As incredible as it may seem to some, the Prevention of Corruption Bill, 2012 has passed the Lower House on its journey to being proclaimed. Hopefully this will be done before the Prime Minister rings the bell for the next general election. One suspects though that Prime Minister Stuart will deliver on this piece of legislation, this is the stuff legacy is built. Perhaps the one regret is that yet again Hansard will NOT record a contribution from the leader of the Opposition Owen Arthur.

A listen to the debate disappointed yet again. Members of parliament on both sides joined hands to paint a picture of a courageous group who has had to bear the brunt of vilification from the public. References were made to the #16 ranking which Barbados holds on Transparency International. The Prime Minister referenced the need to recognize that there is a perception that many in public life engage in questionable behaviour, therefore the need to have integrity legislation.  The listener was left with the impression that the government although tabling the legislation, has done so kicking and screaming.

To state the obvious integrity legislation serves many purposes. In private enterprise rules governing code of conduct is routine. It ensures that all employees are aware of the consequences of certain actions. It helps to feed a culture of excellence. BU posits that many practices which currently fly under the radar may be discontinued or forced into the open with the advent of integrity legislation. Should we remind the Attorney General that Transparency International’s ranking is based on a perception index? It is known how PSV permits were procured by may as a good example. A read of the Auditor General reports from 2006 also helps to form positions unfavourable to politicians and others in the public sector.

Finally a word to Minister Ronald Jones who spent some time attacking Barbados Underground and Barbados Free Press. Other members of parliament made veil references to social media. BU freely admits that some commenters abuse the cloak of anonymity. We take the opportunity to remind them that to whom much is given much is expected. to One of the greatest ironies is those most culpable are members of the House and their surrogates.

Mia Mottley is on record of the need to censor the blogs and it seems Minister Jones is so minded. It is only five years ago when the blogosphere was DLP friendly and of course Jones had no such worries then. Good news maybe coming for local politicos who want the blogs monitored. The draft Communications Data Bill is currently being circulated for comment in the UK. The bill proposes that “internet providers having to retain records of all their customers’ online activity for 12 months.” Further that the authorities would have the authority to access “email and the internet. The authorities would be able to see details of who communicated with whom, and when and where, but they would not be able to see the content of the message.” BU will continue to monitor this matter closely given the implication for Barbados adopting UK legislation.

Despite the comments from the government side that this legislation is complex which explains the time taken. BU believes it is the lack of will which is responsible. The government cannot win a political debate on economic policy therefore it is forcing other pieces of legislation through parliament to shape their election platform agenda. BU could care less. Proclaim the damn legislation. All the same kudos to the government for moving the Prevention of Corruption Bill, 2012 through the Lower House. We will continue monitor its progress.  It is unfortunate the Freedom of Information Act is not in the frame. One would have imagined this is an easier piece of legislation to enact.

282 responses to “Government Moves Integrity Legislation Pass the Lower House”

  1. sometimes rumour points to truth . one can not dismiss that good leadership requires a very high standard and with it comes a responsibility which when placed under a microscope should be free of taint and obstruction that which can be spilled onto the public arena and form food for fodder and justifiable scrutiny

  2. David

    Thanks for the excerpt of the PM’s speech. It has convinced me of one thing: the man is delusional.

  3. @ miller

    You’re an idiot. Get real. The BLP thoughout the year has embarked upon numerous issues, any and everything they could think of to sink the DLP ship which is still above water. The DLP are now giving them (BLP) sweets that they like “a clean bill of health” but also giving them warning. The writing is on the wall MENE, MENE, TEKEL. . . . your days are numbered. . . . you have been weighed and weigh not enough (Old Testament/Daniel 5:26- 27). The BLP are yet still sleeping, have not yet realized that the DLP has given them just enough rope to hang themselves. Owen possibly will loose his St. Peter seat to cousin and DLP member, Senator Benn.

  4. Well PM Stuart the consumate tactician has Owen Arthur feeling uneasy tonight.

    Like in Shakespeare it was stated “we are all honourable men , JUST that some are more honourable than others”

    I cannot believe that David , Old Onions Bag , Miller , Caswell and Enuff would fall hook line and sinker for PM Stuart bait.

