Submitted by William Skinner
Sir Charles 'Cow" Williams
Sir Charles ‘Cow” Williams

In the eyes of many Barbadians, you are an example of hard work and tenacity. I am also aware that you have extended many acts of charity to the lesser fortunate.


Many of your employees have spoken very positively of your labour practices. In very simple terms, you have put food on the table for a large number of families. This food was not given; it was earned as it should be.

I met you once, when I was in the company of my cousin and dearest friend, David “Joey” Harper. I recall you telling us that the rather aged Mercedes was a bit heavy on gas. My first impression was that you were a very down to earth individual and that success had not made you lose the common touch. I am certain that since that meeting a few decades ago, your wealth has increased a thousand times.

However, as a Black Barbadian, that positive impression of you has now disappeared forever. Your recent outburst and the language used in describing your employees cannot be dismissed as a “hurt” do gooder who now feels betrayed. I am convinced that you said exactly what you intended. Your description of your employees as lazy and laggards was disrespectful and uncalled for. While many will understandably rush to pardon you, I am beyond certain, that there is a pervasive anti-worker movement gaining ground in our country. I am also beyond certain that attempts are being made to destroy the trade union movement and your verbal assault falls in line with such statements that have become increasingly popular amongst the powerful white business persons.

It is obvious to those who are unafraid to confront the powerful white moguls, that you seem to see yourself as doing your essentially black workers a favour. I remind you that you could not have achieved your wealth without their labour and loyalty to your companies. You want to remind them that they came to you “barely” with clothes on their backs and now they have cars. I hasten to remind you that you came to them with one second hand tractor. Today you now own, I am told, more land than any other citizen, you have marinas, horses for your leisure and is one of the most influential and powerful citizens in our country. Quite an achievement with the help of lazy laggards!

All I am left to ask you is : Who the hell do you think you are?

289 responses to “Open Letter to Sir Charles ‘COW’ Williams”

  1. Same to you Money Brain.

  2. Happy Hogmanay Money Brain, spending the holidays in mt tremblant the Canadian dollar isn’t worth shit, so trying a holiday at home. 13 tomorrow I guess there wont be snow

  3. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    @Hants, any word that Zoe is not familiar with is a BIG word and there are many. Up to now he has not answered Miller who ran a ZR van through his hypothesis that Cain must have married a sister born after Seth, but he seeks to distract by calling people names and together with his alter ego

  4. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    …seek to claim that Jesus did the same. “O judgment…

  5. Merry Xmas Moneybrain

    What are you doing ‘bout here anyway? Thought you would be in Hawaii at this time or did the Loonie implosion affect your holiday plans?

  6. RE Names Jesus Called the Scribes and Pharisees

    Ye blind guides (Matt. 23:16).
    Ye fools (Matt. 23:17).
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees…for ye are like whited supulchres…full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness (Matt. 23:27).
    Ye serpents (Matt. 23:33).
    Ye generation of vipers (Matt. 23:33).
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! (Luke 11:44).
    Ye are as graves which appear not (Luke 11:44).




  7. Sarge
    Hawaii? U tink I is Barrack? I am not on his guest list anymore because he does not want to address the correct list of priorities–something about Legacy? Anyways, I mentioned Christmas in the real Paradise—Bdos where he would find a good mixture of “family” (not Polynesians and Asians) and he scoffed at me and stated,” I am not named Holder,Bim is for him”.

  8. Were the Scribes and Pharisees not the experts on scriptures, the ‘boss-exegeses’, the exponents of the virtues of religiosity and rightness?
    Were they not the ones in the temple day and night? …cutting and pasting from the scriptures?

    Bushie was under the impression that the fellows like Nicodemus and Technician who kept asking questions were referred to as ‘the multitude’ …. the bushmen and brass bowls…

    Sounds a lot as if Zoe is a Scribe and GP is a pharisee yuh…. LOL ha ha ha 🙂
    …especially Zoe …..”for ye are like whited supulchres….”

    Zoe …should that not have been ‘blackened’ supulchres? …based on you recent expose on “colours in the Bible”? LOL

  9. @Moneybrain

    Man give Jack e Jacket de man was born in Hawaii and you know “There is no place like home for the holidays” so while you may be yearning for some “cou cou and flying fish” beach and sun he may be hoping for some poi, beach and sunshine . I hope I haven’t mash the crease assuming that Bim is your hometown because from your rumblings Singapore may be de spot and you may consider “Cou Cou” duck food in which case you may be wishing for Singapore and some fancy Chinese noodles (gotta consult Bourdain).

