Submitted by Heather Cole
Submitted by Heather Cole

Dear Editor,

Having received no response from Mr. Hoad re his column of June 24th 2016, I must bring this matter to your direct attention, seeking a response to the email that was also sent to you. For ease of reference, Mr. Hoad’s article inferred that the actions of Mr. Mark Maloney of breaking the law were comparable to that of Rosa Parks who took a stance for her civil rights. Since that email, I was informed by others that this was not the first instance that Mr. Hoad had written racially sensitive information. This was also done in an article belittling Trayvon Martin’s death.

This is not an attempt to vilify the Nation Newspaper. For all I know those sentences or their meaning went unnoticed by the person who edited the article, making it an error for the newspaper to have published them. The non- response has therefore been deafening.

Your newspaper plays a pivotal role in shaping the minds of the people in our society. My desire is that the present and future generations will finally be free of the curses of slavery and that they will think positively of themselves. Black lives matter is as relevant in Barbados as it is in the USA. How can our people truly become free if our struggles and race are made fun of in Friday satirical banter? Those not so subtle reference will help keep our minds in chains.

I hope that you will respond to my concerns but more so that as a black person, I will not again have to suffer the indignity of reading a similar article.


Heather Cole.

69 responses to “Richard Lowdown Hoad: Open Letter to the Nation Newspaper”

  1. What is an ac consortium.who ever thought of such nonsense needs to have their brains examined and i belived it to be one of Caswell brain storming ideas without any proof or evidence .Yet this ridiculous story has been repeated by some of the so called intelligent on BU reminds of the people who belived a rock can be a pet
    Repeat after ac there is no ac consortium just a figment of Caswelll delusional brain..

  2. But ac, you told me they were 6 of you. I was asked to guess which one made a sensible comment.
    Is it multiple personality disorder. Not communicating with each other.

  3. steupseee

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Heather

    Have you ever been paid to watch water?

    No no no not lika an environmentalist, of CSI forensics man, or the Minister of Water Words and Bizzy from Ionics.

    Just watch water?

    Water is a funny thing Heather, but some people get paid to watch water, not Walther water.

    A house in Barbarees Hill might be locked up tight and you never see who is in it, and the paling might be 12 feet tall, high above Mark Cummins’ regulations at the Town and Country Planning Department and not a soul, even the Census Department man who went to the house and did a census, would be able to ascertain how many people are in the house.

    But they are people who get paid to watch things like that.


    How much food goes in the house/embassy”? How many garbage bags? when are the pipes vibrating signalling usage? what is the intensity of the flow?

    That is why 1st world countries build their own self contained embassies, so that the internal activities will not be known.

    I do not know you from bull foot Heather, I only know what you post here, but sometimes people slip.

    Go back to your statement about email coming to you and take a gander, and you will see the “anomaly” of which I speak.

    I am not imputing anything. I asked you your name twice BECAUSE you said something that was off kilter and someone else responded and someone else said something and it just did not click.

    BU is a place where we all play games of some type, it is not that we enter the door of submitting a name and an email, WHICH for the IDIOTS THAT ARE LOOKING FOR INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE, should explain why not a man or a woman here on BU needs to fear dufusses.

    Yes Heather, we submit a name with any email that we choose and hit submit.

    5 lines like the economical submission style of Colonel Buggy rarely 10 but the economy of those words. pointed, suggestive, provocative, crisp.

    Or Bush Tea, crescendo. build up to delivery, constant blows then denouement, brassbowls repend and seek BBE.

    DPD, scientific to the point of screeling on your nerves, making sure of what you said, tyig you up for the commas you mislaid, ignoring when so inclined but showing you where YOU TOO WERE AS FALLIBLE. Those of us who know him know that he is a forgiving man but those who dont will think of him as pedantic.

    My point heather is that as we write, eyes scan the bytes that you penned and seek, impossibly to gauge who you are, if you are for real or if you do word song really well.

    I like everyone else really want to know what is your angle, if you have an agenda, that is a fair thing, my agenda is clear to all uh wunna, I want to get rid of the DLP, and while that will mean a Default Mia Mottley Prime Minister.

    I have no false concepts about Mia Mottley, and you for one dun know that. Some here believe that it will all wuk out, but i don’t. But we have inepts and no independents.

    Enter you Heather.

    Strong articulate black beauty.

    And you talk some talk but you see something Heather? Whereas we understand where IslandGirl246 and WW&C and my dearest SSS and Donna coming from, and whereas we dun know where Sand Nigger (down with socialism) coming from like AC (of all people said) your agenda is not known.

