Economist Ryan Straughn
Economist Ryan Straughn

Arising from the blog  The Slide of the Barbados Economy: Pictures Are Worth a Thousand Numbers which utilized several graphs created by Economist Ryan Straughn, BU reached out to him via Facebook to get feedback on the several comments posted. Although he is not a fan of BU, to his credit, he offered the following perspective which provides food for thought.

I just spent the last 20 minutes wading through the post you sent. From what I gather from the contributions there seems to be a notion that either the data is corrupt or worse that I am corrupt. I can appreciate that a significant number of persons in Barbados genuinely don’t understand how the macroeconomy works in total and particularly how the public finances are affected or how it affects the system.

I must confess that I seldom read your blog because in my view it’s not a place for person truly seeking information and better understanding. I’m just a messenger but the message is in those charts for those who wishes to pay attention.

What is most unfortunate is that there is a 1-to-1 correspondence change in fiscal management and the change in government in 2008. I’m no psychologist but given that the electorate voted significantly for change there is a reluctance on their respective parts to accept responsibility for their own actions. Hence the questioning of data and of anyone that forces them to reflect on the choices they made. Further, this inhibits rational thinking and fosters inaction and all the while things are getting progressively worse because of it.

I saw a reference about bringing things to book and I smile every time I hear someone make reference to that. All public debt is recorded but what is admittedly messy is how it is classified. A few statutory corporations are able to service debt from their revenue and as such don’t require a transfer from central government to do such. It has been a longstanding debate amongst economic practitioners about how to classify public sector debt and particular that which central government is responsible for. Now government has a fiduciary responsibility for all public institutions and as such could be held responsible for all liabilities. My view is that once any institution is servicing debt on it own then that liability should be classified separately from central government. The long and short of it is that all debt however classified is recorded and provisions are made for its service. Therefore the notion of “bringing things to book” may score points amongst those who genuinely don’t understand how debt service works. As I said before, not enough people take the time to understand these things.

I’ll end by saying something as I said it to other economists very recently.

There are times when you cannot keep your job and put alternative explanations for data on the table“.

163 responses to “Economist Ryan Straughn Sees the Need for More Barbadians to Understand How the Macroeconomy Works”

  1. “He has never distinguished himself as an intellectual or academic and i am not aware that he has ever successfully run a sweetie shop.”

    Neither has Mr Freundel Stuart and he is running a country albeit down at the moment but large and in charge nonetheless.

  2. @Bajeabroad

    Understand your point BUT all Straughn has been saying for awhile is that the government needs to look at it’s spending. We all play different roles in society.

  3. AC
    Lack of confidence in the Dems is a perennial problem and which that party had proved unable to turn around.A diehard well to do Dem, Cammy B has been at pains to admit that ‘whenever the Dems in power,investors hold on to their money’.This from a way back when land developer when blacks didn’t have clout.The chickens have come home to roost.Let the clueless Freundel,unably supported by his inept,licorish joke cabinet wallow in their stupidity and ignorance.The price to correct their damage to this little gem of a country might be excessive but if it rings the death knell for that ‘tek from the hardworkers and give it to the dolts and drones’ party,it might be worthwhile.

  4. ” It would be a matter of great surprise if ever he says anything that is favourable of the present Government.”

    I am curious to hear from you one thing that is favourable to this present Government. They are slowly dismantling all the social gains from which the underprivileged of the country has benefitted through the perspicacious policies of both political parties in their visionary times.

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | September 21, 2013 at 5:00 PM |

    Well said in a most ‘balanced” way.
    Maybe the poster of that comment would prefer Leroy Parris over Straughn who in Stuart’s assessment is not only a pal of his but also an estimable gentleman of outstanding business acumen and managerial achievements who made CLICO a uniquely successful finance company that has and continues to contribute tremendously to the social and economic development of Barbados.

    Now when you get those kinds of extolling accolades coming from a man who does not know his economic elbow from his business arse what else can you expect from the “damned” idiot.

