One of the main factors preventing the political process in many countries from attaining democratic ideals is the influence of money. While money is necessary for democratic politics, it can also be a tool for some to unduly influence the political process by buying votes or influencing policy decisions. For example, interest groups may buy access to the corridors of power or issue outright bribes to decision makers – Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns

One of the main factors preventing the political process in many countries from attaining democratic ideals is the influence of money. While money is necessary for democratic politics, it can also be a tool for some to unduly influence the political process by buying votes or influencing policy decisions. For example, interest groups may buy access to the corridors of power or issue outright bribes to decision makersFunding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns

24 responses to “An Examination of Funding of the Political Parties and Election Campaigns”

  1. […] An Examination of Funding of the Political Parties and Election Campaigns […]

  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Cause and effect.

    Not too sure about the effect of this but I am clear as to what it will permit various interest groups to do

    One. Expand the Functions on the Electoral and Boubaries Commission and make it the Central Registration Portal of all Campaign Contributions

    Two. As with the so called post Election Report that the so called Supervisor of Elections is required to issue after the Elections, electronically disclose the contributions of parties, AS THEY HAPPEN. So if Leroy Parris or Bizzy Williams makes a contribution to any political party require that such is posted online.

    Three. As far as all monetary contributions are concerned, they MUST ALL BE MADE TO ONE CENTRAL ACCOUNT and such flow through account allocate the contribution immediately to the designated recipient

    Four. The cumulative contribution to any individual/potential representative and political party will be immediately known and, as per the laws of Barbados where there is a legal cap on the amount a potential candidate can spend on his constituency/electorate notify all persons of how close one is to that limit

    This suggestion while not capturing contributions in kind, the iPads on Election Day, the $100 bribes that Fumble and Adriel Nitwit saw and have not reported to the authorities, the banners and bunting, and the obvious soft bribery of the populace MAY bring some transparency to the process

    but then again, the ole man can dream dreams for a better Bulbados which as wunna all know ent going happen cause de political parties love the existing bobo

  3. “Democracy is a system in which the government is controlled by the people” …

    Ha ha ha ,,, but what we got ONLY gets you to place a bet on one candidate … AND THAT’S IT….

    Yah don’ get to help select the Prime Minister,
    Yah don’ get nah say in who occupies Senate
    Yah don’ get nah say in who sits on the board (Cabinet) so you are shut out of having any influence at all in decision making of any kind

    This is NOT a democracy … somebody been foolin’ wunna, and worse still, dey got an insipid class ah tax payer trained academic consultants who are always prepared to mek fools ah simple minded Barbadians for as long as they are allowed to carry on with this shite of a system


    Come on now… Who are you trying to fool with your haft-baked concept of Democracy? As you well know: the instrument of the Vote is essential to the collective -power of the masses and this continues determine the course the country of Barbados takes. And just to inform your thinking for a brief minute: the Vote has more value in Barbados than it does in United States of America. The popular Vote doesn’t determine the President of the United States of America as it does in Barbados, but the Electorial-Vote, as established by the Constitution does.

  5. David, I am not trying to deflect from your point of deliberation, but mere attempting to shed some light on the two systems of Democray. And the direct power of the electorate possessed in Barbados, which isn’t evident in the Republican model.

    So that is why America is called a Representative Democracy because the four-hundred odd representatives determines the course the country takes rather than the electorate.

  6. @PODRYR and Baffy

    The document confirms a lot of what we have been discussing over the years. Yes a democracy is suppose to be about representing the people but then the funding of political parties and election campaigns get in the way. It is a reality that has seen so called democracies across the globe turning a blind eye.

  7. David

    tut tut tut .. “turning a blind eye …” … Democracies (so called) don’ do squat. Inland Revenue and other collection agencies should be able to determine the amounts that flow into campaigns. I assume that the businesses and people involved in giving have to declare where their money went, and the companies involved with the campaigns have to declare revenues for VAT purposes.

  8. But who will bell the cat, the political parties? Think again!

  9. David | October 17, 2014 at 6:50 AM |

    I read “Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns” and found it to be a very interesting and enlightening document. It highlighted some of the important issues relative to vote buying, as was “allegedly” undertaken during the 2008 and 2013 general elections.

    I refer to page 19, paragraph 2 of the document:
    “More often than not, real life gets in the way of good intentions; this also applies to the field of money in politics. In contrast to the political system factors discussed above (which are not necessarily problematic for political finance control), the challenges discussed here make the role of money in politics problematic from a democratic perspective. Two overall categories of challenges can be distinguished. The first refers to challenges that negatively impact on the role of money in politics in a broader sense, by harming the democratic process. This can include an influx of illicit funds into the political process, widespread vote buying or a particularly uneven electoral playing field. These can be called political system challenges.”

    During a news conference after the 2013 general elections, AG Brathwaite alluded to instances of “some Bajans selling their votes”. CBC also reported PM Stuart as saying throughout the he heard stories of people exchanging money for votes. Stuart referred to these allegations “as an ugly practice which digs at the roots of democratic structures, and called it a bad practice that was reportedly creeping into general elections”. He expressed these concerns after casting his vote at Bayley’s Primary School election morning.

    Almost two years after the 2013 elections, neither Stuart nor the country’s legal representative, AG Brathwaite, has found it necessary to develop and implement policies that would put an end to “vote buying”. Instead they opt to remain silent on this issue.