  10. Sarge
    U hit pun the reason he went home,poi etc, he just has never had cou-cou, mauby and breadx2. Bourdain may need to consult me on Chinese food,as I have been eating dat since 1974.
    I am a true Bajan,man o de soil, but adopting some concepts from Singapore would likely enrich more Bajans. Please note that one of their cornerstones is that their major natural resource is the people so Education is job 1. This absolutely is true for Bim too, however I very much doubt the Pols et al are conducting the correct policies.

  11. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Moneybrain…Trump got his wish, how ironic that banning muslims from the US, should start with British Muslims…LOL

  12. Bush Tea December 22, 2015 at 7:57 AM #
    Were the Scribes and Pharisees not the experts on scriptures, the ‘boss-exegeses’, the exponents of the virtues of religiosity and rightness?

    Were they not the ones in the temple day and night? …cutting and pasting from the scriptures?

    ** Yet, they FAILED terribly in NOT recognizing Jesus as Messiah! GP and me, accepted and KNOW Jesus Christ, as Personal Saviour and Lord; unlike the Scribes and Pharisees; and you Brass Bowl-Bound, et al of the BU Intelligensia

    Your failed analogy reeks of the typical BU Intelligensia IGNORANCE; constantly and continually twisting and maligning the Word of God, “…which UNTAUGHT and unstable people (Like you BT), TWIST to their own DESTRUCTION, as they also do the REST of the Scriptures.” (2 Peter 3: 16b) Emphasis added.

  13. WW

    Trump never said to ban Muslims permanently, he said UNTIL the Feds get their systems sorted out—clowns were not even screening with Facebook!

    I would be screening via
    1 school type
    2 urban versus rural
    3 attention to certain Countries eg Pakistan and Saudi like that SB murderess would demand much more scrutiny.
    4 whole host of other criteria.

    I have always contended that Canada should place special emphasis of screening from countries that have serious social problems or War,
    In the last 50 yrs the most troublesome immigrants were from

    a Vietnam after the V WAR
    b Sri Lankans civil War
    c Russians screwed up rule of law
    d Jamaicans far too many crazies and drug guys.
    e Somalis
    These groups and others should warrant special attention.

  14. @ Miller, I had no intention of answering you stupid question about Cain marrying his little sister; however, I could not miss the opportunity at exposing yet, again, your intellectualized ignorance, as is so often the case here on BU, by you as those of your ilk.

    25 Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth,[h] saying, ‘God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.’ 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.
    At that time people began to call on[i] the name of the LORD.

    Where in the above myth does it say anything about Cain marrying his little sister?

    ***Who was Cain’s wife? Even though only Cain, Abel and Seth are mentioned by name, the Bible clearly states that Adam and Eve had MORE sons and daughters: Genesis 5:4 “After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had OTHER sons and daughters.” So Cain’s wife was most likely his sister, and as mentioned above, this was okay both biologically and morally (and we are not talking about now).

    Miller, what is so difficult to understand, using a little common sense, not intellectualized fancy, “…that Adam and Eve HAD MORE sons and daughters: (Genesis 5:4) And, “After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had OTHER sons and daughters.”

    That was how God allowed it to work, before corrupted mutations came into the picture, after the Flood! There was NO concept of incest at that stage of human propagation.

    Therefore, it was not necessary to record that Cain married his little sister, as it was explicitly implied, by virtue of the accepted norm that God used at that stage; and it is therefore obvious, as God at that time, had NOT as yet, reduced the lifespan to 120 years, in His Mercy for sinful and troubled mankind.

    Adam and Eve would have lived long enough to (800 years) to see THOUSANDS of offspring develop and grow up, therefore it is logically inferred that Cain’s wife, would HAVE to have been a sister or cousin, however removed from his immediate family, OR, even a very close relative, because that WAS the accepted normative way they lived and carried on the propagation of humanity, UNTIL, God had to put a stop to it, for obvious genetic mutation reasons.

    Simple enough for a little common SENSE, but a stumbling block to the learned intellectuals here on BU!

  15. The fear in both the GOP and Democratic party is visible at the surface when it comes to Trump, and it’s not that he’s any of what they’ve accused him of. No, it’s really much simpler than that, and both Republican and Democrat parties, along with the mainstream media, are utterly terrified that you, the average American, is going to figure out what underlies all of these institutions in America.

    No, it’s not that they’re evil.

    It’s worse, for evil frequently is recognized and fought back yet for decades America has not awakened to what has been going on in the political and media establishment. It was evident during the Vietnam war and has only gotten worse since.

    For those who don’t recall the Tet Offensive was an attack launched by the NVA and VietCong by some 70,000 troops in a coordinated series of attacks across more than 100 targets. It was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South’s population.

