Philip_NichllsIt would be disingenuous of BU not to have read Philip Nicholls’s book More Binding Than Marriage and to provide unvarnished feedback. Nicholl’s has revealed enough about the Barbados Court System, Director of Public Prosecutions Charles Leacock, former partners Allan Watson and Joyce Griffith, Disciplinary Committee, lawyers in the system and much more to be sued if true. It is a damning indictment of the system by a former insider. Also his animosity towards Vernon Smith QC, Barry Gale QC and Charles Leacock merits special mention.

The quiet from traditional media is not surprising.

BU respects the intellectual property of Nicholls, however we posted six pages to give members of the BU family who have not yet purchased some insight to three issues among several raised by Nicholls.

Pages 82 and 83 – Nicholls shares his view as a former President of the about the Disciplinary Committee. He brands it a toothless tiger.

Pages 114 and 115 – Nicholls describes Barbados Court as a ‘total mess’.

Pages 129 and 130 – He decides to leave DPP Charles Leacock to God

591 responses to “Former Insider Attorney Philip Nicholls Exposes Barbados Court System”

  1. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Alvin I would disagree with your remark: “The unfortunate thing is that a lot of BLACK PERSONS…CANNOT SEE THIS.” You see it, Pieces does, I do. Many others too.

    The problem is that the US is on the cusp and has been in the last year or two of a outright public race fights. Mainstream politicians simply cannot exacerbate the issue by framing the issues in that way.

    Trump on the other hand is artfully stoking just that fire.

    One would have hoped that during the tenure of a Black President that Blacks would be better perceived as regular, capable, intelligent beings but that has not been the case in many cases it appears.

    Consider the activism of ‘Black lives Matter’ as a result of police shootings of Blacks …

    Consider that activism is driven by some of the most blatant instances of ‘apparent racism’ in many of those deaths…Like the instance in 2012 in Ohio where a White officer climbed onto the hood of the car and fired 15 times shot after shot after shot…

    — this of course after 100 bullets has already been fired into the car…

    — this of course after the two Black occupants had long stopped moving and being a threat. Amazingly neither did NOT have a weapon.

    That’s like a tale from deep south racist America during the 60s…where Black men routinely were killed by avowed KKK police officers.

    So do you really think that sensible, practical people can’t see the powerful levels of racism that are being displayed in cities and rural areas across the US…nor understand some of the key reasons why!

    Alvin one does not have to be 80+ nor to have grown up during a period laced with racism to understand the dynamics of hate and prejudice!

  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Let me share something with you Alvin.

    Have you ever noticed how the tourists dem, de white womens dem, when dem come to de island, in an attempt tuh “blend in” with the natives, get this cornrowingdone with their hair, while they are on island, AND IMMEDIATELY ON RETURNING TO THE USofA, or ENGLANT, OR CANADA, get them nigger lover beads out them head?

    Look a little further Alvin and you will see the subtlety of how Donald Johnie Trump, Hitler Incarnate, has strategically tanned his skin with spray paint, not “below” the acceptable level to be considered black, BUT JUST AT THE RIGHT POINT ON THE TANNING SPECTRUM, to be considered trendy and psychologically attractive to the wannabe mentality of the dufus American population?

    Clinton and her Political Scientists are not discrediting his adoption of the colour of the infidels to drive any wedges in that strategy at all.

    I would enlist Rubio or someone else, put out a talent call for all Donald Trump Lookalikes AND I WOULD pay them to paint them up like Hitler, sorry Donald in a campaign that I would call the “50 shades of Pale”

    I would exacerbate the colouring and juxtapose the “Donald Before” and “the Donald After” shots against a carefully worded message of “Do we want a man who is sooo fickle to keep changing his shades on a whim, do we want such a fickle man WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS ANN IS CONSTANTLY PAINTING HIS FACE JUST TO BLEND IN, AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

    We need t understand the mentality of the average US Citizen and to realise that if Donald is blackened enough, the very thing that he is doing now for his popularity, will backfire against him.


    One has been taught well by the best in the world.

