarchical system of “Trumpism”.

396 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – A Return to the Monarchy?”

  1. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @are-we- and @Sargeant…. Do let us all relax and meditate with peaceful purpose. And use this old balm to salve the flesh wounds from Mr Trump flashing rapier with these…

    “A wise ruler ought never to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests.” And more forceful,

    … ” The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.”

    All circa 15th-16th century from Niccolo Machiavelli, of course.

    Throughout the campaign it was made popular that Trump dd not read biographies and such…balderdash. Even if he didn’t, mentors like Roy Cohn his legal attack beast in early days certainly did so he got the knowledge anyhow.

    Trump is and has practiced Machiavellian purpose perfectly.

    Undoubtedly Trump will make a colossal error. The problem for his adversaries is whether it will be now or seven years on.

    Already he is trending to grave error (commingling his family in transition and then expecting them to operate his ‘blind trust’) but he is also moving into governance mode with aplomb (Sec of State Romney would be a ‘seminal’ princely move).

    Time will tell how he is viewed as a President, so we need to get beyond his campaign rhetoric.

    Let’s all reread the Prince (Sun Tzu, et al ) and weep because Trump the master is way ahead of us all !!!

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences do realize that the rating of 11 is the cut off point and it’s graded up to high school, mostly state funded….neither US or UK made it from 1 to 11, clearing showing that the education system of the last 50 years…needs an upgrade, worldwide.

    Barvpbados is holding on at #11…. if they drop to 12, they are out of the standing.

    In essence, what they have given us is the 11 best of the worst education system, the worst being the ones 12 and up., this just means that something must be done to maintain standing from 1-11.

    As we know Japan is holding their own, but it wreaks havoc on social behaviors, major problems, suicides, there gotta be a better way.

    My experience is age 3-5…montessori system….7-11 private school, no 11 plus, then back to Barbados…private school 13….16…..6th form for 2 years….then back to wherever for university…it works well but cannot be done by everyone.

    However, the university grads are complaining it’s a scam, most of what they learned, they cannot apply it in life and they just end up in debt with 75% catching hell to find a job, technical is the way to go they say, even my kids had an issue with top universities.

    There gotta be a better way. All these education ministries with highly qualified taxpayer funded public servants and no one seems to be able to engineer something better…they are useless.

    They introduced common core in NY…and it’s destroying the kids mentally, every state and city got their own version of stagnation for the children, unless you can pay for private education or home schooling. which delivers individual attention. …a better way, which again, the majority cannot afford.

    How is your girl Killary…lol

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB. …you will be so shocked that the rad Muslims and secular, radical Jews will come together with one common goal…, the enemy of my enemy is my friend….and jump Trump and his racists…he will not be only shocked, but totally awed….that’s the one thing those 2 groups will ever agree on, a mutual threat to their existence. ..then they will return to fighting and killing each other….lol

    Isnt reality sweet. Shocked and

  4. And u can add the blacks to that group who would be calling for Trump impeachment as he does his best to undermine the laws and Constitution specifically designed with individual guarantees if human rights and the pursuit of happiness
    Trump would be in for a rude awakening as he pushes the envelope further and further away from democracy and into an era or authoritarian dictatorship.
    In the weeks and months he would tried to discredit the fourth estate with his early morning pronunciation of tweets and fake news

  5. Well Well,
    Haven’t you been trying for years to tell me that if our ministers were in America they would be put in jail? Try to put Trump and his cohorts in jail now. Try and tell me about Nepotism. What portfolio does Trump’s son in law hold? What blind trust what? when the heads of the blind trust are your wife, your children etc. You telling me that when Trump lie down next to his wife she went cooing tell him what happening? Boll…

  6. I dont like nepotism either but there is no actual Law against it for the POTUS!

  7. By Law, Trump could actually run his Business and the US simultaneously.

  8. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you are intelligent enough to understand the LAW and politics don’t frequently mix well. And when the Pres sends his operatives into the large US organizations to seek help, they will tell him to kindly go F**k himself, because they are “smart too”. He cannot bully them around as he has become accustomed to doing elsewhere.

  9. Barbadians who are always looking to the USA political system as a measuring stick for transparency would be sorely disappointed as Trump unveils the laws that are meant to protect the wealthy as he did by avoiding to pay his taxes and his utterances of his now famous words I am smart which he intends to incorporate to business practices taking them from the Trump Tower to the White House

  10. NTH OBS
    I never commented on the Optics or my opinion only on the legal aspect as I understand it.
    Personally, I dont think he should be paying too much attention to the business as he has professionals and clever children to accomplish that. Nepotism is not usually a good idea. My own father benefited from a clever boss who appreciated that his own son required good management assistance.

