Noam Chomsky opines thatit is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies”. It begs the question do we have intellectuals in Barbados? Who are they? BU adds another question to the pile – is there morality in local politics?

During the last general election Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart was portrayed as a man of integrity when compared to Owen Arthur. Whether one agrees who won the integrity vote Stuart did not object to the comparison. One year later BU believes Stuart has fallen short of being a man of integrity. Before the political cackle begins it is instructive to lookup the definition of integrity, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”. Did Prime Minister Stuart and his Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite now appointed admit that they witnessed unsavoury (illegal) events during election day? The Prime Minister promised he would check every election law  on the books and bring the matter to parliament to prevent recurrence and in the process finger the culprits.

On another front BU is reliably informed that the government had been in discussion with the NUPW to send home workers for several weeks before the recent announcement. One must reasonably conclude that Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart – who is the minister responsible for the civil service had to be aware of the decision to retrench workers a long time before it was announced. Remember when the SmartStream system was blamed by Stuart as the reason why temporary workers were not paid? We subsequently found out that temporary workers are not registered on this system for payroll. The decision to send home workers was not arrived at overnight. During the time the discussions were being held the Prime Minister suggested there was a computer glitch when many public officers complained about not being paid. We hesitate to call Prime Minister Stuart a liar BUT he has been less than transparent about government’s position on the tenure of public servants.

The other issue which raises questions about the integrity of the Prime Minister is a recent report by the Nation newspaper which highlighted correspondence related to Leroy Parris CIBC matter  apparently shared with the Prime Minister. To date Prime Minister Stuart has not denied the report. An international bank would not have made the decision to close an account with a reported balance of hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions, depending on which Nation report you believe lightly. Why would the Prime Minister his Minister of Finance and Central Bank Governor allow themselves to be dragged into this matter given the CLICO connection? If Parris has a problem with his bankers giving him the boot let him resort to the law courts for resolution.

Part two of BU’s concern: why are our intellectuals not speaking out about the issues whether social or economic affecting the country? This is the country which has invested heavily in their education. There has been no strident discussion mounted by the Bajan intelligentsia to dilute the partisan political diatribe which continues to pollute the Barbados space. Why have they allowed themselves to be intimidated and be cowered into silence? There is no time like the present, a parlous period of our existence, that our brightest and best should not feel obligated to leverage their knowledge and expertise to give back to their nation. Instead what we have are intellectuals who have no backbone or are willing to compromise their intelligence because of partisan political leanings.

If the lack of involvement by the local intelligentsia to become immersed in the issues of the day to problem solve, it makes a compelling case for Barbadians to evaluate how tertiary level education should be funded in the future. The last 5 years provide ample evidence to judge relevance.

142 responses to “Integrity and Education On the Backs of Fallen Leaders”

  1. Surprise to hear the MoF say at the news conference that he and the MoL will be meeting with the NUPW tomorrow to discuss their 10 point plan. What is going on here? Did he not say the NUPW plan was not practical?

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    The Minister is trying to save the face of their partner in deception, NUPW.


  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    The MoF just can’t himself, can he?
    How can so-called journalists sit down and listen to so much bullshit and political harangue?
    He speaks of the many projects coming on stream in 2014. Did he say anything about Four Seasons, Exmouth or Pickerings? How come the $125 million bridge and road rehabilitation announced in August 2013 has now dropped to $50 million?

  4. A little surprise that the Barrack matter seems to be in flux after Minister Kellman stated in a budget response recently that he had a proposal to sign off on his desk.


    JUST ASKING | 06/01/2014 at 2:09 pm
    Plantation ?
    So what do we do
    We have to vote for somebody and there are only two political parties

    What do you suggest Plantation@ Thank you for the Question

    There were 8 others that ran , in the last Election, The C.U.P also ran a clean Election, VOTE for anyone but the DBLP .

