Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union
Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

The supposed conclusion to the long-running Alexandra debacle appears to have caused more problems than it would have solved. Some might argue, and I am tempted to agree, that the resolution imposed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) has solved nothing. It would appear that the PSC attempted to settle the internecine warfare that was being waged for years by awarding neither side a victory.

The cowardly solution has resulted in over twenty teachers, including all but one of Alexandra’s management team, being transferred and scattered throughout the Teaching Service. It has proven to be unpopular with a majority of those involved in this unsightly mess. Also, it would appear that the PSC did not consider or paid blatant disregard to the harm their actions would be inflicting on the students who are about to take examinations. The teachers will get over the effects of the transfers with time; but the harm inflicted on the children is potentially devastating on those 4th, 5th and 6th form students whose future could very well be affected.

The harm to the education system and the children aside, the justice system in this country could be irreparably damaged by the fallout from the ill-advised actions of the PSC. The Waterman Commission made recommendations for limited transfers, but unfortunately, the PSC went overboard and transferred/punished most, if not all, of the teachers that appeared before the commission of inquiry as witnesses.

In our justice system, witnesses are only punished if they were found to have committed perjury. In this case, the geniuses that comprise the PSC have sought to punish not only the guilty but also the witnesses. We should not be surprised if people shy away from giving evidence at any other commission of inquiry or worse yet if they refuse to testify at criminal trials out of fear of repercussion from the precedents set in this case. Truthful witnesses before our courts and commissions should not be discouraged from giving evidence. That is not the way our justice system should work.

The PSC is well advised to undo the harm that has been inflicted before it takes root. Failing that this country will suffer long term for the ill-advised punitive transfer of teachers who did their civic duty by giving evidence.

Oh! By the way, members of the PSC, you can do this country a service by handing in your resignations: you have lost all credibility.

215 responses to “Poor Judgment by Public Service Commission”

  1. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Caswell

    Has no aplicability to Broomes matter. Mr. Broomes has being transferred to another school in the same position, namely Principal.

    If you are going to be telling Mr. Broomes to rely on the fact that he is Principal of a particular school (Alexandra) and not any other school and on that basis (technicality) to refuse to report for duty at Parkinson then seems to me you are a fool for advising him so and he would be a bigger fool for accepting that advice as sound.

    Mr. Broomes nor you are the first, second or final arbiter on whether the transfer is lawful or not. That is a matter for the courts.

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Additional Services

    I am not advising Broomes. I am merely replying to the question that you posed.

    Sent from my iPad

  3. I for one am glad that the AX students will not be seeing on a daily basis most of the culprits involved in the suppression of their continuing education over the last 9-10 years, which was tantamount to two 5 year turn over of students. None of them should have remained at AX as a reminder of the trauma these kids were subjected to; now they will be able to continue their studies undisturbed by infantile behavior. Imagine if this lack of common sense had affected and impeded your child’s educational growth??

  4. Additional Services finally a voice of common sense and good reasoning.

  5. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Caswell

    Thats a cop-out. If Broomes foolish enough not to report for duty at Parkinson School at the beginning of the new term then I hope and pray he is FIRED immediately.

    We have to have some degree of order and control in the public service it would actually do alot of good for others to see that there are serious consequences to all actions.

    Although Mr. Broomes should be fired for allegegly forging exam or performance results of a student(s).

  6. @caswell
    Ya didn’t listen to Bushie and ya don’t listen to me.

    The minimum qualification for a teacher is CXC, then A’level, then on from there. Therefore a teacher with A’level Physics but a degree in Blogography and BU Economics is still qualified to teach Physics. Also, teachers are appointed to the service, assigned to a school and placed in a Department (secondary). they are not assigned to a specific subject. In the same way there is no post called Principal OF Alexandra there is no post called Teacher of Physics.

    Now, the Act grants the Principal the power to assign teachers according to their abilities. It is one of his legal duties to set the timetable and allocate staff. He/she may not always get it right but neither do any of us.