    Tet failed in its military objective, in that there were too few troops spread too thinly, and once the US and South Vietnamese figured out what was going on they literally slaughtered a huge number of the attackers. To put perspective on this at the Battle of Hue roughly 500 US Marines and South Vietnamese were killed but over 5,000 NVA and VietCong died in that one battle alone.

    The story was repeated through the country; while the North managed to attack they lost virtually the entire attacking force, while not managing to take one mile of territory. They also failed to incite rebellion, which was the primary goal of the offensive in the first place.

    Our media, however, reported that we lost. They were present and they lied, including Walter Cronkite. Cronkite reported in February of 1968 that the war “was a stalemate and probably unwinnable” despite knowing that the NVA had virtually been rendered soldierless in the Tet offensive as their casualty rate ran ten times the South’s.

    Tet was a desperation move; the North was in serious trouble. They were failing to take territory and losing men and material at an ridiculous rate compared to the Americans and South. Simply put we were the better fighting force and it wasn’t a close call. In the first few days of their “offensive” they lost ten thousand men against about 750 on the other side and it just got worse from there with total losses on their side being close to 50,000, or virtually allof their remaining fighting-age force.

    Cronkite didn’t care about the truth. He wasn’t evil, he was indifferent. He didn’t give a damn about the fact that a totalitarian government was being handed a victory over millions of citizens, he simply wanted to make a further name for himself and push his political agenda.

    Likewise there are those who claim that Obama and similar are evil in their view of Muslims and terrorism and of course they wish to draw a distinction between left and right sides of the aisle. Wrong. They’re all indifferent.

    The political goal is more power for them and their friends, mostly economic power. More ability to extract from you by force and threaten you with jail or worse if you try to resist. More power over your daily life. More power to tell you that you must bake a cake for gays (because your religious convictions don’t matter) but if your religious convictions are Muslim then they do matter and must be protected because that’s where one of the big reservoirs of oiland undeveloped people that can be exploited in the future reside.

    They literally don’t care if you get blown up or shot and it doesn’t matter if they’re Democrat or Republican. They don’t care if you live under a freeway overpass because your health “insurance” that you are forced to buy covers so little that you have to spend $6,000 before one dime is covered, and you don’t have $6,000. They don’t care that a Christmas Party was shot up by a couple of Islamic Nutjobs who they could have identified if they did care and in fact they shut down an investigation on “civil rights” grounds that probably would have identified the shooters years before.

    Jeb Bush has never apologized for giving Driver Licenses to the majority of the 9/11 hijackers in Florida because he doesn’t care. What he cared about was making sure that illegal immigrants could roof houses during the housing bubble so his buddies could make money. That 3,000 Americans died as a plausibly direct consequence doesn’t matter to him.

    Marco Rubio supports allowing the illegal invaders to remain here because he doesn’t care if it screws you out of a job. Like Bush, what he cares about is his corporate patrons that want cheap labor. He cites all these Fortune 500 companies that were started by immigrants but I’ll bet that not one of them was an illegal invader. Ditto for his Nobel Prize winner claims. Oh sure, they’ve been immigrants — the legal variety. The illegal ones are the roofers working under the table or the gang members. That there is immense criminal and economic collateral damage doesn’t matter to him; he’s not evil, he’s indifferent.

    Ben Carson refuses, despite being a surgeon, to speak against the medical monopolies. He knows exactly what’s wrong in that regard both in the hospital and drug field. He’s not evil, he’s indifferent to the damage that his own profession has done to you over the last 30 years.

    Hillary Clinton knows damn well that during the Benghazi attacks there were military resources available to interdict them. But she has famously said “what difference does it make” and, in her view, she’s right. She’s not evil, she’s indifferent — to the lives lost there and to any other collateral damage including the arming of what has turned into Daesh! Her goal is globalism, socialism and statism, all for her own personal aggrandizement. That you are harmed or even killed doesn’t matter to her.

    Folks, this is where Trump is really freaking the establishment out. See, Trump already has anything material that he wants, and if something pops up he wants and doesn’t have he can simply stroke a check. He has no need to play the indifference game; there is no amount of money he can gain or lose in his lifetime that will change his lifestyle. He has his own security and doesn’t need yours, he has his own money and also doesn’t need yours.

    The visceral reaction you’re seeing in the media isn’t about Trump’s policies. It’s fear that’s motivating them.

    They fear that you might come to realize that you can’t demonize the “other side” for being evil; rather, they are both equally guilty almost to a single man and woman at being simply indifferent as to how much you get screwed and by whom, up to and including your death and the death of your children, so long as their desire for more power and control, either for them or their friends, is realized.