    For it was only on Sunday night at the speaker of the House constituency branch PM Stuart told his audience that in the coming weeks he will “remove the fig leaves from Owen Arthur and the BLP and expose their nakedness and greed”

    Clearly that does sound like a “let off the hook” approach by PM Stuart.

    It is the same PM Stuart on the floor of Parliament challenged Owen Arthur to clarify these issues :

    1. Truth about the existence of Owen alleged FBI report.
    2. The letter Owen wrote to the President of the IABD indicating Owen’s willingness to sell barbadian lands to the highest bidder.
    3. The story behind the Pegasus Hotel in jamaica deal.

    Clearly as a defence lawyer PM Stuart is subtlely setting up Owen for the BIG BANG.

    Owen knows more than he is telling his BLP accolytes, a pity Onions do not understand this – as he is beginning to ROT in his BAG.

  5. Buggs Bunny

    Please bear with me: I do not understand what you are saying. Are you saying that the PM knows that the BLP politicians are corrupt but is saying something else to the House? If that is what you are saying then you have accused the PM of lying to the House which is one of the gravest offences a member of parliament can commit, even worse than using expletives.

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Fractured BLP | December 5, 2012 at 7:57 PM |

    What are you implying here, “Mended DLP”?
    That your boss man is a blatant two-faced liar? That he would say on thing in Parliament about his opposite number and later come to the public and lie through his thief?

    If that is how you see Stuart operating, then Bajans must be, in his view, real cu**ts for true.

    If I were you I would switch back over to the Privatization bandwagon or raise the cosmetic makeup between Mia and OSA but please leave the corruption red herring to rest. Thank you!

  7. @ Fractured BLP

    Former Opposition Leader Mia Mottley speaking in the House of Assembly on June 1, 2012 implored Prime Minister Freundel Stuart to “have mercy on the people of Barbados” and step aside as head of the ruling Democratic Labour Party (DLP). . . . suggested Stuart call an election immediately and let the people decide who they believe should run the country.

    The recent S&P downgrade was made MAJOR NEWS due to Arthur and the BLP. Immediately after announcement of the S&P downgrade Arthur went about ranting and raving CALL ELECTION!!! “let us get this behind us [the election] and let all the fundamental decisions that must be made about the countries future be made in a period of calm and seriousness rather than in a period of electorial frenzy”.

    They those BLP clowns totally ignored the 2006 Cease and Decease Order against CLICO; Prime Minister Stuart ignored them the same. Insult points to Owen Arthur and Mia Mottley not Prime Minister Stuart.
    I can’t believe that they publically insuted their own inteligence, Owen Arthur and Mia Mottley. I also cannot believe that David , Old Onions Bags , Miller , Caswell and Enuff would fall hook line and sinker for PM Stuart bait. For it was only on Sunday night at the speaker of the House constituency branch PM Stuart told his audience that in the coming weeks he will “remove the fig leaves from Owen Arthur and the BLP and expose their nakedness and greed” Clearly that does sound like a “let off the hook” approach by PM Stuart.

    That’s all folks.

  8. Caswell
    Don’t be simple. Did you hear the extract in the news?
    The PM fancies himself as some kind of great orator, and he speaks as though he expects the speech to be recorded for posterity.

    He would do MUCH better to just get to the point and use simple language.

    basically he was seeking to let go a fancy statesmanlike speech while at the same time dropping hints….

    For example…He said that in politics there are “lots of rumors” and that “this does not mean that all are unfounded” and that politicians should be prepared to be scrutinized……

    Look out for NUFF mud slinging soon….

  9. Caswell you are a real fraud.
    How could PM Stiart have perjured in Parliament when he said that all members are honest ?

    Only a few weeks ago Owen Arthur declared he had the most decent team and Dr. Duguid (a.k.a cussbird in Parliment) was part of that team.

    Did Owen perjured ?

