Submitted by the Mahogany Coconut Think Tank and Watchdog Group
Trevor Marshall(r)
Trevor Marshall(r)

The Mahogany Coconut Group stands firmly in support of historian Trevor Marshall’s views on the role of white Barbadians in the politics of their country. We also publicly declare that Marshall has never promoted racism but has spent almost four decades in highlighting social and economic issues that affect the entire country.

It was Marshall who first critically examined the role played by Sir. Grantley Adams in Barbados’ political development, to the best of our knowledge, Sir Grantley was black; it was Marshall who questioned the granting of National Hero status to many of Barbados’ National Heroes, most of whom are black. Therefore it is difficult to understand why he is only deemed a racist when he critically analyses the role of Barbadian whites in the country’s development.

We are amazed that some Blacks, who rushed to defend Mr.Ralph Johnson’s description of Barbadian workers as “lazy” and inefficient, would want to give Johnson credit, for essentially painting an entire work force with one brush but would want to crucify Marshall, for asking why Indo Barbadians and other minorities, are not placed in the Senate with the same regularity as whites. It was fair to ask why white Barbadians do not enter elective politics but use their corporate weight to influence public policy.

Whenever issues of race pops up, many Barbadians, seem almost alarmed, that the word white is used. We would be the first to admit that there has been tremendous progress among the Barbadians blacks and whites in terms of the social interaction but there remains a lingering concern about the role of white/traditional corporate structure, in the country’s political and economic development.

We are often regaled about whites who have pulled themselves up from poverty to great wealth. While we do not question this reality; it is also very true that many blacks have done so as well. We also submit that it would have been much easier for the whites to do so because of the underlying racism that was dominant at that period of time. Many aspiring black entrepreneurs could not even enter the banks and other financial institutions far less secure loans. We are still aware of many black business persons complaining that even, at the present time, there is still some concern.

Finally we ask : Why is it that we can criticize: our prime ministers, leaders of the opposition, ministers , parliamentarians, commissioners of police, governors of the central bank, chief justices, national heroes and others but apparently cannot criticize whites ?

134 responses to “Whites Are Not Above Criticism”

  1. Bajanflick blog updated –

  2. What is the author of this article trying to say?

    I am a black man who “rushed” in to support Bruggadown and his comments about workers in Barbados moving as fast as molasses

    I also “rushed in ” to remark on Well Well’s recent comment about the glaring phenomena across Barbados where one never sees a white maid, gardener, postman, policeman etc as if by some privilege of birth they are exempt from this menial labour confined to us blacks

    I guess that my ability to see the truth in both statements will be interpreted by you lot as the agility to be an Uncle Tom and in accepting what is correct, because of the color of the skin of the proposer, will now label one as a sellout.

    Behold, this is the inane reasoning that we have attained on this my rock!!!

  3. There are people who think whites are above criticism. Perhaps black folks still suffer from slavery ..mental slavery..just have to shake my damn head.

    Your last paragraph is true indeed. Maybe people forget that.

  4. We does criticize COW and BIZZY, Bruggadown, Kyffin now let me see who else that is white to name? Lawd I could count dem pon one hand but hey we outnumber dem bosie.

    Wunna say it is because of dem whites we black peoples doan get nuh loans from de bank? Now tell me who own most of the mortgages pon dis rock? An what colour is the skin of those loan officers again? Mohogany bird yuh shud say that it is many of our same kind that is preventing some of us from getting ahead.

    You think that iff we black peoples stop supporting dem all white enterprises dem wudda been so successful today? BUT de black man doan want he bruddah to mek nuff money, build a nice home wid a pool becuse dem tink dat he trying to be white and black man shouldn’t want dem tings. He should stay in his village and in his shack. Dat is where de black man’s place should be, not mekking money like de white man, living in a house like de white man and driving a car like de white man. De donkey cart was good enough fuh we black peoples so we shouldn’t want to change dat.

    We black people got a standard fuh white peoples and one fuh black peoples and de black man should NEVA try to change dat or else dem gine say he trying to be white.

    White people should be always pure and clean…like de Bible say and de white angels dressed all in white gine bless yuh. Jesus pon the stained glass got blonde hair and blue eyes and dat is how he gin remain iff black peoples leff he alone and stop tawking shoite bout a black Jesus. Who want a black man fuh a Jesus? Not dem black peoples…to dem Jesus is pure and white, yuh eva see him in a green or black robe?

