Submitted by Looking Glass
Stuart and Arthur, our political leaders in waiting
Stuart and Arthur, our political leaders in waiting

Yes, we need somebody with a firm hand to guide the ship of state at a time of incredible peril (Advocate April/22/201). So far the actions and promises echoed by both parties suggest ongoing deterioration and servitude not a return to prosperity.

Interested in politics from age 9 the PM prepared himself painstakingly and thoroughly for political service (Nation 25/1/2013). Given such interest one would expect he would have studied other subjects in addition to law to learn and understand something about the social and economic aspects of the country. This apparently has not been the case. So far his actions suggest he understands little. He knows who is incompetent, whose white family avoids them like the plague and who embarrassed a certain Senator by begging for a job etc, but apparently nothing about the $62 million National Debt the DLP inherited and the ownership of assets like the Port, Airport, Gems etc. .

The 2006 IMF report noted “lack of scope for development, vulnerability to external shock, the need to address macro-economic imbalances, the high level of public debt, large external fiscal external account deficits, declining international reserves and noted the weakness in statistical information. The Report referred to the situation before the DLP took over. There was no industrial accomplishment to serve as a basis for non-cyclical job generation and no purposeful additions to fuel the economy beyond tourism. Without diverse production and no real surplus we will remain dependent. Read Fallacy In Shoddy Robes Dec/1/2010.

Now we are told the fiscal crisis is a direct result of the poor policy choices which started in 2008 that our external debt service has declined and will continue to do so in the next decade.(Nation Feb/1/2013). Our structural deficits are the result of imbalances between government receipts and expenditures. Those financed by borrowing increase the debt. Does the soul responsible for these comments really believe them or simply lying to the public to win the coming election? Either way it says a lot about the opposition who, among other things, used borrowed funds to finance the Foreign Reserve and is the only country in the world to sell its National Bank. Right now the utterances from both sides of the fence suggest lack of leadership which in country terribly short of resources spells doom.

Contrary to what some may think or believe our debt did not occur during the recession.

Private Sector debt is but a miniscule part of the total National debt. Check the IMF OECD World Bank Statistics on external debt. Learn about our selected foreign assets and liabilities, loans due and debt held non-residents. Mr. PM tell the people the total National Debt, the amount the DLP inherited, your contribution to date and the assets we no longer own. It will enhance the possibility of winning the election which you will most likely loose.

He accommodated an import company not a manufacturer to sell imported food items there, gives them duty free and VAT concessions etc, but no such concessions to locals. Unable to compete effectively the local businesses will in time lay off staff and or close down. With competition out of the way the company will in time raise prices and increase profits some of which will be “exempted.” Unemployment will increase and people will be worst off. No knowledgeable soul will do such a thing. It raises the issue what did it cost the company to be accommodated.

We don’t need more schools. Use the money to introduce programs/courses related to technology, business, agriculture etc. Expose the kids to the possibility of working for themselves. The economy as structured cannot absorb the University graduates.

We are told that work for anything less than working for an honest day’s pay will aid in stunting Barbados way forward.(Nation 21/1/2013). Check the proposed salary increase for MPs. Are the financially corrupt exempted and is he talking about himself?

Yes the PM may be a bad joke but it is unfair to blame the current government for the current socio-economic condition which did not happen overnight and is largely a product of the last regime. As the IMF and others indicated they inherited an empty bucket with which to water the garden. (Incompetence Who Is To Blame Feb/11/2012).

As the IMF Report indicated there was no industrial accomplishment to serve as a basis for non-cyclical job generation and no purposeful additions to fuel the economy beyond tourism. That we cannot bring or make tourists visit the country renders the economy subject to circumstances beyond our control.

Having sold the National Bank and other major assets the BLP now promises more privatization (Devaluation And Privatization (Nov/15/2013). Selling assets like transport and education means that kids will have to pay for their education and like the aged their bus fares. It will increase the burden to poor families and limit the children’s education.

Having promised to reduce tax and VAT the BLP now promises to allocate funds to sporting organizations and lower taxes for those in sports, creative industries and artists generating foreign exchange.(Advocate Feb/6/2013). How much foreign exchange and employment will sports and the artists generate? With unemployment and illness on the increase where will the funds come from to pay for services like health and salaries etc come from? Borrowing to finance them/ non-income generating activities will only increase the debt. You will have to borrowed more money than you did in the past.

