Submitted by P O’Connor to the Barbados Advocate, CCed BU
Anthony Bryan - Publisher Barbados Advocate
Anthony Bryan – Publisher Barbados Advocate

With reference to your article – Straight to the Point: Prime Minister David Cameron should apologise – by Mr. John Blackman in the advocate 30/12/12

I have just read this article whilst visiting the island as a tourist from the UK and I am stunned that a national newspaper from a modern progressive country such as Barbados would employ a journalist with such prejudicial and homophobic opinion never mind put in print the blatant manipulation of a very complex topic such as colonialism. I will explain further but your editorial staff should be ashamed to promote such borderline medieval opinion, Google results alone paint a poor picture of this gentleman’s past rhetoric and his veiled journalistic style.

Mr. Blackman does well to highlight the abhorrent nature of colonialism and the bullying practice, which the west continues to use against its former colonies as well as the Middle East. However he does not seem to recognise that it is as a result of this colonialism that such hatred and prejudices remain. This is certainly something that should not be held onto and celebrated but disregarded along with the emancipation of colonialism. As a developed country one would not and should not patronise you into assuming that you and your readers are not capable of accepting, supporting and understanding basic human rights.

Granted it is difficult to dissect the article it is written in a scholarly tone but that does not disguise the fact it is clearly constructed to direct your readers towards the writer’s homophobic stance. Absolutely no one can justify the criminalisation and persecution (to the extent of hard-labor and death penalties) of homosexuals in the Caribbean and some African countries. To be hetro or homo sexual is an orientation of which we are born life does not make us gay or straight, but an article like this promotes the idea that to be gay is to be somehow morally wrong. Would the advocate promote the prejudicial view that to be born with a disability is wrong? or to be born black is wrong? No you would not.

Cameron should not apologise for promoting basic human rights, or for suggesting that the continued physical and mental abuse of gay people who happen, purely by chance, to be born in the Caribbean or Africa should be abolished. Granted he should not resort to the tactics that are associated with a painful history, however Mr. Blackman and the Advocate should credit Barbadians with a little more intelligence, and moral understanding to recognise that they too would not condone such prejudices to their fellow man or woman.

It is the responsibility of journalists to not incite hatred and as such Mr. Blackman is abusing his position but more over the Advocate is promoting his view placing your publication stuck fast with opinions last seen in the mid 20th century, in the UK it would be acceptable to report such an article to the police on the grounds of inciting violence and your paper would receive a call from the police. Perhaps a homophobic view is in place top down at the Advocate’s offices? I challenge you to print this reply because as a straight married man on the island with my wife and daughter it goes to show you do not have to be gay to be offended by homophobia.

Pull your socks up Advocate and join in with the rest of us its 2013 not 1950.

178 responses to “Barbados Advocate Article Labelled Offensive”

  1. Please stop knocking Trinidad, I love Trinidad. Knock the lazy, laid back attitude in Bim that prevents each other from progress and doing successful business, while allowing the likes of blue eyes to walk into the island and attempt to own everything and say whatever divisive garbage enters his mind. People only do what you allow them to do. And right now the way the world is going blue eyes probably dont have two pennies to rub together and probably needs a few dollars from me. Ireland you say, most of them nearly died from starvation in the potato famine way back when, had to run to every country for survival. Now tell me, who let blue eyes into Barbados to become so uppity?? As I said people only do what you allow them to and for how long you allow them to get away with it.

  2. Just as many homosexuals in Jamaica as there are in Barbados or the United Kingdom or the United States or Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else.

    Just in some countries it is more hidden than in others.

    Jamaicans are good at lying to themselves. I have had Jamaicans tell me that there are no homosexuals in Jamaica. But I’ve also had Jamaicans tell me that their then Prime Minister was gay.

    Gayness is not restricted to any one group of people or nationality or religion.

    All countries, all religions have their gay people.

    And well well no need to tell us that you were not educated in Babados. It is clear from your stupidity that you were not educated here.

    Let me guess where you were (mis)educated…

  3. Bajans are neither lazy nor laid back. Trinis are ok, some of my closest relatives are Trini after all, but take away Trinidad’s oil and gas and T’dad would be nothing but Haiti of the south. A poorly educated, socially divided society with huge disparities in wealth.

  4. Hey simple minded simon, as i said i have no problems with homosexuals and know alot of problems run very deep and are all linked. Now do not make the same mistake as another (know it all) view and think you can guess where i was educated, my mother’s history, my dress size, my sexual orientation etc ………… You will just make yourself look even more simple minded.