    I agree refusal of unlawful instructions is a right. Can you point out the unlawful instructions given to the transferees?

    “I am not advising Broomes”
    I would humbly suggest based on your rebuttal that you don’t advise teachers either.

    Just Observing

  7. Just Observing you being “wicked today. ROFLMAO

  8. Man ALL these teachers need to do is go see TIMON FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. LOL


  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I refuse to argue with you when you are totally mistaken and refuse sound advice. The next time you see an advertisement for a teaching post at a secondary school, check it carefully and you will see that it is subject specific.

    You are quite right, I only offer advice to teachers who are members of Unity Workers Union, and there are a few and growing.

    Sent from my iPad

  10. Have anyone of you been ever taught by a dissatisfied or disgruntled teacher? All of you are concentrating and discussing Broomes but think about the students who will be taught by the newly transferred teachers.
    No one is offering alternatives to the PSC.
    I will.
    Instead of spending the money on the Commission of Inquiry the 1000 teachers and the subjects taught could have been thoroughly reviewed and those teachers whose subjects are commensurate with the prospective transferees should have been humanely interviewed and those who had no difficulty in being transferred would have been used.
    There are many teachers who have not been transferred who would have like to be removed from similar unpalatable circumstances at their schools. Broomes is not the only dictatorial and problematic principal .

  11. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ All

    Too many people in Barbados want to be the generators of heat but not of light. Why so many people want confusion to reign in Barbados and to continue to stoke the furnace of confusion in Barbados is beyond me.


    Totally agree with your comments. Mr. Broomes is holding out all hope and gambling everything, including the tranquil environment of the children of AX on the technicality that he is Principal of Alexander and no other.

    If that arguement by Mr. Broomes is correct what would be the legal position if:

    Alexandra School burnt down and the GOB decided against rebuilding a new school at that location but built a new school 5 miles away with a new name, would it be reasonable for the PSC or MOE or GOB to argue that Mr. Broomes was the Principal of Alexandra School (now destroyed) and therefore they had no obligation to provide continuing employment for Mr. Broomes given that HIS school no longer existed?

  12. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ shellya

    The COI is already complete, can’t take back what has already been complete.

    However with that said, you can’t argue that at least this is a step in the right direction towards transforming the school/educational system in Barbados.

  13. Drink for Thought Avatar
    Drink for Thought

    As far as I remember the ads for teaching stipulate the subject matter. A school advertises for someone to teach history or related subjects like english lit and lang. Let’s say that I have A levels in History and English but I did a Bsc in Management or Accounting. I applied to your school in response to a vacancy for an Accounts teacher. I got the job. Don’t tell me that because I have A levels in English that after 4 or 5 years of teaching Accounts and POB that you can transfer or reassign me to the English department. Or worse, send me to a school in faraway land to teach English.

    We had a contract for me to teach Accounts. You offered me a job to teach accounts. Next thing you gine say is because I do a part time course in plumbing you want me to fix the leaks in the bathroom.

    This is what Bushie means when he talks about fairness and justice. How the hell could that be fair to me? How the hell could you not recognise that this may set a dreadful precedent like so many other things in this saga?

  14. @caswell
    So now we’re saying that an . ad in the newspaper determines your job status, statuatory position and by extension infers terms and conditions? To hell with what is said in the interview or written on your contract and in law?!

    Are you saying that because I apply to teach history at a school that I can’t be put to teach social studies?? Or if I applied for Physics that I can’t be asked to teach integrated science?

    Do you know that the appointment or contract letters for teachers which makes their appointment valid does not specify a subject . And if you wanted to go back to letters 9 years ago there is an actual clause that says the teacher is “subject to transfer at any time?”

    Caswell, you do not know it all because none of us do. Sometimes you are wrong and this is such a time. No argument is necessary.

