Hal Austin
Hal Austin

The immediacy of the financial economic crisis facing Barbados is so important that there is a real danger of this single issue crowding out other equally important social and cultural policy initiatives, many of them far more important to the long-term development of the nation and its people. But, for a variety of reasons, including the routine acceptance of mediocrity, politicians, policymakers, parents and education professionals prefer to remain silent about the acceptance of this new normal rather than bite the bullet. Our nation is the poorer for this.

Knowledge-based Society:
For all kinds of reasons previously discussed in this blog, including demography, geographical size and economic limitations, the great opportunity for economic growth in Barbados is to develop a knowledge-based skilfully and prudently economy by utilising our limited resources and human capital to meet this collective goal. However, to do this in any objective and scientific way will mean confronting a number of demanding challenges, such as defining what it is we want to achieve as a society and the extent of the deferred gratification we are prepared to endure.

Advances in technology and the increasing movement of globalisation, even considering the current temporal reversal, means that if small island economies are to remain relevant in a more competitive world, they must invest heavily in survival. At present the dominant model of economic growth is the shift of manufacturing to low-cost economies, with value-creation and expertise providing the growth opportunities  in the more advanced economies, leaving the majority of the other nations in what is called the middle trap. But there are no economic, cultural or religious iron laws of development, nor are there any limits to human imagination and ingenuity. So, for small nations with limited resources, the big challenge is to be inventive and focused in their exploitation of intangible resources and the monetising of those assets. In the current economic race, the poverty and failure of imagination are major handicaps facing our politicians, policymakers and educational institutions. So far, despite spending about 12 per cent of GDP on education, the reality is that a lot of the money is terribly mis-spent.

Restructuring Schools:
The objectives of formal state-backed education to the school-leaving age of 16 should be simple and clear: the creation of first-rate citizens and the transferring of the national culture to another generation. The mechanisms for achieving this should be meeting benchmarks in literacy, numeracy and acceptable standards in social, moral, physical and emotional intelligence and general life skills – the qualities to make ours a better society. Therefore, formal statutory education needs to be based on wider shared social and cultural values, with an underlying desire to improve the rest of society. In the ensuing debate, there should be no sacred cows. Up for discussion should be the existing and other forms of methodologies and ideologies for delivering knowledge, including the didactic, whole-of-class lessons which our great grand parents would recognise. Equally, there is a need for the re-evaluation of the dominant forms of teaching, including focusing in exceptional cases on one-to-one individual attention and other forms of personalised teaching techniques. There is also a need to look at the effectiveness of class sizes and how these impact on learning and classroom behaviour; and the teacher-pupil ratio in infant, primary and secondary schools.
One thing that is clear is that the ideals of mixed ability teaching do not deliver in reality, in that by focusing on the middle group, those at the top and bottom of the ability range can often suffer.

At the bottom the outcome quite often are those school leavers who enter the adult world semi-illiterate at best and in any case functionally illiterate for a modern technological world. And, at the top are the bright and gifted who are left for most of the subject period to fend for themselves and get up to mischief. The result quite often is that they are excluded from class, get in to troubles with the school and welfare authorities and the end result is that unless they are rescued their fate is very much the same as the child at the bottom of the class. In fact it is now part of radical criminology, the epidemiology of criminal activity, is that often the so-called trouble maker in the class room is among the brightest.
To avoid an educational system in which ‘success’ comes from the crowded centre – the comfort zone of the mediocre and unimaginative – is to make provision for those two cohorts, by providing virtual centres of excellence for the brightest and best, a one-to-one tutoring for the weakest, staffed by a squad of floating teachers and coaches.

Once we have dealt with this basic infant and primary framework, the other challenge is that of the curriculum. Here it is important to stress that although a pupil may be gifted and exceptional in a single subject, for example maths, it does not means he will be gifted in all the other subjects. So, it is important that although the girl or boy may be taken out of the ordinary classroom for special tuition, s/he should be returned for normal teaching among her/his classmates. This is important for a normal childhood, including allowing the child to make friends with her/his age group. This being so, the content of the curriculum and the way subjects are taught will determine the future quality of our human capital. Apart from the core subjects, all lessons should be taught bilingually – Spanish/English, given we are situated in the largest Spanish-speaking region in the world. Mandarin and other languages could be taught in secondary schools and in language laboratories.