    It does not matter what a man is, it is what you make him seem to be in the eyes of the people, ergo the outcome of 9/11 on the US national psyche, causing them to commit a cuntry to a war which it, and its allies, lost and continue to lose in the streets of Paris, Ankara and Brussels

  3. @Piece…
    Do you think this bigotry, hatred, police shootings etc began in th 60s? You have a lot to learn. I will refer you to a book; Bury my heart at Wounded Knee. That will teach you the psyche of American whites; not just to Blacks, but to the Native Indians. read another book the Trail of Tears to understand the politics that existed from the time the Pilgrims left the shores of Ireland and landed at Plymouth rock. Learn about presidential politics from the time that Grant determined that all Native Indians living east of the Mississippi, hAD TO BE MOVED OUT WEST; LIKE IT OR LUMP IT, OR BE KILLED. How do you think England was conquered, by the Vikings (white against white)? That is history. So it makes no sense getting you knickers in a knot.History will keep unfolding.
    Donald will win the Republican nomination, and Hillary will win the Democratic nomination, and a battle royal will take place. If Hillary and the Democratic Party are not careful and make sure ALL their supporters vote, there will be a victory for Trump and then look out world!!
    That is the world you young people will have to live and die in, for die you will. I will be long gone.

  4. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Alvin, as usual you make me smile with your response. Dear wise one the reference to the 1960s is simply the most recent historical sign-post of the major schism in US race relations…seriously Alvin, why would I need to go back so far as you did to make the point…let’s get real, please.

    Actually I do not perceive that Donald Trump as President will presage any race war in the US and frankly no ISIS one either.

    Trump is a pragmatist and wealth maker and unless he invests heavily in a Haliburton (as a certain VP was) I do not see him progressing along any international war footing.

    This is a man who displayed his Trump brand of wine, Trump steaks and other Trump paraphernalia at his campaign meetings. Ascending to the White House would ensure that he would forever be able to label himself, hotels and products with the seal ‘President Trump’.

    There is absolutely NO WAY that he will endanger that future wealth engine by presiding over a country wracked by wars, racial dissension and the like. NO WAY….And he’ll have the equally loud mouth Chris Christie as Attorney General anyhow.

    Of course others in the US will not make any such pivot easy.

    A President Trump will pivot effortlessly to a middle ground of conciliation and forging ahead together and we know this because NO politician GOVERNS as they CAMPAIGN…none; and moreover he has business dealings with all the various people he has condemned…

    As he has said he is ‘greedy’. No way he will go to war to lose money.

    I too, do hope he does not win but if he does the world will survive….

    Trump is more an egomaniac than an enigma …making America great again MUST include all races and Nations too…that is a puzzle even his ego understands well.

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins March 16, 2016 at 10:45 AM #
    “Miller, Does that include you? I asked you before whether you had purchased EPAs or EFPAs, or insurance with CLICO. You never answered. Why?”

    Because: “I don’t have to attend every argument I’m invited to.”

    But as the poem Disiderata goes:-
    “Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.”
    So here goes, vacuous Alvin:

    Do you really think the miller who knew Greenverbs from a boy would ever entrust one red cent in his hands for him and Duprey to steal like a monkey with a mango stolen from a mongoose?
    In my estimation, buying any kind of financial instrument from CLICO under Greenverbs or his batty master would be like buying a place in heaven from Pope Innocent.

    Why do you think he is called Greenverbs? Do you think it is because of his slug-like body odour or his penchant in his youthful days to visit Greenfields as a male prostitute with whom you were much familiar? It is because of his unsophisticated ‘bull-shitery’ peppered with in-depth ignorance and seasoned with blatant lies.

    Greenverbs might be the smartest man in Bim when it comes to dealing with political crooks and scumbags like in a game of three -cards Prime Ministers.
    But just remember a smart leper died at the doorstep of a rattrap maker.

  6. @DPD
    ….And he’ll have the equally loud mouth Chris Christie as Attorney General anyhow.
    Chris is angling for something uh mean who puts up with looking like a Head waiter standing behind the Donald the day that he endorsed Trump. Two loudmouth can’t exist in de same hole but Chris was finished in NJ so he has to look for greener pastures but it can’t be AG I don’t think Bridgegate is settled yet so an AG may have to deal with the fallout.

    While you are doling out Cabinet positions how about the babe from Wasilla as Sec. Of State? That way she would be able to visit Russia rather than see it from her home.

    Trump is the asp that the Republican clasped to their bosom and his bite has been fatal to their “star boy” and may yet be fatal to the Party. He may adopt a pragmatic style if he got the job but if his past is a predictor of his future don’t hold your breath. There is a profile in the NYT based on an interview with his butler and the man is ego driven. The staff at his resort was warned if he is wearing the red cap they should keep out of his way, if he is wearing the white cap he is a good mood.

    If he is carrying around the nuclear football we are in real trouble, start digging your bunker

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Sargeant, we agree he is an ‘egomaniac so if we reasonably and logically mine the expectations and psychological reference data that describes such types we absolutely have more to fear from a losing Trump (there will be riots) than a President Trump.

