Submitted by Pachamama
Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud - Credit: The Wall Street Journal
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud – Credit: The Wall Street Journal

The failure of Saudi intelligence chief, Bandar Bush, to convince President Putin to withdraw political and other support from Syria in a visit to Moscow over two weeks ago was the trigger for the Western-backed false flag operation that may have led to the deaths of over 1400 Syrians in eastern Damascus. This is the same Bandar Bush who spent all day on 9/11 in the company of his brother George Bush, as POTUS. Bandar has been working surreptitiously for the past two years to topple the government of President Assad. This work was not unlike the skulduggery of 9/11, but grander. This time one of the PNAC objectives that inspired the self-inflicted wound was at work in the MENA countries known as the Clean Break Strategy. Bandar’s offer to Putin for economic and political concessions and corporation if he were to turn his back of Iran and Syria represented a final hurdle in widening the instability in the region in a cynical game of the exertion of power from Riyadh but given cover in the name of the hapless American people led by the serial war criminal, Barack Obama, for the first victim of war is the truth.

Base on their history, the proximity to events and very words of Bandar bin Sultan himself we are certain that this massacre of the innocent Syrian people was to construct a caucus beli for military action against a sovereign nation. But this does not represent a singular event. Obama has cold-bloodedly murdered 243 children by drone strikes in several countries; he is certainly complicit in the murder of tens of thousands of Syrians as he supports the Saudi and Qatari sponsored Al-Queda, Takfiris terrorist groups in Syria. The planned, criminal, humanitarian, intervention he is now implementing will likely kill many more Syrians. He has already murdered thousands of Libyans and even a head of state, leaving that country in a deepening chaos. This is a continuing war crime. He has been complicit in the deaths of 1400 Palestinians during December 2008. This is the same Obama who refuses to call what is happening in Egypt a military coup and supports a regime that has slaughtered thousands of Brotherhood supporters. With Bandar’s help he removed a legitimate government, democratically elected but who were guilty only of a gross misreading of the geo-political circumstance. This is a military which is using weapons supplied by Obama to murder Egyptians daily, but there will not be any action against this junta, for these are empire’s henchmen.

Is it any wonder Obama in response to questions about the crimes of his predecessor, he said he wanted to look forward not backward. It is clear now that he was building a defense for himself. We wonder if accused person in courts throughout his country can use this as an iron clad defense also. Could you imagine a cold blooded murderer telling a judge that because he was looking forward there was no need for a trial? The criminals in high places are getting bolder by the year. Enter, Bill Clinton, arguing for the invasion of Syria as if in a coordinated drill on 9/11. Of course, Bill and Hillary are positioning themselves for another presidential run in 2016 therefore the intervention to promote an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign state bolsters her resume and reminds the secret corporate government that Hillary is prepared to renew promises made last time around.

The war criminal, Obama, careless that up to six million Syrians are internally or externally displaced and living in refugee centers because of his illegal and dirty war of aggression. He cares not that the very terrorists the government of the United States is supporting and arming have killed holy men, eaten the organs of murdered tens of thousands of Syrians, destroyed holy places, murdered Christians, used chemical weapons more than 14 times and murdered Americans citizens. These are all the personal crimes committed by Obama. These are crimes for which the attention of the Justices at The Hague should be attracted.

How fitting it would be that the president of the country which drafted the Nuremberg Accords, at the end of the Second World War, find himself in front a court like the war criminal he is, but one should not hold one’s breathe. However, we detect a movement by the peoples of the world that seems unlike other moments in time. Maybe it is a better awareness of the continuing crimes of the powerful. Maybe we have turned our collective weaknesses in strengths. Maybe the patina of officials has been removed and they have been laid bare for all to see their hideous nakedness. Maybe we have entered a phase in human civilization where extremes measures have to be taken to confront the powerful. Maybe we all need nuclear weapons to deter a rampant, predatory, hegemonic, pernicious state like the USA. For we are willing to bet that if Syria had an ability to deliver nuclear bombs on New York and Washington; London and Tel Aviv; the war criminal Obama would be limited in his response and would not have destabilized the country in the first place. Why does this tin pot dictator, Obama, not attack North Korea or Iran? Why, because missiles will rain on American cities and their other global interests. We say all countries must now move to possess nuclear weapons to deter the perpetual American tyrant.

