Chris Sinckler, Minister of FinanceAfter seven years in office Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler indicated today that Barbadians have to brace for more bitter economic medicine.  His foreboding message comes against the removal of Barbados from the World Economic Forum latest report.


In a move that should raise questions about access to economic data on Barbados, the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index for 2015-16 has declined to offer a ranking for the country, citing a lack of information.

This year the report covers 140 economies, but not this country.  According to the editors, “In this edition, because of absence of data, we could not include Angola, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Libya, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Timor-Leste, or Yemen.”

Barbadians may be surprised to see their country’s name linked to such countries with regard to economic matters – The Broad Street Journal.

56 responses to “World Economic Forum Removes Barbados from Latest Global Competitiveness Rankings”

  1. Thanks for the correction DD. I think my doubt was based on how incredible it is that anyone would be offering 6.625% interest per annum in the current financial climate, especially at a time when the bank rates are 1% or less.

    And do I not recall shouts of greed and gambling when CLICO offered its dodgy EFPAs at similar levels above bank rates? Hmmmm…..

    So just to clarify, the investor in these GOB instruments will indeed receive 6.625% of his/her total investment every year split into two payments every March and September? And then (hopefully) their principal in year 10.

  2. bush shite no matter how foolish i sound i roll my own thunder and it is the loud sound that makes idiots like you respond, idiot.

  3. i am reading the comments in reference to the govt bonds and several words come to mind. Selfishness ! Greed! and what’s in it for me, all of which has nothing to do with patriotism when at a time when a country who once gave so much is asking a small portion in return.
    Are bajans memories so short or has chosen to forget,

  4. @DD

    Barbadians claim to be educated but trustfully we are a very illiterate when it comes to financial matters..

  5. Due Diligence October 1, 2015 at 1:23 PM #

    Chretien did it with Canada Savings bonds. Those who wanted to surrender theirs could still do so. I had purchased some for my son’s university and since he did not need the money immediately, I just kept them. (However CSBs are compounded bonds, while those Worrell are offering are discounted bonds.) In 1981 when he was born, I used his christening an other monetary gifts and bought Trudeaus 14% bonds. Interest rates fell through the floor about two years later. Boy, did I make a killing at maturity.

    Around this time they also offered $3,000 to people who purchased new homes. So, yours truly rented out the condo and bought the home I am still in, putting the govt’s money towards the down payment. In fact, when I bought the condo, I also got a grant because of the depressed economy. I had just finished school, and had to borrow the down payment to boot. Nothing I like more than monetary incentives.


    “Acting Prime Minister Praises Social Partnership

    Published on October 2, 2015 by Andre Skeete

    While Barbados’ Social Partnership has been deemed a success by Acting Prime Minister, Richard Sealy, he stressed that it was a still a work in progress, whose continued development required the support of all stakeholders.

    Speaking this morning during the signing ceremony for a six-month extension of Protocol Six at Government Headquarters, he acknowledged that while the partnership has had its critics, the model has served Barbados well for some 20 years.

    The Acting Prime Minister reiterated that the local tripartite system has been praised across the globe, with several countries now seeking to implement similar structures.

    In this regard, Mr. Sealy revealed that Cabinet had given its approval for a local delegation to visit Singapore for its 50th anniversary celebrations, to offer insight on the workings of Barbados’ tripartite partnership model.”

    Is the Minister mad?

    Unranked Barbados is going “to offer insight on the workings of Barbados’ tripartite partnership model.” to Number 2 ranked Singapore.

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