  10. @ Caswell Franklyn

    Likely, the clean bill of health statement means only MOMENTARILY; it is indeed a hook line, and a good one. The BLP insist on playing cat and mouse with the DLP and they, the DLP allows it. Prime Minister Stewart knows everything there is to know about the BLP during their fourteen year reign and know that they are not innocent. Prime Minister knows everything there is to know about CLICO, all those involved, how and what happened. Prime Minister Stuart knows everything there is to know about the Al Barrack mega mess. He knows that Al Barrack, George Pain and Dale Marshall are all linked. Prime Minister Stuart knows everything there is to know about The VECO Corporation (Alaska) too.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    You have to be a special person to be a supporter or member of the Barbados Labour Party. Regular people need not apply.

    On the eve of a general elections the corrupt Barbados Labour Party members and supporters are in a race to reinvent history. Their nasty legacy of tiefing taxpayer’s is a burden to hard to bear now. They are trying to hang on to any letter, any word, any sentence that may appear to absolve of their ill gotten gains.

    They were Barbados Labour Party Ministers who entered parliament with the debt collectors chasing them down and emerge 14 years later on the other side as multi millionaires on minister salary.

    Minister who went to Brazil to purchase buses, who didnt even own a bicycle and soon after returning from the bus buying suddenly owning a mercedes benz.

    Five million dollars transfered from the ministry of finance to the vat office to pay vat just before the last general elections simply disappeared into thin air. To this day the amounts are still on the vat books.

    A BLP minister building a house on land compulsory aquired by the Barbados Labour Party government for his woman.

    One could go on and on and on and on……………

    I will recite much more as we go along!

    It is so embarassing, big Barbados Labour Party men and women tiefing left, right and center.

    I have not even touch the selling of passports.

    My God how could one political party be so corrupt and now tying to wash themselves in the lamb’s blood.

  12. Fractured BLP

    Maybe my reasoning is simplistic and linear so forgive me. Mind you, I never said that the PM committed perjury which entails lying under oath. What I suggested to Buggs Bunny is that he was implying that the PM lied to parliament. He claimed and now you claim that the PM is aware of corruption and he said something that indicated otherwise. When you make these statements, you are not doing the PM any favours: instead, you are saying that he is duplicitous. Worse yet, you are saying that he would have lied to parliament. He cannot now come out in an election campaign and say anything less without doing harm to his reputation as an honest man.

  13. Carson

    You have previously identified yourself on this blog, so you must be careful hereafter. Even truths can be libellous if you cannot prove what you said is the truth. I mean you no harm, just be careful: this is the silly season. Remember Neville Maxwell, the DLP does not have a history of supporting its people in these circumstances.

  14. caswelll kah yuh backside / nobody interested in your onesided dellusional interpretation of what the PMsaid all have sinned and the PM acknoweldge that much. however one would be a fool to pretend that the PMdid not weigh his words carefully in as much as he said that with “rumuor comes some truth.”

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Dont hurt your head, what is to be said will be said, I give that assurance.

  16. @ Bugs Bunny
    What mess? Anyone that follows global politics knows that ALL incoming governments were told to use the phrase “sordid mess” whether one existed or not. I have already debunked the so called existing ‘mess’ and many Barbadians know better than to believe there was a mess. Instead of just saying mess, tell us about it, and I don’t mean prison loan payments etc that is the norm for incoming governments. Tell us how the ‘mess’ made the government run a current account deficit above $400m for 5 consecutive years. You mean the ABC highway? How much that costs so far and when will it end?

    The PM knows about Veco. Does he know that one of SMI principles was also Veco partner in the prison, yet they were awarded the port expansion and pierhead projects? What of the money advanced to SMI?

  17. Carson

    I am not hurting my head. I am just concerned since the person that you identified yourself as has always be decent with me, and I would not like to see you in trouble for the sake of any politician. I don’t know anyone of them that deserve that type of sacrifice.

  18. What foolish comments from Stuart. Yeah sure, I am a fox I can be trusted with your chickens and so too can your dog that is there to guard the chickens from the likes of me. Give me a break. I get itchy when opposing institutions that are set up as a check and balance wind up in the same camp on important issues that speak to the core of the issues that are of concern to those us who depend on them.