    Others on BU can also Run and looking for 22 more Person to RUN when ever that times comes
    An Audit must be done on all things . The NEW, COP of police and the NEW DPP and AG must go after the crooks as they are found and charged.
    Police told us that these crooks , liar and scumbags pass some ACT that they can not be charged with crimes dealing with real estate , this was said by a SGT of ,Police that was called on Baxters Road.
    We have to see this ACT that side steps the Law of Fraud ,
    Smantha Cummins that was at the UDC , told us when she was at the UDC , The land maybe Violet Beckles but not legally for Sir Richard L Cheltenham Phd, QC refuse to Assent the Lands of Beatrice Henry to Violet Beckles for the last 27 years and over 63 lawyers used and paid to buy time till she died.
    Her Will is now in Probate and await to see if they will wait 27 more years.In the mean while they move the land to please with OWEN and MIA and COW
    The Information was given to them back in 2002 by Caswell before i knew anything of this Violet Beckles Issue.
    Being away from Barbados while traveling all over and around the World for more than 40 years.
    We were called, in to look at this not knowing the fullness , dealing with lightfoot land in the city.from about 2004/5 .

    We never knew or can find the History of Barbados and how we now have more info than the Barbados government , All 40 pages sign with POLICE in what was done from the start. No one charged.
    This is why we can talk , What we have and what was said to the Fraud Squad can not be changed , Violet is now Dead ,

    Many deals dealing with land is the Key even the GEMs of Barbados is lands of Violet Beckles unless greater proof is given to Root title of Plantation Deeds missing from records,

    The Money that Barbados seeks , Is already here in the accounts of crooks, We need to take the money back to the Estate and give the Will of the PM that free education at UWI , The Will of David of reverse Tax credit , The Will Of Beatrice Henry to help as she did like government house for the poor or lower paid people that the DBLP turn in for free houses for their family , fiends and girls friends ,

    Just vote for anyone but DEMS or them BLP , We will not call the Newspapers, nor Brass tacks, CBC for nothing, We see they are well paid crooks in all of this to keep the people in the dark ,
    What ever is recovered will go back in to Barbados and its People ,
    We are also watching the courts for the crook lawyers 10 to 25 years ago are now Judges on the bench , who look to up hold each other fraud.

  6. dat dat dat ……..what a sad sad day to listen to this Bullfrog !

  7. Talk about contradictions.

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Why hasn’t any one of those timidly ignorant journalists asked the bullshitting MoF about the Central Revenue Authority (CRA) that should have been functioning since April 2013?
    I feel really sorry for Barbados with the current state of public administration.

  9. @miller
    Yes they asked silly questions but I thought it was best to let Chris get on his soap box. You heard the “bovine excrement” that boomed from his mouth?

  10. @Miller,
    You notice the MOF said we had adequate forex, but did not say cover for how many weeks. In addition , nothing said about the loan fro the Swiss Bank.. I LOL when a jounalist with a foreign accent ask Stinkliar about confidence ,he said Barbadians have confidence in the government. He must be talking about the fatted calf brigade

  11. I am very disappointed with the performance of the MOF this afternoon who appears to be still in a campaign mode. A lotta talk about nothing & the performance from some of the journalists was pathetic.

    MOF says that no other MOF has had to deal with a situation like this, well Arthur cleaned their mess last time, but maybe the MOF is correct when he says this as I am not aware that any other MOF made such a mess of handling this Countries economy.

  12. And of course he HAD to mention the social networks criticizing him. They have no money for drugs for the hospital yet they have paid for Almond. Where did that money come from?

    Bernie Weatherhead is trying to clean up Almond to open in the next two weeks. If you see how dilapidated the place looks. They have erected a fence on the left side entrance to block of the jungle yet people only have to look over and see the unkempt area. The shingles are falling off the building roofs. The paling falling down by the car park area. Why would anyone want to put guests in a rat hole like this? How can anyone invite someone to their house and have it in a state of disrepair? Have we no shame? SMH we are really scraping the barrel bottom.

  13. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    In the Merchant of Venice, Bassanio said:
    “Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing;
    more than any man in all of Venice.
    You shall seek all day for his reasons,
    and when you have them, they are not worth the search.”

    I believe that this quote firmly epitomises the nothingness that I heard emerging from the mouth of dear old Chris Sinckler. Surely Barbados can do better, is that not so?

