Submitted by Freedom Crier


If you think Barbadians like you and me are free in this wonderful Island of ours, think again!

Do you own your house and property or do you have to pay taxes on what you own and if you do not pay that made up tax; that tax is used to sell what is yours to pay it. Even when you die your inheritors have to continue paying the tax so who do you assume are the owners of what you IMAGINE to be yours?

Do you pay a drivers license? After the first time you sit the driver’s exam, why do we need to still pay for it each year?·

We all have to pay NIS. Why? We start work at 18 years old, work until 67 soon to be 70, (we pay 10% and our employer pays more than 10%). We pay over 20% of our wages for all our working life, for 50 years to get a 50% (approx.) pension for 7 years soon to be 5 years (life expectancy of 75 years average.) You are paying for 50 years to get half of your weekly wage for 7 years? Does this seem right?

Remember when VAT was introduced it was supposed to reduce taxes, now every tax imaginable in fostered on us (Vat gone up and in Trinidad Vat gone down)·

You can think of your own over reach of government taxation in your arena and consider the Root cause of such a System of Governance.

We in Barbados have adopted a system of Governance that is Stifling the Nation, literally taking the wind out of its Sails. My hope is to empower the individual because Collectivism is a system that values the group more than the individual. Under this system, a ruling authority arbitrarily sets common moral, social, and economic aims and, to achieve those aims, dictates the standards and rules by which individuals live and work.

Socialism abounds and prospers at the expense of our nation. Socialism is Economic Cannibalism. Socialism has its tentacles like a giant Mantel over the earth and we on the Isles of the Sea are not exempt! It is a slow process of Rot, Understand that the plan is to “CONTROL AND RULE BY WAY OF THE EXTRACTION OF THE PEOPLES WEALTH WHILE ENCROACHING ON THEIR FREEDOM THROUGHBURDENSOME REGULATIONS”.

People do not understand the Root System of Socialism.

Socialism has many disguises, i.e. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Marxism Leftism, Crony Capitalism and Progressive ism, et al, only different varieties of the same thing. Socialism is a very slow process of rot and yes it has been around for generations, its all part of the same tree and root system and its Ideology is a Godless conspiracy.  It has the same outcome, i.e. creating Elitist where certain people are favoured and benefited. Names only change to suit the times.


The foundation for ALL tyrannies Is the removal of free agency. The means to accomplish this has always been Big Government that takes from everyone to create a system that the Elitist controls. This is in direct opposition to free enterprise that is not shackled by burdensome regulation.

Socialism is against the natural order of how we live and trade as a free people as was envisioned in the American Constitution, Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness and the protection of Property! That is the natural order of God anything else is an abrogation. Both Communism and Socialism is Stateism that seeks power and control to take away freedom and benefits only the Elitist.

A nation of Free Individuals limit government by managing their own needs and their own charitable causes -while Serfs, and Slaves, handover their authority over their own actions, their own beliefs, their own individual welfare, and their own individual responsibilities to that of a Master’s Management or to governmental authority that will giveaway their labor, corrupt them with it, and ultimately uniformly bind society in “egalitarianism

Socialism has no theory of wealth creation; it’s just a destructive, Envy-Driven Fantasy about redistributing wealth after something else (and somebody else) creates it first. The slow poison of Government and corporations, Crony Capitalism has infiltrated almost every level of socialist countries and is now being used as fodder to promote socialism.

To prefer #capitalism is to prefer the only system that has ever lifted humans out of poverty–even if unequally. ->

Modern Day slaves are not in chains they are in debt.

PragerU added a new video: Myths, Lies and Capitalism.