    We can do the Mussolini and Hitler comparisons but we do an injustice to our intelligence if we do not PROPERLY extrapolate to Trump’s status in 2016. It’s a completely different dynamic to either of them or the other noted egomaniacs. I certainly will not attempt to get into some deep dive treatise here but Trump is already a kingpin in many ways with his brand emblazoned across the world…

    Trump already has a global podium from which others stroke his ego…

    — Yes surely his ID remains unsatisfied, as Hitler was for example, but he already has a wonderful perch atop a global empire none of them had…
    — so on what practical psychological basis should we expect this egomaniac to ‘blow that up’…
    — does that fit the psychosis of such a person? Seems not to me.

    Trump has never seemed or has he publicly presented as a psychopath, thus the Hitler and Mussolini comparisons start and stop rather quickly in my view… His comments about going after the family of terrorists is an inept way of saying ‘collateral damage is acceptable’. Immediately after 9-11 that was done, even if not said…we know this.

    All in all, Trump is not that unpredictable. His shtick is that he says boldly what others really bite their tongue to say…he is as sane and practical as the next Republican.

    Undoubtedly he has also brought the fascist politics that swept Europe many years ago (and still today) and the US will need to confront that in the years ahead but he is not not some out- of-control Dictator…AND MORE IMPORTANTLY the legal and societal structures in the US are very well founded and will NOT support his stupidity.

    Let us not forget that white supremacists made concerted efforts to destabilize (recall the wave of armoured car robberies of the 70’s and 80’s, and their spread of militarized camps…Timothy McVeigh is not a figment of our imagination) but that country STILL stands solidly despite all that…

    They didn’t, the Black Panthers didn’t and NEITHER can Donald Trump break the traditions of law and order!

    I appreciate that this is serious, real life happening as we speak gentlemen (Sargeant and Pieces) but let’s not conjecture the unreal and fantastical because of one egomaniac’s wild comments!

  8. Miller,
    You presented an hypothesis about the reasons you would Not buy instruments; Life or otherwise from CLICO, but you still did not deny outright that you bought. Obviously based on his rise in the hierarchy of CLICO, he must have been doing something right; Green verbs not withstanding.

    Anyhow, I hope the statement re:”… male prostitute….”with whom you are familiar” was intended solely, as a reference to my book “The Royal Palms are Dying” and not intended as a slur on my character. I shall wait further, otherwise I shall have to take steps.

    Dribbler and Sergeant,
    Donald Trump is more dangerous than either Hitler or Mussolini. Although Hitler was a racist, a bigot and a loudmouth, he did not start a race war. He precipitated a World War. Trump has the potential to start a Nuclear War. Kim from North America is just as belligerent;(stupid?) as Trump and he also has Nuclear Weapons,plus LOTS of people willing and unafraid to sacrifice their lives. Add in the Radical Islamists willing to sacrifice their lives. Add in all those who would be alienated by his proposal to build a wall and make (How?) the Mexicans pay for it. Coming from Trump. this should not be dismissed as idle Rhetoric. That is the mistake the Republican hierarchy made. The radical racists in the U.S; the KKK, The Tea Party, The Evangelicals,the anti-Blacks, the ant-muslims,and all the other fringe elements paid attention however and took hope.
    We ignore him at our peril.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Alvin Cummins March 17, 2016 at 6:20 PM

    Alvin, what are you on about now?

    It is not a matter of hypothesizing but of stating a matter of factual reason why the miller never had any ‘shitty’ financial dealings with CLICO.
    Ask your good friend Walter Blackman and fellow ‘Cawmerian’ from a more enlightened era ‘why’ that would have been so.

    Of course Greenverbs was worth his weight in ponzi gold whether he was positioned vertically climbing the corporate ladder or horizontally in order to impress his master in true Dionysian doggie style.

    It seems you are rather touchy when it comes to any critical reference to your association with CLICO and its past principals. Please don’t let your intellectual sphincter become your Achilles’ heel.

    Why not take a bit of time out to water your dying royal palms with some Bowmanston special. Better yet make it a hot banks beer you would have taken back to Canada.
    Imagine a man of your age running from Bajan paradise managed by the best government in the world to beastly cold Toronto.
    Your ‘commoner’ palms are really blooming, indeed.

  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Alvin Cummins March 17, 2016 at 6:20 PM
    “Trump has the potential to start a Nuclear War. Kim from North America is just as belligerent;(stupid?) as Trump and he also has Nuclear Weapons,plus LOTS of people willing and unafraid to sacrifice their lives. Add in the Radical Islamists willing to sacrifice their lives. Add in all those who would be alienated by his proposal to build a wall and make (How?) the Mexicans pay for it. Coming from Trump. this should not be dismissed as idle Rhetoric.”