Already we have lost much of what we owned and could be reduced to structural servitude: a shrunken middle class and a massive underclass. With population and unemployment increasing without job creation prosperity is a bad dream. Empty promises and innuendoes of prosperity buttressed by questionable propaganda are unlikely to save us, more so if people continue to live beyond their means. Reconsider your plans and proposals and stop blaming the Private Sector. It isn’t too late.

111 responses to “LEADERSHIP Wanted!”

  1. What say you about the 17 pint indictment Freundel Stuart wrote on David Thompson in 2005.

    Stuart not only said that DT was not wanted but he also ran him down as a man who created internal hate, infighting, blood letting, cursing and ruling by division. Stuart also asked David Thompson to produce the IMF letter he had on Owen. Or you never heard of this 17 point cuss out?
    You live in a glass house, stop throwing stones!

  2. Here is a question:

    Is it possible that political partisans have the capacity to discuss issues?

    Instead we are subjected to silly and puerile comments to impress who?

    Even enuff has become frustrated…lol.

  3. Enuff on February 9, 2013 at 1:52 PM
    I done commenting on this blog until February 22. Waste of time debating issues with people prepared to tell lies at any cost.
    You took long to get that decision. All those blasted lying paper (BLP) ads that you were running under the theme “Enuff ah DEM” ain’t mean one $hite to a soul , esppecially when Bajans look round and realise they still paying debts for your reckless SQUANDERMANIA @

    Greenland , Al Barack , Gems , Nigerian solar scandal , Dodds prisons ???

    You realise if Michael Lashley had that money how many more houses would have been built ? Look how many houses he built and are now occupied…..while GREENLAND cannot receive a paint skillet ah $hite !

    You realise if Ronald Jones had that money how many more schools and day nurseries would have been built ? Look how many schools and day nurseries he built and are now occupied…..while the NIGERIAN people ain’t receive a damn SOLAR panel !

    You realise if Chris Sinckler had that money how many more things he would have been able to address in the Civil Service (including salary increases) ? Look what Civil servants were able to accomplish nevertheless…. While there is nothing to show for the money wasted in GEMS !

    Look watch wunna BLP tail yuh….!!!!!

  4. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son

    So why hold a national meeting in peenie weenie Carlisle Car Park tonight then? The BLP message is not resonating, it has gone stale and attendance at the meetings, national or mass, are falling.

    This is now 3 times that Sinckler has asked Owen about his bank account in the Channel Islands, will he respond or will he wait for another Haggatt Hall 2008 moment?

  5. David wrote “Is it possible that political partisans have the capacity to discuss issues?’

    Yes. If it involves a National disaster like a Hurricane or Tsunami.

    Adversarial politics is a means to preserve democracy in a small incestuous political environment in a country like Barbados.

    We are partisan and during election season it is war.

  6. Fiddler on Roof wrote “This is now 3 times that Sinckler has asked Owen about his bank account in the Channel Islands.”

    Why don’t they get a Canadian to use the FOI in Canada and see where the real money is “parked.”

  7. @I was raped
    “Even a half baked “lawyer” like Observing could have put him right”

    thank you for half baking this humble garbage man. I’d also humbly suggest some lime and maybe salt for any rawness which my comments may give you.

    @Brek Foot BLP
    “LUCIANO from Jamaica would be the headline act along with other internation(al) Bajan acts”


    “Is it possible that political partisans have the capacity to discuss issues”

    Not impossible, but improbable. That’s one of our difficulties. thing is, if you discuss an issue that disagrees with a partisan, you are labeled “from the other side.” Oh for the day when we discuss, debate and decide in the national good first, then party after.

    Don’t give up my friend. Hope springs eternal. Stick and move. lol

    Just Observing

  8. Fiddler on Roof Avatar


    Lets just let the titans fight this one out. I really don’t care who has or does not have money parked, or where that money is parked.

    Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…………..boom, a legacy gone.

