
  1. Observing(...) Avatar

    Yup, I am stretching it…and on purpose too!!!. It kinda balances the other stretches, lol.

    Don’t mistake me. What she did was wrong, is child abuse, and she should be charged….BUT, imho what Bushie and CIO are saying is that

    1) This happens REGULARLY…just that “poor” Karen didn’t notice the cell phone camera rolling and
    2) Based on HER background, circumstance and situation, HER action solved HER problem.

    We can condemn and prosecute her all we want but those two facts are beyond debate.

    As I said earlier, Karen is simply one of many chickenw coming home to roost. We would also have to condemn the farmer(s) that let them out the fowl coop.

    Just observing

  2. Gabriel Tackle Avatar

    Why do you keep repeating ‘I went to Kolig’.You remind me of a local fellow who whenever he called the VOB call in programme Brasstacks, always mentioned 1)that he went to Harsun College and 2)that he worked at Barclays Bank.You guys are seriously psychologically damaged and don’t seem to know it.Btw another regular to the call in programme would berate that guy saying with all that caller’s kolig education he is just a beach bum to be found on the west coast beaches every day making a nuisance of himself.

  3. Ole oinion bags but don.t forget how de same ole rag amuffin mr knowit all bush tea supported jeff broomes wat more woukd yuh expect from such a cave man like bush tea who didn.t see nutting wrong in the way the principle manhandle the female staff. if i was islag i wouldn.t even as much let he smell my draws.cause de man is/a neantherthal condemn to a bushy but not hairy life.

  4. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Gabriel Tackle | March 19, 2013 at 8:18 PM |

  5. @Gabriel Tackle,

    I also went to George Brown College and Ryerson in Toronto but Barbados primary school and Kolij provided a foundation that is part of my psychological “profile”.

    Now why don’t you focus on the topic of this blog.We await your erudite introspection on the effects of black on black brutality as a tool for the control of errant children.

  6. Georgie Porgie times certainly have changed.

  7. Gabriel Tackle Avatar

    I think I have made my point on this ‘black on black’brutality.400 years of a colonial and plantation existence have left many with significant scars.I have read enough to inform my thinking that humans are capable of the most heinous crimes if sufficiently aroused and that the difference between sanity and insanity is a hair’s breath.Blackness,whiteness,yellowness is nothing to do with it.You will find the same type of behaviour anywhere and you will find worse treatment meted out to opponents in civilized as well as uncivilized societies.Bim is not perfect,neither is your adopted country.Blacks are ill treated there.Blacks here in large measure are respected and honoured.I suggest we know who we are,where we came from and where we want to and can go,if we so desire, irrespective of the secondary school experience.It’s always wise to ponder,assuming you had no say into which household you were born…..there, but for the Grace of God,goes I.

  8. @ ac re Bushie
    “….if i was islag i wouldn.t even as much let he smell my draws…..”
    Now THAT is a low blow ac…..worse than a 2X4 by far…. 🙂
    …But In any case, everybody done know that if you were Islandgal you would have a LOT more sensible things to add to the blog….

    The only thing more incoherent and babbling than Onions’ gibberish on BU is when the two of wunna agreeing….

    Onions NEVER right or sensible…
    You ac USUALLY wrong and illogical
    …when the two of wunna agree on any issue, the opponents have 99.76% CONFIRMATION of their correctness…

    Onions just shame bout all the licks that he get on BU for putting that little boy to wuk up on the big able woman at Kadooment…. He was unable to do the job himself, so he sent a boy to do a man’s job…. 🙂

    @ Islandgal
    …you still got that chair leg you brek off on the old man’s head?…. How can Bushie get you to try it for size on Onions knuckle head? You can’t see that he threatening your one-and-only true love….?
    …don’t bother with ac, you would only break up the hair led..

