
BU has come to the realization pop star Rihanna is a slave to publicity. To be fair to her, the line of business she has made her own requires a script to be followed to sustain success, this a business with a relatively short shelf life and making money is the name of the game.  To quote Rihanna her, she intends to raise the bar by breaking the rules.

One sure way celebrities attract publicity in this world is to bare it all, especially when the body state satisfies the stereotypical view of what is beautiful. There is a view held by many Barbadians we should not be critical of Rihanna because of her unprecedented global success. There is another view – why criticise Rihanna, she does not care or neither does it erode her success.  Theses perspectives are spurious and soaked in false logic. Barbadians on a daily basis offer critique about Presidents Obama and Bush and other non Barbadians so what is the point?

Another reason Barbadians have a right to critique Rihanna’s public persona and behaviour; she was made Ambassador of Youth and Culture by the government of Barbados. If her appointment was rescinded and diplomatic passport withdrawn, we have not been made aware. Barbadians have a vested interest therefore how Rihanna’s behaviour may  influence young impressionable Barbadians. If not why give her an ambassadorship?

The majority of Barbadians love Rihanna BUT it does not mean we have to remain silent if she carries herself in a manner which offends the individual morals of some.  We wear clothes of different styles for different reasons when visiting different places. If Rihanna decides to expose her beautiful body in public because her handlers believe it is an asset to draw publicity, it is her right. It is equally the right of Barbadians  to opine about Rihanna if they feel like it.

BU’s position is unequivocal, Ambassador for Youth Rihanna’s sluttish outfit worn at the Council of Fashion Designers of America last evening brings into question what  moral fibre we want to nurture for Barbados given the willingness of government to attach to her brand.

169 responses to “We Give You Youth Ambassador Rihanna”

  1. @SSS

    Yours is an emotional rant and understood. Any comment about a naked body, a sexual act must be placed in a context. A naked body in a situation where it is being used to be sexually suggestive versus frolicking on a beach are two different scenarios but then again you know the point being made.

  2. For example, the student portrayed is not sluttish in behaviour in our opinion, why you ask?

    Photo: As beautiful as this photo is of Karlesha Thurman breastfeeding her baby at her college graduation at California State University, in Long Beach, many took to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to attack this future accountant for feeding her daughter after she walked off stage with her degree in hand. 

We spoke with Karlesha, and she told us how the insults affected her and why she would take the photo again, despite the nasty comments she received. 

We also spoke with other Black mothers who told us about their efforts to #NormalizeBreastfeeding in America.

FULL STORY: http://newsone.com/3018051/karlesha-thurman-breastfeeding-photo/

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Yes i know the point being made. However context varies on the basis of acceptance. Its accepted here but rejected there because the environments differ and therefore should be done in respective environments society says is contextualized for that purpose.

    A few months ago the Banks Breweries girls were castigated for their nippy and very revealing swim suit wear. Society had a lot to say, yet the same society would not have condemn the same girls for practically revealing all in the body paint or in the same outfits at the foreday morning jam, if they had attended. CONTEXT.

    A female reveler in a string outfit (because that is all I could describe as) was wukking up during the grand kadooment; some stated when she bent over, nothing was left for the imagination as all was revealed. CONTEXT
    I guess because during grand kadooment an- any and everything goes policy- seem to be acceptable, after all is kadooment.

    The young lady breast feeding her child with most of her breast expose is also context because her actions serves a purpose. That too is context. So for me Rihanna’s willingness to wear the piece created by an admired designer of hers was done also in context as it was an advocacy act intended for publicity – thus CONTEXT.

    It generated much discussion and provided immense exposure from the around the world.

    I guess and maybe Ellen DeGeneres can thank her lesbian life for giving her much exposure and fame when she confessed as well…after all David she is operating with in a context. Thus the context of confession made her an attractive talk show host who was seen as honest and full of integrity. After all its all in the context things.

  4. @SSS

    Your point is understood however because the context can be explained it does not mean it has to be accepted such is the nature of valuing the difference in all of us. Rihanna has a right to accept the award naked if she preferred. Because she is Barbadian, because we embrace her as our own, because she is a youth ambassador if only ceremonial, because she is used to advertise Barbados we have a right to critique her behaviour in the same way you and others prefer to give unqualified support. Capiche?

  5. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    The world accepts what it deems to be fit and applicable and rejects what it considers to be inappropriate and corruptible. We cannot measure the basis for Rihanna’s actions in the context of what is deemed appropriate or not because cultural differences prevail over geographic locations that makes one context appropriate and acceptable and another inappropriate and unacceptable. The Barbadian context is one that condemns and yet condones. Protects what it deems scared and reveals what it considers not so sacred.

    You have a right to critique her behaviour but you do not have a right to be despicable as you were sexist in your view point by the comment “another member of the slut brigade.” Capiche

  6. @SSS

    How do you explain the concept of public morality?

  7. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Just loving the way you challenging the SSS. Woo Wee. Here we go with my concept.

    The concept of Public morality predisposes the held belief that behaviour and what constitutes the act of normal behaviour is done on a set of establish moral and ethical principles. It is derived from the development of community where norm values and principles culminates into what is followed and practice thus becoming the standard or code set by that community. The principles are perpetuated by time, practice and continuity and normally becomes the establish code for conduct and approval. Any deviation from the norm principles is considered a threat to the establishment of the code and the values of that community that are considered acceptable, appropriate or even sacred. This is the establishment of community which is indicative of a society. The society then establishes mediums or arbitration should the standard or code be broken. It is called Laws.