  9. Yeah prodgal it is what it is the 5?p made promises believing that the BLP had not accumulated so much debt given that the economy under which they had adminitered was booming but lol and behold all they found was a measley 16 weeks of forex not enough to pay outstanding debts and keep the govt up and running. if govt is a continum the BLP made that a reality surely by the mishandling of a vibrant economy meanwhile passing on an debt ridden country to the DLP

  10. It is just past 3pm here on Ellerton pasture , St. George and the crowd is beginning to swell. The highlight so far is to see Mia Mottley , Chris Sinckler and Donville Inniss over by the pavilion having a good chat and laugh. A female passerby asked ” Ms. Mottley ain’t you suppose to be readying yourself for Carlisle carpark tonight ”
    Ever the consumate politician Mia without a delay, retorted ” my dear , you ain’t see how Owen big up Dale in the Saturday Sun today to my dismay ? They do not need me down there , I am here with my boys ”

    No doubt others within earshot , commented there is a good example of a DISJOINTED BLP bunch !

    A pity Enuff has disappeared from BU before sharing his perspective on this new twist.

    Prodigal is too SULKY to be rational !

    Onions was calling fuh elections so long….that he has ROTTENED now that the 2013 campaign is in full swing !

    Observing still waiting to see where the momentum will take either party !

  11. @brek foot BLP
    Me happens to be sharing a beverage and chat at yonder bar across the road from yonder pasture and doth not see the swollen crowd of which you speak.

    Methinks me must thus take your Mia tale with a speck of salt as well.

    Come cross the road let me buy you a beer. Wink wink.


  12. @Fiddler on Roof | February 9, 2013 at 2:26 PM |

    You really expect OSA to get into the gutter with a thug like Sinkliar.

    Any way, enuff of you Dems, I aint answering you all anymore!

  13. Fiddler,
    Why dont you and Sinkliar ask Mara about the CLICO policyholders monies which all ended up in David Thompson’s coffers? Could dear, ask she about the 2008 campaign monies which were all stored in Families First account. The policyholders are tired waiting and are starving.

    Tell me how a 2×3 lawyer like DT who never practiced no lot of law, who depended on Garth Patterson to keep the firm going, until Garth had had enough and left him, after Garth realised how greedy DT was, you tell me how he DT could end up leaving behind 34 million dollars according to info on BU?

    And one Mara has the gall to say that the BLP are morally dead. She has to be out of her mind. You dont know that had the Judicial Managers been given a free hand to work, she should have been charged for signing the cheque to launder CLICO policyholders monies! She lucky as hell. She better watch out when the BLP wins. Give me a break!

  14. See what I told you about the Dems cannot help lying. Observing now debunk the crowd lie. I mean, you people would stoop so low as to inflate numbers.

    Word is that the people are really “sick of you” (Byer Suckoo) and this concert is meant to draw out the youth vote. Too late!

  15. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    Prodigal Son

    David Thompson has been dead going on three years fool. No matter how hard you tried you cannot convict a dead man nor is the public interested in David Thompson, rightfully so.

    OSA made a public grandstand with a so called declaration of assets along with that boy Mia. It’s going to hang both of them and you know it, that’s why you have a knot in the pit of your stomach wishing silently that the campaign would be over tonight so that the BLP don’t have to suffer the same humiliation as in 2008.

    Smoke that bitch.

  16. @fiddler
    Why so aggressive ye bard of lofty heights?

    Thompson won the 2008 elections for the DLP. If no one is interested in him now wheere do you think that puts the DLP chances? Do you reaaaally think that Stuart has captured or consolidated all of this massive youth, lower income, cross bracket, new voter support for the benefit of the DLP??

    Just Observing

  17. That’s the only way you Dems operate, in the gutter. I will not go there with you. Tell your lies, it is the way that you Dems have handled the economy that will be judged by the voters, not what you want.

    Why dont you talk about Michael Lashley’s detainment in the US? Think people dont know about that? You live in a glass house, stop throwing stones, you lovely Barbadian????

  18. Fiddler on Roof Avatar


    Here is a question for you, if or when FS defeats OSA what will that say about him (OSA) and what does that mean for him as a politician and for his future?

    Why is Mia giving bags and bags (get what I mean) of support to Cumberbatch, the campaign manager for Dennis Holder in St. Joseph? It has become so bad and so obvious that OSA has to go personally to try and rescue Dale with sweet words in an attempt to counteract the poison being inflicted in Dale by Mia in the constituency of St. Joseph.