Delivery of lessons will also be important and the out of date whole of class method should be replaced with child-focused teaching, using electronic I-pads or tablets (or whatever the new development), thereby giving the teachers, heads, parents and authorities an objective method of monitoring and assessing the child’s progress. The menu of non-core subjects should include sports (other than cricket, football and netball), such as swimming, camping, scouting and guiding, introduction to money, road safety and others as relevant.

Secondary Schools:
With a good grounding from infant and primary schools, pupils should enter secondary school at the age of 14 (raising the Secondary school-leaving age to 18) equipped to take full advantage of a top quality early education. It is at this stage that they would be selected for a specialist Secondary school (or junior college), based on their aptitude and performance to date, although this selection method would not be for life. There will be an open door policy for late developers and those with undiscovered potential and abilities. For example, Secondary schools/junior colleges could be organised along the following lines:

School of Fine and Performing Arts

School of Languages

School of Science and Technology

School of Crafts and Skills

School of Sport and Entertainment

School of Administration and Business


Other Non-core Activities:
Apart from the obvious specialisms of the Secondary schools, young people should be offered the greatest number of additional opportunities, especially at a stage in their lives when they are looking for academic, sporting and recreational activities with which they are comfortable. Most of these will involve school and recreational activities such as After-school and Saturday clubs, which would revolve around the parents and schools. For example, a Saturday Club may involve dance and drama, chess, draughts, creative writing, golf, tennis, water polo, fine art, photography, sculpture, music, sailing, pottery – the list is endless.

Any reform of the mandatory educational system in Barbados must include a resolution of the role and authority of head teachers. This is even more import given the behaviour of some trade unions and of the scandal of the Alexandra School. The reforms should be widespread and include freeing experienced heads from the authoritarianism of civil servants and politicians. Headmasters will also become chief executives of their schools, having responsibility for the profit and loss account, reporting to a school board (the board of directors) – made up of representatives of parents, teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils, community groups and an ex-officio ministry officials – which reports to the constituency councils, restricting central government’s control only to a strategic
overview. Heads should have the right to hire and fire, within the framework of
the law and the rules as laid down by the school’s controlling management board.

Analysis and Conclusion:
It is generally conceded that the educational system in Barbados has collapsed. It is no longer what it used to be. About 70 per cent of school leavers are entering the jobs market without any qualifications, drug abuse and violence has reached
epidemic proportions in many of the island’s schools, and the political leaders are in a panic. This state of affairs is more than just another stage in the moral meltdown of a once dynamic, proud and steadfast nation. It is that and more. We are looking in the abyss of a country where the national leaders are wrapping themselves in the rhetoric of progress, especially the development of human capital, while at the same time ignoring the very educational system on which any such development must be built.

To develop a knowledge-based society takes imagination, determination and most of all, a willingness to attract the brightest and best working to work in the sector – from teaching, advertising and marketing to scientists. It means investing a great amount of time and effort in talking to businesses in the region and all over the world, the leaders of new industries and new forms of knowledge, businesses which can bring to Barbados a sustainable competitive advantage. It also means narrow-focusing on those businesses that a small, island economy can support by creating the infrastructure – from office space, to good logistics, getting things in and out of customs with relative ease – such as telecoms, internet, media and entertainment (TIME), industries which are re-organising themselves to face new and unknown challenges.