  5. Well Well please plug your behind, it is spilling your crap all over and leaving a trail. A trail to where your thinking is housed.

  6. Yeah, you say that about Trinidad, but your money may very well be sitting in their bank, and unless you are rich, go down to TT to shop cause its cheaper than Bim. Really hope am wrong.

  7. Islang Gal is your weave too tight, or chemicals leaking into your brain. I know some folks are unable to process too much information cause it confuses them, but exactly what is your problem?? Free speech remember, am still waiting for your intelligent comment.

  8. And that is why BIM is now a laughing stock, people are scared to do business and tourist are looking for a cheaper destination that appreciates business and show common sense

  9. your money may very well be sitting in their bank – WRONG
    and unless you are rich – WRONG
    go down to TT to shop- WRONG
    WRONG too in your views about Bajans
    And WRONG about homosexuality

    Simple Simon an authentic Bajan without bleaching cream, fake hair, fake bottoms, fake nails or fake existence.

  10. Well Well go jump into your sewer well, you will find your brains there.

  11. listen I could go down with the best and for just as long, if you don;t understand the debate when you read, just observe, that’s what I do, and only comment on things I understand. It wont hurt. Blue eyes realized I could not be brainwashed with his nonsense and he moved on to who would believe it, am not trying to make anyone believe anything. Time will tell. I am not trying to change anyone’s opinion, but please dont make yourself look stupid trying to change mine. I love a fast paced and intelligent debate, but if your are not quick, fall back and learn. I take lessons too.

  12. So says you, but y’all may just be trying to save face, i know all those tricks too.

  13. @ Caswell Franklyn “Cameron would be more credible if he concentrated his efforts to prevent the genocide of the Palestinian that is being perpetrated by Israel.”

    A foolish suggestion indeed. I find it to be especially ironic that you would stand up for the Arabs (who enslaved blacks and still call them ‘abd’>>”Slave”); before you would stand up for your own fellow Black African migrant workers from South-Sudan to Eritrea who are facing mass deportations and hate crimes from the White Jews in Israel currently. Arabs and Jews do not like Blacks, so why the hell do Blacks continue to stupidly align themselves with these cists? The Arabs do not show any solidarity with Blacks and the Jews are white washed (not that they are all white). You need to do some research before you call your fellow Bajan an “Infiltrator”; especially since the Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu himself referred to Black Africans as “INFILTRATORS” and “CANCERS”. What utter ignorance you live in. Be assured though. that your lacking doesn’t equate to bliss.

    I am tired of Bajans always trivializing the matter of homosexuality as being a situation of “MORALS”. F*CK YOUR MORALS! WHAT GOOD ARE MORALS IF IT PROHIBITS YOU FROM BEING ABLE TO VIEW UR FELLOW GAY BAJAN AS A BROTHER/SISTER BEFORE THE ‘WHITE MAN’S’ DOLLAR?!

    All those who are so vehemently “OPPOSED” to the idea of homosexuals are either; 1) insecure about their own sexuality, 2) Completely lacks any form of maturity, or 3) Entirely lacks any form of mental capacity to be able to have any intelligent discourse on a matter that has been substantiated as a BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENON which is potentially useful to help CULL the OVERPOPULATION of HUMANS. GET IN IN UR BLOODY HEADS. WE NEED THOSE BLOODY FAGS NEXT TO WAR, DISEASE, and MURDER because humans are having a negative impact on this planet’s ecological stability. WHETHER U WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT!

    And I find it ironic that someone with a name like “Smooth Chocolate” can say that homosexuality is perverse when it is accepted in our backwards society for a Bloody 40+ year old man to try and get into a 17 year old girl’s pants. What TYPE OF BULLSH!T IS THAT?!

    Put that in your pipe and smoke on it fudge boy. You can call me a buller too, but as the brother and cousin of Homosexuals; I REFUSE to allow some one with a curdled mentality such as yours to continue to barrage PEOPLE (AND I STRESS, HUMAN BEINGS) without any repercussion. I find it absolutely vile, and quite frankly it makes you seem rather DESTITUTE!

    For an island that does boast so much brains and “Educated people”; it is folks like you and Benny that will continue to hold Bim back. What we need is solidarity amongst ourselves before we take the words of any foreigner as fact. You should channel this amount of contempt and disgust you have against homosexuals towards the crooked ass politicians that currently HAS THE FRIGGING NATION HANGING ON A DAMNED DENTAL FLOSS!! THINK CRITICALLY BEFORE SPEWING NOTHING BUT UTTER SHIT AND CROCKERY!!