    Eg. The Min of Housing is said to be gaining monetarily from each house that is sold at Coverley. Who the hell was given the contract to draw up the conveyances and deeds of title…?

  19. Barbados ranks at 15 of all countries in the world when it comes to PERCEIVED corruption. Now here is the catch. If there is NO information available, if there is NO functioning Fourth Estate, and if the people really don’t give a shite anyway, the PERCEIVED picture, extremely uninformed as it is, will look pretty rosy now wouldn’t it.

  20. It would be grossly irresponsible for any PM of Barbados to get up in the House of Assembly and declare that some members of that body are corrupt even if he knows the opposite to be true. That kind of statement would have serious implications for all the members of that chamber as well as the body politic.

    The PM is a man given to introspection as well as sober reflection and he realizes that that kind of statement would sully the walls of Parliament and the reputation of those who succeed him in that chamber long after he has departed the scene.

    Those who think that his statement absolves them of any culpability should think again, the political platform is the catalyst where all the dirty linen can be aired.

  21. @Sargeant

    So the speeches in parliament can be condemned to flowery and just talk?

  22. @David
    Exactly! What they say there is recorded for posterity but this is also the age of the social networks. Imagine a tweet going around with the PM quoted as saying “Bajan MPs are corrupt”, that kind of mudslinging would reflect badly on the members of both parties. A smart politician will be a diplomat in the House and an assassin on the hustings

  23. @Sargeant

    There is sense in what you posted which puts it all in perspective doesn’t it?

  24. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    You are really saying that it is ok to lie to the House. Now pray tell me when it is not ok to lie to the House. You must also consider that the acts of corruption are also crimes, and you are saying that the chief executive officer of this country is aware of criminal activity and is refusing to report it to the police.

  25. @Caswell
    I don’t know if the PM has documented evidence that some MPs are corrupt but so far none of the MPs has challenged him on his statement so he can be hardly accused of lying. He can’t make general statements accusing members of the House of any wrong doing unless he is prepared to name them and produce the evidence.

  26. @Sargeant

    We should not allow serious matters to become swamped in histrionics. The DLP ran a platform on perceived corruption by the BLP last election. Almost every sitting of the House there is mention of Hardwood or some other reference by DLP members which suggest the government side believes some malfeasance occurred; it is why the government promised transparency legislation.

    Against this background the PM has the choice to choose his words more carefully. He can’t say what he did on Tuesday and then expect to run a platform based on perceived corruption by the other side. Another error in political judgement which matches the BLP’s when they raised the privatization issue.

  27. @old onions and the nuke Miller

    I recently read the article with BNOC whereby it showed the magnitude of the losses it was making under the blp and how it is now profitable. Who do u think was footing the losses of that company?

  28. PM: Bajan politicians are clean

    Prime Minister Freundel Stuart has defended his colleagues and opponents against abusive, “demeaning” and “ugly” accusations of corruption.

    The headlines are misleading and present inaccurate portrayal and the intent of what the PM said.

  29. Watching Carefully and Listening. Avatar
    Watching Carefully and Listening.

    @ David .
    You should realise that the PM was stating what the GENERAL position is . It would be very similar if YOU had said Barbadians are honest people . That does not mean that you thought that every single Barbadian is honest or that there is not a single dishonest person in Barbados . Mr Barrow during his time used to urge persons who made claims of corruption against members of his government to take their evidence to the DPP ; his position was to defend the institution , his Government . The speech of the PM is the speech of the ultimate statesman who has the responsibility to represent what is BEST of our institutions ; compare , on the other hand, the attitude of the Leader of the Opposition expressed in his recent Independence speech aired to the world that there is greater poverty in Barbados now than ever before . Could that be seriously supported as a statement of FACT? You may wish to reflect on the two approaches .

  30. What is also misleading is the opposition attempt to use the speech to dismiss prior allegations of misconduct as unfounded thereby using the PM speech as exoneration of their past misdeeds .

  31. @Watching Carefully …

    Understand your point but you have to agree that is not how the message was received based on what the PM uttered.