  14. Back in Time Jack Avatar
    Back in Time Jack

    David – we have NOW seen/heard it all with this most recent statement by Sinckler. Stupse.
    In the August 2013 budget opening statement Sinckler says there was no confidence in the economy yet by January 2014, after a worsening financial position, the MOF says he walks Barbados and there is now confidence in the economy of about 90% of the populace.



  16. man wunna criticism real mild i was expecting brass bowl fire works,,, well maybe when david penned his interpretation, in that case the bu verdict still out,,,,,,…..

  17. Back in Time Jack Avatar
    Back in Time Jack


    The fool is still playing politics. Don’t you appreciate that the asshole has fallen out of the economy? Bullshit will not change reality.

  18. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    Okay, let us be fair and practical. Within the first 15 minutes of Sinckler’s diatribe, he suggested on no fewer than four occasions that the DLP’s policy prescriptions are designed to ‘protect the Barbados dollar.’ Now my question is: if the dollar is not threatened by devaluation, then why is there an over emphasis on protecting the dollar when much more could have been said about recovery and growth of the economy?

    With Sinckler, the mischief is always in his ‘cat’ language.

  19. Bounty up in St Phillip and Michael Lashley will get more recruits in the drug trade when they are laid off. There is a market in Colorado now. The Commissioner of Police (acting) will facilitates such because he is a crook too. Pastor Victor Roach could talk all he like..

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David:

    Do you have any info on the “new” projects announced by the MoF in today’s press conference and due to start this year?
    Anything on this Alternative Cement” and the 750 units middle-income projects? Have they replaced the Sugar Cane industry project and the Exmouth Housing project announced in the August 2013 budget?

  21. @ac
    man wunna criticism real mild i was expecting brass bowl fire works,,,
    It is pointless wasting “powder pon blackbud”. At thsi time, Barbadians who have the means should be trying to see how they can get out of the island especially the younger ones. Jobs are available in Australia, Japan Canada. As for the older ones, its just a matter of bracing for the fall.

  22. Curry not bad advice…..and generate forex too. wish i had think of dat are u MIA

  23. does devaluing the dollar make sense if you really have nothing to export ? maybe make tourism cheaper, Does property on the island become cheaper that could scare people that are heavily invested in property, like govt. mucky mucks Funny you have Guyanese coming to Barbados for a better economic life, as bajans will have to leave the island to accomplish the same thing.

  24. Bim, I love you… Bim I am proud of you…. and if it rise or fall…. I ain’t leaving this Rock at all. Only cowards abandon the land of their birth when things are bad.

  25. Lawson, funny you should mentioned Guyana, because I just met a Guyanese man who wanted to sell me a house in the land of my birth. I am not bias but I just founded it funny.

  26. That’s because he probably moving on to Canada then after a few years Switzerland

  27. Let me mek sometime straight: I am not a bigot, because I grew up around all kinds of West Indian people in the city area of Barbados.

  28. Mark you are being very harsh, just like the Irish during the potato famine ,the refugees from the middle east ,the Vietnamese boat people etc, the reasons are varied but at some point people have to leave. When the eldest son got the property the young ones had to move on. Bajans leaving the island is natural and when they and their offspring return to visit that is what will bring some of the forex you need

  29. “That statement by OSA signals the end of any hope I had for some slight recovery of the Barbadian economy in the medium term.

    We in duck’s guts.

    That public chastisement of Mia by OSA, even though in my view he is absolutely right in his analysis of the situation and the gimmickry of Mia’s solution, is the last straw for hope that the BLP can lead a recovery effort at this time. Owen full knows the effects of his quoted statements and his sentiments damns us all.”

    I have been trying Are-You-There to grasp the intent of your comments to no avail. Are you suggesting that the perceived confrontational nature of Mr Arthur’s statement might lead one to believe that the opposition is disunited and still not yet fit for leadership leaving governance once again in the hands of those who have up to now made a mess of it.? or are we saying that in the interest of some charade passing for party unity that a trained, tested and proven economist like Mr Arthur familiar moreso than anyone else in the intricacies of public finance should allow some ‘hairy-fairy’ suggestion to pass without comment especially in these most perilous times in our history where serious comment and not grandstanding or political expediency should be the order of the day. The question is what do we really want from our politicians? Integrity and honesty in comment or allegiance to moribund party norms.