-YouTube ▶ 4:29 Jan 19, 2015 – Uploaded by PragerU Does free enterprise hurt the poor? … In five minutes, Arthur Brooks answers these question…

Peace and Security are better established through the means of economic liberty. It is only when a people are individually and economically free can a society establishing a self-respecting and self-governing citizen. Free Enterprise (Capitalism)= Free Markets

Capitalism, which is a Communist word removing the (Free Enterprise aspect of it), + Governments =Crony Capitalism/Corporations (Not a Free Market)

Cronyism is where big business and governments collude to give special favors to those entities to the exclusion of the ordinary person. Crony Capitalism is an attempt to label the System of Free Enterprise by regulating it until it is no longer Free.

A people who depend upon a government managing personal needs, personal benefits, and personal responsibilities are owned by the whole instead of being a society of self owned individuals. The law in a free society is only used for the protection of person and property—you cannot use the law as a tool for force and theft of property and labor, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEINTENTION—this economic ideology of a “fair share” of anther’s labor is the foundation for Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Communism”.

The Problems of Corruption are surely not Limited to our Shores.

I always tend to talk on the Root Cause of our ills, which produces all the issues  we debate (weather intentionally or not). When we recognize the Culprit the Mirage becomes Clear and we are no longer baffled and entangled in issues of their making leaving us puzzled.Socialism / Collectivism is Serfdom; it only benefits the Elitist resulting in Tyranny and Chaos as witnessed by what is ensuing in Venezuela under Full Blown Socialism! There are different Degrees of Socialism, but it is All Socialism with guaranteed results of failure.

Why in the first place did it get so out of hand? Eventually the System Rots and every kind of corruption emerge. I am sympathetic to suffering but we have to come to grips with the Root Cause…SOCIALISM.

With our Situation, there is no End in Sight; now the Establishment has created a Garbage Collection Tax in Barbados, as if we were not already encumbered by Taxation, which included the removal of Garbage. Maybe next there will be a ‘Sunlight Tax’ like the British had in the 1800’s. Oh dear I really should not suggest any more ‘Bright’ ideas like that!

We are on a Very Slippery Slope… IT IS NOT ABOUT HATING GOVERNMENT, IT IS ABOUT RESISTING THE IDEA THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR MASTER AND SILENCE IS CONSENT!Socialism is the Big Lie of the twentieth century. While it promised prosperity, equality, and security, it delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny.

Why Socialism Failed – Foundation for Economic … cached

Cronyism is where big business and governments collude to give special favors to those entities to the exclusion of the ordinary person. (Duty free for certain selected businesses). Crony Capitalism is an attempt to label the System of Free Enterprise by regulating it until it is no longer Free. It always and only benefits Politicians and those they are in bed with who do not think twice about who they plunder. The name of the Game is to acquire Wealth by Stealth for Power and Gain.

By the way we do not pay taxes the Government Takes our Taxes. Taxation is not voluntary it is forced. I have been writing for a few years now, that the solution to pilfering by way of Taxation by Governments is the System of Governance meaning Socialist practices of robing Peter to pay Paul and until we come to understand that Socialism is a Godless Conspiracy Masquerading as Political Philosophy, we will continue to be deprived, the only intent of such, is to rule over others for control and profit.

More than a failed state, it’s a failed SYSTEM. It’s called socialism and it sooner or later fails everywhere. Its motto is, “When at first you don’t succeed, fail, fail again.” In the free, competitive private sector, failure is something you learn from, so you can succeed in the future. But in the public sector under socialism especially, failure is merely an excuse to fail even more spectacularly later because all that matters is intentions, not results. Let’s hope that in Venezuela, the hour of liberation is near and that lessons will be learned from this horrific flop spelled S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M.

Consider that one of the fruits of Socialism is Crony Capitalism. True Capitalism and Free Enterprise is good! What has developed in this country is due to the bastardization of the two by insane taxes, stifling over regulation. This has allowed cronyism through Politicians and big businesses that are forced to “play ball”, to commit theft and control in such a grand scale that is almost unfathomable!!!!

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”. –Winston Churchill”

Socialism considers the individual person simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism, so that the good of the individual is completely subordinated to the functioning of the socioeconomic mechanism. Socialism likewise maintains that the good of the individual can be realized without reference to his free choice, to the unique and exclusive responsibility, which he exercises in the face of good or evil.