  32. @ To the Point
    We all know how BNOC operating NOW …..thru Unleaded Extortion… think this is a travesty of epic proportions to allow Bajans to be ‘whipping boys’ whenever there is a need to FIND MONEY…..poor quality gas being sold at exorbitant prices STINKS….esp this time of year when Bajan travel most

    Dont you think its also about time time now, that something be done about this bad quality fuel being dispensed in this land. Has anyone noticed that the strange concoct they are selling us as gasoline has a different smell and color, and more importantly lasts or should we say vaporizes in seconds? So fast, that one can venture a bet, sometimes even before it reaches our vehicles’ carburetors. One of those true Bajan anomalies.
    Before the last price increase (two weeks ago), informal tests have shown, that in a 5 year old 1500 Toyota, one could manage a meager mileage of 2 kilometer out a $1 worth of the pss water. Nowadays it more looks like 1.5: 1 and that’s no joke. How convenient all this at the busiest time of the year. Situation at the pump continues to stink, as this putrid odor fumigates our rides, every time we visit the pumps. As if a precursor, statements issued by the GIS, ‘increased prices passed on due to fluctuations in imported prices,’ we know an addled egg when we smell one. Surely BNOC, you all could do better than that. In future how about some published documentation and listings of quality for all to see. Bim is full of competent chemical engineers and hard working people deserve better. Why make us pay more for less?

    What makes matters worse (again), did we not hear Senator Benn in the Senate proffering his newly found observations about his calamity and the petrol’s volatility? He also purported that the petrol is no good. His timing however, could not have been more uncanny. So what about the past years, Mr. Senator? Is it not strange how no one bothered to follow up in way of tests of quality, and now this polar observation coming from the now Senator, then Minister who once heading the appropriate department? ‘Bajans MUST be considered real stupid den, for who could forget the now infamous poor man’s basket of goods that was promised to be addressed in the last Budget. What then could Mr. Benn be really saying by his latest observation, other than an obviously connects with ’other’ ends?
    Another revelation, did we hear correctly that repayment to Barrack and BAICO policyholders is about to start? Start now but finish when? Could there be by chance any correlation between these recent hikes and this newly found glimmer? Again, hard working people cannot afford to be sleeping, festive time or nay. If the gas stinks someone from the appropriate places must do more than just say so.

    By the way tell your Dean Harold stop begging for a second term for the DLP……it will not happen…ONE TERM…coming affa sweet Christmas ….turkeys

  33. David | December 6, 2012 at 1:42 AM |

    This the spot on position to my mind. Anything else that differs from this or challenges it is rubbish.

    Sargeant, I have always thought that that was your last name.. now I am convinced that it refers to your rank … Obedience (to the status quo) is a military thing where strategy is left to the commissioned officers …!

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | December 5, 2012 at 11:21 PM |
    “Those who think that his statement absolves them of any culpability should think again, the political platform is the catalyst where all the dirty linen can be aired.”

    Does that statement also apply to Denis Lowe and Michael Lashley?

  35. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    millertheanunnaki | December 6, 2012 at 8:19 AM


    The Dean Crichlow ask you to come back to the senate with information about missing funds during your party”s administration and you HAVE NOT CARRIED BACK ANY INFORMATION TO THE SENATE AS YET..

    What is the hold up? The senators are waiting for the answers.

  36. Think on these Things Avatar
    Think on these Things

    I have been watching and reading this blog and would like to make a few observations on the matter being discussed..

    I listened to the debate from Senate yesterday and much to my relief ot was stated that next Wednesday has been set aside to debate and and pass into law the Anti Corruption Bill so we can safely say that by next Thursday the Bill will have gone thru 99% of its process to become the Law OfThe Land.

    A second observation would be that on Tuesday in the Lower House as reported neither the main two sources of corruption Arthur nor Mottley were willing or prepared to show their faces in Parliament for the debate of something as important and meaningful as this Anti Corruption Bill, I wonder what was so painful to them that would have kept them away from Parliament for the day?

    We often listen to Mottley put her five cents of hot air into debates that are less impactful than this one was but yet still neither she nor Arthur found it fit to attend and say two words on the Bill.