    Physics -> accounts and spanish = chalk and cheese
    Chemistry -> biology = cheddar and mozarella

    Just observing

  15. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Drink for Thought

    But if the Accounts program at the schools was discontinued at your school as a policy directive and there was a vacancy in the English department for a teacher for which you are qualified, you would expect to be offered that position before being sent home to suck salt.

    The employment contracts with the teachers will, I am certain, contain some such clause that says ‘or such other duties and functions as management/the employers may designate from time to time’

  16. Drink for Thought Avatar
    Drink for Thought

    Since all posts have to be advertised whatever post you appoint me to should bear some similarity to the ad. Some subjects are so closely related that recruitment focuses on teachers who can handle that range. If recruitment and contract focus on a specific subject however, then you cannot compel me to teach other subjects even if they are similar.

    If you want a mason who could tile and wire a bit then hire one. Don’t hire a cabinet maker and expect him to tile your bedroom.

  17. @ Observing
    You are so WRONG on this issue that it is actually funny.
    Obviously, (Unlike Bushie) you have never been a teacher. As “drink for thought” said, if you offer him a job to teach Accounts and you happen to note from his CV that he is a mathematician, do you think that gives you a RIGHT to make him teach Maths? LOL

    Of course, if you are NICE, and ASK him nicely if he would DO YOU A FAVOUR and teach the Maths for you..AND HE AGREES…..that is a different matter

    As to the blogger talking about firing Mr Broomes if he fails to turn up to work.. You obviously are either a child or an eternal optimist.

    You Ever heard about UNIONS?
    You ever heard about SHUTDOWNS?
    You ever heard about Sir Roy…?
    … GROW UP DO!

    They can’t even fire a normal teacher who REFUSED to teach for a whole term….

  18. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Observing(…)

    If Broomes goes down this road, he is doing so because he is an egotistical maniac, who even in the face of a lawful directive by his employer, wants to continue and demonstrate that he is beyond the rules, the procedures, the terms and conditions of his contract and the law.

    If he refuses to turn up for duty at principal of Parkinson School at the beginning of the new term (without good cause) then he want and should be FIRED, FIRED, FIRED.

    He is already an embarassment to his family, his friends and his teaching profession. Broomes go home, you are reckless of and ignorant to what this country and our school children need period.

  19. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Drink for Thought

    You are talking to the wind: their minds are made up so nothing you say would matter to them. Jesus himself could not convince them.

    Sent from my iPad

  20. Drink for Thought Avatar
    Drink for Thought

    I would not expect to be offered that position. If I wanted to be considered for it and you agreed that I was a suitable candidate then yes. The difference is when there is a change of scope both parties should agree.

    Related duties are things like holding drama club and conducting plays for English teachers not teaching other subjects.

  21. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Bush Tea

    The Unions in Barbados is just another blasted fraud sunshine. You really feel them care about workers in this country or (about Union dues) flying all accross the globe first class and staying @ US$500/night hotels and eating the most blasted expensive food even tho they can’t even pronounce the name of the item on the menu?

    Broomes want Firing if he don’t turn up for work as principal of Parkinson for the new term.

    You say he can’t get FIRED. Orite, orite. Despite free education Barbados really made up of alot of ignorant dumsy people.

  22. Additional Services Avatar
    Additional Services

    @ Drink for Thought

    Assuming you are correct, where is the change in scope for Mr. Broomes, who is now transferred/relocated to Parkinson in the position of Principal?

    Explain that without looking like a fool similar to Caswell?

  23. man Additional Services there is no need to get all hot under the collar….Perhaps Broomes should be fired, but Bushie’s position is THAT should have been done LONNNNNGGGG ago by a Board Chairman, Chief Education Officer, or CPO…..

    We are now at the stage where the CPO, CEO, Chairman, and MOE are the ones who should be fired…

    If you at this stage fire Broomes for some foolishness, then it gives the various unions NUPW / BAPPS / BWU the opportunity to stand on principle (and principal) and flex their muscles.
    ….Industrial relations have NO RELATIONSHIP with law, common sense, logic or sanity…..
    …it may just be a matter of a pissing competition…depending on who is friends with who…. And the Biggest and Baddest ALWAYS wins….. And those looking for votes ALWAYS lose….