    How can you equate Trump to Hitler? Are you mad? A lot of Jews including the PM of Israel would be most ‘pissed’ with you.

    Your ignorance of the American political system is as patently brilliant as your yard-fowlism to the present DLP administration.
    The President of the USA is not a dictator. His actions are circumscribed by law and the approval of the Senate. He or she just cannot do as he or she likes.
    Didn’t Pres. Obama promise to bring about meaningful change especially for minorities like blacks with his “Yes We Can” slogan?

    Trump is full of political rhetoric just to get elected to fulfill a personal ambition. He thinks he has conquered the corporate world so why not the political realm.

    What Trump is trumpeting is what he believes he can sell to the unsuspecting disenchanted masses. No different from what David Thompson and his band of goons sold the Bajan manses during the 2008 elections with the DLP xenophobic (anti-Guyanese) crap.

  11. Miller,
    Your answer tells me a lot of you. You are an ass. And more silly than I thought.
    In earlier submissions I referred you, and whoever, to PBS. They had a series on Hitler’s speeches. His rhetoric to the German people, after the first World War, and the defeat of Germany; he was a corporal in the German Army, at the time. He began “preaching” the glory of Germany rising from the ashes of that defeat and restoring the German might, the purity of the Aryan race, and blaming everything bad on the Jews. Is this not the rhetoric regurgitated by Trump? What has trump said yet of merit? You tell me. What “disenchanted masses? The only disenchanted masses are those who follow the Tea Party, the racists and the bigots. If you are telling me that the Republican hierarchy is unsuspecting and disenchanted, they don’t deserve to have any control in the house or senate. How can supposedly sensible follow, back him or endorse him?The American Political system is proscribed by a Constitution. The First Amendment pertains to Freedom of Speech; yet you cannot stand up in a movie theatre full of people and yell FIRE, when there is no fire, without being charged. I refer you again to the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security legislation to fully understand how the system works. Those pieces of legislation make a mockery of the Constitution. Read them! How did George Bush get the American Political system to declare a war against Iraq; resulting in trillions of dollars in costs, thousands of American lives, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives? How did he get the British, the Europeans and all sorts of other countries to follow the U.S. into a meaningless war?. Through LIES. That is how the system works. So don’t come to me moralizing about the American Political system

    By the way the DLP was referred to by your then Prime Minister as “wild boys”, different from goons. And didn’t your then Prime Minister break the law by surreptitiously hiring “Illegal” Guyanese to do work at his own home?? At least David
    Thompson invited them; all who were illegal, to “become regularized” and then become welcome. He never said they were not welcome.

  12. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Alvin are you not too old (respectfully noted) and thus wise enough not to be drawn to such illogical conclusions as “… the purity of the Aryan race, and blaming everything bad on the Jews. Is this not the rhetoric regurgitated by Trump?” Trump’s rhetoric does not match anything like that.

    The fact is that he has a child married into the Jewish faith; he has Black folks at his rallies actually combating against other Blacks and of course he has Ben Carson as his Secretary of Health to be. Not absolving the man from his roiling of a tender situation but he does not reach anywhere to that level of racial warfare you suggest.

    Of course MIller is correct re the law and regulations of the US system.

    And of course Bush ‘lied’ to game the system. But the system processed as best as it could all the data and a majority of ELECTED officials accepted those lies. THE SYSTEM WORKED as a check and balance…unfortunately it was the old mantra of GIGO (Garbage In …)

    He did not DICTATE to the Senators et al as a Hitler did.

    To accept your illogic the natural progression is: what lies will Trump offer to start a race war or some other war? What data will he use to convince??

    You are making the debate rather nonsensical. That nuclear ting is a serious geopolitical matter and one of earth destruction…is it your contention that Hitler Donald will ascend to the Presidency to author that?

    I am very happy that you are so comfortable and relaxed with thoughts of your own death but I don’t believe Trump or others are at that stage yet.

    Incidentally one can say in the ‘old days these protesters would be taken on on a stretcher’ or his more recent ‘if the establishment stops my victory there will be riots’ (paraphrased both). Absolutely incendiary remarks but covered under that all powerful Constitution doc. Not at all equated to that legal maxim of crying fire.

    Hate the man and his intent but let’s be realistic and reason rationally.

  13. @DPD
    Alvin’s reference to Hitler is more proof that “Godwins Law (you can look it up) is alive and kicking. That being out of the way I disagree with your earlier comment that Trump will adopt a pragmatic approach to governing, because he doesn’t want to lose his fortune. A man who has gone through 5 Corporate bankruptcies and emerged personally wealthier isn’t going to be worried about depleting his fortune.