Also interesting to us is the almost complete defanging of the international legal regime. More precisely, there has been an utter disregard for all standards of law at home and abroad by the USA and Obama when that serves their purposes. Under international law a country cannot, but in self defense, attach another sovereign state. Only the United Nations has the right to declare war. But Russia would object so sixty-five (65) years of legal precedent must totally go the way of the dodo bird as aided by the initial assaults by Bush and the Zionist before him for many years, and since. The peoples of the world are in duck’s gut if they are waiting for a supine United Nation, the Security Council, the General Assembly or the Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to defend our right. The UN systems can’t even control the most wicked nation ever known to man from illegal spying on protected discussions between sovereign nations. This in itself is a war crime by Obama.

So we have Russia deploying additional military assets to the Mediterranean. Russia, Iran and China are upping their rejections of the illegal demands of Obama. Putin has ordered his generals to prepare for an all out assault on Riyadh should the war criminal proceed with their illegal acts against Syria. Hollande, the war criminal currently conducting an illegal war on Mali tried desperately to give legitimacy to this aggression against the people of Syria. Cameron, the most dependable lap dog has taken a hint, over the last few days, and is seeking to delay the war he seeks because the British Parliament is not ready to be fooled again, like it was by the war criminal in chief, Tony Blair. A man Owen Arthur used to enjoy cavorting with around the world and in Barbados. The Syrian government and people are not afraid of these war criminals for they have more than adequate strategic responses in this war of aggression that only serves the Zionists, for without continued war and expansionism Zionism itself will be on its death bed.

Over the next few days the cold hearted brute of a front man, Obama, will have to put up or shut up. If this criminal wants some sort of cheap war, where he thinks he can fire a number of Tomahawk missiles from afar into strategic assets of the Government of Syrian, he has a next thing coming. He might as well go for the full Monty. But every USA military base in the region, there are about 32, will be levelled. Every frigate will be sunk, every submarine will be mined, every war plane will be shot down and all the territory in northern Palestine, beyond the Golan Heights, will be recovered driving the Zionist out, to whence they came. The Syrian people, their army and their friends will deliver a shocking retaliation to all the centres from whence aggression comes. In addition, they will flatten Tel Aviv and other strategic centres, population areas in occupied Palestine and deliver a crushing defeat the imperialistic, colonial forces of darkness, as led by Satan himself.

But the Great Shatan might have second thoughts because things seem not to be progressing like how they fooled most of the people after 9/11. Less than 10% of the British people want this war. Not even their criminal friends in the Middle East are overtly supporting them. They seem to be recognizing that they have not succeeded with their efforts to weaken Syria from within or peel off the support of their friends externally. Bandar failed in persuading Putin; the Zionist they sent to Tehran last weekend was rebuffed and the Chinese would not even talk to them. Only the echo chamber that is CNN, MSNBC, FOX News and the other state propagandists are buying this old pack of lies that has a two hundred year history from the Spanish American War, used many, many times since, but was more recently deployed in invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya and Mali. On the other hand the nitwit in the White House also knows there is a high price to be paid to the secret government if he does not keep the promises he made when, during the first election 2008, when he sneaked away from the campaign and, along with Hillary Clinton made a deal with the Devil himself.

We call on the American people to arrest Obama and bring him before the same type of courts he has established. We call on the arms services of the USA to disobey all illegal orders and arrest any person in the chain of command who issues illegal orders.

304 responses to “Obama – The Case for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity”

  1. BAF
    There has never been, in the brief history of mankind, a more ignorant nation that the American people. Ignorance is the greatest industry in the country. This is not by accident, it is a construct. Of course, American ignorance has spawned nit wits like Bandar in high places and perpetual ignorant minions like AC-DC, at the low end, no pun intended.

  2. @Pacha “We call on the American people to arrest Obama and bring him before the same type of courts he has established. We call on the arms services of the USA to disobey all illegal orders and arrest any person in the chain of command who issues illegal orders.”