    ….see if you can decipher that… 😉

  24. @bushie
    You sure you want to sink with caswell on this one? Don’t mix up duties, rights and privileges.

    @drink for thought and all
    A) you apply for an ad that says teacher “to teach” accounts.
    B) you are eventually appointed by contract to the post of teacher/graduate teacher (not of accoounts or anything for that matter) and assigned to the business and/or maths department
    C) you teach accounts, but are also qualified to teach Principles of Business, office admin and maths

    The Principal of the school (and your head of department) has the legal, procedural and operational right if they choose, to assign you to teach any subject in your department which they believe and can show that you are qualified to teach. Actually, this very action is one of their legal and statuatory duties.

    Now, where the assigned subject falls outside your department or within the range of “minimum qualification” then consultation and agreement with you should be (not must) the order of the day. Despite any of the above, any teacher can challenge his or her assignment, but where abilities and qualification dictate that they can do the job and the action is needed for he school to run, that challenge will be a dead end. Kind of like what Mary is facing now.

    Hope this helps readers who were curious.

    I’m looking forward to this legal challenge from Jeff as well.

    I was a lot of jobs in previous lives 🙂

    Just observing

  25. @Cannot be misled | January 4, 2013 at 8:31 AM | Your premise is wrong. The MoE has contracts with the various teachers and those contracts are often governed by collective agreements with the unions. Please take my word that in this mass transfer, the MoE has breached many of those contracts. An action for breach of contract will therefore succeed against the MoE. As I say your premise is incorrect.

    In the case of Broomes, the transfer may also be seen as defamatory. Certainly, I also believe that Broomes constitutional rights have been breached.

    In the final analysis, the Government may change the law, but it may not break it. Otherwise it too can be called to account like all the rest of us.

    @Caswell Franklyn | January 4, 2013 at 9:38 AM | In this you list the names of the members of the Public Service Commission. I note the name of Keith Simmons. I therefore re-ask Observing’s question. Do you see a conflict of interest in this, given his position on the management of AX? I do. And it is not a grey area of law either, but clear conflict that even you, as a quasi-legal-eagle ought certainly to have the competence to realise. On the subject of Observing, it seems to have occurred to few that our friend Observing is a very wise, infinitely compassionate and, unless I miss my guess, extremely acute senior counsel who is unconflicted in this issue and therefore can be seen as impartial. We can all learn from him, especially you. So why do you not answer his question directly?

    @David | January 4, 2013 at 12:18 PM | You are wrong in your response to Additional Services, but only in omission. It is highly possible that Broomes may seek an injunction, which he can do on a certificate of urgency, given the time lines. It is likely that such an injunction will be sought ex parte, which would mean that the parties would return to the Court within 5 days or so for the matter to be heard inter partes. I would think that upon the return to court for an inter partes hearing, counsel for Broomes would already have prepared an application for stay of an adverse decision by the High Court to be filed with the Court of Appeal pending hearing of the appeal, which immediately stays the execution of an adverse order by the High Court and then the matter has to go on appeal. Once a date of appeal is set (which could take some time) I would imagine that counsel will already have prepared and have ready for filing, an application to the CCJ for stay of any adverse order of the Court of Appeal, pending the hearing of an appeal to the CCJ. And during this whole mess, the MoE has GOT to maintain the status quo, or face the extremely expensive consequences which will make the $600,000 of the COI look like chicken feed. And remember that the resources of two unions will be deployed on Boomes’ behalf, along, possibly, with the threat of industrial action. And it is to this impasse that the ball-less wonder known as Fumble has reduced the situation. As I said before, the fat lady has not yet sung – not by a long shot. And our elected officials have, once again, created a situation that stands every chance of diminishing the status of Barbados in the regional and international forum even more. If they carry on this way, someone had better just pull the damned plug and let us sink. And Fumble is a damned lawyer. He KNOWS all this. Or does he! Maybe his legal competence is on a par with the joker he brought in as Chief Justice.