  14. Can anyone say HOT POTATO. that is what i mean, we have to actually learn from history so we will understand our current problems and not try to disparage any one group (except lawyers, politicians and pedophile priests and ministers). Our problems run very deep, to analyze is to be able to understand. Education is the key. That’s why i have no problems liking anyone except the group outlined.oh, and I was most shocked while in Bim to hear a grown black man still talking about the current groups of israelis being God’s chosen, so who are we?? and the government will still let arabs in to own stores knowing (or maybe not) of their total disdain for and inclination to enslave black people, we have to face these things and stop pretending they dont exist. A lost, completely lost people. Now you can jump on me???

  15. Dear Readers,
    Having read through the comments section I have noticed a number of unjustifiable claims being used to support arguments for or against Mr. O’Connor’s article.
    I acknowledge that this is the nature of debate and that subjective material is largely unavoidable, however, I do ask that readers interpret some of the bold claims with a traditionally Bajan pinch of salt. Many of the matters discussed around the origins and psychology of homosexual behaviour are very complex and tend to produce answers which are ambiguous and inconclusive.
    An expert opinion, or better yet, some form of objective peer-reviewed evidence representing the general scientific consensus would contribute enormously if anyone was willing to do the research.


  16. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I do not understand your reasoning. Are you saying that it is okay to exterminate Arabs because they do not like black people?

    I do not care who likes black people or not: I love us, even though I am disappointed in my people at times. Others can be bigoted and hateful, this black man will only feel sorry for them but I will no stoop to their level. I will never label an entire race because of the actions of some of them. I have heard it said that white people don’t like black people, and that might be true for some of them, but one of the most loving and caring persons that I ever met is a white woman called Michelle. I will not use her surname because I know that she does not want to call attention to herself. But I saw this angel of mercy actually going around to old black people homes and taking care of them when our welfare systems fail to assist. I witnessed her cleaning faeces off of an old lady without gloves.

    Sent from my iPad

  17. @ Well Well

    Precisely my point. Bajans would rather take up issues that are of NO CONCERN whatsoever to our domestic development. Bajans are so lackadaisical when it comes to their own priorities and are so focused on image. They like the idea of APPEARING to be “a developed society” when in fact We as a nation HAVEN’T EVEN INITIATED a proper system of DECOLONIZATION (ie. Bim is still a FRIGGING BRITISH COMMONWEALTH).

    For these non Anglo-Saxon Bajans to hold on and adhere to Anglo-Saxon principles while claiming to be more “ANGLO” than the British themselves if PURE F#CKERY!! I hate the name that Bajans throw out for Bim “Little England”. We are no where near England, as we are culturally & geographically closer to West Africa and Latin America. Bajans are a sad lot indeed, for they don’t even know how to turn their anger into a drive to develop and secure our nation’s foundations on a political, social, and most importantly ECONOMIC level.


    Stop hating on your brothers and sisters who have committed no crime. Just as how heterosexuals cannot be changed from their sexual standing, so is the case with homosexuals. We (BAJANS) need to understand that we are a PEOPLE that needs to be 1!! Outsiders like the Indians and the Europeans are flocking to our shores to further seal the coffin of Bim as a two Banana Republic. COOLIES AND WHITIES THRIVE AND PROFIT OFF OF THE DIVISIVENESS OF BLACK BAJANS. And soon our future generations would be in a worse off situation than the likes of current day Haiti. SMELL THE SHOITE FOR HOW IT IS PEOPLE. There is something sinister to this paradigm we are living in.

    Those in power are unnervingly silent as our country quickly slips in to the depths of irrevocable damage. Wake up. Stop blaming the Trinis as they are only doing what they need to survive. Bajans need to Blame themselves. We need to look within ourselves. And we need to PULL ourselves out of this mess. Until Bajans stop this senseless Bullshit tradition of beating each other down and thinking one party is better than the other; THEN BAJANS DESERVE TO BE RECOLONIZED BY THE NEXT GLOBAL SUPER POWER AS A RESULT OF THEM NOT BEING ABE TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

  18. Critical, i would like to introduce scientific evidence but of course it would not be read and considered psychobabble. We can pray everyone googles the information they have doubts about.

