Submitted by Terence Blackett
“Pornography is the theory – Rape is the practice”  – Robin Morgan

pornographyRape is rape! There are no grey areas. Its checkered history goes back to the African slave trade and the pernicious commodification in slave breeding and forced pregnancy through rape and other misogynistic practices by both white and black males.

In this past week, it has come to my attention of the rape of a very close and dear family member in Barbados, who after an evening workout on the Boardwalk, was making her way home when she was abducted, anesthetized and sexually violated. In the aftermath of that violent incident, the perpetrator then threatened to murder her and her family if she disclosed the incident to the police – pushing her even further down the proverbial rabbit hole.

Surely no woman (red, yellow, black or light) should be a victim of such vituperation from any man – regardless of subliminal incitement, androstadienone pheromones or how she jiggles her pert, voluptuous backside!

Clearly, some Bajan men have now sunk to new depths of moral and ethical depravity!

In a “tiny” country like Barbados, covering a mere 166 sq. miles, with a population under 300,000 people; with a 99.8% literacy rate and a social infrastructure that is the envy of the world – how is it possible that such violent, sexual, predatory crimes are allowed to go unchecked – as serial rapists walk the streets either on bail or purposely stalled into oblivion by a legal system hijacked by shrewd, wicked, evil, corrupt lawyers who know how to play the system?

Moreover, how has the legal system in Barbados been allowed to reach such a state of almost total dilapidation and meltdown? Jurists are clearly out of their depth – punching above their moral weight, while the subliminal effects of rampant “CORRUPTION” appear almost virulent – to the point of almost dire contagion.

As a result, the quality of “epistemic justice” is strained as “LAWYERS” are nothing more than hogs with their snouts nuzzled in a melliferous trough of monetary largesse – profiting at the hands of the poor, disadvantaged and those who have been victimized and doubly screwed over.

Are those who are responsible for enacting laws and securing social justice for the weakest of its citizens asleep at the wheel? Has the polarization & destabilization of imported wealth placed the least fortunate in Bajan society in the camp of those of a “lesser God”?

So how did we get here as a society? How do we explain this moral rift we find ourselves in – where a major cross-section of our society (mothers, sisters, aunts, wives & girlfriends) cannot feel safe walking the streets or feel comfortable to be alone in the company of men? How do argue this narrative from a perspective that would reach those who believe they are educated and enlightened? How do you “SPIN” this tangled web of deceit, viciousness and evil that would even make any kind of sense?

Social science commentary on this most vicious and cruel of all moral issues regarding male violence and avowed misogynistic views and behaviours purport a broadly ethnomethodological approach – mediated by sociological stylistics influenced to a large degree by what is called discursive psychology that is underpinned by so-called reported crime statistics, with an equally glaring body of unreported discourses and narratives that oftentimes remain lodged in the hubris of silence and emotional distanciation.

As far back as 1949, (17 years before we gained Independence from our Colonial pariah masters), the “Systematic Rape” of any people had been considered a “WAR CRIME” by the Geneva Conventions! This form of targeted human genocide was euphemized as “ETHNIC CLEANSING” – however, its application when it came to the Indigenous Peoples of the world including enslaved Africans everywhere that has been a prominent feature throughout the gruesome 400+ year Serpentine advance of European colonial imperialisation – endemic with all the ravages experienced by the Black family, tells a squalid tale of puerile victimisation.

Over the years, those who have written the historical record, including the protagonists, propagandists and demagogues have all employed a combination of specious sophistry, white lies and mind-numbing ‘tricknology’, subliminally projecting ALL of their rape-filled Caucasian history onto the Black male. As a result, the epigenesis now plays itself out through the social construction of “lies, damn lies & rock ‘n’ roll that is reinforced by the wicked, vile images perpetrated by the White moviemakers of HollyWeird who are quick to push “PORN” down our throats as they objectify the Black woman as nothing more than a “piece of ARSE” – a Jezebel to be ravaged with or with consent.

Rape as a means of social control was explicitly used during the era of the plantocracy system and during the Antebellum period in AmeriKKKa to create a “MULATTO” buffer zone over Black Africans. The “mulattos” became the “house Negros” and were trained to keep the Black Africans in check and compliant with the aims and objectives of the slave owner. This long arm of historicity has reached down even to our time.