    Even more incredible was the fact that it was left up to someone in the person of Carry Your Mother C___t Duguid who’s integrity only the week before was blown out of the water to lead the debate on behalf of the BLP on this Anti Corruption Bill, how sad a case is that to have some one with no integrity and no standing be the chief spokes person for the BLP on this most important bill in Parliament..

  37. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Think on these Things | December 6, 2012 at 8:36 AM |


  38. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Think on these Things | December 6, 2012 at 8:36 AM |

    You see DAVID and his BLP cronies think that the people of Barbados stupid.

    I waiting on when the BLP people to declare their assets.

    Some BLP big ups bought paltial homes in the Cayman islands just before the last general elections, I am waiting to see if they will include these homes on their lists.

  39. Miller and onions did you read the post by “think on these things” can you give an answer as to the questions of mottley and OSA not in the House when one of the most important pieces of legislation “corruption” was being debated So that the voting public would have heard the views and also would have been place on House records. isn.t that a shame.and also what is a shame is how the BLP yardflows seeking refuge and comfort in the PM speech to avoid public Scrutiny for pst wrongdoings.not happening !

  40. Carson

    How much money does the Min Housing make on each Coverley sale and who is responsible for drawing up the conveyances and Deeds …?

  41. @Miller
    I may have a preference for a political party but I have no tolerance for political corruption so let the chips fall where they may

  42. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | December 6, 2012 at 8:27 AM |

    The PM provided Parliament and the whole nation with the answers to the Dean’s questions. Straight from the horse’s mouth with a bucket of molasses to boot. What else do you want? Written reports from the various Accounting Officers in the public sector?
    Carrion, instead of spitting out garbage on this blog, man go and clean up the place and stop jeopardizing the public health of the country. Maybe a fear tactic might just spur you on the road to cleanliness which is next to godliness: An outbreak of any epidemic can have serious ramifications for the tourism industry on which we are relying on to save our sorry economic asses from the IMF wolf. Take heed, doggone Carson!

  43. Look who’s back! None other than poorrakey OOB himself. I guess without his BU friends he got tired of youtube listening to this song and feeling sorry for himself.

  44. LOL @ Sargeant
    Old Onions is a BU addict….. He needs to admit it… LOL

  45. Poorrakey Gone Viral Avatar
    Poorrakey Gone Viral

    @ Sarge Bush Tea
    Two of wanna cud talk all the shoite nah like Onions is we boy…..He send this thread cuz like they Fckup his connection or some thing..

    A pig in a poke ?
    “The idiom readily comes to mind”
    Singer John Denver’s.. “if I had a hammer, I’ll hammer in the morning,.hammer in the evening, all over this land”.. would be apt here. If a Dem maybe not the opposite .. pulling up nail heads and opening coffins reversing use of the hammer. This nobility at Integrity legislation is to what is referred. With a CLICO soiled kerchief in the back pocket and a key player by association put upfront and center for all conventions to see,. a lofty endeavor indeed. A reminder of the Knight Rider, even Hannibal Haze’s A -Team. What fairy tales and TV glamour stuff of the past was made of…sensationalism. Who could forget the ‘Mother of all Battles’ rant and more recent ‘Sleeping Giant.’ Who could forget Alexandra catch up? Such is the man of the moment. The fighter of Beast and Battles unseen. Of Horace and Dante, mice and figurative leaves.

    What a scrawl scrawl up for real. Was it a slip of the pen to divulge ‘integrity’ by chance or change ? Who could forget the CLICO millions or is the gate to be closed, after 4 12 years (13 hour) now all the Big Horses galloped the gates? What uncanny timing? In World War II, Germany was infamous for laying mine fields on retreat for the enemy, whenever they knew that they could no longer reoccupy lands.

    We all heard Bajans got real short memories, but not that short.? At least not ONE TERM short.
    And where does the Dean Senator get off not whispering a word on gambling but up with a brisk to recommend who should do what? Trashy indeed from a man with a mission and license to gait.
    All in all DLP, walk holy you must, for any more slip ups from here on in, could be most costly, solidify even, your crusty thrust. This New Year will indeed be one to look forward, as some will be rudely awaken, not by wishes and fairy tales, but reality and the true meaning of a pig in a poke.