  19. Brudah Bim, I feel your frustration but it is an ongoing battle with devious and disgusting detractors. Let’s look at the bright side, our ancestors were totally unaware, but some of us are now totally aware and can pass that knowledge on.

  20. In every race there are good and bad people, however our race seem to be the only one ripe and susceptible to exploitation century after century without any break from that cycle, maybe because we are unwilling to pay positive attention, and willing to swallow any brainwashed garbage thrown at us. correct me if am wrong.

  21. @ Caswell Franklyn

    “Are you saying that it is okay to exterminate Arabs because they do not like black people?”

    There we go trivializing the matter yet again. Nowhere did I incite hatred or violence to Arabs and Israelis, I was merely demonstrating how they have a COLLECTIVE HUGE DISDAIN for blacks which is reflective in their languages. There is nothing wrong with being sensitive to human rights issues the world over. However, it is problematic when it inhibits a person from being able to be just as sensitive to issues that are occurring on a local/domestic level. What good is spreading awareness of situations occurring the world over if you’re going to neglect your domestic issues entirely? And that is what Bajans as a culture have been doing forever!
    Hell. Young Bajans today aspire to go off to different countries rather than help to develop their own country. We need to see our own value and establish it before we can delve into the pots of others. It is common sense.

  22. “because we are unwilling to pay positive attention, and willing to swallow any brainwashed garbage thrown at us. correct me if am wrong.”

    Well said Well-Well

  23. Simple Simon
    I is a wuffless bitch too yah know … (I should be a little more decent since O’Connor might be reading these posts …)

    Well Well
    If your were a farm animal and asked which is worse, having sex with a human or being slaughtered as a food item, what would your response be …?

    You back wid the time stamp thing again …:)

  24. Brudah-Bim

    You and Well Well will have to work on developing the fine art of speaking for oneself. I is a Bajan and I don’ remember you polling me fah any opinion … You do NOT have my permission to speak for or about me.

  25. @ Well Well

    “those predisposed to this illness, with absolutely no recourse as we have an impotent police force incapable of literate function. Oh, and by the way, not even the animals are safe, horses, cows and sheep are raped when the opportunities arise.”

    I must however call you out for flip-flopping and contorting your arguments to appear concise Mr. Well Well. How is it that you preach for solidarity yet still consider homosexuality an “illness” and worse off; compare it to bestiality?!

    Bestiality encompasses sexual intercourse with animals. Whereas homosexuality incorporates sexual intercourse with members of the same sex and SPECIES. Please explain your logic….

  26. @ BAFBFP

    “You and Well Well will have to work on developing the fine art of speaking for oneself. I is a Bajan and I don’ remember you polling me fah any opinion … You do NOT have my permission to speak for or about me.”

    Tell me where did I adopt a voice speaking on Behalf of Bajans? If you knew how to read analytically, you would clearly see that i am in fact CRITICISING Bajans, not speaking for them. Get with it and read properly before swinging ur fists with ur eyes closed. You could get mashed up pretty badly….

  27. well! Well!

  28. Brudda

    A cursory glance at one of latest comments has a phrase such as “WE need to” and “Bajans as culture” and so on. Your brush too BROAD.

  29. Maybe you should actually what you write …

  30. @ BAFBFP

    “A cursory glance at one of latest comments has a phrase such as “WE need to” and “Bajans as culture” and so on. Your brush too BROAD.”

    I need an actual excerpt. By saying “we need to” doesn’t really equate to me speaking on behalf of anyone. Now if I had stated “I can speak for all Bajans when I say…”; now that would be a PROPER example of me speaking for someone else’s behalf. But saying “We need to…” or “Bajans as a culture…” is not speaking on anyone’s behalf, I was offering avid criticism.

  31. I disagree … But you have explained that speaking for Bajans (all Bajans) is not you intention, so I am clear.

    So now let’s deal with that Jack Ass Well Well …

  32. @ BAFBFP

    “I disagree … But you have explained that speaking for Bajans (all Bajans) is not you intention, so I am clear.
    So now let’s deal with that Jack Ass Well Well …”

    Yes I concur. Indeed it would seem that the Mr. Well-Well has fallen disturbingly silent upon us. He still has some explaining to do.

    @ Well-Well

    My question still stands. Please do elaborate as to where your logic stems from?

  33. BU is not aware that there is empirical evidence which can be cited to confirm that homosexual behaviour is biologically induced but this is not the point here. For years we have known and accepted homosexuals living among us, in our villages and neighbourhoods. Why should these people have lifelong partners and NOT be protected by legislation to ensure the surviving partner benefits from the estate and related? This is the issue.