They are the ideas companies at the cutting edge of the new business models such as television programming, which depend on script-writing, production, actors, marketing, editing, soundtracks, sequencing and the other services. Barbados can easily become the centre of television and film production excellence in the Caribbean, even regional and by 2025 a world-leader in the TIME sector. Barbados can also become a centre of excellence for medical and dental services, if not in research, then in the application of new forms of medical-scientific knowledge to the treatment of patients by developing a dynamic medical and dental tourism sector. Then there are the other services connected with the life sciences – medical devices, from heart monitors to servicing equipment, and healthcare, world-class saleable skills which will act as a magnet to foreign direct investors. This will mean learning from the best, from Houston, Texas, the world leader and Manchester, England, number two, even headhunting some of their young, ambitious scientists and giving them a relative free hand to develop their research. For example, with the use of up-to-date technology, Barbados can become a world leader in cancer diagnosis, pulmonary research and treatment. This will mean re-focusing our education by encouraging young people to study the bio-medical sciences.

In a world of cutting edge nano-technology, with industries working at the frontier of scientific knowledge in chemistry and pharmaceuticals, in Barbados people are still obsessed with establishing a sea-island cotton industry that has been failing for generations. Then there is the digital industry, which is only now in its infancy, and which is predicted to growth by leaps and bounds throughout the 21st century. What these industries need is solid government and a mature legal structure, a friendly fiscal climate and the ability to recruit and retain skilled staff. All this could be achieved, or at least get us on the way, within a time-span of 20 years. There are fourteen Taiwanese-owned industries in the northern English city of Manchester alone, because of the city’s skills base. These firms bring with them a supply chain, from recruitment and advertising agencies, to scientists. It also means managing people differently not the traditional top down command structures, but a more collaborative way of managing talent. These are some of the enormous gaps in our knowledge-based education system.

Barbados should aim to be the first emerging nation to be on the Intelligent Cities Foundation list. The ICF measures things such ass community access to broadband and digital facilities and matching skills. They measure the number of jobs created in these industries and social inclusion. The decentralisation of educational policy will be at the heart of the reform of education with the strategic delivery of that policy. But it goes beyond that. Education policy must also include school accountability, school choice, teaching standards and professionalism, equity and adequacy in teaching, funding, teachers’ remuneration and career progress, training and the status of the profession in the wider society, and, most important of all, the contribution of education to the general development of the society.

None of this is beyond the imagination of our education official and minister Jones. All these are achievable if we could plan beyond the next general election or the colour of the party that introduces such progressive policies.

88 responses to “Notes From a Native Son: The Role of Education Policy in Development Part One”

  1. David the onus is on Austin to justify his nonsense. I suggest that he should start by explaining the words “we cannot allow”. Who is the “we” and further what is the “advantage” (is it food, housing, mental stimulation, health care, affection, encouragement ?!!!). In Barbados, private schools in and of themselves offer NO academic, affective support, sporting or performing arts advantage over Government schools. These private schools merely facilitate parental anxiety that their children do not mix with those in their estimation deemed “undesirable” or as is increasingly the case, the less than businesslike manner in interacting with parents that has become a feature of some Government schools.

  2. @Ping Pong

    Understood but it seems that Hal has always been willing to defend his positions AND it is out of share perspectives that we are able to reconcile positions anyway.

    In summary: The current education system is irrelevant to facilitating Barbados’ competitiveness in the global market. It is financially unsustainable. It should not be whatonly parents want but what are the national priorities additional to what country can afford.

  3. “It should not be whatonly parents want but what are the national priorities additional to what country can afford.”

    WTH?!! What ever Hal has, seems to have infected you too! What do parents want that is at odds with “national priorities” ? Do you understand that the “country” and “parents” are one and the same? The problem here is some pompous buffoons in policy making positions who love the sound of their own voices and who think that making grand sounding “directives” about “national priorities” will result in some improvement or the attainment of some positive outcome. Does anyone remember the over six hour speech in parliament made by Minister Jones on the National Human Resource Strategy Plan? Or the NACE report?

  4. @ Davidf
    “It should not be whatonly parents want but what are the national priorities additional to what country can afford.”
    True Dat.
    But these are not mutually exclusive demands. High quality education REQUIRES that parents always have the right and ability to choose what is best for their children, while a visionary government has the responsibility to ensure that the overall system is functioning as close as possible to meeting the high quality requirements of everyone, while being in synch with national strategic objectives.