  9. Barbados is going DOWN !!!!
    Too many ignorant people
    The schools have failed and that includes (((KOLIJ , THE INSTITUTION THAT INSTITUTED RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION IN BARBADOS ))They are not teaching people about living life and people are taking things for granted believing that they can do anything if there is a desire TO DO IT–FOR THEM IT IS RIGHT,
    Wrong has become right and right become wrong and so long as selfish desires are met -thats it. The politicians who should be setting good examples have also failed. For the per-diems, salaries and opportunities, politicians will –sell their souls , Richard Sealy aint going to pass up the opportunity to drink and eat his guts full with all the freeness, neither Michael Lashley, Chris Stinkliar and that ilk will pass up the freeness so what do they do

  10. Btw another regular to the call in programme would berate that guy saying with all that caller’s kolig education he is just a beach bum to be found on the west coast beaches every day making a nuisance of himself
    A lot of people who went to Kolij turned out to be pathetic
    They believe that they are superior to anybody else and that the world owes them something. They live in a psuedo -fantasy world beleiving that –they are –IT and if they dont get a particular kind of job, they sulk, They went to KOLIJ SO WE SHOULD KNOW THAT AND SO PROVIDE FOR THEM——-imbeciles !!!!

  11. To Just Asking:
    I am sympathetic to people who went to kolij and are bitter. At the completion of the eleven plus, passing for kolij puts you apart. Why then these people should not expect that the system owes them something. Most of them take a whole heap of psychological abuse but being part of kolij is worth the pain. Most of them now can not fade away in large cities like London so we shall be enduring many more in the near future.

  12. To explain the action of a mother beating her daughter like a man in a cork hat beating a slave is one thing.

    To justify said action is another matter.

  13. I realise that this is late in the thread but kudos to IG246 for having the courage to dredge up what must be unpleasant memories to accent her point about the issue of abuse, it happens in the “best” of families. I hope her siblings and mother are not discomfited by her revelation.

    To those troglodytes who believe that the end justifies the means and the perceived modified behaviour is a “win win”, they should temper their celebration and wait a few years. An adolescent child still her mother’s care and protection will not do anything to disturb the “stability” in her eyes that her mother provides but long after the scars have healed the memory of those beating will be forever imprinted in her psyche as a painful reminder of a mother’s love. I have seen a man in his sixties cry in the aftermath of his father’s death, he wasn’t tearful because his father died but he was crying at the memory a severe whipping that he received as a boy from his father.
    If in a few years if those children become parents and visit the same kind of abuse on their children or their partners don’t be surprised because violence begats violence.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ JUST ASKING | March 19, 2013 at 10:19 PM |

    It’s really refreshing to see you cussing those “Kollig” boys with their misplaced importance of themselves in the grand scheme of small island things. Just imagine if it was Eton or Harrow how it would have been.

    Refreshing also to see you have stopped cussing the people of St. John and calling those fiercely independent country folks stupid.
    How can you describe the people and voters of St. John as stupid when they have been able to not only produce some of the smartest business tycoons but have backed three Prime Ministers. Two of them elected in their own electoral and politically powerful right and the other by buying his way to the DLP throne with other people’s money (OPM) fraudulently siphoned away with the help of his real real PM croney, now way past his decomposition date.

    We are putting it to you that Leroy Greenverbs Parris hailing from the green Parish of St. John is the smartest Bajan that ever lived even though possessing only a primary school education well splattered with “green verbs”.
    This man not only tricked thousands of “big-up” people in well educated and sophisticated Bim out of millions of dollars but also outsmarted and is still able to control doctors, accountants, bankers, business gurus and even lawyers around corporate board tables with many of them being the products of the same elitist Kollig.

    He has the power to control even politicians at the very apex of power earning for himself the distinguishing de facto title of Rt. Hon PM. Can you imagine a man with such power as to have three PM’s in a row eating out his financial hands and being able to call the shots regarding campaigning strategy and Cabinet selections?
    Money can not only make the mare fly but can also corrupt and bribe even the devil into tricking god.