    On 1 January 2013 21:28, Barbados Underground

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Brudah-Bim | January 1, 2013 at 5:28 PM |

    “Well Well” is either a closet buller or wicker. Any time you hear someone so opposed to people who are homosexual you can be bet your ‘bottom’ dollar that they are either closet or suppressed homosexuals. History is replete with such cases including Hitler and his close buddies and J Edgar Hoover.

    Your contribution @ “Brudah-Bim | January 1, 2013 at 2:01 PM” makes perfect sense. “All those who are so vehemently “OPPOSED” to the idea of homosexuals are either; 1) insecure about their own sexuality, 2) Completely lacks any form of maturity, or 3) Entirely lacks any form of mental capacity to be able to have any intelligent discourse on a matter that has been substantiated as a BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENON.”

    One wonders if Caswell agrees with your analysis and conclusion since he himself went to a Secondary school well known to have produced some of Barbados’ brightest “boxy mechanics” both dead and alive.

  35. Hi, just got in and i see the letter has attracted a fair few comments

    i think its good a blog like this exists i am a regular visitor to the island with extended family here, i love spending time in barbados and its really interesting to get involved no matter where you are living or visiting, too many tourists land here use abuse and then get back on that plane. Few visitors realise that barbados is a great country with a stable middle class and an economy functioning on many levels.

    it just disappoints me to see simple things done badly here when many complex societal practises are working so well, i think with just a few small steps and political strength this country could take a big step forward and remain the most culturally advanced Caribbean island, but if you get lazy as with anything things can slip away.

    and i suppose thats why i found Mr Blackmans article offensive because its regressive its non representative of Barbados 2013 and it has no place in your society and certainly no place in print in a national newspaper, it doesn’t help barbados and its the kind of opinion that is better left last century, your a strong and pround nation with a great story to tell and a bright future so like i said to the advocate pull your socks up once in a while and treat everyone with the respect and compassion we are all entitled to, our human right

    thanks again

    P O’Connor

  36. Dare I say that the bashing of homosexuals comes from a place of perversion in itself. Those who incite hatred and violence towards homosexuals gain a sense of pleasure (due to their lack of power). And that pleasure grows ever more deeply and tronger as soon as there is a shared collective hate for any particular group. Its the basics of human psychology. “Smooth Chocolate”; “Well-Well”; and “Benny” are prime examples of such a fact.

  37. @ P O’Connor

    “Few visitors realise that barbados is a great country with a stable middle class and an economy functioning on many levels.”

    I beg to differ. Barbados’ economy is hanging on the brittle string known as ‘uncertainty’. Our economy is a joke as we produce NOTHING, and our political economy (aka Government) is funded purely by foreign aid. There is PLENTY that needs to be done in Bim in order for a “stable Middle Class” to be established in Bim. We have an excess of the WORKING CLASS not a middle class. Until Bajans push for administrative overhauls in both government and economy; visitors will continue to regard Bim as this Sh!tty two bit out post of a banana republic that has no real value to it whatsoever! Not even our real estate is doing anything to help our economy. The government is stupidly off what little precious land Bim has to foreigners with fat wallets that don’t even bother to frequent the properties they’ve purchased.

    Please Mr. O’Connor; be mindful of how you describe Bim. It can be quite difficult to do so….

  38. and to you i say Mr Oconnor everyone is entiltled to their opinion and stiffling the opinions of those with whom you disagree is antidemocratic and a throw back to the days of communism and dictatorship and to thee i say in the immortal words of martin Luther King “LET FREEDOM RING” even for those opinions which we find replusive, Today John Blackman . maybe tommorow P O’connor.

  39. Brudah-Bim

    just trying to be positive, your right in the grand scheme of things i know very little about barbados but it does have a lot going for it,


  40. Brudah-Bim “Our economy is a joke as we produce NOTHING, and our political economy (aka Government) is funded purely by foreign aid.”

    All of the services produced in support of the tourist industry is something?.
    All of the food produced in Barbados in nothing?
    All of the Bajan men who go down to the sea in ships are doing nothing?
    All of the people who process fish, and work hard to prepare food are ding nothing? You want to try doing their work for a week?
    All of the teaching, medical, policing services etc is nothing?
    Do you care to use your own name and tell these workers to their faces that they produce nothing.
    When I work and pays tens of thousands of taxes each year, taxes which pay for government and its services it certainly does not feel like a gift from foreign aid. It feels like hard work to me. I work had as hell for my money. I work hard as hell to pay my taxes.