    The problem comes when there is no vision from government, no strategic goals, and an idiot in charge of national policy. Should parent then surrender their right to selfishly seek their own children’s best interest?

    Bushie’s problem is our seeming willingness to try to change everything ELSE except the brass bowls in charge.
    If something does not work as specified, the FIRST thing that should be changed is the brass bowl in charge. FULL STOP……not simple parents seeking to do what they are designed to do….get the best for their children.

  5. @Ping Pong

    Why is it so difficult for you to accept that national priorities can differ when compared to those of individuals? Parents shape individual positions often based on narrow real world experiences which can easily be out of sync with national strategic positions. Those who lead do so because they are expected to bring analysis and esoteric thought to planning.

  6. @Ping Pong.
    Being REALLY realistic.
    Hal is a Paid hand.
    Needs to create controvesy.
    Otherwise what would we have to “comment” on.
    No comment=No blog
    I enjoy BU.
    Gives the air of “actually doing something”
    Doing what??
    Well that your bag!!

  7. If so called “national strategic decisions” are NOT a synthesis of the “individual” positions of the many citizens then such “national strategic decisions” could ONLY be those of some self opinionated individual and certain to be useless. I would go with “narrow real world experience” over delusional, pie-in-the-sky BS.

    You used the word ‘esoteric’. That was a good choice (probably Freudian in origin). Readers should look up the meaning. You want citizens of a supposed democracy to act on plans made through “esoteric thought”?!

  8. @Ping Pong

    No you are misunderstanding the point and your interpretation of democracy can be challenged as well. One only has to be 18 to vote and participate in a democracy, this is the only qualification! What is the compensating factor for the ignorance some will bring to the debate/thinking? History is replete with stories about the role scholars and the learned have played shaping societies.

  9. Actually David, this is a discussion worthy of the halls of any great Learning institution. 🙂
    What constitutes a truly sound democratic strategic decision?

    Is it the esoteric thoughts of a novice government minister (often, the ramblings of an old disgruntled civil servant with more hidden agendas than you can imagine) …?

    Is it the collective rants of mostly uninformed citizens who are generally focused on their own little selfish goals?

    Is it the vision of some appointed GuRu who must be expected to know such things?

    Is it the purview of academics who are comfortable with the procedures surrounding such things?

    Or is it determined by trial and error…like we seem to be doing in Bim….?

    It is actually the challenge of LEADERSHIP.
    The ability to read the collective wishes of citizens, Guide them through communication and education and consensus towards a common acceptable collective position and then implement the policies and goals so decided.

    It is a COMPLEX, unique skill that is so rare, that wise organizations place GREAT resources into seeking out such talent, provides ridiculous remunerations, and get rid of them immediately that it becomes clear that results are not as expected.

    …but not us. We have a system where TRULY TALENTED leaders can never be interested in national leadership because it is beneath them to do so….
    We elect those who are incapable of making the big league, and keep them around until they qualify for their pension – or are able to migrate to some other parasite-type position with the CDB, World bank UN etc.

    Our results are deserved and inevitable.

  10. @ Ping |Pong

    You say my proposals are nonsense, but you are not saying why. What are your objections. If we are to avoid social inequality then we must work together as a society.
    This includes the education of future generations of leaders. For many Barbadians, although I do not agree, Harrison College is the best school in the country. We must examine why. Is it the quality of teachers? Or the facilities? Or does sit attract the best pupils?
    If it is the quality of teachers, then we can bring the other teachers up to grade; if it is the facilities, then we can improve thee in the other schools; and if it is the quality of the pupil intake, then we can work on that. Is it social background (nurture) or nature (biology)?
    The point is that the old First Grade schools have been getting privileged opportunities for longer than most Barbadians have been alive.
    We have had numerous BLP and DLP governments, why haven’t we changed things?
    The issue is that the people who benefit most from this distorted system are the people who make the policy decisions.
    Change it. I suggest minister Jones and his band of supporters go back and study the methods of the late J.O Morris at St Giles, one of our greatest educationalists, who is not recognised for his genius.

