Submitted by the Mahogany Coconut Think Tank and Watchdog Group
Sir Leroy Trotman (l), Minister of Labour Byer-Sukoo (r)
Sir Leroy Trotman (l), Minister of Labour Byer-Sukoo (r)

For some time, we have warned that the trade union movement in Barbados was being marginalized. The coziness with employers brought about by the so-called Social Partnership, has long been a cause of concern to the Mahogany Coconut Group. The frequent love fests of the employers’ representatives and the union bosses were brilliant public relations stunts designed to fool those who don’t understand the treachery inherent in such exercises.” – Mahogany Coconut Blog 1/11/2013

BWU General Secretary, Sir Roy Trotman said more specifically, his union’s decision to cut ties with CTUSAB was simply put , in an effort to prevent a deliberate effort to marginalize the Barbados Workers Union…………….He explained that this meant his organization would not have a voice at the Social partnership.” – Barbados Today, 19/04/2013

We are not in the business of saying: We told you so. At the same time, we must state that the rumblings in the so-called Social Partnership have been rampant for some time. However, they reached a peak when the BWU refused to back down from its stance with LIME and certain politicians already in bed with LIME wanted to pressure the union.

The BWU is seen as the major block, by some power breakers, in selling our country lock stock and barrel in the name of privatization. We are aware of Sir Roy’s political journey and it has its historical birth in pro masses thinking and political orientation. We are therefore not surprised that he cannot abandon his philosophical moorings to accommodate political opportunism, cronyism and economic blackmail, as his leadership of the BWU reaches retirement. He would not want a legacy of having sold out the workers. We therefore stand squarely behind him on this occasion.

What we find even more alarming is the charge by Sir Roy of a conspiracy between the Ministry of Labour and other “trade unionists” to undermine the BWU. While we cannot identify the other trade unionists, we publicly call on the current Minister of Labour, Dr. Esther Byer- Suckoo to respond to Sir Roy’s charges which are essentially against the Government of Barbados. This charge by Sir Roy cannot be taken lightly.

We will not be moved from our position that those who are promising the world, if the unions were to disappear, did the same thing under Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. We warn workers in Barbados and the entire Caribbean, that the destruction of Unions will be the final blow against true social and economic justice. We are now seeing the results of Reagan/Thatcher policies, as countries climb to higher levels of unemployment, while the employers get richer and richer. We were therefore stunned, to say the very least, when Margaret Thatcher was so lionized on her recent passing. She and Reagan tried to dismantle the trade union movements in their countries.

We have some of similar ilk amongst us, and they must not be allowed to hold the sword of unemployment over the heads of workers, in order to get their way and execute the final rape of not only Barbados but the entire region.

The Social Partnership is nothing more than political/ corporate public relations. We firmly believe that its value to the trade union movement and workers is nothing more than a dangerous mirage.

175 responses to “Barbados Workers Union Boots CTUSAB”

  1. Well, well, well. You people are really out doing well well today. Please give a thought to Margaret, Lady Trotman. I sincerely hope she does not read this blog, or any of her sisters, for that matter.

    When Leroy first led the BWU he was very cognizant of the finances of the organisation at the time. To this end, he drove Walcott’s SEVEN year old Jaguar for five years, until the Union mechanic wrote its death certificate. The Union wanted to replace the car with another big ass jag, but he found the jag a bit large and him so small could not see over the steering wheel. The union decided on the Mercedes. I am no longer in contact with Union people, my contacts retired, so i am not sure whose idea it was to purchase the beamer.

    How can you call a person’s “Spiritual Adviser” an obeah woman? From what I understand, she had the ‘sight’ and her proclamations came true.

    I, like anyone else, like to gossip. Tell me the lady in question who got promoted from Accounts, and went back to school at night to study for CXCs, is not the cute little brown skinned girl, who grew up on Queen Victoria Road in Bank Hall? The one who passed for St. Michaels Girls and the stupid mother sent to Richmonds? Who had to stay home and raise the lazy mothers oodles of children? Even though the mother never worked a day in her life? I heard she was doing well at the Union. I also heard the former Comptroller (from up Veronica’s way) hired her (apparently they were friends) and ended up losing her. Say it aint so!