    “The only hope now for us is some sort of a coalition with both Stuart and Mia removed from leadership positions.”
    Isn’t that what some have been hoping for?

    Since we are looking for ways to rid ourselves of the tentacles of party politics and change must begin somewhere howsoever it comes.. The question is whether we really want change or business as usual to preserve an anachronistic party system. Last year I was very critical of Mr Arthur and his gang of five for what I perceived to be the uncharitable and despicable treatment meted out to party colleague Ms Mottley since i felt that a united BLP was necessary to make an impact at the polls and hold to account an ineffective administration as the action by the Eager 11 suggested.
    Now I am viewing the maverick events unfolding in both parties in a positive light since without resorting to cracking heads these events might very well cause these moribund institutions to self-destruct and out of which might evolve a new system of governance should Mr Arthur and Mr Inniss and Mr Eversley continue to shoot from the hip.

  30. balance don;t fool uh self osa is shrewd and calculating right now he smells blood in the economy and he has convinced himself that miais easy pickings and not strong enough to be a shark,,,,,


    We dont see the Dollar going any where, for the fact that if we are locked to the US dollar and our debt is 4 Billion ,The USofA debt have a bigger gap 7 trillion now, than ever before with the Bajan Dollar , their debt move up 2.5 Billion a Day , We dont move that fast , We feel we still have room between the gap.

  32. Caswell please note that it is only after the MOF said that he meeting NUPW that the TRAITOR Walter Maloney said any thing ,why did Walter not tell us about the secret meeting he had at Government headquarters and he parked at the back –well members has started to drop out and they are now trying to save faces—members donot pay any one to betray you —keep your $26 to buy food and pay bills –tell NUPW to cut their salaries by 25%because it is bigger that any public officer in they respective grades(Nupw clerk is paid more than a clerk in Government)
    tell them to send home Dennis Clarke who has gone pass the retirement ago and has not seek or gotten permission to stay on from the member did he do such to betray the union members,
    tell then to fire that crook Walter Maloney (cell phone,.credit card )
    tell them to send home those members of staff who has retired from government,tell Dennis CLarke to pay the taxes on the$245000duty free car benefits -that could pay the salary of a clerk for a year or it can pay my pension
    any how I am here in this cold place but will be home month end

  33. are-we-there-yet? Avatar


    Arthur’s comment was bare boo whether you can justify it from your new epiphany of removing both the DLP and BLP from power or not. As I said, I agreed with the rest of his comment as reported but there was absolutely no need for him to bring in his perception of the gimmickry of Ms Mottley’s suggestion, which was already unworkable, in a comment to the media that in essence was showing that the situation is now practically beyond recall. That unforced comment on Mia’s gimmickry showed a continuation of the poor judgement he exhibited in 2007 before he lost the elections then and is a serious cause for concern re. his ability to lead in the event of new elections.

    That is where I was going.

    Rather than excoriating me for telling the truth as I see it which also, if taken on board by those that matter, the electorate, could aid in the chaos of the denounement which you say you seek, you proceed to pen a post replete with illogic.

    Wheel and come again.

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    are-we-there-yet? | 07/01/2014 at 7:41 am |

    OSA should be strongly advised to remove himself from the current debacle.
    He should not allow his diabetic condition to make him accidentally put his numb foot in his gaping mouth.
    He must accept he is now on the periphery of politics and by his own admission retire gracefully into the sunset of political history with his legacy largely intact.
    What he should be taken up with is his pastoral role of elder statesman and adviser to the party hierarchy without jeopardizing his failing health or sacrificing the time he should be spending with his family.

    What the economy of Barbados is currently facing is certainly beyond his physical and intellectual capacities to pull the cart back from the cliff.
    He should forget about doing a 1986 EWB return to the helm. “Death in office from exhaustion or stress” would not be a honourable epitaph of a once great man.