    So next time you want to cuss out the people of St. John you must think on these things.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | March 19, 2013 at 11:31 PM |
    “To those troglodytes who believe that the end justifies the means and the perceived modified behaviour is a “win win”, they should temper their celebration and wait a few years ”

    “Troglodytes”. Most appropriate noun to describe them! It is rather surprising that fundamentalist Islam does not have large following among blacks in Bim.

  16. @Observing
    This happens REGULARLY…just that “poor” Karen didn’t notice the cell phone camera rolling
    Seems like you are making a case for “poor” Karen, she just happened to be unlucky that someone was filming her when she was doling out punishment, next time she should do it behind closed doors. If it happens regularly perhaps it is a good thing that a camera was rolling and a discussion was started maybe it may prevent the next “regular” from inflicting their form of discipline upon a child.

    BTW you do realize the importance of rolling cameras don’t you? Mitt Romney surely does.

  17. @Miller
    Perhaps it has Fundamentalist Christianity, not much difference between that and Fundamentalist Islam.

  18. Lucky for chris brown that she wasnt the Bajan woman he was dating.

  19. stupse, im not saying that the mother was right, in fact she was straight up wrong, im guessing, that knowing your underage child was in a sextape, would push anyone to do strange things.

  20. As already established, sergeants tend to be fairly simple minded NCOs, well suited to executing basic instructions. When in comes to unravelling more comlex issues of policy including what is right or wrong, Bushie would prefer to listen to commissioned officers.

    Any idiot can criticize the actions of the mother. The REAL challenge is to offer meaningful and effective ALTERNATIVES. People who live privileged lives could NEVER understand the challenges of a single mother raising six children in a depressed area with little money, poor security, limited educational options, and predictable UNHELPFUL responses from our social agencies.

    Some well meaning, genuine, GOOD and intelligent women in such circumstances can be forced to make the decision to become even prostitutes because of their love and commitment for their children.

    Which of wunna self righteous so-and-so’s are willing to cast the first stone at persons who find themselves in such circumstances? Bushie will now assert without fear of intelligent contradiction, that most of us are not even worthy to tie the shoe laces of some of these “unfortunates”, if we are to judge by true RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    When people like Sargeant get up in Canada and look down on people like Karen who have learnt to survive – and even thrive, in circumstances in which he could not last for a month, one can only be amazed at his arrogance.

    Islandgal is a woman after Bushie’s own heart. When faced with a situation VERY SIMILAR to Karen’s, she took the same kind of action that Karen took. IT WAS NOT RIGHT! But it was the BEST and most intelligent course of action at the time. One presumes that faced with the same situation Sargeant would go off into a corner and cry until his father finished beating his mother….. Or in Karen’s case, wait until she added seven unwanted children to the household and then curse the welfare department …..

    Sargeant, be off… are talking shiite…..

  21. old onion bags Avatar


    Ya know …..I was about to pick dow your jaded repose like a boar cat wid a lizard….but as it is ole yelo belly……I left um……. instead lewe await the quisling

  22. @ Onions
    …much more likely, you quickly recalled the maxim about rushing in where angels fear to tread….

    LOL ….you is a boar cat or a bore cat?
    ….well look up Komodo lizards…. 🙂

  23. Sargeants also tend to be salt of the earth individuals who interact with real people rather than spout intellectual mumbo jumbo intelligible only to themselves.

    The only solution that you have proffered was support for the plank that the mother wielded, I haven’t read anything more other than an excuse for the circumstances that the poor woman found herself in, as if depressed circumstances makes a handy excuse to get away with flagrant abuse. Poor women living in depressed circumstances now have the green light to beat the living daylights out of their children with whatever is handy because …. well they deserve it.

    Bushy it would be wise to stop making moral judgements about anyone unless you know them personally, after you have exhausted your clichés about the woman you use terms like “self righteous” and people living other places looking down their noses at others. I would venture to say you know nothing of the circumstances in which I was reared, anyone could be anything on the internet given the anonymity of the medium, a few even pretend to be sages.

  24. Bush Tea;

    Your 8.02 post summed up the situation perfectly. It said exactly what I would have wished to say, succinctly. Those who have ears to hear let them hear.