Man is thus reduced to a series of social relationships, and the concept of the person as the autonomous subject of moral decision disappears, the very subject whose decisions build the social order. From this mistaken conception of the person there arise both a distortion of law, which defines the sphere of the exercise of freedom, and an opposition to private property. A person, who is deprived of something he can call “his own,” and of the possibility of earning a living through his own initiative, comes to depend on the social machine and on those who control it. This makes it much more difficult for him to recognize his dignity as a person, and hinders progress towards the building up of an authentic human community.

In contrast, from the Christian vision of the human person there necessarily follows a correct picture of society. According to Rerum Novarum and the whole social doctrine of the Church, the social nature of man is not completely fulfilled in the State, but is realized in various intermediary groups, beginning with the family and including economic, social, political and cultural groups which stem from human nature itself and have their own autonomy, always with a view to the common good. This is what I have called the “subjectivity” of society which, together with the subjectivity of the individual, was cancelled out by “Real Socialism.”” — Pope John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, 1991.

Too bad that the Reigning Pope is a Socialist, through and through!

I celebrate the Spirit of Freedom and try to live in accordance with my individual Sovereignty, which  Independence has been given to each individual by a wise and loving God. I am truly grateful for ability to make Correct Choices even when faced with Gut Wrenching Oppression that threaten the very fabric of my family’s existence, let alone the tragedy of Government-Overreach. My family knows first hand what it is like to live under the hand of an Oppressor who feels what is rightfully yours belongs to them. They devise every means to CONTROL and USE what rightfully belongs to the individual!

Always Choose the Right And Let The Consequences Follow.

71 responses to “Is Barbados a Free Nation?”

  1. @ Donna May 24, 2016 at 10:18 PM #
    Bushie ditto.

  2. Harriet Tubman was a Republican and Democrats are famous for rewriting history. Now they are molding their collectivist design on the money and they are using people like Harriet Tubman, whose famous quote was “I freed a thousand slaves”, however they would not quote the rest of her statement, “and I could have freed a thousand more only if they knew they were slaves”.

    It is very ironic that someone who fought against Slavery, an ideology which the Democrat party upheld, is now represented on the Currency that embodies Endless Dept to the Federal Reserve (a Private Bank) giving the Illusion by the ‘Name Federal Reserve’, that it is a Governmental Agency. This Bank came into being in 1913 by a Democratic Congress and a Democratic President in the dead of night by stealth. The Us debt under this present Democrat Administration of 19 trillion worth and rising by the second hence the statement by the Author, “Modern Day slaves are not in chains they are in debt”.

    It is written that “by their fruit we shall know them”… Know the tree by the fruit it bears…What are the fruit that we have witnessed of those with their vile and ill comments above … None of their intentions are honorable. Every kind of Corruption they would support by disfiguring the Truth. Leftist always do. Including ‘de pedantic Dribbler’ who says “Incidentally, you really don’t have to pay an annual license fee”. Just drive the damn car”. People like yourself do not support the Law and encourage others to break the law. And furthermore Ms. Tubman statement applies to those like yourself. Those in Bondage, Fueled by Envy, Hate and Racism!

    The Adversary was a liar from the beginning of time and Communist Socialism is a counterfeit ideology to the Ten Commandments. We live in a time when good will be deemed bad and bad deemed good especially exemplified by the Characters above who uphold such!

  3. Poor Simple Simon, he really needs some help. He is so Far Left, he can no longer see what is Right.

    Simple Simon May 24, 2016 at 8:43 PM #

    @”My hope is to empower the individual because Collectivism is a system that values the group more than the individual.”

    Just in case you haven’t noticed all societies are collectives.

    People live in families, in villages, in towns, in cities, in metropolises.

    People need other people.

    While you were writing your essay someone else cooking your dinner, doing your laundry, teaching your children, changing the diaper of your elderly father, burying your mother.