    De massa tell dem dat white Jesus will save dem and dem still waiting fuh he to come and save dem. After 300 years dem still waiting. Even Bushie, GP and Alvin and nuff udders in hey waiting fuh de white Jesus tah come down from a White cloud to save dem. An eff a black one come dem gine stone he and say HE is de Anti Christ.

    Tek wunna pick wunna blaming de white man but wunna gots to blame wunna selves. Without us de white man cannot get rich…we are their meal ticket to wealth. So what are we going to do about it? Just continue to complain?

  5. I saw nothing wrong with what Mr. Marshall said. He made the statement that whites in Barbados do not face the electorate, but yet can find a place in Parliament. Most blacks fight they way to Parliament during elections whereas whites are given posts. Granted some blacks are also awarded posts, but the majority have to fight their way in. Are whites in Barbados above the rest of us?

  6. Perhaps the criticism os Marshall must be seen in the context of the need to reform of system of government. What is the relevance of the Senate? How independent is a GG who is appointed by the political directorate (PM).

  7. No David! What is wrong with Barbados is that it wants desperately to maintain a crypto-racist society at all and any cost, though DNA studies show they are no totally white people in Barbados, no totally African either!

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Mahogany Coconut Think Tank:

    You are correct to claim that the whites in Barbados are markedly absent and with a self-imposed marginalization in the political and public social life of the country.

    But ask yourself why do you think this is? Do you know what percentage of the population they represent these days?
    Maybe if those black bureaucrats in th BSS were a bit more efficient we would have the statistics from the 2010 Census to use as a point of reference and factual analysis.

    So the questions to your Think Tank are:

    Do you think whites would feel at ease in criticizing anything the ruling black administration does, whether D or B? Just look at how Dr. Frances Chandler and Ralph Johnson vehemently criticize with racially tainted venom just because they dare open their big mouths.

    Are whites the only ethnic group that allegedly control the economic wealth of this country but refuse to play a more positive and less parasitical role in the economic development and social cohesion of the country?
    What about the fast expanding population from the Indian sub-continent?
    We see whites contributing to our cultural life e.g. Crop over but notice a marked absence of participation of other ethnic minorities other than by the sale of imported goods and alcoholic and sugary drinks.

    And last of all, are you living in a historical cocoon when you posit that Bajan whites control the commanding heights of the local economy? What you are implying here is that these rumours about Bajans under the previous political black administration sold out the commercial life of Barbados to the Trinidadians are just mischievous ‘fabrications’ and not based in fact.

    White Bajans have to accept some of the blame for the current state of affairs. The have cowardly removed themselves from the mainstream social and political life of Barbados without preparing the blacks for the hard tasks ahead in managing a social and economic system they previously had little say in designing and shaping in their own image.

    How can you expect to create a group of people totally dependent psychologically on the model of political governance and wealth creation (plantation system) in which the white man is seen as the superior boss and the important cultural determinants are based on European fashioned values and icons like religion?

    The White people need to ‘cleanse’ their conscience and stop seeing the black man as their burden. To achieve this they must first come clean and tell the black people the Truth about the big lies they have been fed all these years.
    After this mutual catharsis has been undergone to exorcise that cultural demon afflicting the black people in Barbados then there can be a fresh start to undertake the journey of spiritual and cultural enlightenment and economic empowerment that can only come about in a belief in themselves and their abilities to carve out their own economic space in order to create wealth for current and future generations.

    It’s time to stop blaming the white man and take matters in your own hands. Freedom is not given readily to the enslaved, whether physical or mental. It must be fought for on both fronts.

  9. @Miller

    BU has always maintained that the selling out of key assets by Bajan Whites to non Barbadian interest was all part of the lack of vision. Suppose they have their condos and bank accounts stashed so they feel comfortable.

    On 7 August 2013 13:24, Barbados Underground

  10. @ Miller

    The number of Whites is not the real problem. The real problem in a crypto-racist society like Barbados is that you have Blacks who benefit from the system and will never let go of that tit. Even if there were no Whites Barbados will still be a crypto-racist society.

  11. all other thing being equal

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @David | August 7, 2013 at 9:30 AM

    What you are saying is reinforced by Pachamama @ | August 7, 2013 at 9:31 AM |.