  25. old onion bags Avatar

    Ba-looka D Kolij boi…….pelt a big rock ….and worthy of good salt too….an Cawmere onions ……pun he perches lookin on like a Boar Cat wid a bow tie at a wedding……Bushie dispatch quixxs do….I ent helpin ya ..tie or not..upwards n onward Mr. Komodo……as for Check-it….he smoking marawanna…LOL

  26. OOB;
    Never smoked, not even a Trumpeter, in my life. Too respectful of my loving mother’s feelings and orders.

  27. Bushie …The difference between that Mother’s action and mine was that I was defending my mother. No one was defending the daughter from that brutality inflicted by her mother. I read on FB that her son told her that if he had a gun he would shoot her and she beat him with a cricket bat for saying that. Things at home have to be really bad for a son to tell his mother that he would like to kill her. Karen the mother needs counseling on parenting. And also Bushie Karen has six children? How many fathers? And you think that she hasn’t set the example for her daughter to follow?

    I didn’t hate my father, he had a good side and a dark side. He had self esteem problems and had no good mentor in his life. His good side was that he exposed us to all types of music, classical to calypso. He was a jovial person when not drinking and took us on adventures around the island, picnicking and seeking out places like the boiling spring and Cherry tree hill. He provided for us many amenities that many people never had in those days. I am no saint but after all that he was my father. I wished I had the time and guts to tell him how his behaviour hurt us all especially our mother. When he fell ill I went to him and brought him back to Barbados, he wanted my mother to come to see him and I told him he cannot command her to visit him after all he had put her through. Many people do not know what love is, how to show it and receive it. Karen needs some lessons.

  28. old onion bags Avatar

    @ Mr Check-it

    Who robbin dis train…you or Jesse….In this Onions production… If I say ya smoking Indian Hemp…ya smokin it…..awite? Since when Colin Crumpt duz inerupt Toesy Cozier? …..Bushy,. come in the court, come in the court !

  29. @Sargeant
    We should have rolling cameras in George and Roebuck Street as well! 🙂
    Not to mention Central, Hastings and a few others…
    A lot of “wrongs” would be “righted”

    While I state again that I believe the isolated action is wrong, I invite bloggers to read up on Kohlberg for starters.

    As Bushie correctly said, there is no black and white

    Just Observing

  30. @ sarge
    …no hard feelings, but you completely misunderstand the issues.
    No doubt you get the concept of “he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not…”

    The ONLY thing that Bushie is condemning is our rush to judge this woman WITHOUT a full understanding of her challenges and options. She may well be COMPLETELY WRONG and totally evil – as many of you seem to want to suggest…. All the bushman is saying is that she may well be a better person than ALL of us – when a full understanding of her circumstances is had.

    It may not happen often at the sergeant level (where things tend to be simple and “black and white”,) but at the higher levels there are many cases where a ‘culprit’, when the full facts of a situation are known, turn out to be a hero rather than the rascal that they at first appear to be…

    In many so-called under developed societies, you will find that there are some very harsh practices which are barbaric in our opinion, but which have over the centuries proven themselves to be the best means of achieving desired ends in those particular circumstances. The ritual of transmission to adulthood in many tribal communities is often a case in point.
    Apply your western namby pamby approach in those communities and in short order the lions will kill off all the softie softie products of your approach.
    How long you feel Onions would last in Namibia…? 🙂

    Even in the USA and Europe, the soft soft approach that you seem to endorse, have not been producing the kind of adults that would recommend that approach to child rearing….

    @ Islandgal
    You were protecting your mother.
    Karen may have been driven by the only other instinct that is greater than that one….. A mother’s genuine concern for a child….

    ….If her actions were based on anything else, she should be locked up…..but only then.

  31. @ Islandgal
    BTW…..It could never happen…but
    …If one of Bushie’s children EVER reaches the point where they would threaten to shoot the bushman ‘if they had a gun’, ….there and then, they would have reached the limit of their exposure to the experience which Bushie refers to as “life on earth”.