  2. Pat

    The man did not say that his spiritual adviser said anything. He said that his obeah woman told him something. I was only quoting.

  3. Pat
    Do you seriously believe what you have written? Did the spiritual adviser tell Sir Roy he should have the 5 series BMW. Looking at the labor struggle, and what poor people went through, are you really comfortable with Sir Roy in that car? Given all that you have said here should any one take you seriously as a defender of Sir Roy? Obeah is Obeah; don’t come with no sight non sense. Save your money lady.

  4. @Caswell

    She was referred to as a Spiritual Adviser by the little big man himself, ha, ha, ha. He knew I would have laughed at him is he said ‘obeah woman’.

  5. David
    He could not react like that to sandy Lane or the Royal shop. Let him come here and say why or tell Pat.

  6. @ Lemuel

    I am not really concerned with what the man drives. If some people use spiritual advisers, that is their prerogative. Some body in the union had to okay the purchase and sign the cheque. I have not heard or seen any members out protesting. What do government ministers and judges drive? Are the tax payers not paying for theirs too?

    Leroy is not perfect and he already black. No sense painting him blacker than he is. He still drove Walcotts old car.

  7. Pat
    Are you suggesting that if I and Fractured and Bushie get “spiritual advisers” that will enhance our capacity to join the realms of a pathetic man like Sir Roy. Given the damage that both Sir Roy and Sir Frank did to the men at the bridgetown port, I am glad some one still loves him. I hope his spiritual adviser can detail to him the end of his spiritual journey. It shall not be pretty.

  8. People who have had to sit around meeting tables with Sir Roy of late have been asking if he is ok.

  9. Pat
    The first time I heard the phrase “congenital liar” was out of the mouth of Sir Frank. He was speaking a union meeting around the fair child street bus stand area. He had come to report on ongoing negotiations with the then PM Tom Adams. He called Tom a congenital liar.

    What he did not say was that four hours previously he and Tom had reached an agreement, but he held the workers spell bound with diatribe about the system and politicians. Sir Roy has not fallen far from the Sir Frank tree.

  10. Can we get the ages of Clifford, Levere, Gabby and Leroy?

  11. David
    When a union allow someone to be appointed general secretary for life. What do you expect when the first bouts of dementia or alzheimers set in. In the USA public figures seem to have long healthy careers, but in Barbados their ways ensure that they are being fed by someone around sixty five to seventy. How old is Sir Roy?


    all over 60

  13. @BU;
    I keep marvelling at how petty and small minded so many contributors to BU are. I know when the workers of Barbados NEEDED representation and were given that representation. Now is the time, even more than in the past, for the workers of Barbados to unite, but pettiness, envy and stupidity are being put ahead of integrity and loyaly.

  14. Gabriel Tackle Avatar

    Clifford ,LeRoy and LeVere 70’s,Gabby 60’s.

  15. Gabriel Tackle Avatar

    Boots,you came up in an era when the mercantile and planter class wielded
    almost unhindered power in Barbados.The returning few educated -at- University- level bajans were exposed to a different dispensation and agitated for a more level playing field.
    Each succeeding generation found life easier than their brothers did until we have reached the stage now where a union does not play that important a role in the life of the country,however it is now a power struggle for control of the unions’ finances,real estate and strike power,so there is a paradigm shift in the
    planning,organising and controlling practices of the unions.
    As usual you need to take off your blinkers or as this generation says ‘Wake up and smell the coffee’Boots Cummins.

  16. @Pat
    It isn’t the now middle aged Queen Victorian of which you recall. Long has she been sidelined by the young short skirt, tight pants crew, who often run upstairs to complain about her. You see, she sometimes gets upset by their cuss-outs in front of members who come to pay dues.
    Lil Miss is from just a stone’s throw away from work though. Ms St John, as the 1st lady still has the weight , but young Miss gots the waist.

    @ David
    Clifford is 75, LeVere is 72 & Cardinal LeRot will be 69 on May 9th.