    It’s the Year of the Snake and Dale, George Payne and Ladybird Walcott all know know that Mia is injecting some sick and deadly poisonous venom up in the North and down in the South.

    Ask any one in the BLP if they can will a government if they loose both seats in the North and don’t manage to capture John the voice Boyce’s seat in the South?

  19. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son

    Say what you want but at least OSA had the political sense to know that Mia needed to be push out of the party so she would not and could not undermine the party from the inside.

    Unfortunately for OSA the man FS refused to partake in either human trafficking or garbage collection, so now the BLP has snake in the house during the dangerous night time of election.

  20. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…………….BOOM, legacy gone.

  21. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    In 2008 the people of Barbados voted for change, it took nearly three years and the death of a man but in the end the people got what they wanted. A better government, an honest government and they know it, they can see that FS goes quietly about the job of PM without fanfare and that’s what is killing the BLP.

  22. @bard of lofty heights

    Is it the modus operandi of DLP bloggers to NEVER answer a direct question posed to them???
    Do you seriously think Holder will defeat Marshall?
    Do you seriously believe that a Freundel led DLP will get the demographically broad coalition of votes that helped the dlp over the top in 2008?
    Do you honestly believe those marginal seats can survive a national swing? Not withstanding the few that have shored up their base?

    Can you actually answer any of my actual questions so we can actually have a discussion?

    Just observing

  23. Fiddler on Roof Avatar


    How much money did it take to steal the two Northern seats in 2008 when the BLP secured both constituencies with a combined total of less that 90 votes.

    Yes, Dale is a beaten man, why you think OSA trying to save his crutch?

    Also The Orange Hill stronghold for George Payne has even penetrated and has collapsed upon him inthis election, he’s not the only one in the race with a pancart full of money to spend. Ask Mia how much money has been made available to Irene this election.

  24. @Fidler on the Roof

    Are you the same person who has posted on BU that Eswick will only speak on DLP platforms mounted in St. Philip?

    Are you the same person – or was it Fractured BLP – who commented that Rawle Eastmond will not support Hinkson in St. James North?

  25. Fiddler on Roof Avatar


    I spoke about Estwick based on credible information reaching me. I said nothing about Rawl.

  26. @Fidler

    Well your information was WRONG.

  27. This getting interesting.

    Downright nasty stinking dirty politricks Bajan style.

    Democracy at work.

  28. @ Fiddler on the roof

    This election seemingly will be a lot of back stabbing and pay back.

    David Thompson made no effort to pursue the VECO matter or those he knew were involved because he himself got a piece of the VECO pie. Maybe. The IRS and FBI in the United States seized millions of VECO records. Those records show payments and gifts surrendered to Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall and David Thompson. Maybe. Both the BLP and DLP had some of the CLICO pie. The DLP had more. Owen Arthur invited the 75,000 campaign cheque into his personal banking account KNOWING it did not belong to him. David Thompson, again made no effort to convict him. Owen Arthur, he knew was a dishonest man but he knew that he (David Thompson) himself was a dishonest man.

    Prime Minister Stuart you say is an honest man – not debateable. David Thompson we know made effort to investigate Violet Beckles claim of which involves the BLP administration, and the National Housing Commission (NHC), a government entity. . . . . moving tax numbers from one person with deed to another person with no deed and no proof of sale. . . . massive land fraud.

    Everything is now public knowledge, what many have made effort to hide. Violet Beckles inherited a vast amount of land from Beatrice Henry, more than what she realized I think. Those lawyers she made contact with knew this. The BLP government allowed this to happen but the DLP government following the death of David Thompson just looked the other way. Speaking at a political meeting at the corner of Deacons Road, Owen Arthur said “the island had been humiliated by the recent S&P downgrade.”We have been reduced to junk status and someone has to be held responsible for it. He Arthur said also that the S&P downgrade report must be taken seriously, buttttttttt Violet Beckles. That old woman has been humiliated by massive land theft and fraud perpetraded by corrupt lawyers and high authorities in Barbados. This must be taken seriously. This must be taken seriously. Someone has to be held accountable.