    @Additional Services. With respect, you are consistently wrong and do not disagree with Observing, because what he has forgotten about law most people never knew.

    @Bushie. With deep respect and cyber affection, if you tangle with Observing on this, it is akin to trying to teach your grandmother how to such eggs. Not a good idea.

  26. @ Caswell
    Was there an Alexandra School Act in place when Jeff Broomes was appointed?

  27. Lot of outdated people running Barbados’ affairs

    we talk about the parliamentarians but what about those kunts on boards and commissions?

  28. Perhaps the issue for many of the transferrees is not the transfer but the subjects they are being asked to teach. There is even laughter at the fact two department heads of Art have been transferred to AX.

  29. @ aMUSED
    RE @Bushie. With deep respect and cyber affection, if you tangle with Observing on this, it is akin to trying to teach your grandmother how to such eggs. Not a good idea.


  30. David
    Mary Redman’s press statement really is saying nothing and will have no bearing on what happens next week. She is still saying that Mr Boomes should move and not the teachers. The teachers and Mr.Broomes will be transferred.
    The Ministry can work out any hiccups after Monday staff meetings.

    Why doesn’t Mary Redman complain that there are many Primary schools without male teachers?
    Alexandra can hire a cricket coach like Combermere

  31. @Clone

    She said a lot but the couple things she said which resonate are:

    1. that two teachers who have contracts which prevent transfer without their consent will report to AX next week.
    2. secondly the MOE transferring a couple of shop stewards contravenes a couple of international agreements which says that shop stewards CANNOT be transferred with out a process.
    3. Lastly the position that the transfers are being viewed as punitive because they are linked to Broomes transfer.

  32. @observing

    kindly explain what you mean by the deputy chairman enhancing ministry’s policy?

  33. Ronald Jones (BUT)

    Jeff Broomes (BUT)

    Karen Best (BUT)


  34. @ Amused
    If you are correct that a teacher can be mandated to teach a subject for which he was not hire then it would indicate to us that our education system has indeed reached a nadir…

    When there are vacancies, posts are advertised and presumably, applicants are hired on the basis of being best suited to meet the required qualifications for that post.
    Obviously, a well rounded applicant will be more desirable than a straight single subject applicant, and short term assignments in emergency situations can be arranged by the Management.

    If the system formally allows a Principal to assign substantive subjects to persons not hired for that subject then we can easily arrive at a situation where persons are “hired” on the basis of their areas of strength and put to teach subjects where they are not suited (because the hirer is their friend / family etc)
    If this occurred in an environment where there is ongoing assessment, then any poor performance resulting could be identified and investigated. In our system however, such a poor teacher could destroy children for DECADES without detection or consequences.

    Clearly you are talking about teaching RELATED subjects, or subjects which were outlined UP FRONT as required to fill the position.

    Say Bushie had a BSC in Chemistry and a Masters in Business and was interested in teaching Chemistry because he found it fulfilling. Bushie applies and is posted to teach Chemistry at Ax.
    You and Observing are saying that Broomes could call the Bush Man one day and instruct him to start teaching Business Studies next week?
    Bushie could only LOL.

    @ GP
    ….not really GP. Bushie just demonstrated that you two do not know squat about the Bible….but you do a heck of an academic show with it…
    With respect to medicine, everything that you know is now available (via Google and the www) to every schoolchild. What is to teach…?

  35. BU sides with Caswell and Bush Tea. A specific teaching post is normally advertised. When the teacher is appointed and the Head wants to assign the teacher another subject area it is done BUT after collaborating with the teacher.