  11. NorthernObserver Avatar

    ac you are confused. Allow me to illustrate.
    The GoB decides to fund its business locally. That is a POLICY DECISION. The transparency associated with that decision is not the decision itself, but rather its governance of the operation of that policy.
    The GoB goes on to state their Policy will be carried out by having the NIS purchase government instruments. In other words, they are going to trade cash within the NIS for government issued instruments, Bonds T-Bills etc
    The TRANSPARENCY is how this is done? So at one end you have the CBB which is issuing these instruments on behalf of GoB, and NIS at the other who is acquiring them. The CBB issues reports, but at the other end we haven’t seen an annual report from the NIS in umpteen years???
    Suddenly there is smoke. The transparency is clouded. Why is this so? Do they not have a Board whose responsibility it is to oversee management? Is it not Standard operating practice to produce annual reports? And the smoke, the ability to see clearly (transparency) doesn’t disappear until such a report is produced.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB…where are you getting your laws, you are making them up.



    Ya making up crap to legitimize the fraud that is Trump, there are laws in place specifically for this, though some things are unprecedented, Congress can enact more laws to put up barriers to Trump’s idiocy. He cannot operate in a vacuum, there are 3 branches of government. ..,

    …..and you do not want bad examples set for the copycats ya have in Barbados’ parliament…ya know they are already corrupt….and idiots.

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you are deftly deflecting, what WW&C referred to me elsewhere as being flippant.
    I mean you spend weeks on BU slamming HRC. The intent? To prove she was just as unsuitable as Trump? The BU Luminati have you clearly pegged as a Trump supporter, even though you say, you never said he would make a good president. So what, you just stirring the pot for sport? Playing the devil’s advocate.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Trump would get shut down…real fast.

    “5 U.S. Code § 3110 – Employment of relatives; restrictions

    Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
    US Code
    Authorities (CFR)
    prev | next
    (a) For the purpose of this section—
    (1) “agency” means—
    (A) an Executive agency;
    (B) an office, agency, or other establishment in the legislative branch;
    (C) an office, agency, or other establishment in the judicial branch; and
    (D) the government of the District of Columbia;

    (2) “public official” means an officer (including the President and a Member of Congress), a member of the uniformed service, an employee and any other individual, in whom is vested the authority by law, rule, or regulation, or to whom the authority has been delegated, to appoint, employ, promote, or advance individuals, or to recommend individuals for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement in connection with employment in an agency; and

    (3) “relative” means, with respect to a public official, an individual who is related to the public official as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, or half sister.

    (b) A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official. An individual may not be appointed, employed, promoted, or advanced in or to a civilian position in an agency if such appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement has been advocated by a public official, serving in or exercising jurisdiction or control over the agency, who is a relative of the individual.

    (c) An individual appointed, employed, promoted, or advanced in violation of this section is not entitled to pay, and money may not be paid from the Treasury as pay to an individual so appointed, employed, promoted, or advanced.

    (d) The Office of Personnel Management may prescribe regulations authorizing the temporary employment, in the event of emergencies resulting from natural disasters or similar unforeseen events or circumstances, of individuals whose employment would otherwise be prohibited by this section.

    (e) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the appointment of an individual who is a preference eligible in any case in which the passing over of that individual on a certificate of eligibles furnished under section 3317(a) of this title will result in the selection for appointment of an individual who is not a preference eligible.

  15. WW,
    Did U read the links?
    The children could serve once not paid and not in high position requiring Senate approval.
    There is no law forcing a Blind Trust etc.

    Like I stated I believe Trump should avoid both situations.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    A bill has already been presented to the house to rein in Trump and conflicts of interest.

    Read and weep MoneyB. …lol the US has faults like every country, but being a banana republic….is not one.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    As advisors….not elected officials MoneyB. …there is a yuuge and bigly differnce….lol

    “Dem takes aim at Trump with bill to prevent conflicts of interest
    © Getty Images
    In a move targeting President-elect Donald Trump, a House Democrat has introduced legislation requiring presidents to eliminate potential conflicts of interest with their personal finances.

    Rep. Katherine Clark’s (D-Mass.) bill would require the president and vice president to put their assets in a certified blind trust or inform the public and Office of Government Ethics when they make decisions affecting their financial interests.

    “Every recent president in modern history has taken steps to ensure his financial interests do not conflict with the needs of the American people. The American people need to be able to trust that the President’s decisions are based on the best interests of families at home, and not the President’s financial interests,” Clark said in a statement.

    Past presidents have placed their assets in blind trusts, which are managed by independent trustees. Trump, meanwhile, has said he plans for his adult children to manage his business dealings once he takes office in January.
    That’s raised questions about how Trump will be able to avoid potential conflicts of interest with his global business while serving in the White House.

    His three adult children were influential advisers during the campaign and are all on the Trump’s presidential transition team.

    Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, was photographed sitting in on her father’s meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday in Trump Tower.

