Click image to sign the PETITION!
Click image to sign the PETITION!

The following was circulated to those who signed the petition by James Lynch, PETITION FROM THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC TO THE OWNERS OF THE CARIBBEAN AIRLINE LIAT.

You need to know that LIAT are about to have another huge meltdown. Yes, it’s probably going to happen again, and maybe even worse.

All the ATR Pilots trained at the beginning before the aircraft were delivered are now due for re-currency training, and many of the senior pilots are going on their usual booked holiday in December. That’s the start of it.

So, unless somebody comes up with a small (large?) miracle, LIAT are going to have to park many of their planes and cancel/reschedule/ delay many of their flights.

LIAT management were warned by both the ECCAA (the Civil Aviation Authority) and the LIAT Pilots Association LIALPA that this was going to happen unless they made alternate plans (LIALPA also warned Brunton before the first meltdown), so the many shortages which came to a head in August are going to be dwarfed by what is about to happen again at LIAT approaching and during the Christmas Season.

Certainly LIAT seems to be a half-empty bathtub with someone already pulling on the plug. And most top Caribbean politicians are well known for their disdain of the common man. But the fact remains that unless and until the top Caribbean politicians – shareholders and non-shareholders alike – get off their duffs and take action LIAT will EITHER fold on or before the end of this year OR LIAT will stagger into 2014 and fall on its face next year.

You are receiving this because you made your mark on asking for change at LIAT… if you value LIAT at all, now is the time to gather all of your resources and contacts and start hammering the politicians of the eastern Caribbean about 1. the extremely poor Board and management LIAT has been given over the last six decades, 2. the extremely slack attitude they have towards supporting LIAT, and 3. the excessive and punishing travel taxes they impose which effectively limit the ability of people to travel between the islands.

55 responses to “LIAT Update”

  1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ bimjim | November 8, 2013 at 3:51 PM |
    “That the professionals in LIALPA should stand up to protect the safety of the travelling public is something to be respected, not reviled.”

    Well said! The management of LIAT have been running that airline like their own fiefdom while playing the political game with the temporary jokers passing off as West Indian politicians of the Mighty Gabby variety.
    Recently these misfits for managers have been shooting themselves in the foot but fortunately boring holes only in the floor of their office and not in the fuselage of the aircraft.

    What next do these blasted fools intend to do? Force the pilots to breach safety regulations and the engineers to skimp on maintenance to cut costs to ensure the administrative supernumeraries keep their cushy politically arranged jobs?

    God forbid but should any aircraft suffer a serious incident involving safety we would know where first to point our fingers.

  2. Here’s the first card on the table…
    Winter crisis possible, LIAT’s Chairman says

    Next, after the CEO caused a meltdown and the Director of Flight Operations caused the pilot strike, we have at least TWO ministers of government (one a PM) publicly expressing outrage and being “fed up” at the disruptions – and demanding the the EMPLOYEES be downtrodden and controlled with Essential Services legislation across the eastern Caribbean.

    Above, the Chairman himself admits that there may be another crisis in December – again, caused by bad management, not by the employees.

    Is this whole scenario not back-asswards?? Does this not seem as though we really need a whole new Board – who are supposed to call the big shots – and upper management? HOW did the employees get to be the bad guys?

    Where does PM Gonsalves get these ideas? And PM Stuart is asleep again, as usual. Poor feller, he must be so tired with all those places he has to visit when the day comes he has no energy for Prime Ministerial duties.

    The Board is incompetent and does nothing of note – and the Chairman is the biggest comedian on the stage. Aviation expert? In what galaxy? Upper management – if there is any communication with the Board – just seem to do as they like without ANY consequences. The Director of Flight Operations was the closest advisor to the CEO, yet between them they caused a meltdown. But he is still there still big and bold to cause industrial unrest just a few weeks later.

    Wunnuh go ahead, yuh hear? And doan mek nuh noise at al at all when yuh taxes does go up agen nex year. It gine somewhere far-away long distance overseas abroad – in somebody else pocket.

  3. Here are some numbers which may interest Bajans under pressure…


    Page vi
    “The value of investments in LIAT was $109.9 (US$ 55) million compared to $103.9 (US$ 52) million in the prior year.”

    Page 36
    Support for Liat (1974) 6/SFR – OR – BAR
    Nominal value of loans raised US$ 33,631,879
    Net Proceeds of loans raised US$ 62,923,837
    Annual interest rate 3.81
    Date to be redeemed 1-Jan-28
    Amount outstanding US$ 56,948,883

    I picked out the two numbers for 2011 and 2012 and interpolated from there. bear in mind that there are NO other accounts I can find for a company whi9ch is fully supported by OUR tax dollars. Apparently the politicians have decided that we are all too stupid to have such numbers.

    My estimate of “investment” which BARBADOS (49% shareholding) will put into LIAT in the next five years – not for expansion, but JUST TO KEEP IT GOING…
    – – – – – – – – (2011-2012-2013)-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018 Total
    Barbados – (52+55+58+) 61 + 64 + 67 + 71 + 74 = US$ 337 million (49%)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – or BD$ 674 million
    And add two years to reach over a Billion Barbados dollars “invested” into LIAT…
    6 7
    77 + 82 = US$ 546 million or BDS$ 1.1 Billion

    Note also that the reports states that Barbados had a loan of US$ 57 million out to LIAT which is due in 2028.

    In such times of austerity, WHERE is Barbados going to be getting all this money from?

  4. @Bimjim
    Maybe we the taxpayers should be asking the question:what is the ROI on
    LIAT for these funds.Why have we invested in LIAT in the first place when all the shots are called by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.
    Perhaps Barney Lynch can tell us on BU what prompted him to recommend this huge loss making investment in LIAT when he was the substantive MOT in the OSA administration.And while he is at it what prompted him to oppose with equal fervour the rise of Redjet.
    When PM Gonsalves’ airport at Argyle is finished and he doesn’t need Barbados as a hub for St Vincent destined passengers,we will see what the revised plans will be for LIAT probably minus the St Vincent investment.

  5. Why did the CDB advance the recent loan? Was it pure;y on the basis of a sovereign guarantee?

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