    That middle ground that you were touting hasn’t emerged thus far – although the good Dr. C has said there are two sides to Trump- presumably he was endorsing the “good” Trump. This is a man who is leading the Republican race and just gave carte blanche to his supporters to riot if he is denied the Republican nomination. This is a man who refused to take part in a debate because he didn’t like one of the panelists, this is a man who parodied a reporter with a physical disability because he didn’t like a news report by that reporter and you may have heard what he said about women. This is not a serious man but a man who exudes all the manifestations of white trash in actions and deeds, a man who has adopted a Charlie Sheen persona about “winning” as in “America is not “winning”, when asked about “winning” he complains about jobs lost to other countries which he will bring back to America yet much of his merchandise is manufactured in other countries but his statements are lapped up by the gullible.

    It has been said that people vote against their best interests and this contest is more of the same.

  14. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Sargeant good one that re Goodwin’s Law. But let’s revisit your statement: “…. a man who has gone through 5 Corporate bankruptcies and emerged personally wealthier isn’t going to be worried about depleting his fortune.” Let’s start in the middle….” emerged personally wealthier”.

    —- How will that happen if he causes wars and race dissension in the US? You have analysed the basic facts quite well but your conclusions are flawed because you are shaping the data oddly.

    —- He borrowed heavily so he easily walked away with the bankruptcies…But, he cannot create an environment of unrest and ‘walk away’. His personal fortune would DIRECTLY be affected with threats (and likely action) galore aimed at all those buildings etc bearing his name

    —- and let’s not speak of insurance coverage, if he becomes toxic his product appeal will diminish.

    So back to your “emerged personally wealthier”. Do you honestly believe he will jeopardize that?

    Also let’s be brutally honest about what Trump has said and done.

    —- The last remark about ‘riots’ is ridiculous of course. But it has been said in different ways throughout the campaign…the mere act by the Republican establishment to go anti-Trump and move into the path of a ‘contested convention’ is plain and simple a riot.

    Let’s not mince words good sir…this is brass knuckles politics where ‘the end justifies the means’. It surely will be a ‘… turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people’or a RIOT if they have they way.

    So I completely accept and agree with you that Trump is dangerous and duplicitous (“will bring [jobs] back …yet…his merchandise is manufactured in other countries”) but we disagree on where he actually goes from here and the true meaning of his rhetoric!

    Trump’s candidacy in the end has shattered all political norms. Everything he has said and done has been deliberate to generate publicity and play to his demographic…he has been wildly successful. We cannot use standard optics to view a man…who said in effect “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters” and is still LEADING in a political campaign in 2016 after all the gun violence in the US!

    Yes he is very dangerous but according to the WSJ he has actually captured only 37% of the 20.35 million primary votes. They compare him to Gerald Ford as the weakest Republican front-runner.

    There are almost 40%of Republican voters who would consider a third-party if Trump is the nominee…and MOST alarming for him, 44% of Republicans who did NOT vote for him at the primaries would NOT vote for him at the national election!

    So they are a lot of gun-loving, white thrash talkers within your ‘gullible’ who adore him but many MORE others who don’t.

    He yet has a long road to hoe to be President and if he does get there, well…. he will keep the country intact to keep his property intact! He is too greedy and egomaniacal to do anything different.

    We will see…we will see.

  15. @DPD
    The last remark about ‘riots’ is ridiculous of course. But it has been said in different ways throughout the campaign…
    Words matter, you can’t say “punch him in the face” and when it happens deny being responsible, if he loses the nomination and people riot he will find out that denial is not a river in Egypt. Ah Blacks support him, what did I say about people voting against their best interest? The Republican establishment hates the black incumbent in the White House, it is not about political differences they hate the man so when they hate him I know they won’t have any love for me or people who look like me so if some of your cousins support himi wish them well.

    Oh delicious irony this morning I heard via CNN that one of the richest men in Saudi Arabia claims to have come to Trumps assistance when he was in financial trouble so he is pissed at Trump’s denigration of Muslims.

    We’ll see where this goes, can you say schadenfreude

  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “Oh delicious irony … one of the richest men in Saudi Arabia claims to have come to Trumps assistance when he was in financial trouble so he is pissed at Trump’s denigration of Muslims.” LOLLLL…What was discussed about not paying attention to his rhetoric…

    Not exhaustive but his international holdings are… Elite Tower, Israel , Trump International Hotel & Tower Vancouver; Trump Towers Istanbul; Trump World Seoul; The Palm Trump International Hotel and Tower, Dubai;Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico; Trump Tower Manila, Makati City, Philippines…..

    ….Also he operates golf courses in Aberdeen and Turnberry, Scotland and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. And there are other business partnerships in mid-East!