    Int gine happen pacha, int gine happen.

  3. Britain had less of a proof to enter Iraq however they did . In this war the evidence being presented give a more likely than not reason to believe that ,chemical warfare has been unleashed on the syrian people the difference might be ONLY by whose hands since they are many waring factions making it inconclusive however going by the nature of the injuries there is sufficient proof of chemical interaction with the victims

  4. Am I the only one who noticed that Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud real real cute.


    Those bushy eyebrows. Sweet den.

  5. @ Simple Simon

    We know, we agree, but feel it is the legal and morally right thing to do. Ordinary people must know their range of options, in all circumstances. American soldiers and officials swear to protect the country from enemies, foreign and domestic. A war criminal is himself an enemy to the American people when he breaks the laws of war. In the past soldiers, both American and Russian, refused to launch nuclear weapons because their conscious told them that the order was illegal.The constitution of the USA says that international conventions and treaties, signed by the USA, are US law. On these bases, such an action is warranted, but you are quite right, that will never happen. We say gross double standards!

  6. @ Pachamana

    The united States owns the patient name Barbados Black Belly Sheep, not Barbados. This happened because those ignorant Barbados people let it happen.

  7. @ac

    Are you serious in your last comment? Think about it. Could it be that US’s staunchest friend in war has pullback because fool me once fool me twice….

  8. @ David
    …so wunna SERIOUSLY discussing world affairs wid ac ?!?

    Shiite man!
    Think about your reputation..
    As blogmaster we need to be able to respect you….

  9. @ David

    You before the fall of the USSR the Americans promised ‘Russia’ that they would not bring NATO to its borders. A promised quickly broken. Now NATO is at its border. Before the invasion of Libya, again, the Americans promised Russia and China that the ‘no-fly zone’ was essentially to deny Qaddafi air superiority, over ‘the opposition’. It was turned into a full scaled invasion to destroy Libya. Again, another promise broken. But this is not new, America has been telling lies from its beginning. Remember 40 acres and a mule? Russia and China have determined that they will not be fooled again, and rightly so. The Iranians do not trust them at all, and they trust the British even less, given their histories with them.

  10. @ Bushie

    AC-DC is so ignorant she has to be taken in small measures. Today, David is trying to make a hand of her. We beg your forgiveness of him LOL.

  11. Yet maybe some truth to what you say David . However Britain could have taken the evidence so far produce on its own merit and not got bogged down with psychological importance attached to Iraq but access and form conclusion as to what is happening in Syria. When all is said and done Britain would be remembered as a toothless and gutless world power who did nothing

  12. @ac

    Perhaps, and rightly so, the UK parliament has defined evidence to mean POSITIVE proof given the weight attached to a decision to invade a sovereign country.

  13. @BUSH TEA………….even the dull and ignorant have they say including u the little tin horn dictator and those regimes that u so fully endorse

  14. Meanwhile….no one sees the elephant in the room.

  15. @Techie

    Do you mean Israel?

  16. Wait Techie, you and the Rasta guy is one and the same?


    Simple Simon | August 31, 2013 at 10:39 AM |
    Am I the only one who noticed that Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud real real cute.


    Those bushy eyebrows. Sweet den.

    This is the kind of foolishness that you get from Women
    and that is why women should be kept far away from most things.

  18. But there has been sufficient POSITIVE proof given the secerity and conditons of the victims. i would most likely side with Britain if they claim that substantial proof cannot be fingered to one source alone. However given the last weeks events and the outrage by other countries including britian one would have to be inept to think differently. Britian decision one can conclude is merly physchological which has backed them into a corner of being callous and shortsighted Syria deserves better.

  19. @ac

    Correction: there is enough proof that chemical may have been used BUT there is no “positive proof” yet who released it. Let us hear what the UN Inspectors have to say, not that their report will mean much to the US.

  20. @ ac
    @BUSH TEA………….even the dull and ignorant have they say
    No doubt you have a significant contribution to make ac. As you say we all have our roles.
    However, yours does NOT involve any rational or logical thinking…

  21. Is this statement by Putin a sensible one? If the US has evidence give it to the Security Council.

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared utter nonsense the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council.