    I don’t want some idiot telling me and tens of thousand of Bajans like me that we produce nothing, that we are mendicants dependent on foreign aid.

  41. @ Simple Simon

    Mr. Simple Simon; please do refrain from being a Simpleton. Much of the Industry in Barbados is owned by foreigners. EVERY YEAR Bim and the rest of the Caribbean receives a grant from the E.U. Well over 60% of the Bajan economy is run by the service sector. Services particularly in tourism, telecommunications, and Finance which are ALL primarily owned by who? You Guessed it; FOREIGNERS! Specifically Americans, Canadians, and Brits. The small productive sectors of our economy aren’t even adequate enough to become regionally let alone internationally competitive. Our agricultural sector has been SEVERELY under funded and under developed. Much of the produce and foods in Bim’s supermarkets/stores are IMPORTED, hence the High cost of food! Not to mention that our food processing/textile/agricultural/manufacturing companies do not have enough capacity to be more productive due to the lack of provisions provided by the government (ie. strategic subsidies).

    Do not trivialize the matter as me bashing the hard working Bajan as “doing nothing” as you so crudely put it. I am more than aware that the typical Bajan’s work ethic rivals that of even the Chinese. So don’t you dare question my love and respect for Barbados’ workers. However, the fact remain is that much of our economy is run by the foreign dollar at the expense of Bajans not being able to make Bim economically significant in both the Region and internationally.

    Do correct yourself when throwing names such as “idiot” around. I tend to have a knack for making people like you chew on their teeth with their gums out of sheer embarressment…

  42. Dare I mention that the fact that the government has been consistently late in paying back income taxes to the people for over 3 years should be a reminder as to how corrupt our government is.

  43. @Brudah-Bim

    Late tax rebates by government is more a function of inefficiency/cash flow than corruption.

    On 2 January 2013 00:57, Barbados Underground

  44. @ David (B.U.)

    Thank you for the clarification However, I must ask where does that inefficiency stem from, if not corruption? Could it be outdated policies?

  45. So wait in the discourse between Bruddah (who I am likin’ real bad) and Ms Simon I ain’ hear no mention of our significant legal fraternity, another product of our tax dollars. Nider ah wunna don’ care to mention these fine people in the development prospects of this country …? MURDA … HA HA HA HA HA … Come fah yah world Lard …

  46. @Brudah-Bim

    Obsolete processes, systems are at the top of the list.

    On 2 January 2013 01:48, Barbados Underground

  47. @ Brudah-Bim “Much of the Industry in Barbados is owned by foreigners. ”

    I respond: And all of the labour is owned by Bajans, so what’s your point?

    @Brudah-Bim “Our economy is a joke as we produce NOTHING, and our political economy (aka Government) is funded PURELY by foreign aid…EVERY YEAR Bim and the rest of the Caribbean receives a grant from the E.U.

    I respond: Tell me EXACTLY how much the EU annual grant is?

    And then tell me exactly how much roads, policing, health, education etc cost.

    Then do the math and tell me if your statement that government is funded PURELY by foreign aid is true?

    I’d be surprised if the EU aid makes up as much as 1% of the Barbados government budget.

    The other 99% comes from the labour of hard working Bajans like me.

    Not only are you an idiot, you are also evidently a liar.

  48. Dear BAFBFP: I try to stay far from lawyers, because generally lawyers can’t do anything for me that I can’t do better and cheaper and more efficiently for myself. In my lifetime I’ve spent $2,500 on legal fees, and I hope to spend not a cent more.

    Do I feel that my tax dollars have been well spent in education them?

    Sometimes yes.

    The semi-literate ones. No.

  49. @ BAFBFP & David (B.U.)

    David attributes the lack of consistency in government to issue tax returns as a result of there being obsolete processes and legal frames. However, I posit this question to David and BAFBFP; is it possible that the current “legal fraternity” is actually upholding these outdated policies in the interest of perpetuating the ongoing dilemma of ‘fiscal skimming’ (if not corruption)? I think that it is quite possible indeed, especially after one considers the financial ‘benefits’ those in both government and the legal field can gain from such an outdated framework.

  50. I dislike anyone equating “homophobia” with Racism. it is corrupting and racist…unfortunately many schools in North America and Europe are teaching children that that is the case.

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