    And to be here for as long as you are here and your agenda not be known is an anomaly of note because the walls are 16 feet, the gates open with automatic arms, the house is always closed, but and here is the clincher, the washing machine always going, like if allot of clothes got to get washed for bin Wasik.

    Ten people Heather, I am not the only one, there are 9 others who are wondering, just like me but unlike Frustrated Business Man, I, who have never had the pleasure of watching water, DO NOT THINK THAT YOU ARE SHEEPLE.

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Heather

    Have you ever been paid to watch water?

    No, no, no, not like an environmentalist, or a CSI forensics man, or the Minister of Water Works and the BWA sweetheart deal with Bizzy/Ionics.

    Just watch water?

    Water is a funny thing Heather, but some people get paid to watch water, not Walther water.

    A house in Barbarees Hill might be locked up tight and you never see who is in it, and the paling might be 12 feet tall, high above Mark Cummins’ regulations at the Town and Country Planning Department and not a soul, even the Census Department man who went to the house and did a census, in 2010, would be able to ascertain how many people are in the house.

    But there are people who get paid to watch things like that.


    How much food goes in the house/embassy”? How many garbage bags? when are the pipes vibrating signalling usage? what is the intensity of the flow? how far is the echo/attenuation? Where is the subject Lasange located in the structure?

    That is why 1st world countries build their own self contained embassies, so that the internal activities will not be fully known.

    I do not know you from bull foot Heather, I only know what you post here, but sometimes people slip.

    Go back to your statement about email coming to you and take a gander, and you will see the “anomaly” of which I speak.

    I am not imputing anything. I asked you your name twice BECAUSE you said something that was off kilter and someone else responded and someone else said something and it just did not click.

    BU is a place where we all play games of some type, it is not that we enter the door of submitting a name and an email, WHICH for the IDIOTS THAT ARE LOOKING FOR INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE, should explain why NO man or woman here on BU needs to fear you dufusses.

    Yes Heather, we submit a name with any email that we choose and hit submit.

    5 lines like the economical submission style of Colonel Buggy rarely 10 but the economy of those words. pointed, suggestive, provocative, crisp.

    Or Bush Tea, crescendo. build up to delivery, we need to BUP, constant blows then denouement, brassbowls repent often appended with, “seek BBE”.

    DPD, scientific to the point of screeling on your nerves, making sure of what you said, tripping you up on your own reasoning, for the inferences you drey , ignoring when so inclined but showing you where YOU TOO WERE AS FALLIBLE. Those of us who know him know that he is a forgiving man but those who dont will think of him as pedantic.

    My point Heather is that as we write, eyes scan the (sound) bytes that you penned and viewers seek, impossibly? to gauge who you are, if you are for real or if you do “word song” really well.

    I like everyone else really want to know what is your angle, if you have an agenda, that is a fair thing, my agenda is clear to all uh wunna, I want to get rid of the DLP, and while that will mean a Default Mia Mottley Prime Minister.

    I have no false concepts about Mia Mottley, and you for one dun know that. Some here believe that it will all wuk out, but i don’t. But we have inepts and no independents.

    Enter you Heather.

    Strong articulate black beauty.

    And you talk some talk but you see something Heather? Whereas we understand where IslandGirl246 and WW&C and my dearest SSS and Donna coming from, and whereas we dun know where Sand Nigger (down with socialism) coming from like AC (of all people said) your agenda is not known.

    And to be here for as long as you are here and your agenda not be known is an anomaly of note because the walls are 16 feet, the gates open with automatic arms, the house is always closed, but and here is the clincher, the washing machine always going, like if allot of clothes got to get washed for bin Wasik.

    Ten people Heather, I am not the only one, there are 9 others who are wondering, just like me but unlike Frustrated Business Man, I, who have never had the pleasure of watching water, DO NOT THINK THAT YOU ARE SHEEPLE.

  6. @ac
    Being wicked..
    Your batsman tek up he bat, he ball an we 3 stumps. Whuh happen?

  7. @ Piece, I saw the reference to hea doe. If you have doubts that I am not who I say I am, ask Donville Inniss. I attended the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill the same time as him, Mr. Sinckler, Mr. Sutherland and Kerry Simmons.

  8. Same time as he

  9. The Information below are for those with “Open Minds”, Interested in Truth, (somehow that has become very questionable on BU) as some have a Free Pass to say as they please, by Name Calling and Slanderous Accusations with Malicious Intent bent on Hatred.

    While others are Warned for Presenting the Facts!

    Makes Reason Stare????????

    The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future…
    The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future

  10. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I do not doubt you to be who you say you are Heather, that is not the thrust of my humble submission, your bonafides have been ascertained by the Honourable Blogmaster.