    Putin has further called the Western tactic a provocation.

    Washington has been basing its proposed strategy of an attack on Syria on the premise that President Bashar Assads government forces have used chemical agents, while Russia finds the accusations unacceptable and the idea of performing a military strike on the country even more so. Especially as it would constitute a violation of international law, if carried out without the approval of the UN Security Council.

    Further to this, Putin told Obama that he should consider what the potential fallout from a military strike would be and to take into consideration the suffering of innocent civilians.

    The Russian president has expressed certainty that the strategy for a military intervention in Syria is a contingency measure from outside and a direct response to the Syrian governments recent combat successes, coupled with the rebels retreat from long-held positions. “

  22. Putin can not be compared with Obama as far as intelligence or common sense goes. Putin is an intellectual giant and Obama is an intellectual ant, a media creation, like Ri-Ri. We are never going to support anybody because they Black, and that is all! On the other hand Obama is meagerly a media creation, in fact Obama won the media award beating out people like Nike. This thing about Yale and Harvard is a joke. A lot of infantile minds are ‘alma-matered’ there.

  23. Look…………people actually benefit financially from poverty and lose no sleep whatever over it, it is a blue print for the greedy.

  24. It is this intellectual ant who permitted that dwarf, Susan Rice, as his national security adviser, to lock him into an unsustainable position. It was the dwarf Susan Rice who staked him out in an diplomatic no-mans land. There, he remains an easy target for his foes, including us. On the other side, another woman, Samantha Power has pushed this humanitarian agenda for years, in academia and elsewhere. Finally, she found a foolly-the-fifth that took it seriously. He is between the devil (war) and the deep blue sea (strategic catastrophe). We call this checkmate in Great Game Politics. These vagabonds had to virtually change out positions after Rice tricked the Russians, the Chinese and the members of the UNSC.

  25. What an idiot, he wants to obfuscate and pass the responsibility to Congress. B***shit. You have been defeated, diplomatically, strategically. The people of the world have stood up to you, the ugly American. You should lay down and play dead, because you are, you war criminal.

  26. This is a huge defeat for the war criminal Obama, and the USA. The new world we seek is starting to breathe. A big step down, capitulation, humble pie. Now, you should take the vengeance your masters will deliver to you.

  27. Now is the time for the Syrian government and its allies to continue to wipe out all remaining vestiges of terrorists on Syrian soil.

  28. Where is the army of supporters of the Great Satan? You must have the courage to face this staggering diplomatic defeat like men and women. This is the acceleration of your end!

  29. You know the colonialists cannot stand to have not even one descenter to its hegemony. Where is the main idiot AC-DC? Is she waiting for her friends to tell her what to think about Obama’s remarkable capitulation? Come meet us at this Valhalla!

  30. Thousands marched in London today against any plan of US led invasion.

  31. Relax Pacha, you are salivating, perhaps premature.

  32. He knows that Congress will not approve this. They have already told him that. This is just an out.

    @ David

    We have better insights into this matter than you or anybody here. This is the end. Obama only wants a face saying way to step down. We will allow that.

  33. Bloggers spent the whole night condemning this call for war, personally just because israel is so blood thirsty for war is the second reason there should not be one, the first being the untold misery and loss of innocent lives it will cost, it’s always the innocents who die in these man made carnage and atrocities.

    ac……… hope you learned something from this, i am not holding my breath so don’t worry.

  34. If Pacha is correct, there is still the third option… I call it the “Chavez” option …!

  35. As to u Bush (ea on having any opinion credible or otherwise as to the opinions of woman.well i put such mentality in the same catergory ofthose regimes who still find it plausible for woman to walk two steps behnd men.