In the words of Tim Wise – “At the heart of our national dialogue on rape – to the extent we can even be said to have one, in the true sense of what dialogue implies – stands a persistent and rather transparent contempt for women, indeed a hatred so complete as to call into question just how many of us actually accept the idea that women are full human beings at all.”

Rabbi Harold Sharfman cited that Frenchmen for example, were “whitening” African females for sexual purposes, and by selective breeding, for a myriad of roles, some produced Mulatto types [with] remarkably exquisite facial features, lithe bodies, small hands and feet” – an “exotic” specie of woman to be used as a tool of sexual indulgence, promiscuous pleasure and kinky gratification.

According to the narrative of the time, Thomas Jefferson famously molested his 14-year-old Black captive slave girl named Sally Hemings, forcing her into a long-term relationship with her rapist and producing six children from her as a result as she was a beauty.

In the research work of feminist Erinn Cunniff Gilson entitled: “Intersubjective Vulnerability, Ignorance & Sexual Violence”, she argues that: “This view of vulnerability, relies on racist and classist assumptions in addition to sexist ones…”

Gilson cites Rachel Hall’s (2004:4) work in “IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU” arguing that through the reiteration of this particular construction of female vulnerability “[rape] prevention discourses reinvest white and middle-class women with a sense of preciosity” and obstructs recognition of the risk non-white and working class women face. This view of vulnerability actually renders an array of people more vulnerable because it buttresses rigid norms for victims (i.e., female, feminine, heterosexual, sexually pure, non-agential, and invested with social worth). Vulnerability, she believes is divvied up along gender lines, construed as a burden women bear and an impairment men avoid, but also a quality that indicates one’s value, one’s worthiness of protection…”

Gilson also believes that “although Black men are historically vulnerable to racist allegations of rape and violent reprisals that serve to maintain the white supremacist racial order, perceiving vulnerability in terms of sexual violability and a generalizable weakness works with racist stereotypes (BLACK MEN AS SEXUALLY AGGRESSIVE) to render vulnerability antithetical to Black masculinity. Overall, these beliefs about vulnerability work in conjunction with wilful ignorance of intersubjective vulnerability as a shared condition…”

The bottom line is this: Bajan women do not appear to be safe and that vulnerability is having toxic repercussions for families’ right across this good and pleasant land. Women must be protected from sexual predators. For as long as men continue to treat women as figments of violent sexual objectification – they will inevitably continue to play out their psychotic sexual fantasies making more vulnerable women notches on their bedpost – as they seek out more and more women to satisfy these lurid sexual urges and desires.

Sadly I must give Erinn Gilson’s the last words on this epistemic eye-opener, on the rapacious nature of a rape culture both in Barbados and even here in the United Kingdom and across the world (especially in war-torn areas where has permeated).

Gilson believes firmly that what is the “core problem for social justice is the failure of many to understand fully and accurately the particular patterns of vulnerability to sexual violence experienced by those situated in diverse ways. Yet this problem has deeper roots in the repudiation of intersubjective vulnerability: a pervasive unwillingness to be vulnerable in this most fundamental of ways pre-empts understanding of the complexity and depth of vulnerability…”

For she contends that “one cannot understand others’ experiences, one’s responsibility in relation to others, and the limits of one’s beliefs if one cannot acknowledge that one too shares in a basic openness to the corporeal and social world. Denying inter-subjective vulnerability goes hand in hand with more limited, social functional beliefs about vulnerability. Thus, ignorance of intersubjective vulnerability as a common condition means that one cannot understand how rape often affirms and exploits the socially sanctioned gendered image of what vulnerability is and how it is distributed…”

It is undeniable in 2016 that “Rape and sexual violence in general are violations of our shared condition of intersubjective vulnerability and constitute attempts to disavow it by reducing vulnerability to a gendered susceptibility to harm. In this way, wilful ignorance of how intersubjective vulnerability is a basic, shared facet of human existence is one of the most deeply rooted sources of common forms of ignorance about rape…”

Like most decent human beings, I also believe that “at the most basic level, it prevents the kind of openness to altering one’s views, interests, and dispositions that are required for altering rape culture and dispelling rape myths. Accordingly, the kinds of ignorance that crop up around rape and sexual violence must, I think, be understood in relation to the kinds of ignorance that surround vulnerability in general. If sexual violence is always a matter of vulnerability, then undoing ignorance about sexual violence will entail knowing more about and challenging ignorance about vulnerability” – period!