    Trying to gauge yoo, the real you, your allegiances, if any, and your agenda.

    And just a little friendly jabber while you were pushing it mentioning Sutherland and kerrie the last Feller you would have done well not to have mentioned his name here in the BU Sanctum Sanctorum.

    That is like saying really bad words while in the presence of the Dean.

    Say 7 Hail Mary’s and throw some Holy Water over you shoulder lest tonight the Finants Succubus visit you in your dreams and put another 0.07% ta on you and you dun know that if dat succubus visit you at 7 minutes past midnight or 00.07 amit be all over

    We are all looking for solutions in diverse places.

    One of my oler relatives was a nurse when Enmore was open, Enmore health Clinic and she used to tell many a chatty young feller who was there talking up a young thing “son, it is not a wise thing to come looking for a girlfriend in the VD ward”

    We all are searching Heather so ascribe this to our feeble attenpts to see who the Real heather Cole is, nothing else

  11. @ pieceuhderockyeahright,

    Man leff Heather lone nuh!

    you need a distraction. Takve some medication and go to the diaspora corner. lol

  12. It was obvious that that individual was using several monikers from the beginning whilst accusing me of doing the same. That is why I called her Multibrain and beast (with seven heads). Fraud!

  13. Mark Maloney is the real target of Ms Cole’s missives here, and that’s because Mia painted a big red bulls-eye on his back in Parliament to embarrass the government. Therefore, as one of Mia’s minions, Cole is obliged to take pot shots at anyone who might be perceived as coming to his defence.

    Many moons ago, when this woman first came on BU, I warned that she was an ‘agent provocateur” for the BLP. Her mandate was, wherever and whenever possible, to stir the pot of dissatisfaction about the current problems that beset Barbados under the current DLP administration. (This is why everything she posted here also submitted to the Nation and to Barbados Today; she wanted to cover as many bases as possible with her propaganda.)

    Because this narrative was music to the ears of many on BU, you were quick to heap accolades upon her. Now perhaps some of you are realizing the truth. In the early days, she was provided with inside information from the BLP that she could use as ammunition.

    Sometimes she buried these “incendiary devices” inside long, nostalgic stories about the good life before the DLP. Problem is, Ms Cole and the BLP are running out of topics; they have picked all the low hanging fruit. All that is left to harvest is the bird-picked fruit of racism that lies rotting on the ground.

  14. flyonthewall,

    Those things of which Heather speaks had already been noted by many of us. She has not presented anything new. In fact SHE is only agreeing with US! So your argument, I’m afraid, will not fly. (pun intended)

  15. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ FlyontheWall


    Sometimes, de ole man does get amazed but that “still Small Voice” that says “look”

    THAT WAS WHAT WAS MISSING, and while Money Brains i a piece uh racist like I am a piece uh racist he said one thing that put it all in context.

    MB asked her “if you are saying that this is a problem why dont you bring a solution?”

    And you know something?

    If you go back to each and every one of her emotive subjects there is nary a one where HEATHER COLE, in and of herself gives a SOLUTION that gives of herself.

    Even the proselyted entity that is AC will parrot the solutions of her beloved DLP, as does Alvin.

    But, after highlighting what is wrong, so eloquently, and so emotively, Heather does nt give one a definitive solution!

    It is like if she, like Sandra Husbands, get their vision and message from what Mia pronounces.

    And since their is no pronouncement OR SINCE THAT PRONOUNCEMENT IS THE MIRROR of her boss, she does not say anything.

    I simply could not understand “who she was” and “what was her agenda” BECAUSE WHILE THERE WAS ONE, THERE WAS NONE.

    A Rose by any other name would smell just as sweetly.

    Hail to the Default Prime Minister Mia Mottley who one can only hope that Eddie Hinkson is able to secure enough momentum to bring the others to his side.

    But I dun know that oblong head want to be Prime Minister heself so dat ent going work

  16. Heather can be spotted a mile away she is in no way able to carry heavy buckets of water without some leaking along the way .she is as recognizable as bird poo.. lol

  17. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    flyonthewall July 13, 2016 at 10:55 AM #
    Mark Maloney is the real target of Ms Cole’s missives here, and that’s because Mia painted a big red bulls-eye on his back in Parliament to embarrass the government.

    Exactly why I posted what I did.

    Until change is evident from within, I am backing rebels’ change from without. In fact, I have amended my moniker in support.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Every dog has his day, racists and scum of the earth frauds…also get their day.

  19. Looks like Jack(ass) Boremann is bored again …from lack of visitors to his site…

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