  10. @Artax

    To repeat – who will bell the cat, BLP DLP same damn party.

  11. Any system that relies on ignorance and stupidity to thrive has no place in a developmental enviroment

  12. Off topic with apologies.

    David, the West indies tour to India called off. The destruction of West Indies cricket continues.

  13. John Hanson 1781-1782 Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782

    David | October 17, 2014 at 9:27 AM |

    But who will bell the cat, the political parties? Think again!

    what does bell the cat mean?

    Vote the NEXT

  14. David | October 17, 2014 at 9:40 AM |

    “@Artax: To repeat – who will bell the cat, BLP DLP same damn party…”

    I agree with you David. That’s why, in my opinion, the process of ensuring good governance should be undertaken by the electorate. Barbadians could lobby for an independent, non-partisan Electoral and Boundaries Commission, to be established under an amended Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act.

    This new EBC should be tasked with the responsibility of regulating political parties and the process by which political parties select/nominate election candidates, maintaining an updated register of voters, overseeing the election process, developing a code of conduct for candidates and political parties, ensuring campaign funding is transparent and regulating the sums of money that may be spent by or on behalf of a candidate or party in respect of any election.

    According to page 2, paragraph 3 of the document, “the need for transparency in the role of money in politics has been recognized internationally through the United Nations’ Convention against Corruption [UNCAC], which states that countries should consider taking appropriate legislative and administrative measures……… ‘to enhance transparency in the funding of candidates for elected public office and where applicable, the funding of political parties’….”
    As such, the EBC should look at incorporating regulations from UNCAC and International IDEA Database of Political Finance in its legislature and be given the authority to collect and analyse electoral risk data, investigate electoral irregularities and conduct financial audits of candidates and political parties (especially since these parties receive state funding via taxes).

    These are just a few suggestions.

  15. @ BAFFY
    Any system that relies on ignorance and stupidity to thrive has no place in a developmental enviroment
    …but it is well suited for implementation in a collection of bowls.

    Bowls thrive on promises, polish, and apologies.
    They only realize that their goose is cooked when they actually see outsiders with knife and fork in hand and they feel the burning from the ketchup and pepper sauce being applied to their asses…..

  16. So tell me Bushie, dah man John Hanson 1781-1782 dat say “Vote the NEXT Party” .. He is a bowl too right ..?

  17. @ BAFFY
    ….unless he mean BUP…….. 🙂

  18. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    Give my government credit for being creative and innovative. We got a policy statement from the shadow minister of agriculture. Only problem is that the shadow minister and the actual minister belong to the same party. It took Patrick Tannis all of five minutes to show Barbados exactly why these circus clowns should just remain silent. As the saying goes ” Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open ya mout and remove all doubt.” Trisha Watson totally exposed the lunacy that we continue to accept as our leaders. Lunacy mixed with blatant lies is what we have come to. A cabinet sits down and makes decisions privately then comes to the public and nothing said can be relied upon. The Minister of labor speaking and mind you…..not out of turn gives one figure for the number of persons to be retrenched. Different number came from the Minister of finance. Bursaries to students promised by no lesser a person than the Minister responsible for education. The Minister of finance knew nothing about such. Lets not even revisit the absurdity about the pile up of garbage being seasonal. All we know is that CHICKUNGUNYA running rampant in Barbados. High time that people like my first cousin who posts here as ” waiting” come to the realization that the Aedes Aegypti mosquito is a species of The Deceptive Larvae Population. We may use Malathion to rid us of the Aedes Aegypti. Common sense and a simple X would eradicate the larvae population.

  19. Here is what the document mentions on page 67:

    Media actors
    1. Strive to expose violations by any political stakeholders regarding
    the raising and spending of funds—in particular accepting illegal
    donations, illicit connections between donors and political parties, vote
    buying and the abuse of state resources. Make clear to average citizens
    how such abuses aff ect them.
    2. Do not accept money from political stakeholders to report in a biased
    manner. Independent and fearless media are crucial for a functioning

  20. Let us hope some earth moving proposals are tabled at the BLP Conference today. Mia Mottley was a proponent of constitutional change in the BLP when she was ousted by the gang of 5. Now she is at the helm and we wait.

  21. Once again we have seen politics raised its ugly head in another government entity; this time it’s the Royal Barbados Police Force.

    The Police Service Commission under the chairmanship of known DLP member and former police officer, Guyson Mayers, has seen it fit to promote 42 police officers in temporary positions, while those officers who have taken legal action against the PSC, in respect of being overlooked for promotions, have been returned to their substantive ranks. This action will facilitate double promotions for some officers to ranks above some officers who are senior in rank to them. For example, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, Seymour Cumberbatch, will now return to his rank as Assistant Commissioner, and an officer junior in rank to him will be double promoted to Deputy Commissioner. Officers such as John Maxwell, who is head of the financial crimes unit, will also be affected by this move.

    How would these events affect the already low morale of the force?

    This attorney general, Adriel Brathwaite, has overseen the unceremonious dismissal of a commission of police and now more discord amongst the
    ranks within the force.

    Can Barbados not achieve good governance in a disciplined organisation such as i’s police force?

  22. […] An Examination of Funding of the Political Parties and Election Campaigns ( […]

  23. procedure to fund us to form and register a political party for entering in next years general elections fund

  24. We have so many priorities our leaders need to focus on yet we wait time with BS.

    What JAs!

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