    Prime Minister Stewart made public sixteen points why David Thompson should not be the prime Minister. Clyde Mascoll’s reply to Owen Arthur’s 2004 budget was also made public.

    Mr Speaker, as I sat yesterday listening to the Right Honourable Member for St Peter, once again I became convinced that the Right Honourable Prime Minister does not have any clue as to where he wants to take this country Barbados. The Right Honourable Prime Minister has no clear vision of the kind of Barbados that he wants to leave when he exists the political stage . . . . The Right Honourable Member for St Peter does not speak from a deeply-held philosophical position. His positions and policies reek of political opportunism and pragmatism. His blunderings and meanderings have been masked by excellent public relations machinery.

    “Mr Speaker, in addition to that magnitude of borrowed funds, this Minister, the Right Honourable Prime Minister, had an additional $900 million more in taxes in one fiscal year, than the last Democratic Labour Party Finance Minister.

    Mr Speaker, that would have given the Minister, the Right Honourable Prime Minister, $3.5 billion more at his disposal, than the Democratic Labour Party would have had in 1994. Sir, the national debt is not just an amorphous figure that we conjure up. It is money that our children and grandchildren would have to repay . . . .

    “Mr Speaker, the thing about it is that this Prime Minister is a catastrophic failure, when you look at the fact he had more resources than any other Prime Minister in the history of Barbados. The Prime Minister has, in fact, not made good use of the resources available to him and when you look at the social state in Barbados, the decline in the ability to get housing, the decline in the health care delivery, the educational system, the transportation system, you have only to conclude that this Government has wasted the resources of this administration.”

    Laugh, go ahead and laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Barbados is chiaotic. It’s just a mess. No government is perfect and no country utopia, but damn Barbados is off the hook and a piece of work. Barbados offers tourists and its own civilians more disadvantages and advantages. There is no such thing as emminent domain, APPARENTLY. Barbados lawyers and government took from Violet Beckles masses amount of land that she owned but WITHOUT COMPENSATION. They did this because they could. Driving under the influence (DUI) is legal not breathlizers. Corrupt lawyers and politicians are not persecuted or convicted

  29. Fiddler on Roof Avatar


    I was not wrong it just didn’t come to pass, you enquire why not and then get back to me with what your source(s) reveal.

  30. Fiddler on Roof Avatar

    May the PM have intervened?

  31. @fiddler
    You are all over the place. Hold strain, tug the reins and pull them back to the center. I noticed you refused my beer earlier but I understand.

    Btw, aree you and brekfoot blp related by any chance?

    Just observing

  32. @Observing
    Not impossible, but improbable. That’s one of our difficulties. thing is, if you discuss an issue that disagrees with a partisan, you are labeled “from the other side
    That echoes something I may have said, so how do we get past that?

  33. Imagine OSA says he is ready to lead Barbados again and on the presentation of his candidates @ Carlisle car park Owen instead of going on the BLP platform….stumbled his way to the bar of the Jolly Roger docked close by.

    Blasted drunkard !

  34. The BLP has announced that it will suspend its election campaign on Ash Wednesday out of respect for the season of lent.

  35. Typical – The BLP has employed some very high priced foreign consultants to do “perception management” – that is create optics and impressions. We should understand the Ash Wednesday statement in the same way – it is not out of any respect for the Christian season or deeply held philosophical view but to create an impression.The entire BLP campaign is smokes and mirrors like forcing Mottley and Arthur to sit next to each other on a bus and call the press to take a picture. Look for more of these publicity stunts over the next few days. It will not fool Bajans.

  36. Owen Arthur just stood up in Carlisle Car park with a straight face and talked about better standards of governance.Ha ha hahaha, I thought that Arthur was drunk.
    He then proceeded to make nearly I billion dollars in promises and giveaways ,it gets better – He said absolutely nothing about spending cuts or where the money will come from.
    The BLP really thinks Bajans are stupid. Where will the expenditure cuts come from?Stupse.

  37. So please help me understand cause I doan live down dey an unlike Bushie I ent know eva ting.

    Has Mia Mottley been “kicked to the curb”?

    Exactly what is Barney Lynch saying?

    Read this.

  38. The BLP is now unified with Dale as deputy and Mia on the side lines?

    What is barney saying buy his emphasis on Dale as Deputy dog.