  6. But wait is Straughn an academic? I just peeped at his linkedin page and the man worked in London on projects for some big companies like HSBC, MasterCard and Zurich Financial Services.As I said bitter!!!


    Enuff @ . By the way what is the cost to date on the ABC highway?@ The Estate of Beartice Henry to Violet Beckles , Is still owed 80,000,000 bds $ for the land , Start to cut sometime in March or May 1995 ,As Beatrice Henry died December 13th 1995.

    That Bill still not paid to Beatrice nor Violet Beckles as yet add that Also with 9% added as the clock moves

    Crooks and Liars


    Year was to read 1985 ,, not 1995

  9. Bajeabroad wrote “our competitors are earning REAL foreign exchange and making REAL products for international consumption.”
    Jamaica is an interesting case study.

    I just bought an Jamaica branded avocado,Jamaica branded mangoes in a Toronto supermarket.There is also Jamaica branded belly pumpking and hot peppers sold in mainstream supermarkets like Loblaws and Metro.

    The only Bajan branded products I can find are sold in West Indian supermarkets. Eclipse and Shirley biscuits, Morgan’s flying fish and Aunt May’s peppersauce..

    All the highfulatin economic prognostications from the likes of Straughn and Hal Austin does not change the simple fact that in this current economic situation Barbados must focus on reducing the food import bill by aggressively increasing agricultural production,reduce the import fuel bill,
    Also ban the importation of Gas guzzling SUVs and luxury cars.

    Tourism is still a very important industry so clean up the streets and make them safe even if you have to put guvment boots on the ground with glocks.

  10. An interesting topic for discussion is the Investments of Scotiabank and CIBC in Trinidad.

  11. Hants are you serious? lmao

  12. Hants
    Interesting information and I know since the 80’s TT has been wooing investors and have had small booklets available at Piarco airport detailing all the requirements and inducements they guarantee.Add to that,they have fantastic entertainment and restaurants.Near to Pier 1,a top notch facility there
    are hundreds of yachts moored during the sailing season most of them US based.Then there is their own airline with daily reach to the US and UK.
    Business facilitation is high on their totem pole.With high crime and corrupt politicians the price of living there might be comparatively cheap but thats how they seem to value life also.

  13. That’s why i keep telling Carson to stop watching islands like Trinidad & Tobago, they are seasoned business people who know how to create, manage, generate and are consistently business oriented.

  14. Hi balance the thousands of public sector workers are still on the job . the social network is still functioning albeit that u and other BLP yard fowls are hoping and wishing for collapse .after twenty years of strife and confusion at alexander the school thanks to PM stuart is functioing . yES/balance you ask for one and i give u two or three and yes QEH with all is financial problems has not been closed and also public transportation is running

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    Explain to us why the British Government, The United States Government, The Canadian Government have all issued travel advisories against Trinidad and Tobago?

    Explain to me how come I am looking for two homes for two Trinidadian families who want to relocate to Barbados because of the horrendous crime situation there?

    Explain to me how a Trinidadian friend has asked me to find out information for him about setting up a Restaurant here in Barbados because he cant take Trinidad anymore?

  16. I usually take what economist say with a pinch of salt. No of knows how to get out of this mess and nearly all of them give verying and contradicing advice to each other.

  17. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Carson C. Cadogan | September 21, 2013 at 8:29 PM |
    “Explain to me how a Trinidadian friend has asked me to find out information for him about setting up a Restaurant here in Barbados because he cant take Trinidad anymore?”

    And were you scratching your head to find an opportunity? What about TGI Friday’s? Or did your fellow black investors grab it?

    At least you could have referred him to Adrian Loveridge’s Little Inn. This would have been the golden opportunity to rid Bim of white Adrian despite encouraging the selling out of Bim to “Trickidadians” foreigner that you so fervently opposed on this blog ad nauseam.

  18. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    Sensible Trinidadians trying to get out of Trinidad and Bajans of the foolish variety praising Trinidad and saying how Barbados should be just like it.

    What is the old saying again?

    Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread!!