  36. @david

    1. If the teachers are under the MOU they cannot be moved
    2. Find ILO 135 online and feel free to point out where it says shop stewards can’t be moved.
    3. We discussed this punitive issue at length today. If she argues “punitive”, she must also argue on Broomes’, williams’ and woods’ behalf. Can’t separate people and issues conveniently. I’ll comment on it further later.

    The chairman’s job is to effect the Minister’s policy at the school. He also sits on the PSC which affects personnel decisions and discipline in the service. He also testified before the commission. He was also a part of the fracas. Nuff said.

    Some parts of the statement are worthy of discussion, but its not enough to stop some action from being taken. Whether now or in the future.

    Just observing

  37. What about the right of the child that was violated by Mary Redman’s callousness in calling a strike where the children were not taught.
    Can you investigate who those two are? Hope not Ms Greaves
    You see that she was not promoted. One of the complaints was she did not teach CAPE subjects eg Chemistry.If you have a degree in Chemistry you can teach CAPE chemistry. She is baulking at the fact she has been moved out of her comfort not teaching zone at Alexandra to where she has to teach because the Students at HC all want Island Scholarships and so there is no rest for the wicked


    This thing has blown up in Stuart’s face

    Ronald Jones is now laughing at Stuart
    Ronald has now embarrassed Stuart like how Stuart embarrassed Ronald by taking away the deputy PM acting pick.

    Popcorn anyone ?
    The saga continues

  39. @David

    the transfer of a shop steward is against ILO convention.? She is saying that an employer cant transfer an employee because he/she is a shop steward. I have never heard of that. I know that shopsteward cant be penalsised for representing his colleagues, ansdwhen he sits in a meeting to represent a colleague he should not be disrepected among other thing. A shopsteward should not be promoted outside his school then. She is like a fish out of water.

    Why she wanted the transfer of Mr. Broome although he has a letter appointing him to Alexander, What goes up must come down. It would seem that only two teachers on her side have a case provided their last appointments were under the old Act. I always hear be careful wishing evil for others as it may befall you

    I hope that the Public Service Act is implemeted and the time their withdarw their labour that their pay be docked. It said any person on strike shall not be paid. .

  40. @Observing(…)

    What is your interpretation?

    Article 1

    Workers’ representatives in the undertaking shall enjoy effective protection against any act prejudicial to them, including dismissal, based on their status or activities as a workers’ representative or on union membership or participation in union activities, in so far as they act in conformity with existing laws or collective agreements or other jointly agreed arrangements.

  41. How people could be so foolish to find this $600,000 mess staring DEM in their faces AFFA all….ac wanna just dodge d bullet…now this raaaa…AFFA all the warnings from the likes of a Wickman.Tell me Count Dread… aint Going Go Away….90 days or not….Mary now tell me she just chuck in 2nd gear……whaloss…fire gine soon come outta D muffla….LOL…whalosss…wait you eva see a Rocklyn Bus gine up a hill and backin down Bushie ?…dao mekk sport son….sport now start

  42. @david
    Don’t follow the multitude to blog evil. Lol. I already explained at length how it happens. Any of them can place facts on the table to dispell my explanation or bring a case where a teacher refused to teach another subject to which they were assigned and won his/her case.

    Caswell and Bushie arguing that it CANNOT happen. I boldly declare that it CAN, that it DOES and that it is within the Head’s RIGHT, DUTY and legal PURVUE!

    I’ll allow you however to put “them” behind you and agree that collaboration should occur as a professional courtesy. But, given my rationale and parameters it is not an absolute requirement.

    We are indeed talking about related subjects usually in the same department. Once qualified you can be assigned to teach. Again I’ll state…regardless of the advertisement, you are appointed to the post of TEACHER with the undestanding that you can be asked to teach subjects other than what you were hired for.

    If anyone wants a “legal” exposition rather than an observing layman’s then I’ll be happy to oblige. 🙂

    Just observing

  43. @david
    The key phrase is “any act prejudicial to them”

    Can we prove that a legally conducted transfer invoked by extraordinary circumstances which maintains all current terms and conditions is prejudicial?