  17. And after all the long diatrabe by the two windbags Caswell and Lemuel about Sir Roy the only dirt they can dig up is about Sir ROY having a mecedes and some flimsy over the paling talk about an “obeah woman” and a whole bunch of other crap;
    Wunna so Dumb especially Caswell a person who talks about having a Union and the first thing he does is to try to destroy his livelihood, Negro the white establishment in Barbados Don”t like Unions and that includes Yours .the fact of the matter that when Roy gone others would be next cause they would have accomplished their goal in destroying the gorillaphant and the others would be too weak to put up a fight against them. What de hell is wrong with the black man mentality? Why wunna always quick to defeat wunna own purpose

  18. @Gabriel Tackle
    U mentioned real estate. Are u one of the victims of the BWU’s thrice failed housing project that has them being dragged through court for breech of multiple contracts?
    Look at the family tree – or three- of the contractors and tell me if you can do anything but spell nepotism.” Cousins make dozens” – of $100,000’s.

  19. @AC
    Up to this week, this gentleman that you are defending, made his WEEKLY threat to his staff, at staff meeting just for the heck of it. Leaders lead by example. Certainly you would agree that a trade union leader should not be threatening to fire staffs who do not come to work on a Sunday evening for a social event.
    He is on good grounds when he threatens in the event that they miss work on May Day- which is written into each of their contracts, like Annual Conference day. But even so, should the wanna be leader of the labour movement of the freeworld behave like this?
    It is people like the Cardinal who do violence to their very position by their own arrogance. But then again, alcoholism is a desease and clearly he is still very drunk with power!

  20. David —-We have heard alot but yet little was said what Murrell should have told us is about the tellephone calls that as President and the general secretary made to other unions seeking their surport to get rid of Trotman ,let him tell us about the deal he made with Walter Maloney ,let him tellus what he said to the PM and the minister —this same minister who insisted that the GS be given an adition secondment ,this same GS who spends his time doing his private business but all are DLP members –will we ever have the AUDITOR GENERAL audit the books of CTUSAB –the answer is NO

  21. It is a dangerous pastime if members of CTUSAB have been engaged in Judaslike behaviour as you say erice. It betrays all the tenets of the labour movement which they should all be adhering to anyway.

  22. AND why NO because the whole EXECUTIVE are DLP and the Treasurer of NUPW WORKS at the AUDIT –both CTUSAB and NUPW has been using the sudvention in ways that it was not designed for –well Trotman created tge GS-Deins (late mght boss–the only boss who works with the secretary up to 2pm and yet no paper work was ever seen )and Murrell and they destroyed him —

  23. I am not defending any one person but speaking out against the tactics which would be use to destroy the Unions. I am looking at a bigger picture not Sir roy per se. .though he is due some respect .However if ROY deceased god forbade another would follow; However there is a game being played here and within that game is an hidden agenda not one that would benefit employees but employers in the long run. this is much bigger than ROY even though he is the intended target but not the real reason.
    All might have personnal issues with Sir Roy and his leadership style but this is not the time to let others of influence divide and conquer.

  24. @yamma

    Talk to anyone who was in the union during Walcotts days. He did not just threaten, he cussed his staff like a drunken sailor. He brought several to tears at staff meetings. I know, that is why I refused to work there, cause it would have been cuss for cuss. Leroy threatens, but he had a good role model – Sir Frank Walcott.

  25. @ ac
    “All might have personnal issues with Sir Roy and his leadership style but this is not the time to let others of influence divide and conquer.”
    …ya two faced forked-tongue pirate!
    How come this goes for Leroy and not for Broomes…?

    Leroy was in that position TOO LONG.
    …anyone holding such a position for more three years should be AUTOMATICALLY subject to aggressive annual audits with full public disclosure of all findings….

  26. Like BWU, NUPW seems to be working on PANTIE POWER: LOWE LOWE

    When will CLARKE, TROTMAN and the likes of go home. Is it the power the perks and such, too sweet.

    Ennuh only clogging up the system. Looka CLARKE aint able to walk. Talking rubbish and rambling most of the times. And who aint know before, the man is a LIAR and dangerous.