    People live in collectives, because collectives work.

    Individualism my @ss.

    This one is For you and the others who uphold your my Dear Simpleton…

    Classical Liberalism (Individualism) SEPARATES government power from individual property, individual business, individual conscience, individual needs, individual labor, individual choices, individual responsibilities, and individual consequences which neither harm or obstruct another…Collectivism MERGES society with government…. Collectivism represents the public ownership of human beings–the public ownership of health, actions, needs, pursuits, and responsibilities…”

    Simple Simon, Myopic (Narrow-minded, Bigoted, Prejudiced, Biased) people like you whose understanding is a “Dwarft want- to be Collectivist”, with not a thread of Individualism left in your being. You have Sold your Birthright for a Mess of Pottage.

    If the hat fits you Illusionist above, wear it! And further more you cannot dare to Step in ‘Thomas Sorrels’ shoes because of your Plantation Collectivist Mentalities!!

  4. Dear truth Revealed/Freedom Crier/:

    Is this or is this not a TRUTHFUL and FACTUAL statement:

    “Just in case you haven’t noticed all societies are collectives. People live in families, in villages, in towns, in cities, in metropolises. People need other people.”

    It seems as though you want our sons and daughters to watch over you while you sleep, to teach your children, to clean your streets, to heal you and yours while you are sick, and then you want to come here and spout American style Freedmen nonsense, undiluted bull sh!t.

    Well it don’t work so.

    if you owe the Barbados Revenue Authority.

    Pay up and shut up.

    You have enjoyed the benefits of living in a clean (relatively) peaceful, well functioning (for the most part) society, and now you want to tear the guts out of this country by withholding well it don’t work so.

    And if you don’t like it here you can go the hell back to Syria and see how you like it there.


  5. Or move to the U.S…and if you think that the Barbados Revenue Authority is tough…well welcome to the Internal Revenue Service.

    Those guys don’t play.

    RIGHTLY so.

  6. Dear Truth Revealed/Freedom Crier:

    Be grateful that we let you live here.

  7. Why must the discussion among supposedly intelligent people have to go Lowe.


  8. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Simple…ya forgetting the part where people only do to you what you allow them and for as long as you allow them to do it.

    . So if you are going to let someone “pull down your drawers………..” hypothetically or not….in 2016, you freaking deserve it…lol

    And that goes for all the black, white and in between people who allow it to happen to them decade after decade and century after century and do not revolt, rebel and stick it to the leaders where it will hurt them the most.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    So if you know leaders are going to pull down those drawers and dont use vaseline….just continue to let them carry on smartly, have yall learned nothing from the experiences of your forefathers…do you still not know that you do not know….with all the information available on the internet and with everyone ALWAYS online with most people typing crap.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Thomas Sowell discusses poverty around the world and in the United States. Poverty in America, he says, compared to the rest of the world, is not severe. Many poor people in poverty in the United States have one or two cars, central heating, and cell phones. The real problem for the poor is the destruction of the family, which Sowell argues dramatically increased once welfare policies were introduced in the 1960s.”

    That is an out and out lie and it’s the system and how it was engineered breaks up families in the US….let me be clear, wilfully and maliciously destroys families in the US.

    I have seen people in poverty in the US on the same scale of some of the worse countries, on scale with Haiti. was it not for the welfare system, soup kitchens, section 8…etc, it would be worse than Africa. I have not seen the level of poverty in the US in the Caribbean.

    They just found a whole jewish community on welfare in Brooklyn, more whites on welfare and on food stamps than blacks, obviously, they are the majority, more homeless people than in the Caribbean…..that crap from Sowell is misinformation. ..outright lies.

    If ya want something intelligent to write, write about the corruption between the minority whites, indians, syrians and politicians on the island that’s destroying the country.