  19. And on another note, being versed in the accounting field, you can have debt off the books on a cash accounting basis. The change from cash accounting to accrual basis accounting was done under the DLP, I think in 2008 or 2009. And as such off-balance sheet financing is NOT allowed, therefore all debt prior debt from the BLP years had now to be included in governments financials.

  20. So depending on the the system of accounting used the actual expenditure could be reduced or increased? So the annual payments for the BOLT projects were NOT recorded or accounted for in the annual expenditure figures before 2008/9?

  21. The debt liabilities Ping
    You have to include all those who owe you
    …and all those you owe.

  22. @ Ping Pong,

    Since 2008/9 you have to include all debt and bring those off-balance sheet finances that were not on the books to book.

  23. I have no training or knowledge of accounting so bear with me.

    One of my concerns is the great increase in Government’s EXPENDITURE since 2008/9. Are the BOLT projects paid for by annual payments? If so, are these payments included in the total EXPENDITURE or were these payments accounted for under some other heading before 2008?

    I think I understand that that according to the method of accounting used the DEBT situation would appear differently. So I believe that if the Government owes say $70 million for say the Coast Guard Station, depending on the accounting system that figure may be recorded under different headings BUT (and this where my ignorance may be shown) if the Government has to pay say $10 million each year for the same station wont that be part of its total expenditure regardless of the system of accounting used?

  24. Is a statement of assets and liabilities the same as a statement of income and expenditure?

  25. Bushie don’t know anything about these matters either Ping, but If the BOLT is continued OR… if (I.F.) they had some type of loan arrangement in place…then YES….they could pay off the $70m debt at $7m say per year for 10 years.

    If the BOLT ended and there was no alternative loan arrangement in place, then the amount outstanding becomes an immediate liability.

    We have heard that the Prison is to be paid in installments…but…
    What have you heard about the others? …ABC/ Coast Guard/ OIL terminal etc?

    Why are these issues top secret?
    Should the Opposition not be explaining these issues and ensuring that common sense prevailed…?

    But then again…ANYONE who would buy Almond, knock it down, build a new hotel….and give it to the man who RUINED Paradise ..could never be charged with having common sense in their possession…. Not when known players are offering to buy the damn thing….

  26. Cadogan
    You are typical of the quality Dems supporter.You read/hear but its like you are dumb.I reiterate the business climate in T ‘n T is encouraged by the Government with a relatively cheap supply of goods and services however the record of crime and corrupt politicians combine to place little value on life there.Do you understand the point I’m making? Now sit,you prized goat.

  27. Bush Tea

    I have not seen any breakdown of Government’s liabilities. I don’t know what is owed and to whom. However, readers of BU have been given some figures of annual income and expenditure which show that since 2008/9 expenditure has exceeded income. Why did income fall every year after 2008/9 except for 2010/11 (and then it was still less than in 2008/9)?

    Wouldn’t it be logical to ask if the medium term fiscal policy is working?

    I agree that the BLP is failing to be a useful Opposition. I hope that the BLP knows it has to work to earn the trust of Barbadians if it hopes to return to power and not rely on an act of God or the malcontent of a DLP MP!.

  28. @ Ping Pong
    “….readers of BU have been given some figures of annual income and expenditure which show that since 2008/9 expenditure has exceeded income…”
    Pay no real mind to those figures Ping. By the time financial reports get to that stage they say absolutely nothing. (They have been massaged to avoid any probing questions…)

    For example, our annual expenditures have been exceeding annual income for YEARS before 2008.
    Owen himself famously went “off script” at one of his annual “consultations” in an impressive rant against the deficit.

    The way that the statements were done at that time tended to show such deficits in a different format, so any listing of statements that cross the period when the accounting was changed to accrual – will be misleading on the surface.

    In the ‘good old days’ we were just contend with what we collected during the year and what we spent during the year. This left MUCH room for hanky panky with the statistics…

  29. Bush Tea | September 21, 2013 at 8:56 AM |

    @ David
    What trend lines what?
    Any brass bowl could have seen the trend lines being created by successive governments since 1995.