    @ Miller

    People who opt out of the system, be it education or health, should have no special taxation dispensation. They are free to opt back in.

  11. @Bush Tea

    The esoteric thoughts of a novice government there is an oxymoron if ever there was one…lol.

    Agree with your last comment. It is a very complex and dynamic ‘system’ which has to be managed by the actors with government the decision maker of last resort obviously. After all this is the system of government we have.

    Knowledge must be shared (24/7) by all and the wisest system finds a way for the best of the best learnings to mesh to influence the roadmap.

  12. Bush Tea nails it:

    “It is actually the challenge of LEADERSHIP.
    The ability to read the collective wishes of citizens, Guide them through communication and education and consensus towards a common acceptable collective position and then implement the policies and goals so decided”.

    There is nothing esoteric in the statement above and its approach to decision making and implementation.

  13. @Hal Austin

    I have NOT commented on your proposals. I have expressed objection to two statements in your comment written in reply to Can’t Wait on June 15 @ 2:30 a.m.

    As you have raised the issue of social inequality, I find it ironic that you should wish to exclude tax paying citizens who pay not only for their children’s schooling but the schooling of others as well from public scholarships.

  14. @Ping Pong

    Maybe we are splitting hairs so let’s make a final point on this particular point.

    Imagine a company which identifies a vision/mission position to propel the business over a stated period. The business plan which will identify the tactics/activities to make it possible are driven by all sources ie. Internal and External to the organisation; consultants in many cases. Some of the tactics/activities therefore will require higher level input.

    Bush Tea has identified a Vision/Mission position but the fun now begins to operationalize and roll-out activities and programs. This is where the esoteric business comes in to play.

  15. Exactly what does Hal mean when he says 70% of the graduates from the school system have no qualifications? can some benchmark for this statement be provided? Whats the evidence for this notion of the collapse of the education system?

    Is there evidence to suggest that students who successful complete O and A levels in say Chemistry, Physics, maths, biology, who are provided with adequate on the job training (as say in germany) lack the knowledge base and skills to function in a high tech environment? If that were so I would be slightly more appreciative of the highly jaundiced argument presented by hal. I think the burden of proof is on hal.

  16. @Observer

    Hal is correct. Matthew Farley has been saying it for the longest while that 70% of secondary school students in this country leave school without certification. Observer, you need to get close to someone in the school system who can give the real information. Outside of Harrison College and Queen’s College, the other secondary schools’ subject teachers only enter children for the various subjects depending on the perceived ability of the students to pass the CXC examination.

    So for example, there are approximately 160 students in the 5th form of most of the secondary schools , QC and HC will enter everybody to do the subject of choice of the students. At the other schools with the same cohort of students, only 6 might be entered for say Literature, another 10 for Chemistry and so on and so forth. The students who are not entered to do an external examination will just be on a permanent lunch time on the school compound, or spend a bit of time on the road, in the bus-stands etc. This is what Karen Best, Ronald Jones and Harry Husbands should be looking at, how to enhance the system and not putting square pegs in round holes. to the extent that teachers are so disgruntled and do not perform as their counterparts in private schools.

  17. Not contradicting anything you wrote but just to give you an idea of what a first rate education system produces that’s probably unmatched my any countries other than Germany, China , Japan, Singapore and North Korea and I’d also like to mention Ireland — read
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Institutes_of_Technology and see why the major corporations from Europe, USA, Australia and Western Europe rush to India every year to grab their graduates.

    I personally know that Orange here in the UK got rid of most of their programmers and replaced them with contractors they bring over from India, providing them with accommodation, transport etc.

    Some weeks ago I read an article on how Western European companies were sidestepping immigration laws to get these guys in.

    Pay attention to the Alumni section towards the end.
    You can see the important and very significant contributions these guys have made to the US economy.