    You said it well previously about ‘gullible’. To be blunt, that partner in Saudi Arabia knows Trump was and is posturing…

    ….but then again Noreiga was a ‘close friend’ of US Presidents until he was abducted from his own country and jailed by those close friends…

    ….so who the hell knows what these power players will do when circumstances change!

    What is known is that Trump is a Bull-sh**er!

  17. Today I hear the book is sold out again and you have to put your name down if you want a copy!!


    Bajans are actually buying books ….. well well well!!

  18. @ John
    Thanks for bringing us back on topic ! Part of our problem is that our attention span is short ! Bajans indeed have short memories !With all due respect,how does Hitler, Trump, Obama, and current political problems in the USA impact upon our longstanding and pressing problems with our legal profession and ‘Barbados’ Court System’ ? Let us get back on topic… Philip Nicholls and the many problems within the legal profession…’Barbados’ Court System’…so that they are properly aired and hopefully, sensible and practical solutions may be proffered. Let us not ‘fiddle while Rome is burning’! Let us not be distracted !

  19. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Pieter Pieper

    Topics on Barbados Underground are like that, we vacillate like a sine curve yet ultimately return to topic IF AND WHEN bloggers, after 568 comments, feel like it.

    So while your family member is affected by this travesty, you should allow the bloggers the courtesy of, having run this far with Philip’s naïveté catch dem breath, so wait for them to exhale.

    But since you have mentioned that our “attention span is short” and underscored the fact that this is part of the problem I would like to ask you a question, either you or John from Publishers Clearing House.

    Between the time that Philip became partner at the firm, and “Things Falling Apart” how many years transpired?

    I was setting that in the context of your urgent pronouncement regarding Rome burning and bloggers “fiddling”

    Which problem in the book about the legal Ponzi scheme called Client Accounts and commingling with office accounts was not aired adequately?

    Certainly one Plantation Deeds and many others have come here and placed voluminous records in the eyesight of these short attention Bajans. Have you seen those? And why are we short attention span bloggers to focus on Philip s woes Exclusively?

    Did it come to your attention or is it your strategy that if 1,000 bloggers comment on Nicholls ‘ matter that this may stave off the action of FCIB or some other debtor?

    Be careful how you play BU audiences for if they feel pressured by your admonishments they can quite as easily turn pun your Scunts (dat is a Guyanese term)

    But since you are at the proverbial cyber podium would you share what solutions you have Pieter Pieper?

  20. My intention is not to provide ‘solutions’ but rather, to encourage participation, revelation, discussion, criticism ( good and bad) by the many who have a vested interest in the shortcomings of the legal profession and our justice system, at the present time ! We should seek to educate, to enlighten, to inform, and to be purposeful, so that the public may be motivated to demand change. Should we ignore the topic ? I suppose we could write about Crop-over and cricket but it may be difficult to incorporate these in any meaningful way, into the topic in question ! To some, Crop-over and cricket may be relevant to the topic at hand. (After all,there is mention of Pickwick Cricket club, I believe !). But I think not !

  21. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Pieter Pieper

    I am a new comer to Barbados Underground but in the little time I have been here I have seen topics shift like a pendulum “left field” sometimes to the degree that the Blogmaster closed the topic.

    I even noted that the Blogmaster has offered the said Nicholls a Blog space to do precisely what you are speaking of and I will wait to see what that does

    My take on these things is that while it is sexy to talk about it and to ventilate the issues aggressively there are certain matters, like corruption in high places that unless you do listings that publicly broadcast the matter and the names of the litigants, like the Disciplinary Committee should do, or the Office of the Public Prosector should do after successful litigation, or the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners should do in cases of negligence and malpractice, the corrupt will continue, because few know of their sins.

    These corrupt people play the averages that not everyone knows what they have done but PP the way I see it is if I am a consumer and I can go online and pay $25 to do a character check of any professional and that like a credit check saves me money and time and heartache, well it is $25 well spent.

    Other than that it is 570 comments of pure jobby

  22. @pudryr
    The fact that there are “570 comments”, would seem to indicate that there are a relatively significant number of persons interested in this particular topic and/or problem. How many other topics on BU, have evoked such a response ? Nonetheless, I agree that with you that “…if I am a consumer and I can go on line and pay $25 to do a character check of any professional and that like a credit check saves me money and time and heartache, well it is $25 well spent” .This ,in and of itself, is a suggestion… hopefully one of many more to come… and may indeed be a solution ! Thank God for social media and BU, even if some of the comments are “pure jobby” (or Pure Unadulterated Pup) ! Blessings and Peace to you Piece !