  39. David what is your take on Barney supporting Dale as deputy and does that mean Mia is under pressha from Owen and co.

  40. It looks like Peter Wickham push poll swing is not working for some BLP candidates.
    Word on the ground is that Dennis Holder is giving Dale Marshall a run for his money and it is getting Dale and Owen Frighten. It is so frightening that Owen went up there and thanked him for his support during as he said the darkest day of BLP politics. WHAT WAS THAT DARK PERIOD?

    Noel Lynch even got involved and said Dale Marshall would be deputy leader if he is given another chance. That left Mia seeing red because things dread for her.

    What most BLP supporters on the Blog do not understand is that Owen Arthur does not have the same appeal he had in 2004.Putting up his posters in all constituencies is only hurting the candidates running for those constituencies because every time someone sees his picture they remember the 75000 cheque.

    The DLP is doing a very god job as portraying as Mr. Squandermaniac.
    BLP supporters says the Dem are looking back too much but they are looking back at the last five years and saying it was the worst time in Barbados history. Cannot have it both ways my friends

  41. @Hants

    St. Joseph is a marginal seat even though Marshall swam against the swing last election. He (BLP) also feeds off momentum from St. Andrew. There is an unknown factor this time around in these two constituencies which means Marshall and Payne cannot take anything for granted. Lynch was probably singing a platform narrative given this dynamic, who knows. In any even Lynch needs to let the BLP heavy weight make such statements.

  42. David it is clear to me that Mia is not in contention for leadership of the BLP until Owen and is supporters leave politics.

    I hope Mia has a game plan and time frame to return to her rightful place as leader of the BLP…… unless she decides to become and “Ambassador” to the UN or some such prestigious position…….regardless of which party wins.

    BLP unity is not as clearly defined as I thought.

  43. David if you check the boundary realignment since Owen Arthur lost by one vote. The Whim was strong for the DLP was removed from St.Peter and placed into St.James North. Indian ground that is strong for the BLP was placed in St.Andrew along with Orange Hill which is also strong for the BLP. To me that is rigging the vote. St.Andrew should be only St.Andrew voters.

  44. Just finished having a second look at Owen Arthur dismissive comments about Mia Mottley and ended up beong fillied with rage.

    Here is it a brilliant young woman being hacked to her political death by a drunkard.

    Imagine who gave the eulogy at her funeral her “trusted friend” Barney Lynch.

    In the church singing the burial hymns were Observing , Miller , Onions , Enuff and Prodigal.

    Their favourite funeral song is UNITED the BLP we stand !

  45. @Clone

    All makes for two interesting ridings!

  46. Brek Up DLP.
    Dont you ever get tired telling lies, my goodness!Ease off we are going into the Lenten season. Imagine that joker you have as a leader, lazied about on the job and wait until the last minute and called an election in Lent.

    Even a priest at my church who used the pulpit to lambaste the BLP in 2007 for announcing the election in December …he was then pompasetting….never again should we have to go through this calling of an election in December disturbing the peace of the holy season. I was waiting on him this morning and he actually denounced the PM for calling the election in Lent. But there again,, the Dems eat their own and after all he did for them, they dumped him too.

    I will respond to you on February 22nd, until then throw your BLP tantrums. If you lose, I will come to George Street and search for you cause God knows you may be recovering from a heart attack!

  47. Prodigal

    You in trouble – your BLP is shattering right before your eyes with days to go before election day.

    Mia in first slip just waiting. Prodigal scared to look up at a big screen – in fear of seeing OSA tiefing legacy thereupon.

    Not long to wait now Prodigal….tick tock !!!

  48. Hope you will put up the corrupt Dems too……………Dr Estwick, Dennis Lowe, Michael Lashley, Stephen Lashley, Kenny Worst, Richard Sealy, Haynesley Benn, Chris Sinkliar, Donville Inniss, John Boyce, Darcy Boyce, Harry Husbands, George Hutson.

    This is 2013, not 2008.

  49. @ Prodigal Son

    None of the people listed above in your last comment ever purloined a campaign finance contribution and then banked in their personal bank account.

    I will give you three guesses to name one BLP candidate who purloined a campaign finance contribution and added it to his personal wealth.

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