    Bushie. Although you admitted that the trends were visible since 1995, you are still opposed to graphs parallel to what actual happened and what is happening today.

    We must all be cognisant to the fact that economists are endangered species and will be attacked due to partisan politics. So if you admitted to visible trend lines and Ryan used realistic graphs to replace texts, do tell me what is your problem. Are the graphs correct or not?

  30. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    The people of Barbados are put at an disadvantage when the leading newspaper in the country offers its financial columns to only 3 people:
    Clyde Mascoll , Pat Hoyos and Harry Russell.- ALL BLP SUPPORTERS who openly called for a change of government using their columns in the Nation newspaper every week for the last 6 years.
    Politics first and economics second!

    Now how can we have a mature discussion on economic policy when the most read newspaper in the country seems to pur political spin doctors instead of independent analysis of public policy or AT LEAST put someone who can counteract the obvious and predictable weekly partisan attacks of Russell, Mascoll and Hoyos masquerading as non political writers.

  31. Agree with you that we need columnists who are pgrceived as independent.

  32. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    Albert Branford starts his weekly BLP column this week with the words
    ” Propagandists are alive and well in Barbados in 2013″
    Well Albert, I am not sure which mirror in your house you were looking into as you made that statement but CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL.

    Albert Brandford is the biggest propagandist in Barbados.

  33. @ Tell me Why
    Anytime you choose to use a graph you need to ensure that the data used is consistent across the time frame being used.
    In other words, you need to be careful displaying a graph showing deficit figured across a period when you changed the philosophy used in accounting from cash basis to accrual basis.

  34. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    Even the dumbest person in the DLP outshines you!

  35. when the BLP stop playing “boogeyman ” politics people would take them seriuosly . those graphs are meaningless , they appear to state what seems to be the obvious ,but one can only analysis or acess the true picture when expenditure is connect to where and how the dollar has been spent, again boggeyman politics will be the BLP downfall and ac have a graph to prove it as far back as 2007

  36. Bush Tea,

    I would suggest that you do some research on country project financing, particularly BOTs and BOLTs, an area where you clearly have a knowledge deficit, but where you are satisfied to pontificate to impress those in a similar position, much like your pretense to intimate knowledge of the machinations of fanciful big boss engineers.

    You are essentially accusing Ryan Straughn of deliberate lying. You really think he could get away with that around other knowledgeable people without being called out?

    In addition, how do you explain the $1 billion in “Grants to individuals” between 2008 and 2012 as shown in the Central Bank report. Are those part of Straughn’s deception as well?

  37. BT,

    It appears you have the full support of ac. That alone should force you to reassess your position.

  38. Man Inkwell Bushie is impressed that you would show your pen here pon BU again …. And attacking Bushie too boot… 🙂

    Bushie makes no claim of ANY expertise in this area, …simply asking some common sense questions which experts like you should have rushed to explain long ago….

    So what is the big deal if Straughn is lying? Does all the politicians not routinely lie to us?
    Did the former chairman of the NIS not lie to us about producing accounts?
    Who is Straughn representing?
    A- the economic society?
    B- the BLP?
    C- himself?
    D- the profession?

    If C or D then he should be educating not just throwing questionable graphs out there?
    Wuh if a doo doo like bushie can raise doubts about his analysis surely it bears proper explanation.

    If you change the rules at a cricket ground from ‘fours and sixes’ to ‘twos and fours’…. Can you then use a graph to “show” than very few people got centuries after some date – without some clear explanation of the different conditions?

    …..and your asking Bushie to explain the ” Grants to individuals” is just your typical style…pedestrian..
    Bushie’s MAIN POINT is that BOTH the BLP and DLP are hopeless jokers and that any analysis that seeks to show that one is any better than the other can be shown to be flawed.

  39. Pedestrian can mean “one step at a time”. I prefer that than taking fanciful leaps which cannot be supported by facts. I can’t speak for Ryan Straughn, but the graphs he presented are instructive.