    How can these same whites have “their condos and bank accounts stashed” and feel comfortable about it without the active support and connivance of the mainly black officials?
    Isn’t time that those immorally acquired capital gains make a greater contribution to the fiscal pot now the country is in dire need?

    Where are the bulk of these real estate and financial wealth located? Overseas or in the local system?

    When will this “black” administration start taxing these assets in order to extract higher contributions to the economic and social development of the country as a form of local ‘reparations’?

    Why must the same poor black man which both administration claim to be working for be asked to carry so much of the fiscal burden as they have always done under the plantation system this country is built on?

  13. Piece………..for some reason no one,, black or minorities wants to be criticized, they just want to stumble through life being praised for all the stupid things they do along with some of the good stuff they do, within the last 24 hours since i have come to certain realizations that have been hidden for decades and only now beginning to come to light (not even the lawyers in Bim knows about these things cause it was successfully blacked out from everyone, until now) that if the people in Bim don’t fix their internal mess including the mess within themselves, they are doomed. They have to remember, no one is going to tell them anything, they have the gift of brains, it’s time for them to start using it.

    Miller said:

    “White Bajans have to accept some of the blame for the current state of affairs. The have cowardly removed themselves from the mainstream social and political life of Barbados without preparing the blacks for the hard tasks ahead in managing a social and economic system they previously had little say in designing and shaping in their own image.”

    The bajan ‘white’ only does that because it’s easier for them to live when they are looked on a privileged and deserving of an easy life style and access to easy money, when the bajan society as a whole decides to let them know that they also have to pull their weight and not in the form of massa/slave, then they will definitely be forced to do the right thing. Stop encouraging them and they will have to adapt and comply. This also applies to the other minorities who are fully encouraged by the government of the day to be indefinite parasites on the people of Barbados.

    Miller after such realizations, some of which i am sure has also come into your hands, i absolutely refuse to read certain things on the media, have no more use for bad news…….glad to see this thread, a long time in coming.

  14. @ANNE
    “Black business persons complaining….”
    The time to stop talking about these situations and start acting is very long overdue! What we must accomplish are Case Studies of exactly what happened when Loan Applications were turned DOWN. It is easy for everyone to complain and discuss in generic terms BUT what are the specifics?

    My father switched Banks in the late 1960s/ early 1970s because Barclays would not increase his Company’s Credit Limits. Fact is he and his Partners were white and had a successful business for more than 30+yrs at that time! If he was black he could have claimed it was his race that precipitated the negative response. How many people of any race would want to accept a negative response even on valid grounds? Who wants to admit flaws in their situation?

    However, the Bank was legitimately concerned about Succession, all the Partners were very near Retirement and the younger cohort were mid to late 30s with little financing. Eventually the majority of shares were sold to facilitate future growth and the transition between age groups.

    Peeps we need to get to the bottom of this with actual Case Situations. We need to be sure that there is a problem because if so, it must be solved since this type of problem will retard growth for all. For example, if Black business gents like NE Wilson, the Millers, many shopkeepers/ supermarkets back in the 50s, 60s did not have financing then my father’s business would not have grown to the size it did. Businesses are sophisticated Human Systems and the concept of blocking black business DOES NOT make any SENSE! Barbados is far too small a market for such nonsense and white peeps are an inconsequential market for most products/ services.

    Assuming there is a serious problem then we need to establish a Loan Review System within a relevant organisation eg BIMAP (I dont know if this still exists but if not then its successor Org)

  15. @Miller

    Would it not be interesting for the powers that be to study the outflow of foreign currency from Barbados and plot it to determine pasterns/relationships?

    On 7 August 2013 13:51, Barbados Underground

  16. Ha … here is the thing. Whites in this part of the world (includes North America of course) have developed the label White as a “standard”; one not only had to have the obvious physical traits, one also had to have an education and the means to sustain a particular standard of living. To do otherwise would relegate one to the level of “Trash” or “Red Leg” or “Bumpkin” or “Hill Billy”. Now Blacks have never seen it fit to adopt such a standard, they were ALL to be labelled as one, The Negro, niggers, African Americans, Brothers or just Blacks.