    Just observing

  44. wait observing i ran out of popcorn. going to the store to get more. very interesting perspective on your part. wait i ‘ll be back soon. wait wuh happen to legal beagel Caswell.

  45. @ David

    That means they cannot be harassed or fired for carrying out union work. It does not mean they cannot be transferred. The ILO did not hire them, nor is it paying their salaries. It cannot tell an employer how to organize their operations.

    If you read carefully Gail Streat (union steward) engaged in an illegal strike against the collective agreement and most likely the PSC Act. According to the above, she is getting off lightly.

    I, in a former life was an active Union Executive, in a 185,000 strong union.

  46. @Observing(…)

    Do you agree that not all of the AX transferees were implicated in any wrong doing only that they testified at the COI?

    If the answer is yes then can you agree that being transferred in tandem with Broomes saps their reputational capital based on known positions?

  47. As you well know Observing, there is a wide gap between what is the legal position, and what is Industrial Arelations reality.
    The absolutely WORSE advice you can seek in an industrial relations impasse is that of a Lawyer.

    A Manager can be legally RIGHT and tight, but if the staff “FEEL” pissed off and aggrieved enough to go on strike, work to rule, or to generally sabotage the place Bushie will give you one guess as to who will win in the end…
    …when such ” Bosses” will be walking around asking for votes in a matter of days…..

    The BEST way out now for FS would be to
    1- decisively declare that the planned action is too disruptive
    2 – rebuke the MOE for its insensitivity and lack of professionalism
    3 – CANCEL all proposed changes and reset the status quo
    4 – Name a NEW MOE tomorrow
    5 – Send Broomes, Greaves and the Deputy on Special leave
    6 – Give the new MOE 2 weeks to outline a short term solution and 2 months for a long term one.

    FS comes out looking like a Boss with balls
    RJ goes where he should have gone 6 months ago…back bench
    The new MOE has a clean slate, nothing to lose, and everything to gain in the few weeks to elections

    …..and Bushie should be getting some kinda consultancy fee (to share with BU of course…)

  48. @pat

    Didn’t the government pay ALL the striking AX employees? Does this mean it was recognized/sanctioned as a legitimate strike?

    The words “enjoy effective protection against” from the ILO convention has wide interpretation.

  49. @ Pat
    “I, in a former life was an active Union Executive, in a 185,000 strong union”
    LOL…. IN CANADA!?!? ….the second MOST PASSIVE country in all the world…?
    🙂 Face it Pat. You are a sweetheart.
    You ain’t no Islandgal or Smooth Chocolate…. ‘If you even went to a union meeting ’bout here you would either faint or run home crying…

    Do you understand the Bosses ’bout here….?
    If there was no protection for shop stewards from victimization they would all end up cleaning toilets at midnight in St Andrew,,,,
    Ask Caswell LOL

  50. @David 7:09
    The COI wasn’t about only about wrongdoing. It was also about finding the causes which led to last January’s breakdown and making recommendations accordingly. If others because they can’t get along with each other fall under the category “cause,” then they must also fall under the “action.”

    @David 7:57
    and Mary is trying to be as “wide” as possible.

    “The BEST way out now”
    After spending 1/2 million dollars, there is no best way out now. lol. Remember, the Commission was to cover up the original error in January. If it turns out that the commission or its recommendations are errors too, well God help Freundel.

    If we allow a union to abandon procedures and legislation, declare that they are taking the only drastic action they deem necessary while stating an “or else” position…then we must be wiling to accept when drastic action is taken to resolve the problem that led to the original drastic action…even if a few toes get mashed in the process. i believe there is a quote somewhere about “cake and eating it too”

    The final move in this game when all is said and done and the other pieces have eventually fallen will determine everything politically. But I taking it one step at a time 🙂

    Buy extra popcorn ac…don’t mind I does cuss ya. Lightly Buttered effin ya don’t mind please.


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