    (NB: Onions threads don’t get post nowadays…..but all should still be able to read them regardless.)

  46. VECO information is available via the United States FBI and IRS. Prime Minister Stuart knows this. The United States FBI and IRS in Alaska bombarded those elected officials in bed with VECO, Senator, Ted Stevens also House Representatives Don Young, Pete Kott, Bruce Weyhrauch and Vic Kohring; all were charged with federal crimes that involved VECO. On August 31 and September 1, 2006 the United States FBI served some 20 search warrants, primarily on the offices of several legislators. Legislators whose offices were searched included Senator John Wowdery, Senate President (and son of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens), Ben Stevens, Representative Vic Kohring, Representative Bruce Weyhrauch, Senator Donald Olson and Representative Pete Kott. The warrants permitted the search of computer files personal diaries, Alaska Public offices, and any other items showing evidence of financial ties between legislators and VECO Corporation. Marijuana and paraphernalia were discovered in Wehhrauch’s office during the raid.

    Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley and Dale Marshall awarded VECO (Alaska) a government contract without tender. VECO built the prison at Dodds in St. Philip but had no record of building prisons. Now, now something is very wrong with that. The United States FBI and IRS without doubt has detailed information of VECO’s activity operations in Barbados and all involved.

    Prime Minister Stuart he will remove the fig leaves that covers his party – hang nail statement. The “clean bill of health – another hang nail statement. The divesting DLP hurricane is moving into the BLP direction. The BLP believe me are NOT PREPARED.

    Political corruption we know is everywhere and in every place. Some countries, big and small accept and or tolerate it, some don’t. Barbados tolerates it the United Kingdom and United States does not. These individuals are all proof that the United States fights corruption and will not tolerate it: Kwame Kilpatrick, Monica Conyers, Rod Blagojevich, Italia Federici, Kevin Ring, Barbara Rose Collins, Nicholas Mavroules, Albert Buslamante, Samuel B. Kent, David Safavian, J. Steven Giles, Richard Tonry, Mario Biaggi, Bill Weimer, etc. These individuals are all proof that Barbados allows political corruption: Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, Gline Clark, George Pain, Leroy Paris and so many others. It’s a wonderful life in Barbados. Corrupt lawyers, politicians, government workers are not persecuted and or convicted.

    It’s possible Arthur will win [2013 general election in Barbados]. A dog returns to his vomit, so the fool [Arthur] returns to his folly (Old Testament/Proverbs 27:11) . . . . and the beat goes on.

    That’s all folks.

  47. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    BAFBFP| December 6, 2012 at 9:10 AM |

    I wish that I could give you the correct answer.

  48. Think on these Things Avatar
    Think on these Things

    The Ministry of Housing and Lands earns more on the sale of these properties than houses that they build.

    The transfers are done by private lawyers any number of them..

  49. Effort to pass the Integrity Legislation law is late, but in motion and near finalization. Now, now if Arthur and the BLP comes back to the forefront following the 2013 election, without finalization of the Integrity Legislation Law, they, the BLP will murder it. They are not willing to change – want more money.

    The Freedom of information Act could come back to life only in the DLP administration. The BLP will not allow finalization of either Integrity Legislation and or The Freedom of Information Act. So, Bajans, if they want Integrity Legislation Law and the Freedom of Information Act, the DLP must maintain their position.

  50. Carson

    You must do the BU Extended household a favour and put your hands on the information. Everyone here it appears, believe you to be a man that is appropriately placed to acquire the information on subject matter that affects the image of the Party. If I am wrong in my reading of the situation, I will withdraw from any more comment on corruption. So as an outstanding member of the household and in defense of your comrade I beseech you to find out information on at least one of the two questions as asked. This speaks of course to the subject that is being discussed

    1. Does the Min of Housing stand to benefit monetarily from the sale of each house at Coverly ..?

    2. Which legal firm is responsible for drawing up of the conveyances and titles (and loan contracts) for the sale of these houses ..?

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