Barbados is facing a crisis of deep spiritual confidence. For a country that was once a tour de force of moral, ethical and traditional virtues and values – we have now descended into a Bottomless Pit of decadent, declining dustbowl of vacuous leaders, mindless liar-politicians and money-grabbing, slight-of-hand lawyers who can be compared to the souls of dead men on board a lifeless ship in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.

Is there a common, national will to change course? Or will there be a Titanic implosion on the rocks civil strife and unending chaos? We must all collectively decide!

May God help this once great nation!

121 responses to “Sexual Terrorism: “The Rape of the Black Women” – Historical Reverberations and Imprecations of Blood Lust”

  1. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    correction: YOUR version of the truth

  2. look jack.ass WW&C i have been doing by darndest to ignore you crap , but if you insist in drawing my moniker into a cyber fight i would respond and it would not be nice , warning, do not know why the hell you cannot keep ac out of your stinking mouth , i know i told a truth about you and your bestie Veronica of ND and it sees to have go you dumb all worked up but truth is bitter a,ss hole by the way f …off ole bag

  3. btw pedantic instead of wasting your tie on the one ND recruiters WW&C try reading the philosophy of logic and culture .

  4. time….. correction

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I will leave you two to rant while I get some sleep. …it’s bedtime.

    I am sure by morning Naked Departure will have something for you to spend all day looking at ACs.

    Pedant…ya know ya screwed up with the Nicholls book, everyone looked at you differently from then.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ACs…ah know yall desperate now, but wait, ah got something for ya closer to elections to make ya scream.

  7. “When your woman is attacked, that’s really the time to die. We’re not men if we don’t rise to the protection of our women….”

    Key statistics about sexual violence in the UK:


    In 2009, the Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES) conducted a national survey on behalf of the Ministry of Family, Culture, Sports and Youth’s Bureau of Gender Affairs determined that “35% involved “penetrative sexual abuse” (ibid., 58) & 58% involved “non-penetrative sexual abuse..”

    Using police homicide statistics from the years 2000 to 2007, the CADRES report indicates that, on average, 21% of homicides in Barbados during these years were a result of domestic violence against women (ibid., 6)…

    According to the Chairperson of the Service Alliance for Violent Encounters (SAVE) Foundation of Barbados, an NGO that provides services to victims of domestic violence in Barbados (SAVE 11 Oct. 2012), approximately 10 violent murders of women by men reportedly occurred in the first 10 months of 2010 (The Barbados Advocate 31 Oct. 2010).

    The CADRES survey, which also interviewed representatives of state and non-state agencies about their perspectives on domestic violence, found that the economic situation, alcohol abuse, past abuse in childhood, and the “patriarchal nature of Barbadian society” were factors contributing to domestic violence (CADRES [2009], 16, 27). The Barbadian Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Community Development said that domestic violence in Barbados “‘is often fed by poverty, dependency, lack of education or capacity and the absence of empowerment’” (qtd. in Nation 30 Mar. 2011). However, sources note that the problem of domestic violence affects women of all stratum of society in Barbados (CADRES [2009], 14; Nation 19 May 2010). (Cited from

    In an OAS document entitled: FINAL REPORT ON BARBADOS: ANALYSIS OF THE RESPONSE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BARBADOS TO THE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION, PUNISHMENT, AND ERADICATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN – suggest “Gaps in Legislation, Implementation and Enforcement where some of the legislation that pertains to the prohibition of violence against women has been in effect before Barbados became a signatory and ratified the Convention in 1995. There have been no amendments made to the many of the legislation since their enactment. The State claims that a definition of violence against as stated by the Convention was to be found in the Domestic Violence Act under a section that dealt with harassment. The areas of harassment outlined, however, does not fully capture the many forms of violence that women experience…”


    • It must be noted that the draft Bill on Sexual Harassment has been has been delayed in Parliament since 199 . The Coalition against Sexual Harassment has stated that the proposed Bill is too narrow and would like to broaden the scope of the legislation.