  23. “should read “there is a significant…” and “I agree with you that …”

  24. I have nothing to do with the publisher just that many times I have lunch out and am sitting minding my own business someone passes and says something about the book.

    The last person was today who told me he had at last got the book and was enjoying the read … he seemed to think much of it was unbelievable given the “stalwarts” in the legal profession.

    The one before last person was a cousin late last week who told me there have been three shipments of the book at the book store he went to and they are all sold out.

    He says he getting one for himself and one for a friend.

    He told me that all sorts of corporate and legal bodies … and busy bodies … interested in the book.

    The last time I ever heard a book was in such demand was when I was at school and Cloister was late in getting their books in.

    I am amazed that Bajans seem to be doing so much reading of a book.

    I am very heartened because I plan on writing one too!!

  25. Alvin wrote:

    That is why Donald “hitler’ Trump wants to “restore America”. In other words, ensure that another non white anglo saxon will never become President of that country again. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of BLACK PERSONS; EITHER IN THE UNITED STATES OR EVEN BARBADOS CANNOT SEE THIS.

    NONSENSE!!! If that were so why was Carson challenging Trump for months? Did whiteys believe Carson was white? The US public are totally pissed off with WASHINGTON DC political hacks! INSIDERS NO! Surely some are racial just as there blacks that are equally racial!

  26. Trump is being painted as a Racist BUT he seemed very fair on The Apprentice/ Celebrity Apprentice. Arsenio Won, Amoroso was invited back, twice, after conclusively proving she was a Boss Bitch and lazy to rahteed, Rodman the Worm was given far too much time to exhibit his craziness, Lil Rick went far, Latoya was a beneficiary of kindness—-cant say Trump appeared to be racial —– but he maybe.
    Trump has carried several aspects too far BUT there is an element of truth to
    1 Mexicans involvement in crime 642,000 + in Texas in 8 yrs seems a tad excessive!

    2 Radical Muslims or those with questionable backgrounds DONT belong in the West, including BIM! What are they bringing to the table for our benefit? Hence Trump was correct in calling for Washinton DC to wake up first and LEARN how to screen Muslims properly, which is what he was saying! WHY do we want Muslims who have been trained from Primary School to hate Christians like YOU?

  27. WW wrote
    The republican party created the monster that is Trump.

    Wha????? Repub Party Execs hate Trump!

    It is the Dems and Repubs that played CORRUPT games with Wall St, Big Pharma and Big Energy et al that has the Americans craving an OUTSIDER!

    U are cleverer that that WW!

  28. Alvin wrote

    Trump has the potential to start a Nuclear War. Kim from North America is just as belligerent;(stupid?) as Trump and he also has Nuclear Weapons,plus LOTS of people willing and unafraid to sacrifice their lives. Add in the Radical Islamists willing to sacrifice their lives. Add in all those who would be alienated by his proposal to build a wall and make (How?) the Mexicans pay for it. Coming from Trump. this should not be dismissed as idle Rhetoric. That is the mistake the Republican hierarchy made. The radical racists in the U.S; the KKK, The Tea Party, The Evangelicals,the anti-Blacks, the ant-muslims,and all the other fringe elements paid attention however and took hope.

    PLEEZ! U obviously did not see that Putin has already praised Trump, WHY? Strength always scares BULLIES! Pity Obama did not understand this simple principle, instead he threatened regarding chem weapon usage in Syria and then DID NOT ACT thereby looking like a lil lamb! Lambs are very likely to get slaughtered!

    Comparing a lil FOOL like Kim to Trump is ridiculous! Everyone, including Nth Koreans should be hoping that someone would get rid of the lil Kim dictators and supporters, permanently!

    Trump knows how to get nomination votes BUT has needlessly alienated far too many people.

  29. @Money Brain; Where do you fit in in the doctrine of Manifest Destiny

  30. @Alvin
    I would not agree with MD.
    However, I do believe that the US was correct in stopping the Russians from placing weapons in Cuba. They do have the right to a reasonable buffer zone.

    For most of history power came from the barrel of a gun and therefore power hungry “leaders” sought to subjugate whoever and however. Humans are still predatory today hence all the corruption.

  31. Sarge wrote
    The Republican establishment hates the black incumbent in the White House, it is not about political differences they hate the man so when they hate him I know they won’t have any love for me or people who look like me so if some of your cousins support himi wish them well.

    Repubs want Power they dont care whether the Dem Pres is White/ Brown/ Black, he is NOT under their control!!! Did they treat Clinton any better—-impeachment ????? This is just politics as usual, not good.

    Sarge, Rob Ford gone, he was hated by “establishment” types too but seems to have cared about the man in the street—certainly received a lot of support from black peeps while being in repose at City Hall and during elections.