    Barbadian Whites as with Whites all over the Caribbean, have always understood this as most of them are derived from those who have been on the shitty end of the assessment campaign. Believe it or not, the entrance of Errol Barrow in the sixties and seventies allowed for many of them to move from being “Trash” to finally being White (irrespective of the “one drop” rule that so many Blacks are stupidly trying to enact) and that may not be something that they would want to lose. So there will be NO intermarrying. Bizzy was a pariah for making a decision that did not sit well withing the community.

    I believe in mixed marriages. I believe in the development of a truly New World breed that has left this White foolishness behind. Viewing the Blue Box Cart Cadooment band this year only shows the futility of such thinking.

    As for fixing the political process, Bush T would find the time to vent further.

  17. @Miller, Pacha et al
    You gents like wunna want to get real and place all the linens pun the table!
    This is exactly what is required! I would advise that you increase your Personal Security Budget as some pun here will not tolerate such levels of Analysis and Maturity.

    You berate whites that may have $$$$ overseas BUT then suggest that such assets should form part of the Common Pie????? Now you know why my $$$$$ are NOT in Bim!

    Burnham ruined Guyana with that type of thinking!

    Sir Errol and Sir Tom appreciated that Bajans are a Nation of shopkeepers/ businessmen and took Bim down that road while Manley and Burnham decided to go the Socialist Leftie route with PREDICTABLE FAILURE!

    BIM has been far more successful even though mistakes were made along the way. Attempting to create a relatively Free and Open Society attracts many more positives business activities than uncertain Socialist nonsense.

  18. Moneybrain said:

    “Barbados is far too small a market for such nonsense and white peeps are an inconsequential market for most products/ services.”


    Money………….I heard that, get to the root of the problem, problem solved.

    Without that black market on the island, bajan whites would definitely not have any wealth to hide in other countries. Find out what is really going on and fix it.

  19. MoneyBrain

    Back off with your prejudiced comments on socialism. The shopkeeper driven economy is NOT a PREDICTABLE FAILURE as well? Stupse. Man you is blow hot and cold at the same time

  20. @Baffy
    Bim went down the Incentive/Business road and was/ is far MORE successful than Guyana/ JA! Not perfect just far ahead! If you doubt me ask any of the 20K+ Guyanese in Bim, why they in Bim? (Why are they in Can/ USA / UK????) It is NOT the love of Whitey, it is the $$$$$$$!

    Baf, people of all classes, colours and creeds WANT $$$$$$$$$! NOT SOCIALIST, talk just the $$$$$$ from Socialist leaning leaders.

    Properly organised Socialised Capitalism!

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ MoneyBrain | August 7, 2013 at 10:31 AM |
    “You berate whites that may have $$$$ overseas BUT then suggest that such assets should form part of the Common Pie????? Now you know why my $$$$$ are NOT in Bim”

    No MB, whites should not be targeted strictly because of their wealth.
    Despite the ‘suspect’ means by which they acquired their wealth they should not be allowed to hold such wealth illegally overseas and not contributing to the general fiscal pot from which a large slice is allocated to defense and security for the maintenance of the local social apartheid system protecting both the few remaining whites and expanding aspiring elite blacks .

    We cannot be against the OECDS countries for going after their citizens’ offshore untaxed wealth kept in places like Barbados and the Caymans but still allow our own citizens both black and white for hiding their untaxed wealth offshore while benefitting from the socially healthy (for the time being) jurisdiction called Bim.

    But it would also be remiss of us (for the sake of balance) not to berate the local officials (mainly black) in this big scam if Bajan white people are indeed illegally hiding (which is very doubtful) their $$$$$ in overseas bank accounts. Is this wealth held with the legally required approval of the Central Bank of Barbados?

  22. @Miller
    “Suspect” Please expand pun dat as I dont understand how conducting a duly liscenced and Taxed Business is necessarily “suspect”?

    What truly amazes me is how Bajans of Wealth are comfortable leaving the majority of their $$$$$$ in Bim! Some of the Businessmen, peeps pun here love to berate, like COW, undoubtedly have the vast majority of their wealth in Bim ( he owns more Bim RE than any other person). They expose themselves to a Totally Disorganised Government who dont even pay for Construction work already completed and signed off on! COW is a great Bajan because I would NOT take the RISK he does in his business and with his Wealth in Bim. The Globe is my Oyster!