    That child would not even have the benefit of the drive to St Lucy….

    Point is, a beating with a cricket bat by his own mother appears to be a MUCH better option than calling the police for her own son.
    That is a serious crime.
    If she did not sort him out …who else would he go on to threaten or even shoot…?
    ..have you any idea of what the police can do…?
    …ask boy blue…
    “He come fe show wha police can do…”

    @ Onions
    How you get to be running this show now?
    David barely decide to let you back into the little doo and you getting uppity already…?
    Why you don’t tell the bloggers ’bout that day Charlie cut your tail and the fellows was laughing at you….?

  32. Bushie u talking so much sh..t that i have put a roll of toilet paper next to the computer fuh every time u comment i wipe it off.

  33. ac | March 20, 2013 at 12:54 PM |

    Bushie u talking so much sh..t that i have put a roll of toilet paper next to the computer fuh every time u comment i wipe it off.

    Yuh got time to wipe Bushies bottom? LOLL Bushie wrong about that woman. That woman is a low life and a common one too. The cruelty she inflicts upon her children will backfire one day.

  34. @ ac
    No offense taken.
    It is always comforting to know that an established ignoramus is in disagreement.
    If you do a check, you will find that after wiping up Bushie’s Sh…t from your computer, the paper will still be good enough to wipe your own keyboard after your use…. 🙂

    @ Islandgal
    “That woman is a low life and a common one too. The cruelty she inflicts upon her children will backfire one day.”
    Have to disagree with that ….. Otherwise Bushie may be tempted to think “… that woman is a low life and a common one too. The cruelty she (inflicted) upon her (father) will backfire one day.”

    That is clearly not the case, since THAT lady acted with unselfish sincerity when she took that action.
    …………….Bushie has no reason to ascribe any less sincere motives to Karen.

  35. That makes me so angry! Who is she to abuse the girl like that?! That’s not love, that’s anger and cruelty!

  36. This video is so f#cked beyond belief!! What the hell are the people just standing around there for? I couldn’t help but notice a car pull up and slow down to get a front view of the “action”. THis is what pisses me off about West Indians, they have this sheepish mentality in which they LOOOOVVVVE to watch drama and find themselves incapable of being able to do anything to stop or prevent anything drastic from happening!

    I would have walked through the crowd and pull the mother off the child and disperse the crowd by telling them “if you’re only trying to be up in people’s business, then you people have seen enough. Now GO!”. It only takes one person to stop the “innocent bystander syndrome” that plagues so many societies by stepping in and doing what is right. NO matter what the child might have done (or in this case ‘said’); it does NOT warrant the mother to flog her daughter senselessly with a wooden bar to a point where it apperas that she is in fact trying to bludgeon and asphyxiate the child her by crushing her ribs with her weight.

    To those who say that it is “discipline”; you clearly come from a home where parents drew authority from the hand instead of wit and speech. My mom lashed me with a frying pan across my head and I fainted from the blow. Needless to say, she was frightened that she may have killed me and rushed me to a hospital and lied to the doctors that the cabinet had opened on its own and a series of pots and pans fell on my head. I was concussed for about a week or so. But my mother swore to me that she would NEVER do anything to harm me again.

    Watch what you do to your children, because it just might backfire on you when you least expect it, and hurt you in more ways than one!

  37. judge to condemn already evaluate the woman as “mentally deranged and in need of psychiatric help unlike the cave man mentality of bush tea whose still live in the dark ages and believes it is all right for adults with authoritarian psychosis to inflict bodily harm to able or even disable as maybe with the case of this girl who could not defend herself. bushie stop talking sh..t you sound old and outdated with your dribble.

  38. BUSH TEA you are wrong wrong wrong! You cannot beat a child to make him or her good! You have to show goodness and love, set an example!

    I was defending my mother therein lies the difference. The girl was talking back to her mother, that should never warrant an attack like that!

  39. I read every comment on this issue and just watched the video.

    WTF is wrong with you people who accept this crap. We were all outraged when Chris Brown onmek Rihanna face. Now this.
    How would you feel if this child was family to you?