    The current lot of senior civil servants alone would shock the living daylights out of OSA and deaden the man’s intellectual senses.
    Your political reputation and image of an effective leader when compared to the current lot have been vindicated.
    Don’t go and mar it now, please Mr. Arthur. Let the “younger’ brigade of BLP “turks” deal with the wild boys running the country into the ground. Barbados can survive, you are just mortal flesh and bone, my friend.

  35. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    To me Sinckler’s and the DLP’s policies are like the Old man whose two sons have been laid off and who he has promised to support fully going out and using practically all his savings to purchase two ramshackle houses for his sons without regard to what resources he would have to support himself in his old age, pay his regular bills or even support his son’s everyday needs in the forseeable future.

    That man can’t prioritize and this Government also doesn’t seem to be able to prioritize. The time is not now to spend scarce capital on most of the projects that Chris is announcing will start soon while everyday needs are gasping for money. There needs to be a sensible mix.

  36. Intellectuals and rocket scientist govys in Barbados …I wonder how they pronounce unionized. that is the disconnect

  37. Yuh think so! OSA have friends in high places who see him as the secoond messiah waiting fuh him to hand barbados over to them on a silver platter .don,t expect him to retire any time soon from the polical landscaope try as he may all is not entirely up to him……

  38. “are-we-there-yet? | 07/01/2014 at 7:41 am |
    Have now read your response. Must admit I did have difficulty in trying to put my thoughts together in response to your post and am prepared to bow to your erudite submission. Have always felt too that Mr Arthur’s positives in leading Barbados for 14 years far outweighed his negatives but having like Sir Winston Churchill been rejected by the electorate would have further enhanced his reputation even in the eyes of his detractors by assuming the role of elder statesman to party and country and leaving the shenanigans of party politics to more robust and lesser mortals.

  39. The post has shifted from Truth v Lies. Pilate asked “what is truth?’ but didn’t hang around for an answer.

    Consider Latoya and Tom. Latoya says to Tom before marriage ‘Tom I will always love you’. They marry. One week into marriage Tom has an affair with Shonelle. When she discovers this, Latoya tells Tom ‘I hate you. I always knew what you were’. Tom says ‘But you said you’d always love me.’ Latoya responds, ‘I must have been mad. I want you out of my life. I hate you.’

    Relate, eg, to pre-election promises.

  40. So true
    Tom was telling his friends he was very embarrassed about his affair
    Shonelle was a very old and dear Eskimo friend of his
    When Latoya rushed into the bedroom and caught them in bed she started screaming… I KNEW IT…I KNEW IT.
    And he had to explain to Latoya it is pronounced INUIT

  41. Lawson

    Exactly. Things are never as they seem but may not be lies – more little hiccups to preserve the status quo and the greater good.

  42. Barbados needs courage, leadership and new thinking – Boos


    p>image Government’s chronic crises of excessive debt,high fiscal deficits,falling foreign exchange reserves and overstaffed and outdated institutions for delivering public services are only a part of the deeper problem says Peter Boos.


    p>Peter N. Boos FCA


    p>BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Wednesday January 8, 2014 – Recent events and public pronouncements both locally and internationally have confirmed the very poor state of the Barbados Economy.


    p>Government’s chronic crises of excessive debt, high fiscal deficits, falling foreign exchange reserves and overstaffed and outdated institutions for delivering public services are only a part of the deeper problem.


    p>This is not a crisis like any we have ever experienced and it requires a response like nothing we have done before.


    p>Waiting for recovery is not an option. Many countries already have strong growing economies.


    p>In Barbados all of our productive sectors are under-performing.


    p>Barbados is in a deep structural vortex and it will take great leadership, courage, new thinking and teamwork to dig us out a step at a time and build a strong sustainable economy. This crisis has been in the making for many years.


    p>Whilst spending less is critical, our fiscal and monetary deficits are symptomatic of the many underlying weaknesses that retard growth and investment.


    p>Read more:

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