  8. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Time, influence, pressure and moral differences (if not to say indifference) have significantly and constantly affected the development of perceived establish- moral- and ethical standards and have challenged the accepted norm values and principles of public morality laid back in the day. Thus what was tabooed years ago, e.g extreme sexual depictions are now seen as normal sexual representations. What I mean by this: kissing was to be depicted as a modest and quick depiction representable of the movie format where shock and awe would have been the response of the viewer; nudity was at the level of dress- like- swim suits and was to be considered as a modest depiction not showing too much flesh. Now kissing and flesh like depictions are now an accepted extremity so common place that sexual depictions are nothing short of a “justifiable approved form of pornography”. We approved the nudity and the depiction of love making to the point that we can show the genitals as long as we do not show the actual genitals working in action. In other words, depict the motion and its parts in the strokes but don’t show the actual tools engaging in the pokes. But we know how that is now-a-days.

    The provide a biblical perspective as the basis for the establishment of nearly all public morality stances, the same principles can be applied where the code for conduct and moral living is carefully spelt out in the biblical concept as orchestrated by God. However evolutionary thinking and time has greatly influence the moral code of the bible to the point that it is challenged as a book of fables and out of touch with modernity, though its foundation is still firmly planted as part of the accepted moral code.

  9. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    We must come to grips with the fact that the concept of public morality has an evolutionary twist with an incumbent change. We must also understand that taboos of the public- morality -principles are specific implements that normally do not transcend all boundaries and territories. Thus the norm practices of one culture are not the taboos of another. Morality is derived from establish principles and standards that dictates behaviour. But there are not always stagnant and are therefore subject to change and challenge. We must also understand the influences of other cultural norms and value systems on another. These influences are responsible for the differences in opinions which generates much debate and in some instances leading to severe conflicts and wars. This is because the effected society will seek to defend if they perceive a threat that is abnormal, absurd and not advantageous.

  10. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    What ever is the outcome the effects of influence will weigh in the balance until perceptions change. As the things of the past concepts of public morality has undergone change from what was considered extreme and vulgar to now normal and sexy, so will perceptions of modern day extremities change. The world’s concept of public morality are evolving. For the acceptance of things tabooed is taking precedence amongst things considered to be normal and approved with great justification and in some instances- forced acceptance (e.g. Homosexuality). Does this make it right in its context? You decide.

    What we need to come to grips with is that as long as public morality is built on the principles of accepted value systems and standards as set by man than expect that man’s concept over time might change to a different belief system. For if what they say about time is true, then expect that: Time changes Everything and know that Everything mostly likely Changes in Time.

  11. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Should have submitted this to you as a topic. Stuuupse

  12. @SSS

    Thanks for the response. It brings us back to the first point of the debate that there will always be tension on the moral dial which will cause it to quiver. This is all part of the process which your research validates. The point: there will be a value norm which based on time etc will be accepted and at the same time there will be the views at the fringe which may or may not be validated by the society over time and the outcome will be tension. It is a dynamic process which precludes the actors stating absolutes to support fringe behaviours. Your research on public morality can be used as a baseline position to debate the wider issue of everyday morality.

  13. Watch another opinion about the Rihanna’s dress from about 6 minutes into the vid.

  14. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    i listen to what this woman had to say. She stated an opinion, ask those to clap who approve of Rihanna’s extreme and many clapped. But here is the thing; she provided an opinion on Rihanna so let me tender an opinion about what i think of her.

    I think her fake ass boobs and hair, along with the obvious plastic surgery she has undergone to improve her look is totally inappropriate as well. She totally has embraced the fallacy that big boobs is sexy when the truth is, it makes women look obzockie and overly top heavy. I wonder when she takes off the fake ass hair and the make up what the heck she looks like there after. If i was a man, I would not feel good sleeping next to a modern day Frankenstein knowing that the silicone implants might one day explode in my face if I suck to hard on a nipple.

    You see David, nudity by social definition is excepted within a specific environmental context or occasion hence she criticizes Rihanna on appropriateness. But you want to tell me that altering ones appearance in the name of good looks is an acceptable reality because it does not embrace behaviour that is extreme and inappropriate? You want to tell me that it is OK to highlight lip locking exchanges between same sex couples on prime time television, where children watch and this is all acceptable?

    Two extremes, one accepted the other rejected on the basis of moral suasions when the persuasions tend towards immoral acceptances justified under what I term “commonly justifiable unacceptable behaviours..”

  15. @SSS

    The vid was meant to be proactive, agree with you about Wendy goi g ‘fake’. On a positive note although anecdotal there seem to be a movement to natural in America which bodes well for Barbados?


  16. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Its called the circle of life; and every aspect of the sphere past, you will find what was, you will go to what is and then you will find yourself back to embrace what use to be. So we will arrive at natural and that will be the new fab for a time, only to go back to some improve fangly dangly youth spray; or tablet that improve drooping breast to full and bouncy again; or some cream of youth that instantly replenishes wrinkle skin and white hair..

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