    Write about the huge cocaine, marijuana and gun importations for decades by the same minority community, write an article that will prompt the DPP to do something to secure the island and lock up the culprits, the black males being locked up are just fronts and fall guys for the minority drug importers…the dudes and gals who should really be in prison.

  11. Notice that while Barbadians are engaged in various forms of intellectual masturbation, the region is in flux. Those dreadful Jamaicans, who kill over a thousand of their own people each and every year, and who caused the break-up of the Federation of the West Indies over 50 years ago, are up to their old mischief-making habits:


    “A Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Review Commission to be led by former Prime Minister Bruce Golding has been assigned to assess the value of CARICOM to Jamaica.

    Asserting that Jamaica’s foreign policy must support its economic and development policy, Prime Minister Andrew Holness told the House of Representatives yesterday that Golding’s team would fully evaluate the benefits, opportunities and challenges of CARICOM. Holness said that while the decision to examine CARICOM’s value was influenced by uneasy exchanges with Trinidad and Tobago, it had become necessary to examine the full effects of the country’s contribution to the region vis-‡-vis what it has achieved.

    “We must assert ourselves in such a way that Jamaica gets the full benefits that membership in CARICOM promises,” said Holness during his contribution to the 2016-2017 Budget Debate.

    To this extent, Holness said that the Government is to appoint a Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Review Commission, aimed at positioning the country to take full advantage of benefits under the organisation. Holness said that the review body will evaluate the effects that Jamaica’s participation in CARICOM has had on the country’s economic growth and development, with particular reference to trade, investment, international competitiveness and employment creation. He said, as well, that the body will analyse CARICOM’s performance against the goals and objectives enunciated in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas and identify the causes of any shortcomings.

    Other objectives include:
    – Reviewing the CARICOM arrangement in light of the wider Caribbean, inclusive of the Dominican Republic and Cuba, as well as the impact of globalisation;
    – Assessing the value of Jamaica’s membership in CARICOM and its influence in critical international fora;
    – Assessing the benefits that Jamaica has derived through functional cooperation within the CARICOM framework;
    – Making recommendations for Jamaica’s regional alignments with regard to, but not limited to, CARICOM.

    Holness told Parliament that given the changes in regional dynamics, Jamaica’s focus should not be confined to the 15-member CARICOM. He said that attention must be given to Cuba, Haiti and the Dominica Republic, which are experiencing significant economic growth.

  12. Appears Holness has been reading some Bush Tea.

  13. “. He said that attention must be given to Cuba, Haiti and the Dominica Republic, which are experiencing significant economic growth.”

    That says it all. Follow the money.

    Caribbean unity ?

  14. @ David
    If Holness had been reading Bush tea then he would have seen no need for any ‘Review Commission’ … he would just bury the shiite and let us all get on with the serious business of meeting the challenges of 21st century life.
    ‘CARICOM’ has been nothing but an excuse used by Caribbean politicians for doing nothing, while wasting valuable resources and time.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ chad99999 May 25, 2016 at 6:47 PM

    Chad 9×5, Jamaica will be doing no more than what the British are contemplating with regard to their membership in the EU. Come June 27th you will know how the ‘average’ Brit feels about their country’s membership in that Super or Uber State.

    Since you are so jingoistic and at the same time extremely xenophobic in your anti-Jamaican rants why not prove how smart you (like the typical boastful Bajan) are and outfox them this time around?
    Why not withdraw immediately from Caricom including the CCJ? After all, Barbados prides itself as a ‘singular’ island which was never in need of grant-in-aid.

    As a result you can always ban those pesky ‘igrunt’ Jamaicies who want to spoil the innocent youths of Christian Barbados with their loud lewd music, gun violence and the peddling of marijuana and prostitution.

    Pity you are not married to one of the Jamaican women folk like many of those ‘over-educated’ Bajan men. You might just see things in a different light, right bigoted Chad 5 of 9?

  16. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    So much for resilience……94 year Leotta Burnett has given in……

  17. @David,
    American Constitution; Check Manifest Destiny.

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