    Very recently Australian high tech companies were bitterly complaining about their government’s intention to make it harder for them to hire these guys to work for them in Australia.

    It’s amazing that Western Europe and the USA prefer to bring these guys in from India rather than adopt a similar model of education.

  18. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Sid Boyce

    I hope that you are not implying in your submission that the countries that you list with these sterling education streaming systems present the panacea for the world because the last time I checked India, with all its premiere programmers that all the premiere ICT companies in first world countries are lobbying their respective government’s for immigration reform and accommodations for, their own back yard is in a mess, overflowing with slums and poverty.

    Your submission subtly suggests that with these education models that are the envy of the world the economies of the countries of origin and the wellbeing of their respective citizens changes overnight which is not the case

  19. I think Sid Boyce lives and may be works in a different Britain to me. I wil restrict myself to financial services. Ten years abgo all British fianncial services companies wanted to outsource to India, mainly becauswe of the low cot.
    Howe er, predictably – I wrote about this on a number of occasion – India is a kleptocracy and within a short time there were numerous fraud on people’s accounts. Most companies are now bringing that work back on shore.
    It is the same thing about the two dominant development models in the world – India and China.
    I have said min my notess that the motivation for the two models aree totally different. With China, it is to reclaim its perceived place as the top culture in the world, a position it held for most of the last thousand year, until the rise of mercantilism.
    With India, we are dealing with a culture that is fundamentally corrupt, inward-looking, selfish and will implode on itself. It is now in the beginning of that state.
    Whether it is the micro or macro, India will fail because of India. That is why we have to be more cautious of China.

  20. I agree there is abject poverty to be found in India and in China. I have said here in the past that they are probably tens of millions of Chinese living on less than a dollar a day but that still doesn’t deter the Barbados and other Caribbean governments from going to China with begging bowls.

    If the world is depending on China and India for such talent, then there must be some merit to their education systems.
    Those that stay at home and the growing number of returnees are the fuel to propel those countries to world technological leadership.

    Without the drugs that India produces and sells at low cost, Africa, parts of Asia and elsewhere would have nothing to fight the ravages of AIDS.

    In the early 1960’s here in Britain they used to say the Japanese produce cheap rubbish they sell and that the majority of Japanese could live on a bowl of rice a day.

    Fast forward to today where substantial parts of industry in Britain is owned by Japanese and Indian corporations with China coming up fast on the inside. They never saw it coming and they are just waking up to the fact that those countries are not standing still.

  21. .. the Chinese knew and had positioned its citizenry for globalisation and the role education would play in terms of economics and growth . there citizens are a reservoir of knowledge a commodity that develop as well as underdeveloped countries need. no wonder they can march into any and every country without firing a shot,, if Barbados continue to lag in ignorance and not understand the need for education reform in a globalize word . then the country would continue to suffer the wrath of economic effects and slow growth.. the days of dependency are over . ,Now is the time to pass the baton over to or most valuable resource our people and education reform is the only way to do it and necessary .one which is comparable and equal in terms with other countries who knew the secret and value that education would have as a new way of doing business across the world transplant itself… .

  22. Steupssss

    The truth is that there are few countries ANYWHERE that has a better fundamental education policy than has Barbados. ANYWHERE!
    What India what?!?
    …been there?
    To bushie, India is the most depressing place on earth. The fact that a small percentage of the population is wealthy (by exploiting the poor miserable masses) justifies nothing…. Nor does the fact that a minute percentage excels in science and information technology.

    The problem with education in Barbados stems from the lack of vision and the piss poor management and administration of what is a REALLY good fundamental system.
    Singapore is better

    …….. not by dint of a fundamentally BETTER education system, but by a MORE INTELLIGENT STRATEGIC FOCUS than ours.
    Where Dipper chose to focus on an ” educated ” population which he then expected to do intelligent things, Lee’s focus was on RESULTS – with education being a FACILITATOR.
    …so whereas Barbados developed this idiotic approach of valuing and paying people based on qualifications, Singapore values and pays based on PERFORMANCE, so education is used in Barbados to collect papers while in Singapore it is a MEANS of being productive.