  32. “PROMINENT ATTORNEY Philip Nicholls has described theft and money laundering charges he faced three years ago as “ludicrous”. He has also criticised a legal system which he describes in his recently-published book as being “in a total mess”.

  33. @Hants

    Let us see how the local media, Bar Association and other stakeholders react now that we have had the official book launch. Not that it should take a book launch to force a reaction anyway.

  34. pieter pieper Avatar

    It is noteworthy that in yesterday’s Barbados Today, it is reported that Philip Nicholls still clings to the belief that the legal system has been infiltrated by “rogues” and “bullies” who discredit the system. He still would have the public believe that the majority of lawyers are “principled” and “above board” but “a few” have left him questioning whether or not it is still a “noble profession”. ” A few” ? Really ? Is this not analogous to the US marine corps’ motto, “Semper Fidelis”?

  35. @PP
    Who the hell knows what % of Lawyers (liars) are nasty criminals? However, we do know that there are FAR TOO MANY operating in Bim! We also know that the wheels of Justice grind slower that the old windmills that ground canes hundreds of years ago. We know that the Registration process is antiquated. We do know that there should be protected escrow accounts for client’s money. We also know that Lawyers leave Bim and are never brought to justice, WHY? It appears that crooked Lawyers are protected!

  36. @MoneyBrain

    In point of fact, just follow developments re the Smith family affair ! I predict that the “investigation” will continue for another 20 years ! By then, the most likely culprits will have shuffled off this mortal coil, not having been punished in this paradise we call Barbados! ‘That is how we roll !’ But let us be happy ! Corruption is not a problem in Barbados !!! Just ask Philip Nicholls !!!

  37. […] release of the book published by Philip V. Nicholls More Binding Than Marriage – the former partner of the once venerable Cottle Catford law firm – has only served to […]

  38. Ordeen Bisbop Broomes Avatar
    Ordeen Bisbop Broomes

    My name is Ordeen Bishop Broomes. I have a “Theft of Property Sales” case against Joyce Griffith, in the Supreme Court. I’ve been fighting this case for 3yrs. now…. Still no justice! October 6, 2016 case against Joyce Griffith, applies to me…. My Attn: Leith Summons was hired to pursue Joyce Griffith. Feel free to email me your take on what’s gonna come out of all this…

                              Ordeen Bishop Broomes

  39. Carl Moore March 12, 2016 at 9:29 AM #

    In his 2012 book Eyewitness to Order and Disorder, Harold Hoyte concludes, about the Under Forties:
    “The nostalgia of that three-year span of robust political activity brings wry smiles to the lips of all who took part, recalling their idealism, their bright-eyed optimism and fearless anticipation of acceptance by the working people of the country.

    “But they, and all of us who watched from the sidelines, recognised in that political organisation the evolution of modern Barbadian politics and the role subsequently played by so many brave young men with a great vision for their people.”

    ( What point is the writer trying to convey? Seems to be a figment of the writer’s imagination.)

  40. @ Charles Skeete
    …yuh mean Harl Hite…..?
    …the traitor who sold off the Nation to Trickidadians for a few pieces of silver? What did you expect…?

    Any man why bypasses his own ‘family’, and passes the family silver held under his stewardship on to strangers – for a mess of porridge, …is nothing but national disgrace and traitor.
    Bushie may even excuse Money Brain’s father – since it would have killed him to see his business pass on to blacks (he obviously realised that MB was incapable of running it.. 🙂 )
    …but HarlHite was just plain albino-centric….. It is no wonder he has been condemned to writing a lotta shiite….

  41. Bushie,

    We wont forgive U for LYING and spewing excrement through your facial orifice, to say nothing of the terminological inexactitudes.

    Bush mussee family to the Texas Bushes who know how to CON the stupid brainless people.

    The business had to be sold to Trinis because they have $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ not pure talk no action! We dont owe you or any Bajan anything especially since the business employs more people today in Bim and pays plenty TAX! One of the key young managers in the 1970s was non white—BUSHIE MAJOR FAIL!

    Bushie, I wish I had the time to teach you Economics Finance, Business, Negotiation and more BUT NO ONE has a MILLENIUM or 2 to attempt to penetrate your duncyAss skull.

    If Tom had used his brain he would never have had a 70% enslaving Tax Bracket which pointed me to Northern Economic Climes.

    You should not be illustrating how weak you are since many of Bim’s best migrated North, thereby leaving loads of room for you to become successful and instead of hitting 6s you edge de long hop to the wkpr.

    I leff Bim in your hands and look what wunna do—-Frooon, Stinky,????????????????

    Thanks for absolutely proving my thesis.

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