    Miller regarding Offshore, it seems Hypocritical to say that Bim can benefit from Tax Avoidance by Foreigners BUT Bajans cant place money overseas!

    Properly organised Countries are disposed to the Free movement of Capital. My good friends wife inherited $1mn from Singapore and had NO PROBS moving the $$$$ out! Bim would have NOT allowed that! WHY?
    Nations that are well managed, lowly Taxed and free ATTRACT CAPITAL and thereby create tons of JOBS!

    Bajan black peeps move out big $$$$$ too! This is exactly why pointing fingers at Whites is not so simple an exercise. Regarding pointing fingers always remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back in your direction when anyone points.

  23. @ MB

    Our comment doesn’t mean that Whites have not benefited from racism, are not still benefiting and are not still racist but we also think that if after nearly 50 years of ‘independence’ and fundamentally Barbados is the same it should tell us that those who have been in political power want things to remain the same way. A Black political elite has created more White multi-millionaires than in the slave era. When you have Black elites still seeing knighthoods as the highest accolade something is wrong.

    MoneyBrain, we only hope that when we have cause to make these same kind of biting comments about Whites you would be just as dispassionate in your analysis. You know Whites don’t mind when we cussing other Black people but when we have to interrogate Whites you like to behave as if, like god, they should be immune from any frontal critique.

  24. We are friends of none, enemies of all.

  25. Miller said:

    “Despite the ‘suspect’ means by which they acquired their wealth they should not be allowed to hold such wealth illegally overseas and not contributing to the general fiscal pot from which a large slice is allocated to defense and security for the maintenance of the local social apartheid system protecting both the few remaining whites and expanding aspiring elite blacks .”


    Despite all glaring (man-made) social differences with wannabe ‘whites’, wannabe ‘elite blacks’ and complacent black taxpayers, the new paradigm shift that has taken place demands that everyone get on board and fix the problems so as to be able to move forward. If according to some, bajan whites have shifted money to other jurisdictions, and in true wanna be black ‘elite’ style, they too would copy, just to one up their own black people, by now i am sure they have become aware that they themselves are no longer safe in the new transition period. HA!!

  26. Most Bajans still can’t see the brainwashing the politicians from the D’s and B’s did in the 50’s, 60’s and onward for what it is.

    Divide and destroy.

    That’s why we are in the mess we are in.

    When we figure it out, buckle down to work and actually begin to care again about our country we may have a chance.

    Till then, I reckon the downward spiral will continue irrespective of which party is in power.


    Problem is sell outs, It matters not the race of skin color when everything is for sale , the color of money is the main problem, with others undercutting the laws with fraud for the love of money ,,greed and deeds will down any Nation.
    Blacks run the country by face and white in the back ground with cash and the backing of BANKS.

  28. @John

    Why do Bajan Whites socialize in their own spheres read away from Blacks?

    On 7 August 2013 15:50, Barbados Underground

  29. @Pacha
    Once you are exposing everything, scrutinising, analysing that is good. I have never said that historically or currently that all Whites have behaved or acted to perfection. My purpose for coming on here is to provide a different perspective, to elucidate, to provide balance etc.

    There is a full spectrum on both “sides” of the racial divide. Race is but one variable. My black friend in Jamaica, who is a MD, is not pleased when he takes his wife to a great Restaurant for Dinner in JA but has to endure a Wild, uncouth, black drug kingpin who is having a rowdy dinner with his top associates. The MD would not feel any better that he is a black guy making trouble, would he?

  30. John……….. the politicians too are very heavily brainwashed and programmed hence why they have continually undermined their own people. what gives me great pleasure to know is that they too have been kept in the dark for just as many decades and are totally clueless to the plan that they have always been so eager to help put into realization, it is 2013 and they still don’t know, but everyone knows what they did. HA!!

  31. So who else should the blacks blame? fuh christ sake our foreparents workedtheir backsides off for free .Didn.t even had the right to vote fartherless hadenough to buy a topsie to piss in. notforgetting that giving the right to buy or own property was denied. Now tell me who else to blame for the universal sentence handed down to blacks and Sanctioned by govts laws and rules. How can a race of people universally recover in a short pace of time economically and be on equal footings as Whites

  32. Those of you living outside of Barbados have no idea how Whites who have the economic power continue to manipulate. There is always the spectre of a White shadow in Barbados.