    The world is full of sick violent people and we can’t ever tolerate the brutal beating of human beings.

    That woman could be charged with assault and other serious charges given the girl was screaming repeatedly “I can’t breathe,I can’t breathe”.

    Bushie I suggest you watch the video again and turn the volume up.

  40. hants “turn the volume up” that is a good one and also if imay i add tha bushie might be in need af a hearing aid and opticals.

  41. Wait ac
    …you all over the place ….you is Poonka?
    …can’t wait until your damn man come back from Arizona….

  42. Bushie
    A little birdie tell me that you backing Ma Maoney in the NUPW elections. I ask him how he know that. He said that Bushie normally kicks against the main stream and as the main stream seems to not want Ma Money, Bushie shall back him. Is his logic holding for you. By the way glad to see you still kicking and screaming in 2013.

  43. Bush Tea…..If that girl was seriously injured I wonder what would you say ….”she deserve it”?

  44. Bushie:
    I hear you like Caswell from Cawmere. I like to know so i can dust off my best english when having social intercourse with you kolij and cawmarians.

  45. @Bush Tea
    No hard feelings either but here is part of your latest salvo:

    “The ONLY thing that Bushie is condemning is our rush to judge this woman WITHOUT a full understanding of her challenges and options”.

    Now that takes the cake, we are on BU remember? The rush to judgement is all we do why don’t we ask Freundel about his challenges or Sinckler or Mia or Dottin or the CJ or fill in the blank.

    Leave out the red herrings about practices in other societies we are discussing an event in Bim and whether it is acceptable to beat someone in this manner no matter the circumstances.

    Bushy I think you missed your calling, you cuss the lawyers here but deep inside perhaps you yearn to wear silks. I could hear you trying to convince some jury on the inherent “goodness’ of your client, “M’lud my client had a wretched childhood, full of challenges, he had no option except to mug the little old lady as he was hungry and had not eaten for a week…………

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Lemuel | March 20, 2013 at 8:07 PM |

    Be careful Lemmy, that cawmere brigade is full of “rearguard admirals”.
    And you know how much you have a love-hate relationship with that happy and ‘gay’ lot of ‘left’ leaning rear officers.

  47. Miller:
    For 2013 I am more comfortable with Mam. I hope that pleases you. I constrain myself at this point. However, caswell assures me by his posts that he is a right leaning officer. I am not sure about Bushie, but then Bushie can speak for himself before island or sarge chokes him, verbally.

  48. old onion bags Avatar

    Sarge -to Bush…
    “No hard feelings”…bare shiite…..Bushie is as WRONG like a ram sheep waana be a goat….When the lil fella in the crop Ova photo.. did pun a lil wukk up ..ram sheep Bushie did out front an centre calling it child abuse and calling for justice…..So what happen since? The contrast between the two is so far apart….than even a blind man would spot the difference…..

    Bush man what really is your spin? Is that ona ur woman sharing blows?

    Your reasoning defiles common sense man….Help a fella

  49. @Onions
    That is one of the perils of blogging too much sometimes one forgets where they stood on some matters or they just want to be a contrarian, now that you reminded me Bushy like he is on quicksand.

  50. And almost as bad, are those many parents who buy their children ,mainly sons, bicycles ,.and let them loose out there without so much as a glance at them. Almost every evening after sundown I can see, barely see, boys as young as 5/6 years old, riding bicycles without any lighting or reflectors, on the wrong side of the road, Sometimes two or three abreast, and doing wheelies, if you please , like their older role models on motorised bikes. One wonders if these parents really love their children or really care about them. Lord forbid it, but its only a matter of time before we see these young bikers being decimated on our highways , just like the motorcyclist are at present.
    Course these children are only doing what they see older boys, young men and some hard back men doing.
    The authorities must realise that its at this tender age where we need to begin instilling respect,and appreciation , for law and order on our people. All the four by twos and bull pistles later on in life when they become ZR and PSV’s drivers will not cut it.

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