    Let these outdated old ass people go home. Let them free up the system

  27. @ Lemuel, why don’t you leave Pat alone….you can’t test her skippa….

    @ Pat
    …you too sweet doh!!…. If you did live bout here Islandgal would be holding the number 2 spot long time… 🙂 ….but Bushie ain’t bout the lotta cold temperatures wunna got up there in Canada… Plus the bush up there real funny…

  28. Wahloss the relic strikes again. Call Minister Lashley with his antiques & relics bill for Alvin Cummins…..please ah beg wunna.

  29. What has become of the Antiquities Bill anyway.

  30. Can Toni Moore do the job or not?

  31. @ Bush Tea

    Happy New Year, Valentines and Fathers Day too.! Aint hear from you for a long time, but was here watching you put the squeeze on Islandgal. lol. Dont bother with Lemuel. He and I cant seem to meet in the middle. It is the misinformation that gets to me, and he never concedes or admits he may have been wrong. Even Terence Blackett had to admit to his errant ways.

    I hope you have AC cause I hear this was one wicked spring, lots of sun and bush fires. You pon fire Bush Tea?

  32. bush tea according to your committe Chieftain Caswell and others who have a serious disdain for Sir Roy these are the findings and reasons for dismmissal of Sir Roy as Head of BWU
    1. He drives a Mercedes
    2 /. He buys expensive gifts for his girlfriends
    3 He invites them to hotels,
    Really Not enough cause for dismissal we woman like/love all of the above percs.
    Sorry Broomes was completly the opposite . No Dice.

  33. Pat Bushie ent know dat he is # 3 wid me. 🙂 There is a new man in town… “Islandguy” an he hottt fuh days!

  34. old onion bags Avatar

    If all ya think Sir Roy gine tekk wanna serious ..wanna gettin like Ac (lying)… remember Duke mekk big men march up and down Bridgetown back in Sandi rule fa nutting for a ‘good reason’…tink Stuartie gine let he slip away when DEM know nuff people soon gine home and gine want annuda Gran Duke of York to lead them..think some more

    Gran Dutch Duke of York
    Had ten thousand men
    March them up Bridgetown, one way
    Then march them down again!

  35. @ac

    Jealousy is like a cancer. Leave dem two to continue casting the evil eye at His Lordship.


    Poor Bush Tea, he may have to put me back at No. 1. lol. I notice this Islandguy getting some horns from “Pieceoftherock” yeah.

  36. Bushie
    How many women you want. I have no love designs on Pat. And yes, I could agree with her post at 6:44pm. But I would caution her to be very careful with a man who is always caught up in bush.

    What you are saying makes absolutely no sense; you are implying that persons here on BU are carry out agenda by the white shadows in Barbados to destroy unionism. Why would the white shadows have to do that when they already have Sir Roy deep in their pockets. Who are these white shadows agenda people to take over the BWU. Your problem is that the DLP shall lose its hold on the BWU. You may not know it but that is inevitable.

    Let us agree to disagree on somethings about Sir Roy, and do not mind AC she is looking for sheepish DLPites to follow her course.

  37. # 3 Islandgal.,.,
    NUMBER 3?
    …Looka Bushie crosses nuh…! …and here the bushman was working on a plan to step up from número uno to UNO y solo!!

    @ ac
    Um is a BMW like Hants one…not a Mercedes like Bushie… 🙂

  38. white shadows don’t like to be cross:” ESPECIALLYby people who they have in their pockets,and “IF” what you Lemuel say is true then SIR ROY is in bigger trouble than I suspect and the payback would be huge and unrelenting

  39. Bushie
    I am trying hard not to be displeased as Island show where she love is. Remember I just a friend. Island is that a friend with benefits.

  40. Bushie
    This talk bout you driving and having a mercedes now dawn on me. My only question to you is how do a poor boy from brumley delist a man with amorous designs for his friend with benefits Island.