    U.S. presidents and vice presidents are exempt from a law that bars executive branch employees from engaging in government activities in which they or their families have a financial stake. The law does not apply to members of Congress or federal judges, either.

    In the meantime, Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence will have to release annual financial disclosures throughout their terms.

    The Wall Street Journal wrote in an editorial this week that Trump’s “best option” would be to liquidate his stake in his company. It warned that Trump would otherwise be questioned about his motives during debates over issues like tax reform and Wall Street regulation.

    “The political damage to a new Administration could be extensive. If Mr. Trump doesn’t liquidate, he will be accused of a pecuniary motive any time he takes a policy position,” the editorial states.

    The editorial further noted that Trump’s rival in the presidential election, Hillary Clinton, had been attacked for ties to her family’s namesake charitable foundation while serving as secretary of State.

    “Millions of Americans have put their trust in Mr. Trump to succeed as President and improve their lives, not treat this as a four-year hiatus from his business,” it said.”

  18. NTH OBS
    My intent was to see how people would react in this matter, their biases, beliefs, opinions and much more. It was obvious to me that this would be a very controversial election and there was much FUN to be had— especially watching people who thought they understood what is really going on not just in the US but in Western Europe and elsewhere—massive move to the Right hopefully not too extreme Right! Watching the Brainwashed is always fun.

  19. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I suspected as much.

  20. WW
    NOT a Banana Republic? Wid Shill and Trump as candidates? Pleeez! lol

  21. BTW do U guys know that there is a very high probability of a Recession soon. The correlation with new Presidents and Recession is exceedingly high. Are U ready?

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    All ya talking MoneyB……elected officials influence all policies…advisers cant, they can be shut down and shut out…That’s the yuuge and bigly difference.

    I beat up on the US tirelessly when I am of a mood, but ya gotta admire their system of checks and balances…not perfect, but workable, they still got a lot of work to do, long way to go..

    ….Trump is testing the system and they will remember the 20 years and 1 billions dollars he escaped with from the tax man, he will propably get some personalized handcuffs when they are through with him…for that stunt, his farts will be recorded.

    And you know if he had me to deal with it would be a one way ticket to Florence Supermax…lol

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    MoneyB. …google it yaself….Trump is inheriting a robust economy, you mean he knows everything about everything and cant turn back a recession….I thought you were moving to the US after the Trump win…though.

  24. WW
    LOCK all a Washington DC up the lobbyists etc just build the Prison around Washington DC.

  25. WW
    Strong wha? NOT economy!!!
    Never has so much $$$$$$$ been created and spent for so little Econ Growth–that is a World Record!
    Fact: US grew 1.5% for the year ended 30th Sep 2016. This has been the most anemic Recovery on record.

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I assume you will have noted that without any movement by the Fed or the BoC, certain banks here have led the way with minimal increases in interest rates, at least initially at the loaning end. what is your read?

  27. Banks are desperate to increase their spreads. Cnd banks are very worried about Mortgages and RE prices. The problem is that the Governments are the biggest borrowers and want to keep rates low. Note that rates stayed in a low range from 1932 -53= 21 yrs (and for most of the 1800s). The situation is unprecedented and the only sure thing is uncertainty going forward. Massive quantities of excrement could intersect with the oscillating device!

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Money Brain November 19, 2016 at 3:25 PM #
    LOCK all a Washington DC up the lobbyists etc just build the Prison around Washington DC.”

    It was Trump said he was going to “Drain the Swamp”…in Washington, that was not me.

    Right around the same time you and Chad had Trump walking on water….no need to worry about the US economy, Trump can fix that, no matter how bad, that is according to you and Chad.

    So what recession

  29. NorthernObserver Avatar

    MB…spread is x-y? Even if BoC rate is 10%, they will still have a spread. You are accurate that low interest rates primary product is debt, and today due to Gov’t debt they are particularly sensitive.
    The Banks/lenders concern about mortgages (their exposure) is their problem? Nobody begged or forced them to lend? In my first business back in the late 80’s my largest customers were banks where mortgagees had dropped off the keys and said “Good luck”. Now they had to fix up those assets and offload them.

    But here you have DT, who apart from “helping” certain public officials to get what he wanted, he even has a party who rejected him, is following the same yard fowl mentality of those party folks who came before him. He can select whomever he wants? I hope we begin to see persons of other allegiances or he is going to fall into the same trap of those who preceded him. The same narrow one-sided opinions.

    This becomes the largest failure of all our so called democratic systems. Once elected they go and support and choose from largely only those who supported them and “share their opinions”. A failure of all these essentially two party systems.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That’s it Nprthern, the world needs an upgrade, from the 2 party systems which are becoming more and mire destructive, from the degrading school systems likewise, they have all this time to fight among themselves,about who has the best and greatest philosophies, but no time for progressive uogrades….so therefore, we are getting degradation between political, educational and religious systems.