    If that happens — if you quit the left/right, republican/democrat, liberal/conservative game and instead demand the indictment of all of them for their treasonous and outrageously unlawful behavior along with their removal from office and are willing to back that up with action up to and including a general strike until they are all gone and in chains then they are all screwed.

    That is what is driving the animus toward Trump.

    Wake up America.

  16. @Money Brain at 12:57 PM…I will presume these are the words of some other ‘expert’ and not your own. Simply because you generally do not post such long pieces, However, regardless of the source the position offered is blatantly contradictory and self serving. The overall statement from which I excerpted “…so long as their desire for more power and control, either for them or their friends, is realized” is absolutely a description of Trump as it is of all the others mentioned.

    The most incredible irony of Donald Trump’s presidency is that the man is an absolute fraud re his pronounced positions:

    — He partners in big business deals with Muslims and Mexicans. He is not anti-Muslim in the least nor anti-Meixcan.

    — He surely has directly or indirectly employed illegal aliens at some juncture of his long business career. And he is certainly not adverse to embracing non-Americans.. being married previously to one.

    — He has worked with and employed Black and others; he has also employed many women and fundamentally appreciates all that a woman brings to a man’s life. He is not the nasty misogynist he appears from his rhetoric.

    If Donald Trump wins the Presidency of the US he would have pulled off one of the most awe-inspiring reality con jobs in my existence of 50+ years…of the last damn century and more even.

    For all those who see Donald Trump as a real outsider rather than the CONSUMMATE politician/impresario/business tycoon then pray that he does not win…because your and their withering disappointment when he PIVOTS to the real business of politics will be traumatic. Let see for example how long that Putin bro-mance would last!

    After this political season expect many other candidates to put in a stint in the reality entertainment arena to hone their skills for the campaigns.

    We always knew that politicians lied but he has turned that on its head…he not only lies but he lies about his real convictions and does it so damn well.

    Donald Trump has been a political revelation!

  17. Money Brain (Part 1)
    I agree with the opening and ending statements of Money Brain, but disagree with the heart of his treatise.

    His recapitulation of the Vietnam war falls in line with the revisionist history that is often spouted by others. It is true that with its superior technology that America ‘did not lose’ the ground war, but it failed to win the hearts of the Vietnamese people. Why?

    The situation in Afghanistan parallels that of Vietnam. There is no ‘victory’ for the US in either of these theaters.

    MB does not mention the unpopularity of the war in the US and the calls to ‘bring our boys home’ ; he does not mention how atrocities like the My Lai massacre and the pictures of burning and fleeing Vietnamese civilians sickened the stomach of the average American; he does not mention that the South Vietnamese regime was brutal and corrupt; and without American soldiers on the ground the was lost. MB body count for dead American soldiers seem unreasonably low.

    Yes, we had a better fighting force, but we knew that we did not have the hearts of the people. With 58,000 dead soldiers we had nothing to show for this loss of life.

    We did not “lose the war”,; neither did we ‘win the war’, but we lost the people.

    I am thinking of the rest of his document and agree the gist of it and his conclusion,

  18. *agree with

  19. It seems as if DIW has written a bit of Part II. I am working on it as well.

  20. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    MoneyB….I still won’t trust Trump, he wants just as much control and power as the Jebs and Hillarys etc. And he wants badly to control sections of mideast oil. He is not driven by money but by naked greed for power and that makes him exceedingly dangerous. Everybody wants to rule the world and the 7 billion people on it, however, those oil barons in the mideast are a whole nother animal, as Trump will surely

  21. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    @Zoe@11:31 am –

    The word is INTELLlGENTSIA, not “intelligensia” as, strangely enough, both you and GP are prepared to misspell it. Perhaps you should not mess with BIG words!


  22. Well Well & Consequences2 December 23, 2015 at 2:37 PM #
    MoneyB….Everybody wants to rule the world and the 7 billion people on it…

    The One World Government, is already well under way, as prophesied in the Word of God.

    Obama was clearly and cleaverly handpicked by the Council of Foreign Relation (CFR), and the wicked, evil other World Order bodies.

    The One Word Government, cannot be brought into full reality, UNTIL, the USA economy collapses, an internal implosion, which is already well under way.

  23. Jeff Cumberbatch December 23, 2015 at 4:11 PM #
    @Zoe@11:31 am –

    The word is INTELLlGENTSIA, not “intelligensia” as, strangely enough, both you and GP are prepared to misspell it. Perhaps you should not mess with BIG words!