  33. @ MoneyBrain
    Yuh know Money, the tenure of way white people speak about these matters in public, far less in private seems always to be tinged with an insensitivity, even when you are trying to be objective, which you obviously are. The Queen of England is the biggest drug pusher. It is white people who thought black people about drugs. This writer personally knows the people, who for example, brought cocaine to Barbados for the first time. Is that not a bigger crime than the followers in the business.

  34. @David
    We have discussed why the races tend to socialise seperately. This is a tendency only, since back in the 1970s I went to dances featuring the BRC or Troubadors and was probably the only white person there.

    It was made very clear in the top schools back in the 1960-70s that White boys were not welcome playing certain sports. This contributed to the growth of Surfing which was originally “white”. Swimming was dominated by whites too. Most youngsters did not do what I did and ignore the abuse of some. Naturally, this contributed to division.

    Obviously many White people did not want to associate with those of colour.
    Why? It is human to act defensively when you are vastly outnumbered for if you dont, you will be absorbed. About a 80-100 years ago Sir Conrad Reeves, a successful black Judge, commented to a gent of lighter brown complexion who had shown interest in his daughter’s hand, ” Sinjun it is the Tan man, the tan that I would like to get away from”. Prejudice was a problem then and still is because of human perceptions in both directions.

  35. Money

    The White people from Guyana run and tek all there money with them. They were an exploitative tribe that needed to be reeled in. Burhnam with hind sight might have utilized a bit more subtlety

    The US virtually shut down the production capabilities of Jamaica and forced them into buying American subsidized products. Socialism did not fail, it was the back lash of those who stand opposed to it that has brought suffering to populations.

    As usual you convenient mix things up in ways that result in untruths …!

  36. @Moneybrain

    Do White people still feel intimidated by the dominate Black host population in 2013?

  37. Wait david whites control is everywait not exclusive to barbados. my biggest problem is that govts have allowed this control to continue by selling real property to the highest bider and if that wasn.t bad enough we have the millers and a lesser extent to u David asking to sell the remainding assests of what is left. LOL.then how are the bllacks going ever have anything when the bllack controlled govt is handing it over to whites lock stock and barrell.this shit must be stopped

  38. David | August 7, 2013 at 12:36 PM |

    “Those of you living outside of Barbados have no idea how Whites who have the economic power continue to manipulate. There is always the spectre of a White shadow in Barbados.”


    David………… neglected to add, ably aided by a black person or wannabe ‘elite’ black or a black government minister standing right behind them to make sure their manipulations are successful, blacks have an equal amount of blame to shoulder, i have watched what has been happening in Bim for a very long time, Bajans and other people out here are very much aware, even the tourists, both black and white have observed that phenomena that is the racial divide and little apartheid hole in the ground that is Barbados and these tourists are only there on a temporary basis.

  39. @ac

    Will ignore your snide. If your were around BU in the early days you would be aware of many things.

    For your information Barbadians are generally risk averse and prefer to keep investment liquid.

  40. Moneybrain

    I gun repost cause ain’ read wah I put up …

    Whites in this part of the world (includes North America of course) have developed the label White as a “standard”; one not only had to have the obvious physical traits, one also had to have an education and the means to sustain a particular standard of living. To do otherwise would relegate one to the level of “Trash” or “Red Leg” or “Bumpkin” or “Hill Billy”. Now Blacks have never seen it fit to adopt such a standard, they were ALL to be labelled as one, The Negro, niggers, African Americans, Brothers or just Blacks.

    Barbadian Whites as with Whites all over the Caribbean, have always understood this as most of them are derived from those who have been on the shitty end of the assessment campaign. Believe it or not, the entrance of Errol Barrow in the sixties and seventies allowed for many of them to move from being “Trash” to finally being White (irrespective of the “one drop” rule that so many Blacks are stupidly trying to enact) and that may not be something that they would want to lose. So there will be NO intermarrying. Bizzy was a pariah for making a decision that did not sit well withing the community.

    I believe in mixed marriages. I believe in the development of a truly New World breed that has left this White foolishness behind. Viewing the Blue Box Cart Cadooment band this year only shows the futility of such thinking.
    (I tend not to look at the private schools anymore … Vexations to the spirit

  41. @Pacha
    I dont understand what caused you to say this about insensitivity, drugs and the Queen so please provide your rationale.