    A total systems failure.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Now everyone sees the ultimate fates of political pimps.

    Rudy and Christies…”has been humans”….lol

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Blair is a follower, he just wants to be part of the scum party with Donald Trump now gathering themselves together in the UK and elsewhere for their next coordinated financial assault on the world’s people….using whatever means at their disposal.

    Don’t for one minute think this is not being well coordinated.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Everyone is now on their guard.

    Highly debatable since Clinton would nit need to use the same people to achieve thecsame slimy results, besides, she and Trump are friends, same lowlife.

  34. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Money Brain November 19, 2016 at 3:29 PM re “Fact: US grew 1.5% for the year ended 30th Sep 2016. This has been the most anemic Recovery on record.”

    Statistics can be used as a cudgel or of course as like carrot to be a leading indicator of good. So let’s take your cudgel and make it a carrot.

    That anemic growth you bash came after a few years of basically slowing growth. Coming from 4.2% in the mid 60’s period to just under 3% at the time of the ’08 crash. Then there were quarters in 2008 – 2009 where there was NEGATIVE growth rates: -0.3 and -3.1% being highlights. That had NOTHING to do with Obama.

    Chad45 often makes the illogical remark that Obama was not an economist and thus had no idea what he was doing so I lump your broadside of poor GDP growth in that bowl of deplorable illogic.

    The US economy cannot be reshaped so drastically in four or even eight short years to forestall years of operational issues. And certainly based on the abyss from which Obama climbed it is economic pyrotechnics to use the stats as you are doing.

    It seems that many people forget that Bush 43 oversaw Y’uuge expenditures (stimulus) to the economy with the military spending of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That was massive inflows to the economy. Yet on average growth continued to slow as compared to ten years segments going back to that 60’s period mentioned. And of course we still had that small matter of the financial crash.

    Just saying…without too long a palaver.

    Oh, I’m sure you will jump all over my comment that ‘The US economy cannot be reshaped so drastically…’. So let me add now: unless like Trump you will offer supply-side tax cuts and stimulus that will EXPLODE the deficit to Mars.

    Yes the economy has grown comparatively quite slowly, but so too the world economy been undergoing shocks not seen previously.

    Blame Obama if that makes perfect sense to you. Otherwise if you are serious and rational really explore the underlying issues. He takes some blame surely but his team did a really great job to get the economy trending upwards as it is. That’s my carrot!

  35. Dribs,
    Where did I blame Barry?

    It is a fact that never has so much money been created (double what came before in History $9 TR) for so little result.

    I would suggest that you are correct that it takes a long while for an aircraft carrier to turn around. I would not blame or praise Barry on this as Presidents rely on advice from the Fed, Treasury, Commerce etc and are subject to the Global situation.

    The US economy, trade relationships etc has been mismanaged for a very long time.

  36. Dribs,
    I blame Slick Willie for repealing the Financial Laws and Regs in 1998 which caused the 2008 Collapse. Additionally, I blame him for the changes made by the Bureau of Labour Statistics–BLS which I refer to as just BS! All the Stats coming out of Govt are crooked as hell. If dem swallow a nail dem excrete a screw!

  37. Signing off

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Smart guy.

    Realy, realy good theatre, so much more better than TV….lol

  39. MB
    You can blame slick willie all you like,the fact remains the man left a hefty surplus in the Budget and the elephants trampled all over it giving the top 1% every conceivable tax break they could dream up.Who in his right mind would have Dick Cheney as a VP,a hardliner just slightly worse than the maniac Bolton.You will see wars and more wars in the next 4 years.
    Meanwhile what democracy is there that of 2 candidates one got nearly 2 million votes than the other and still lost the election.

  40. Gabby,
    He left a surplus BUT totally left an atomic financial bomb with his repealing of Financial Laws/ Regs!!! Who PAY he fah dat???????????????

    U and many innocent people have paid the price for that act and U have not seen the worst yet!

    Crying about a system the DEMonics supported when they win–the Electoral College? If the ShilLIARy had won all a wunna would not say a ting bout dat.

  41. Gabby,
    Wars???? Who scaled up Afghanistan? Who left Iraq prematurely saying,”we left because of Bush’s planned departure” HINT HRC!
    Who destroyed Libya, Egypt, encouraged Iran?

    Who makes the armaments, munitions etc, who therefore has BIG$$$$$$$$$$$$ to pay US Pols? Which US party has ever slammed these war mongers? JFK did not want to escalate Vietnam and what happened to him? JFK also wanted to reform/ remove the Federal Reserve Bank and that is not so good for longevity.

  42. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    It seems that there is a move afoot by Clinton sympathizers to ask for recounts in some key battleground states citing statistical irregularities. I had hinted of such a possibility in posts around the election time. Now it is looking as if the Donald Trump election will take the US into dangerously uncharted territory.

    See the below article.

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