    EWB miscalculated. If he had asked Bushie, he could have become aware that “education” is NOT an end in itself. An educated Brass Bowl simply becomes a Big headed, conceited Brass Bowl.
    Education is a MEANS towards a MUCH bigger end……even bigger than Singapore’s “Productivity”.

    When we learn to focus on the desired END or ROOT objective, we will find that results are MUCH more in keeping with desired expectations.

    …..or as has been said somewhere before…
    “Seek Ye FIRST the kingdom of heaven, AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE ADDED UNTO YOU…”

  23. Many of the Indians I know would agree with you about the corruption and deprivation. Stand in line in a queue at Bombay railway station and you’ll see corruption before your own eyes.

    Amidst the muck there are jewels and there is a huge population to draw on. So far the corruption doesn’t seem to be impeding growth and expansion.

    Remember that in Britain and many other so-called first world countries only 2% of the population has been the driver of advancement.

    Even here in Britain we see massive corruption and creeping deprivation – huge corporations paying little tax on their huge earnings, the bedroom tax that caused a woman to commit suicide here in the Midlands, etc.

    China, Russia and almost everywhere there is corruption and where the implosion is likely to happen first, second or third is anyone’s guess as instability is everywhere.

    In the USA, NRON, World.com, The Wall Street scandals, etc. None of it was pretty.

    In Greece the reporter who was jailed for exposing the foreign accounts held by Greece’s richest who refused to pay local tax and the government wasn’t pursuing them.

    The collapse of Cyprus based Greek banks that put Cyprus in financial peril.

    In a nutshell, India and China are on the way up and we are on the way down without a parachute or if we have a parachute it has massive holes.

  24. Hi AC,
    You are mirroring exactly what I told a guy in Texas.
    We fight the wars with the vast sums we borrow from China and the Chinese walk in after us and take over.
    As the old saying goes “These Chinese are clever”.

  25. @Bush Tea

    Maybe you have gotten it a little wrong? Maybe EWB thought that by educating our people we would have made the required adjustments along the way to align with being competitive and smart on a global scale.

  26. @ David
    ” Maybe EWB thought that by educating our people we would have made the required adjustments along the way to align with being competitive and smart on a global scale”
    He DID….
    ….he was wrong.
    WE DIDN’T!
    ….which is Bushie’s point.

  27. Here is a great topic for you David.

    The company is trying to take over 24 446 square feet of land which her father bought from Molyneaux Plantation in 1994.

    Read Nationnews.

  28. @Hants

    Can only expound on this by having sight of the paper work.

  29. the fact is that china was isolated from the west because of its communist agenda. suffered economic boycott which contributed to most of its poverty along with countries like india whose religious theology was viewed with skepticism and suspicion by the west and limited them to the amount of financial power the west would give to them not by isolation but by closing off some of their ability to source other markets, another factor which help to bind them in poverty. not to mention corruption…….however with these barriers all but eliminated by the west these countries have an army of people more than enough to leaves a giant financial foot print across the world and makeup for the economical and social losses they people have endured this in part to their govts understanding the value of universal education. Now with globalisation and open and free markets and other countries willing to work alongside them. investors are seeing these these human resources as valuable commodities having the skills and knowledge and answers to a competitive global environment .does Barbados have the human resources to compete on a global market that requires more than a doctor or lawyer

  30. Minister Donville Inniss posed the question an audience today – Is our education system producing critical thinkers? Perhaps he needs to pose the question to the Cabinet.

  31. Four years old and still relevant.

  32. Should we have fur ther education colleges, or 6th forms?

  33. Let us debate an education policy.

  34. After five years still a good argument.

  35. Hope this adds to the discussion

  36. Hello, If you or a love one is suffering with substance abuse, we can help…For a confidential conversation with one of our trained professionals, Call Now: (213) 322-1979

  37. More bits.

  38. Still worthy of post-CoVid consideration after eight years.

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