  36. BAF
    Has our judgement on any matter ever been proved wrong? We re-iterate, Obama has been isolated at home and abroad and he now seeks a way to step back while saving face. That’s why he is trying to pam it off to congress because the leaders of congress have already told him no. Presidents like to control all possible political outcomes. Why would he send this to a congress the leaders of which have already told him no. We don’t know how much David knows about the American system but the ‘executive president’ has no regard for that war authorization requirement of the US constitution. It now represents a transfer of war waging authority back to congress and Obama is going find opposition to that also from the neo-cons. These points of view will soon emerge. At that point, David, the man who has a quintessential, neo-colonialist mentality, buried within a backward Bajan ethos and which makes him dependent on a current of thought which he likes to think is more persuasive than ours, to emerge and confirm our reading of this situation from early, to tell him we were and are right from the very beginning. And we talk about change. What change can there be, when we can’t see the future, or even accurately perceive events, before the herd arrives.

    As far as assassination is concerned, they are attempting to do that all the time.This is a given and the very nature of the American Empire. But the results will be the same as open war, if they succeed with that option. Assad is not afraid to die because he know what will come thereafter for his enemies.

  37. If fact, we dare say, that if he had invaded Syria it would have been a worse diplomatic and military defeat. Zionist territory would have been occupied and the Golan Heights and Shaba Farms and more would have been returned to their rightful owners. So in some ways, this has not been as bad as it could have been.

  38. @Dr. the Honorable “This is the kind of foolishness that you get from Women and that is why women should be kept far away from most things.”

    Hundreds of thousands of women will die in childbirth next year. Hundreds of thousands died in childbirth last year, and hundreds of thousands more the year before and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that and so on and so forth ad infinitum

    So if the boys of war want to take out their new toys and kill one another you expect me to care?

    I DON’t CARE.

    I was born.

    I live.

    I will died.

    This is not news to me. And if I don’t die from disease or old age, very likely I will die because a man has killed me. I have always known this.

    Women understand death. All young women come face to face with death very early in their lives.

    Maybe war in men’s attempt to play catch up (to have their own 100,000 deaths per year) to experience the female reality. To pretend that life is dangerous for for men, to deliberately create a substitute danger.

    So maybe the boys with the guns and the tanks and the nuclear weapons will kill me. So what?

    The bad boy on the block with a half a scissors can kill me too.

    My own man in the house can kill me.

    And yet I walk unafraid.

    P()ck off.

  39. If one in every hundred women who has ever been born has died in childbirth, how many women is that?


    I don’t hear any geo-political meetings being held over that.

    Why not?

  40. The American project in the MENA is taking some body blows……….
    “Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the recent power transfer in Egypt a military coup sponsored by Saudi Arabia and an unforgivable treachery by the Wahhabi rulers in Riyadh”

  41. @Pacha

    Obama devolving to Congress is DEMOCRACY at work…lol.

  42. @ David
    You still yearn to trust these politicians too thought. At some point we will introduce you to some of them and then you’ll see how ordinary they are. You have more sense that most of them, by far. So why wait for them to lead us anywhere?

    His ‘devolving’ is just another political trick. Now he can say he showed leadership but the Congress did not approve a war resolution. Poor fellow, let us allow his a graceful back down. Surprised you didn’t spot it more quickly. Even before the words came from his mouth we knew the game plan and were writing here about it. Although we have defeated him on this one it does not mean that chicanery will end, or that Empire will fall tomorrow, but its a big nail in their coffin.

  43. Especially these Saudis, they got a lot of money, real, but they are some of the must stupid people you’ll ever meet. They could not even plan a good false flag that would really support Obama’s case. As a result, he looks stupid.

  44. Simple Simon…….I would ignore Dr., his beef is with you looking at a guys eyebrows and admiring it, ask him if when women pass by him he keeps his eyes on their faces only, you can guarantee his eyes are alive with admiration on their chests and backsides while he hi-5s his buddies, he is jealous, tell him if you could see his eyebrows you would admire them too or not..

  45. @ David
    Now that some of the people you have more truss in that us are coming out with the kinds of determinations we made we hope you are now enlightened. Some, Paul Craigg Roberts, are calling it the greatest diplomatic defeat in American history. We didn’t go that although we knew it was a huge defeat. Go figure!

    @ BAF
    Thanks for your singular support. Now, this is a man who has his own brain.

  46. @Pacha

    It does not look good for Obama and don’t forget John Kerry BUT there is time.

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