    • There is no legislation addressing rape and other forms of violence within marriage and common-law unions and these are therefore not criminalized.

    • The State reports that conciliation, mediation and other methods to achieve extra-judicial settlement to violence against women girls and female adolescents are not banned. However, no information is provided on whether substantial or procedural law provides for these methods and whether steps have been taken for their repeal. In the event that such procedures do not exist and there is no intention to repeal extrajudicial methods perpetrators might be encouraged to act with impunity. (NB. The question as stated (8b) needs clarification)

    • The report states that rape within marriage and common-law unions have not been criminalized. Information from an alternate source cites spousal abuse as a continuing problem in Barbados and points out that there is legal protection against spousal rape but only in cases of women holding a court–issued divorce decree, separation order or non-molestation order. Women in an existing union are therefore not protected.

    • Femicide is not criminalized. Further, there are no provisions in national legislation that addresses violence against women perpetrated by the State such as occurs in armed conflicts and in State institutions.

    Survivors of rape & abuse whether SEXUAL*, mental, physical or emotional – the survivors of such evil violence suffer on-going depression, eating disorders, sleep disorders and a myriad of psychological & physiological problems…

    Time for change!

  8. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It’s one of the blights following the island, sexual abuse and violence towards women and children are seen as a village sport with spectstors cheering on the brutal violence with “kill she, she en no good…..

    Wild animals have more compassion, sympathy, empathy and emotion.

    There are not many useful men to end the travesty and injustice.

  9. ajani Bandele-Mason Avatar
    ajani Bandele-Mason

    The internet has become a marketplace for Relationships of all sorts but particularly women looking or men and men looking or women. African Women feature largely amongst the Trade. It is alarming what is happening to the African Family Today and the implication for tomorrow. People with healthy moral standing are entering relationship with European in the belief that they will acquire wealth and lifestyle similar to what they see coming-out o European-world BUT wind-up as sluts and Studs. Coupled with this is the Pornography industry which involves a high percentage of African young people because of the dire economic situation amongst continental and Diasporian African. The most disgusting aspect of these endeavours is that RACISM is clearly the major part of the Trade where the black women are…(cant find a word that can adequately describe the Horrors of the debauchery that these young women are subjected to) What the White men are doing to black-women – putting Pornography aside – are beyond human. It is impossible or these women to remain human after undergoing such ordeal. Something has to be done about it…what can be done, I do not know but clearly African-introduction and a Safari sex is a menace to the African Family.
    The True Damage of Colonialism and Slavery is Now afoot and is threatening our Future with a GREATER avalanche

  10. Where there is poverty those affected will resort to anymeans necessary, then it feeds a lifestyle. In fact it becomes aspirational. It is a vicious cycle. The establishment rules!

  11. The problem is often not poverty David. It is ,(as ajani said,) GREED ….where we see these extravagant lifestyles that are (often falsely) promoted as ‘European /North American’…and greedily succumb to the temptations for the life of ease and glitter.

    Even where we do not run directly after these lifestyles through personal relationships, we model our education, goals, aspirations and hopes on these promoted lifestyles… and get ourselves into ridiculous and unsustainable debt and frustration in the process – not only personally, but nationally.

    Brass bowlery at its highest.

  12. @Bush Tea

    Of course greed is the constant but where there is poverty matters of survival will influence decisions more.

  13. But in all fairness David, poverty has historically been the catalyst for numerous great achievements that would never have been achieved, had the originators been well off and contented. Poverty is not even really a curse, it is a condition, …and the natural consequences can well be for victims of that condition to make extraordinary efforts to achieve really great things.
    The REAL problem is this unrealistic obsession we have with gaining easy access to the frills that are promoted by the albino centric of our world, as ‘success’.

    Bushie is aware of multitudes of Bajans of his era who were POOR AS SHIITE…. and in almost every case, this drove us to almost obsessive commitment to educational, business, and other legitimate avenues of success.

    Now we have our children and great grands, with MULTIPLE times more than we even dreamed of having, ..considering themselves to be unfulfilled, and willing to do REAL shiite for some elusive albino-centric goals….