    Regardless, it should be obvious that whites are involved in the drugs trade on many levels. They cook Meth, the CIA have been known to bring Cocaine in to finance various “Black Projects” and if high ups were not benefiting then they would Legalise coke, ganja etc and thereby cause a crash in the market price.

  42. Baf said:

    “(I tend not to look at the private schools anymore … Vexations to the spirit”


    the private schools in Bim who consider themselves ‘white’ are a social disgrace, suffice it to say that they are now i believe, with the exception of St. Winifreds, majority black, but still practice the same apartheid wannabe system. It is also disgraceful that successive black governments sat idly by and watch the degradation, some of them were too intent on having their off spring attend those schools. One thing i must say, your child remains in a somewhat ( i said that for a reason) safer environment to the public schools, but the price you paid came with a racial stench practiced by some in the environment

    Baf………….take heart, most of the parents black, white or wannabe are at this time unable to pay the school fees, they are broke, that balances out the ignorant and stupid practices, just watch the deterioration and smile.

  43. History suggests that mixing in the Caribbean of different tribes especially those from Africa and Europe has been ongoing for over four hundred year with the majority here and now irrespective of their melanin content very well mixed.

  44. @ millertheanunnaki: In answer to your questions:
    1. No. Whites have nothing to fear. Whites have been known to criticise both BLP and DLP administrations. We know of no recriminations. And there must no recriminations . We support freedom of expression.
    2.You are correct. The Indo and other minorities are not as involved as they should be. We note that in the last elections Indo Barbadians were quite visible and they have been Indo candidate(s) or in at least 1/2 elections. We also note there was another minority non-white candidate in the last two elections.
    3. When a deep analysis of the economy is done, it will show that whites still control the real wealth in the country.
    Your submissions give us much food for thought. Thanks for the resonse

  45. Baffy
    The white people run from Guyana?

    Sounds terrible put that way BUT how come my formerly rich Guyanese friends are NOT white?????????? Mulattoes, Indians and Blacks runway as they should when LFB decided to mash up. My own father’s interests were negatively impacted BUT he sold, took the haircut and left with his head intact. A lil family pain, but it is the Guyanese people that suffered then and still suffering now from LFB’s thiefing everyone’s money and enriching himself. I will wager that there is a much higher proportion of better off black Bajans than Guyanese blacks.

    Indeed, I would strongly recommend that a clever group of Bajan Black Businessmen should be invited to Guyana to turn the Country around!

    I am not necessarily suggesting that you are being intellectually dishonest in the way you put it BUT you could be. lol

    The US et al would have done Black peeps in JA a disservice to contribute to the absolute delinquency of encouraging Leftist nonsense. Let those inclined fly to Cuba on a ONE WAY ticket! The Americans would be absolutely dumb to sit idle and encourage another Cuba on their doorstep!
    BTW please realise that the Islands of the Cbean still run by the US and European Countries have the HIGHEST STANDARD of LIVING for Black people in the region eg St Thomas, Martinique, Curacao etc.

    Please notice that, unlike the Leftists, the Freer Countries permit the people to decide their own direction by leaving for other climes. Just leave those of us who want an INCENTIVE System without PROHIBITIVE TAXATION alone to make bountiful progress and raise the Standard of Living for ALL!
    I do believe we should have great Education, Health Care etc for ALL.

  46. @David
    If White Bajans feel content that they should have no fear of the black majority, then in my opinion they are STUPID! Surely they secretly harbor their doubts and many are armed just in case that hate is fomented!

    In every country in history Pols have pointed at minorities as the scape goat for the Pols own stupidity and poor leadership! Germany of the 1930s!

  47. Moneybrain………..i really don’t believe that bajan blacks mean any harm to the bajan white minority, and i have always known bajan whites to arm themselves, i have seen them get drunk and you know what they do and say when they get drunk, i don’t have to tell you.

    Money said:

    “In every country in history Pols have pointed at minorities as the scape goat for the Pols own stupidity and poor leadership”

    local bajan pols have disenfranchised their own people by chasing some myth, fantasy, facade and should be blamed accordingly for aiding and abetting the nonsense that is seen in Bim….bajans are much better off than most, but could be even better.

  48. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    It must have taken Herculean strength for the Blog owner to publish this article.

  49. Georgie Porgie Avatar


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