    Intelligensia, is a deliberate play (sic!) on the word, instead of “GENT-SIA” as some of the waspy, wiggy, feminists objectors here might take umbrage to the implied maculine ‘GENT-SIA’ LOL 🙂

  24. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    Point taken Zoe! Have a blessed Christmas!

  25. The One Word Government, cannot be brought into full reality, UNTIL, the USA economy collapses, an internal implosion, which is already well under way.

    You are so correct Zoe
    we now need another wimp for President to hasten this

  26. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    You won’t get any argument from me Zoe. Happy Holidays to you and Jeff.

  27. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    And to you likewise, WW&C. A healthful 2016 as well!

  28. @Word and the Gazer
    In my haste to copy and paste, I neglected to point out this was a piece for discussion.
    Word, Trump senses that the Repub people are ready for sensationalisation of issues. He carries it much too far but these people want someone aggressive especially on Security and Immigration. Most of the people dont analyse issues in detail, they feel a certain way and look for someone reflecting something close.

    Trump, if he wins the nomination would be well advised to choose a woman VP, preferably Afro and maybe Spanish speaking—-Condoleezza Rice comes readily to mind. Probably not a bad idea for Cruz as well.

  29. Gazer
    Most of the South Vietnamese wanted the US to help them, many wanted to migrate to the US but only some could. Given the opportunity many, many more would have migrated to the US or similar freer societies.

    You think it was easy fighting in a location where it was almost impossible to tell which “civilians” were friend or foe. Bar girls give you a hug and then their bomb tears you apart. U soon figure out that your Govt is fighting with one hand tied behind their back and you are at major risk.

    Remember the Vietnamese had already fought the French for like 30 years. they were masters of jungle warfare, tunnel warfare etc.

    Afghanistan is an impossible assignment. It is not really a country but a collection of thousands of fiefdoms. All armed to the teeth.

  30. @Money Brain at 6:40 PM…You have spoken here about your investment portfolio and suggested that you have been a successful investor…how den can you be offering The Donald that piece of ‘investment’ advice. LOLLLL

    The last full throttle White male Pres candidate to go that route gave away his presidential opportunity. Oh lawd.

    The Donald is all good. If he does win that nomination I expect him to start his pivot by trotting out a bevy of beautiful women to sing his praises…his former wife, selected former Ms Universe contestants whom he may have developed in jobs/careers. Some of his reality show female contestants etc etc.

    Similarly he will trot out his Spanish friends et al to debunk his other nonsensical chatter.

    This dude is good to go really.

    All that, IF he wins. That is still a long shot in my view.

  31. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    MoneyB….Condoleeza is out, too heartless, she is not even welcomed to speak at universities. I for one definitely won’t want her to be any part of decision making, she’s on the same level as Dick Cheney and even he might be scared of her and he’s a beast.

  32. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    MoneyB…check out the lowlife racist state judge got exposed, they don’t even want his apology, they think this is a joke.

  33. @Well Well,
    Do you still think Barbados and Barbadian officials are still the worse in the world, as you like to postulate?
    i will take Barbados any day. I lived in the U.S. I know them.

    That is why I am a pragmatist and a realist.This is the real world. Not utopia.

  34. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Alvin….you will take Barbados any day, but you live in Canada. Unfortunately for you I met someone recently who explained to me that knowing you very well, you say one thing on the blog and something entirely different when among friends…hint, hint….your experience at QEH and why you ran back to Canada, the world is not as big as you think….you will be shocked in which country I met your friend.

  35. WW
    Never ceases to amaze me how some Judges behave and what they would put in writing.

  36. Word

    Surely U are not referencing McCain and the female who could see Russia from Alaska? Sarah Palin would have been correct before 1910 since Alaska was part of Russia then!
    Those 2 did not stand a chance against Barrack.

    Be careful how U talk bout The Donald’s ladies less he send Omaroso to deal wid U! lol. Now dat is one scary, crazy “lady”!

    Would not surprise me if Cruz or Rubio are nominated, people are fickle, anything can change.

    All I want ultimately is Hil to lose!

  37. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Hey MoneyB. … turns Cruz was born in Canada, there is an immigration law that allows him to be president because his Mom spent a certain amount of time in the US before his birth, let’s see how the electorate handles that….lol trumpet must be livid.

  38. WW
    Yes, Cruz was born in Calgary.

  39. Well Well & Consequences2 Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences2

    Re: that idiot state judge in the US…the time he spent denigrating everyone his small mind could conjure up, that time would have been better spent writing decisions to impact positively on the lives of others. I am sure he has pending decisions just waiting for his attention. One wonders what is wrong with these idiots, MoneyB and to hear them tell it, they consider themselves not only intelligent, but

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