    It is greed…. and a lack of understanding of what the true aspirational goals should be – for a developing nation.
    ‘Poverty’ is the result of such associated ignorance…(that leads us to sell off our assets, displace our local brains with imported jokers …and to kill off our local prophets – like Caswell /jeff /GP/ Walter)

  14. @Bush Tea

    True some of what you stated:

    “Bushie is aware of multitudes of Bajans of his era who were POOR AS SHIITE…. and in almost every case, this drove us to almost obsessive commitment to educational, business, and other legitimate avenues of success.”

    Truth is poor people surviving in today’s world present a different challenge to the era you mentioned. The society is mire receptive to a different way if live. There is a transactional thinking rather than one based on is a traditional value system.


  15. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    Been following you on various topics
    Agreeing with the vast majority of your comments
    I think you are calling it right…

  16. Brother Bush Tea,

    You put poverty on the stage and while I do agree with you that it is an important factor in the equation I would say that there is one more thing that is more important NAY I WOULD SAY THAT IT IS THE SOURCE OF OUR PROBLEMS GLOBALLY


    We have denuded intimacy from the act of lovemaking UNTIL IT HAS NOW BECOME A STANDALONE THAT IS DESTROYING US.

    Let me give you something for consideration.

    Put on a makeshift blindfold and go to any perverted? pornographic website

    Say for example, or sites where real depravity abound.

    Or do a google search for “THE MOST DEPRAVED SITE ON THE INTERNET By Jeffrey C. Billman”

    Launch the site WHILE BLINDFOLDED.

    What happens Bush Tea?

    You see nothing and therefore you experience none of the intended outcomes of this planar visual which, while constrained to the pixels of your HDD screen, move in multiple directions simultaneously, once you and I remove our blindfolds.

    That which is constrained by the blindfold, occupies our sentience, once the blindfold is removed.

    No here is the thing Bush Tea.

    We look and see these nubile bodies, like how Walther PPK also saw those 13 year old bodies but whereas our “governors” will assign the concepts of lasciviousness and inappropriateness and other constraints, or should, our boy Sankey Price thought that it was newsworthy and PPK calls them trembling botsies.

    So what is the filter that has been removed, like in Adamic awareness that makes one of us seek to rape and the other seek to give and return love?

    Is it the constancy and replication of these porn sites which duplicate each second or is it that you and I an Donna and Ajani and Well Well and all the rest of us “failed” because we honestly do not know how to recalibrate the senses of sight which we all have?

    Tell me something that you know is as beautiful as a woman’s body Bushie? (De ole man give he apologies to de women readers dem , and the other sexes, but I cyan be politically correct in this one heheheheh)

    Tell me something that you know that exceeds Le Petit Mort? barring those of you who have experienced nirvana on earth?

    And tell me how it is that we have not been able to propagate a similar counter indoctrination which DOES NOT SEPARATE SEX & INTIMACY?? one which has so bastardized the experience that now it is the norm to see gang rapes or bukakke and swingers and all the rest.

    How many times did you ever sit down and talk to your child about “orgasms”?

    How many times do we talk to our kids about masturbation?

    Other than we fellers talking bout how it going mek a feller blind, or mek he head bust open like Rogers’ quarry, i would hazard to say that we have hidden it for sooooo long yet, incredibly so, we have sooo much time to aggrandize? rape and beauty pageants, and the sex trade and prostitution

    We are good at quantifying the negative outcomes of the very interaction which causes our being and now wonder how does it arrive these things like rape and sexual exploitation that clearly only indicate how we have failed and will continue to fail to humanize our society

  17. This is a statistic of some note in the IDB Report on Crime in Barbados

    It reads “Despite the inadequacies of official data, evidence suggests that rape is an issue of considerable concern for the Caribbean as a whole.

    The RBPF classifies sexual crimes under the category sex related crimes.

    Since 2000, rape has exceeded the number of all other crimes recorded in this category.

    Between 2009 and 2013, the average rate of rape was 22.4 per 100,000.”

    Which might suggest that, of all the crimes that are detailed, here and globally, it seems that it is the sensual gratification that drives it popularity/preference and proliferation.

    Functionally is it possible for one to say that self masturbation is sex by without an external rather consensual other?

    Or that mutual masturbation is sex with a consensual other?

    and love making can either be emotionally “shared” mutual masturbation and/or sex with a consensual other? (for is it not possible for a couple who are emotionally involved to effect shared masturbation when one or the other party cant engage in the act?)