  41. Lemuel
    Please pay attention.
    Where do you see Bushie claiming to drive a Mercedes…? What would a bushman be doing driving a Benz?
    Bushie claims to HAVE one of them….um look sweet as shii** …… M…and Um grey.
    …you playing that you don’t know how to impress the girls now…?
    You can imagine how “hot for bushie” Islandgal must be under the collar all like now…? …even Pat must be wavering a bit by now…. Lol

    …You had to go and push in your snout …and now bushie needs to admit that the “benz” is about 8 inches long and cost nuff dollars yuh…nearly $200…… Um come from Cave Shepherd toy dept….
    …but de bonnet and doors can open and um can steer….. 🙂

  42. @bushie

    um………….mine a Mercedes. LOL! u wish……………… know ! not surprise the Duke is a ladies man.. Powerful men usual excudes a raw sex appeal.. …not speaking about looks……… is an attraction! mannerism! and strength! which is captivating and irrestible .

    on the same vein most woman would take a look at caswell and ‘say HELL no!

  43. David @ 7:56pm asked, Can Toni Moore do the job or not?
    If the job is somebody husband who dares to be elected as a shop steward of BWU, then of course she can. And very well too!

  44. I agree with Sir Roy
    Denis Depeiza has done nothing for the workers of Barbados. He all about perks and looking good. He was a waste President at BUT.
    Do some research and see if there is any major policy decisions taken by Denis Depeiza while President of BUT or now General Secretary of CTUSAB.
    NO tax payer’s money should be spent at that conference. Let them do teleconferencing.It is time to cut back on these free rides on planes and keep paying for school children to ride on buses free.

  45. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Trotman must feel like a man that has been bitten by his own dog. He manoeuvre Cedric Murrell into the presidency of CTUSAB in circumstances where Murrell was not qualified to be president. He was not a delegate and therefore should not have been its president. Trotman created a monster, called President Murrell, and that monster as is their nature destroys even its creator.

    The same thing happened with Thompson and Mascoll. Kellman was the only other person qualified to be political leader when Thompson stepped aside, but Mascoll got the Job and the rest is History.

    While I am at it, I am told that last year the Ministry also invited CTUSAB to name a representative but that invitation was withdrawn after certain threats were made. BWU was then offered the opportunity to nominate the representative. If I am not mistaken Sir Leroy was the delegate and one Margaret Lady Trotman was the adviser.

  46. @Caswell

    All organizations in Barbados seem to be one incestuous pit.

  47. can MURRELLtell us if the allowances he and depeiza gets are decleared to the IRD –why he choose to go on a trip at this time when May DAY is here ,can he tell us why the 1st vice president was not allowed to act when he was out ,but the assistant GS acted for him —can he say why bwu who represents hotel workers were not allowed to be the rept at a meeting but CTUSAB wanted BWU to advice them -will MURRELL tell us the deal that he made with WALTER ,will he tell us what he said to the PM –will he tell us what he said to the minister

  48. Caswell et al

    What should be the prerequisites of an ILO delegate? You commented Lady Margaret attended previous meetings in the capacity of an adviser now Walter Maloney is doing same. Is this acceptable?

  49. david –check and see the relationship that was played compare and see who or which UNION back JEFF BROOME ,and you will be surprise how it relates to the ILO deal –payback time –you see DENIS CLARKE SMILING –payback time sorry Trottie the next fall is the Treasurer ANNEMARIE (trator burke)a trotman surporter but she like all the DLPs on the EXecutive only seek to see what trips they can get —well DEPEIZA and Murrell are going after her too but TRAITORS evev turn on each other there is no trust —eg MORRIS BISHOP GANG IN GRENADA —THE LOOSERS WILL BE THE WORKERS THE WINNERS GOVERNMENT AND EMPLOYERS

  50. @erice

    BU recalls clearly GS Clarke making a statement on a VoB Sunday program that the NUPW had met with the CPO soon after the decision was made to transfer Jeff Broomes to Parkinson, he stated to the effect that he was waiting “for the wicket to be rolled” before he (NUPW) was forced to act/respond to the transfer. What was the deal made with the CPO? What was the agenda of that meeting between the NUPW and Broomes? Why was the BSTU not afforded the opportunity from the begging which would have relieved a lot of the tension. So many questions and no answers. A good thing this is a transparent government. Same old BS.

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