    You should also take into consideration the “L” in BOLT. Projects undertaken under that method of financing do incur a current cost which would have had to be accounted for by the previous administration. This notion of huge expenses only being accounted for after the 08 election is fanciful. It is simple an attempt to obscure the fact that the present Government, against all sane advice, continued to outspend its revenue by huge amounts for five years without realizing (or caring) the folly of such a policy.

    The chickens are coming home to roost. The sad thing is that the Government is still persisting in its policy of trying to extract blood from stone (taxes and fees) so that it can maintain an extravagant level of government, instead of taking the required method of fixing the immediate problem.

    Expenditure, at whatever social cost, must be brought within revenue. Basic common sense which it did not observe for the last five years. It cannot escape without having huge amounts of egg on its political face.

  40. Unless as a country we can ALL agree that it is not business as usual as far as how we spend (read consumption) is concerned then we will make no progress. The challenge for Barbadians, an educated bunch we are told, we have to at the same time be innovative in how we produce goods and services which can be sustained any which are relevant to the times which prevail.

    Are we there yet?

  41. ac read all these “coded” words like outspending ! expenditure ! cutting! etc…. how does one outspend given the nature and parimeters and choices which one has to make , i meaning it is like saying a mother having to buy the baby milk must stop feeding the baby the milk because she can’t afford it, these coded words should be put in true context and address individually. the graphs are only lines drawn on a paper saying absolutely nothing. self serving political animals should stop dragging and stepping in their own sh,,t

  42. the truth is that until barbados is made up of a labourer force that can compete global through productivity . barbados would continue to outspend and overspend so as to maintain a good quality of life in the name of progress, our educational agenda is sorely lacking in producing such workers that will help build and grow such an economy. we are content for others to being doing it for us, hence in the belly of the beast chaos and confusion will continue to live, ,

  43. @ac

    Do you reread what you write?

    If a household is overspending and keep adding to an overdraft at the bank what do you think will happen eventually? A sensible hosehold will cut back even if it means going to the yard to fire up the buckpot.

  44. david u too must put things in its context not everybody has a bank account, then again they are things that are necessary to maintain a household my point being that even when one cut back the basic essentials that keeps this household together must be maintained, the baby must have milk, nothing to do with the frighging bank.

  45. @ac

    Why do we bother.

    It is why the government has stated there is the welfare (social security) for those who can’t afford it. Your head is truly hard.

  46. @ Inkwell
    Since you can’t speak for Straughn, speak for yourself….
    In your recent analysis of the financial records which show a clear and distinct increase in deficit on current account after 2008, does it not strike you as strange that these records look so good during the oil crisis days; during the Sandi days? During the 911 days?

    Do you understand the implication of a change to an accrual system on this information? …particularly where games were being played with things like BOLTS to gerrymander the figures?
    Can a simple graph do justice across two periods of different accounting standards?
    Would you not think that there is something more to it than a change in government?
    THAT friend, is what pedestrian means…..

    @ David
    NO ONE is saying that this government is not doing shiite. The issue is that the ‘runnings’ started LONG AGO….

    We were on a ‘spend trend’ now since the 1990’s and what happened after 2008 is to a large extent the price of fuel which went from $40 a barrel to $ 100 and a change in the methodology of accounting. The Idiocy of government has been a continuum.

    Did you see any indication from the budget that Government (or opposition) recognize the impact of fuel costs?
    More SUVs
    More appliances
    More air conditioning
    ..and a lotta long talk about alternative energy…..

    Brass bowls!

  47. @Bush Tea

    Agree that current strategies do not accord with a new normal. The partisans will not agree.

  48. Maybe Carson should tell us why i am meeting so many Bajans in North America wanting to leave Barbados and relocate to other countries……….Carson, that is what other people do, emigrate when they believe it is in their best interest.

  49. Man I am still waiting to hear who put the BOLTs on the books since 2005? David what independent columnists what!!! Simply get columnists from all parties even Adamson’s.

  50. @enuff

    Are you suggesting that as an educated people we can’t product people who can be dispassionate in their views read distilling the issues absent of a political biase?

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