    And finally, as it relates to rape, does not its “functionality” encapsulate all of the aforementioned acts where the only thing that is missing is consent?

    Is thing thing therefore like a mathematical formula where, were we to provide an experience and socialisation that taught and properly reinforced the nature and import of consent and ensured that all our systems and cultures and life experiences were based on that premise for interactions, is it possible to think that this might impact favourably on this scourge?

    Is this like Bush Tea’s suggestions that we should be pursuing an indigenous system that focused on caring and mutual respect?

    And is not Bush Tea’s concept based on a feller’s own that said “Love thy neighbour and do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (maso-sadism excluded that is!)

    Sometimes trying to understand the why we do things that we do, why we kill, steal, murder tends to lend some time to “stopping and staring” and trying unsuccessfully to simplify for self what is so complicated in practice.

    Having said dat, back to the deprecatory posters and fliers heheheheheh

  18. @ Dreamstar

    Thank you for that article

    Of late de ole man starting to realise dat me thoughts dem is of such seemingly disconnected rationale that I does be wondering effing I is an effing madman.

    How can it be so apparent what the issues are and what the solution is and we are missing it?

    Very few people are going to read your link kind one so de ole man will tek an excerpt from it and post it here for those who give one shy##te about rape

    “First-year students at Oxford and Cambridge universities will be given classes on how not to rape during Fresher’s Week this year.

    “The prestigious universities are just two among a number of British institutions putting on consent classes in a bid to stamp out perceived “lad culture”.

    “The compulsory classes at Oxford are aimed, in particular, at rugby players who risk being banned from university teams if they fail to attend.”

    “Students will be taught that it is rape if the victim is drunk and that consent must be given, and can be withdrawn.”

    I remember the very first time I stole something.

    I got my ass bust, three times, (my uncle beat me for tekking it up, my mother beat me for tekking it up and my father beat me for tekking it it)

    Needless to say I have teifed since then.

    Yessss Dreamstar, I have teifed pens from de workplace, and paper dat de government issue for work for the children, government envelopes to send out my personal business, toilet paper to wipe my pooch nstead uh buying from Bertram at Popular, yesssss DreamStar, I is a ammmmm proper teif now.

    My black donkey will go someplace and even if it is a million dollars, I ENT GING TEK IT UP CUASE UM GET GRILL INTO MY SCUVUNT Thou shalt not steal

    Constantly reinforced by Mother, Father, Uncle, Community, Church, School.

    So you see tekking pokkerts from a woman who has not given her consent?? you kin lay you sweet nubile dugula or nubian body next to mine, naked and I will beg for it all night long, BUT I AM NOT GOING TO TOUCH YOU UNLESS YOU CONSENT.

    Some of us men can tell you who was specialists at giving “blue Balls” but we never raped anyone.

    And yes, the nuclear family has imploded given the absence of men, but women telling their sons that they are hard seeds to got 10 and 15 girlfriends and sleeping with all of them are (a) risking STDs and (b) supporting the same issues that they want to get rid of RAPE

    Forgive de ole man ef I ent talking directly to girl on girl rape or boy on boy cause neither is my experience BUT, TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, my ingrunt belief is the same

    “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it….”

    Proverbs 22:6

    But de ole man doan worry bout this thing too much cause pretty soon “these troubles and strifes will pass..”

    It’s not far, just close by
    Through an open door
    Work all done, care laid by
    Going to fear no more

  19. One in 4 women globally will be subjected to rape or some type of sexual violence in their lifetime

    and in the report/article that DreamStar provided it ends

    “Research last year also suggested that a third of all female students in Britain have endured a sexual assault or unwanted advances at university. ”

    Observe the pig Duterte, whose obvious lack of knowledge of the number of Jews killed by Hitler certainly underpin his level of education but in now way detract from the crudith and obvious mentality of being a latent rapist? in presidential office when he speak of wanting to be first in the Rape murder of that Nun.

    My lack of knowledge of the woman’s name means no disrespect as i would have all note that i also do not know the names of all my black brthers being killed by state police worldwide.

    I do and always will remember Emmett Till and the attempted murder of Nazzim Blackett

    And those names may be all that the ole man needs to know

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